prince 2


Upload: aimzstewart

Post on 17-Dec-2014




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Page 2: Prince 2

William does not have a mother – she died he was only 15 years old.

Everything he does it followed and photographed – so he has to be sensible all the time.

He could be kidnapped at any time.

His job could kill him – he fights in the wars for England.

He has little choices in his life he has to do it.

He has lots of extra work on top of his job – such as charity work as part of being a Prince. Goes to openings, be on boards for meetings (Counsellor of State and goes to Heads Of Government meeting) Charity work – a lot for a homeless charity and Aids charities. He helped pack boxes to go to people who were affected by the Tsunami in 2004 and he also does Mountain Rescue work.

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Now The Queen – Queen Elizabeth II 1st The Prince of Wales - Charles -

Williams father 2nd Prince William of Wales 3rd Prince Henry of Wales hi s - brother

Harry as everybody knows him as. 4th The Duke of York - his uncle

Andrew . 5th Princess Beatrice of York - his

cousin . 6th Princess Eugenie of York - his


Page 6: Prince 2

Prince William doesn't go into battle on the fronts. He has trained and he knows and goes by air instead of running on the ground he does dog fights (fighting a enemy plane).

He has trained in the Army/Navy and Air Force but has not been in direct battle because of who is.

His regiment was sent to Afghanistan but for security reasons he was not allowed to go however his brother went but it was all kept quiet. When the press found out he was withdrawn and sent back home!

When he was in the navy he did go on a mission to catch some people who were drug dealers. He did it but it was in secret and he was on the HMS Iron Duke a submarine

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Or can he ?

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He was commissioned as Lieutenant in the military and he trained at the Royal Militarily Academy in Sandhurst in England. Two years later he finished his training as a Pilot at the Royal Air Force as a Flight Lieutenant . H e is training as a search and rescue Helicopter Pilot. His brother followed his foot steps but in a different role.

He has been in Air Force and the Navy and ArmyIf he finishes this training he will fly one

of the 6 helicopters to be search and rescue.

He also does work for charities and he has Royal Duties to do.

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His interests are polo – he plays for fun and professionally (and for charity)

Soccer – He likes Aston Villa an EnglishTeam

water polo, motorsport, hunting Skiing, rafting, swimming Painting – he is quite good at it! Flying

Page 12: Prince 2

I admire him because he has been through a lot with his mum dying and paparazzi always on his tail. He has still managed to struggle through. He has always helped out his dad and brother even when he doesn't have to and he always has a lot of pressure on his shoulders . He always tries and pitch in every so often and also helps the world/country and community.

He is a Member of the Royal Family who is also a normal person who does not try to show off!

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