principal: arron stevens | deputy principal: jacqueline neil world ...€¦ · mathematics/pdhpe...

Strive for Excellence... Term 2, 14 May 2018 World class competitors [email protected] | 02 6795 4477 | Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil The Wee Waa Bush Bots have returned from their trip to Houston where they competed in the FIRST Ro- boƟcs World Championships in Houston USA, April 16 th -25 th . The team had an amazing Ɵme, taking in the sights of Houston in addiƟon to the compeƟƟon at the George R Brown ConvenƟon Centre. Students had the opportunity to tour the Toyota Centre (basketball stadium) and made Ɵme for some shopping before tackling four days of internaƟonal roboƟc compeƟƟon. Once compeƟƟon commenced, it was all systems go! AcƟviƟes included uncraƟng and reassembling the robot, compeƟng with teams at the top of the compeƟƟon, interacƟng with the members of other teams, learning new cultures, explaining their robot design to mentors and judges and finally disassembling and re-craƟng the robot. Overall the team finished the compeƟƟon ranked within the top 30%. Although the team was disappoint- ed they were overlooked for the finals, they were extremely proud of how they competed and the robots performance. Following the compeƟƟon there was Ɵme for addiƟonal sightseeing, including a tour of Hou- ston by bus, followed by an aŌernoon at NASA’s Johnson Space Centre. ConƟnued page 2.

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Page 1: Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil World ...€¦ · Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5



for E



.. Term 2, 14 May 2018

World class competitors

[email protected] | 02 6795 4477 | Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil

The Wee Waa Bush Bots have returned from their trip to Houston where they competed in the FIRST Ro-bo cs World Championships in Houston USA, April 16th-25th. The team had an amazing me, taking in the sights of Houston in addi on to the compe on at the George R Brown Conven on Centre.

Students had the opportunity to tour the Toyota Centre (basketball stadium) and made me for some

shopping before tackling four days of interna onal robo c compe on. Once compe on commenced, it

was all systems go! Ac vi es included uncra ng and reassembling the robot, compe ng with teams at the

top of the compe on, interac ng with the members of other teams, learning new cultures, explaining

their robot design to mentors and judges and finally disassembling and re-cra ng the robot.

Overall the team finished the compe on ranked within the top 30%. Although the team was disappoint-

ed they were overlooked for the finals, they were extremely proud of how they competed and the robots

performance. Following the compe on there was me for addi onal sightseeing, including a tour of Hou-

ston by bus, followed by an a ernoon at NASA’s Johnson Space Centre. Con nued page 2.

Page 2: Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil World ...€¦ · Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5

Continued from page 1. Students experienced various world class exhibits, simulators and other interactive activities. Before flying home, a morning was spent at the Museum of Natural Science which included a visit to the Butterfly Centre.

The team have been humbled by the support received from our community, local businesses, national and international businesses, philanthropists, individuals, our P & C, mentors, volunteers, the media and the amazing group that travelled alongside the team. A huge thank you to everyone who has helped them on this amazing journey.

Anzac Day 2018

The 11am Wee Waa Anzac Service street parade was well attended with a march past by students, staff and P&C members. The school march was led by Dylan Dixon and

Aleisha Middleton, who proudly carried the school crest. Bailey Organ carried the Australia flag, and Aleisha was called upon to do a reading. John Burgess Photography attended and took some wonderful photos on the day (pictured above), thank you John.

Preparations for Wee Waa Show underway

Our local 2018 Wee Waa Show is fast approaching on May 18th, 19th & 20th. This year’s theme is “What we grow”. Wee Waa Show has been running for over 85 years, and we have a long history of our students exhibiting in the Show Ring, Pavilions and local Show Girl Competition. Look for our students competing, participating and enjoying this down to earth event which embraces the agricultural foundations of the show movement.

Page 3: Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil World ...€¦ · Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5

Feedback that makes Learning Visible

In Gunnedah at the Staff Development Day, all of our teaching staff closely examined the theme Feedback That Makes Learning Visible. Our workshops are based on the latest research and focussed on John Hattie’s internationally acclaimed principles into what actually works best in schools to improve learning.

In session one, teachers were shown examples of feedback being delivered in classrooms and asked to consider how the feedback was both given and received. Three main types of feedback became evident: 1. Teacher to student; 2. Student to student; and 3. Student to teacher. Feedback is effective if it "feeds forward" (Moss & Brookhart, 2009, pp. 44–59)—and if it "is used by the learner in improving performance". Thus, feedback is best delivered in a timely and specific manner.

In session two, teachers were led further into the Visible Learning Research and the role of feedback. It became clear that feedback is best provided when it is action focused. For example, “you worked hard” is better than “you are clever”. Carol Dweck’s research indicates that giving people praise after success can help them deal better with subsequent failures because it attributes outcomes to effort, rather than fixed ability. (Skipper & Douglas, 2011).

Session three challenged teachers to draw a butterfly and then the Success Criteria for the butterfly were outlined. This session was designed to help teachers understand how Learning Goals and Success Criteria are the basis for giving effective feedback. We revised how to write improved Learning Goals and Success Criteria and these two areas have been the focus of our improved teaching and learning. In term one, teachers also had the opportunity to conduct quick walkthroughs (observations) in other teacher’s classrooms and these provide great evidence of our improved teaching practices. The feedback was specifically focused on the evidence of the presence of Learning Goals and Success Criteria.

Session four outlined the Instructional Feedback model. Teachers looked at the three instructional levels - Task, Process and Self-regulation. At the Task level feedback is based on how well a task is being performed. At the Process level, feedback is looking at the strategies needed to perform a task. At the Self-regulation level, you can use your own self-monitoring strategies to achieve your goal. The purpose of feedback is to close the gap in a student’s learning. It answers, these questions: 1. Where am I going? The learning goal; 2. How am I going? The feedback; 3. Where to next? The next steps in my learning or feed forward.

The final session examined the role of feedback from our students and this challenged teachers to consider two main questions: 1. “What questions do I need to ask my students so I can act on their feedback?” and 2. “What changes can/will I make, based on the student feedback I receive?” Teachers were led through a series of activities/methods of gathering feedback from students.

As a teacher and a lover of learning, I find these sessions inspiring. As the Visible Learning Impact Coach, I will work with staff to implement the ideas introduced at our staff development day. Inspired, and in a new move for me as a teacher, I asked students of a new class I have picked up in Term two, to tell me one thing about themselves that they thought, I as their new teacher, needed to know. The students’ answers were honest and refreshing and have immediately given me more information for me to personalise the student’s learning. Additionally, I also asked my Year 12 students to self reflect on their half yearly exams and provide feedback on their learning and my teaching. This information will provide the basis for on-going revision and planning for teaching and learning.

Page 4: Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil World ...€¦ · Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5

Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty

It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5 are looking into issues relating to Sense of Self and Mental Health in PDHPE theory lessons. In practical PDHPE we are continuing to assist students to gain skills and become active young people. Did you know that a 14 year old should participate in 60 minutes of moderate exercise a day? At a moderate level, they should be puffing a little, but be able to carry on a conversation.

The athletics carnival has been scheduled for Friday the 22nd June.

Mathematics classes are busy learning new skills and techniques to solve problems. Year 10 are excited to be building on their algebra skills.

Have you heard about WooTube or Khan Academy? Both are great resources that are online resources if students are struggling with their Mathematics.

Year 7 have been busy learning about Angles and are looking at starting Fractions next week. On the 9th May students in 7MathG demonstrated their knowledge of angles formed from parallel lines and a transversal on the basketball court.

Maths Tutorial Session

We are trialling a Mathematics Tutorial session every Thursday afternoon 3:30 to 4:30pm in room 7.

The session is purely voluntary, free of charge, and is designed to help students with their Mathematics. Students from all years are encouraged to attend as often as they like.

Parents do need to contact myself by phone 6795 4477 or email [email protected] and students must come with the problem areas they wish to get help with.

Page 5: Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil World ...€¦ · Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5

Science – TAS News

If has been a good start to the term, with the Agricultural Show Team been successful at the Narrabri Show, and the Bush Bots robotics team safe return from Houston. In the classroom, the Year 7 and 8 Technology classes have finished their first rotation of the year and will be receiving their common assessment tasks on the 15th of May. The task is due on the 1st of June. In Science the Year 9 and 10 Student Research Projects are due on the 24th of May. Planning is underway to attend the Science and Engineering Challenge early next month. As the Half Yearly Examinations are approaching students should be revising and studying their class work to maximise their results.

English/HSIE News

Stage 6 Retail Services

In Retail Services, Year 11 and 12 have started the term studying the units ‘Engaging the customer’ and ‘Assisting with customer difficulties’. As part of their studies and to aid in their undertaking of the Certificate 3 in Retail Services we have commenced a new project, which is the transformation of Room 8 into a Retail workplace and shop. The creation of this area allows for a practical component to their study and gives them the necessary skills that they may need to apply later on in life, in employment in the retail industry. Students have been busy bringing in items from home to set up our retail environment. We would like to say a big thank you to Luke Noble at the Imperial Hotel for the donation of two cash registers and tills. These are an invaluable donation that has us well on our way to setting up a wonderful education learning space. We are still on the lookout for other useful items for our retail environment and would appreciate any other donations we could receive from families and friends of WWHS. We are looking for items such as shelving, display mannequins, empty boxes such as cereal boxes, old perfume boxes etc.

Stage 6 Legal Studies

At the end of term 1, the Year 11 Legal Studies class travelled to Narrabri to watch a local court sitting. Year 11 Legal Studies students have been studying “The Legal System” to develop an understanding of the nature and functions of law. They have been studying the law-making processes and institutions so we decided to go on an excursion to a local court to see firsthand how the local court system operates. Students were able to watch the proceedings from the jury box and got a direct view of the key people in the court room. Students stayed until the first ‘court recess’ and were able to watch a variety of court cases, including bail hearings, AVO applications, and sentencing. Everyone was surprised how quick cases were heard and how fast the magistrate made decisions; in total we watched approximately 20 cases in the short time we were in court.

Page 6: Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil World ...€¦ · Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5

Creative and practical performing arts news

The students in music are currently hard at work practicing for the 2018 Wee Waa High School showcase night. The showcase night will be held at the start of September and is a great opportunity for the school and students to show off what they have been learning in 2018. This year the showcase will be exhibiting student work from multiple subjects including Music, Art, Agriculture, Hospitality, Retail plus many more. Students are encouraged to perform the class pieces they have been working on or to come up with a performance on their own or with some friends. We are looking forward to seeing all students’ families and friends on the night.

Multi Category Class

It has been a busy start to the term for our class with everyone jumping straight back into the transition to work program on Tuesday. There were some tired young people at the end of the day, but by all accounts everyone had a great time learning and practicing the skills required for each workplace. We are very lucky to have so many supportive businesses in the community providing opportunities for our students.

Narrabri Show Success

Twenty members of the school Cattle Show Team exhibited the school steers at the Narrabri Show cattle section on May 5th. Students were also given the honour of exhibiting Myona Charolais stud heifers as well as entering in student paraders and junior judging competitions.

We were very successful in the School Steer section with Wee Waa High School Elvis winning 1st place and Wee Waa High School Duke (Bubbles calf), placing 3rd. Our team performed brilliantly on the day with Wee Waa High School Show team members collecting the majority of ribbons/placings in each heat. Some notable achievements of Show Team members representing the school at Narrabri Show include:

Paraders :

U 15s Heat 1 : Domonic Cruickshank 1st , Thomas Eldridge 2nd Tori Stewart 3rd , Hayden Shearin 4th ,

U 15s Heat 2 : Axel Currey 2nd, Lilly Madden 3rd, Lucy Crutcher 4th and Mackenzie Jones 5th

U 15s Heat 3 : Josie Galagher 2nd, Caitlyn Coutts Smith 5th.

Over 15s – Bryony Allen 2nd, Alana Bennett Clancy 5th,

Junior Judging : U 15s – 1st place Josie Galagher

Page 7: Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil World ...€¦ · Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5

Over 15s – Bryony Allen 2nd , Jordyn Hayne 3rd, Jason Eldridge 4th and Alana Bennett Clancy 5th.

Harry Slee and Hayden Shearin did a tremendous job exhibiting the Myona Charolais Heifers for champion and reserve champion in their classes. Well done to all our team members on a fantastic show, for many of our Junior members this was their first time in the ring. We head to Coonamble Show next Wednesday for more experience and hope to come home celebrating more success!

Welcome back to Term 2, on Wednesday May 2nd ‘The Rocks’ at Tulladunna Reserve was officially opened on the banks of the Namoi River on the outskirts of Wee Waa town. Local community members, Aboriginal Elders, primary and secondary students, parents and distinguished guests watched the ceremony take place. Leslie Toomey was an integral part of the ceremony, playing the digeridoo in the ‘Cleansing Ceremony’ and Aboriginal Education Officer, Helen Weaner reminisced stories of her childhood on the banks of the Namoi.

The Tulladunna Reserve is a historic site, Aboriginal people from the 60’s to late 70’s resided on this site for season agricultural employment. Nowadays the rich local history is passed down to younger generations through events like NAIDOC week and staff development days.

With the coolers months approaching, any students needing winter uniforms, please feel free to contact Helen via her mobile to discuss your needs. A reminder to all Aboriginal parents and students that Goodooga Games will be held in Term 3, further information will be available towards the end of Term.

Congratulations to Luana Smith, Ally Stanfield and Trekiah Cochrane who were selected to participate in the Riverside Girls Program in Sydney this term. The girls had a great time and it was amazing for them to experience a bigger school, and it was easy to get lost on campus! School in the city compared

to a smaller rural town was very different but exciting.

Girls were grouped in pairs with Riverside Girls, undertaking the Young Agents Program. The program comprised of Enterpriser skills, eg creating new business concepts and programs for a new App or website. The girls then had to pitch their ideas to a judging panel and peers. Trekiah was a member of the

winning business concept, her team created an Aboriginal interpreter App, to translate English to Aboriginal language, history of Aboriginal tribes, and videos of cultural dances and ceremonies.

Page 8: Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil World ...€¦ · Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5


Uniform Guide 2018

Senior Girls Senior Boys • White collared short sleeved button shirt with emblem OR • White Polo shirt • Bottle Green longer Canterbury Shorts available from

the office (No short Canterbury shorts or any other short shorts)

• Senior Tartan shorts or Skorts • Senior Tartan long or short skirt (no shorter than 7cm above

the knee) • Bottle Green Tailored Trousers (NO JEANS OR TRACKSUIT

PANTS) • Bottle Green Jumper/blazer/jacket with emblem OR

Year Jumper/jacket • Black leather shoes ONLY, White socks

• White Polo collared shirt with emblem

• Grey Shorts or Trousers (NO JEANS OR TRACKSUIT

PANTS) • Bottle Green

jumper/blazer/jacket with emblem OR

• Year Jumper/Jacket • Black Leather Shoes ONLY • Grey Socks

SPORTS UNIFORM • Bottle Green Polo Shirt with emblem • Bottle Green sports shorts- (No short Canterbury shorts or any other short shorts) • Bottle Green Tracksuit Pants, Sports Shoes (joggers with laces) with white socks

Years 7 – 10 Girls Years 7 – 10 Boys Winter Winter

• Bottle Green Polo with emblem • Bottle Green jumper/blazer/jacket with emblem • Bottle Green Tailored Trousers (NO JEANS OR TRACKSUIT

PANTS) • Junior Tartan shorts or Skorts • Junior tartan long or short skirt (no shorter than 7cm above the

knee) • Black Leather Shoes ONLY • White Socks or black tights under skirt • Girls black pantyhose/tights may be worn under a skirt ONLY • Scarves to be Black, Grey or Bottle Green

• Green Polo Shirt with emblem • Bottle Green

jumper/blazer/jacket with emblem


• Black Leather Shoes ONLY • Grey Socks

24th May 10am


Bring people together to help raise funds and make a big difference to those impacted by cancer. Thursday Venue: Senior

Courtyard. Everyone welcome! RSVP: 6795 4477 by 22/5/18

Page 9: Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil World ...€¦ · Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5

Yaama,  The school has been full of energy and enthusiasm with sports, interna onal robo cs compe on, Eisteddfod and Showcase rehearsals, Stage 6 excursion, and Show Ca le Team compe on – just to name a few.    Our Bush Bots have  returned  from a  successful  excursion  to Houston,  Texas. Our  team finished within the top 30% of interna onal compe on, an amazing result of which many hours of hard work has paid off.  Teachers are currently in working on assessment of learning and repor ng. This is important feed-back to parents and carers about progress and achievement. Reports also serve as an introduc on to an employer about a student.  Students in Years 7 and 9 will be si ng their NAPLAN assessments this week. As always, improved student  outcomes  are  at  the  core  of  school  business  and  NAPLAN  helps  teacher  planning  for teaching and learning, so we ask all students who are si ng NAPLAN to give it their best effort.  It was pleasure to be  invited to a end the Tulladunna family, history and cultural celebra on. A big thank you to Helen for sharing her story on the day and for organising student representa ves for our school to a end a wonderful celebra on of the restora on work that has been achieved by our local Aboriginal community. Best of  luck  to all of our  students who are entering  the various events and exhibits at  the Wee Waa Show this weekend. It’s a wonderful opportunity for our school to be out engaging with our community each year.  Arron Stevens,  Principal.   


Principal's Message 

Monday 14th May, 2018 

School Gymnasium

The school gymnasium has been closed for some time to address safety concerns. Accordingly, com-munity members or students who may have any personal items located in the School Gymnasium, need to contact the Principal and organise to collect their items by Monday 28th May. This building will be undergoing refurbishment in the near future. For enquiries to collect items please call: 6795 4477

JUNIOR and SENIOR YOUTH GROUP is back! Come along, have fun and find out what Mark's 

Gospel says about who Jesus is.  

When: Friday nights, Juniors 5:30-7pm,  Seniors 7:30-9pm.  Where: Anglican Church Hall (cnr Church St. and Cowper St.)  Who: Juniors - Anyone in years 3-6 (or equivalent ages) Seniors - Anyone in years 7-12 (or equivalent ages) 

Wee Waa Youth Group

Page 10: Principal: Arron Stevens | Deputy Principal: Jacqueline Neil World ...€¦ · Mathematics/PDHPE Faculty It’s been a busy start for the Mathematics/PDHPE faculty. Stage 4 and 5

14 May Open Boys & Girls Soccer 17 May AECG Meeting 15-16 May NAPLAN 16 May Coonamble Show 18-20 May Wee Waa Show 22 May Girls Touch Football 28-30 May Stage 4 & 5 Exams 30 May Bush Bots Houston Event 7 June Science & Engineering Challenge 11 June Queens Birthday 14 June P&C Meeting 22 June Athletics Carnival 6 July Last day of Term 2

Term 2, 14 May 2018

Show Team

Term 2—2018 Wk 3 A = 14 -18 May Wk 4 B = 21 -25 May Wk 5 A = 28 May– 1 June Wk 6 B= 4 -8 June Wk 7 A = 11 -15 June Wk 8 B = 18 -22 June Wk 9 A = 25 -29 June Wk 10 B = 2 -6 July

2018 Narrabri Show

Photos above: Junior Show Team Paraders Photo below: Domonic Cruickshank leading Myona Penny