principles of the white eagle lodge€¦ · the principles of the white eagle lodge 1. that god,...


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Page 1: PRINCIPLES OF THE WHITE EAGLE LODGE€¦ · The Principles of the White Eagle Lodge 1. That God, the Eternal Spirit, is both Father and Mother. 2. That the Son, the Cosmic Christ,
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The White Eagle teachings are universal, timeless and unconditionally loving.

They are respectful of the path of each individual. In a consistent,

comprehensive philosophy, White Eagle opens the mind to the spiritual laws

which govern all life which we can learn to work with.

The Principles of the White Eagle Lodge

1. That God, the Eternal Spirit, is both Father and Mother.

2. That the Son, the Cosmic Christ, is also the Light which shines in

the human heart. By reason of this divine Sonship, all are brothers

and sisters in spirit, a brother/sisterhood which embraces all life

visible and invisible.

3. The expression of these principles in daily life, through service.

4. The awareness of the invisible world, which bridges separation and

death and reveals the eternal unity of life.

5. That life is governed by five cosmic laws: Reincarnation, Cause and

Effect, Opportunity, Correspondences, Compensation (Equilibrium

and Balance).

6. That the ultimate goal of humankind is that the inner light should

become so strong and radiant that even the cells of the physical

body are transmuted into finer substances w hich can overcome

mortality. This is known as the Christing of the human being, or, in

the words of the ancient Brotherhood, the blooming of the Rose

upon the Cross of matter.

Over and above all is the law of Love:

‘A Master is one who has learnt the truth, through experience; he has learnt to

put into practice the law which governs all life—the law of love. Love is the

fulfilling of the law…There is only one way to receive love into human life, and

that is to give love forth.’

White Eagle

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Greetings dear friends,

This is the first Shining Star newsletter since Derek Smyth, our dear Brother

and Ireland Leader of many years, retired. White Eagle Republic of Ireland

has become an independent European Star Centre, in my care, and Northern

Ireland is now a separate UK Star Centre lead by Derek’s partner Nicola. While

this is a far-reaching administrative change, we are still very much united in

White Eagle’s Brotherhood work. As a European Centre, we are now in charge

of our own membership and the fees will come directly to us. (Further

information about membership can be found at the end of this newsletter.)

We are now living in the Aquarian Age and all the turbulence that comes with

such a major shift is being felt in all areas of our lives - and in the world at

large. So much that was hidden is coming up into the light to be transformed.

So much of the authority that was automatically conferred on institutions of

church and state is now coming into question and with it a new ‘coming of age’

of self-responsibility and a desire for shared, self-determining communities

instead of hierarchical systems. How can we adjust and grow gracefully into

this new energy? White Eagle foresaw this shift and his teaching offers much

guidance on how to attain the much-needed balance necessary for these times.

He lays special emphasis on the essential role of the feminine and the Divine

Mother principle with her tender care, attention to the needs of others,

inclusivity and compassion.

…”The coming age of Aquarius will certainly bring into prominence the Mother

or the Woman aspect of life. In other words it is indicative of the development

of intuition or increase of soul power among the people of the earth. The first

principle, being representative of the Father or the Will, must be balanced by

the Mother or the Intuition. When you get perfect interplay, perfect

interpenetration of these two principles—the will or power and the love and

the wisdom—when you get perfect blending of these two principles of creation,

then is brought forth the Christ Child, which is the perfect outcome of union

between the two principles.”

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…”The place of woman in the world will have to be recognised. During past

cycles or ages humanity has been unbalanced. That is quite obvious. Woman has

yet to be accorded her correct place in world affairs...

…”Until man and woman live in perfect partnership, each playing their part in

the evolution of the race, there cannot be real progress. With the coming of

this feminine aspect and the balancing of life there will be great progress on

your earth. There must be equality, spiritual equality, mental equality, there

must be mutual respect and true partnership between man and woman. This

state of affairs will mitigate many of the ills which still exist. The uprisings in

the world, although they bring much pain and suffering, are necessary to

arouse man’s understanding to the spiritual law of brotherhood.

…’In the age of Aquarius woman will hold a position in public life, but not to

dominate or overpower the masculine element. There should also come a

recognition of, a realisation of the need for, the Mother-influence upon

humanity – which influence, remember, brings wisdom and love and faith to


In Ireland we are blessed to have a continuous living tradition that recognises

the Divine Feminine. She is honoured in the church as Mary the mother of

Jesus, she is Brighid, ancient goddess and, more recently, Celtic Christian saint,

along with a great company of goddesses and wise women going back through

the ages. Brighid, with her qualities of creativity, crafting, healing and care for

animals and the land brings us a great sense of the practical power of the

feminine. She confers courage, skill and compassion within the encompassing

love and protection of her great cloak.

Along with Brighid, Kuan Yin is an expression of the Divine Feminine that I

especially love. She embodies qualities of tenderness, compassion, mercy and

service – she is the mother who comes to heal the heart of humanity, ever

present to suffering. Recently Colum (Hayward) visited us to lead a beautiful

White Eagle retreat on the influence of St John in the Celtic church and to

dedicate our Star Centre. I was delighted when, on seeing several statues of

Kuan Yin about the house, he remarked that Minesta (Grace Cooke) had had a

strong feeling for her. He remembered that for many years a beautiful jade

Kuan Yin stood in the Brotherhood library at New Lands, the gift of Radiance

and Michael Collishaw (along with others), both of whom specially guided my

way in the London Lodge so many years ago. This was a remarkable affirmation

for me of a continuous sense of meaning and connection along my path.

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May the tender love and wisdom of Divine Mother enfold us in deep peace, may

the strength and will of Divine Father empower our thoughts and actions in

ways of service and may they unite to birth the radiance of the Cosmic Christ

Child in our hearts.

I hope we will have an opportunity to connect over the coming year and that

you shine your light with great joy and confidence.

Much love,


ROI Lodge Mother and Leader

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Mother of the World, a painting by Nicholas Roerich

Divine Mother

The kingdom of nature is thirsting for the spirit of divine motherhood and that

gentle love and wisdom which rules all life. Picture her manifesting not only

through physical form, but as the Divine Mother in all nature – as the Mother

Earth, producer of all life, beauty, purity and sweetness, and of the food so

bountifully given to sustain the human race. You could not live without the

bounty of Divine Mother. Try to feel a sense of thankfulness which will

develop into worship and adoration of the supreme love and power. There is so

much to fill you with happiness.

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Earth Healer

Above all, the Law of Love

You stand at the commencement of a new age both of brotherhood and of the

spirit; the new age of Aquarius, with its vast potential for destruction as well

as progress. At this time, it is necessary for all people who understand the

power of the light to call upon the angels of the light, and to give their

allegiance to all that is good and Godlike, so that the white light may maintain

the equilibrium and bring human kind into the golden age which is waiting to

manifest on earth…the great thing you always need to remember is that the

supreme law of love rules, above all and through all. There is always, that

loving care and watchfulness which guides and helps the ship into harbour.

White Eagle, On Living in Harmony with the Spirit

Creating Beauty

When you work from the spirit you are creating beauty and helping humankind

to absorb and to express beauty, in all its forms… the most ideal subjects for

meditation are to be found in nature. This form of meditation is very simple,

but the more you repeat it, the more it will help you in your work. If you begin

by concentrating on beauty in all its forms, we assure you that you are not

neglecting suffering, or the inequalities of life. Give from your heart the

perfect love and see your beautiful world cleansed of all pollution. See the

beautiful earth used by humanity according to the law of God – humankind

giving back to the land what they receive from it.

Earth Healer



Derek Smyth, Brother Shining Star, established

the work of the White Eagle Lodge in Ireland

when he became Leader of the Ireland Star

Centre fifteen years ago on 2nd March 2005.

From a few pilgrim souls the membership has

quietly grown under his devotion and patient care.

Always ready to lend a sympathetic ear and

offer the right words of wisdom and kindness to

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those in need, it’s not at all surprising that Derek has pioneered the White

Eagle healing work here. He is Contact Healing Supervisor for the White Eagle

Healer training which is now available for the first time in Ireland.

Thank you Derek for giving us such a beautiful foundation for the work in

Ireland and for providing us with the inspiration to carry it forward. You are

truly a Shining Star!

Telescopic photo, thought to be Venus (credit: Chris Levitan)


A Meditation on the moon and Divine Mother’s Pearl Ray

Beside the sea, let us meditate upon the beauty of the Moon shining on the

water and feel the strength of the movement in it – the transforming power of

water bringing forth new understanding of the rhythms of life, the constant

flow and change of life like the tides.

As you meditate, if your inner ears are open, you may hear the sound, the

sound of love, the sound that causes all things to be, the Creator’s Word, the

great AUM.

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Open yourself to the presence of Divine Mother and the angelic beings of her

ray of love and wisdom. As you do this you will be drawn into her heart and

enfolded in her soft, pearl robe, which contains all the colours of the earthly

spectrum. It is soft and translucent; it is her rainbow shawl of healing comfort.

Rest in this comforting healing light and open yourself to the vibration of the

angels of the Moon and of Venus. Their vibrations are closely linked with Divine

Mother and blend perfectly in this soft, nurturing light. Enfolded in this light,

the pupil on the path can gain a deeper understanding of love. What is love?

What does love mean? What does love mean in life as we know it on the earthly


How can this love relieve the suffering that is experienced by so many

incarnating into a physical body? This pearl ray of Divine Mother is infinite love

and blends with the power of the first ray of creativity, so that relief of

earthly suffering can come. Rest now in the heart of the pearl ray, with the

great angels of the Moon and Venus, the planet of love. Be still in the heart of

this radiance, and then affirm many times within your heart:

‘Be still and know God in me, God’s love in the flame in my heart; God’s love in

the heart of Divine Mother’.

Jenny Dent (This beautiful meditation appeared in Jenny’s Meditation Pages in Stella Polaris, Volume

sixty-six – Number 3, April – May 2017)

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The Living Word of St John

White Eagle’s Interpretation of the Gospel Preface

Working on the manuscript has been a labour of love; as chapter after chapter

unfolded one became utterly uplifted by the sublime over-all theme which built

up, of the redemptive power of the Christ spirit though the everyday life of

man. The unseen often seemed very close and there was one particular day

when the gospel suddenly became almost unbearably alive and immediate. It

was no longer a question of looking back to happenings of two thousand years

ago and works of men long dead; the words became alive and the whole story

was in the present, as seen and felt through the eyes and ears of the ‘disciple

whom Jesus loved’. Both were so real and human and loving of mankind today.

It was an experience impossible to express adequately in words, but the

memory will be with me always. (extract page viii)

Ylana Hayward March 1979

The Nineteenth Chapter

The Blooming of the Rose

There is so much behind and within the teaching of Jesus that only the heart

can understand. For two thousand years men have been seeking understanding

on the mental plane, at the mental level, but seeking largely in vain. There have

been those, however, who have not only read the ancient scripts but who have

entered the inner sanctuary to meditate and absorb the light. There they

have found truth; but truth can only really be found when the heart is selfless

at the time of meditation, and when it so aspires that the outer life also

becomes selfless, with thought only for the needs of others. In such a one the

rose starts to bloom and shed its fragrance through the life.

Love is the power by which a master works his white magic. The greatest

power in this world or the next is love, and love is power, love is wisdom.

Wisdom, love and power are inseparable – three in one and one in three. (extracts


Greater love hath no man...(15:13)

This chapter recounts (two more) occasions where Jesus deliberately set

himself to release someone from the karma which must result from following a

certain course of action. Thus is brotherhood demonstrated – how by selfless

action, a man can save another from incurring karma of great suffering. (Page


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If a man lives by love, all will come right in the end. Love is supreme over all.

Do your best, act from the heart of love (which means putting into practice

the divine law in your life), and you may have confidence in God that all will be

well. (Page 165)

His (Jesus) whole ministry was directed towards helping others either

transmute their karma or to work it out in a higher or better way. Upon all

who have a deeper knowledge of the divine laws rests a like responsibility - to

help those they meet not to make additional hard karma, but rather create

good karma for the blessing and happiness of all mankind in the future. (Page 168)

O Father Mother God, make clean our hearts within us so that we may see the

vision of the true life which Thou wouldst have us live. May we be filled with

the light of the Christ spirit and dwell in peace with our brother. Thus may we

know Thy peace, always. Amen (Page 169)

Maria Sullivan,

Star Light,Killarney

(Maria recalls BE STILL AND KNOW GOD from a distance-learning course she took with

Jenny Dent. It resonated with her so strongly she will never forget it.)

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Recently I began to ponder upon the words “love and light” and what it is that I

am doing when I send out love and light to another. There is an immense

power and energy behind the act/intention of sending out love and light that

suddenly struck me.


Unconditional love going from one heart to another is a powerful vibration of

the purest form, it reaches across time and space, knows no boundaries and

goes directly to where it needs to go and delivers what is needed

To the person or situation.


When we are infused with light we shine from within, we are calm and poised

and less disturbed by events in the outer world than we might otherwise

be. Our light can help others to find their path and even help to lift others who

may be faltering along the way.

Together love and light are powerful forces for when we endeavour to live our

lives filled with them we cannot think or act in any way that would be

detrimental to another’s wellbeing (and so of course our own).

We clearly see our connection to all living beings and mother earth herself. In

doing so we see our own selves, our own light, reflected back to us. So as we

give out light and love we receive it back in all its immensity and glory.

“When we touch the place

Of true love,

There is no separation.

There is no question of

Separating any individual

From his brother, her sister,

Because all the children of god

Become one when we truly love “

The Best Of White Eagle

Carmel Horrigan

White Rose, Tallaght

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You ask us, “White Eagle, what can we do to help mankind?” And we answer:

There are many ways open to man, but there is one unfailing, one certain true

way for man to establish God’s kingdom upon earth; this is by the light which is

within himself. Daily endeavour to realise your true self which is buried deep

in your innermost being. Remember always the quiet, pure and true contact

within the sanctuary of your own being. Be true to your own self, your own

spirit, and in being true to yourself you will be true also to God and the

universal brotherhood.

Practice this daily realisation of the great white light within your own being

and project it forth into the world of men. Then, my friends, the mists around

the earth will gradually be dispelled. Do not look to others to do the work for

you. Every man is his own saviour, and every man is the saviour of all mankind.

When in the quietness of your sanctuary you are attuned to the Christ spirit,

you are beginning to feel and know a power which is creative in life, and in your

worship of God you can bring into operation the power of your higher mind to

create form. Create, visualise the blazing six-pointed Star, still yet full of life

and light. Identify yourselves with the Star, the centre of that Star; in your

imagination enter it, go right into the heart of the Star. It is a Star of the

Christ love; so gentle, yet firm and all-powerful for good. Feel the light

radiating forth to bless, to comfort, to heal. Hold the souls of men, or of any

individual you wish to help, within the heart of the Star, and see them perfect

in the light, the sunlight of God.

When you surrender in love and simplicity to the Christ spirit, the form you are

imagining is given life by the power of God. Your thought creates the form,

but the love in your heart gives life to that form and sends it forth to heal the

sick, to inspire peace and brotherhood in the world of men. Brothers, let us

send forth the light of the Star.”

The Star with six points is a symbol of the Christ spirit, of man made

perfect. It is a symbol of the New Age. Spiritually we now stand at a new age

of consciousness, when a gradual recognition will dawn that man must work in

co-operation with God; that man cannot shuffle off his responsibility upon

God. In this age every activity for the welfare of man will play its part, and

perhaps the most the most far-reaching will be that putting forth of man’s own

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powers of the soul and spirit in the form of prayer. Men will train and dedicate

themselves to this end. This will be their form of expression, their form of

service to their fellows and of co-operation with higher powers.

(From Prayer in the New Age – Prayers and Invocations of White Eagle 1957,


Esther Hackett

Star Brother, Kilkenny

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What can we say about the nature of the six pointed star that acts as such a

powerful focus for the work of the White Eagle Lodge? The answer, in my

view, cannot be limited to the Lodge itself. We, who are members, must at

least aspire towards a divine liberation for all of humanity.

Consider the challenges to spirituality across our world which is currently

under immense pressure to create and support a satisfying spiritual community.

This is surely where our White Eagle work comes in. We know there is comfort

in resting, trusting and simply allowing the rays from the six-pointed Star to

be absorbed into our very being. We are confident in our belief in a reality

which moves beyond the physical world to embrace Masters, Angels, spiritual

beings, our loved ones and — not least — ourselves.

Against the background of this belief, we all come together to form a deep

connection with God. As brothers and sisters of the Star we allow ourselves to

expand our consciousness towards the Cosmos, enriching ourselves with an

immensely powerful force. This is a gift that has been given to us by God’s

grace, permitting each and every one of us to absorb the spiritual light, and

granting the ability to carry the light to those who may not yet fully

understand or trust the magnitude of the Cosmos.

The power to touch another’s heart with the love bestowed on us by God is a

basic tenet of our community. The light that illuminates our hearts is love. This

radiates from the light of Christ and can be embraced by all of us collectively.

Such is the foundation that supports the Star.

Sandra Kennedy

Star Brother, Dublin

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Love is the most profound secret of the universe. It is the beginning of life;

indeed, it is life itself…

Through gaining love, man/woman gains understanding of its life on earth and in

the heavens, and the life of the wide universe of which it is a part. The

greatest mistake you can make is to think of yourselves as separate from God

or from the universe into which you have been born. You are all part of the one


White Eagle, Beautiful Road Home

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In your heart is a seed, placed there by God, which is the seed atom of life;

and when you understand the great law of love, when you are operating this law,

this seed in your heart can put you in direct touch with that all-embracing

Light of life.

When we speak of the seed, we refer not to the soul, but to the pure spirit.

The soul is the garment of the spirit, the etheric body that is the individual's

link between heaven and earth. The soul receives impressions from the

creative sphere of pure light and transmits these impressions to the human

brain. And with the love in his or her heart, the light within his or her heart,

the individual will use that power to create beauty - will create in sound, create

in colour, create in form, create in language, create within his or her own life.

All people have within them this power to create, which is illumined, quickened,

by that pure white light, Spirit. And spirit is all love. This is why, until a man or

woman loves, and understands what love is, he or she is unable to create

perfectly. Perfection comes only through that pure Christ love. And this love,

which we have described to you many times as light, is the power that causes

the seed-atom in the heart to grow...

As it continues to grow in you, don't stifle it: encourage this feeling of love, of

tolerance, of goodwill. Encourage it, because as you do so you are growing in

spiritual power and wisdom. If you could see clairvoyantly you would know that

that seed was a spark of life, and this life would appear to you as light. You

would see that little seed as a fire.

In ancient times the priests would create fire on the altar from seemingly

nothing. The priest would place his hands in a certain way, and say certain

words and there would come the little light and then gradually the fire and the

fire would grow to a great blaze - a demonstration to our people of the life of

God, which came out of space, out of silence, into manifestation in physical


We see the white light shining through the little earthly seed, and drawing it

up from darkness towards the sun, until it breaks its bonds, helped by the

sunlight, and is transformed out of the tiny seed into the green corn, or a

perfect flower. This again is a demonstration to humanity of the existence of

an invisible power, a life which is in the ether all around - but most of all in the

human being itself.

White Eagle, Beautiful Road Home

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Healing is a core part of the White Eagle work in Ireland. Members, by

spending as little as 30 minutes a week, can make a huge contribution when

they send thoughts of love and healing in a structured format, to each or all of

the following: people, animals, nature - trees and plants and Mother Earth

herself. White Eagle, in his messages to us, explains how the Angelic Realm

works with us and uses the vibrations created by human loving thoughts

by directing them to those areas in greatest need.

There are 4 areas you can choose from to make your personal contribution to

this vital time in the Earth's development:

1) Earth Healing - directing your thoughts to the nature kingdom, the

substance of the earth, the waters of the earth, and its atmosphere.

2) Animal Healing for named animals with specific conditions and their owners.

3) Lone and Absent Healing for named people with specific conditions.

4) Training to be a White Eagle Contact Healer where patients have one to one

healing, working on their identified conditions.

Please note for areas 3 and 4 you will have been a member for a minimum time


For more information on any of these areas or if you wish to receive

healing please contact Jacquie Brennan, [email protected] or on 059


I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all blessings for 2020.

Derek Smyth

Shining Star, Dundalk

Contact Healing Supervisor.


A large part of the Lodge work is to participate in the healing of humankind,

the animal kingdom, all nature and Mother Earth. We do this by doing our best

to think good thoughts about everything. Remember, we are like TV aerials and

we radiate what we think. Good thoughts heal; while heavier, more negative

thoughts can slow down healing.

At the hours of 3, 6, 9 and 12, when we send out the Light, we send healing

because the light we radiate from our hearts is the Christ Light and that light

has the power to heal because it is unconditional love.

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Jacquie Brennan SATURDAY 6TH JUNE 2020

10.00 am – 4.30 pm

Slaney House, Barrack Street, Tullow, Co Carlow A day of meditation honouring our Mother Earth, the angels of the elements

and all the kingdoms of nature. We will focus on the White Eagle service for

Earth Healing. Fee for the day €25 (members €20)

(Please contact Jacquie to book your place: [email protected]}


Jeremy Hayward SATURDAY 5TH SEPTEMBER 2020

10.00 am – 4.30 pm

Teach Bhride Retreat Centre, Tullow, Co Carlow.

We look forward to welcoming Jeremy who will lead us in a one day retreat

exploring insights into the White Eagle healing work. Fee for the day €25 (members €20)

(Please contact Jacquie to book your place: [email protected]}

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Column Hayward spent the weekend of 8th and 9th February this year here in

Tullow. On Saturday at Teach Bhride he shared some inspiring insights on the

influence of St John the Beloved and the Celtic Church. On the Sunday valiant

Brothers came through tempest and flood to dedicate our Star Centre

Brotherhood sanctuary.

A happy band of Brothers with Colum in Tullow


Saturday, 14 March 2020

'Healing from Within'

A retreat day with Derek Smyth focusing on how to stimulate the creative

force of healing within ourselves for our own well-being and for the benefit of

the world around us.

Saturday, 10 October 2020

'Fire, Water, Earth and Air'

A retreat day with Nicola Wilson exploring the spiritual power and influence of

the four elements in our lives and how an understanding of these mighty forces

can help us in our spiritual development.

Both to be held in the South Belfast Quaker Meeting House, off the Lisburn

Road, Belfast from 9.30am to 4pm. Contact Nicola: 07966 014698

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The Lodge offers a number of ways to tap into White Eagle Teachings during

our busy day. Short passages and readings can offer inspiration and strength

just when we need it most.

Monday thought (for members)

This short email arrives in your inbox every Monday morning. To subscribe,

email: [email protected] or phone New Lands (0044) (0)1730 893300


This is the St John’s Retreat Centre (USA) regular inspirational email, which is

always accompanied by an uplifting picture. To subscribe, email:

[email protected]

Jenny’s Star Notes Blog

Jenny Dent writes short pieces reflecting on the Lodge work or what she has

recently seen or heard in the news. To subscribe, email:

White Eagle Quiet Mind reading

Wherever you are, you can phone New Lands and listen to a short passage from

The Quiet Mind. Just call (0044) (0)844 2098319

The White Eagle Lodge website:

with a dedicated section for members

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The Republic of Ireland is now a White Eagle European Star Centre and as

such we are responsible for our own membership. The new annual fee is €30

payable directly to our Centre. Please note that physical copies of Stella

Polaris must now be ordered independently direct from New Lands. (You can

still read it online as usual).

Our ‘Shining Star’ newsletter.

Up to 20% discount on the cost of retreat days and events hosted by the

ROI Star Centre.

Access to the White Eagle Lodge Members' online website - talks, more

teachings and information on upcoming courses.

Opportunities to attend more of the 5-day retreats at New Lands.

Members' Wisdom School correspondence courses.

Opportunities to extend your healing service.

Your membership fee will directly benefit the work of the ROI Star

Centre and its members.

If you would like to join please contact: Jacquie Brennan, White Eagle ROI

Star Centre, Slaney House, Tullow, Co Carlow R93 FT20

Phone: (00353) (0)59 915105, email: [email protected]

Stella Polaris

Stella Polaris, the UK magazine with articles, teaching, letters and meditations

is freely available online to Irish members.

Printed copies are available by separate subscription directly from New Lands

at a rate of £25 sterling per year which includes European postage.

Stella Polaris Subscription,

The White Eagle Lodge,

New Lands,

Brewells Lane,



Hampshire GU33 7HY.

United Kingdom

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Tuesdays 11am Contact Healing (by appointment)

3pm Absent Healing (all welcome)

7.30pm Meditation Classes (numbers limited)

Thursdays: 3pm Animal Absent healing (all welcome)

Contact: Derek Smyth, 192 Point Road, Dundalk, Co. Louth

Phone: (00353) (0)42 9336147

TALLAGHT, DUBLIN 24 Carmel would like to start a monthly absent healing group at 7.30pm on

the 1st Wednesday of each month. If you are interested in joining please

contact her.

Contact: Carmel Horrigan, 46 Maplewood Avenue, Springfield, Tallaght

Phone: 01 4627432

KILLARNEY, CO. KERRY 1st Saturday of each month

White Eagle Earth Healing and Full Moon Meditation

11.45 (for a prompt 12 o'clock start) – 1pm

Contact: Maria Sullivan

Phone: 087 9493508

TULLOW, CO. CARLOW Thursdays 7.45pm (for 8pm start) – 9.10pm

White Eagle Earth Healing and heart-centred Meditation and

healing (regular group)

Contact Healing – one-to-one healing using therapeutic touch (by appointment)

Contact: Jacquie Brennan

Phone: (00353) (0)59 915105

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Ireland Website Keep track of our events online at

Donations The White Eagle ROI Star Centre is very grateful for any donations on top of

your subscriptions.

Contacting Jacquie If you would like to contact me for healing, meditation, books, or just a chat,

it would be lovely to hear from you.

Jacquie Brennan

White Eagle ROI Star Centre

Slaney House

Barrack Street

Tullow, Co. Carlow R93 FT 20 (00353) (0)59 9151057

Email: [email protected]

White Eagle ROI contact Healers Jacquie Brennan

Tullow, Co Carlow Tel: 059 9151057

Derek Smyth

Dundalk, Co Louth Tel: 042 9336147

For the White Eagle Star Centre in Northern Ireland

Please contact Nicola Wilson

Holywood, Co Down Tel: 07966 014698

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May the Light of Christ, shining in my heart,

stand guard over my thoughts and guide

my speech and actions into ways of service.

May the Light of Christ shine from my heart

to heal the sick in mind and body;

to comfort the bereaved; to sustain the weary.

May the Light of Christ illumine my understanding

and the understanding of all, bringing true vision

and awareness of the eternal life,

and of the Christ within all.
