principles of universal playgrounds

 D O C U M E N T R E S U M E E D 3 5 9 7 2 7 E C 3 0 2 2 9 2 A U T H O R E n s i g n , A r s e l i a , E d . T I T L E U n i v e r s a l P l a y g r o u n d D e s i g n . I N S T I T U T I O N P A M A s s i s t a n c e C e n t r e , L a n s i n g , M I . P U B D A T E M a y 9 3 N O T E 2 2 p . P U B T Y P E G u : d e s N o n - C l a s s r o o m U s e 0 5 5 ) J O U R N A L C I T P A M R e p e a t e r ; n 7 9 M a y 1 9 9 3 E D R S P R I C E M F O 1 / P C O 1 P l u s P o s t a g e . D E S C R I P T O R S A c c e s s i b i l i t y f o r D i s a b l e d ) ; * D e s i g n P r e f e r e n c e s ; D e s i g n R e q u i r e m e n t s ; * D i s a b i l i t i e s ; * E q u i p m e n t ; G u i d e l i n e s ; P a r k D e s i g n ; * P h y s i c a l D i s a b i l i t i e s ; P h y s i c a l M o b i l i t y ; P l a n n i n g ; * P l a y g r o u n d s ; S p e c i f i c a t i o n s ; * S t r u c t u r a l E l e m e n t s  C o n s t r u c t i o n ) I D E N T I F I E R S * U n i v e r s a l P l a y g r o u n d s A B S T R A C T T h i s p u b l i c a t i o n p r e s e n t s p r i n c i p l e s o f u n i v e r s a l p l a y g r o u n d s , d e s i g n e d t o m a x i m i z e a c c e s s i b i l i t y f o r a l l c h i l d r e n , w i t h a n d w i t h o u t d i s a b i l i t i e s . F i r s t , t h e r a t i o n a l e f o r t h e u n i v e r s a l p l a y g r o u n d i s g i v e n i n c l u d i n g t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f p l a y a n d t h e v a l u e o f i n t e g r a t i o n . N e x t c u r r e n t g u i d e l i n e s f o r p l a y g r o u n d d e s i g n a r e d i s c u s s e d i n c l u d i n g s a f e t y , a c c e s s i b i l i t y , d e v e l o p m e n t a l i s s u e s , s o c i a l / e m o t i o n a l d e v e l o p m e n t , i n t e l l e c t u a l d e v e l o p m e n t , s e n s o r y d e v e l o p m e n t , p e r c e p t u a l - m o t o r d e v e l o p m e n t , p h y s i c a l d e v e l o p m e n t , a n d a g e f a c t o r s . P l a y g r o u n d a d a p t a t i o n s t o i m p r o v e a c c e s s i b i l i t y a r e c o n s i d e r e d f o r s i t e d e v e l o p m e n t , p a r k i n g a n d c u r b s , w a l k w a y s , a n d s u r f a c e t r e a t m e n t s . P l a y g r o u n d l a y o u t i s t h e n c o n s i d e r e d i n s o m e d e t a i l i n c l u d i n g s t a n d a r d s f o r e q u i p m e n t c l e a r a n c e , t r a f f i c p a t t e r n s , p r a c t i c a l a e s t h e t i c s , m a i n t e n a n c e , a n d p o s s i b l e e q u i p m e n t . A t a b l e l i s t s 3 6 e q u i p m e n t i t e m s , t h e i r g o a l s a n d b e n e f i t s , d e s c r i p t i o n , a n d p o s s i b l e m o d i f i c a t i o n s . S o u r c e i n f o r m a t i o n a d d r e s s e s a n d t e l e p h o n e n u m b e r s ) f o r 5 6 m a n u f a c t u r e r s a n d d i s t r i b u t o r s o f p l a y g r o u n d e q u i p m e n t a r e p r o v i d e d , a s a r e 1 6 s o u r c e s o f p l a y g r o u n d s u r f a c e m a t e r i a l s . S a m p l e l a y o u t s , a p l a n n i n g s u r v e y f o r m , a u n i v e r s a l p l a y g r o u n d a c t i o n p l a n c h e c k l i s t , a n d a l i s t o f 1 0 a d d i t i o n a l r e s o u r c e s c o m p l e t e t h e p u b l i c a t i o n .  D B ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * R e p r o d u c t i o n s s u p p l i e d b y E D R S a r e t h e b e s t t h a t c a n b e m a d e f r o m t h e o r i g i n a l d o c u m e n t . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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Universal Playground design principles



    ED 359 727 EC 302 292

    AUTHOR Ensign, Arselia, Ed.TITLE Universal Playground Design.INSTITUTION PAM Assistance Centre, Lansing, MI.PUB DATE May 93NOTE 22p.PUB TYPE Gu:des Non-Classroom Use (055)JOURNAL CIT PAM Repeater; n79 May 1993

    EDRS PRICE MFO1 /PCO1 Plus Postage.DESCRIPTORS Accessibility (for Disabled); *Design Preferences;

    Design Requirements; *Disabilities; *Equipment;Guidelines; Park Design; *Physical Disabilities;Physical Mobility; Planning; *Playgrounds;Specifications; *Structural Elements(Construction)

    IDENTIFIERS *Universal Playgrounds

    ABSTRACTThis publication presents principles of universal

    playgrounds, designed to maximize accessibility for all children,with and without disabilities. First, the rationale for the universalplayground is given including the importance of play and the value ofintegration. Next current guidelines for playground design arediscussed including safety, accessibility, developmental issues,social/emotional development, intellectual development, sensorydevelopment, perceptual-motor development, physical development, andage factors. Playground adaptations to improve accessibility areconsidered for site development, parking and curbs, walkways, andsurface treatments. Playground layout is then considered in somedetail including standards for equipment clearance, traffic patterns,practical aesthetics, maintenance, and possible equipment. A tablelists 36 equipment items, their goals and benefits, description, andpossible modifications. Source information (addresses and telephonenumbers) for 56 manufacturers and distributors of playgroundequipment are provided, as are 16 sources of playground surfacematerials. Sample layouts, a planning survey form, a universalplayground action plan checklist, and a list of 10 additionalresources complete the publication. (DB)


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    No. 79

    MAY, 1993

    PUBLISHED AT:PAM Assistance Centre60's W. Maple StreetLansing, MI 48906(517) 371-5897 or1-800-274-7426

    Arselia Ensign, Editor


    You have in your hands a REPEATER which is representative of the careful and caring work of Sister Kathryn Mullarkey,F.S.E., who has been a PAM staff member for nearly seven years. Sister Kathryn has just been awarded a Master of Artsdegree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Michigan State University, and she is leaving us to accept a position with hopeNetwork in Grand Rapids. We all wish her well in her new position.

    This publication, as with so many in the past, has been made available to you through an IDEA State Initiated Grant forthe PAM Assistance Centre awarded by the Michigan State Board of Education. (The opinions expressed herein do not

    necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Michigan State Board of Education or the U.S. Department ofEducation, and no endorsement is inferred.) The document is in the public domain and may be copied for

    further distribution when proper credit is given. For further information or inquires about this projectcontact the Michigan Department of Education, P 0 Box 30008, Lansing, MI 48909.


    The universal playground concept was designed by the Canadian Ministry of Education. The play-ground adaptations which are highlighted in this PAM REPEATER are documented in The UniversalPlayground: A Planning Guide, Ministry of Education, Special Education Branch, 620 SuperiorStreet, Victoria, British Columbia, CANADA V8V 2M4.

    The listings of playground equipment and surface material manufacturers and distributors are notmeant to be all inclusive listings, but merely to give ideas from companies that the staff of the PAMAssistance Centre are currently aware of.

    Significance for Playground DesignThe activities which occur during free play on the playground form a valuable part of any child's

    developmental program. Children with special needs may benefit to a greater degree from such activities, sincetheir disabilities may have kept them from developing the social and physical skills often learned in informalplay environments. These skills are important because they influence the extent to which children will beintegrated socially and vocationally.

    The need to develop the social skills required to live cooperatively with one's peers is a two way street.It is important for all students to develop a positive awarenessof be differences within the school

    population and the ability to accept these differences with respect and understanding. In freeplay, children are exposed to an element of give and take which helps define acceptable

    behavior. Physical activities stimulated by playground equipment improvebalance, eye-hand coordination and gross motor skills, all of which need tobe encouraged in all children.

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    ,ION A playground must be accessible to all children in order to facilitatethese changes.


  • Rationale

    Philosophical Considerations

    Importance of PlayPlay is an essential activity for all children. It is one way

    children explore their world. It provides an avenue for children toexercise imaginative and creative thinking in a safe, secure setting.When play takes place in a group situation it helps children validatetheir thinking with that of other children. Through such play activi-ties children develop social maturity. They learn how to cooperatewith others, what makes others happy or unhappy and what theymust do to obtain the cooperation of others. In play activities,children can learn from their discoveries with minimum risk.

    By watching other children, children with special needsdetermine what activities are possible and might lead to greaternjoyment of the play experience. Children are encouraged to try

    new activities. and to gain favorable attention by duplicating theactivities of others, or exceeding them if possible. By engaging insuch interaction, children gain strength, enhance fine and grossmotor development, develop coordination and balance, build socialrelationships, and lay the foundation for a positive self image.

    Even solitary play provides an opportunity for children topractice newly learned skills in non-threatening situations. Manyauthorities feel that good motor, perceptual and social developmentare critical for learning basic academic skills. The activities whichtake place on the playground are therefore very important. It isnecessary then, that the playground environment should be designedto maximize its potential as a learning aid.

    The requirements of children with special needs are asgreat as those of other children in this respect. Children who are bornwith, or acquire, disabilities face challenges beyond those of mostchildren. If the playground experience is beneficial for most chil-dren, it may also be assumed that it is of equal value to children withspecial needs. For tni., to be realized, children with special needsmust have equal access to those facilities which promote develop-mental growth.

    Value of Integration

    The universal playground, designed for the full spectrumof developmental abilities, benefits all children and works to theadvantage of children with special needs. By most incidence studies.children with special needs represent approximately ten percent ofthe total school-aged population, and this percentage carries into thetotal community. This means that individuals with disabilities willalways he a significant minority in society. Therefore, society needsto develop the skills and attitrAts which enable the minority to maketheir maximum contribution. The informal environment of theschool playground is an excellent place to begin.

    Once the playground has been designed to include theentire school population, a number of secondary benefits emerge. Inmany locations, the school playground is viewed as a communityresource. After school, and on weekends it is utilized by a variety ofindividuals who might not have been anticipated during the initialplanning. Parents and grandparents may bring preschool children tothe playground for enjoyment and exercise. Day-school supervisorsmay bring after-school groups to channel their energy before theirparents collect them. Even during school hours, teachers who areolder or have disabilities find the universal playgrounds designed forall children more accessible and easier to supervise, especially ifthey want to assist children with special needs.

    Current Guidelines


    Existing guidelines focus primarily on the layout andengineering of playground equipment to maximize the safety of allchildren involved in play activiti,:s. Generally, no unique safetyconsiderations are needed in the playground design for children withspecial needs that are not also desirable for able bodied children.Safety features for children with special needs take other forms.Teachers or therapists may equip certain children with safetyhelmets, or put seat belts on children who use wheelchairs. Texturedwalkways, noun generators on moving equipment, warning colorson railings and v. ails, and appropriate safety signs are particularlyappropriate for students with special needs but also useful for ablebodied children. Completely risk-free playgrounds do not exist, butcareful planning and attention to details will avoid most predictablehazards.

    AccessibilityThe Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)

    prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment.public services. transportation. public accommodations includingmany services operated by private entities. - and telecommunica-tions. Title III of the legislation includes within the definition ofpublic accommodation: "a park. zoo, amusement park, or otherplace of recreation": a school, including nursery schools: a day carecenter: and a gymnasium, health spa. or "other places of exercise orrecreation."

    Specific Federal requirements for accessibility to play-grounds by the disabled are expected to be published.

    The Department of Parks and Recreation in the State ofCalifornia has advised that after January 1. 1991. regulationsrequiring that all types of play activity in new and redoFie play areasmust be accessible to the disabled. Other states may similarly issueaccessibility requirements. Playground designers. installers andoperators arc reminded that they should determine what Federaland State requirements for accessibility are in effect. These re-quirements could necessitate changes to existing playgrounds aswell as when new playgrounds are planned or existing playgroundsrefurtished.

  • Developmental IssuesGrowth and development of all children are measured

    across several dimensions. Children may vary greatly along one ormore of these dimensions. For example. children who fall at the lowend of the scale for physical size may be at the top of the scale forintellectual development, or children with advanced motor skillsmay have poor social development. Children with special needsare perhaps the most obvious example of variation because theyencounter unusual challenges along one or more dimensions.Ideally, the playground environment will enable all children to usetheir strong areas to compensate for areas requiring further de-velopment. The well-designed universal playground providesexperiences to challenge all skill areas, and to accommodate alldevelopmental stages.

    Social/Emotional Development

    Many children with special needs require more support inthe areas of social/emotional development than do other children.Children with a physical, or a sensory disability may have hadlimited opportunities to interact with other children, or may haveseen treated differently by the children they did encounter. Emo-tional immaturity is more commonly found in children with specialneeds particularly, until they acquire the experience required todevelop acceptable social behavior. Children with severe social oremotional problems may lack internal controls, or may be toointernalized. to be readily accepted by other children. Children withlimited intellectual development often respond socially and emo-tionally like younger children. The universal playground environ-ment should have areas that encourage social interaction and beeasily supervised.

    Intellectual DevelopmentMost children with special needs have normal intellectual

    development. iwever, it may he more difficult for some withpronounced physical. sensory, motor or emotional challenges todemonstrate this. Play areas which encourage intellectual ex-changes can help facilitate integration among all children.Children with delayed intellectual development require experiencesto enhance social, emotional and motor development. The universalplayground needs to _lave a broad range of equipment and activitieswhich appeal to all children, regardless of intellectual development.

    Sensory DevelopmentAlthough many children have visual irregularities. or tran-

    -.lent hearing difficulties. the actual prevalence of severe vision orhearing disabilities is very low. Children with severe visual impair-ments become more dependent on other senses, especially hearingand touch. Playground design and equipment incorporating texture,manipulative devices, bright colors, and sound are particularlyhelpful for children with low vision. In recent years, an increasingpercentage of children with severe visual impairments have multiplehandicapping conditions. This may require creativity in terms ofincluding them in group play activities.

    Children with hearing impairments also vary considerablyin the degree of hearing loss represented. Most who are hard ofhearing have usable residual hearing which may be enhanced by ahearing aid. Many children with hearing impairments have excellentmotor skills and are capable of utilizing almost any piece ofplayground equipment. Children with profound hearing impair-ments encounter their greatest difficulties in the area of communi-cation. The inability to understand the speech of other children anddifficulty in making themselves understood, may create frustration,hamper social development and delay integration. For these chil-dren, informal activities on the playground can be very valuable.

    Perceptual-Motor Development


    Some children with otherwise normal development inmost other areas, encounter unusual difficulties with gross and finemotor coordination. Still others who appear to have normal hearingand vision, have trouble perceiving shapes, form, depth, movementor a variety of cognitive concepts. Frequently, this can result inlearning disorders, although children may have average or aboveaverage intellectual ability. Many authorities attribute such diffi-culties to impaired or delayed neurological development. Whateverthe cause, students with perceptual-motor delays may lack coordi-nation, or have a tendency to he accident prone. Supervisorypersonnel may need to be more attentive to such children. In general.however, playground experiences are positive for these children andoffer an opportunity to improve their coordination skills. Not allchildren identified as learning disabled exhibit poor coordination:some perform well in athletic activities and should certainly beencouraged.

    Physical Development

    Children come in all shapes and sizes, and with varyingdegrees of strength. Children with special physical needs representa small segment of the physical growth and development curve.Whether the physical impairment is the result of genetic defects.trauma, or disease, it presents an added challenge to children withinthe school setting. A major concern is with mobility for children whomay require a wheelchair, braces, a prosthesis or some other adap-tation to enable them to participate in all possible educationalexperiences. Because many children with physical disabilitiesmove more slowly and require more space, there may be concernthat they could interfere with the free passage of other children.create hazards, or monopolize the utilization of certain pieces ofplayground equipment. In designing the universal playground,multiple access and egress points, and additional space are neededto minimize potential problems.

  • Age FactorsIn recent years there has been a trend toward establishing

    separate playground facilities for pre-school and school-age chil-dren. In situations where dual playground facilities exist, the morechallenging playground should also be supplied with a wide varietyof equipment that might appeal to all ages. The basis for this iscontained in the variations noted in the developmental scales. Sincemany children develop socially, emotionally, intellectually andmotorically at varying rates, the universal playground needs to havea broader range of play experiences available to accommodateeveryone.

    Where a single playground is being developed, activityareas for younger and smaller children should be kept well awayfrom the activity areas used by older, more active students. Thereshould be at least one observation point on the universal playgroundthat has a clear view of the entire playground to facilitate adultsupervision. Placement of any new equipment or rearrangement ofexisting facilities should be done with this in mind.

    Playground Adaptations

    Site DevelopmentThe first major problem for children with significant

    mobility limitatiors may be gaining access to the playground site.When a playground is originally being designed, it should be placedin the most accessible location. Ideally, the universal playgroundshould be located close to an accessible school entrance. It shouldalso be near a parking area available to the general public, if theplayground is to be used as a community facility.

    Parking and CurbsIn many instances, there is an existing playground environ-

    ment which. is being redesigned to include all children. In thesecircumstances it is important to ensure that access and egress to thefacility are adapted for children with mobility impairments. Parkingareas should have spaces designated for the handicapped which areat least 12 feet wide and marked with an accessibility symbol. Curbramps, if necessary, should be placed where awheelchair can reachthe walkways without having to pass behind parked cars. Rampedcurbs at street corners should have a change in surface texture as awarning to children with visual impairments.

    WalkwaysWalkways should be at least 5 feet wide to enable two

    people in wheelchairs to pass in opposite directions. The gradientshould not be greater than 5 per cent (7 inches) rise in 12 feet: andthe slope perpendicular to the axis of travel should be no more than1/2 inch in 4 feet. The surfaces should be smooth. withouthumps.wide seams, or grates with wide slots that might catch chair wheelsor crutch tips. Surface treatments should be firm and provide goodtraction. Appropriate materials include timber, rubber, concrete, orasphalt which will not soften in hot weather. Loose gravel, bark. or

    cobblestones should be avoided. Where slopes or raised surfacesare unavoidable, handrails should be provided on at least one side.A variety of different surface textures, and a 6 foot border of crushedrock, will assist children with visual impairments maintain theirorientation. Vegetation which extends into pathways should beremoved and plants which drop seeds, or are toxic or thorny, shouldbe eliminated.

    Surface TreatmentsOver the years. playground designers have relied on three

    recommended protective surface materials; sand, pea gravel andwood/bark chips. All of these have advantages. The sand used iscoarse, washed and does not pack. It absorbs impacts, drains well,is durable and responds well to sun and rain. Sand is also an attractiveground cover and its initial cost is low. Pea gravel is composed ofsmall, round, smooth stones and has most of the same advantages assand. It does not cling to clothing, get in children's eyes, or blow ina wind. However, it can be thrown much greater distances. Bothmaterials can conceal sharp or dangerous items. Sand is more likelyto be used as a cat litter box, and its effectiveness is reduced if wet,frozen, or mixed with soil.

    Wood or bark chips make an attractive cover, are resilient,drain fairly well and are relatively inexpensive. Children are less aptto play with this material, and because of its acidic content, it is lesslikely to harbor insects or promote fungus growth. Wood and barkchips compact when wet, frozen, or pulverized. Through repeatedplay action, and their natural biodegradable nature, chips tend todecompose and become powered and an irritant to some children.Wood chips, like the other two materials, can conceal sharp ordangerous items.

    Unfortunately the above materials are unsuitable for chil-dren with significant mobility problems. Becauseof the depth of thematerial needed to absorb impacts, and its soft consistency, childrenusing wheelchairs. crutches or long-leg braces, cannot maneuvereasily over it. Another option is manufactured surfaces. These areavailable from a number of vendors. These surfaces are usuallymade from rubber, PVC plastics, or a combination of the two, andcan be obtained in a variety of colors and thicknesses. These surfacematerials arc soft and elastic to absorb shock, but firm enough tosupport wheelchairs, crutches and other mobility devices. They aretough, uurable, slip resistant and water permeable. In some in-stances, grass can be planted and will grow up through the surface.The major disadvantage of these surfaces is the cost of labor andmaterials. A considerable amount of labor for ground preparation isneeded before laying the material, to assure smoothness and properdrainage, and the material itself is comparatively expensive. Someof this can be recovered over time through ease of maintenance.


  • Playground Layout


    The arrangement of playground equipment determines thcefficiency and utility of the play environment. For safety play areas should be separated from walkways. Fixed itemsshould have 10 feet of clearance space around them, and any movingequipment should have 17 feet of clearance. The clearance alloca-tions for one item should not overlap those of another. Swing areasshould have a clearance of 12.5 feet beyond the swing extension, andin all directions of the swing arc. I land rails are often advised forplacement around the clearance areas of moving playground equip-ment, and these are particularly helpful for children with low vision.

    Children who use wheelchairs have restricted mobility.and limited reach. The following demonstrates the difference in therange of motion between an average sire child (child 6-9 years old,4 feet in height) standing as opposed to seated in a wheelchair.

    Seated in a wheelchair

    1:asy side reachiasy forward reach

    Maximum forward reachhigh reach ( forward)I sigh reach (side)Full reach (down)


    Side reachForward reachI liQh reach (forward)Hieh reach (side)Low reach (side)

    12 inches16 inches27 inches40 inches50 inches20 inches

    20 inches18 inches57 inches57 inches20 inches

    When installing items of equipment or activity areas.placement can he made within the range of motion for all childrenwhether they are in a wheelchair or standing. Where this is notfeasible, two similar items should be provided at differing heights ordistances.

    To accommodate wheelchairs. a surface area of at leasta 60 inch diameter circle is needed for a wheelchair to make a 360degree turn.

    Traffic Patterns

    For the universal playground environment to accommo-date the maximum number of children, equipment should be placedso that children do not become grid-locked in moving from oneinterest area to another. Where children with mobility challengeswill be included, the time devoted to planning functional trafficpatterns will be well spent.

    Swings, merry-go-rounds, and other moving items shouldbe located around the perimeter or at the corners of the play area.This helps prevent children from running into the path of these items,and separates the areas of greatest physical activity. By placing fixedpieces of equipment toward the center. it is possible to connect someof them with either bridges or tunnels so that some children can goover or under others when moving from one place to another.

    Wherever possible, there should be two or more methodsof access or egress for each piece of fixed equipment. A ramp or aslope with a handrail should be available for children with mobilitydisabilities, while other children use ladders or stairs.

    Practical Aesthetics


    Ideally. the play environment should he pleasing to the eyeas well as entertaining in function. The judicious use of trees andother plantings heightens the enjoyment of the play area for childrenand adults. By placing metal equipment in shaded areas, andorienting it to the north, heat build-up on items such as slides orteeter-totters can be reduced.

    The use of different paint colors to delineate activity areasadds visual interest and assists children with visual impairments tomaintain orientation in the play area. The use of colored surfacetreatmentsalso complements the decor. Some integrated play facili-ties have introduced sound elements, especially with tnoving equip-ment, to serve safety and orientation functions.

    Attractive rest and observation points provide space wherechildren can relax and watch activities in the play area. These pointsalso help playground superviscrs and parents to supervise children.Benches and space for a wheelchair to make a 360 degree turn arerequired in these areas.

    Variations in the play area's topography reduce visualmonotony. Care must be taken to assure low areas are well drained.Where water siands, and the ground becomes soft, potential hazardsare created for children who might stray off the firmer walkways.


    Another factor to be considerAl when planning the layoutof the play area is the ease of maintenance. Ready access for mowingmachines, and other maintenance vehicles is essential. Adult main-tenance rrsonne I must he able to access all parts of the play area tokeep it clean and to check all the equipment for potential safetyhazards.

  • Possible EquipmentDespite efforts to make universal play-

    grounds accessible to children with special needs,not all children will be able to use all equipment.Attempting to make every partof the universal playenvironment accessible to all children may reducethe challenge for some others, particularly thosewith superior physical skills. With adaptations,however, more of the playground can be used bychildren with special needs without reducing itsvalue for others.

    Several pieces of equipment are benefi-cial to all children. Some can be constructed byschool personnel or volunteers, waffle others areavailable from vendors. Which pieces of equip-ment to install first is a decision that usually be-comes apparent after a survey is made of thepotential users of the playground. By prejudgingthe equipment some children can utilize, there is adanger of denying them the opportunity to chal-lenge their abilities.

    Bt.E cC roc



    VI AAL..2,..;BBLE

    The following arc descriptions ofequipment items which are particularly suit-able for all students. For convenience, theseitems are grouped according to the develop-mental area most likely to be challengedby theequipment. Many of the equipment items,however, will enhance several developmentalareas.


  • Developmental Goals and Equipment ModificationsA. Social and Emotional Development


    Work and PlayTables

    Promotes quiet, cooperativeactivities alone or in small groups.

    Tables may be plain or have inlaid design.Tables should have sturdy benches.preferably with back-rests.

    Space fcr a wheelchair.Texturec surface design.

    Sand Table Promotes quiet. cooperative playalone or in small groups. Encouragesimagination. creative activities.

    A sandbox mounted on a table. Space for a wheelchair.Indentatiors around table to enablestudents will poor balance to stand.

    Sand Crane Promotes cooperation and socialinteraction.

    A pulley system with a rubber scoopattached to a chain or cable. Requires 2children to operate. one to fill the scoopand one to operate the pulley.

    Appropriate surface for a wheel-chair.Sound generated by pulley forstudent with visual impairment.

    Play Counter Encourages imaginative play withother children.

    A counter top usually mounted under aplatform which provides shelter.

    ',Appropriate surface and space for awheelchair.

    Play Hut Encourages imaginative play. Mayalso be used as a non-punitive time-out area.

    Sheltered area with some privacy but openenough to easily supervise.

    1.arge enough to accommodate aeelchair and 2 or 3 other children.

    Steering Wheel Encourages imaginative play either Steering wheel mounted on a post or beam.alone or with other children.

    ',Mount at different heights so thatone is accessible to students inwheelchairs.Add a horn so that students withvisual impairments can locate.

    Sympathetic Swing Promotes integration.cooperativeinteraction.

    Wheelchair Ramps


    Wide Slide

    Encourages socialization.


    Encourages socialization.

    1:ncourages socialization.

    Geared to a neighborhood swing. it ispropelled when the child's able bocliedcompanion swings.

    A sound producing device enabling(a) students with visual impairmentsto locate and determine if in use, and(h) students with developrimitaldelays to learn cause and f.ffect.

    Should be long enough to provide 1:12grade and be 5 feet wide with handrails attwo heights. Should be built to enableaccess to playground equipment. May alsoprovide a play area for all.


    Double the usual width, enabling twochildren or one child with one adult toslide down side-by-side.

    As in description.

    Ramped access.Textured areas to provide tactileorientation cues to students withvisual impairments.1.arge enough to enable either anadult or 2 children to go throughtoc.ether.

    Multiple access options includingramp for wheelchair.

    These goals and benefits may also promote an awareness of social responsibility by encouraging cooperative play among all children.

    7 Q

  • B. Perceptual Motor Development


    Tire Swing Improves balance and coordination. Swing with a tire for a seat, suspendedfrom a single point. Can seat one or morechildren.

    ! None required.

    Spring Teeter-totter Improves balance and coordination. Comes in models for two, three, four, oreven more children. Safer than thetraditional fulcrum teeter-totter.

    Provide a non-slip surface at centeri to enable child to lie there without

    slipping around.

    Spring Rides Improves balance and coordination. Mounted on sturdy coil springs, topped bycolorful stylized animal forms.

    Provide sound producing device toserve as auditory cue.Back supports on animals seats.

    Standard Swing Improves balance and coordination. Two point suspended swing with soft scator supportive harness seat.

    Provide sound producing device toserve as cue for locating anddetermining when in use.

    Log/Tire Roll Improves balance and gross motorskills.

    Mounted on an axle. Child stands ondevice while it rolls beneath his feet.handholds are provided.

    Provide sound producing device toensure auditory cue for locating andknowing when in use.

    Balance Beams Improves balance and gross motorskills.

    Installed a short distance above ground. Provide non-slip surface.

    Gadget Panel Improves fine motor skills. A panel on which various devices such asfaucets, knobs, latches. dials and switcheshave been mounted.

    Provide gadgets at different levels.Ensure wheelchair access.Provide tactile and auditory cues.

    Wide Slide Improves perceptual/motor skills. Double the usual width permitting 2children or an adult and one child to slidetogether.

    Install on embankment to reducerisk of injury in case of falls.

  • Playground EquipmentManufacturers & Distributors

    Achievement Products, Inc.P 0 Box 547Mineola, New York 11501516-757-8899

    All-American Recreation, IncPO Box 8191Tampa, Florida 33674800-346-0085

    Allstate Sales & Rentals2109 Bloomfield Woods CourtWest Bloomfield, Michigan 48033313 - DETROIT

    American Playtime Systems. Inc.230 Route 109Farmingdale, New York 11735-1503800-231-PLAY516-454-7858

    American Swing Products1320 Fayette StreetEl Cajon, California 92020800-433-2573

    Belson Manufacturing Company, Inc.111 North River DriveP 0 Box 207North Aurora, Illinois 60542800-323-5664

    Big Toys2601 South Wood StreetTacoma, Washington 98409-4793800-426-9788

    Burke Company, Inc.P 0 Box 549660 Van Dyne RoadFond du Lac, Wisconsin 54936-0549414-921-9220

    Childcraft Educational Corporation20 Kilmer RoadP 0 Box 3081Edison, New Jersey 08818-3081800-631-5652

    Children's Factory505 North Kirkwood RoadSt. Louis, Missouri 63122314-821-1441

    Clayton CompanyP 0 Box 740007Louisville, Kentucky 40201-7407800-626-2177

    Columbia Cascade Company1975 S.W. Fifth AvenuePortland, Oregon 97201-5293503-223-1157

    Community PlaythingsRoute 213Ritton, New York 12471914-658-3141

    Creative Playgrounds. Ltd.P 0 Box 10McFarland, Wisconsin 53553608-838-3326800-338-0522

    Creative Systems of California11285 Sunrise Gold Circle # CRancho Cordova, California 95742916-638-5375

    Engan-Tooley & AssociatesPO Box 4194East Lansing, Michigan 48826800-722-8546

    Environments, Inc.P 0 Box 1348Beaufort Industrial ParkBeaufort, South Carolina 29901-1348800-EICHILD

    Flaghouse, Inc.150 North MacQuesten ParkwayRoom G437Mt. Vernon, New York 10550800-221-5785

    Florida Playground & Steel Co.4701 South 50th StreetTampa, Florida 33619800-444-2655

    GameTimePO Box 121Ft. Payne. Alabama 35967205-845-5610800-235-2440

    Gerber Manufacturing, Inc.2917 Latham DriveMadison, Wisconsin 53562608-271-2777

  • Gerstung6308-10 Blair Hill LaneBaltimore, Maryland 21209800-922-3575

    Gyro North AmericaP 0 Box 1439New London, New Hampshire800-225-7529

    HAGS PlaySwedes Systems2180 Stratingham DriveDublin, Ohio 43017614-889-9026

    Landscape Structures, Inc.601 Seventh Street SouthDelano, Minnesota 55328612-972-3391800-328-0035

    Log Rhythms Playground Specialists. Inc.03257 POBox 14

    Boulder, Colorado 80306303-447-2667800-874-2667

    Iron Mountain ForgeP 0 Box 897One Iron Mountain DriveFarmington, Missouri 63640-0897800-325-8828

    Jack Golden & Associates16475 StrickerEast Detroit, Michigan 48021313-772-4117

    Jayfro Corporation976 HartfordWaterford, Connecticut 06385800-243-0533

    Jennings2764 Armstrong DriveLake Orion, Michigan 48035800-632-4153

    Kee Industrial Products, Inc.PO Box 207Buffalo, New York 14225800-851-5181

    Kidsports Fun & Fitness Center3026 Penn AvenueWest Lawn, Pennsylvania 19609215-678-1630

    Kompan, Inc.80 King Spring F oadP 0 Box 3536Windsor Locks, Connecticut 06.96800-553-2446

    Kraftsman Playground & Park EquipmentA Division of Playkraft, Inc.12310 Old Foltin RoadHouston, Texas 77086-3514713-447-7484800-451-4869


    Michigan Playground and Recreation Equipment, Inc.2313 BeachwoodRoyal Oak, Michigan 48073313-588-8450

    Michigan Products Inc.1200 Keystone AvenuePO Box 24155Lansing, Michigan 48909-4155800-444-1773

    Miracle Recreation Equipment CompanyP 0 Box 420Monett, Missouri 65708800-523-4202417-235-6917

    New England Camp & Recreation Supply CompanyPO Box 7106Dallas, Texas 75209800-343-0210

    Olympic Recreation5811 East Dunes HighwayGary, Indiana 46403800-255-0153219-938-3331

    PCA Industries5642 Natural BridgeSt. Louis, Missouri 63120800-727-8180314-359-4140

    PlaymateDelmer F. Harris Company, Inc.P 0 Box 278Concordia, Kansas 66901901-243-3321

    Playworld SystemsP 0 Box 505315 Cherry StreetNew Berlin, Pennsylvania 17855800-233-84U4

  • Quality Industries, Inc.Curtis Marketing CorporationHillsdale Industrial ParkP 0 Box 765Hillsdale, Michigan 49242-0765517-439-1591800-766-9458(made from recycled milk jugs)

    Rainbow Play Systems, Inc.5980 Rainbow ParkwayPrior Lake, Minnesota 55372612-447-2553

    Recreation Technology, Inc.P 0 Box 1048Dunkirk, Maryland 20754-1048301-855-5348

    Seavey Corporation563 Collage AvenueHolland, Michigan 49423800-444-4954

    Snitz Manufacturing Company2096 South Church StreetEast Troy, Wisconsin 53120800-642-3991

    SportimeSelect Service & Supply Company, Inc.2905-E Amwiler RoadAtlanta, Georgia 30360800-444-5700

    Sutcliffe Leisure Inc.3111 Broadway 4BNew York, New York 10027212-865-1626

    TotTimePO Box 121Fort Payne, Alabama 35967205-845-5610

    Ultra Play Systems, Inc.724 W. Eighth StreetAnderson, Indiana 46016800-45-ULTRA

    Victor Stanley, Inc.Brick House RoadDunkirk, Maryland 20754301-855-8300

    Wabash Valley MidwestP 0 Box 5State Road 15 NorthSilver Lake, Indiana 46982219-352-2168

    Wapello Fabricators Company, Inc.210 North 2nd StreetWapello, Iowa 52653319-523-8371

    Wausau TileP 0 Box 1520Wausau, Wisconsin 54402-1520215-359-3121

    Wooden Environments, Inc.1890 Evergreen AvenueSpeonk, Long Island, New York 11972-0915516-325-1020800-662-0922


  • Playground Surface Materials

    GREENPARKBreakfall Inc.759 North Milwaukee StreetMilwaukee, Wisconsin 53202414-273-7828

    PLAYGUARDSUPERTOPCarlisle Tire & Rubber CompanyP 0 Box 991415 Ritner HighwayCarlisle, Pennsylvania 17013717-249-1000800-827-1001

    RUFFHOUSEConnor AGA, Inc251 Industrial Park RoadAmasa. Michigan 49903906-822-7311800-833-7144

    FIBARThe Fibar System823 West StreetHarrison. New York 105281-800-FIBAR-Al

    DINOFLEX SAFETY TILESKiefer Specialty Flooring, Inc4211 Highway 173Zion. Illinois 60099-4093800-322-5448

    TUFFTURFLandscape Structures IncRoute 3601 7th Street SouthDelano, Minnesota 55328612-972-3391

    SAFETY DECKMat Factory Inc.1378 East Edinger AvenueSanta Ana. California 92705714-547-7623

    E-Z FALLMitchell Rubber Products. Inc.491 Wilson WayCity of Industry. California 91744800-453-7526

    SAFDEKNo Fault Industries11325 Pennywood DriveBaton Rouge, Lousiana 70809800-232-7766


    SECURITY BLANKETPlayfield Industries IncP 0 Box 1564Williamsville, New York 1 4231 -1 5641-800-263-5730

    FALL SAVERPLAY SAFEPlaySafe Surfaces Inc240 West Bristol LaneOrange, California 92665714-974-6282800-875-5788

    SAFE GUARDSafe Guard Surfacing Corporation493 North Country RoadSt. James, New York 11780516-862-1276

    CUSHIONAIRESurfacing Concepts IncTom Baines & Associates Inc25875 JeffersonSt. Claire Shores, Michigan 48081313-468-9888

    TIRE TURFTire Turf Systems Inc.PO Box 186Harlan, Indiana 46743219-657-5129

    SHOCK TURFWaste Reduction Systems114 North WarpoleUpper Sandusky, Ohio 43351419-294-1356

    WOODCARPETZeager Brothers Inc4000 East Harrisburg PikeMiddleton, Pennsylvania 17057

    PAM Assistance Centre601 West Maple Street

    Lansing, Michigan 48906-5038Telephone 1-800-274-7426

    517-371-5897Voice or TDD

    .1 :3


    Hand -over hand Bars Improves upper body strength andI coordination.

    Overhead bars at different heights. Construct at different heights toenable access from wheelchairs.

    Chinning Bars Improves upper body strength. I Chinning bars at different heights. Construct at different heights toenable access from wheelchairs.

    Parallel Bars Improves upper body strength and Can be either horizontal or inclined.coordination, and balance.

    Construct at different levels and ofdifferent widths to enable access bymore children.

    Adjustable Basketball'loop

    Improves upper extremity strengthand eye-hand coordination.

    Basketball hoop adjustable to differentheights.

    Ensure wheelchair access., Add some sound producing device

    to serve as auditory cue.

    Cargo /Chain/TireNets

    Improves upper and lower extremityf strength.

    Can also serve as safety device belowhigh towers.

    Construct multiple means of access.

    Tube and Half tubeSlides

    Improves upper and lower extremitystrength.

    Enables child to slide independently. Construct multiple means of access.

    Stairs and InclinedLadders

    Improves upper and lower extremityI

    strength.Wide enough to permit children to pass

    ; going up, down or sideways. Can benegotiated using arms or legs.

    Ensure ramped access.

    Bridges Improves balance and coordination. May be tire bridges, clatter bridges orother modifications.

    Accessible by wheelchair whereappropriate.Provide handrails at differentheights.Provide textured surfaces.Provide auditory cues for locatingand knowing when in use.


    Music Panel Stimulates auditory discrimination. Incorporates a number of music producing Devices should be at varyingdevices that can be sounded with a stick or heights to ensure hand. Ensure surrounding surface is

    wheelchair accessible.

    Colored Panels Stimulates visual awareness. Different colored panels placed side by None required.side or throughout the area.

    Bucket Table Stimulates tactile awareness. Table with water and a bucket or buckets. Provide access for students inwheelchairs.Provide indentations around thetable to help students with poorbalance.

    Sand Box or Table Stimulates tactile awareness. Table or box with sand in it and ideallycovered when not in use.

    Ensure wheelchair access.Provide indentation around table tohelp balance.If box, provide backed seating incorners for students with poorbalance.

    These goals and benefits may also provide artistic and aesthetic development by encouraging auditory. visual and tactile awareness.

    A Typical Master Plan

    Shade "frees



    ShadedFence Sitting Area

    ._L_., ,.......

    School Age :-t--

    Play Area Toddler/, ,. Preschool


  • E. Intellectual Development


    Tunnel Concepts of in, out, through and Tunnel. Multiple means of access.across.

    Bridges Concepts of over, under, up. down. May be clatter bridges, tire bridges or other Accessible by wheelchair wherehi6h and low. modifications. appropriate.

    Provide handrails at differentheights.Provide textured surfaces.Provide auditory cues for locatingand knowing when in use.

    Walls with colors Concepts of shapes and colors. Modular panels with different shapes cut Ensure wheelchair accessibility.and shapes on them out or with different colors.

    Bucket Table Concepts of conservation of Bucket table with water in it and a bucket Provide access for students inmaterial. volume and measurement. or buckets. wheelchairs.

    Provide indentations around table tohelp students with poor balance.

    Relief Maps Improve orientation and develop Relief maps of playground.; spatial concepts.

    Ensure wheelchair accessibility.

    Guide Rails Improve orientation and developspatial concepts. locations throughout the playground.

    Guide rails around and at strategic Provide at different heights.


    Dear Friend:

    The Planning Committee of the Universal Playground is interested in your ideas for creating the ideal play environment for all children in thecommunity. We would greatly appreciate your assistance in responding to the following items. ( Please check the appropriate box(es)}.

    1. Which one of the following categories best describe your position?


    2. Which of the following categories best describes you or your student's special needs?



    3. What adaptations would be most useful?





    4. Which of the following pieces of equipment would the student(s) most enjoy?




    5. Will student(s) be using the p1 yground during out-of-school hours?


    6. Comments or Suggestions





    Planning Steps

    1. Has a commitment been made by the school district to develop aplayground accessible to all children?

    Has a planning committee representative of school professionals, thecommunity and the consumer population been appointed?

    3. Has the rationale for the project, with goals and objectivesbeen formulated?

    4. Have the problems and needs of the project been determined?

    5. Has a work schedule with time lines leading to the completion of theproject been developed?

    6. I las an inventory including reference materials, articles. catalogs. andguidelines been accumulated?

    7. Have all relevant government regulations and policies been reviewed?

    8. Have the available levels of financial and personal resources been determined?

    9. Has the decision been made whether or not a commercial contractor oran architect will be retained?

    10. Have hearings, and/or a survey of potential users of the facilitybeen conducted?

    11. Has a list been developed of desired elements in the final plan?

    12. Have the alternatives to be included immediately been included?

    13. Have the remaining alternatives included in the final plan been prioritizedfor future inclusion?

    14. Have potential sources of future funding been investigated?

    15. l lave working blueprints of the project been drawn up?

    16. Have bids been let to contractors or construction begun by local personnel?

    i 7. Has the project been publicized through various media sources and anopening day celebration planned?

    18. Has a final inspection for safety and workmanship been conducted andcertification of approval granted?

    YES NO



    1. Is there a wide parking space with an access symbol on it near theplayground area?

    2. Can a person in a wheelchair reach the walkways without having topass behind parked cars?

    3. Are there curb ramps to enable wheelchairs to reach the walkways?

    4. Are the walkways at least 5 feet wide?

    5. Are the walkways smooth with appropriate surfaces and proper gradients?

    6. Do walkways have handrails on at least one side?

    7. Has vegetation overhanging the walkway been removed and any toxicor thorny plants eliminated?

    8. Have firm, but resilient materials been used to enable children withmobility problems to reach the access and egress points for each activity?

    9. Are resilient materials provided at all places where potential impactmay occur?

    10. Are handrails or other harriers placed around all moving piecesof equipment?

    11. Are there two or more methods to access or egress each pieceof equipment?

    12. Is a variety of color used to help orient children with visual impairments?

    13. Are there rest areas provided out of the traffic pattern?

    14. Are there appropriate (1:12 grade) ramps, at least 3 feet wide, to enablechildren with mobility impairments to reach all activity areas?

    15. Has equipment been modified to enable access by children withspecial needs?

    16. Are the landings wide enough to enable wheelchairs to turn?

    14 o

    YES NO

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  • ResourcesA Model Playground for the Multiply Handicapped. Office of Recreation and Park Resources, Department of Leisure Studies,Cooperative Extension Service, University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, September, 1982.

    D' Aloisio, Sherri. Community Effort Brings Children With Different Abilities Together. O.T, Week. December 24, 1987.

    Design Guide for Accessible Outdoor Recreation. Prepared by Interagency Guidelines Task Group for Accessible Outdoor Recrea-tion, Washington, DC, September, 1990.

    Handbook for Public Playground Safety. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Washington, DC, 1991.

    Inclusive Recreation: Planning Recreation Opportunities for People of AU Abilities. Michigan Department of Natural Resources,Recreation Division, Recreation Services Branch, February, 1992.

    Lamport, Nancy. A Magic Ground For Playing. O.T. Week. November 2, 1989.

    Stout, Janet. Planning Playgrounds for Children With Disabilities. The American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 42 (10)1988.

    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research. A Playground for All Children:Book-1 User Groups and Site Selection U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington. DC 20402, January, 1976.

    U.S. Department of Housing and urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research. A Playground for All Children:Book-2 Design Competition Program, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, August, 1976.

    U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research. A Playground for All Children:Book-3 Resource Book, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, May, 1978.

    Physically Impaired Association of Michigan601 West Maple StreetLansing, Michigan 48906

    Eric ClearinghouseAcQuisitions Specialist.19%0 Association DPPeston

    . VA 22091

    Non-Profit Org.U.S. PostagePAIDLANSING, MIPERMIT No. 788