private and personal information

Private and Personal Information Common Sense Unit l – Lesson 2 (Cross-Curricular Categories) Privacy and Security Information Literacy

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Private and Personal Information. Common Sense Unit l – Lesson 2 (Cross-Curricular Categories) Privacy and Security Information Literacy. Learning Objective. Students will be able to ... - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Private and Personal Information

Private and Personal Information

Common SenseUnit l – Lesson 2

(Cross-Curricular Categories)Privacy and SecurityInformation Literacy

Page 2: Private and Personal Information

Learning Objective Students will be able to ...•learn about the benefits of sharing information

online, but also about the safety and security risks of sharing certain types of information.

•understand what type of information can put them at risk for identity theft and other scams.

•distinguish between personal information, which is safe to share online, and private information, which is unsafe to share.

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IntroductionWhat types of information do you think

areokay to share publicly online, on a

profilethat others will see, for instance?

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Vocabularyregister (online): to enter your information in order to sign up and get access to a website

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IntroductionHere are some examples of websites

whereyou must register in order to



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Log In

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Log In

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Log In

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Log In

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Log In

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Log InWhat information is required and why doyou think it is required?

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Log InWhat information is optional, and why doyou think it is optional?

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Log InWhy do you think websites ask for this kindof information?

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Private and Personal

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Private and Personal

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Vocabulary personal information: information that

can’t be used to identify you, such as your age, gender, how many siblings you have, your favorite food, etc.

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Vocabularyprivate information:information that can be used toidentify you, such as your SocialSecurity number, street address,email, phone number, etc.

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Vocabularyidentity theft: when a thief steals someone’s private information in order to pretend to be that person

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Private and PersonalWhy would someone want to steal someoneelse’s identity on the Internet?

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Private and Personal What kinds of private information could

an identity thief use to find out and steal your identity?

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Private and PersonalWhat kinds of personal information could

youshare about yourself without showingyour identity?

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Private and Personal Information

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Private and Personal Information

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What’s Safe to Share Online

Is there anything on the lists that could be used

by an identity thief? Why?

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Wrap-UpWhat is identity theft?

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Wrap-UpHow does personal information and privateinformation differ?

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Wrap-Up What would be a good rule for kids about

giving out private information online?

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Extension Activity Directions Pretend you have a public profile in an online community. There are people you know, and people you don’t know, who can view your

profile. Write down personal information that you

would want to share about yourself. Make sure that everything on your list is safe to share and that it is not private information that could reveal your identity.

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