process and device for the automatic recognition and detection of discontinuities and irregularities...

ND T Abstracts 39653 Langman, R Measurement of stress b3, a magnetic method Proceedmgs of the 4th European Conference on Non-Destructtve Testing. London (Untted Kingdom), 13-17 Sep 1987 Vol 3, pp 1783-1799 Pergamon Press, 3173 pp (1988) An instrument, called the rotation rig, has been made thai uses the effect of anlsotropy of steel under stress It conststs of a probe, contaJnmg a C-core and sensing coils, that is rotated by hand against the steel Some stgnal processing produces an output voltage that ~s closely related to angle o" the angle between the flux denstty and field strength of the apphed magneuc field It wall, w~th suitable cahbrauon, enable the difference m pnnctpal stresses and their directions to be measured The stress-difference is averaged over an area of about 5mm x 5turn to a depth of 1 or 2ram The rotation ng is cheap to make, portable, and qmck to use and ~t works through pa,nt or rust Measurements of the isochromaucs and ISoc]InlCS in steel disc compressed across a d~ameter, are g~ven, that agree well wtth predtcted values An automatic version of the rotaUon ng has been made and is being used to measure the stress pattern on the ares of radway wheels 39584 Clark, A V, Fukuoka, H, MttrakovzL, D V, Moulder, J Ultrasonic characterlzatton of residual stress texture in cast steel railroad wheels Nattonal Bureau of Standards (IMSE), Boulder, Colorado (Umted States), PB88-192182, 9 pp (1987) Not held al Harwell. An ultrasonic technique has been used to characterlse the state of residual stress and texture m the nms of cast steel radroad wheels Orthogonally polarized shea.r-hortzontal (SH) waves are propagated through the thickness of the nm m pulse-echo mode The difference of amval umes of these waves (acoustic blrefnngence) depends upon both texture and stress The btrefnngence, B, was measured using two transducers an electromagnenc-acoust=c transducer (EMAT) and a pmzoelectnc transducer Two wheels were tested The wheel had a sawcut, whJch locally reheved the restdual (hoop) stress Measurement of the blrefrmgence at the sawcut has allowed estzmat=on of contribution of texture 39489 Bubeck, E New equipments for non-destructive testing of rails, shapes and plates Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, London (Umted Kmgdom), 13-17 Sep 1987 Vol 2, pp 1238-1243 Pergamon Press, 3173 pp_ (1988) Increasing quahty requirements on semi-finished products concerning flaw-less surfaces call for reliable and reproducible flaw detectabd=ty under rugged m line testing condmons_ Non-destrucuve testing devices made by INSTITUT DR FOERSTER fulfil these demands Eddy-current flaw testing of flat, bent, and of edge shaped metal surfaces is applied to razls, shapes and plates Few different types of transmitter systems for different types of flaws and surface geometries, combined tn dtstmct geomemcal arrangements allow a variety of mdtv~dual soluuons for non-destructive quality assurance 39351 Soctete Nattonale des Chemtns de Fer Francats and Marrtx Industries Process and device for the automatic recognition and detection of discontinuities and irregularities in the rails of railroad tracks U S. Patent No 4,662,224 (5 May 1987) This dev=ce perm=ts automatic m sttu detection and recogmUon of discontinuities or Jrregulanues m radway tracks Th~s =s performed continuously using a truck which moves along the track w~th at least two ultrasomc transmitting and receiving devices attached to ~t_ A further transducer, mounted, laterally displaced, near the rad provides further mformatton on enabling cracks to be d~sUngulshed from finished joints along the raft 39117 Bubeck, E_ Eddy current probe arrangements for nondestructive testing of rails, profile sections and sheets (In German) Matertalprufung, Vol 30, No 7-8, pp 243-245 (Jul_Aug. 1988) Growing demands for quality concerning defect free surfaces of seml- fimshed products require reliable and reproducible defect detecuon even under rough m-hne testing conditions Testing systems are descnbed which fulfill these requirements, Eddy current testing for defects of plane and curved surfaces and of edges ts applied on rads, profile sections, and sheets_ A few different probe systems for dtfferent defect types and surface geomemes ma~, be combined to var=ous arrangements for individual soluuons of a var=ety of nondestrucuve teSllng problems 39005 Kopek, B Current methods of testing the structure of ratlwa_~ wheel axles by ultrasound Bnttsh Industrtal and SctentlflC lntematzonal lranslat~on,,, Service London (United Kmgdom), BISI-25205, 15 pp (Jan 1987) Th~s paper addresses the problems of nondestrucUve testing of radway wheel axles using ultrasound Factors, especially damping affecting the results of these tests, are also analysed and va.rtous effects which need to be taken into account are hsted 38423 Kopec, B Characterization of very fine pearlitlc structure using ultrasonic attenuation techntque Ultrasomcs Internatzonal 87, Conference Proceedings. London (Unzted Kingdom). 6-9 Jul 1987 pp 353-358. Butterworth and Co (Pubhshers) Ltd. Guddford, Surrey (I 987) On the basts of measurement of attenuauon of ultrasound =n samples of quenched railway wheel sets with very fine pearhuc structure, an analysts of influences of scattenng of ultrasomc waves on structural factors of pearhuc steel ts carried out Posstbdthes of evaluauon of structural factors and phystcal-metallurglcal properties of pearhuc steels on the basis of the scattenflg component of attenuataon are determined 38250 McLeod. AJ, Clegg. R E Use of magnetic sortmg and hardness tests to detect tmproper heat treatment in railway springspikes Non-Destructtve Testmg - Austraha. Vol, 24, No 6. pp 144-147 (Nov/Dec 1987) A spmgsptke or Iocksp~ke, ~s a haarpm-shaped device for fixing wooden sleeper plates to wooden sleepers m railways Thts paper reports the history of a quahty control programme for spmgspJkes whtch employed hardness testing, metallographJc exammatton, and magnenc sorting to ~denufy and chromate incons~stencres in heat treatment 38152 Haran, S Analysis of acoustic signatures m the inspection of railroad wheels Dissertatton Abstracts International, Vol 48, No 6, p 1784 (Dec 1987) The analys~s of acoustic signatures m the mspect~on of railroad wheels ~s presented Earher work has estabhshed the feas=bdlty of acousUc s~gnature mspecuon for this purpose, to the extent that such a system has been installed and operated on a Southern Pacific Transportation Company line The purpose Ks to inspect the wheels on a mun as it goes past an inspection s=te, and analyze the data m real ume The wheels on the tram are sensed by magnenc wheel sensors whmchalert an electromechamcal hammer, installed on the ~,aslde of each track The hammers stnke the wheels on each axle. and the sound is picked up by a microphone installed m front of each hammer and transmitted to a minicomputer at a remote location via dedicated telephone lines Prevtous work has estabhshed that the best detection method Js a comparison of signatures from the two wheels on an axle 37976 Soczete Nattonale des Chermns de Fer Francats Method and apparatus for the non-destructive testmng of railroad track rails U.S_ Patent No 4,689,995 (1 Sep. 1987) Using ultrasonJc techniques, railway track rails are tested in sttu for defects Ultrasomc waves pass between two transducers above and below the rad Time delays between reflected signals ~s used to determine the magmtude and dlrectaon of changes m s~gnal strengths and thus to offer information about possible flaws 37929 Polosukhma, O.A , Moroz, V R Shul'gtn, V V, Reutov, V S, Kraft, GA Non-destructtve determination of the mechanical properties of rail straps Stal, Vol 87/88. No. 7, pp 1-4 (1986) The use of the magnetic method for determining the mechantcal properties of steel rail straps is descnhed Metal from every tenth heating of the sample is respected on dehvery and laborious tests therefore become unnecessary 37616 Mmato. S Feasibility study on cosmic-ray nondestructive testing through structural analysis of subway stations NDT Intemattonal, Vol 20, No 4, pp 231-234 (Aug 1987) Cosmic-ray mtensmes were measured at the platforms of 64 subway staUons m Nagoya City u~mg a 7 62 cm dmmeter spherical NaI(TI) 2.16 NDT&E Internatlonal Volume 26 Number4 1993

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ND T Abstracts

39653 Langman, R M e a s u r e m e n t of s t ress b3, a magne t i c m e t hod Proceedmgs of the 4th European Conference on Non-Destructtve Testing. London (Untted Kingdom), 13-17 Sep 1987 Vol 3, pp 1783-1799 Pergamon Press, 3173 pp (1988)

An instrument, called the rotation rig, has been made thai uses the effect of anlsotropy of steel under stress It conststs of a probe, contaJnmg a C-core and sensing coils, that is rotated by hand against the steel Some stgnal processing produces an output voltage that ~s closely related to angle o" the angle between the flux denstty and field strength of the apphed magneuc field It wall, w~th suitable cahbrauon, enable the difference m pnnctpal stresses and their directions to be measured The stress-difference is averaged over an area of about 5mm x 5turn to a depth of 1 or 2ram The rotation ng is cheap to make, portable, and qmck to use and ~t works through pa,nt or rust Measurements of the isochromaucs and ISoc]InlCS in

steel disc compressed across a d~ameter, are g~ven, that agree well wtth predtcted values An automatic version of the rotaUon ng has been made and is being used to measure the stress pattern on the ares of radway wheels

39584 Clark, A V, Fukuoka, H , MttrakovzL, D V, Moulder, J Ult rasonic cha rac te r l za t ton of res idual s t ress tex ture in cast steel railroad wheels Nattonal Bureau of Standards (IMSE), Boulder, Colorado (Umted States), PB88-192182, 9 pp (1987) Not held al Harwell.

An ultrasonic technique has been used to characterlse the state of residual stress and texture m the nms of cast steel radroad wheels Orthogonally polarized shea.r-hortzontal (SH) waves are propagated through the thickness of the nm m pulse-echo mode The difference of amval umes of these waves (acoustic blrefnngence) depends upon both texture and stress The btrefnngence, B, was measured using two transducers an electromagnenc-acoust=c transducer (EMAT) and a pmzoelectnc transducer Two wheels were tested The wheel had a sawcut, whJch locally reheved the restdual (hoop) stress Measurement of the blrefrmgence at the sawcut has allowed estzmat=on of contribution of texture

39489 Bubeck, E New equipments for non-destructive testing of rails, shapes and plates Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Non-Destructive Testing, London (Umted Kmgdom), 13-17 Sep 1987 Vol 2, pp 1238-1243 Pergamon Press, 3173 pp_ (1988)

Increasing quahty requirements on semi-finished products concerning flaw-less surfaces call for reliable and reproducible flaw detectabd=ty under rugged m line testing condmons_ Non-destrucuve testing devices made by INSTITUT DR FOERSTER fulfil these demands Eddy-current flaw testing of flat, bent, and of edge shaped metal surfaces is applied to razls, shapes and plates Few different types of transmitter systems for different types of flaws and surface geometries, combined tn dtstmct geomemcal arrangements allow a variety of mdtv~dual soluuons for non-destructive quality assurance

39351 Soctete Nattonale des Chemtns de Fer Francats and Marrtx Industries Process and device for the automatic recognition and detection of discontinuities and i r regu la r i t i e s in the rails of ra i l road tracks U S. Patent No 4,662,224 (5 May 1987)

This dev=ce perm=ts automatic m sttu detection and recogmUon of discontinuities or Jrregulanues m radway tracks Th~s =s performed continuously using a truck which moves along the track w~th at least two ultrasomc transmitting and receiving devices attached to ~t_ A further transducer, mounted, laterally displaced, near the rad provides further mformatton on enabling cracks to be d~sUngulshed from finished joints along the raft

39117 Bubeck, E_ Eddy current probe arrangements for nondestructive testing of rails, profile sections and sheets (In German) Matertalprufung, Vol 30, No 7-8, pp 243-245 (Jul_Aug. 1988)

Growing demands for quality concerning defect free surfaces of seml- fimshed products require reliable and reproducible defect detecuon even under rough m-hne testing conditions Testing systems are descnbed which fulfill these requirements, Eddy current testing for defects of plane and curved surfaces and of edges ts applied on rads, profile sections, and sheets_ A few different probe systems for dtfferent defect types and surface geomemes ma~, be combined to var=ous arrangements for individual soluuons of a var=ety of nondestrucuve teSllng problems

39005 Kopek, B C u r r e n t me thods of test ing the s t r u c t u r e of ratlwa_~ wheel axles by u l t r a s o u n d Bnttsh Industrtal and SctentlflC lntematzonal lranslat~on,,, Service London (United Kmgdom), BISI-25205, 15 pp (Jan 1987)

Th~s paper addresses the problems of nondestrucUve testing of radway wheel axles using ultrasound Factors, especially damping affecting the results of these tests, are also analysed and va.rtous effects which need to be taken into account are hsted

38423 Kopec, B Charac t e r i za t i on of very fine pearl i t lc s t r u c t u r e us ing u l t rasonic a t t enua t ion techntque Ultrasomcs Internatzonal 87, Conference Proceedings. London (Unzted Kingdom). 6-9 Jul 1987 pp 353-358. Butterworth and Co (Pubhshers) Ltd . Guddford, Surrey (I 987)

On the basts of measurement of attenuauon of ultrasound =n samples of quenched railway wheel sets with very fine pearhuc structure, an analysts of influences of scattenng of ultrasomc waves on structural factors of pearhuc steel ts carried out Posstbdthes of evaluauon of structural factors and phystcal-metallurglcal properties of pearhuc steels on the basis of the scattenflg component of attenuataon are determined

38250 McLeod. A J , Clegg. R E Use of magnet ic s o r t m g and hardness tests to detect t m p r o p e r heat t r ea tmen t in railway springspikes Non-Destructtve Testmg - Austraha. Vol, 24, No 6. pp 144-147 ( Nov /De c 1987)

A spmgsptke or Iocksp~ke, ~s a haarpm-shaped device for fixing wooden sleeper plates to wooden sleepers m railways Thts paper reports the history of a quahty control programme for spmgspJkes whtch employed hardness testing, metallographJc exammatton, and magnenc sorting to ~denufy and chromate incons~stencres in heat treatment

38152 Haran, S Analysis of acoust ic s igna tu res m the inspection of ra i l road wheels Dissertatton Abstracts International, Vol 48, No 6, p 1784 (Dec

1987) The analys~s of acoustic signatures m the mspect~on of railroad wheels ~s

presented Earher work has estabhshed the feas=bdlty of acousUc s~gnature mspecuon for this purpose, to the extent that such a system has been installed and operated on a Southern Pacific Transportation Company line The purpose Ks to inspect the wheels on a mun as it goes past an inspection s=te, and analyze the data m real ume The wheels on the tram are sensed by magnenc wheel sensors whmch alert an electromechamcal hammer, installed on the ~,aslde of each track The hammers stnke the wheels on each axle. and the sound is picked up by a microphone installed m front of each hammer and transmitted to a minicomputer at a remote location via dedicated telephone lines Prevtous work has estabhshed that the best detection method Js a comparison of signatures from the two wheels on an axle

37976 Soczete Nattonale des Chermns de Fer Francats Method and apparatus for the non-des t ruc t ive testmng of ra i l road t rack rails U.S_ Patent No 4,689,995 (1 Sep. 1987)

Using ultrasonJc techniques, railway track rails are tested in sttu for defects Ultrasomc waves pass between two transducers above and below the rad Time delays between reflected signals ~s used to determine the magmtude and dlrectaon of changes m s~gnal strengths and thus to offer information about possible flaws

37929 Polosukhma, O.A , Moroz, V R Shul'gtn, V V , Reutov, V S , Kraft, G A Non-des t ruc t tve de t e rmina t ion of the mechan ica l p roper t i e s of rail s t r a p s Stal, Vol 87/88. No. 7, pp 1-4 (1986)

The use of the magnetic method for determining the mechantcal properties of steel rail straps is descnhed Metal from every tenth heating of the sample is respected on dehvery and laborious tests therefore become unnecessary

37616 Mmato. S Feasibil i ty s tudy on cosmic-ray nondestructive testing through s t ruc tu r a l analysis of subway s ta t ions NDT Intemattonal, Vol 20, No 4, pp 231-234 (Aug 1987)

Cosmic-ray mtensmes were measured at the platforms of 64 subway staUons m Nagoya City u~mg a 7 62 cm dmmeter spherical NaI(TI)

2.16 N D T & E Internatlonal Volume 26 Number4 1993