prodigal: the younger brother


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Page 1: Prodigal: The Younger Brother
Page 2: Prodigal: The Younger Brother

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Haymaker 305 (1996-1997)

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Haymaker 305 (1996-1997)

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Haymaker 305 (1996-1997)

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Haymaker 305 (1996-1997)

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Haymaker 305 (1996-1997)

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Haymaker 305 (1996-1997)

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Page 13: Prodigal: The Younger Brother

GRACE:The Gift of the Un-merited Favor of God.

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PRODIGAL:Recklessly Extravagant….Lavishly Spending Everything.

Page 15: Prodigal: The Younger Brother

“Grace does not depend on what we have done for God but rather what God has done for us….There is nothing we can do to make God love us more. There is nothing we can do to make God love us less."

-Philip Yancey, What’s so Amazing about Grace

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Page 17: Prodigal: The Younger Brother

Rembrandt Van Rijn(1606-1669)

“The Return of the

Prodigal Son” (1669)

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Page 19: Prodigal: The Younger Brother

-Father, Two Sons “There was a man who had two


(Luke 15:11)

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-Father, Two Sons-The Prodigal Son

“Father, give me my share of the


(Luke 15:12)

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-Father, Two Sons-The Prodigal Son-The Prodigal Son Leaves Home

“He set off for a distant country…

and there squandered his wealth in wild


(Luke 15:13)

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Rembrandt Van Rijn(1606-1669)

“Self-Portait as a Young Man”


Page 23: Prodigal: The Younger Brother

Rembrandt Van Rijn(1606-1669)

“Self-Portait with Saskia:

The Prodigal in the Tavern”


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-Father, Two Sons-Prodigal Son-The Prodigal Son Leaves Home-The Prodigal Son Returns Home

When he came to his senses…He said “I will set

out and go back to my father…”

(Luke 15:17-18)

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-Father, Two Sons-Prodigal Son-The Prodigal Son Leaves Home-The Prodigal Son Returns Home

When he came to his senses…He said “I will set

out and go back to my father… ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and

against you.’”

(Luke 15:17-18, 21)

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-Father, Two Sons-Prodigal Son-The Prodigal Son Leaves Home-The Prodigal Son Returns Home-Father’s Open Arms

“But while he was still a long

way off…his father saw him and was filled

with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him

and kissed him…”

(Luke 15:20)

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-Father, Two Sons-Prodigal Son-The Prodigal Son Leaves Home-The Prodigal Son Returns Home-Father’s Open Arms-Great Celebration

“‘Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and

sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened

calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and

celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ So

they began to celebrate.”

(Luke 15:22-24)

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Rembrandt Van Rijn(1606-1669)

“Self-Portait #7” (1669)

Page 29: Prodigal: The Younger Brother

Rembrandt Van Rijn(1606-1669)

“The Return of the

Prodigal Son” (1669)

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Page 31: Prodigal: The Younger Brother

1 Corinthians 5:17

I anyone is in Christ they are a New Creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

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