producing my school magazine cover


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Post on 24-May-2015




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my school magazine cover process


Page 1: Producing My School Magazine Cover
Page 2: Producing My School Magazine Cover

Lesson 1 – Photoshop SkillsIn this lesson we learned how to edit and enhance images on Photoshop

Elements in order for them to look more professional and with more quality.

Editing included: Removal of blemishes via using spot healing tool. Gausaim blur on image. Used eraser to sharpen out main features such as her eyes, lips, eyebrows and earring. Brush tool to alter eye colour with addition of soft light and adjusted opacity. Colourize tool with adjusted hue and saturation for more redness of hair.

Page 3: Producing My School Magazine Cover

Lesson 2 – School Magazine Covers Analysis

1) I liked the masthead in this magazine since its a very clear and bold font with strong and vivid colours. The background picture follows the rule of thirds with the lady’s face being a main highlight amidst the cover.

The cover lines are catchy and simple, which will attract readers.The text is generally lined up with each other and the cover follows a good colour scheme (pink, red and black) .

Page 4: Producing My School Magazine Cover

2)Dissimilarly to the previous cover, the colours of this one are generally dark and in a sepia tone, which would probably not attract as many readers due to the lack of vibrant colours. There are 3 fonts in the cover and the masthead is big and bold which is a good attribute - however would have looked better if it was at the top of the magazine. The picture is from a very low angle and the main feature to it are the soles of the shoes therefore not a good choice as a cover picture. The fact that this picture is placed in the right hand-side of the cover does not conform to the readers eye-line path. Nevertheless, the kickers and explanatory text are lined up and they have included a selling line which is short and catchy.

Page 5: Producing My School Magazine Cover

Initial Magazine Cover Sketch-up

This was my initial sketch-up of how I’d want my school magazine cover to roughly look like. I included a date line, price, bold mast head in a simple but large serif font, bar code, selling line, main cover line and kickers with explanatory text. I decided I wanted my magazine cover to have a picture of one student in the centre that’d take up most of the cover space. I liked the idea of having a light blue background with a white font as these colours contrast well together.

Page 6: Producing My School Magazine Cover

Photo Shoot Images

Both images not suitable due to the lack of space for text.

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These images were not suitable also due to the lack of space for text, bad lighting and landscape layout (photos above and below).

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My decision of what image to use in my cover was split between the three images below. However I decided to go with the first one because it seemed less superficial and with a greater space for text.

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School Magazine Cover1st Draft

Page 10: Producing My School Magazine Cover

1st Draftchangesafter feedback

Lined up selling line directlyunderneath masthead.

Corrected spelling mistake and lined up text.

Lined up this chunk of text with all of the above, and increased the size of the ‘70’.

Changed the price to be in a pink colour so it keeps with the theme of the cover.