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$1,000,000 product launch checklist A Step By Step Guide For Launching Any New Online Business ANDY DRISH

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$1,000,000product launch checklist

A Step By Step Guide For Launching Any New Online Business


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How Learning to Launch Can Lead to Fortune, Fame and A LOT of Fun

If you have ever wanted to get a business started fast, this checklist could be your bible.

Once you understand the principles in this checklist, you’ll be free to create anything you

desire. A blog. A coaching business. A podcast. A consulting business. A physical product.


All of it follows the same process that I outline in this document.

I’ve used this framework to launch a podcast that was #1 in the business category in iTunes,

to help friends launch information products that sold out overnight, and to help clients fill up

their coaching practices almost immediately. And more.

Here’s how this all started:

A few years ago, my buddy (and now business partner) Dane Maxwell and I did our first million

dollar product launch.

We started with nothing except a measly email list of 200 people, a couple of friends in this

world, BIG dreams and lots of desire to help more entrepreneurs succeed in business.

Four months later, we generated 16,212 new leads and subscribers to our blog.

By the end of the course, we generated over $1,000,000 in revenue from the product launch.

Fast forward three years later, The Foundation has become one of the fastest growing

businesses online.

In three years, we’ve generated over 100,000 email subscribers, over $5,000,000 in revenue

and we’ve helped over 1500 entrepreneurs from 40+ countries around the world.

We didn’t raise money. And we started from nothing.

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We’ve been invited into masterminds with people like Dan Sullivan, Peter Diamandis, Eben

Pagan and others.

I had no idea any of this would happen. And all of this started because of our first big product


This checklist is what we did to get our first big launch off the ground.

And it will help you do the same.

I’ve laid it out into 7 simple steps, combining lessons I’ve learned from multiple entrepreneurs

like Eben Pagan, Jeff Walker, Frank Kern and more.

You’ll also learn:

The MIALS formula that got our videos shared over 8,000 times on Facebook

How to recruit potential affiliates (and how to write a cold email)

How to use the “Snowball Effect” to turn one partner into two more

Why you should treat potential partners like ‘attractive women’

The outline for writing your first sales page

I’ve broken this into to sections. The first section explains the psychology and strategy behind

each step in launching. The second section is an action guide to start implementing right away.

This is everything you could possibly need to do your first six (or seven) figure launch.

And if you ever need help, we can setup a strategy session by emailing me at

[email protected] with the subject: “Let’s Talk Launching.”

Much love,


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Here Are The Seven Simple Steps For Launching

Set Goals and Launch Date1STEP

Research Your Customer And Build Your Avatar2STEP

Write The Sales Page3STEP

Create The Hook4STEP

Create The Launch Sequence6STEP


Generate Traffic And Leads5STEP

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Set Goals and Launch Date1STEP

Have you ever met someone who is always working on a product? Or a book? Or getting their

blog started?

They’re in a perpetual state of working… but they never actually ship anything.

It’s because they’re not bold enough to commit to a launch date.

Committing to a launch date is scary. Because that means you have to put yourself out there.

And people might not like what you have to offer.

In the Foundation we believe in setting unreasonable constraints for ourselves that force us

into action so we can blow past these fears.

Set the launch date and stick to it.

Setting the date keeps us from waiting until everything is ‘perfect.’ (Because it never will be.)

And it forces us to move forward with what we have, valuing progress above perfection.

If you don’t set a date first, you’ll constantly push it back over and over again, never making

any progress.

After the date is set, set your goals for the launch.

How many new leads do you want?

How many new customers do you want?

How much revenue do you want to generate?

How will you celebrate when you reach these goals?

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Setting the goal ahead of time gives you a ‘true north’ so that every decision you make can be

guided by the eventual outcome you’re pursuing.

Let’s say you want to make $20,000 from a launch. And your product costs $200. To make $20K you

need to sell 100 products. If you’re expecting a 10% conversion rate from your launch, then you know

you need to generate at least 1000 prospects. If your squeeze page converts at 20%, you must generate

5000 unique visitors to your site in order to generate a $20,000 launch. Having this clarity from the

beginning will help you make every single decision in the launch.


Our mission? By October 2012, we wanted to generate an email list of 10,000 people, create

a community of 200 new customers, build a business that would generate $100,000+ per

month and launch 20 new companies within 12 months.

To do this, we needed to drive over 50,000 unique visitors to our website during the launch.

From the beginning of our launch, this was the goal we were always aiming for. Every decision

we made had to live up to this test… “Would X decision help us create 20 new companies over

the next year?” If the answer were yes, we’d do it. If not, we wouldn’t.

It’s important to define your ‘true north’ before starting any of this.

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Research Your Customer And Build Your Avatar2STEP

Your avatar is the foundation of ALL of your marketing. The product. The hook. The launch

sequence. How you recruit affiliates. Where you do guest posts.

E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G In your launch starts with your customer avatar.

What’s an avatar?

If you’ve ever played Nintendo Wii, you know you can create your own character. And you can

make your “Mii” look exactly like you.

This is an avatar.

We want to create an avatar of your perfect customer.

But for marketing, it goes much deeper than basic demographics…

We want to get deep into the hearts and minds of your prospects, figuring out EXACTLY what

motivates them.

People Will Do Anything For Others Who Encourage Their Dreams, Justify Their Failures, Allay Their

Fears, Confirm Their Suspicions, And Help Them Throw Rocks at Their Enemies.


That 27-word sentence is an entire course on persuasion. read it over and over again until

you memorize it. Because that is who you want to be for your customers.

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Once you build an accurate avatar, everything else will be easier because you’ll know exactly

who you’re targeting, where to find them, and what will motivate them to buy from you.

The goal is to have such a deep understanding of your avatar, you know more about your

prospects than they know about themselves.

You know what they desire and what’s holding them back from getting it. You know their

fears, their frustrations and their problems. And you can articulate this in a way that makes

them think… “This person GETS me.”

If you can define a prospects problem better than they can, they will instantly look to you as

having the answer.

If you don’t know answers to the questions below, get on the phone with prospects and ask


When I used to own a marketing company for realtors, I’d spend hours on the phone asking

these questions to them, so I could understand exactly how they operate.

I could tell you everything about them because I used this framework:


What is their dream scenario? If you could wave a magic wand and change their life, how would it

look? What does ‘success’ look like to them?


What is currently holding them back? What is their nightmare? Their worst-case scenario? What

fears do they have they’re so scared of, they won’t even admit to themselves?


What is frustrating them in their life on a daily basis? What triggers them? Pisses them off? What

makes their emotions boil?

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Who do they look up to online? Who do they trust? Why do they trust them? What do they



Who do they hate? Who are their enemies? Why don’t they trust them?

What do they symbolize?


Where do they go online to get information they trust? Where do they hangout online? Who do

they associate with? What products have they bought in the past? Why did they buy them? Where

they happy or sad with the result?

After you have all the answers to those questions, take them write out a page long description

of ONE person you are marketing to. Give them a name. An age. A photo. A story that

incorporates all the answers above.

Print this out and post it somewhere you’ll see it every day.

This is who you are serving…

Every time you write a piece of copy… create a product… do an interview… write a blog post…

share something on Facebook… You are doing it for this person.

Below is a sample avatar from one of my copywriting clients:

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Build an Avatar


31 years old

Lives in U.S.

Only speaks one language, but definitely sees himself speaking many others down the road

Gets almost all of your content from LHL updates or Facebook

He’s planning to visit a country sometime soon (he says… but secretly he’s not sure it will happen.)

His dream is to live abroad one day for an extended period of time

Tells everyone he’s passionate about this and is planning a trip and learning the language

Took a language class in high school and did alright with it

He’s experimented a little bit with Pimsleur and rosetta Stone, but believes they’re both overpriced. And

he’s frustrated that they over promise and under deliver.

It’s either too slow and he gets impatient. Or it’s too fast and he feels like an idiot when listening. But the

overall jist is that the content is super boring and it doesn’t help him speak the language, which is what he

really wants to do.

He wants to learn the language because he went abroad once and fell in love with the culture and people and

experience of living in a foreign country. But when he was there, they spoke only english so he didn’t get a

real chance to learn the language.

Now he wants to go back and be fluent so he can feel like a local. When he was abroad the first time, he had

a hard time meeting people and making friends. But when he did, they would all speak their native language

and he felt left out from the group. They had to take extra time explaining it to him or translating it for him.

Because he only spoke English, it made him feel like the stereotypical ‘dumb american tourist’ when he was

abroad. When he goes back, he determined to not let that happen again.

He wants to get back to studying the language now, because he’s tired of putting his life off. He’s 31 and

knows hes not getting any younger. And age only means he’ll have less opportunities to do this. SO there’s

no better time than now. He’s ready to start learning now and planning his trip abroad again soon.

Derek won’t admit this, but deep down, he’s afraid the trip might not ever happen. By learning the language

now, it can make him feel connected to the old culture again. And he can share with his friends and family

that he’s learning the language for his upcoming trip, even though he hasn’t planned it yet.

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Learning the language helps Derek feel more connected. Connected with his friends abroad, connected to

the culture, connected to the locals who he envisions talking to at a loud bar or flirting with the waitress

while he’s having a meal. Mostly, learning the language keeps him from feeling lonely and left out. He’ll feel

more confident getting around, he’ll be able to easily make friends so he has an amazing time, and he’ll have

access to more information and culture because of it.

Deep down, Derek is afraid of how much work it is to learn a language. He’s not confident in his ability to

follow through with what he’s learning. He’s tried it in the past, and it was much more overwhelming than he

expected. So he’s searching for something that will make it easier and faster for him to learn.

There are three big issues that hold him back from making progress learning. The first is that he is afraid

of being embarrassed when he’s speaking the language. He’s afraid of making mistakes or looking like an

idiot in front of people. Along with that, the second issue is that he can’t find any reliable opportunities to

practice. He doesn’t want to practice with strangers because he doesn’t want to look dumb. His friends who

are fluent don’t have the time or patience to give him quality feedback. So he doesn’t know where to turn to

practice. So he assumes that you have to live abroad to truly master the language. The last thing holding him

back is time. He’s got a full time job and life… how is supposed to fit all of this in on top of it? That’s why it’s

important to have something that he can do quickly.

He sees people who are fluent in multiple languages as someone who is disciplined, hard working, intelligent,

and he has a lot of respect for them. On some level, he envies them. But it’s easier to believe that they have

something he doesn’t like:

This perspective only satisfies his ego and holds him back from accomplishing his goals.

A lot of the reason Derek reads Benny is because of his fun, quirky personality… but even more powerful

than that is that Benny has a new, unconventional approach to learning languages. He’s really attracted to

this idea of learning a language to make friends and talk with people. Because unconsciously, that is exactly

what he wants out of his trip abroad. And with this new approach, Derek believes that becoming ‘that level

of fluent’ in three months is absolutely possible. And speed is super important since he’s got so many other

priorities in life.

Derek is attracted to the product for those reasons, but his inner skeptic is holding him back. In his mind he’s


• they lived in the country for a while• they found some sort of unconventional way to learn• they’re more cultured• they’re more intelligent• they’re a harder worker• they were raised with a different set of beliefs

• Who is this Benny character anyway?• Is this product some sort of online internet scam that’s going to rip me off?• Why should I trust him?• Is this content really worth it? Or is it just packaged up stuff I can read on his blog or anywhere else on the internet• Another sketchy online marketer who makes false promises, overhypes products, and is just out to make a quick buck?• Does this actually apply to MY situation? • (and he’s also afraid of not following through)

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write the sales page3STEP

You’ll notice we start with the sales letter before ever doing any marketing. (Or creating the

product in most cases.)

This is extremely important. The sales letter is generally the most time consuming and

hardest piece to write.

(And the one thing we all love to procrastinate on the most.)

Ironically, it’s also the most important because it forces you to get clear on ExACTLY what

your offer is and how you’re going to position it.

It’s important to do this first to sell yourself. If you’re anything like me, I can’t sell anything

unless I believe in it 100%. By writing your sales letter first, it forces you to create a product

that you feel inspired by. People will feel this in your writing and speaking.

The content you write in your sales letter will also be the content you share on webinars, blog

posts, and interviews.

Everything in your launch sequence will come from what you write in this sales letter.

As Jeff Walker teaches, a ‘product launch’ is merely a sales letter turned on its side.

Instead of seeing an uber long, 40 page document at one time… the product launch spaces the

content out so prospects slowly get fed information over time.

This spacing of time makes the information more digestible and creates tension, which gets

people excited to buy.

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Use This As An Outline To Build Your Sales Page

1. Benefit Driven Headline

2. Desire – Show You Understand Them and Their Desires

3. Powerful analogy

4. Origin story – Why Are You Creating This Product?

5. Inspire hope

11. Price

12. Guarantee

13. Close

14. Signature

15. PS

16. FAQ

6. Give Away Content


8. What Is It? What’s In It?

9. Who needs it? Who doesn’t?

10. What makes it different?

When you spend time and energy creating an awesome sales page you are proud of,

everything else will come naturally because the hardest part will be done.

For most people, writing a sales page is a giant pain in the butt.

After studying dozens of sales pages, I’ve found that most of the follow a relatively similar

structures, which I’ve shared below.

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Sales Letter Outline

Benefit Driven Headline

The quick, easy and effective way to write a headline is to follow this formula:



How To Build Your First Software Business And Get 10 Paying Users Within Six Months… Even If You

Don’t Know How To Code, Have Limited Cash Or Don’t Have A Business Idea Yet


Read “100 Greatest Headlines Of All Time” to learn more.

Desire – Show You Understand Them and Their Desires

The beginning of your sales letter should captivate your prospects by speaking directly

to their deepest desires.

The first line you write should motivate them to read the second line. The second

should motivate them to read the third and so on.

It is EXTREMELY important to get the headline and first section of the sales letter

right. If you get it wrong, you’ll lose their attention for the entire thing.

The most effective strategy for writing this section well is to find copy you already

know is captivating, and model the format they used.

Read “Five of The Greatest Sales Letters of All Time” to learn more.

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Powerful Analogy

Since the beginning of the time, we have learned through stories passed down from

generation to generation.

When you tell a story, our ego automatically applies the story to our own lives.

If I starting saying, “When I was 14, I went on my first date. Her name was Nina. Since

I was 14, I didn’t have my license… so I talked my parents into driving us. I had it all

planned out… my parents would go to one movie and we’d go to another. (So we could

hold hands without my parents seeing.) But my excitement quickly turned to nervousness

and embarrassment when I found out my mom invited my little sister. Sadly, I spent the

entire car ride squished between my little sister and my date…”

When you read that, most people can’t help but think about their first date. What is

was like. How they felt. Who they were with.

We can’t help it.

(And yes, that’s a true story.)

Analogies work so well because, when you tell a story, the prospect naturally draws the

conclusions on their own.

Read these examples to learn more.

A Tale of Two Men (Infamous Wall St Journal Ad)

Location Rebel Intro (A story I wrote for the introduction of Sean’s Location rebel product.) (Scroll down to “Three Things You Can Start Doing right Away To Turn

The Tide In Your Favor)

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Origin story – Why Are You Creating This Product?

Again, stories captivate people. And an origin story is your opportunity to become a

super hero in the minds of your prospects.

If you study any great story, myth or superhero, you’ll find that the ‘hero’ ALWAYS has

some sort of origin story. Always.


On the doomed planet Krypton, a wise scientist placed his infant son into a spacecraft and launched

him to Earth. raised by a kind farmer and his wife, the boy grew up to become our greatest



Bitten by a spider when he was a kid… he slowly honed his super power to use them for good while

he learned, “With great power comes great responsibility.”


After getting rejected from his high school basketball team, he became determined to prove

everyone wrong. He practiced hours a day, every day until he eventually dominated the NBA.

So what is your purpose for existence? Why are you here on this planet? Who are you

serving? What were you destined to do?

Think about what you’re most passionate about. When did this passion begin? Did it

start as a child? Or was there a painful experience that led to this passion? Or was it

something you were just born to do?

Ultimately, people want to know your ‘Why.’ WHY you’re doing what you’re doing.

WHY you’re creating this product. WHY you’re offering this service.

And people always want to see that you’re serving a bigger purpose than just ‘making


They want to know what is your rEAL motivation for sharing this information.

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Frank Kern once talked about the three main storylines he uses to create characters.

They are:


This is a story of loss and redemption… It’s the story of the shy, awkward loser who couldn’t talk to

girls and was living out of his parent’s basement.

But then he discovered “ABC secret”, and now he’s smooth with the ladies. Dates multiple women.

And the world loves him. Because his life has been changed so much thanks to those secrets, he

wants to share them with you, too.


This is a story of someone reluctantly being ‘pulled’ into the spotlight. It goes something like this…

“Well, I was just doing my thing, ya know. And I discovered this magic little trick that made me a million dollars. And I then my friends noticed I had money. So they asked about it and I taught them what I was doing and, lo and behold, they made a million dollars, too!! And so many people have been asking me about it, I feel obligated to teach it to you.”


This is a story where someone stands for a specific set of beliefs and values. And they will fight

anyone else who goes against these values. (This can be used throughout all the copy, not only in the

origin story.)

Us Vs. Them is about creating an ‘inside’ and an ‘outside’ group. The inside group stands for all that

is good and right… and the outside group is the enemy.

The best origin stories combine all three storylines into one:

Dane got scammed for $12,000 and vowed to only create products that deliver REAL value to the world.

To fight against the sketchy Internet marketing people.

See, he’s just a normal kid from Iowa who figured out how to build software products to six figures super

fast. And because it’s created such an amazing life for him… he feels it’s his responsibility to teach people

what he knows so they can live this life, too.

He taught a class last year and ten companies were created. Now others are begging him to teach it

again. This year we want to help double that number of companies created.


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Inspire Hope

After you have spoken to their desires and they understand why they should listen

to you, make sure they feel inspired to keep listening and that they can reach their

desires… no matter how much they’ve struggled in the past.

Before they ever buy a product from you, they must believe that the desired result is

attainable. That they can reach the outcome you’ve already achieved.

Let them know it’s not their fault for being stuck. Show them the lies society has

conditioned them to believe. And how they’re not true.

Show them you believe in them. reinforce their desires and that you can help them get


Give Away Content

This is part is where give away the absolute best content you possibly can. What

information can you give away that prospects can instantly implement? That they can

use today and get a result almost immediately?

The better the content and the quicker they can see results, the more likely they’ll trust

you and want to buy your product.

When we did our launch, we gave away a TON of content. A framework for reversing

limiting beliefs that hold people back. A ‘copy and paste’ system to generate profitable

business ideas from scratch. A behind the scenes tour of a $500,000/year business.

Because we spent dozens and dozens of hours writing the video scripts with all the

content, we didn’t include all of it in the sales letter.

(That would have taken our sales page from 40 pages to wayyyy longer.)

But all of this content was created in our original drafts of the sales page.

Again, this is why you must write the sales page first.

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Proof needs to happen all throughout the sales page. I prefer to sprinkle in

testimonials between sections.

People need to know what you offer actually works.

Show them testimonials, videos, and anything else that will help them believe your

product will work for them.

The best way to do this is to think about your one friend who is uber skeptical about

everything. The one who doesn’t believe ANYTHING like this actually ‘works.’

Every time I was writing copy, I was thinking about him. I would constantly question,

“Is this something Steve would believe? Would it convince him? Is there enough proof to

sooth his inner skeptic?”

You’re writing the sales page (and creating the proof) for your friend who doesn’t

believe in your product. Who thinks marketers are sketchy. Who discredits anything

that doesn’t fit ‘their model’ of the world.

Add so much overwhelming evidence and truth that he cannot dispute all of the raving


When you’re writing testimonials, don’t allow your customers to write them alone.

Give them direction. Help craft the testimonial together so it best represents their

beliefs about you.

The best testimonials are written to overcome objections. Most people don’t

understand how to ask for testimonials and they end up with crappy quotes that say

stuff like, “Andy is an awesome dude and amazing to work with. I couldn’t have done it

without him!”


You want a testimonial that your prospect will identify with… that will help them

overcome the fears they have.

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Here is a framework I’ve used to create kick ass testimonials and case studies from



[TIMEFRAME] of getting [PRODUCT] I now have [DESIRED OUTCOMES]. And I didn’t

even have to [OBJECTION].

When Andy taught me about premium pricing, I went from a Tumblr blog with no clients to having three

clients paying me $1250/month each… all within four weeks. Since then, I’ve made over $25,000 from

that one page on my blog.

If you’re creating content designed to bring purpose and meaning to the world, hire Andy. He has the

marketing insight and strategies to share your gifts with the world in an honest, sincere, authentic way.

He is the ultimate marketing coach for coaches, and he’ll let you incredible results.


An example from one of my coaching clients:

My site gets 400,000+ unique visitors per month. So when hiring with a copywriter, it was important not

to use questionable “psychological tricks” to convince people to buy something they wouldn’t need.

Andy totally understood this. Through a LOT of digging into the minds of my customers, we built a sales

video and page that spoke directly to the desires of my prospects…

Because of this, my sales doubled overnight!! I live entirely off sales of this one product, so this is a

significant income increase. And I didn’t have to ‘sell out’. In fact, the new page is much more pleasant,

more sharable and answers real questions that potential buyers have in their minds.

My income doubled AND I can sleep easy at night without ugly red font, yellow highlighters and

annoying arrows taking over my page. It was precisely what I was looking for. Thanks a million Andy!!


An example from my copywriting business:

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Can you see how it is written specifically to people who are apprehensive to hire a

copywriter because they don’t want to sound like a snake oil salesman?

Prospects walk away from the testimonial realizing they can have motivating copy that

doesn’t ruin their reputation online.

What Is It? What’s In It?

Now we can finally get into “What is the product? What do I get when I sign up?”

(Notice how over half of the sales page has nothing to do with the product? This is why

we cannot simply create great products. We must have great marketing that matches the

great product.)

In this section, share everything people get when they pay for your product. Usually

you’ll see this broken up into sections and into bullets.

The key to describing what’s in the product is understanding the difference between

Features and Benefits.

Features physically describe what your product or service entails.

Benefits describe how the feature is beneficial to the customer.

Amateur copywriters focus only on features and don’t expand into the benefits.

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- 923 pages packed with cutting edge content

- A series of 24 videos you can download instantly

- One hour LIVE group Q&A webinar


- 923 pages packed with cutting edge content so the answer to any question you have will be instantly at your fingertips.

- A series of 24 videos you can download immediately so you can learn the material whenever it’s convenient for you… driving in the car, working out at the gym, or on your iPod while you’re supposed to be ‘working’ at your desk

- One hour LIVE group Q&A webinar where you can ask us any question you like and get it answered immediately

Feel the difference?

The benefits are what add the emotion. That is where you get people to want to buy.

Make sure your copy includes both features AND benefits.

Who needs it? Who doesn’t?

This part is always fun to write. This is where you get crystal clear on who your

product is for and who it isn’t for.

Tribes are defined by who gets excluded. And this is your chance to exclude the people

who don’t belong.

When you come right out and say “this is who it’s for… this is NOT for you if…” it allows

your prospects to self-select into your tribe.

If it’s done right, they’ll go through your checklist thinking “Yep. That’s me. That’s me.

That’s me.”

After reading, they should feel part of something bigger… they should feel connected

to you and your product… like they’re part of your tribe.

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There is a lot of “Us vs. Them” psychology when it comes to who it’s for and who it’s not


“This product is for you if you believe in freedom, love puppies and hate terrorism.

But if you don’t believe in freedom.. if you hate puppies.. and if you support terrorism, then don’t waste

your time signing up because you wouldn’t be able to make it in this community of rock stars.”


That’s (clearly) an exaggerated example… but some of the closest tribes write copy that

offends nearly everyone else.

To see deep Us Vs. Them principles, check out any ads from any groups that focus on

highly emotional topics… Planned Parenthood, National Rifle Association, and almost

all political ads.

What makes it different?

After people have self-selected, they need to know why your product is different than

anything else out there.

This is your chance to sell against your competitors and to price frame your prospects

so the cost of your product seems tiny.

In this section talk about all of the hours it went into build your product. The

credentials you have to create it. Why ‘everyone else’ gets it wrong and why your

approach is so much different.

At the end of this section, your prospect should feel like there is no other option on the

planet except to buy this product from you.

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Now we’re getting into the tricky stuff… introducing pricing. Do not come right out and

say, “The price for this course is $100.”

Because, no matter what, the price will seem expensive to your prospects. First start

by explaining the other options people have.

Where else can they get a similar product and how much will that cost? And why is

that a bad idea?

Start with the highest example and work your way down. Make sure you amplify the

pain of each alternative.

So when you get to your price, it will seem like a no brainer.

By using this system, we were able to make a $5,000 purchase seem like a no-brainer.


We listed the 5 areas you could learn this information and how painful that would be.

1. Learn to Code Yourself – It will take years… and you won’t learn the most important part: idea

extraction and marketing. So you can build stuff, but probably won’t know how to sell it.

2. Join a Tech Incubator – If you get accepted (<1% of businesses do), you’ll be forced to give up 5-10%

of your company and will have to work around the clock eating ramen noodles to grow the business and

keep investors happy.

3. Go to a conference – Invest $2,000-3,000 for a weekend… and then you’re left alone to implement all

of it when you get home.

4. Join a mastermind – If you can find a good one, it’ll cost $10-25K per year. And most require a

significant amount of success before getting accepted

5. Do it on your own – Totally possible. It only took me seven years and $200,000 of wasted

development dollars. But it’s not impossible


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After reading all of the options, paying $5,000 (or $800/month) didn’t seem expensive.

But if we would have started with $5,000 or $800/month, people would have thought

it was outrageously priced.


It is your job as a marketer to make it as EASY as possible for your prospect to say yes.

Especially if you believe in your product, you should do everything in your power to

reverse the risk that comes with buying a product.

When your prospect clicks buy, there should be no risk for them. It’s best to create a

guarantee that reflects the confidence you have in your product.

If you go through the whole course, implement the directions we tell you and you don’t have a product

with 10 paying users at the end, we will refund your entire payment.


We are taking all of the risk. The prospect just has to be confident in their ability to

take action.


At this point it’s time to wrap it all up and get them to make a decision.

And that is the BIGGEST crippler when I see sales pages. There isn’t enough tension to

get a person to make a decision.

Most sales are lost because people don’t have the urgency to make a decision right

now. They think, “Oh – I’ll come back to this and sign up tomorrow when I have more

time.” Or “Let me think about it for a day or two.”

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Then they get busy and forget about it.

You have their attention in this moment and, if they’ve read this far down the page, it’s

clear they’re interested.

A close I see often is where you show them their three options. They can keep going

like they have been, getting the same results. They can try changing on their own, and

waste time going through the learning curve. Or they can sign up today and take a

shortcut ahead of everyone else because they’ll have your product that shows them

the way.

BOTTOM LINE IS THIS: Get them to make a decision. regardless if it’s good or bad.

Get them to decide either YES or NO. Don’t let them put it off.


No explanation needed.


The P.S. should be like a second headline that invokes curiosity and touches their

desires. Here’s why: Most long form sales pages, people start at the top, scroll down to

the bottom to see the price. And the PS is often read before the rest of the sales letter.

So you want to make sure the PS reinforces their desires and references something in

the letter that makes them want to read more.


You’ll see some FAQ’s in the middle of the sales letter. We put ours at the end. During

the launch you should be collecting questions from people. These should all go in the

FAQ so people can get their exact question answered.

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create The Hook4STEP

The ‘hook’ is how we generate leads. It’s the piece of value you’re willing to give away in

exchange for contact information with your prospect.

Usually we see these as free PDFs, reports, videos, courses, etc that people give away in

exchange for an email address.

It’s important to get the hook right because a lot of your traffic will come to this page. The

difference between a page that converts at 20% and a page that converts at 30% is a 50%

difference in revenue.

What does your audience desire most? What can you give them that will open their eyes to

what’s possible? What information can you give that can be implemented right away? What will

position you as an authority in their minds?

All of these questions will lead to a piece of content your audience will love.

We chose to have Andrew Warner of Mixergy interview one of our past students and give the

interview away as a case study. This worked phenomenally well because our student is nearly

the ExACT avatar we’re marketing to… young, ambitious, hopeful, had failed multiple times

over and over…

And then he joined the Foundation and built a business that’s doing a few grand per month in

revenue. Without any background in software.

When you hear someone struggling with ideas and then making massive growth, the

mind always wonders ‘what do they have that I don’t?’ And this case, the answer was The


And, unlike most marketers who sell a book that will teach you to make millions for $17, our

case study was of a student only making a few grand per month so it didn’t set off the inner

skeptic that we all have. People could believe it.

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But here’s the kicker… we had a great case study, but that’s not why we generated so many

leads. We generated so many leads because we had great COPY that sold the case study.

If you don’t have quality marketing that reflects a quality product, you’ll have no sales. Same

with your hook… the quality of marketing needs to be equivalent to the quality of the hook

you’re giving away.

The best way to do this is to test your squeeze page copy over and over and over again.

Our squeeze page video was 10 minutes long. And it was shared thousands of times and the

page converted at ~40% because we spent nearly 100 hours writing and testing the script

before making the video.

After we wrote the script, I’d have Dane read the script over Skype to people who’d be in our

ideal market.

I’d sit behind them and watch their body language… their eyes… their movements. And I’d

document everything. We knew ExACTLY where people got bored in the script. Where

people were filled with tension. And what hot buttons made them want to opt-in.

Crucial pages like this need to be tested over and over and over until every word on the page

or in the video has a purpose.

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Generate Traffic and Leads5STEP

At this point, you have the foundation covered… you know when you’re launching. You know

who we’re marketing to. You know what you’re selling and how you’re positioning it. And you

have an infrastructure setup to generate leads…

Now it’s time to turn on traffic and start generating leads.

This is much harder when you’re starting from scratch. When we started, we had a measly

email list of 200 people.

15 weeks later, we had an email list of over 15,000 people.

This is how we did it.

The fastest way to generate leads is through joint venture (JV) partners. JVs already have

lists of people who trust them… if you can get them to promote you, that trust is transferred to


Why You Should Treat Online Influencers Like Attractive women

A few years ago, I split up with my girlfriend of five years. Since I hadn’t been single

since I was 19, I spent months re-learning how to talk to women all over again.

My entire life I struggled with this. I was always the ‘nice guy.’ And, somehow, girls

always ended up becoming my friend.

This was baffling to me.

I would see girls go ga-ga over some macho jerk. But when a nice guy would come

along, they would brush him off.

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So after I split up with my girlfriend, I decided to figure out what the heck was

happening in those situations.

And I’ll never forget the best piece of advice I got for creating attraction with women…

It was to “Treat women like a bratty little sister… where you 51% love them, but 49% are

annoyed by them.”

I grew up with a little sister so I knew exactly what that meant.

When I’d meet women, I’d poke fun of women in playful way. Just little subtle things

here and there… and all of the sudden, everything changed.

Tension was being created and women would feel a sense of attraction towards me

because of it.

Why Does This Matter?

Everything I learned about creating attraction doesn’t just apply to women… It applies

to ANYTHING where ‘status’ is involved.

In our society, attractiveness is valued as ‘high status.’ Attractive women already have

an elevated status in our society before they ever say a word.

Ask one of your attractive lady friends how many times they get hit on each day… it

happens ALL THE TIME. Nonstop. Over and over and over by guys saying the same


So they become numb to it. And when a guy comes up to them and gives them a line

they’ve heard 100 times, they instantly categorize him into the ‘lower status’ category.

But when you start poking fun of an attractive girl in a playful way, it throws them off.

It breaks the pattern. It’s different… new… refreshing. And, all of the sudden, you’ve

got an equivalent level of status.

NOTE: My ‘pickup’ days are long behind me. I believe the strategies from that world are worth

studying and understanding psychologically. Just use them for good and don’t be manipulative.

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How This Works With Online Influencers

Popular people online experience the same affect as attractive women. They get

messages all the time of people saying, “You’re so awesome. Your content changed my

life. I love stuff you write. Will you feature me on your blog? Blah blah blah, etc etc.”

And while that always feels good to hear… when that happens, a disconnect in status is

instantly created.

You put them on a pedestal. And they write you off as an equal. They are instantly

more superior to you… you are inferior to them.

When you’re trying to recruit partners and affiliates… this will kill your odds.

Instead, treat affiliates like you’d treat attractive women. Be playful. Poke fun. Create

a connection that goes deeper than any surface level talk about their blog or business.

Be selective with who you choose to work with when it comes to affiliates. Make

people apply to be part of your program.

Here’s what we’d tell affiliates before telling them anything about our payouts:

We believe in openness, transparency and working with people who share our morals

and ethics when it comes to business. We only work with partners who are interested

in partners for the long term… not this “you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” type


We will be playing this game for the long term and want partners who are doing the


Sharing that first is magical because we automatically repel the people who don’t

believe in honest marketing and we end up with amazing, heart centered partners who

want to help us succeed… we create friendships that go beyond just ‘business’… and we

get referred to people over and over again.

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remember… if you truly value yourself and your work, YOU are the prize. It should be

a privilege to work with you… (or to date you.) Valuing yourself like this makes others

do the same.

Now we can dive into recruiting…

How to Recruit Potential Affiliates

The first step is creating a list of prospective partners.

In the avatar, you answered these questions:


Where do they go online to get information they trust? Where do they hangout online? Who do

they associate with? What products have they bought in the past? Why did they buy them? Where

they happy or sad with the result?

Make this list as long as you possibly can. List out every person and website you can

possibly think of where your prospects hangout.

From here, separate the list into three groups: Media (Forbes, Mashable, Fast

Company, etc), Your Top 10 List, and Influencers (bloggers/podcasts/etc).

Your Top 10 List is your top 10 dream partners/affiliates/media that would blow you up

if you got on their radar.

The people or media outlets that would be your absolute dream to get in front of.

Now, look at the list and see if you have any connections to the people on the list.

We had a big advantage because, even though we didn’t have a big list, we had built up

a lot of connections over the years with bloggers and media.

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Because of that, I was able to make a few phone calls and get in touch with editors at

sites like, VentureBeat, Forbes, Mashable, etc

If you don’t have those connections, think of friends who can make those introductions

for you.

Start with the ‘Low Hanging Fruit.’ Get the ‘easy wins’ early on. Who are the people

who will definitely feature you? Can you do a guest post? Write an article for the site?

Have them interview you?

Start with people you know. As you get them on board, ask them who else you could

reach out to. They don’t even have to make the introduction… just have them rattle off

a list of people who they think would be a good fit.

As you get your first few partners on board, you can use the “Snowball Effect” to get in

with other partners.

Here’s how:

How to Use the ‘Snowball Effect’ To Turn One Affiliate Into Three More

We started with a very small list of partners and affiliates. But each time we added

one, we tried to tap into their network of influence.

After I created our list of potential affiliates, I had my VA go through each person’s

website and find all of the testimonials from other people.

They would write down each person’s name and website. And then research them

online. Find out how many readers and how many Facebook fans they have.

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If we found they had enough influence, we would reach out to them with this message:

Hey NAME - I found your site through NAME and had a quick question for you...

I’m messaging you today because Dane Maxwell and I are on a mission to help create 20 new software

companies by next year.

This is the video that started it all. (It’s became so popular because it exposes the most important word in


Do you do guest posts/interviews when you find content that will help your audience? What are your

criteria are for them?


And if you’re wondering who I am, Ryan Paugh, co-founder of the Young Entrepreneurs Council recently

shared this about me:

Andy Drish is one of the first entrepreneurs that I invited to join the Young Entrepreneur Council. His

impeccable knowledge of his craft and genuine personality makes him an ideal mentor for any up-and-

coming entrepreneur.

I’m sharing that because I respect you, your time and I want you to know I’m a real person who deeply

cares about impacting entrepreneurs, as opposed to those sketchy internet marketers who pitch you

every day. :)

Let me know.


This way, you can reach out to completely cold potential affiliates and still reference of

someone they know, like and trust in the message.

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As your partners grow, you have more and more credibility to pitch others.

That way we already have social proof and status going into the message.

After we lined up the Mixergy interview, the first thing I did was pitch ‘Rise to the Top,’ a site with a

similar audience to Mixergy.

After that, when I’d pitch media or partners, I’d tell them “We’ve already lined up interviews with sites

like Mixergy and Rise to the Top and we thought your readers would love an interview just for them.”


Now Rollout The Red Carpet For Affiliates

The best affiliates aren’t motivated by commissions. They’re motivated by serving

their audience, sharing cutting edge content and doing work that matters.

Selling them on how much money you’ll pay won’t be the driving factor. Especially if

you want to work with people who have real influence online.

(And if money is the driving factor, you might want to think twice about using them… we

made the decision early on to only work with people who put purpose above profit.)

When they agree to work with you, you want to roll out the red carpet for them. Do

everything you can for them… and their audience.

When we worked with affiliates, we’d give them everything we could to make it as easy

as possible to promote us.

And on top of that, we’d promise some exclusive and special just for their readers.

Then we created custom landing pages for each affiliate with a secret link for their

readers to download our “Copywriting Checklist” for free.

Not only did affiliates love this… but the pages converted like crazy, too.

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create the Launch Sequence6STEP

The next step is to build the launch sequence.

This will take your prospects through an exciting roller coaster of content and emotions,

building tension with them until you’re ready to launch the product.

What you’re doing here is taking the long form sales letter you created and breaking it into

smaller, bite size chunks of information your prospects can consume over time.

Most launches break the sales letter into four parts.


Desire. It focuses on the desires of your prospects… shows them what’s possible and

what they can create.


Trust/Bonding. Now that you have their attention by speaking to their desires, why

should they listen to YOU?


Proof. What proof do you have that you know what you’re talking about? Who has

used your advice? Who endorses you?


The Offer. What is it? What’s in it? Who’s it for? Who’s it not for? How can I buy it?

Why should I buy it now?

We broke our launch sequence up a little differently. And we used a format to make people

share the videos like crazy…

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The “MIALS” Formula we Use To Get Our Videos Shared Over 7500 Times

Our videos collectively were shared over 7,500 times on Facebook.

The reason why we got so much traffic from sharing was because of a formula we came

up with for creating videos people want to share with their friends.

It looks like this: MIALS


This is the hook that grabs their attention. It answers, “Why should I spend any time watching this



This is the content of the video. And it has to be engaging, entertaining and educational.


What action can participants take rIGHT NOW after watching the video to see results?


What open loop can you create so they’re ExCITED for the next video to be released?


What incentive can you give for them to share this with their friends or leave a comment below?

When you follow this format for your videos, people will share them like crazy.

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Here is what our launch plan looked like, using this exact formula:


The Secret Language of Millionaires

(Create Desire)

MOTIVATION Evolve your mindset to create ideas out of thin air. Ultimate financial freedom. Never worry about business again. Starts with mindset.

INFORMATION Marketing mindset information

ACTION Comment on: Where is your mindset? What do you have to do to get to the next level?

SOCIAL Share for PDF report

LOOP See how Dane used his mindset to create a $500K/yr business with no idea, money, development skills. Behind the scenes of private information. Exactly dollar figures, sign up rates, and information he’s never shared. Completely private. Plus, you’ll get the report on 7 elements of a software company


Sneak Peak of $500K/year Business


MOTIVATION Never shared this much private, detailed information. Come completely behind the scenes to see what the business looks like. Learn why one business can’t stop growing while the other is slowly dying.

INFORMATION Video tour of products.

ACTION Comment: What did you learn?

SOCIAL Share to get PDF report.

LOOP You can’t build this without three things. Next video, I’ll reveal what they are and how you can use them. Plus, how I got scammed for $12,000.

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Origin Story + Three Elements


MOTIVATION The scam that changed my life and the three things all entrepreneurs use to succeed.

INFORMATION Origin story + three elements

ACTION Comment: Which of the three elements are you missing?

SOCIAL Share this video with friends.

LOOP Beliefs are the key ingredient. Without them, everything else is off. You currently have beliefs holding you back. And in the next video I’m going to show you how to identify them and reverse them.


Beliefs Framework

(Giving Away Content)

MOTIVATION Beliefs are everything. The key to business (and life) is in this video.

INFORMATION Beliefs presentation. Four question framework.

ACTION What are you limiting beliefs? Plus answer three questions.

SOCIAL Share this video with friends.

LOOP Next video, you’ll meet people who switched these beliefs and watched their businesses explode. You’ll hear about their beliefs, how they changed them and what happened next.

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Launch Info + Proof

MOTIVATION Stories of average people doing extraordinary things. Because they switched beliefs. And how you can do the same.

INFORMATION Launch details + bonuses + case studies



LOOP Launch date with fast action bonuses


Message From the Heart

MOTIVATION From the heart why you should join us and if you’re the right fit.

INFORMATION How to go inside your heart to make a grounded decision



LOOP Once per year. Only chance.

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The videos should be spaced out enough that it gives people time to digest each one…

but close enough that they can feel momentum being built from the launch.

As the launch date gets nearer, there should be more and more tension from your


Here is the launch schedule we used:

Monday Sept 10th – The Secret Language of Millionaires

Monday Sept 17th – Behind The Scenes Of A $500,000/Year Business

Monday Sept 24th – Why Do We Fail? Because Of The Three Pillars

Wednesday Sept 26th – Discover The Hidden Blindspots Crippling Your Potential

Monday October 1st – Shift Your Mindset, Shift Your Life - The Proof

Thursday October 4th – Live Q&A to answer any questions pre-launch

Tuesday October 9th – The Cart Opens - Sales Page


Post Launch Sequence

Most launches see a high amount of sales on opening day… a few more sales during the

cart open period… and another spike towards the end before the cart closes.

If you graphed this on a chart, it would look like a “W”. (This is referred to as the

“Walker W”, named after Jeff Walker who pretty much invented product launches in

the Internet marketing space.

There are plenty of options for a post launch sequence.

We’ve done all sorts of things from 5+ hour google hangouts with our alumni to live

hot seats and mentoring calls to sharing testimonials and video feedback from whats

happening in our community.

The key during the cart open period is to amplify the scarcity and the proof, making

sure people know now is the time to buy and that there’s ample amount of proof that

what you’re doing works.

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You just worked your butt off for weeks (or months)… Now it’s time to celebrate the

launch of your new business, new product and all the income you just generated.

This part is absolutely critical. Every time I go through a launch, I usually experience

‘post-launch-burnout.’’ A period of exhaustion from working so hard for so long.

I’ve learned to always carve out time after a big launch to rest, recharge and


And, if you can, do something special for yourself. You deserve it.

(And don’t forget to email me at [email protected] and tell me how it went.)

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wrapping It All Up

So that’s it. Now you have a framework for launching your next blog, business or product


Launches are amazing. They are fun, stressful, exhilarating and exhausting.

And when you learn to master doing product launches, you can create anything online that

you want. Ebooks, Consulting, Physical products, Software, Coaching and more.

It all becomes available to you and THAT is ultimate freedom in business.

If you’re launching and are stuck or need help, we can setup a strategy session. Simply email

me at [email protected] with the subject “Let’s Talk Launching” and I’ll give you details

about how strategy sessions work.

Below is the action guide to help you get started as quickly as possible.

Much love,

Andy Drish

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The Product Launch Checklist Action Guide

Set Goals and Launch Date1STEP

By date, I want to generate:

leads customers revenue

When I accomplish this, I will celebrate by:

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Research Your Customer And Build Your Avatar2STEP

Hopes, Dreams and Desires

If you could wave a magic wand and grant them anything, what would it be? What

does a perfect day look like to them? What do they desire above everything else? If

they reached their dream, who would they brag about it to? Who do they want to envy

them? How will they know they’ve reached their goals? What will it feel like?


What scares them? What holds them back from pursuing their dreams? What fears

are so deep, they won’t even admit to themselves they have it? Who would judge them

most if they failed? Family? Friends? Coworkers? What is the nightmare? The worst

case, doomsday scenario in their mind?

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What things happen daily that frustrate them? What triggers their emotions in a

negative way? Who do they envy? What excuses do they have for not reaching their

goals yet? What roadblocks do they hit over and over again?


Who do they look up to? Who do they want to be like? What do these people stand

for? What do these people symbolize? Why do they admire these people?

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Who do they despise? Who pisses them off? Who are the liars, cheaters and criminals

of this market? What do they symbolize?

Information Sources

Where do they get information from? Media? Facebook? Twitter? What types of

articles do they like to read? Where do they spend the majority of their time online

interacting? What blogs, podcasts and youtube channels do they follow?

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Write The Sales Page3STEP




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Show you understand them and their desires. (Take this from the avatar.)

If you could wave a magic wand and grant them anything, what would it be? What

does a perfect day look like to them? What do they desire above everything else? If

they reached their dream, who would they brag about it to? Who do they want to envy


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write a powerful analogy

What story can you tell that relates to their situation? Is there a fable or a myth you

can use? Were you ever in their shoes? Do you have a story that relates to where

they’re at?

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Reveal your origin story using the SuperHero Formula

Why are you creating this product? Why are you passionate about this topic? When

did this passion begin? Where have you failed in the past? What is your ‘superpower’?

What is your kryptonite? What have you overcome to get here? Who are you battling


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Inspire Hope

Show them they can do this. Tell them it’s not their fault for not ‘making it’ yet and that

you’re here to show them the way.

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What lies have they been conditioned to believe? What has society told them about

their dreams? Who are the enemies and what are they selling? Why are they wrong?

What is truly possible for them if they knew the right path? What do they rEALLY

need to achieve their outcome? Paint a picture of possibility.

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Give away your best content

What is the most powerful content you have? What can you teach them that they can

implement almost immediately to see results? What is content that will blow their

minds? What content made you have an ‘ah-ha’ moment?

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Share the features and benefits of the offer

What are the features of the products? How will each feature help them? Number

of pages, hours, videos, lessons, etc? How did you go out of your way to make it ultra

convenient for them? What specific ‘strategies’ and ‘concepts’ will you teach and how

will it change their life?

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Proof. Proof. Proof.

What information do you have that proves this works? Who are great case studies or

testimonials? Who has social capital you can get an endorsement from? Where have

you been featured online?

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Get your prospects to self selectBe clear and direct. Tribes are defined by who is excluded.

Who is this product built for? Why will it help them?

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Who won’t benefit from this product? Why won’t they benefit from it?

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How much time and money did you invest in creating this product?

What are their other options? Why are they inferior? How much do they cost?

Use price anchoring and share the price

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What is the price?

What else can you add (that you haven’t shared yet) to stack the value? What bonuses

can you give? What would make the price look like a ‘no-brainer’ to buy?

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Promise a guarantee

Add a guarantee that removes all risk from the consumer. What guarantee is

outrageous? What makes it a ‘no brainer’ to buy?

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Close them

Get them to make a decision (either yes or no.) How can you add scarcity to the offer?

Limit time? Number of spots? If you were sitting across the table from someone and

you had 2 minutes to recap everything and get them to make a decision, what would

you tell them?

SignatureSigned by you.

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PSReiterate the close and the guarantee.

Use this to invoke curiosity and desire. remember, they will likely read this early on.

What can you say that will make them want to learn more? What can you reference in

the letter that builds their curiosity?

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FAQAs you start sharing this with your prospects, build a vault of questions they ask you. Answer them all here.

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create The Hook4STEP

What is the one thing you can give away that: speaks to the desires of your market,

positions you as an authority, and solves a problem your avatar can take quick action

on to get results? What can you package that has a HIGH perceived value? What can

you give that your audience can implement immediately? What are the first questions

your audience immediately wants answered about your topic?

This Checklist is an example of a great hook.

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Generate Traffic and Leads5STEP

Use the “Information Sources” and “Heroes” from the avatar to create four different lists:

Your Top 10 Dream Partner list… the people who could blow you up if you were on

their radar:

People you know who run existing blogs, podcasts, communities:

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List all the people your avatar goes to for content, advice, interviews, etc.:

List all the media outlets your avatar spends time reading or listening to:

List any contacts you have at media outlets:

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What can you to do customize the experience for your affiliates? To make them look

ExTrA awesome in front of their list? What else can you give away as a bonus?

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create the Launch Sequence6STEP

Pre-Launch Sequence


Speak to their desires.

What do they want most? Why don’t they have it yet? What story or

analogy can you share that will help them? What proof can you share?






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Pre-Launch Sequence


Create bonding and trust.

Why should they listen to you? Why are you building this product? Origin

Story. What personal information can you reveal that will make them trust







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Pre-Launch Sequence



What proof do you have that what you’re saying works? Testimonials?

Case studies? Who endorses you or this product?






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Pre-Launch Sequence


The Offer.

What is the product? Who’s it for? Who’s it not for? Why should they buy

now? What if it doesn’t work?






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Cart Opens

Post-Launch Sequence

What else can you do to increase interaction, proof and scarcity? Can you host a

webinar? A live Q&A on Facebook? Can you give testimonials from students who are

already using the product? What bonuses can you add or take-a-way? What needs

to happen for your audience to make a decision now? Use “Fast Action Bonuses” for

people who sign up immediately.

Cart Closes

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Now all you have to do is deliver a remarkable experience to your customers... and then

celebrate! Do something awesome with the money and the new list of customers. And

then email me ([email protected]) and tell me all about it.