product & service

product & service manifesto Creating unique Internet tools for civil society. APC

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product & service. APC. manifesto. Creating unique Internet tools for civil society. the environment. cheap dial up free hosting many NGOs online easy development. Why APC?. Unique. Civil society. Services. Internet. examples:. lobbying fundraising organising volunteering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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product & service

manifestoCreating unique Internet tools

for civil society.


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the environment

cheap dial upfree hosting

many NGOs onlineeasy development

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Why APC?


Unique. Civil society.

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... of unique civil society desires & needs.

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Unique Civil Society Internet Services

... can meet these needs.

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Unique Civil Society Internet Services

... a real opportunity for APC.


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Unique Civil Society Internet Services

... our killer SEP.


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Unique Civil Society Internet Services

... attaining civil society goals.


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Unique Civil Society Internet Services

... sustainability for APC members.


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Unique Civil Society Internet Services

... foundations of an alternative media system.


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What’s good ...

... in a civil society Internet service.

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Unlike anything offered by the commercial Internet industry.


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example: online lobbying tools


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Designed specifically to address NGO needs and desires.


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example: su training on internet campaigns


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Easy to integrate with other APC products and services.


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example: conferences and NGO virtual



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Integrally woven into the 'people network' which makes up the

APC and each node.


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example: labournet or womensnet

online community


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Easy to replicate over and over again.


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example: database-driven action



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3 categories

value added products

development and support services

traditional internet services

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value added

extra or special features which make a product or service more


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extra or special features which make a product or service more


value added

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value added

standardised and easy to replicate


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action applicationscivil society conferences

NGO virtual officeonline su trainingonline fundraising

online communities

.... of value added products

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internet + NGO processes

unlimited number of users

low cost solutions

tools = content

.... of value added products

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why not?

harder than services

no betas

marketing is key

.... of value added products

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where’s $ come from?

tool accounts

content accounts

publishing tools / publicity

transaction fees

.... for value added products

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development &

support services

one time / project based delivery to meet specific needs

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site development

face-to-face training

communications consulting

content facilitation

custom documentation

.... of development & support services.

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meeting individual needscapacity buildingperpetual R&D

relationships and trustperpetual feedback

good money for good works

.... of development & support services.

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why not?

more work = more staff

bad service = big impacts

treating products like projects

.... of development & support services.

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traditional internet products & services

the stuff everyone else is offering

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dial-upwww hosting

ecommerce hostingLAN support

connection softwarebasic training

... traditional Internet products & services.

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platform for unique services

customer perception

customer expectation

customer contact

cash flow... traditional Internet products & services.

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why not?

decreased confidence

dial up = value added?

service quality

misdirected resources

technical perception... traditional Internet products & services.

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outsourcinghave a clear contract

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outsourcinginclude penalties for poor service

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outsourcingshare financial risks if possible

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outsourcingkeep control of all customer contact

and make sure it pays

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unique internet services for civil society

dreaming ~ ~ marketing

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buildingdreaming ~ ~ marketing


clarity difference

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product profiles

clearly describing a product or servicefor yourself

and your client communities

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product profiles

1. Product Name

2. What is (product name)?

3. Who would use (product name)?

4. How is (product name) provided?

5. Features and benefits

6. Pricing

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products profiles

1. Strategic Importance

2. Pricing Details

3. Conditions of Sale

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products profiles

Action Applications:Shared Database Publishing for NGOs

What Are Action Applications?

'Action Applications' provide NGOs with both simple 'cut & paste' publishing for their own WWW sitesand increased publicity through the 'aggregation' of information into issue based communities. At the levelof the individual NGO WWW site, an Action Application is simply a high-impact / low-cost way toautomate the publishing of press releases, job listings, events or other types of information. But the realpower of Action Applications comes at the level of 'collective publishing' and 'aggregation'. Each eventadded at to an individual site is also automatically added to a 'community-wide' site, thus increasing theamount of publicity received by each listing and the organization which posted it.

Individual Action Applications include:

4. Press Release / Action Alert Publisher

5. Events Listings

6. Job Listings

7. Community Radio Program Exchange

Who Would Use Action Applications

Organizations who want to seamlessly combine the benefits of dynamically publishing events on their ownsite and on a high-traffic, issue-based community site. It is especially useful for umbrella groups andorganizations with memberships that are active within a particular sector.

How Are Action Applications Provided?

Action Applications are built using 'shared databases' which both lower setup and operating costs forindividual and make it easy to 'aggregate' related information into 'community-wide' listings. Applicationscan be installed in new or existing NGO WWW sites simply by adding a small amount of additional 'code'.Once an Action Application installed, non-technical NGO staff, volunteers and even end users canautomatically add information to a site simply by cutting and pasting. Each posting is also automaticallyadded to the appropriate community-wide listing. Different levels of security can be implemented to controlwho can post information.

Features and Benefits

applications match NGO 'business tasks'increased publicity for specific postings and NGO site as a wholelow cost automated WWW publishingno need for technical skills to publish to a WWW site

integrates into content aggregation / online community

Action Applications:Shared Database Publishing for NGOs

What Are Action Applications?

'Action Applications' provide NGOs with both simple 'cut & paste' publishing for their own WWW sitesand increased publicity through the 'aggregation' of information into issue based communities. At the levelof the individual NGO WWW site, an Action Application is simply a high-impact / low-cost way toautomate the publishing of press releases, job listings, events or other types of information. But the realpower of Action Applications comes at the level of 'collective publishing' and 'aggregation'. Each eventadded at to an individual site is also automatically added to a 'community-wide' site, thus increasing theamount of publicity received by each listing and the organization which posted it.

Individual Action Applications include:

4. Press Release / Action Alert Publisher

5. Events Listings

6. Job Listings

7. Community Radio Program Exchange

Who Would Use Action Applications

Organizations who want to seamlessly combine the benefits of dynamically publishing events on their ownsite and on a high-traffic, issue-based community site. It is especially useful for umbrella groups andorganizations with memberships that are active within a particular sector.

How Are Action Applications Provided?

Action Applications are built using 'shared databases' which both lower setup and operating costs forindividual and make it easy to 'aggregate' related information into 'community-wide' listings. Applicationscan be installed in new or existing NGO WWW sites simply by adding a small amount of additional 'code'.Once an Action Application installed, non-technical NGO staff, volunteers and even end users canautomatically add information to a site simply by cutting and pasting. Each posting is also automaticallyadded to the appropriate community-wide listing. Different levels of security can be implemented to controlwho can post information.

Features and Benefits

applications match NGO 'business tasks'increased publicity for specific postings and NGO site as a wholelow cost automated WWW publishingno need for technical skills to publish to a WWW site

integrates into content aggregation / online community

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product differentiation

assessing the uniqueness of your products and services

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product differentiation

product criteria

organizational criteria

market criteria

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product differentiationAPC Business Planning Project Service and Product Differentiation Worksheet

Service or Product Name:

Competitors/Competing Products:


1) Criteria related to the product or service being offered

Product or service benefits (e.g., cost savings, service improvement, etc.) 0Unique features of offering 0Perceived quality of offering 0Related service(s) provided with offering - pre- and post-sales 0Quality of presentation of offering to prospective clients 0Price of offering 0Delivery method for your offering 0Time to delivery 0Relationship to other offerings you or other APC nodes supply 0


Geographic location of your office(s) 0Convenience of buying from your organization 0Your staff's knowledge and experience with your offering 0Relationship of your organization to customers (e.g., shared knowledge, values, trust, etc.) 0Image of your organization 0Long term vision of your organization 0Strategic alliances, partnerships or memberships 0Financial stability of your organization 0

Position of your offering in market (early, mainstream, late) 0Ease of entry into market (time, cost, barriers to entry, etc.) 0Requirement for ongoing innovation of the offering 0Product obsolesence timeframe 0


Competitive Rating

APC Business Planning Project Service and Product Differentiation Worksheet

Service or Product Name:

Competitors/Competing Products:


1) Criteria related to the product or service being offered

Product or service benefits (e.g., cost savings, service improvement, etc.) 0Unique features of offering 0Perceived quality of offering 0Related service(s) provided with offering - pre- and post-sales 0Quality of presentation of offering to prospective clients 0Price of offering 0Delivery method for your offering 0Time to delivery 0Relationship to other offerings you or other APC nodes supply 0


Geographic location of your office(s) 0Convenience of buying from your organization 0Your staff's knowledge and experience with your offering 0Relationship of your organization to customers (e.g., shared knowledge, values, trust, etc.) 0Image of your organization 0Long term vision of your organization 0Strategic alliances, partnerships or memberships 0Financial stability of your organization 0

Position of your offering in market (early, mainstream, late) 0Ease of entry into market (time, cost, barriers to entry, etc.) 0Requirement for ongoing innovation of the offering 0Product obsolesence timeframe 0


Competitive Rating

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product differentiation

Product or service benefits (e.g., cost savings, service improvement, etc.) 0Unique features of offering 0Perceived quality of offering 0Related service(s) provided with offering - pre- and post-sales 0Quality of presentation of offering to prospective clients 0Price of offering 0

0Time to delivery 0Relationship to other offerings you or other APC nodes supply 0

2) Criteria related to your organization

Geographic location of your office(s) 0Convenience of buying from your organization 0Your staff's knowledge and experience with your offering 0Relationship of your organization to customers (e.g., shared knowledge, values, trust, etc.) 0Image of your organization 0Long term vision of your organization 0Strategic alliances, partnerships or memberships 0Financial stability of your organization 0


3) Criteria related to the market you operate in*

Position of your offering in market (early, mainstream, late) 0Ease of entry into market (time, cost, barriers to entry, etc.) 0Requirement for ongoing innovation of the offering 0Product obsolesence timeframe 0Vertical market or niche market opportunties 0



Product or service benefits (e.g., cost savings, service improvement, etc.) 0Unique features of offering 0Perceived quality of offering 0Related service(s) provided with offering - pre- and post-sales 0Quality of presentation of offering to prospective clients 0Price of offering 0

0Time to delivery 0Relationship to other offerings you or other APC nodes supply 0

2) Criteria related to your organization

Geographic location of your office(s) 0Convenience of buying from your organization 0Your staff's knowledge and experience with your offering 0Relationship of your organization to customers (e.g., shared knowledge, values, trust, etc.) 0Image of your organization 0Long term vision of your organization 0Strategic alliances, partnerships or memberships 0Financial stability of your organization 0


3) Criteria related to the market you operate in*

Position of your offering in market (early, mainstream, late) 0Ease of entry into market (time, cost, barriers to entry, etc.) 0Requirement for ongoing innovation of the offering 0Product obsolesence timeframe 0Vertical market or niche market opportunties 0



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pick an SU or ICT service

create a product profile

use the differentiation worksheet

present idea to group

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SU Resource Centre:

Online Community for Trainers(curriculum, tools, resources)

Online Resource Library(SU resources for user communities)

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ICT Toolkit:

NGO Virtual Office(intranets and online collaboration)

Member x Content Community(value added information and content service)