production concepts summary

Production Concepts Summary… SURVEY RESULTS

Upload: michaelahead17

Post on 25-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Production concepts summary

Production Concepts Summary…SURVEY RESULTS

Page 2: Production concepts summary

What do you like about storyline one? Why?

My results tell me that my idea for storyline one was conventional for the horror genre, this is good because it means that it would be professional and should also be appealing to my target audience. I also found that my use of setting which was an old large house, and props such as a large pond area, swings and wooden furniture were suitable and conventional for the genre, helping the audience ‘feel involved in the film’ which also creates a sense of realism.My target audience said that they like the use of different aged characters as this could depend on how the film plot then plays out, it also means that different members of the audience would feel different levels of sympathy and fear for certain characters. The use of the storyline, setting, characters and demon/ghost antagonist has all proved conventional and likeable to my target audience, meaning that it could be a good storyline to use.

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What do you think could be improved about storyline one?

From this question I did not gain very much feedback, which could suggest that there isn’t too much to improve about this storyline therefore meaning that it is conventional to the genre.However, some improvements that have been suggested include things such as more camera shots, a more isolated setting and that some twist in the narrative could be given as they storyline is a little predictable and has been played out several times (which could result in losing the interest of my target audience)This tells me that storyline one is still conventional to the genre but there are little improvements that I could make to make it more appealing to my target audience if I decided to go ahead with this storyline for my final product.

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Do you think that storyline one is conventional for the horror genre?

From my results it shows that everyone that answered my survey thinks that storyline one is conventional for the horror genre, which also hopefully means that the storyline would be appealing to them and they would watch the film.This also means that I will consider using this storyline for my final product.

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What do you like about storyline two? Why?

My results tell me that this storyline is also conventional for the horror genre, ensuring that if I decided to use this idea that it would be professional. It was mentioned by my target audience that they liked the use of the setting as it was very isolated meaning that it would create more tension and danger, especially with the car going missing due to the fact that then the audience should become more scared as they know that something bad is happening (a conventional aspect to horror films)My target audience also thought that the storyline would suit a psychological horror film as it ‘contains all the right attributes’ this is good feedback as psychological horror is the specific genre that I am using, meaning that storyline two would be very conventional for this.

From this feedback I could definitely consider using storyline two.

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What do you think could be improved about storyline two?

Once again I did not gain too much feedback on this answer, meaning that once again it could already be mainly conventional for the genre and only need a few improvements.The suggestion of more props to be used in the trailer is one that I would definitely include into my final product if I stuck to this storyline, this is because it would allow me to include more conventionally scary props to the trailer, therefore making it more appealing and interesting to the target audience. There was also the idea of including more into the start of the trailer to gain more of the target audiences’ attention, which is a good point. However, the fact that I decided for the tension to build up throughout the trailer is still a good and conventional idea.

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Do you think that storyline two is conventional for the horror genre?

Unlike my other storyline, not everyone would want to watch this storyline, which tells me that it would not be as successful and appealing as the previous storyline (however, if I included all of the improvements given to me in the previous slide then perhaps all of them would watch it)From this feedback it is clear to see that my target audience found storyline one much more appealing and conventional, meaning that I should consider using this storyline instead.

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Which storyline do you prefer and why?

From this feedback I can see that my results are half and half, with 50% prefer storyline one and the other 50% preferring storyline two.The members of my target audience who preferred storyline one because it was clearly thought out with a variety of professional conventional elements.They preferred storyline two because the setting was appropriate and the unexpected outcome was exciting and appealing to the target audience.This means that I need to consider using either one of my storylines, however, due to previous feedback from my questions I would use storyline one, as everyone said they thought that it was conventional, there was little improvements to be made and seemed more effective/successful than storyline two.

However, the storyline chosen for my group was neither one of these as another group member received some better feedback.