prof. sang-jo yoo inha university next generation internet part i. ipv6 ( lecture 1)

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo Inha University Next Generation Internet Part I. IPv6 (Lecture 1)

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Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo Inha University

Next Generation Internet

Part I. IPv6

(Lecture 1)

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 2 Inha University


Attendance : Seminar: Term project : Final Examination:

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 3 Inha University

Term Projects

Home Networking Wireless LAN Ad-hoc Network VoIP Mobile IP Multicasting considering mobility

15-20 pages (A4/single space/11 font) Overview/review/main

technologies/comparisons/proposal & simulation Presentation

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 4 Inha University

주 Course / Seminar Name

1 주 IPv6 Overview

2 주 IPv6

3 주 Activities for NGI


4 주 KORNET, Server-farm Networking

Wireless IP network

5 주 Policy-based Network

Ad-hoc network

6 주 IntServ

7 주 RSVP

Use of RSVP in wireless network

8 주 DiffServ


Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 5 Inha University

주 Course Name

9 주 Routing

QoS routing

10 주 Term-Project 1

11 주 Multicasting

12 주 MPLS


13 주 Mobile-IP


14 주 Mobile-IP

Streaming service

15 주 Term-Project 2

16 주 Term-Project 2

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 6 Inha University

Internet Introduction

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 7 Inha University


Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 8 Inha University


WWW Growth

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 9 Inha University


Some numbers to ponder:

An estimated 1.1 billion email messages were sent last year(, each averaging 18500 bytes. The total flow of data between the world’s 500 million email boxes: 20350 terabytes.

At the end of 1969, the ARPANET (predecessor of the Internet) consisted of four computers. At its current average growth rate (69 new hosts added each minute), the Internet will comprise a billion hosts by 2005.

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 10 Inha University


Who keeps the Internet Running?

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)

A nonprofit corporation responsible for allocating IP address space, assigning protocol parameters, and managing the domain name and root server system. This last function includes determining which new top-level domains are added to the system.

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)Belong to Internet Society. In Korea, KRNIC (Korea Network Information Center)

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 11 Inha University


Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

An International community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers. Their job is to evolve the Internet and smooth its operation by creating technical standards through consensus.

Who keeps the Internet Running?

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 12 Inha University


The Internet Society (ISOC)

An international, nonprofit organization for Internet professionals. It serves as the “organizational home” of the IETF, overseeing various organizational and coordinating tasks.

IAB(Internet Architecture Board)

Who keeps the Internet Running?

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 13 Inha University


World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

A consortium of over 400 corporate, academic, and public institutions that oversees the application most responsible for the Net’s rapid growth: the World Wide Web. W3C identifies new technical requirements, designs technologies to fulfill them, produces standards (called recommendations), and coordinates its efforts with other standards groups, including the IETF.

Who keeps the Internet Running?

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 14 Inha University


Growing Pains

Problems:•The depletion of IP addresses (sometimes between 2005 and 2011)

•The explosion in the sizes of routing tablesMany TCP/IP engineers feel that the routing table explosion will condemn the Internet even sooner than the exhaustion of network addresses.

•World Wide Wait

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 15 Inha University


Next generation

IPng: refer to all the aspects of the next generation Internet Protocol

IPv6: The new version of Internet Protocol

Changes to IP affect many other TCP/IP protocols. In fact, at least 58 current TCP/IP standards must be revised to accommodate IPv6.

There is also the question of migration. It simply is not possible to “flip a switch” somewhere and magically convert all IPv4 systems to IPv6.

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 16 Inha University


Next generation

Other Improvements

To Support QoS (Quality of Service) Integrated Service:RSVP (Resource reSerVation Protocol) Differentiated Service

To support mobility Mobile IP

Continuous improvements to TCP, HTTP, etc.

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 17 Inha University

Why IPv6?

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 18 Inha University


IPv4 Problems Lack of class B IPv4 address space => CIDR

addressing Nearly 60,000 Routable Prefixes Inadequate address aggregation Ballooning BGP databases and Router memory

exhaustion Increased forwarding table look up time Security Mobility Quality of Service

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 19 Inha University

IPv4 Address

IPv4 relied on CIDR based addressing, but address assignment efficiency is still below 1 % (Christian Huitema) due to inefficient address aggregation.

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 20 Inha University

CIDR Classless Inter-domain Routing “22” is the network prefix, indicating the first 22 bits in the address represent a network.

Network prefix in CIDR ranges from 13 to 27. <prefix, length> for aggregation. The longest match routing rule:,







Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 21 Inha University


IPng was recommended by the IPng Area Directors of the Internet Engineering Task Force at the Toronto IETF meeting on July 25, 1994, and documented in RFC 1752,

"The Recommendation for the IP Next Generation Protocol". The recommendation was approved by the Internet Engineering Steering Group on November 17, 1994 and made a Proposed Standard.

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 22 Inha University


In 1973, TCP/IP was introduced to the ARPANET, which at that time connected about 250 sites and 750 computers

In the following two decades since that, the Internet has grown into the dominant form of global information communication.

TCP/IP has mushroomed into a family of protocols that provide a wealth of connectivity services.

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 23 Inha University


The continued exponential growth of the Internet has exposed underlying inadequacies in the network's current technology.

Today's base technology, Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) was last revised in 1981 (RFC791), and for the last several years the Internet Engineering Task Force has been developing solutions for these inadequacies.

This solution, which has been given the name IPv6, will become the backbone for the next generation of communication applications.

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 24 Inha University

IPv6: Critical Technology for Network Connectivity in the 21st Century

Twenty years from now the Internet will be routinely used in ways just as unfathomable to us, Virtually all the devices with which we interact, at

home, at work, and at play, will be connected to the Internet – the possibilities are endless, and the implications staggering.

Enabling the convergence of all these capabilities will be "The Network", an evolution of the current Internet, but still based on the TCP/IP protocol.

To function within this new paradigm TCP/IP must evolve too, and the first significant step in that evolution is the development of the next generation of the "Internet Protocol," Internet Protocol version 6, or IPv6.

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 25 Inha University

IPv6 Overview It is a new version of the Internet Protocol, designed as

a successor to IP version 4 and is assigned IP version number 6 and is formally called IPv6.

IPv6 was designed to take an evolutionary step from IPv4. It was not a design goal to take a radical step away from IPv4. Functions that work in IPv4 were kept in IPv6, but functions that didn't work were removed.

Header Format Simplification

Improved Support for Extensions and Options

Expanded Addressing Capabilities

Flow Labeling Capability

Authentication and Privacy Capabilities

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 26 Inha University

IPv6 overview

Expanded Routing and Addressing capabilities Relief of address shortage Support of more addressing hierarchy Addition of anycast address to give multicast

efficiencies Header length fixed to 40 bytes

64 bits + 128 bits source & destination address Easier to process in hardware and easier to

compress. Improved support for Options

Use of Extension Headers and improved coding give more efficient forwarding

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 27 Inha University

Hierarchial Addressing Structure Enables High Degree of Aggregation Ensures Minimum Number of Prefixes Minimizes Routing Tables

Multihoming possibilities Enables users to switch between providers (auto-

renumbering) Offers increased security and cost optimization

IPv6 Overview

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 28 Inha University

Security IPv4 Security Problems:

1) Denial of service attack 2) Address spoofing

IPv6 Security:1) Mandated at the Kernel level => IPSEC2) Authentication Header (Default to MD5)3) Encryption ( Default to DES-CBC)4) Security Parameter Index (Defines non-default security

association)5) Repudiation features

IPv6 Overview

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 29 Inha University

IPv6 QoS Advantages QoS becoming an issue as real time services

emerge: Need for lower latency and jitter, but improved

tolerance to lost packets More emphasis on timing relationships (time-

stamping) 20-bit Flow Label enables identification of traffic

flows Class of Service field to manage conflicts RSVP/IS used by routers to deal with requests DiffServ. Compression ATM Integration (Int. Serv. to ATM QoS Mapping)

IPv6 Overview

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 30 Inha University

IPv6 /ATM Integration IPv6 Multicast Groups maps to ATM Multicast RSVP/IS maps to ATM QoS:

Controlled Load to ATM UNI 3.1 CBR or 4.0 ABR Guaranteed maps to ATM UNI 3.1 or 4.0 CBR

IPv6 Overview

Prof. Sang-Jo Yoo 31 Inha University

Links Internet2: NGI: IETF: vBNS: TEN-34: APAN: CANARIE: ESNET: