professional articles "das bild ist größer, als man denkt. eine

Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine Antwort auf manche Kritiken an Bloodlands," Journal of Modern European History 11, no. 1, (2013): 1-22. "L'Europe centrale prise entre deux terreurs," L'Esprit, (February 2013): 48-55. "The Causes of the Holocaust," Contemporary European History 21, no. 02, (2012): 149-168. "Pra pakhozhanne natsii Uskhodniai Europi" ["On the origins of the nations of Eastern Europe"], Belaruski Histarychny Ahliad [Belarusian Historical Review] 17, nos. 1-2, (2010 [2012]). "The Problem of Commemorative Causality in the Holocaust," Modernism/Modernity, (February 2013). "Holocaust History: An Agenda for Renewal," Lessons and Legacies, (2010) "East European History: The State of the Field," East European Politics and Societies 25, no. 4, (2011): 749-762, with Norman Naimark. "Collaboration in the Bloodlands," Journal of Genocide Research, (September 2011). "Galicia (XVIII-XX Century): A Laboratory for European History?" Il Mestiere di Storico (Annale SISSCO) 1, (2009): 31-36. "The Ethical Significance of Eastern Europe, Twenty Years On" East European Politics and Societies 22, 1 (Autumn 2009). "The Incomprehensible History of Eastern Europe," (Obca i niezrozumiała historia Europy Wschodniej), Nowa Europa Wschodnia 1, no. 1, (2008): 56-64. "Forum: The Second World War as a Challenge for Ukrainian Historiography" ("Druha svitova viina iak vyklyk dlia ukrainskoi historiohrafii"), Ukraina moderna 13, no. 2, (2008): 13-14. “The Historical Reality of Eastern Europe,” East European Politics and Societies 23, 1 (Winter 2008-09): 7-13. "Leben und Sterben der Juden in Wolhynien," Osteuropa 57, no.4, (2007): 123-142. "The Elusive Civic Subject in Russian History," (synthetic review of articles), Kritika 7, no. 3 (2006): 609-617. "Der Vergessene Geheimkrieg um die Ukraine," Transit 31, (2006): 153-173. “The Causes of Ukrainian-Polish Ethnic Cleansing, 1943,” Past and Present, 179 (2003): 197- 234.

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Page 1: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

Professional Articles

"Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine Antwort auf manche Kritiken an Bloodlands," Journal

of Modern European History 11, no. 1, (2013): 1-22.

"L'Europe centrale prise entre deux terreurs," L'Esprit, (February 2013): 48-55.

"The Causes of the Holocaust," Contemporary European History 21, no. 02, (2012): 149-168.

"Pra pakhozhanne natsii Uskhodniai Europi" ["On the origins of the nations of Eastern Europe"],

Belaruski Histarychny Ahliad [Belarusian Historical Review] 17, nos. 1-2, (2010 [2012]).

"The Problem of Commemorative Causality in the Holocaust," Modernism/Modernity, (February


"Holocaust History: An Agenda for Renewal," Lessons and Legacies, (2010)

"East European History: The State of the Field," East European Politics and Societies 25, no. 4,

(2011): 749-762, with Norman Naimark.

"Collaboration in the Bloodlands," Journal of Genocide Research, (September 2011).

"Galicia (XVIII-XX Century): A Laboratory for European History?" Il Mestiere di Storico

(Annale SISSCO) 1, (2009): 31-36.

"The Ethical Significance of Eastern Europe, Twenty Years On" East European Politics and

Societies 22, 1 (Autumn 2009).

"The Incomprehensible History of Eastern Europe," (Obca i niezrozumiała historia Europy

Wschodniej), Nowa Europa Wschodnia 1, no. 1, (2008): 56-64.

"Forum: The Second World War as a Challenge for Ukrainian Historiography" ("Druha svitova

viina iak vyklyk dlia ukrainskoi historiohrafii"), Ukraina moderna 13, no. 2, (2008): 13-14.

“The Historical Reality of Eastern Europe,” East European Politics and Societies 23, 1 (Winter

2008-09): 7-13.

"Leben und Sterben der Juden in Wolhynien," Osteuropa 57, no.4, (2007): 123-142.

"The Elusive Civic Subject in Russian History," (synthetic review of articles), Kritika 7, no. 3

(2006): 609-617.

"Der Vergessene Geheimkrieg um die Ukraine," Transit 31, (2006): 153-173.

“The Causes of Ukrainian-Polish Ethnic Cleansing, 1943,” Past and Present, 179 (2003): 197-


Page 2: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

“‘To Resolve the Ukrainian Problem Once and for All’: The Ethnic Cleansing of Ukrainians in

Poland, 1943-1947,” Journal of Cold War Studies 1, no.2 (1999): 86-120.

Italian: “Il problema ucraino: La polizia etnica in polonia, 1943-1947,” in Marco Buttino, ed., In

fuga: Guerre, carestie e migrazioni forzate nel mondo contemporaneo, Naples: L'ancora des

mediterraneo, (2001): 49-80. In Polish: Nowa Ukraina, 2007.

“A Polish Socialist For Jewish Nationality: Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz (1872-1905),” Polin:

Studies in Polish Jewry 12 (1999): 257-271.

“Pourquoi le socialisme marxist a-t-il méconnu l’importance du phénomène national? A la

lumiere des enseignements que l’on peut tirer du congres de Londres (1896) de la IIe

Internationale” (“Why did Marxist Socialism Underestimate the National Phenomenon? In Light

of the Lessons of the London Congress (1896) of the Second International”), Revue des Études

Slaves 71, no. 2 (1999): 243-262. Written in French.

“Kazimierz Kelles-Krauz (1872-1905): A pioneering scholar of modern nationalism,” Nations

and Nationalism 3, no.2 (1997): 1-20.

“National Myths and International Relations: Poland and Lithuania, 1989-1994,” East European

Politics and Societies 9, no.2 (1995): 317-344.

“The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Since 1989: National Narratives in Relations Among

Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine,” Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 4, no.3 (1998): 1-24.

“Are Transitions Transitory? Two Models of Political Change in Eastern Europe Since 1989,”

East European Politics and Societies, 11, no.1 (1997): 1-35, with Milada Vachudová. Reviewed

in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 6 October 1997. Discussed in the New York Review of

Books, 18 March 1999.

“Nacjonalizm i marksizm a nowoczesna Europa Środkowa-Wschodnia (“Nationalism and

Marxism in Modern East Central Europe),” Przegląd Społeczny (Social Review), 37-38 (1998):

6-11. Written in Polish.

“Idea złotego wieku w polskiej socjologii (The Idea of a Golden Age in Polish Sociology),” Myśl

socjaldemokratyczna (Social Democratic Thought), nos. 2-3 (1993). Written in Polish.

"Poland's New Government: The Price of Reform," The Principle 4, no. 1 (1998): 6-8.


“The Economic Crisis of Perestroika,” New York: Council on Economic Priorities Monograph,

1991. First prize, Council on Economic Priorities essay contest on Soviet political economy,


Page 3: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

"The Economic Roots of Soviet Foreign Policy Ideology Since 1985," Brown Foreign Affairs

Journal, (Spring 1990): 15-24.

“Soviet Monopoly,” in John Williamson, ed., Economic Consequences of Soviet Disintegration,

Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, (1993): 176-243.

“Antitrust for the USSR,” in William Rohl, An Introduction to Economic Reasoning, Reading:

Addison-Wesley, 1992. Reprinted in Colin Campbell, et al, European Politics and Government

Today, New York: Houghton-Mifflin, 1994.

Book Chapters

"Diaspora der Erinnerung," in Isolde Charim and Gertraud Auer Borea, eds., Lebensmodell

Diapora: Über moderne Nomaden, Bielefeld: transkript Verlag, 2012, 249-259.

Foreward to Jochen Böhler and Stephan Lehnstaedt, eds, Gewalt und Alltag im besetzten Polen

1939-1945, Osnabrück: fiber Verlag, 2012.

"European Mass Killing and European Commemoration," in Vladimir Tismaneanu, ed.,

Remembrance, History and Justice, Budapest: CEU Press, (2012): 1-22.

"Rzecz o Tomaszu Mercie," in Tom pamięci Tomasza Merty, Warsaw: Muzeum Historii Polski,

2011. Written in Polish.

"Etnos i racja stanu" ["Ethics and raison d'état"], in Kosciół, naród, państwo: Działalność

Metropolity Andrzeja Szeptyckiego, Wrocław: Kolegium Europy Wschodniej, (2011): 199-207.

Written in Polish.

"Antysemitizm komunistyczny i etyka uniwersalna: rozważania" ["Communist Anti-Semitism

and Universal Ethics"], in Przebyta droga (Festschrift for Aleksander Smolar), Warsaw, (2010):


"The Case for History after 1989," in Julia Sherwood, ed., Whatever Happened to Democracy,

Bratislava: Projekt Forum (2010): 70-76.

"Tadeusz Kościuszko (1746-1817): libérateur et penseur," in L'héritage de la Res Publica des

Deux Nations, Paris, Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris, (2009) : 71-79. Written in French.

“The Possibility of a Common European History of Dictatorship,” in Gesellschaftliche Diskurse

zum Umgang mit Diktaturgeschichte in Europa, Genshagen-Stiftung, 2009.

“The Life and Death of West Volhynian Jews, 1921-1945,” in Ray Brandon and Wendy Lower,

eds., The Shoah in Ukraine: History, Testimony, and Memorialization, Bloomington: Indiana

University Press, (2008): 77-113.

Ukrainian translation: Dukh i Litera, Kiev, 2011.

Page 4: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

"Wielonarodowa Rzeczpospolita i korzenie polskiej polityki wschodniej lat 90ych XX wieku,"

("The Multinational Republic and Polish Foreign Policy in the 1990s,” Aktualność przesłania

paryskiej „Kultury” w dzisiejszej Europie. Zbiór studiów, Lublin: IESW, 2007.

“The Life and Death of West Volhynian Jews, 1921-1945,” in Ray Brandon and Wendy Lower,

eds., The Shoah in Ukraine: History, Testimony, and Memorialization, Bloomington: Indiana

University Press, (2008): 77-113.

“Polish Border Crossers in Soviet Ukraine,” in Silvia Salvatici, ed., Confini: Costruzioni,

Attraversamenti, Rappresentazioni, SISSCO, 2005.

“Wołyńscy Żydzi pod polskiem panowaniem i sowiecką i niemiecką okupacją, 1939-1944”

(“Volhynian Jews Under Polish Rule and German and Soviet Occupation, 1919-1945”) in

Krzysztof Jasiewicz, ed., Swiat nie pożegnany: Żydzi na ziemiach wschodnich Polski (Jews in

Poland's Eastern Lands), Warsaw: Rytm, (2004): 266-291.

“Ukrainians and Poles,” in Dominic Lieven, ed., The Cambridge History of Russia, Vol. 2, 1689-

1917, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006.

“Akcja 'Wisła' a homogeniczność polskiego społeczeństwa” (“Operation Vistula and the

homogeneity of Polish society”), in Jan Pisuliński et al eds, Akcja Wisła, Warsaw: Instytut

Pamięci Narodowej, (2003): 49-56. Written in Polish.

“Die Armia Krajowa aus ukrainischer Perspektive,” in Bernard Chiari and Jerzy Kochanowski,

eds., Auf der Suche nach nationaler Identität: Geschichte und Mythos der polnischen

Heimatarmee, Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag, 2003.

“Memory of Sovereignty and Sovereignty Over Memory: Twentieth-Century Poland, Ukraine,

and Lithuania” in Jan-Werner Müller, ed., Memory and Power in Postwar Europe, Cambridge:

Cambridge University Press, (2002): 39-58.

“The Ukrainian Minority in Poland,” in James Clem and Nancy Popson, eds., Ukraine and

Central Europe, Washington, D.C: Woodrow Wilson Center, 2001.

“Conclusion: The Wall Around the West,” in The Wall Around the West: State Borders and

Immigration Controls in Europe and North America, Peter Andreas and Timothy Snyder, eds.,

Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000. Republished in Eurozine, June 2005.

“The Poles: Western Aspirations, Eastern Minorities,” in Charles King and Neil Melvin, eds.,

Nations Abroad: Diasporas and National Identity in the Former Soviet Union, Boulder:

Westview, (1998): 179-208.

Short Encyclopedia Articles

Page 5: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

“Ethnic Cleansing,” The Encyclopedia of Population, New York: Macmillan, 2002.

“The Polish-Bolshevik War,” The Encyclopedia of Russian History, New York: Macmillan,


“Adam Mickiewicz,” Europe 1789 to 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, ed.

John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York: Scribner's Sons, 2006.

“Józef Piłsudski,” Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, ed.

John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York: Scribner's Sons, 2006.

“The Ghetto of Lutsk,” The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Encyclopedia of Camps

and Ghettos, 1933-1945: Volume II: Ghettos in German-Occupied Eastern Europe, ed. Martin

Dean and Geoffrey P. Megargee, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2012.

Long Encyclopedia Articles

“Nationalism in the Russian Empire,” The Encyclopedia of Russian History, New York:

Macmillan, 2004.

“Ukraine,” Europe 1789 to 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, ed. John

Merriman and Jay Winter, New York: Scribner's Sons, 2006.

“Poland,” Europe 1789 to 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of Industry and Empire, ed. John

Merriman and Jay Winter, New York: Scribner's Sons, 2006.

“Ethnic Cleansing,” Europe Since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War and Reconstruction, ed.

John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York: Scribner's Sons, 2006.

“Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists," Europe since 1914: Encyclopedia of the Age of War

and Reconstruction, ed. John Merriman and Jay Winter, New York: Scribner's Sons, 2006.

Reviews and Essays in the New York Review of Books

Link to Snyder’s New York Review of Books page:


"Stalin and Hitler: Mass Murder by Starvation," on Wielki Terror: operacja polska 1937–1938

[The Great Terror: The Polish Operation, 1937–1938] edited by Jerzy Bednarek and others;

Deutsche Besatzungspolitik in Litauen 1941–1944 [German Occupation Policies in Lithuania,

1941–1944] by Christoph Dieckmann; Leningrad: The Epic Siege of World War II, 1941–1944

by Anna Reid; The Road: Stories, Journalism, and Essays by Vasily Grossman, edited by Robert

Page 6: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

Chandler, translated from the Russian by Elizabeth Chandler, Robert Chandler, and Olga

Mukovnikova, (21 June 2012): 51-55.


"A Core of European Tragedy, Diversity, Fantasy," on The Idea of Galicia: History and Fantasy

in Habsburg Political Culture by Larry Wolff; Becoming Metropolitan: Urban Selfhood and the

Making of Modern Cracow by Nathaniel D. Wood; Prorok u svoïi vitchyzni: Franko ta ioho

spilnota [A Prophet in His Own Country: Franko and his Community] by Iaroslav Hrytsak

and Kaiser von Amerika: Die große Flucht aus Galizien [Emperor of America: The Great Flight

From Galicia] by Martin Pollack, (10 November 2011): 42-46.


"A New Approach to the Holocaust," on Peter Longerich, Holocaust; Peter Longerich, Heinrich

Himmler; Catherine Epstein, Model Nazi; Andrej Angrick and Peter Klein, The Final Solution in

Riga, New York Review of Books, (23 June 2011): 54-56.


"Hitler vs. Stalin: Who Killed More?" New York Review of Books, (10 March 2011): 33-36.


"In Darkest Belarus," on Victor Martinovich, Paranoiia (St. Petersburg: Astrel SPB, 2010), New

York Review of Books, (28 October 2010): 34-37.

German translation: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, Nr. 24-26/2011.

Revised to be the introduction to the English translation of the novel, Northwestern

University Press, 2013.

"On Tony Judt," New York Review of Books, (14 October 2010): 1-3.

Polish translation: Zeszyty Literackie, Nr. 112, (2010): 50-60.

"What We Need to Know About the Holocaust," on Yehuda Bauer, The Death of the Shtetl;

David Engel, Historians of the Jews and the Holocaust; Barbara Engelking and Jacek Leociak,

The Warsaw Ghetto: A Guide to the Perished City; Saul Friedländer, The Years of

Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945; Daniel Jonah Goldhagen, Worse then

War: Genocide, Eliminationism, and the Ongoing Assault on Humanity; Raul Hilberg, The

Destruction of the European Jews (Third Edition); Chil Rajchman, Je suis le dernier Juif:

Treblinka, 1942–1943; Marek Szapiro, Nim słońce wzejdzie: Dziennik pisany w ukryciu, 1943–

1944; New York Review of Books, (30 September 2010): 64-67.

Polish translation: Newsweek Polska, (2 November 2010).


Page 7: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

"Jews, Poles, and Nazis: The Terrible History," on Christopher Browning, Remembering

Survival: Inside a Nazi Slave-Labor Camp, New York: Norton, 2010; Barbara Engelking and

Dariusz Libionka, Żydzi w powstańczej Warszawie, Warsaw: Polish Center for Holocaust

Research, 2009, New York Review of Books, (24 June 2010): 44-46.

Polish translation: "Armia Krajowa poza czarną a białą legendą," Rzeczpospolita, (20

July 2010).


"Gogol Haunts the New Ukraine," New York Review of Books, (25 March 2010): 35-37.


"Nazis, Soviets, Poles, Jews," on Richard Evans, The Third Reich at War, New York: Penguin,

2009 and Yitzhak Arad, The Holocaust in the Soviet Union, Lincoln: Nebraska, 2009, New York

Review of Books, (3 December 2009).


"Holocaust: The Ignored Reality," New York Review of Books, (16 July 2009).

Published simultaneously in Eurozine, and in translation in : Transit (German), Res

Publica Nowa (Polish), Kulturos barai (Lithuanian), Lettera Internazionale (Italian),

Arena (Swedish), Magyar Lettre Internationale (Hungarian), Vikerkaar (Estonian), Le

Monde diplomatique (Norwegian), Lettre Internationale (Danish), and Kritika&Kontext

(Slovak), Neprikosnovennij Zapas (Russian), Krytyka (Ukrainian), Listy (Czech) and

Arche (Belarusian). English-language reprints in The Guardian (UK) and the Kyiv Post



"Between Hitler and Stalin," on Defiance, film by Edward Zwick and book by Nechama Tec,

New York Review of Books, (30 April 2009): 17-19.

German translation: "Zwischen Hitler und Stalin: Die beispiellose Rettungsaktion der

Bielski-Brüder," Transit, no. 37, (2009): 117-127.

Polish translation: "Ucieczka, czyli sukces," Tygodnik Powszechny, (19 May 2009).

"Ukraine: The Orange Revolution,” with Timothy Garton Ash, New York Review of Books, (28

April 2005): 28-32.

Extracted in the play “The UN Inspector,” National Theatre, London, opened June 2005,

an adaptation by David Farr of Gogol’s “The Government Inspector,” and reprinted in the


German: Transit: Europäische Revue 29, (2005): 14-30. Belarusian: Arche, 4, 2005.

Estonian: Vikerkaar, 4-5, 2005.

Page 8: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

“Hitler’s Logical Holocaust,” New York Review of Books, (20 December 2012).


“Krzysztof Michalski (1948-2013),” New York Review of Books, ( 21 March 2012).


New York Review of Books Blog


"He Welcomed Nazis and Saved Jews"

"1989: Poland was First!"

"Love and Truth: Václav Havel in Bratislava, Twenty Years After 1989"

"How Vacláv Klaus Blocks European Union"


"Europe's New Walls"

"Ukraine’s Past on Trial"

"A Fascist Hero for Democratic Kiev" (published in Ukrainian in Yaroslav Hrytsak, ed.,

страстi за Бандерою, Kiev: Grani-T, 2010, 165-174.)

"Austria's Hollow Center?"

"Springtime for Stalin"

"Who's Afraid of Ukrainian History?"

"Russia's Reckoning with Katyń"

"The Holocaust We Don't See: Lanzmann's Shoah Revisited"



Page 9: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

"Hitler and Stalin: Who Killed More?"


"The Neglected Lithuanian Holocaust" (reprinted in The Guardian)

"Toleration and Europe's Future" (Polish translation Rzeczpospolita, German translation NZZ,

Czech translation Respekt, numerous other translations)

"As Ohio Goes: Letter from Tea Party Country" (reprinted in The Guardian)

"In the Land of No News"

"Ukraine's Last Chance?"


"How Democracy Can Save Europe" (Polish: Przegląd Polityczny, No. 11, 2012, 28-32)

"Grand Old Marxists," (French: Le Monde)

Book Reviews (Times Literary Supplement)

"The News from Poland," On Jan Karski, Story of a Secret State, and Andrzej Żbikowski,

Karski, Times Literary Supplement, (25 November 2011): 7-9.

"History and Hunger," on Steve Sem-Sandberg, The Emperor of Lies: London: Knopf, 2011, ,

Times Literary Supplement, (28 October 2011): 41-43.

"Speak our Language," on John Hall, Ernest Gellner: An Intellectual Biography: New York:

Verso, 2011, Times Literary Supplement, (15 July 2011).

"European Romance," on Thomas Kamusella, The Politics of Language and Nationalism in

Modern Central Europe, Times Literary Supplement, (26 February 2010): 10-11.

"Gun and Briefcase," on the English edition of Jonathan Littell, Les Bienveillants (The Kindly

Ones), London: Chatto and Windus, 2009. Times Literary Supplement, (6 March 2009).

"Nazism's Dialectic of Death," on Mark Mazower, Hitler's Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied

Europe, London: Allen Unwin, 2008, in Times Literary Supplement, (14 August 2008).

Ukrainian translation in Krytyka,(Kiev), 2009.

"At the Deep End," on Abram Brumberg, Journeys Through Vanishing Worlds, London: Scarith,

in Times Literary Supplement, (4 April 2008).

Page 10: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

"Betrayed on All Sides," on Jan Gross, Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland after Auschwitz: An essay

in Historical Interpretation, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006, Times Literary

Supplement, (6 October 2006): 27.

"Revolution Without the Workers," on David Ost, The Defeat of Solidarity: Anger and Politics

in Eastern Europe, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2005, for Times Literary Supplement, (23

and 30 December 2005): 39.

"Keys to Kiev," on Serhii Plokhy, The Unmaking of Imperial Russia: Mykhaïlo Hrushevsky and

the Writing of Ukrainian History, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005, for Times Literary

Supplement, (16 December 2005): 25.

“The Old Country,” on Anatol Lieven, America Right or Wrong: An Anatomy of American

Nationalism, for Times Literary Supplement, (25 March 2005): 34-36.

“Ways of Dying,” on Kate Brown, A Biography of No Place: From Ethnic Borderland to Soviet

Heartland, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2004, and Karel C. Berkhoff, Harvest of

Despair: Life and Death in Ukraine under Nazi Rule, Cambridge: Harvard University Press,

2004, Times Literary Supplement, (24 September 2004).

“Pity the First Ally,” on Norman Davies, Rising '44: The Battle for Warsaw, London:

Macmillan, 2003, for Times Literary Supplement, (20 February 2004): 13.

Book Reviews (General Reader)

"Were we all people?" review of Witold Pilecki, The Auschwitz Volunteer, The New York Times,

(24 June 2012).


"Their Sense of Belonging," review of volumes 1, 2, and 3 of Antony Polonsky, The Jews of

Poland and Russia, The Wall Street Journal, (19 May 2012).

"On Their Stomachs," Review of Lizzie Collingham, The Taste of War, New York Times, (6 May



"Savagery," review of Paul Preston, The Spanish Holocaust: Inquisition and Extermination in

Twentieth-Century Spain, New York: Norton, 2012, The New Republic, (30 March 2012).


Page 11: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

"War no More," Review of Steven Pinker, The Better Angels of Our Nature: Why War Has

Declined, New York: Viking, 2011, Foreign Affairs 91, no. 1 (2012): 153-159.

"A Normal Man," review of Robert Gerwarth, Hitler's Hangman: A Biography of Reinhard

Heydrich, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011, Wall Street Journal, (5 November 2011).

"Cruelty and Collapse," review of Ian Kershaw, The End: The Defiance and Destruction of Nazi

Germany, New York: Penguin, 2011, in The New Republic, (11 October 2011): 43-46.

"How Hitler Could Have Won," review of Andrew Roberts, The Storm of War, New York:

HarperCollins, 2011, in New York Times, (26 June 2011).


"Love and Death," review of The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg, ed. Georg Adler, Peter Hudis, and

Annelies Laschitza, trans. George Shriver, New York: Verso 2011, in The New Republic, (9 June

2011): 28-31.

"Port of Memories," review of Charles King, Odessa: City of Dreams, New York: Norton, 2011,

in Wilson Quarterly, (Spring 2011): 87-90.

"They All Knew They Were Right," review of Michael Burleigh, Moral Combat: Good and Evil

in World War II, New York: Harper, 2011, in Wall Street Journal, (16 April 2011).

"Animal Nature," review of Slavenka Drakulic, A Guided Tour through the Museum of

Communism, New York: Penguin, 2011, New Republic (The Book), (3 March 2011).

“The Inevitability of the Unexpected,” review of Roman Szporluk, Russia, Ukraine, and the

Breakup of the Soviet Union, Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, 2000, in Institut für die

Wissenschaften vom Menschen Newsletter (Vienna) 76, (Spring 2002): 25-26.

"The Unknown Holocaust," on Joshua Rubernstein and llya Altman, eds., The Unknown Black

Book: The Holocaust in the German-Occupied Soviet Territories, Bloomington: Indiana

University Press, 2008, in Truthdig, 15 February 2008, and reprinted in The IWM Post, No. 97,

January-March 2008, 26-27. German translation: Transit 35, (2008): 90-98.

Page 12: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

Tony Judt, Postwar: A History of Europe Since 1945, New York: Penguin, 2005, in IWM

Newsletter, Vienna, (Spring 2006).

"Wartime Lies," on Czesław Miłosz, Legends of Modernity: Essays and Letters From Occupied

Poland, trans. Madeline Levine, New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2005, The Nation, (January

9/16 2006): 26-29.

Reviews and Review Essays (Scholarly Journals)

Brian Porter, Faith and Fatherland: Catholicism, Modernity and Poland, in Slavic Review 71,

no. 3 (2012): 650-652.


"John Lukacs and the Practices of Recent Historians," Historically Speaking 12, no. 2 (2011):


Archie Brown, The Rise and Fall of Communism, New York: HarperCollins, 2009, featured

review, Slavic Review 69, no. 3, (2010): 725-727.


“Coming to Terms with the Charm and Power of Soviet Communism,” on Francois Furet, Le

Passé d’une Illusion: Essai sur l'idée communiste au XXe siecle,Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1995;

Abbot Gleason, Totalitarianism: The Inner History of the Cold War, Oxford: Oxford University

Press, 1995; Andrzej Walicki, Marxism and the Leap to the Kingdom of Freedom, Stanford:

Stanford University Press, 1995, in Contemporary European History 6, no. 1 (1997): 133-144.

"Three Endings and a Beginning: Shimon Redlich's Galicia," on Shimon Redlich, Together and

Apart In Brzeżany: Poles, Jews, and Ukrainians, 1919-1945, Bloomington: Indiana University

Press, 2002, in Yad Vashem Studies, 34, 2006.

Serhy Yekelchyk, Stalin's Empire of Memory: Russian-Ukrainian Relations in Soviet Historical

Memory, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2004, for The American Historical Review 110,

no.4 (2005): 1285-1286.

Bradley Abrams, The Struggle for the Soul of the Nation: Czech Culture and the Rise of

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Page 13: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

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ta ioho vidlunnia. Doslidzhennia, dokumenty, spohady. L'viv: Instytut ukrainoznavstvo im. I

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Joint review in the English Historical Review 155, no. 451, (2000):

498-500: Peter Stachura, Poland in the Twentieth Century, London: Macmillan, 1999; Peter

Stachura, ed., Poland Between the Wars, London: Macmillan, 1998.

Bogdan Horbal, Działalność polityczna Lemków na Lemkowszczyznie, 1918-1921 (The Political

Activity of Lemkos in the Lemko Region, 1918-1921), Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Arboretum,

1997, in Canadian and American Slavic Studies 35, no. 23 ( 2001): 364- 365.

Amir Weiner, Making Sense of War: The Second World War and the Fate of the Bolshevik

Revolution, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2001, in Nationalities Papers, forthcoming.

Paul Best and Jaroslav Moklak, eds., The Lemkos of Poland: Articles and Essays, New Haven:

Carpatho-Slavic Studies Group, 2000, in Harvard Ukrainian Studies 23, nos. 1-2 (2001, dated

1999), 145-148.


Patricia Kennedy Grimstead, Trophies of War and Empire: The Archival Heritage of Ukraine,

World War II, and the International Politics of Restitution, Cambridge: Ukrainian Research

Institute, 2001, in Journal of Cold War Studies, Volume 5, no. 2 (2003), 101-103.


Ana Siljak and Philipp Ther, eds., Redrawing Nations: Ethnic Cleansing in East-Central Europe,

1944-1948, Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2001, in Journal of Cold War Studies 5, no. 4,

(2003): 102-105.


Jerzy Krzyżanowski, Katyń w literaturze (Katyń in Literature), Lublin: Norbertinum, 2002, in

Polish Review, 2004.

Alex J. Kay, Exploitation, Resettlement, Mass Murder: Political and Economic Planning for

German Occupation Policy in the Soviet Union, 1940-1941, New York: Berghahn Books, 2006,

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"Eric Hobsbawm,", 1 October 2012.

"Granice historii narodowych" ["The Limits of National History"], Tygodnik Powszechny, 22

May 2012.

"The Overwhelming Realism of 'In Darkness’", New Yorker Culture Desk, 22 February 2012.


"The Birth of Nations in the Balkans," IWM Post, no. 107, (2011): 11.


"The Coming Age of Slaughter," The New Republic, (28 October 2010): 61-64.

Polish: Res Publica Nova, Spring 2011.

German: Transit, no. 41, (2011): 136-142.


"Ghosts: Could the plane crash bury Stalinism forever?" The New Republic, 17 April 2010.


Introduction to "Mit der Straßenbahn zum Kinderheim," interview of Henryka Krzywonos by

Sławomir Sierakowski, Transit, No. 37, 2009.


"Obama and Wojtyła," Dialogue and Universalism, nos. 3-5, (2009): 41-44.

"Czerwony Książę," Tygodnik Powszechny (Cracow), (9 December 2008): 1-3.,0,18305,czerwony_ksiaze,artykul.html

"Der Rote Prinz," Die Presse (Vienna), (13 September 2008): 4.

"In the shadow of Emperors and General Secretaries: On the origins of the nations of East

Central Europe" ("W cieniu cesarzy i sekretarzy"), Tygodnik Powszechny 27, (July 2008): 24-25,

written in Polish. Ukrainian translation: "V tini imperatoriv i sekretariv," Zakhidna analitychna

hrupa, 2 August 2008.

Page 15: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

"How is the KGB Bar Possible?" (Response to Alexander Motyl), Transit 35, (2008): 123-127.

“War is Peace,” Prospect, no.104, (November 2004): 32-37.

German: “George Orwell trifft George Bush,” Transit: Europäische Revue 28, (2005): 29-36.

Polish: “'Rok 1984' czytany w roku 2004” Tygodnik Powszechny 31, (October 2004): 10-11.

Czech: “Jak číst 1984 v roce 2004,” Lidové Noviny 13, (30 October 2004):15.

Turkish: Vizon, (December 2004): 54-56.

Russian: Literaturnaia gazeta 3, (2005).

“Was hält Europa zusammen,”Transit: Europäische Revue (Vienna), 168-171.

English reprints: “Balancing the Books?” Index on Censorship, (2005); Krzysztof Michalski, ed,

The Spiritual Identity of Europe, Budapest: Central European Press, (2005).

German: “Vereintes Europa, geteilte Geschichte,” Eurozine, (May 2005).

Lithuanian: Kulturos barai, (March 2009).

"A Legend of Freedom: Solidarity," ("Legenda o wolnośći"), Tygodnik Powszechny, special

edition on Solidarity, 4 September 2005.

“Polnisches Ostpolitik -- Tradition mit Zukunft” Transit: Europäische Revue (Vienna) 25,

(2003): 25-39.

"The Ethnic Cleansing of Volhynia, 1943" (“Wołyń, rok 1943),” Tygodnik Powszechny

(Cracow) 1, (11 May 2003):7. Written in Polish.

“Federalism and Nationalism in Polish Eastern Policy, “Georgetown Journal of International

Affairs 4, no. 1 (2003).

"Five Centuries and Eight Years: Operation Vistula and the homogeneity of Polish society”

(Pięć wieków i osiem lat: "“Akcja 'Wisła' a homogeniczność polskiego społeczeństwa”),

Tygodnik Powszechny, April 2002. Reprinted in Nowy Dziennik (New York), (12 May 2002).

Written in Polish.

“Die neuen Mitteleuropäer” Transit: Europäische Revue (Vienna), no. 21, (2001): 42-54.

Reviewed in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 29 December 2001, 41.

“Poles and Czechs, Ten Years On,” Prospect, (February 1999): 54-57.

Polish: Gazeta Wyborcza, (28 October 1999).

Czech: Britské listy, (February 1999).

Summarized in French in L'Evénement, (1 February 1999): 32.

Page 16: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

“Look East, Face West: Poland’s Eastern Policy and EU Enlargement,” Transitions 5, no. 9,

(September 1998): 54-57.

“Czy obywatele nie potrzebują ojczyzny? (Don't Citizens Need a Fatherland?)” Spoleczeństwo

otwarte (Warsaw), no.7, (1994): 21-24. Written in Polish.

“Kelles-Krauz: socjologia, socjalizm, naród (Kelles-Krauz: Sociology, Socialism, and the

Nation)” Spoleczeństwo otwarte (Warsaw), no.5, (1995): 16-22.

“Czy są konserwatiści w Polsce? (Are There Conservatives in Poland?),” Res Publica Nowa

(Warsaw), (November 1997): 49-53. Written in Polish.

Newspaper Articles

“What Soviet Economic Collapse Can Teach US Managers,” Christian Science Monitor, 30

August 1991.

"Anti-Trust for the USSR," Christian Science Monitor, 2 October 1991.

“The Problems of Monopoly,” The Guardian, 9 March 1992.

“Western Economic Might Key to Helping East,” Christian Science Monitor, 2 January 1993.

“The Domestic Meaning of Clinton's Foreign Policy,” Dayton Daily News, 5 January 1993.

“Making the Peace Dividend Pay Off,” The Guardian, 6 April 1993 (with Gareth Cook).

“Reasons for Optimism in Socialist Poland,” San Francisco Chronicle, 27 September 1993.

“Poland's Communists Aren't, Really,” Christian Science Monitor, 1 November 1993.

“NATO Enlargement: A Bear at Rest Means a Safer U.S.,” Christian Science Monitor, 18 March


“A Divided Ukraine Drifts Neither East nor West,” Christian Science Monitor, 31 March 1998.

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“What Americanization Has to Do With America,” Christian Science Monitor, 29 April 1998.

“Poland's Return to Europe is a Leap to Modernity,” Christian Science Monitor, 21 May 1998.

“Poland’s Hot Summer of Decommunization,” Transitions, 5, 6, June 1998, 12-13.

“W poszukiwaniu wschodniego interesu (In Search of the Eastern Interest),” Unia-Polska

(Warsaw), Number 1 (1998), 6.

Belarusian: Epokha, December 1998, 17.

“Why Missile Defense is a Bad Idea,” Christian Science Monitor, 2 February 2001, with Philip


“Protestoval bi Bohdan Khmelnyts'kyi protiv priezda Papy Rims'kogo?” (“Would Bohdan

Khmelnyts'kyi Protest the Papal Visit?”), Vechernie Vesti (Kyiv), 18 June 2002.

“In die Falle getappt (über das Rätsel der Wiederwahl des George W. Bush),” Falter (Vienna),

12 November 2004, 10.

“Eine Chance für Europe: Die EU ist in der Ukraine als Schutzmacht der Demokratie gefordert,”

Der Standard, Vienna, 26 November 2004, 35. In English in special edition of Transit,

November 2004, "Ukraine: An Opportunity for Europe."

"A Call to Be More Civil," Christian Science Monitor, 20 June 2008.

"Grappling with an Emboldened Russia," Boston Globe, 12 August 2008.


"History Does not End, Nor Do its Hard Lessons," Chicago Tribune, 17 August 2008.


"War is from Mars, Love is From Venus," Boston Globe, 12 November 2008.

"Rzecz o Tomaszu Mercie," on the death of the conservative writer and policy maker Tomasz

Merta, Gazeta Wyborcza, 16 April 2010.,75515,7776156,Rzecz_o_Tomaszu_Mercie.html#ixzz1HDrgePYW

Page 18: Professional Articles "Das Bild ist größer, als man denkt. Eine

"Echoes from the Killing Fields of the East," Guardian (Comment is Free), 28 September 2010.

"The Fatal Fact of the Nazi-Soviet Pact," Guardian (Comment is Free), 5 October 2010.

“The Reich’s Forgotten Atrocity,” Guardian (Comment is Free), 21 October 2010.


“Lithuania Neglects the Memory of its Murdered Jews,” Guardian (Comment is Free), 29 July



“A Dangerous Misreading of the Boston Tea Party from Right Wing Anarchists”, Guardian

(Comment is Free), 19 August 2011.

“Vanished Kingdoms by Norman Davies- review” Guardian (Comment is Free), 18 November


"Why laptops in class are distracting America's future workforce," Christian Science Monitor, 8

October 2010.


"No, They're Not a 'Hitler' or a 'Stalin'," International Herald Tribune, 16 November 2010.

"Stalin, Our Contemporary," in twenty-nine newspapers in twelve languages, 2010-2011.

“Keeping our Heads,” New Republic, 24 August 2012.


“Cruelty and Collaps,” New Republic, 12 October 2011.