professional learning network powerpoint

Professional Learning Network @b2collins

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Professional Learning Network


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September 23rd, 2012My first few hours on twitter

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The first person I followed on twitter

• George Couros spoke in my EDIT 202 lecture about the importance of social networking. I was enthralled by his lecture and excited by the idea of the PLN

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Great addition to my PLN

I believe that this is a great resource for a pre service teaching preparing their materials. Copyright can be an annoying hassle and this easy to use website is a good place to start.

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Example of the expanding PLN

• Making connections with pre service teachers from other provinces

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Further additions to my PLN

• Twitter provided me with access to Edmonton Public School Board News. As a preservice teacher hoping to gain employment in Edmonton it only seemed appropriate that I would want to add the school board to my professional learning network.

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My PLN continues to grow…

• Twitter has been a great resource for developing my professional learning network. It is amazing how connected we all are now!

• I have enjoyed browsing the different educators twitter pages and the different resources they have to share.

• My top three favorite hash tags have been #edit202, #PTEd and #StopBullying• I believe that for just starting my PLN I have a good following to followers ratio.