professionalism in education

Domain of Teaching Profession and Roles and Tasks of Teacher EDUCATIONAL PROFESSION created by : Dian Armadani Ritonga 4103312012 Maria Priscillya Pasaribu 4103312018 Bilingual Mathematics 2010 State University of Medan

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Educational Profession Group Task


Page 1: Professionalism in Education

Domain of Teaching Profession and Roles and

Tasks of Teacher


created by :Dian Armadani Ritonga4103312012

Maria Priscillya Pasaribu 4103312018

Bilingual Mathematics 2010State University of Medan

Page 2: Professionalism in Education

Domain of teaching are grouped into three domains, they are :

1)Professional Knowledge2)Professional Practice3)Professional Engagement

A. Domain of Teaching

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1) Professional Knowledge

Teachers draw on a body of professional knowledge and research to respond to the needs of their students within their educational contexts.

Teachers know their students well, including their diverse linguistic, cultural and religious backgrounds. They know how the experiences that students bring to their classroom affect their continued learning. They know how to structure their lessons to meet the physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of their students.

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Teachers know the content of their subjects and curriculum. They know and understand the fundamental concepts, structure and enquiry processes relevant to programs they teach. Teachers understand what constitutes effective, developmentally appropriate strategies in their learning and teaching programs and use this knowledge to make the content meaningful to students.

Through their teaching practice, teachers develop students' literacy and numeracy within their subject areas.

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2) Professional Practice

Teachers are able to make learning engaging and valued. They are able to create and maintain safe, inclusive and challenging learning environments and implement fair and equitable behaviour management plans.

Teachers have a repertoire of effective teaching strategies and use them to implement well-designed teaching programs and lessons. They regularly evaluate all aspects of their teaching practice to ensure they are meeting the learning needs of their students. They interpret and use student assessment data to diagnose barriers to learning and to challenge students to improve their performance.

They operate effectively at all stages of the teaching and learning cycle, including planning for learning and assessment, developing learning programs, teaching, assessing, providing feedback on student learning and reporting to parents/carrers.

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2) Professional Engagement

Teachers model effective learning. They identify their own learning needs and analyze, evaluate and expand their professional learning, both collegially and individually.

Teachers demonstrate respect and professionalism in all their interactions with students, colleagues, parents/carrers and the community. They are sensitive to the needs of parents/carrers and can communicate effectively with them about their children's learning.

Teachers value opportunities to engage with their school communities within and beyond the classroom to enrich the educational context for students. They understand the links between school, home and community in the social and intellectual development of their students.

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• This following table tell the standards of each domain of teaching.




Professional Knowledge

1. Know Students and how they learn2. Know the content and how to

teach it

Professional Practice

3. Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

4. Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

5. Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

Professional Engagement

5. Engage in professional learning6. Engage professionally with

colleagues, parents/ careers and the community

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As described previously, the teacher serves as a professional educator with the major task of educating, teaching, guiding, directing, training, assessing and evaluating students in the formal education. One of experts suggests that teachers act as designer, activator, evaluator and motivator described as follows:

B. The Roles of Teacher

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Teachers as planner is compiling academic activities or curriculum and learning, organize student activities, formulate infrastructure needs and financing sources estimating school operations, and relationships with parents, communities, stakeholders and relevant agencies.

1. Teacher as Planner

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Teachers must have a certain personal quality standards, which include responsibility, authority and discipline. With regard to the authority of the teacher should have an advantage in realizing the value of spiritual, emotional, moral, social, intellectual in him, and has the advantages of science and understanding science , technology, and art which was developed in accordance with the field. While discipline meant that teachers must follow various rules and regulations consistently, the professional consciousness because they fatherly duty to discipline students in school, especially in learning. Therefore, teachers should start instilling discipline of its own, in a variety of actions and behavior.

2. Teacher as Educators

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Teachers said as activator is the mobilizers that encourage and activate system of school organization. A teacher must have the intellectual ability.

To encourage and activate the school system forward does require the ability to streamline the brilliant performance of human resources optimally and sustainably. From this ambition and vision, the teacher as activator is expected to have a sense of responsibility, a sense of belonging, and a sense to promote the institution school as an the big tent to dedicate their lives.

3. Teacher as Activator

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Teachers as an evaluator, is doing evaluation / assessment of the activities that have been undertaken in the school system.

Evaluation or assessment is the most complex aspects of learning, because it involves a lot of background and relationships, as well as variables that have meaning when related to the context in which it is almost impossible to be separated by any standpoint.

4. Teacher as Evaluator

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As a process, the assessments are conducted with the principles and the appropriate techniques, may test or non-test. Either technique, the assessment should be done with clear procedures, which includes three stages: preparation, implementation and follow-up. In addition to assessing learners, teachers must also assess themselves as both a planner and evaluator of learning programs. Therefore he must have sufficient knowledge about the assessment program which understands assessment of learning outcomes.

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Teacher as a motivator means teacher as a motivator as students in order to increase driving excitement and development of student learning activities.

The teacher as a motivator should be able to know the motives that led to the low power of student learning that can lead to decreased academic achievement. Teachers should stimulate and provide encouragement and reinforcement to revive the passion and enthusiasm of student learning.

4. Teacher as Motivator

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Some of the efforts of teachers in providing motivation to learn, is as follows:

Clarify Objectives

Encourage Students’ Interest

Create fun atmosphere in learning

Give rating

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Teachers regarded as the most knowledgeable. He not only obliged to deliver its knowledge to the students, but also obligate to develop knowledge and continually cultivates knowledge he had. In this century, where science and technology is growing rapidly, the teacher must follow and adjust to these developments. Many ways can be done, eg, self-study, conduct research, attend courses, writing books, and making scientific writings that his role as a scientist performing well.

5. Teacher as Scientist

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Expanding Role of Teachers in schools

In the future, the teacher's role will be more strategic, though not necessarily be construed as the most dominant in terms of learning. Teachers are no longer limited to only work manually, but had to be more familiar with the instrument of information and communication technology. This implies a change in their attitudes and behavior in carrying out their duties. Thus future teachers should be able to play the role as follows:

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In order to realize its role as a confidant and advisor in more depth, he must understand the psychology of personality and mental health sciences. Among living creatures on this planet, humans are unique creatures, and even develop a unique character as well. Being what he is, is strongly influenced by the experience, the learning environment and education. To become an adult human, humans must learn from the environment during life by using their strengths and weaknesses. Psychological approach to mental health and above teachers will go a long way in its function as an advisory has been widely known that he had a lot of help learners to be able to make their own decisions.

1. Teacher as Advisor

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Teachers who have past experience translate into a meaningful life for students. In this case there is a deep and wide chasm between the generations with each other, as well as parents who experience more than our grandmothers. Teacher's task here is to understand how the gaps are, and how to bridge them effectively. So the basis is those thoughts and ways are used to express the pattern formed by the time used. Language is a tool for thinking, through observations made and arrange the words and save the brain, there was an understanding of the learning outcomes.

2. Teacher as Innovator

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Teacher is a model or example for the students and all those who consider him as a teacher. There is a tendency to assume that this role is not easy to resist. Being a role model is the basic of the learning activity, and when a teacher does not want to accept or use it constructively so have reduced the effectiveness of learning. The role and functions should be understood and should not need to be a burdensome expense so, by skill and humility will enrich the meaning of the learning.

3. Teacher as a Model and Example

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What will be models for students from teacher are :

•Basic attitudes•Talk and speech style•Work habits•Attitudes by experience of error•Clothing•Human relations•The process of thinking•Health•General lifestyle

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D. The Tasks of Teacher

Teachers have a lot of tasks, both of which are bound by duty and off duty, in the form of DEDICATION. Teacher is a profession that requires special skills as a teacher and can not be done by anyone outside the field of education.

Proffesion sector, includes :

I. Educating : forward and develop the values of live

II. Teaching : forward and develop science and technology

III. Excercising : develope creativity of students

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Humanity sector

At school, teacher should be able to make himself as both parents that are able to attract sympathy so that he became a favorite of the students, and a motivation for students to learn.

Social Sector

Society puts teachers in a more prominent place in their environment because of a teacher is expected to acquire the knowledge. This means that teachers are obliged to educate the nation towards the establishment of a human being in Indonesia based on Pancasila.

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In the concept of teacher education, LPTK asserted that the task of teacher includes the personal task, social and professional tasks, thus the required components are also related to personal competence, social competence, and professional competence. In this discussion we discussed the three tasks the teacher.

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1.Personal TaskThis personal task concerns teacher’s personal, it

is why every teacher needs to look at her and understand the concept itself. In his book, Student teacher in Action, P Wiggens writes about self-portrait as an educator, he wrote that a teacher should be able to look in the mirror at himself. When he reflect on himself, he will see not one person, but three persons, they are:

I am with my self-concept (self Concept). I am with my self-idea (self Idea). I am with my self-reality (self Reality).After teaching the teacher must hold a learner

reflection. He was asking myself, is there the results obtained from the students? Or after finishing teaching he asked himself whether the student understands what he taught?

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2.Social Task

The mission of teachers is a humanitarian mission. Teaching and learning is the task of humanizing mankind. Teachers have asocial duty. According Langeveld, teacher is a speaker age. And article of Ir, Sukarno of "The teacher is in Development". He mentioned the importance of teachers in its development. Teacher's task is to serve the community. It is therefore the task of the teacher is the duty of human services.

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3.Professional Task

As a profession, teachers carry out the role of the profession. As the role of the profession, teachers have professional qualifications, as noted, was a professional qualification among others are expected to master the knowledge that he can give some knowledge to students with good results.

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