professor alison bullock cardiff university

Professor Alison Bullock Cardiff University SEWAHSP Strategy Launch Working together for knowledge transfer

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Professor Alison Bullock Cardiff University. SEWAHSP Strategy Launch Working together for knowledge transfer. Overview. An illustration of HS&DR members working together to implement strategy Knowledge transfer – what it is and why it’s important Challenges What we’ve done so far - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Professor John Geen Clinical Lead for R&D Cwm Taf Health Board

Professor Alison BullockCardiff UniversitySEWAHSP Strategy Launch

Working together for knowledge transferOverviewAn illustration of HS&DR members working together to implement strategy

Knowledge transfer what it is and why its importantChallengesWhat weve done so farReflections and future plans

What is knowledge transfer?

Knowledge transfer (KT) is about the translation of research into impacts getting news of research findings (knowledge) and innovations to practitionersapplication - practitioners using research knowledge in their decision-makingbringing together research and practitioner communities (exchange).

3The translation processFundamental ScienceImpactsGap 4 Population SciencesGap 1 Gap 2 Gap 3 Community, Population, PolicyTrials & well designed studiesInnovation & DiscoveryResearch Translation4

Why is it important?

Innovation and research translation recognised as key policy drivers (Welsh Government Policies, SEWAHSP strategy).KT is one of the HS&DR Groups five research priorities.

Important for practitioners in all priority areas (cancer, cardio-respiratory, diabetes, genetics...) as well as managers of service delivery and educators of practitioners. All need the know and apply the most recent research findings and innovations.

Helps practitioners provide the best care, improve health and well-being, and enhances quality and safety

5Knowledge transfer and exchangeKTE mechanisms can improve the quality and relevance of research projectscan develop capacity in practitioner, managerial and education communities for accessing, appraising and using research evidencecan encourage greater engagement, linkage and exchange between research and practice communities

6ChallengesLow status of research related to service delivery and education of healthcare professionalsShare of funding for HS&DR is low relative to its importanceCapacity and capability of practitioners and NHS managers to engage with and use researchRelevance: matching research to need

A story of collaboration in HS&DRGKT in the HS&DR strategy

Working together on applicationsNISCHR AHSC call for clinical research time competition (May) for a Stage 1 Welsh studyNIHR HS&DR call for research to improve KT and innovation in healthcare delivery and organisation (outline May; full Sept): Getting the most out of knowledge and innovation transfer agents in healthcare

Aims: to identify current mechanisms, gaps, barriers/enablers, shape development, evaluate; bring together researchers, managers, practitioners, policy makers

8Features of the applicationsStage 1 for an NHS manager: local scoping work to complement and strengthen stage 2 national studyNIHR HS&DR application includes 2 HS&RD Group members and a senior NHS manager (for a-day-a-week) as co-applicantsDirect NHS input into the RQsProvides capacity building opportunityAligns research and education to practice


Continuing to seek cross-institutional support for Stage 1

Stage 2: awaiting outcome of NIHR HS&DR proposal

Diverse strengths adds value to applicationsTask focused collaboration cements relationshipsClarifies KT aims

10ReflectionsSEWAHSP provides networking opportunity, brings together practitioners and academics to help address Research-Practice gapRelationships and face-to-face contact are important for effective collaboration and later research utilization Cooperation works but doesnt happen spontaneously needs structures, support (provided by SEWAHSP) and a task focus (e.g. funding applications)Working with NHS practitioners/managers ensures relevant RQsInvolving knowledge users as partners in the research process is a strong predictor that findings will be used and the project will achieve a greater impact

11The futureBuild on what we have and expand in line with evidencePursue more joint applications for funding and develop a programmatic approach to KTPilot work and exchange conversations with NHS (HB input)Through HS&DRG, agree priorities for research and research use.Translators to champion innovation and research translationSecondments and clinical academic posts?Education and training to develop research-aware NHS managers, and to build capacity and capability