programmable matter with modular robots

1 Programmable Matter with Modular Robots Daniela Rus CSAIL, MIT Z. Butler, P. Corke, C. Detweiler, B. Donald, K. Gilpin, K. Kotay, C. Levey, I. Paprotny, I. Vasilescu, M. Vona, Y. Yoon Motivation Fixed architecture robot = fixed task set Flexible architecture robot = versatility •Multiple locomotion gaits •Multiple manipulation gaits •Self-assembly •Self-repair How do living cells differentiate? •Synthetic engineering exploration

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Page 1: Programmable Matter with Modular Robots


Programmable Matterwith Modular Robots

Daniela RusCSAIL, MIT

Z. Butler, P. Corke, C. Detweiler, B. Donald, K. Gilpin, K. Kotay,C. Levey, I. Paprotny, I. Vasilescu, M. Vona, Y. Yoon


Fixed architecture robot = fixed task set Flexible architecture robot = versatility

•Multiple locomotion gaits•Multiple manipulation gaits•Self-assembly•Self-repair

How do living cells differentiate? •Synthetic engineering exploration

Page 2: Programmable Matter with Modular Robots


Self-reconfiguring Robots




•Multiple modules•Physically connected•Capable of autonomousstructural change•Multiple functionalities---form follows function

Programming matter byself-reconfiguration

All modules identical/active Connections Actuation by rotation, sliding, scaling Local communication

Page 3: Programmable Matter with Modular Robots


Programming Matter Example:The Molecule

2 atoms, 1 bond, 5 connectors/atom 4 rotational degrees of freedom 4 Futaba S9204 10 Micro Mo motors FDM fabrication

Programming Matter Example

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Programming Matter:Distributed Control

Abstract model of relative motion: cubeSynthesize task-specific local rules (manually or learning)Prove correctnessCompile to specific hardware actuation

Programming Matter:Distributed Locomotion

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Programming MatterDistributed Control Analysis

Correctness: Some rule can always be applied Eastward motion results form all possible

sequences of rule activations The robot remains connected

Obstacle field must be shorter than therobot

Programming Matter:Another WayProof outline1. A rule can always be applied2. Rule applications Þ east movement3. The cell array remains connected

Graph equivalence1. No leaves2. Cycles : eastward displacement3. Nodes are connected cell arrays Automated proofs can be produced

for a given rule set and cell array

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Programming Matterby Disassembly

Initial configuration Finished product

Self-assembly as Sculpting

Programming Matter byDisassembly Trade-offs Simple actuation

mechanism fordisconnection

Disconnectioneasier, faster, morerobust than makingconnections

Gravity pullsmodules away

Must start from pre-assembled structure

Must rely onexternal force fordiscarding modules(gravity)

Page 7: Programmable Matter with Modular Robots


Programming Matterby Disassembly Example


Magnet Assembly

“Switchable” Magnet


Tilt Sensor

IR PhotodiodeIR LED

ARM Processor

2-D Accelerometer

Hall Effect Sensor

Miche Module

Programming MatterSelf-disassembly Algorithm

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Programming Matter Self-Disassembly Execution

5 trials, 120 secs average completion, some units can’t fall

Programming MatterLocalization with Tokens

Idea: each module computes a relative coordinateBenefits: global structure not known/needed

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Programming Matter Shape Distribution

Idea: included modules only receive message along shortest pathBenefits: no global knowledge/need of shape

Programming Matter:Self-disassembly Example

15 trials, 90 secs average completion

Page 10: Programmable Matter with Modular Robots


What Types of Modular Robots?

Spectrum of capabilities: Self-reconfiguring: Actuation, Connection,

Computation, Sensing, Communication Self-disassembling: Connection, Computation, Sensing,

Communication Computation, Sensing, Communication Computation and Communication Inert

Spectrum of sizes: Large to Tiny Robots Spectrum of applications: ground, water, space

Programming Matterwith Microrobots

Untethered actuators Self-release Power-delivery

With B. Donald

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Programming Matter with Microrobots

Plate length: 80 microns; width 2 microns; speed 1.5 mm/sec

Programming Matter withRobots and Passive Blocks

Page 12: Programmable Matter with Modular Robots


Programming Matterwith Robots and Passive Blocks

Programming MatterUnderwater

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Modular robots as alternative to fixedarchitecture robots

A spectrum of capabilities for modules The future:

BioChemical+Electromechanical Robotics(Wet+Dry)

Distributed control of millions of tiny modules
