programme and abstracts · xenia pop, florin gogÁltan: primary analysis of the artefacts made from...

m u ALEXANDRU I OAN CUZA UNIVERSITY of I A$1 INST ITUTU L DE ARHEOLOGI E I AS I COMPLEXUL MUZEAL NATIONAL MOLDOVA llth Meeting of the lnt ernational Council for Archaeoz oology ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS .... -- . - ...... Romania, 23-28 May 2016

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Page 1: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel




llth Meeting of the

ln t ernational Council for Archaeozoology

ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group


.... --- ·-~, . - ~ ...... •

la~i, Romania, 23-28 May 2016

Page 2: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel


Dr. Luminita BEJENARU, "Alexandru loan Cuza" University of la~i {Romania) Dr. George BODI, lnstitute of Archaeology, la~í {Romanía) Dr. Alíce CHOYKE, Medieval Studies Department, Central European Universíty,

Budapest, Hungary

Dr. Pam J. CRABTREE, Department of Anthropology, New York Universíty, USA Dr. Éva DAVID, CNRS, Maison Archéologíe & Ethnologie, Université París Ouest

Nanterre-La-Défense, Nanterre, France

Dr. lsabelle SIDÉRA, CNRS, Maíson Archéologie & Ethnologie, Nanterre, France Dr. Seníca Turcanu, "Moldova" Natíonal Museum Complex of la~i {Romania) Dr. Selena Vitezovié, Archaeologícal lnstitute, Belgrade, Serbia Dr. Petar ZIDAROV, Laboratory of Archaeometry and Experimental Archaeology,

New Bulgarían Uníversity, Sofia, Bulgaria

ORGANIZING COMMITIEE Dr. Lumínita BEJENARU, "Alexandru loan Cuza" University of la~i {Romania) Dr. George BODI, lnstítute of Archaeology, la~i {Romania) Dr. Míhaela DANU, "Alexandru loan Cuza" Uníversíty of la~ i {Romania) Dr. Si mina RAFAILÁ-STANC, "Alexandru loan Cuza" University of la~i {Romania) Dr. Senica TURCANU, "Moldova" National Museum Complex of l a~ í (Romanía)

Specíal thanks to: Staff of Bucovina Village Museum {Suceava, Romania),

Museum of Cucuteni Cha/co/ithic Art {Piatra Neamt, Romania)

Cover: bone artefact discovered at Niculítel, 2°d century AD; photo: George Nutu, Eco-Museum Research lnstítute, Tulcea, Romania

Page 3: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel

llth Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group

la~i, 23-28 May 2016

PROGRAMME Schedule of Presentations

Monday, 23 May " Ferdinand" Conference Room,

"Alexandru loan Cuza" University of la~i, "A" Building, first floor

Carol 1 Boulevard, No. 11, 700506 l a~i

9ºº-11ºº Registration of participants 1100-1230 Opening session

Welcome words from the university staff

Alice CHOYKE: A look back at the work of the /CAZ Worked Bones Research Group


1230-13°0 Coffee Break

Oral presentations

"Ferdinand" Conference Room Session Chair: Pam Crabtree

13ºº-1320 Éva DAVID: Functional aspects of incised engraving 1320_1340 Justin BRADFIELD: Results of use-trace analysis on pointed bone too/s

from southern A/rica 1340-14ºº Nin na MANASERYAN, Nora YENGIBARYAN: Bon e Arrowheads

Discovered in-Armenia 14°0-1420 Jesus TAPIA, Marian CUETO, Esteban ÁLVAREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, Julián

BÉCARES: Bone industry in the Lower Magdalenian in Cantabria Spain: El Cierro Cave (Ribadesella, Asturias)

1420-1440 Monica MÁRGÁRIT, Adina BORONEANT, Clive BONSALL Exploitation of Cervus e/aphus antier during the Mesolithic in the /ron Gates: A comparison between the sites of /coana and Ostrovul Corbu/ui

1s00: Welcoming Reception

The Hall of the Senat, "Alexandru loan Cu za" University of la~ i


Page 4: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel


920_ 940





111h Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group

l a~ i , 23-28 May 2016

Tuesday, 24th May 2016

Registration of participants

Oral presentations " Ferdinand" Conference Room

Session Chair: Alice CHOYKE

Valentin RADU, Monica MÁRGÁRIT, Valentina VOINEA, Kristine


Migdonia GEORGESCU: Processing the spur-thighed tortoise carapace (Testudo graeca) in Prehistory. Case studies from Romania and Armenia (Bth to 5th millennium BC) Vuk KOLDZlé: Neolithic bone working: Recognizing craft production in Vinca culture Saiji ARAI, Farhad GULIYEV, Yoshihiro NISHIAKI: Evolution of Worked Bone lndustry in the Neo/ithic Southern Caucasus Pia WISTOFT NIELSEN: Osseous Material in the Southern Levant in the PPNB. Strong Technologica/ Traditions in the Production of Bone Tools and Objects Monica MÁRGÁRIT, Pavel MIREA, Valentin RADU: The exploitation of the aquatic resources for the adornments and too/ manufacturing in the Neolithic settlement from Miígura "Buduiasca" ("Boldu/ fui MO$ /van u?") Coffee Break

111º-1230 Poster Session

The Hall of the Echoing Footsteps, "Alexandru loan Cu za" University of la ~ i

Session Chair: Simina RAFAILÁ-STANC

Justyna ORtOWSKA: The single-row harpoons with distinguished shaft from Pofish Lowland - sorne technologica/ issues


Tomasz PtOSZAJ, Laurie J. REISEMA, Krzysztof SZOZTEK, Henryk WITAS: New ornamented 'baton percé' from central Poland. Evidence for a long-range exchange in ear/y Mesolithic Europe?


Middle Neolithic workshop producing bon e chisels from si te in Oslonki. Preliminary results of multi-faceted studies.


Page 5: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel

ll'h Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group la~i, 23-28 May 2016

Grzegorz OSIPOWICZ, Mariusz BOSIAK, Justyna KURIGA: New studies on the Stone Age bone and antier softening methods at the lnstitute of Archaeology, Nico/aus Copernicus University (Poland)

Selena VITEZOVlé: To catch a fish, so juicy, sweet... Some aspects of manufacturing hooks in the Vi nea culture: case study of Gomolava

Alexandra COM~A: A metatarso/ bone of a bovid shaped as a chisel in the Eneo/ithic necropolis from Ostrovul Corbu/ui (Mehedinti County, Romanía)

Hristina PAVKOVA, Petar ZIDAROV: Making hales: techniques for perforating heavy duty antier tools in the Eastern Ba/kans during the Copper Age

Lenka JURKOVICOVÁ, Sandra SÁZELOVÁ, Bibiána HROMADOVÁ: The human­animals relationship in bones: analysis of cut-marks from Early Bronze Age site Pasoh/ávky (Czech Republic)

Corneliu BELDIMAN, Diana-Maria SZTANCS, Berecki SÁNDOR: Bronze Age adornment made of human tooth discovered in Transylvania

Neculai BOLOHAN, Andreea VORNICU, Luminita BEJENARU: Bones, too/s and some other stories about recent archaeological survey in Eastern Romanía

Jesus TAPIA, Esteban ÁLVAREZ-FERNÁNDEZ, Rodrigo PORTERO, José SASTRE, Patricia FUENTES: Bone industry during the Late Antiquity in Northern Spain: the Castro of El Castrillon {Santa Eulalia de Tábara, Zamora)

Dan ELEFTERESCU: The Sewing Need/es from Durostorum (Ferma 4-0strovit)

Hasret GARAN: Bone Workshop and Artefacts in Perge

George NUTU, Simina RAFAILÁ-STANC: Worked Bone and Antier from Halmyris. An lnsight on Everyday Life of a Frontier Post of Later Scythia Province

Natacha BUC, Maria Laura LOPEZ, Metías MEDINA: Use-wear and residue analysis of a late prehispanic notched bone too/ from Boyo Paso 2 (Sierras de Córdoba, Argentina)

Ludmila BACMENCO-PTRNÁU, Luminita BEJENARU: Bone and antier artefacts in the medieval cities of Moldava. Case study: Old Orhei (Republic of Moldava)


Page 6: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel

11'" Meeting ofthe ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group

la?i, 23-28 May 2016

1230-14°0 1 Lunch Break

1s00: Exhibition - From Nature to Culture: the Art of Processing Bone and Antier

Un ion Museum, "Alexandru Lapu$neanu" Street, No. 14, la$i

Exhibition organised by: Moldavia's History Museum within "Moldova" National Museum Complex of la~i

in cooperation with: Bucovina Museum of Suceava County History Museum of Boto~ani "lulian Antonescu" Museum Complex of Bacau Museum Complex of Neami County (History and Archaeology Museum of Piatra-Neami & History Museum of Roman) Museum of the "Alexandru loan Cuza" University of la~i "$tetan cel Mare" Museum of Vaslui County "Vasile Parvan" Museum of Barlad lnstitute of Archaeology la~i


Page 7: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel





102º-105º 105º-1110




1230- 14ºº

11111 Meeting ofthe ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group la~i, 23-28 May 2016

Wednesday, 25th May 2016

Oral presentations "Ferdinand" Conference Room,

Session Chair: Selena VITEZOVlé

Angel a FUGGI, Beatriz PINO URIA, Pierre MAGNIEZ, Anton io

TAGLIACOZZO: Red deer exploitation strategies during ancient Neolithic in central Adriatic Ita/y: the case of Col/e Santo Stefano {AQ}. Andreea VORNICU: Bone industries in Eastern Carpathian region at the transition from Neolithic to Chalcolithic lsabelle SIDÉRA, Andreea VORNICU, Luminita BEJENARU: Playing with knuck/ebones in the Prehistoric Balkans Senica TURCANU, Andreea VORNICU : The manufacturing of adornments from freshwater shells in the East Carpathian Chalcolithic Coffee Break

Petar ZIDAROV: Perforates antier "bátons" from the Copper Age in the Eastern Balkans Valentin RADU, Monica MÁRGÁRIT, Catalin LAZÁR: Evidence of production and use of Lithog/yphys naticoides beads in the Ho/ocene from Europe: the case of Sultana-Malu/ Ro? U site (Romanía) Douglas V. CAMPANA, Pam J. CRABTREE: Worked Bone Objects from the Chalcolithic Levels of <;iftlik/ Tepecik, Southern Cappadocia, Turkey Alice M. CHOYKE: Bell-Beaker Folk a/ong the Danube: Their Osseous Technology Lunch Break

1sºº-1s00: Workshop: bone preparation for manufacturing

"Ferdinand" Conference Room,

Proposal: Paul STOKES

Moderator: Éva DAVID

19°0: Gala Dinner

Restaurant "Centrul Vechi", "Alexandru Lapu~neanu" Street, No. 1, la~i


Page 8: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel





102º-105º 1050_1110








11t" Meeting of t he ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group

la?i, 23-28 May 2016

Thursday, 26th May 2016

Oral presentations " Ferdinand" Conference Room

Session Chair: Petar ZIDAROV

Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel ALTAMIRANO GARCIA, Eva ALARCÓN GARCIA: Bone too/s for the deceased. Approaches to the worked osseous assemblage from the funerary Bronze Age cave of Biniadris (Menorca, Spain) Kinga WINNICKA: Epi-Corded Ware objects of personal use made of bone: their materiality and meaning - a project overview Corneliu BELDIMAN, Diana-Maria SZTANCS, Berecki SÁNDOR, Coste!

ILIE: Bronze Age artefacts made of animal shou/der blades. Methodo/ogical issues of technologica/ study Coffee Break

Selena VITEZOVlé, Jovan MITROVlé: Antier technology in the Bronze Age: The case study of Zók Marta BLASCO-MARTÍN, Consuelo MATA-PARREÑO, Lucía SORIA-


Ignacio FUERTES-CABO: Raw material, gestures, objects. An approach to the work of bone and ivory in the /ron Age in the lberian Peninsula Ariel SHATIL: The assemblage of bone artefacts from /ron Age /la Te/ Rehov - a typo/ogical and technologica/ analysis Lóránt VASS : Bone-working in Roman Aquincum. Fashion, tradition, use. A contextual analysis of the Roman artefacts Lunch Break

Oral presentations " Ferdinand" Conference Room,

Session Chai r: Luminita BEJENARU

Erik HRNCIARI K: Barbarian bone and antier industry from Slovakia {1.-5. century AD) Ayc;a GER~EK: Bone and ivory objects from Arykanda: a preliminary evaluation Daniel CIUCALÁU, Andreea VORNICU : Amulets far the dead? The prismatic antier pendants from Santa na de Mure~ culture


Page 9: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel


11111 Meeting of the ICAZ Worked Bone Research Group la?i, 23-28 May 2016


MEJÍA APPEL: Needles made of human bones from Xochimilco (Mexico)

15°0: Visit to the Moldavia's History Museum within "Moldava" National

Museum Complex of la~i (Palace of Culture) "~tefan cel Mare ?i Sfant" Square, No. 1, la?i

Friday, 27th May 2016 Excursion in North-Eastern Romania (visiting prehistoric sites and medieval painted

churches-UNESCO sites).

745: departure from la?i, "Alexandru loan Cuza" University of la?i, "A" Build ing

Saturday, 2gth May 2016 9°0-11°0

: Closing of the conference (conclusions; discussion about the next meeting

in Granada, Spain, in the Spring of 2017, presented by Manuel Altamirano Garcia).


Page 10: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel

1 n th Meeting ofthe fCAZ W0rked Bilme Res~~t~h Graup

fa~i, 23-28 May 2016


eastern part ef Remania, a. new category of pendants made of antier appear. They are distinguished bytheir pri$matic shape and the ring-amf-det ornament @ur study f(i)c:uses on a particular assemblage of pendants found in wemen and children graves frem the cemetery of Mih~la$enl (B0to$ani U>unty). The microscof>k examinatit>n 0f thg.tec:hn0lf!>gical traces found on the f>endants e11abled us to idelltify the techniqu~s and metheds of rnanufacturing, ftolll alan~ obtainingto shapingamJ ornamentation. Moreover, the study of wear traces aleng with the available data en the archéie<>logicalcontext in which theywere foulld in thisarea led úste the assumptien that such pencfants were manufactured J:)articularly for the burial, servJng as amul.ets forthe deceased.

Marta BlASCO-MART(N, Urliversitat .deValentia, Spain GilbertQ PÉREZ RmLDÁN, Universidád Aut0n0ma de San luis Petasí, San Luis Potost,

Mexico GaluielalNisMEJÍAAPPEL,lnstítuto Nacianal de Antropelegía e Histerta, Mexico

City, Mexico

Needles rnade ef human bones frorn Xechirnilce (Mexico)

Sincethe 12th century "chichimeca" gr0ups ll>egi)n a mlgratiomto the Basin ef Mexice;

am0ngst these grmups were the. Xe>chimilc:a .and the Aztet;:s, the latter established in the 14ih century and foonded what is newadays Mexi(;e> City. The Aztecs devel0ped an empire cluting the 15th century stretched fmm the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexfte anlif sé abtained homer1i1us tributes, including captives te be sacrificed to its tw0 maih deities: Huitzllopechtli (ge.d ef war) and Tlaloc {god 0f water). Am0ngthe cultural practices that characterize them, is the use ef benes ef human bodies te make teels,,. ornaments.and ceremonial óbjects. This paper presents the studyef needles made in long human bones (Hema sapiens) frem the regien af Xochi.milce, n0w a quartier fr0m Mexico C4ty, that in pre-His11>anic times was one of the cities conquered by the Aztec empire. The devel0pment ancd use of these neeales wiU be disq.1ssed, as well as identifü:ation of the raw material ami tbe prepesal abeutwhat pe~ple was that these bones were ebtained: captivs ar cr~ftsmens' relatives? The archae0logical site of Xechimilco presents in its eatly stages (12th .century ...,. lS~h century) stene techn01ogy and in its final stages (16th century, by the time of artival ef the Spahiard c0nquerors), perhaps the use ef metal, so it is important ta study the technolégy produa!d by these different teols. Te de thls, we have use. experimental archeelogy with obsidian eutting teals and abrasives (igneous r0cks), amt als(i) metal tools and other ir.ltll'.üt.iiuas (emery). Thus, we have analyzed the use trace, the


Page 11: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel

111h Meeting of the ICAZ Warked BElne Research Group

la~í, 23-28 May 2016

eperatienal chain (chaine epératoire) and the effort and time spent with each ef these techni11ues.

Page 12: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS · Xenia POP, Florin GOGÁLTAN: Primary analysis of the artefacts made from hard animal materials from Pecica-"Santul Mare/Nagysánc" Bronze Age site Manuel

Alexandru loan Cuza University of la$i

Faculty of Biology

ISSN 1224-581X