programming in occam-pi: a tutorial

Programming in Occam- pi: A Tutorial By: Zain-ul-Abdin [email protected]

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Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial. By: Zain-ul-Abdin [email protected]. Outline. Occam-pi basics Networks and communication Types, channels, processes ... Primitive Processes Structured Processes Examples: Integration, Matrix Multiplication Mobility Mobile Semantics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial

Programming in Occam-pi:A Tutorial

By: [email protected]

Page 2: Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial

"Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 2

Outline• Occam-pi basics

– Networks and communication– Types, channels, processes ...– Primitive Processes– Structured Processes– Examples: Integration, Matrix Multiplication

• Mobility– Mobile Semantics– Mobile Assignment– Mobile Communication– FORKing Processes– Example: Dynamic Process Creation

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"Programming in Occam-pi: A Tutorial", Zain-ul-Abdin 3


• CSP deals with processes, networks of processes and various forms of synchronisation / communication between processes.

• A network of processes is also a process - so CSP naturally accommodates layered network structures (networks of networks).

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Occam-pi Introduction

• Named after Occam Razor ”If you have two equally likely solutions to a problem, choose the simplest”

• Combines the concepts of CSP with pi-calculus• Parallel processing language that simplifies the

description of systems• Allows composing simple components to build

complex systems Semantics [A+B] = Semantics [A] + Semantics [B]• Built in semantics for concurrency

– Processes– Channels (Unbuffered message passing)

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• A process is a component that encapsulates some data structures and algorithms for manipulating that data.

• Both its data and algorithms are private. The outside world can neither see that data nor execute those algorithms! [It is not an object.]

• The algorithms are executed by the process in its own thread (or threads) of control.

• So, how does one process interact with another?


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• The simplest form of interaction is synchronised message-passing along channels.

• The simplest forms of channel are zero-buffered and point-to-point (i.e. wires).


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Synchronized Communication

• Output value down the channel out• This operation does not complete until the

process at the other end of the channel inputs the information

• Until that happens, the outputting process waits

out ! value

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Synchronized Communication-cont’d• Input the next piece of information from channel

in into the variable x• This operation does not complete until the

process at the other end of the channel outputs the information

• Until that happens, the inputting process waits

in ? x

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Synchronized Communication-cont’d• A may write on c at any time, but has to wait for a read.• B may read from c at any time, but has to wait for a



c ! x


c ? y


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• Primitive types– INT, BYTE, BOOL– INT16, INT32, INT64– REAL32, REAL64

• Arrays types (indexed from 0)– [100]INT– [32][32][8]BYTE– [50]REAL64

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Operators• +, -, *, /, \ PLUS, MINUS, TIMES

• +, -, *, /, \

• <, <=, >=, >

• =, <>

• /\(and), \/(or), >< (xor), >>(rshift),


• ~ (not)



*, * → BOOL

INTxx, INTxx → INTxx


INTxx → INTxx


Precision must be matched

Types must match

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• No auto-coercion happens between types: if x is a REAL32 and i is an INT, then x + i is illegal ...

• Where necessary, explicit casting between types must be programmed: e.g. x + (REAL32 i) ...

• No precedence is defined between operators, we must use brackets: e.g. a + (b*c) ...

• The operators +, -, * and / trigger run-time errors if their results overflow.

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• All declarations end in a colon • A declaration cannot be used before it is

made ...• Declarations are aligned at the same level of

indentation ...• Variable declarations

• Channel declarations

INT a, b:

[max]INT c:

[max]BYTE d:


[max<<2]CHAN INT q:

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An Occam-pi Process

• Syntactically, an occam-pi process consists of:– an optional sequence of declarations (e.g. values,

variables, channels)– a single executable process

• All the declarations – and the executable – are aligned at the same level of indentation.

• The executable process is either primitive or structured.

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Process Abstractions

PROC foo (VAL []BYTE s, VAL BOOL mode, INT result, CHAN INT in?,


pause?) ...:

foo(s, mode, result)

pause out


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Primitive Processes

• Assignmenta := c[2] + b

• Input (synchronising)in ? a

• Output (synchronising)out ! a + (2*b)

• Null (do nothing)SKIP

• Timer (increments every millisec.) TIMER tim

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Structured Processes-SEQ and PAR


in ? sum

in ? x

sum := sum + x

out ! Sum


in0 ? a

in1 ? b

out ! a + b

c := a + (2*b)

Processes can run in any order, No data race hazards

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Structured Processes-IF and WHILEIF x > 0 screen ! 'p‘ x < 0 screen ! 'n' TRUE screen ! 'z'

WHILE TRUE INT x: SEQ in ? x out ! 2*x

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Structured Processes-PROC instance

PROC octople (CHAN INT in?, out!)

CHAN INT a, b:


double (in?, a!)

double (a?, b!)

double (b?, out!)


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Example - Integrate

PROC integrate (CHAN INT in?, out!) INT total: SEQ total := 0 WHILE TRUE INT x: SEQ in ? x total := total + x out ! total:

• Sequential implementation

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Example - Integrate

PROC integrate (CHAN INT in?, out!) CHAN INT a, b, c: PAR delta (a?, out!, b!) prefix (0, b?, c!) plus (in?, c?, a!):

• Parallel implementation

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Example – Matrix Multiplication

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Tool Set

• KROC- Kent Retargetable Occam Compiler

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Mobility in occam-pi

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Copy Semantics• Classical occam: data is copied from the workspace of

A into the workspace of B. Subsequent work by A on its x variable and B on its y variable causes no mutual interference.


c ! x


c ? y



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Copy Assignment

• As assignment changes the state of its environment, which we can represent by a set of ordered pairs mapping variables into data values.

• In occam, because of its zero-tolerance of aliasing, assignment semantics is what we expect:

• [In all other languages with assignment, the semantics are much more complex - since the variable x0 may be aliased to other variables … and the values associated with those aliases will also have changed to v .]

{ <x , v >, <x , v >, … } x0 := x1 { <x , v >, <x , v >, … } 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1

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Reference Semantics• Java/JCSP: references to data (objects) are copied from

the workspace of A into B. Subsequent work by A on its x variable and B on its y variable causes mutual interference (race hazard).


c ! x


c ? y



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Reference Semantics


x y

c ! x c ? y



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Reference Semantics


x y

c ! x c ? y



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Movement Semantics

Consider copy and move operations on files …• copy duplicates the file, placing the copy in the

target directory under a (possibly) new name.• move moves the file to the target directory,

possibly renaming it:– the original file can no longer be found at the source

address;– it has moved.

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Mobile Assignment

Mobile semantics differs in one crucial respect:

• The value of the variable at the source of the assignment has become undefined - its value has moved to the target variable.

• It must be noted: mobile semantics is strictly weaker than copy semantics.

{ <x , v >, <x , v >, … } x0 := x1 { <x , v >, <x , ?? >, … } 0 0 1 1 0 1 1

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Mobile Communication• The semantics for assignment and communication are

directly related. In occam, communication is just a distributed form of assignment - a value computed in the sending process is assigned to a variable in the receiving one (after the two processes have synchronised).

• For example, if x0 and x1 were of type FOO, we have the semantic equivalence:

x0 := x1CHAN OF FOO c:PAR c ! x1 c ? x0


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Mobile data Syntax

• Occam-pi has a new keyword – a MOBILE qualifier for data types/variables• The MOBILE qualifier doesn’t change the semantics of

types as types. For example, MOBILE types are compatible with ordinary types in expressions.

• But it imposes the mobile semantics on assignment and communication between MOBILE variables.

• The MOBILE qualifier need not be burnt into the type declaration - it can be associated just with particular variables.

MOBILE INT x0, x1:

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Mobile data – cont’d

• Mobiles are safe references

• Assignment and communication with reference semantics

• Only one process may hold a given mobile

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Mobile Channel Type

• In occam programs, channels are fixed in place at compile time

• What if we want to reconnect the process network at runtime?

• A channel type is a bundle of one or more related channels: for example, the set of channels connecting a client and a server

• Note this has to be a CHAN TYPE, else you can’t put channels in it

• Channel direction specifiers are mandatory

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Mobile Channel Bundles

• Defined as ‘client’ and ‘server’ ends of a “mobile channel-type”, e.g.:

• Directions specified in the type are server-relative– Channel ends inside channel type ends can be used

like regular channels




CHAN INT out!:


INT.IO! cli:


cli[in] ! 42

cli[out] ? r

INT.IO? svr:


svr[in] ? x

svr[out] ! x+1

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Communicating Mobile Channels• The main use of mobile channel bundles is to support

the run-time reconfiguration of process networks• P and Q are now directly connected• Process networks may be arbitrarily reconfigured using

mobile channels– dynamic process creation makes this much more interesting

c ? a

d ? b








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Dynamic Process Creation

• N-replicated PAR, where the replicator count is a constant

• The creating process has to wait for them all to terminate before creating process has to wait for them all to terminate before it can do anything else.

VAL N IS 10:


PAR i = 1 FOR N


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Dynamic Process Creation

• Asynchronous process invocation using FORK• Essentially a procedure instance that runs in parallel with

the invoking process• Parameter passing is strictly uni-directional and uses a

communication semantics• occam-pi introduces two new keywords – FORKING and

FORK• Inside a FORKING block, you can use FORK at any time

to spawn a new process• When the FORKING block exits, it’ll wait for all the

spawned processes to finish

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Dynamic Process Creation

PROC A () ... local state SEQ ...... FORKING SEQ ...... FORK P(n, svr, cli) ... ...:

VAL data is copied into a

FORKed processMOBILE data and channel-ends are

moved into a FORKed process

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Client-Server Application




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Client-Server Application

• Fault-tolerance by Replication

