project meeting nazilli, turkey 10th to 11th of october 2013

Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project The 8 solutions for fighting early school leaving in VET” FEIGHT Project meeting Nazilli, Turkey 10th to 11th of October 2013 The project has been founded with support of the European Commission under The Lifelong Learning Programme Cristina Stefan, PhD. Eng. Director Quarter Mediation

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The project has been founded with support of the European Commission under The Lifelong Learning Programme. Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project “ The 8 solutions for fighting early school leaving in VET” FEIGHT. Project meeting Nazilli, Turkey 10th to 11th of October 2013. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Project meeting Nazilli, Turkey 10th to 11th of October 2013

Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation Project

“The 8 solutions for fighting early school leaving in VET”

FEIGHTProject meeting Nazilli, Turkey10th to 11th of October 2013

The project has been founded with support of the European Commission under The Lifelong Learning Programme

Cristina Stefan, PhD. Eng.Director Quarter Mediation

Page 2: Project meeting Nazilli, Turkey 10th to 11th of October 2013

Responsible: Shalom Center (IT)In WP5 the School committee quality assurance teams will be created in the VET schools involved in the project as written below:

- one VET school in The Netherlands (AOC/ROC)- min 3 VET schools/region in Turkey - one VET school in Italy.

The mentioned teams will develop and and will also pilot the “Quality procedures for reducing drop-outs in VET schools” in their schools.

Working plan – WP5“Quality assurance management for VET


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Quality assurance system for VET drop-outs refers to the processes and procedures that systematically monitor different aspects of the educational process in order to detect the students in risk of drop-out, to correct the mistakes (if the case) in order to motivate and support the mentioned target group to finalize their education and to ensure that quality standards are being met. Quality assurance system for VET drop-outs has to be part of the Quality assurance system of the school.

Quality assurance system for VET drop-outs

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- Standard - Simple and clear- Easy to understand- Easy to be applied

Quality assurance procedures

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Quality assurance procedure Standard form

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Quality assurance procedure Counseling process of the student in risk of drop-out

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Quality assurance procedure Counseling process of the student in risk of drop-out

 Objective:Counseling of the students with deviant behavior, truancy, school failure and their reintegration into collectives to which they belong. Description:The procedure applies to all the students with deviant behavior, with absenteeism from the school classes or face school failure because of family problems (affective or other kind of problems). Responsibilities:The counseling is organized and coordinated by the school counselor/psychologist.The counseling is monitored by the class coordinator. Step-by-step procedure:Step 1: Any class teacher or the school principal can ask the class coordinator to organize the counseling for the students with deviant behavior, truancy, school failure.Step 2: The class coordinator informs the school counselor/psychologist if one of the students has deviant behavior, truancy, being in risk of school failure.The students with family or social problems can directly ask to be counseled by the school counselor/psychologist.Step 3: The school counselor/psychologist decides how much time a students has to be counseled. The students’ counseling will be organized before or after the school classes. Step 4: The conclusions of the counseling sessions will be communicated to the class coordinator and recorded in psycho-pedagogical fiches (a confidential document, available only for the student, his/her parents and the class coordinator).

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Quality assurance procedure Additional students’ preparation

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 Objective:Prevention of school failure of students with poor school results. Description:To be applied to all the students with poor school results.  Responsibilities:The responsible of methodical committees coordinates the activities organized by the teachers-members in the methodical committee.The class coordinator is responsible for the additional students’ preparation.  Step-by-step procedure:Step 1: Identification of low achievers in schoolStep 2: Establishment of the modalities and weekly training programme of the students with poor school results.Step 3: Development of the additional students’ preparation according to the programmeStep 4: Announcement of the additional students’ preparation programmeStep 5: Selection of the students’ participants in the additional students’ programme

Quality assurance procedure Additional students’ preparation

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 to contact the schools involved in the project and to meet the Quality assurance teams responsible with the Quality assurance management for VET drop-outs;

to check if the official document signed by the school head teacher regarding the team members reflects the real situation;

to study the 2 standard procedure provided by Quarter Mediation as examples and to give feedback (send your suggestions/opinion) before 1st of November 2013

to adapt, translate in IT/TR/NL (if necessary) and use the 2 standard procedure provided by Quarter Mediation as examples (deadline 15th of December 2013); to give feedback and to summarize the results (to communicate the conclusions);

to send via email list proposals for quality procedures’ topics (deadline: 1st of November 2013; responsible: Shalom, IVN, NIMEM, DIMEM)

to create at least 2 new quality assurance procedures per country (EN), to pilot in the schools in their network and to publish the procedures in Teamlab (deadline: 15 th of Dec 2013);

to apply at least 2 of the new created quality procedures (2 IVN + 2 SHALOM +2 NIMEM + 2 DIMEM) in the schools involved in the project and to summarize the results for all the project partners and to send them to SHALOM, QMED and IVN (statistics, questionnaires of expectations, questionnaires of satisfaction, results, impact) – deadline 14th of Febr 2014

SHALOM will create draft working plan and draft questionnaires (15 th of November 2013), QMED will validate the final form and everybody will apply them and will fulfill the full task before the meeting in Italy

the final materials and the conclusions (including the results of the questionnaires) will be summarized by SHALOM, with the support of IVN, NIMEM and DIMEM (deadline: 28 th of Febr 2014), and presented in the project meeting in Italy.

Quality assurance procedure Tasks for IVN, SHALOM, NIMEM, DIMEM

-information to be included in the minute of the meeting-

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The following scheme has to be adopted at the Kick-off meeting to be valid for the duration of the project. After each meeting: review minutes and depending on the time either remind

partners of the actions due by the close of the week or advise partners of overdue actions from the previous week; request completed Trimester Monitoring Forms (TMF) from partners; ensure partners are completing time sheets.

Four times per year: Collate partner project activities for the previous periods (using the TMF) for the project monitoring calls (NB. for project applicant only); request project financial tables from all partners; check partner finances to ensure costs claimed are eligible and that corresponding receipts/invoices are provided; updating dissemination tables to be submitted to the management coordinator.

For the Project Meetings the organizers have to: Provide partners with an agenda at least one week prior to meeting Produce Presentation Slides covering the Tasks/ Deliverables from the work

packages Provide minutes of the meeting within one week. Provide meeting booklets for launch meetings, if necessary Provide electronic versions of the following documents at launch: Timesheet

Template; Future Dissemination Plan; Work package Slides; Sub-contracting Agreement; Partnership Meeting Record; Financial Tables; Meeting-Dissemination Note; Dissemination record; Example Validation Questionnaire; Latest Finance & Admin Handbook (issued by LdV NA).

Project meetings

Page 12: Project meeting Nazilli, Turkey 10th to 11th of October 2013

Project meetingsMeetin g Countr

y codeOrganizer Dates

Kick-off meeting NL QMED 1-2.11.2012

Project meeting and workshop

NL IVN 28.02-01.03.2013

Project meeting and workshop

UK Adastra 25-26.03.2013

Project meeting and workshop

TR NIMEM 10-11.10.2013

Project meeting and workshop

IT Shalom 13-14.03.2014

Final dissemination & valorization conference ;


TR DIMEM 24-26.09.2014

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Outcome Deadline

Multilingual project website June 2013

Guidelines app for teachers working with VET students in risk of drop-out (for IPAD/IPHONE/computer/smart board)

March 2014

School committee quality assurance teams, focused on drop-outs procedures

March 2014

Coaching guide for teachers working in VET schools "The 8 solutions for fighting early school leaving in VET"

June 2014

Quality procedures for reducing drop-outs in VET schools

June 2014

Collection of innovative teaching and training approaches and methods for reducing early school leaving in VET

June 2014

"You’re welcome, versus arrivederci" - Kit for VET schools for identifying the students in risk of drop-out

June 2014

Training package for peer training for teachers and trainers

June 2014

Project outcomes

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The ongoing dissemination process will be developed by all the project partners in their own countries and at Regional/European level, consisting of: dissemination of the project idea and of its final results at national level, in

each partner country (eg: meeting with stakeholders; meeting with teachers); presentations to VET schools; promoting the project at European level (eg: newsletter, press releases); publishing details regarding the project works, as well as the project outcomes

on the project website; distributing promotion materials regarding the project, both at national and

European level

The valorization of the project activities and results will be done through keeping running the project website for minimum one year after finishing the project and through using the teachers' and trainers' package in the schools involved in the project.


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Financial part(situation at 24th of September 2013)

29-7-2013 Assen 01-02-11-12Assen 28-02/01-03Swansea 25-03/26-03

betreft: ontvangst administratie leonardo

administratie ontvangen 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014  totaal


kwartaal 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3  



P0 IVN x x x  


P1 Qmed x x x  


P2 -  


P3Adastra x x x  


P4 Nimem x ? ?  


P5Shalom ? ? ?  


P6 Dimem x ? ?  


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Financial part(situation at 24th of September 2013)

administratie akkoord en geboekt                  

P0 IVN3958,0




P1 Qmed10965,




76  P2 - 0 

P3 Adastra3247,4


2 277211451,


P4 Nimem3829,1

1? ?3829,1

1  P5 Shalom ? ? ? 0 

P6 Dimem4041,0

9? ?4041,0





14583,17 0 0 0 0 0 0



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Financial part(situation at 24th of September 2013)

itemized work                      



P1 Qmed x x x


P2 -


P3 Adastra xgemaild 24-09 gemaild 24-09


P4 Nimem x


P5 Shalom


P6 Dimem x



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Thank you for your attention!