project passport full

The Laboratory Of Energy Conservation of Striy College of Lviv National Agrarian University I. The information about beneficiary Beneficiary’s name: Striy College of Lviv National Agrarian University Address: 169 Lviv Street, Striy, Lviv Region, Ukraine BIC of beneficiary principal: Vasyl Dmytryshyn director-principal of Striy College BIC of project coordinator: Oleh Shmilyk, Chairman of the Board Public Community “Regional Development Agency “Prospects of Striy District” (Perspectyvy Stryicthyny). Occupation senior inspector of State Inspection of power supervision in Lviv Region. Telephone: (050)5 508 508 e-mail: [email protected] Ownership: state Total amount (in hryvnias) for the last 2 years (2011 - 9688700; 2021 - 9919700) Total assets (in hryvnias) for the last 2 years (01.January 2012 25744183; 01.January 2013 26523118); Technical equipment used by beneficiary for the project realization, equipment, its brief characteristics, rear degree (boilers, furnace, turbine, etc) 1). Heat supply is centralized from Municipal Enterprise “Striyteplokomunenergo” 2). Power supply is provided from power network Public joint stock company “Lvivoblenergo” 3). Using activity “Training greenhouse” is supplied from hot-water boilers at wood fuel. Power consumption 500 MV/h per year heat consumption 930,4 MV/h per year 2. The description of planned project There is a high level of power dependence of economy in Ukraine (every year the state uses 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas it is level of consumption in the USA, Japan, Russia and Germany which produce goods and services ten times more). The other aspect is complicated ecological situation in Ukraine and in the world (including increasing harmful emissions to the atmosphere from burning of fossil fuel). There is a tense problem of power consumption and energy saving in Ukraine and in the world. At a local level energy saving work is not sufficiently organized, which would systematically allow to save significant resources of local communities and

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Page 1: Project passport full

The Laboratory Of Energy Conservation of Striy College of Lviv

National Agrarian University

I. The information about beneficiary

Beneficiary’s name: Striy College of Lviv National Agrarian University

Address: 169 Lviv Street, Striy, Lviv Region, Ukraine

BIC of beneficiary principal: Vasyl Dmytryshyn – director-principal of

Striy College

BIC of project coordinator: Oleh Shmilyk, Chairman of the Board Public

Community “Regional Development Agency “Prospects of Striy District”

(Perspectyvy Stryicthyny).

Occupation – senior inspector of State Inspection of power supervision in

Lviv Region.

Telephone: (050)5 508 508

e-mail: [email protected]

Ownership: state

Total amount (in hryvnias) for the last 2 years (2011 - 9688700; 2021 -


Total assets (in hryvnias) for the last 2 years (01.January 2012 – 25744183;

01.January 2013 – 26523118);

Technical equipment used by beneficiary for the project realization,

equipment, its brief characteristics, rear degree (boilers, furnace, turbine, etc)

1). Heat supply is centralized from Municipal Enterprise


2). Power supply is provided from power network Public joint stock

company “Lvivoblenergo”

3). Using activity “Training greenhouse” is supplied from hot-water boilers

at wood fuel.

Power consumption – 500 MV/h per year

heat consumption – 930,4 MV/h per year

2. The description of planned project

There is a high level of power dependence of economy in Ukraine (every

year the state uses 50 billion cubic meters of natural gas – it is level of

consumption in the USA, Japan, Russia and Germany – which produce goods and

services ten times more). The other aspect is complicated ecological situation in

Ukraine and in the world (including increasing harmful emissions to the

atmosphere from burning of fossil fuel).

There is a tense problem of power consumption and energy saving in

Ukraine and in the world.

At a local level energy saving work is not sufficiently organized, which

would systematically allow to save significant resources of local communities and

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inhabitants at power supplying. The system of coordination of activities in the field

of power saving with other subjects is not enough developed.

3. Aims and tasks of the project

3.1. Aims:

To establish a laboratory of power saving in Striy College of Lviv

National Agrarian University, this will be a training base for future specialists

in power efficiency; to increase power efficiency of Striy College of Lviv

National Agrarian University; to reduce the costs for energy sources payment; to

reduce the influence of energy sources consumption on the environment.

3.2. Tasks:

1). To do energy audit of Striy College utilities

2). To develop a strategy of power consumption reduction

3). To organize heat supplying of the college greenhouse using solar


4). To сreate a power saving training laboratory and organize training

courses on energy audit to the students of Striy College.

The project fits the disposition the Law of Ukraine “On Energy Saving”

state “The regional development strategy for the period to 2015”, The

program of energy saving for budget scope of Lviv Region for 2010-2015,

where they provide the economy of budgetary funds on the maintenance of

budgetary institutions (energy resources payment), in the first place due to

introducing in integral property complexes certain power saving measures and

projects by:

Optimization of producing schemes (reconstruction of heat traces,

local supplying of heat water, etc) and equipment set for heat supplying of budget

organizations including their transition to alternative types of fuel and renewal of

external and internal electricity supply network.

Installation of the devices for recording of thermal energy, cold and

hot water and double rated power meters.

Thermal modernization of buildings, including

- Warm keeping of the external fencing structures (walls, ceilings,


- Changing of light transparent constructions;

- Mounting of ventilation systems;

- Replacing of filament lamps on power saving lamps.

Total estimate value of the project 31,000 Euros.

Recourses necessary for the implementation of the project:

(BIC) credit (Euros) – 0

Expected Fund grand (Euros) – 30,000

Striy College equity capital (beneficiary) (UAH and Euro equivalent) –

10,000 UAH, € 30,000

Planned date of the beginning of project realization – 01 June 2014

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Planned date of the beginning of operation of the equipment January 2014

The project offers:

- To make an audit of the college utilities

- The development of the strategy of the power auditing performance

measures for increasing of college equipment energy efficiency

- To install solar collectors for providing heating power to college

training greenhouse

- To organize the educational process for college students based on

power auditing (development of methodical instructions, a textbook, test bench

for power auditing, and means of increasing power efficiency of college utilities).

Gained experience of college students will be practiced widely in their

future professional activity.

Realization of the project does not demand a new construction.

Heat supplying of the greenhouse by solar collectors needs the

reconstruction of heat supplying system of the greenhouse and it is not technically


The grant is foretold to spend on the payment of power auditing, buying of

solar collectors, installation of hot water accumulating reservoir.

Necessary equipment and its quantity:

- Solar collectors (the total area 30 m , hot water accumulating

reservoir (1000 liters)

For installation we suggest solar collectors from the firm “Paradigma”


Previous calculations of the project assessed value, including previous

calculation of the costs of goods (works and services), required for


Project investment costs





fund grant









Machinery and equipment 0 25,000 10,000 26,000

Buildings and structures - - - -

Systems of connection and

transmission of electric






Technical monitoring for

construction works

- - - -

Land - - - -

Project documentation


- 5000 - 5000

Financial charges - - - -

Other (indicate) - - - -

T O T A L - 30,000 10,000 31,000

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Information about the condition of development and confirmation of

project documentation (projecting stage: draft, feasibility study, feasibility

calculation, project, working project, working documentation):

Project documentation is not required

5. Expected and calculated indicators of project effectiveness:

Our children are our future. They will inherit our town, state and the planet.

They will determine which way we shall go: to exist as the civilization which

parasitize on planet’s resources, or take a path of reasonable and sober-minded

development without irreclaimable damaging of surrounding.

Economic effectiveness of the project:

- Using solar energy in the production of heat for the greenhouse will

decrease usage of wood in boilers and decrease of greenhouse gas emissions.

- Operation of the system of heat preparation on the base of solar

collectors expects electric power consumption at the level of 50 – 7- KW/h in a


- The results of the introduction of the project will be extended to the

students of Striy College to master the skills of application in their future


To the project suggestion on investment project initiation, which is

expected to be realized on conditions of internal financing are added:

- Information of Striy State Public Administration on supporting of

given project for Striy District.

Director-principal of Striy College

of Lviv National Agrarian University V. Dmytryshyn

Project coordinator O. Shmilyk