project personality development

What Is Personality? lmost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologists do. While our informal assessments of personality tend to focus more on individuals, personality psychologists instead use conceptions of personality that can apply to everyone. Personality research has led to the development of a number of theories that help explain how and why certain personality traits develop. Components of Personality While there are many different theories of personality, the first step is to understand exactly what is meant by the term personality. A brief definition would be that personality is made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make a person unique. In addition to this, personality arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life. Some of the fundamental characteristics of personality include: Consistency - There is generally a recognizable order and regularity to behaviors. Essentially, people act in the same ways or similar ways in a variety of situations. Psychological and physiological - Personality is a psychological construct, but research suggests that it is also influenced by biological processes and needs. Impact behaviors and actions - Personality does not just influence how we move and respond in our environment; it also causes us to act in certain ways. Multiple expressions - Personality is displayed in more than just behavior. It can also be seen in out thoughts, feelings, close relationships and other social interactions.

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What Is Personality?lmost everyday we describe and assess the personalities of the people around us. Whether we realize it or not, these daily musings on how and why people behave as they do are similar to what personality psychologists do.

While our informal assessments of personality tend to focus more on individuals, personality psychologists instead use conceptions of personality that can apply to everyone. Personality research has led to the development of a number of theories that help explain how and why certain personality traits develop.

Components of Personality

While there are many different theories of personality, the first step is to understand exactly what is meant by the term personality. A brief definition would be that personality is made up of the characteristic patterns of thoughts, feelings and behaviors that make a person unique. In addition to this, personality arises from within the individual and remains fairly consistent throughout life.

Some of the fundamental characteristics of personality include:

Consistency - There is generally a recognizable order and regularity to behaviors. Essentially, people act in the same ways or similar ways in a variety of situations.

Psychological and physiological - Personality is a psychological construct, but research suggests that it is also influenced by biological processes and needs.

Impact behaviors and actions - Personality does not just influence how we move and respond in our environment; it also causes us to act in certain ways.

Multiple expressions - Personality is displayed in more than just behavior. It can also be seen in out thoughts, feelings, close relationships and other social interactions.

Theories of Personality

There are a number of different theories about how personality develops. Different schools of thought in psychology influence many of these theories. Some of these major perspectives on personality include:

Type theories are the early perspectives on personality. These theories suggested that there are a limited number of "personality types" which are related to biological influences.

Trait theories viewed personality as the result of internal characteristics that are genetically based.

Psychodynamic theories of personality are heavily influenced by the work of Sigmund Freud, and emphasize the influence of the unconscious on personality. Psychodynamic

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Definitions of development act of improving by expanding or enlarging or refining; "he congratulated them on their

development of a plan to meet the emergency"; "they funded research and development" a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more

advanced or mature stage); "the development of his ideas took many years"; "the evolution of Greek civilization"; "the slow development of her skill as a writer"

growth: (biology) the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level; "he proposed an indicator of osseous development in children"

a recent event that has some relevance for the present situation; "recent developments in Iraq"; "what a revolting development!"

exploitation: the act of making some area of land or water more profitable or productive or useful; "the development of Alaskan resources"; "the exploitation of copper deposits"

a district that has been developed to serve some purpose; "such land is practical for small park developments"

a state in which things are improving; the result of developing (as in the early part of a game of chess); "after he saw the latest development he changed his mind and became a supporter"; "in chess your should take care of your development before moving your queen"

processing a photosensitive material in order to make an image visible; "the development and printing of his pictures took only two hours"

(music) the section of a composition or movement (especially in sonata form) where the major musical themes are developed and elaborated

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What is personality development? An introduction to Personality development.

If one looks up the definition of Personality development, you will find different explanations but the one that sums it up to an easy and effective understanding, is the following definition of Personality development which goes like this- ‘an improvement in all spheres of an individual’s life, be it with friends, in the office or in any other environment.’

This above listed definition is a clear and simple way for any one to follow the meaning of personality development, in fact the definition has an underlying message about the importance of personality development for an individual as well. You wonder why and you wonder how? Well, by having the words ‘improvement in all spheres of an individual’s life’, it lays importance to the fruitful aspects of having a personality-development process, this can be done via various means, be it a module to learn from, classes and seminars that one can attend, tips to follow and also, an on-going updation for personality development becomes necessary often enough, in the ever-changing world of today.

In any environment, one stands out if his or her personality is one that is bright and communicative. People skills are an integral part of any personality development programme. A pleasing personality is one, that has a balance in behavior and is moderate in his or her reactions in public, while simultaneously maintain a friendly, approachable, yet sensible approach towards people. The developing personality is one, that has attributes that are enviable; the ability to perform well in public and be able to hold your own and make an impression on people with your skills socially and as a good personality, is something that cannot be matched up to by any other skill.

I say, developing personality, because personality development is easily possible with the right means and methods, but a personality is always learning and developing with experience and teachings. This is why the mention was made about updation on development of personality, because with constant updates, one keeps up with the trends that are changing like whirlwinds every now and then.

Yet, in a simple way of speech, personality development in general, as in, for a general outlook or a basis to perform with decent social skills, there is the scope for a concise and efficient personality development programme. This programme or module will allow for the personality to undergo development.

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1.) Personality Development

A. Criteria of “Personality Development”

itanic got sunk, though it was prepared by professionals. This shows that one wrong move can spoil your personality entirely, however good it may be. Ignoring any of the criteria like behavior pattern, attitude towards life, etc related to personality development can be quiet risky. It is essential to understand the importance of grooming yourself in order to create win-win situation in life. Personality development is just not physical development, but it includes more of brain development or mental development. Focusing on below mentioned factor can assist in enhancing personality to maximum extent: Try to be always polite and bring smile to your face It is essential to always react as per the situation demands. Being polite can highly work in your favor. Showing harshness might create bad impact, then whether you are at work place or at home or at any social event. Try to always be polite as it is the best way to win someone’s heart. Smiling face can put forward some respectful attitude. To tackle any kind of situation you need to react in a calm and decent manner. Now to smile always does not mean that even in serious or critical situation you should keep smiling. “Keep smiling”! Have positive attitude towards life Being positive in life can always work in your favor. Just let the negativities pass away in order to reach to the heights of success. Positive or negative vibes around you might affect your work and so to make environment positive you need to look at life in a positive manner. This is important part of personality development as your positive attitude towards life might inspire other person to have same kind of attitude. “Try it today”! Enjoy the work you do Are you enjoying your work? This is the crucial part of personality development. If you are not having fun while carrying out office or household work then it would not make you feel happy. Ultimately if you are not happy, it won’t assist in personality

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development. Key point is that enjoy the work you do in order to bring positive energy in life. “Do the work that you enjoy”. Learn some good etiquette Good etiquettes are all about being well mannered person in life. Good etiquettes involve proper shake hand, table manners, polite language, body language, etc and this creates great impact on your personality development. Present yourself in a well decent manner so that people around you do not take you for granted. “Follow mannerism”! Good command over language The way you speak and what you speak are two different aspect which assists in analyzing your personality. You need to have good command over English language in order to successfully carry out various objectives like cracking deals, influencing people, etc. “Talk sensibly, talk conspicuously”! Don’t be monotonous “Happy go lucky”, type of personality can always be advantageous. Being monotonous in life can create bad impact at the work place. Your dynamic appearance includes everything from proper dressing sense to behavior pattern. Don’t be a bore; be happening in life so that you can bring in charm near to your surroundings. “Say no to boredom”.

Personality Development quintessentially means enhancing and grooming one’s outer and inner self to bring about a positive change to your life. Each individual has a distinct persona that can be developed, polished and refined. This process includes boosting one’s confidence, improving communication and language speaking abilities, widening ones scope of knowledge, developing certain hobbies or skills, learning fine etiquettes and manners, adding style and grace to the way one looks, talks and walks and overall imbibing oneself with positivity, liveliness and peace.

The whole process of this development takes place over a period of time. Even though there are many crash courses in personality development that are made available to people of all age groups, implementing this to your routine and bringing about a positive change in oneself takes a considerable amount of time. It is not necessary to join a personality development course; one can take a few tips and develop his or her own aura or charm.

You may have heard this a million times “Think Positive”. It works. Smile. And smile some more. It adds to your face value and to your personality as well. Read a few articles in the newspaper loudly. This will help in communicating fluently. Follow table manners and dining etiquettes Take good care of your health, dress well, be neat and organized Prepare a chart that mentions your strengths and weaknesses. Now concentrate on the

latter and find ways to improve upon the same. Do not forget to strengthen your strengths.

Spend some time alone concentrating on you and yourself alone. Practice meditation and yoga. It will help you develop inner peace and harmony that will

reflect outside. Do not live a monotonous life. Be creative and do something new all the time. Nothing

bigger than the joy of creative satisfaction.

Personality development is gaining more and more importance because it enables people to create a good impression about themselves on others; it helps them to build and develop relationships, helps in your career growth and also helps to improve your financial needs.

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After all, personality development is nothing but a tool that helps you realize your capabilities and your strengths making you a stronger, a happier and a cheerful person.

B. Altering the Subconscious to Affect the Conscious

August 1, 2010 by Sushant

Personality development is partially about learning how to react in certain situations. You may have some bad programming sitting in your subconscious that stems from a traumatic experience or have been taught the wrong way to do something since childhood. The power of personality development stems from being able to change this programming. You can alter the way you react to certain situations through therapy. However, therapy is not the only way to alter this programming. Gaining access to your subconscious mind can also be done using hypnosis. I am not referring to stage hypnosis where someone makes you act like a chicken for the amusement of others either. Hypnosis works by relaxing you to the point of sleep. This is the time that our minds are most vulnerable because it opens up a direct link to our subconscious. Personality development that stems from hypnosis has been proven to work. People use hypnotherapy in

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order to stop smoking or rid themselves of another bad habit. Generally, this altering of the subconscious programming has a wide reaching effect on how the conscious mind works because the conscious mind takes its cue from subconscious thought processes. The subconscious is responsible for reactionary behavior – what can be termed as instinctual behavior. You do not need to see a hypnotherapist in order to gain access to your subconscious. As you are waking up in the morning and falling asleep at night you can give yourself a direct link to your own subconscious. This can be used as a form of self imposed personality development. It can be quite expensive for therapy or hypnosis and this is one way you can exact change without spending a cent. You just need to remain aware of what you want the subconscious to know while you are drifting off to sleep.

Hypnosis works by relaxing you to the point of sleep. This is the time that our minds are most vulnerable because it opens up a direct link to our subconscious. Personality development that stems from hypnosis has been proven to work. People use hypnotherapy in order to stop smoking or rid themselves of another bad habit. Generally, this altering of the subconscious programming has a wide reaching effect on how the conscious mind works because the conscious mind takes its cue from subconscious thought processes. The subconscious is responsible for reactionary behavior – what can be termed as instinctual behavior.

You do not need to see a hypnotherapist in order to gain access to your subconscious. As you are waking up in the morning and falling asleep at night you can give yourself a direct link to your own subconscious. This can be used as a form of self imposed personality development. It can be quite expensive for therapy or hypnosis and this is one way you can exact change without spending a cent. You just need to remain aware of what you want the subconscious to know while you are drifting off to sleep.

Related posts:

1. Body Language Denoting Personality Development 2. Influences on Personality Development 3. Healthy Personality Development to Enjoy Life 4. Rejecting Negativity as a Personality Development Methodology

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C. Steps that Lead to Good Personality Development

In order to give yourself a good personality, you will have to go through steps to ensure your personality development is done correctly. There are a few basic things to consider in this regard. Firstly, it is wise to always be responsible for the decisions you make. Don’t blame others if something is your fault. You should also be considerate of others. Personality development is as much about others as it is about you. Always remain positive in the face of adversity. There is no need to feel down about your lot in life. If something is bothering you, don’t let it get the best of you – remain positive at all times. Always think before you speak. If you put your foot in your mouth then you are likely to offend others – which will in turn lead to negativity. You should always listen to others as well. As previously stated, personality development has an effect on those around us. Maybe you can help others with their own personality development. In doing so can teach you more about the human condition as a whole. Always be honest – this comes down to being honest to yourself and to others. Your subconscious can throw out cues to people you are lying too. Don’t be a rumor monger. If you come across some juicy gossip, keep it to yourself. It makes you look petty and foolish if all you ever talk about is the problems or foibles of others. Keep your head in your own business and don’t concern yourself with the business of others. You might find it will come back and bite you in the long term. Also, don’t hold grudges. Life is too short to be walking around angry at others all the time. If someone bothers you then just stay away from them.

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D. Freud’s Concepts Surrounding Personality Development

Personality development as it is relevant to Sigmund Freud’s theories revolves around the conglomeration of ego, super-ego and id. These three things are combined to represent the psyche of all humans. However, many people find this a simplistic approach when diagnosing treatment that benefits them in regards to personality development. Broken up the ego, super-ego and id perform very diverse functions. The ego is responsible for how we organize ourselves and realistically judge ourselves in regards to the real world. The id is all about what we know as an innate ability – what we sometimes consider our instinctual behavior. The super-ego is probably the most important in regards to personality development because it is centered on our critical analysis of any given circumstance and our moral bindings in regards to decision making. All of these working in unison give us the traits that spring forth from our personality development. Freud believed that these specific groups were not triggered by parts of our brain – rather, they were actually specific to the mind of the individual. This may seem confusing. Consider this; the mind is a physical thing that resides in our heads. Our mind can be considered our (for lack of a better term) spirit. These concepts may not have great scientific significance but are worth considering when thinking about personality development. How the mind work in specific circumstances is a mystery. Parts of the brain may lie dormant while some people are undertaking a certain task – however in other people they may become active. Freud’s theory in regard to the ego, id and super-ego do give us something to work with and does form the basis of many modern psychoanalysis treatments. It is hard to say how this model will change over the course of the future; we can consider Freud’s theories the first step in realizing how we act and why.

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E. Rejecting Negativity as a Personality Development Methodology

When ensuring the personality development of a child or even yourself – focus on the positive rather than the negative. Allow your conscious being to filter in only the positive aspects of being alive as it passes through to the subconscious. You will also want to ensure that the same applies for not only things relevant to being alive – but for things that apply to how you treat others, treat yourself and any habits that you may or may not have. The only time that you should allow negativity to enter the subconscious is when it relates to something that may hurt or do you long term harm. Personality development is all about ensuring you do the right thing to your mental wellbeing order to secrete feelings of happiness. This will infect others around you and will make you a more likeable person. Try and ensure that you are able to treat others in a manner that is conducive to cementing a long term friendship with the person. That way your life will be enriched with the kindness and love of others. Personality development starts with you. Whether it is in regards to your children, students and friends (or family). Don’t let past experiences bring you down. Take heed for the future by creating a positive buffer around yourself that removes you from the problems of others. Try and offer support in when others need it and remain tethered to reality in order to bring others down to earth in their time of need. If you are positive, then others around you will read this optimism as a sign that the world is not going to end. This will infect them with optimism so that you can remain infused with a positive ambience at all times.  Personality development as it applies to your own mental wellbeing does really come down to the individual.

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F. Piaget’s Developmental Model in Relevance to Personality Development

Piaget was interested in how children went through stages during the phases of their personality development. He took a uniquely sociological approach to exploring the possibilities that revolve around how young minds are developed. He used his own children as the basis for many of his views and spent a lot of time just watching them in order to develop concepts that are now highly regarded in the psychological school of thought. He would also ask children a variety of questions that adhered to a specific frame work. He would then throw in a question that the child was unlikely to expect in order to gauge their reasoning and reaction to an unexpected situation. Personality development in regards to Piaget’s research stipulates that a child must go through phases of learning in order to build upon knowledge that has been previously learnt. It was his belief that a child must grasp the basic concepts before moving on to more advanced theories as they were relevant to the same topic. This can be seen in the way that we teach children math. First they learn to count. After this they are learnt to recognize the numbers. Then you can start teaching children how to perform basic arithmetic. This continues until you start to get to more advanced mathematical constructs such as algebra – after this you can move onto even more advanced concepts such as calculus. Piaget was considered a pioneer in the field of personality development. His methods are still in use all over the world. Fields that use his theories are things such as business development, the education system and psychoanalysis. Piaget also studied the developmental phases that an infant goes through prior to reaching middle childhood. He was also interested in the developmental cycle of children who had little external interaction with the world.

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G. Emotion Intelligence as it relates to Personality Development

You personality has a profound effect on your day to day life. Personality development can make your life easier – especially if some consideration is given to emotional intelligence. Emotion intelligence governs how we read people, how they read us and our reaction to specific events that occur. Your emotional intelligence can be enhanced. Personality development is one such way that this can be accomplished. Coming to terms with how your personality takes control of your life via subconscious cues is one way that you can start to learn to have some control over it. Emotional intelligence may be affected by a traumatic experience or improper emotional conditioning during childhood. Exploring the issue may help overcome any hindrance that a person have in regards to a specific circumstance or event. For example, if someone who has just lost a loved one talks to you about it and you start telling jokes at their expense – this can be indicative of a low emotional intelligence on your behalf. You have obviously misread the severity of the situation and you have also not adequately judged what their likely reaction will be. Personality development can help you discover why you have reacted this way and introduce steps to overcome this. While it may be debatable how closely linked personality and emotional intelligence are – it can’t be denied that personality has some effect on how our emotions take hold of our being. It will be harder for someone who is fairly resilient to stress and depression to be mired down with their own problems. Having the will to power through rough times and not becoming depressed about insignificant issues shows a tremendous strength in regards to personality and emotions. Personality development can still help such people reach their full potential. For those of us who are easily upset then it is probably going to have a dramatic change in our emotional intelligence.

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H. Personality Development and the Hawthorne Effect

People act differently when they know they are being watched. This is largely attributed to personality development and was first noticed by Henry Landsberger after studying the findings recorded during an experiment held at an electric factory called Hawthorne Works. People were found to work harder when they were being studied. This was proven by the fact that during the study productivity increased. After the study had concluded productivity declined. The Hawthorne Effect is often used to describe times when productivity sees a slight improvement for a short period of time. Although the original study that was commissioned was aimed at finding out whether or not the amount of light that a worker was given would have an effect on productivity. How this relates to personality development is interesting. A person is more energetic and prone to work harder whilst being studied. If you are watching your children then the greater the chance of them doing the right thing – this can transfer to learning as well. If you are actively encouraging your child to work through exercises aimed at learning a new skill it is better to work through the activity with them. Or at the very least, you should consider watching them as they undertake the activity. This will ensure that they are more enthusiastic. While some scholars argue the existence of the Hawthorne Effect – there is no reason to avoid using techniques that are drawn from the knowledge of it during the personality development stages of your child’s life. If just watching your child can help them accomplish more then why not give it a try. You can experiment with the effects of it pretty easily. Set your child some basic math problems and time them while watching them and then time them when you aren’t watching them.

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I. Influences on Personality Development

Our personalities are developed over the course of our lives and shaped by events that influence out behavior and attitudes. Personality development starts from the moment we are born and our resultant personality is shaped by what happens to us. Even if we don’t register the event on a conscious level, our subconscious is making little footnotes about how the event has had an effect on us. While what effect any certain event has on us is a contentious issue in regards to psychoanalytic theory – the basic crux of the idea remains the same. Which is, we are a by product of our own experiences. A perfect example is how we react to people in general after becoming the victim of any form of abuse. If the abuse was done as a random act while you are walking down the street – those with a poor mental constitution may find themselves unable to walk down the street in comfort. It may take years of therapy and medication to overcome this fear of public places and it can be directly attributed to events that have happened to the victim in the past. Personality development can take a seemingly random event and magnify in the mind’s eye to exuberant proportions. Personality development is the bane of the human mind set. Whilst there are positives from the resultant effect generated by the good done to us – it is easier for the bad to be forthright in exposing us to undue effects as they occur on the mental stage in our minds. Events that shake us can have a profound physical effect as well. Anxiety that is caused due to our psychological makeup can manifest itself in physical symptoms such as stress headaches, profuse sweating, shakes and an upset stomach. Children who are put through undue stress will find it harder to develop into (mentally) healthy adults.

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J. Take Cues from Other Great Thinkers

While researching for this article I came across a term that I had never heard of before called imaginary anchoring. As it applies to personality development, it is about imagining your roll or place in the shoes of someone else who was a great thinker. For example, consider how Jesus would react after finding out his insurance company will not cover his cancer treatment – this is probably the most extreme example I could come up with. In this regard, personality development is about taking the roll of someone else who may be of stronger constitution than you. Imagine how they would react to any specific situation. Great leaders are known for dealing with the stresses of great responsibility. Your life is likely to be much simpler and in this regard it might not be as applicable. However, you can borrow their strength of character to ensure your own personality development. Consider how a great mind would approach doing something you don’t wish to do but feel obligated to do. Maybe you just feel obligated to do it but you don’t really have to. You just feel responsible. This can be a fairly self-defeating attitude. In this regard it might be worth putting yourself in the shoes of someone who was defiant in the face of oppression. Personality development and the way it relates to you can be all about keeping your sanity when times are rough. If you are able to grin and bear it when the going gets tough then you are likely to save yourself a lot of heartache in the future. If you are able to fine tune your outlook on specific things so that you are more resilient in the face of adversity then it will do wonders for your self-confidence and problem solving abilities. This can be something that has a long reaching effect on the way you live your life.

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2. Importance Personality Development

A. Personality Development- The Benefits at a Glance

Personality development has many benefits that are the outcome of a strong personality development procedure. In fact, it is true that there are only benefits and no disadvantages to having personality development. The benefits can be states in categories, or if not categorically, then it can be stated in a concise manner to get a gist of the numerous advantages one gets out of a good personality development workshop, seminar, website or material of any kind. Benefits are plenty with development of personality. It brings with it, a lot of new, fresh approaches; it bring with it, a lot of scope for varied interests-which in turn leads to healthy brain-storming and discussions at work places, rather than politics that are un-pleasant and battles over difference of opinions. Good and effective Personality development, as mentioned in the former, transforms differences into discussions, quarrels into debates and fights into harmony. The below list will exhibit the benefits of personality development, at a glance, for simple and quick reading and comprehension.

One of the key benefits of Personality development is the over-all shine that is brought about in a person’s personality after undergoing personality development. The over-all demeanor of a person is more vibrant, it develops elements of many traits, that form a charming whole and there is a sharpening of personality for the better.

Another key benefit is the confidence and morale that automatically gets a boost and a push with good personality development.

To state another advantage of personality development, – The opportunity to be able to form a healthy rapport with anybody of any age bracket.

There are several other advantageous aspects to having a personality development experience, like the ability to hold your own, the ability to curb temperamentalism and be an out-going and well-spoken or rather, well communicative individual.

There are several times, we hear of how important effective communication is, how it is important to have clarity in communication and so on, all this and more is achieved by a regular personality development.

Overall, the person gets a wonderful edge and a razor-sharp yet approachable as well as a warm outlook to life and people.

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B. Why is personality development important?

Personality development is essential because of a host of reasons. The main reason being is that it is exceedingly important for one to have a sharpened image and personality to be able to have an efficient socially viable, multi-faceted and impressive personality. Who will not want to have the former listed personality traits? I’m certain everyone who reads this

will find it desirable to have those qualities in their personality!

Personality development is gaining so much importance, that today, offices stress on motivation and personality development almost as much as the work structural requirements of the office. Personality development is important in any environment. At office: Personality development is essential, because with the right personality and social skills, one can interact effortlessly and well with colleagues and team-participation becomes simpler, as everyone dwells into matters with positive approaches, due to the personality development.

At educational institutions: Students and teachers have good rapport, students have the capacity to make more friends and be more affable. The students interact and present themselves well. Teachers have different and multi-talented capacities that get enhanced by personality development. At home: The home environment is pleasant when a person has a vibration of positivity and when your personality is interesting and fun. Every environment gets benefitted by a good and developed personality.

This is the case with every individual, barring none. The aspects of personality being developed does not even necessarily have to do with words and communications verbally, it is the essence of a personality that stands out, as being one that is developed, because of the exuberance, that is denoted by that personality, with or without saying anything. Personalities of actors, for instance, take SRK, or Tom Cruise, are super-charming, even with their mere presence. They do not have to say anything for their personalities to shine. Similarly, a well-rounded and developed personality, is one that does not always have to be tested by speech and communication, a mere presence can be felt of a desirable personality, with proper development.

The importance of a well developed personality cannot be stressed on enough. It is gaining supreme importance and is one of the most important aspects of an individual’s persona and individuality, to gain add-ons and enhancements to their personality, for it to be noticed and for it to make impressions that last! Make a splash, like taking paint and air-brushing the flaws of personality with development.

Nerolac for your walls for paints that last: Personality development for yourself for impressions to last!

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C. Is Personality Development Beneficial for all Individuals

January 15, 2010 by Sushant

How important is water in your daily routine? How essential is salt in your food? It’s as essential as a pleasing personality in today’s day and age. With competitiveness in the work culture of today, with the new age race and eagerness to excel, a developed personality is a boon. It is a natural instinct of people to take to, or in similar words, adhere and get influenced by the words of a person who has a commanding presence, such a command and charm in presence is only brought about by a personality that is developed; to achieve that phenomena, there are several methods that are possible, and all of these methods fall in the shade of the figurehead- Personality Development

Personality development is such an imperative need of the hour. Today, there is as much focus on the personality of a person, just as his or her ability to perform in practical work; because with a balancing act of a pleasing personality and a simultaneous, good performance at work, therein lies the perfect candidate. The individual who has mastered the art of social tact, the person who has learned and developed the social set of skills necessary today, has a lot of benefits that go along therewith. The person with a charming personality goes a long way. Charm, sociable and affable attributes, warmth and the right amount of attitude as well as behaviour makes a person’s personality stand out and define who he or she is as an individual. The special emphasis laid today on a good personality, thereby giving rise to the exceeding popular concept of personality development; wherein study courses today offered are encompassing of personality development; as individual, independent study topics and as a special part of other courses as well.

So, it is but obvious, that every individual can be greatly, and this is with no exception or bar to the rule, be benefitted by personality development. My personal suggestion for everyone, who has not encountered the charm of a good personality development course/seminar/workshop/website/material/more, is to go ahead and indulge in one or the other method or source, which is reliable and well-equipped in knowledge, to get a soaring personality, which gives you a sharp, new, refined personality that is a good equilibrium to work and personal life, and a personality that at any occasion has the makings of standing out as one that is unique in its own way.

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D. Is there need to concentrate on personality development to encourage morale of employees in a work place?

Is there a need to mention the obvious? Is there a need to mention that walls of house need to be made of cement and brick, as opposed to paper-maiche. Of course not. It is obvious, the answer lies in the untold obvious and apparent question itself like the question of whether there is need to concentrate on personality development for increasing or encouraging morale of employees at work-places? The answer is obvious, the answer is yes.

With the fierceness in competition in the arena of business and profession, there is a complete necessity to concentrate on the personality development of employees. Employees do go through periods of sluggishness and fatigue, and they also are a part of office politics and there is a big need for employee motivation at all times, on every level of administration in every office, with no exception to the rule. That is why, offices and enterprises spend lakhs and millions on the motivation of employees. With good motivation, comes good performance, bringing about successful outcomes.

Earlier, when there was not enough done about personality development, offices used to arrange get-ways or picnics for their employees. This helps, yes, but for a momentary, temporary way. The freshness of the holiday or picnic wears off, the bickering or the politics start again. But with proper personality development modules and training, a personality gets a different approach, a positive ring to it, a multi-faceted dimension to it and so much more that the effect is enormous and long lasting even after the novelty is worn off.

So yes, offices definitely feel the requirement to concentrate on development of personality of employees, to gather the motivation and good-will of the enterprise and give it a sharp, brushed-up and shining image! This, in turn, will also help employees to perform better and ingenuity in behavior and work is visible. And in this case, the proof actually does lie in the pudding! Employees are able to multi-task and are better performers in various roles, making them all-rounded and giving them an edge to perform and better themselves in their areas of improvement, if any and also makes them good, solid, responsible persons at home and at any given environment.

Personality development is like having a facial, it is only after you do the facial, that you expose what your inner capacity is; like fresh, shiny skin that is free of radicals and pimples after a good clean-up during the facial and like a facial removes blackheads and inner hidden dirt, a personality development is also a clean up of any cobwebs in your personality, it provides for a deeper personality clean-up and enhancement.

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E. Is motivation a focus area in personality development?

Let’s try to set examples for motivation as a focus area or focus arena in Personality development.

In a work place, if an employee attends an in-house or in other words, pertaining to this case, in-office, personality development seminar, he/she is definitely got a boost in confidence and morale. This is a given. But if there is no focus

laid on motivation in that seminar, then the confidence and morale may be given a boost, but it is an incomplete one, one without a punch to it. For example setting, if that employee is given lessons on personality development but is not given even a single applaud or motivational statement told to him about himself/herself, what does the employee leave feeling:

a) A feeling of incomplete learning

b) A feeling of un-personalized training imparted in the personality development seminar.

c) A feeling of confidence but no morale motivation towards doing better work at the work place or office.

d) Not feeling encouraged to take on more or different kind of work in the office along with the present designated profile of work.

e) All the above.

The answer would be, in most certainty, e) Al the above. If there is no stress laid on motivation in nay personality development, it is like getting half a hair cut, in complete and strange! The outcome is a powerful one when there is concentration on the internal aspects of a person like confidence or approach which can be molded to help aid motivation in an attempt to develop personality.

As a student, as a professional, as any capacitated person, it is highly important to understand that motivation is a very essential part of a human-being, because motivation drives one to achieve brilliance and it helps in day-to-day activities as well. Motivation helps achieved more benefits and therefore the word motivation is practically an embedded part of any programme to do with personality development.

The focus definitely needs to lie on some semblance of motivation in nearly every topic related to people and people skills. Motivation also acts as a driving force and a driving mechanism of positivity. The vehicle being personality development, it is a carrier of many qualities and enhancements like Motivation, High Morale and so on and so forth. Having said this, let us take time and inclination to motivate ourselves by proper personality development updates!

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F. How does personality development affect those around you

Personality development has no cons-only pros! This is not a clichéd line, it’s a non-cliched reality. While there are close-knit offices who may decide they know the how’s and why’s of employee motivation, today, nearly every firm believes strongly that achievement of any morale related aspects can be effectively achieved by proper personality development. Personality development has the magic of transforming even a difficult, resistant personality to a pleasing one. Personality development can bring about a morale and self-improvement, which both directly and indirectly, affect positively, those around you.

Personality development calls for better performance as an individual as well as sharpened, tailor made images, just as a haute couture suit would fall well with your body type, since it’s made for your specific needs, similarly personality development does individualistic dimensions to your personality and the development helps and affects those around you in a sensible, brilliant way. This goes to show that everyone can benefit by a personality face-lift. Go to a cosmetic clinic for a face-lift and go to personality development seminars to face-life your personality.

The affecting of people around happens with a chain reaction syndrome. You affect positively the person you talk to and that person carries that good energy around and many people get the brilliance of your personality that underwent development, in order for it to have created this ripple effect pr ripple syndrome, as one may like to call it!

People form opinion and tend to get judgemental in their outlooks as they grow up and become adults, personality development teaches one to be encompassing. To not be judgemental and to have an open-minded, wide-spectrumed outlook to life, and this in turn, helps result in a better and more strong sociable skill. This personality, for sure, will be recognized easily in a crowd, for it will be the one that is lenient, tolerant, patient, kind and energetic in ways that can be only feasible after proper personality development. This goes to show and prove that personality development affects people around you, but only in a positive way. There is no scope for good personality development to have a negative impact on anyone, as the personality that is developed is got an approach that is positive and this creates an energy that could be neutral at times, if the extreme case may be, but nada to negative energy!

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3. Key Points For Personality Development

A. Personality Analysis

Personality analysis.- What’s’ you personality type?

Personalities can be analyzed based on personality traits and the core of one’s personality. Yes, it is a given that personality development adds galore and freshness to the existing personality, also making it a whirlwind of positive attributes. But the inherent personality type is something that is distinct and unique to each person. Though if a personality type, inherent as it may be, can be altered if it is a difficult and negative one.

Personality analyzed is half the battle won: By understanding the types of personalities one can analyze their own personalities better by knowing which category their personality falls under: by understanding their personality type.

There are broad categories which further can be distinguished into sixteen types of personality, which are the combinations and permutations of the below listed categories or umbrellas of personality types.

A person is either primarily Extraverted or Introverted

A person is either primarily Sensing or intuitive

A person is either primarily Thinking or Feeling

A person is either primarily Judging or Perceiving

Examples of the above stated categories or generalizations are:

When one talks to someone and makes a conversation and effort, she or he is being extraverted; when someone is reading or keeping to themselves, he or she is being introverted.

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When someone is noticing a new dress on the window display, that person in sensing; when someone is thinking of a new idea or approach, they are intuiting. When someone does not buy a black and green coloured top, because she already has one of that colour combination, she is thinking; when that same girl goes out and feels the urge to buy something just because she likes it, she is feeling. When someone makes a plan for next week, they are being in the judging category of personality type; when that same someone is doing something on the spur of the moment, he or she is using perceiving at that point.

These are generalized personality examples and categorically listed personality types. There is many a personality type in details that can be discussed, which are formations, made out of these broader categories, listed above. It is interesting and a good insight by identifying you personality type, if you have not yet done so. Jump start your day and week, by knowing which category of personality you fall within and it can be really revealing of facts about you and you might find yourself loving it!

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B. The ways of self-practicing personality development

Self-practicing personality development is life self-prescribing medication. One should execute caution and care to see that the medication one self-prescribes is the right one and self-medication best works if there is the decision of prescribing easy or generic medication items, like Paracetamol – in form of Calpol or Crocin for instance as opposed to prescribing (self) any other kind of medicinal drug.

Similarly, it works for personality development. To self-practice personality development, one has to keep in mind that

the only way of doing that is to do it simply, to not attempt to do complicated modules by self and to be doing the self-practicing of personality development with as much clarity and simplicity as possible.

For people who want to practice themselves the art of developing personality of one-self, the key is to make great references. To make good, reliable references. Like looking up sites on the web like this one will be a reliable option in self-practicing personality development. There are online workshops and tips to develop personality by self. These act as aids to build your own morale and give your personality multiple boosters. The other ways to practice personality development is to brush up on your reading and to read literature and books on personality and the most effective methods to develop personality, even sitting in the vicinity of your room at home.

These are few methods, which are popular in the field of self-personality-development. These act as good techniques, that add efficiency and progress to a person’s personality, if practiced, like mentioned before, by reliable means and material that can be counted on. There are many theories of personality, and many details of it, but the truth and the fact remains that, the theories that relate best, to your own personality, will help you figure a lot out about yourself and will aid you in the process of buying, reading, researching and practicing self-personality development.

The Freudian personality theories are an age-old study and research pack of theories, which are a unique and distinct way of looking at your personality and getting more from and about it. This personality theory or rather, set of theories will be talked about in upcoming literature on this knowledgeable website. It is a set of beliefs, study and theories by the immaculate and popular Sigmund Freud. Signing off in a flurry of theory and practice, here’s saying Ciao till next time!

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C. Personality development workshops and seminars.

Personality development has in it, the creative capacity to have many more than one impact on all of your personality traits. And each of those impacts, is both, positive and vibrant. There are many personality development seminars and workshops that are conducted to induce a shine to your existing personality by providing to it, a volley of enhancers!

Workshops and seminars help in inducing the right amount of personality enhancers to make the personality one that shines and stands out. Workshops can be of different durations over a few days, even. And seminars, on the other hand, are quick-at one time-a concise précis of the personality development module that gets imparted in the form of teaching during the seminar conducted.

The essential aspect is to be certain that the person you refer to or visit for either a workshop or a seminar is one that is profound in his or her knowledge on personality and personality development as well.

Personality development has gained such a lot of precedence today, which no company can afford to not have personality development as a part of its work culture. Every company wants motivated employees to work at their best, every firm wants a harmonious work environment and every home wants a non-aggressive and a harmony in its vicinity and surrounding; all this is possible with a pleasing personality and this is through proper development. Seminars are good to attend, every now and then, on personality development, as these seminars will help keep you updated and help in achieving a thoroughness in this arena. An ongoing updating, on your personality, can happen, via online website such as these, the key to maintain is that one knows the authenticity and the reliability of the literature stated.

Seminars are conducted on personality development all across the globe, in various cities of every nation. To attend a seminar, find a good one that is coming up at a nearby location to you, it is a safe assumption, that nearly every city in the world, will indulge in variable, but genuine personality development, so to locate a good seminar or workshop is not a task, it is a smooth and easy exercise, and the benefits of undergoing any personality development, is useful to anyone, in any field of work or otherwise and is something that people derive- wonderful, heavy-weighted and multiple benefits from.

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D. Personality development key points to be remembered and followed

While there is the innate presence of an id, an ego and a Superego in the studies of the great Sigmund Freud, which constitute the personality of an individual on the whole, there are many a belief and there are many theories that were later formed on personality, because it became evident that a good personality uplift, equals as much an uplift to performance.

The key points that one has to remember in any personality development mechanism are listed in the flowing pointers to be remembered and followed:

1. Character, Behavioural patterns or responses which also fall under the umbrella of behavior and the general outlook as well

as attitude of a person, constitutes a person’s personality.

2. Improvement in behaviour and attitude defines sharpness in one’s personality, which is brought about through proper personality development by reliable means (stress is to be laid on reliable means).

3. Often, changing a man’s character is not easily feasible as a character is formed at a very tender age of a person, possibly as a child even, but with proper personality development, ,there is scope for changes in character as well, and of course, a brilliance in the behaviour, social skills and inter-personal skills of a person. These talents of being able to hold and impact a person or an audience of people, is an art, which can be cultivated by proper personality development.

4. Attitude speaks a lot about a person. See how a very famous actor would generally behave in public,- Take SRK for instance, he is considered the Kind or Baadshah of Bollywood. There is a popular saying ‘with great power, comes great responsibility’. This is so true. You see SRK- he will have a personality that is fine and developed, a personality that shines bright, a warm and affable smile will be what a fan sees on his face when up, close and personal with him; a good message and a positive vibration is what SRK has in all of his speeches and messages to the public. The paparazzi does not act as a hindrance to him, thought they like to capture his every move; he is collected, witty and smart, with a personality that is giving, charming, affable, behaved and an attitude that is par excellence, not snobbish and not overtly sugary sweet wither. These are the necessities for a good personality and to achieve that, personality development is a must!

(check below (next page) to see the effervescence of SRK’s personality in the picture)

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E. Personality development- How it affects the work environment in an office?

Personality in the work place is best when it’s an affable one. Personalities do not always get along in an office environment, which gives birth to the concept of office politics at work-places. Personality development affects the work environment in an office in beneficial ways. Personality development leads to building good rapport with fellow-colleagues and provide a

foundation of understanding and trust among the members of an office. Individuals and teams have a good inter-personal skill among themselves. There is harmony that exists in the office and the manner in which work gets done, is more refined and is of better potential.

Performance gets carried to a new level with personality development. All of the above are the pros of having personality development. This is why, as has been highlighted before in this website, the need for personality development is beyond what words can explain, it is stupendous and tremendously essential. The benefits are multi-fold as compared to the little time that it takes to effectively develop a personality or personalities- Albeit a seminar of a day, a workshop of two-three days, a get-away / development module to be conducted outdoors, modules, online material – websites and more, the benefits are plentiful  and the effect is long lasting.

To sum up the effects of personality development on the work environment are as listed below:

· Builds morale of employees.

· Builds the confidence and the communicative abilities of people at office.

· Builds the attitude of the office on the whole, brings about positivity in the environment.

· Helps in bettering communication within and outside office.

· Helps in understanding and being understood better.

· Sharpening of inter-personal and social skills. Bettering of attitude and behaviour,  resume writing skills as well.

· Growth in thoughts and opinions.

· Growth and development of a person providing a whole-some benefit to the personality.

· The ability to be able to have good relations with other organizations as well by mastering the skills to good networking; this is one of the benefits of personality development.

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F. Does personality development provide a new sense of confidence?

Personality development was primarily designed and introduced with the concept of new sense of confidence, as key consideration. The development of a personality not only gives a sense of enhancing, it also provides a wonderful sense of confidence in one’s personality, this new scent of confidence is a great boon to the motivated and confident individual’s office, home and every environment he sets foot in.

Personality development helps in enormous ways to uplift confidence and to allow the showing of the same. It’s a boost and a boast of confidence that comes with the imparting of proper personality development modules!

The modules that work best with personalities are those that can provide an all-rounded boost to one’s personality, also one that can act as morale up lifters. All of these aspects, and then some, are what goes into the shape of a new confidence, a new sense of confident approach and behavior! To sum it up, A brand new confident, sociable, affable and influential you!

Personality development in the large perspective has a good and wholesome impact on a person by giving his or her personality a wonderful tint of a multitude of attributes, few of which lead to a healthy confidence that helps in today’s competitive world. Like personalities that we love and admire, to each his own, for instance, there can be fans and admirers of Madhuri Dixit, where the admiration comes for her on-screen personality, which varies from role to role, but her popularity and her profession of films makes her an enviable personality. For many others, there could be Hilary Clinton, who could be their role model and what we gather out of these popularity polls is that there is an impact that these people pr personalities have on other people; the key smartness is to understand that to have an impact, it is important for a personality to undergo development and exposure of some kind.

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For regular updates, it is important to verify and consult the right modules and training for personality development. It is possible to ask, if Madhuri Dixit has undergone personality development. Maybe or maybe not a formal procedure of it, but with the exposure and the growth in their select profession, there is learning and with the learning comes the ways of updating oneself towards masses of people and media as well, this acts as an indirect and a regular updating of one’s personality with variable strokes, in a profession that is as fast paced as acting.

Having said the above, here’s signing off, with a request to each one, out there, to be the most that they can be, to perform to the best of their ability,to be affable in a multitude of ways and be able to hold a dialogue or communication of any kind, with anyone and everyone, albeit the age bracket be young or old and last, but certainly not the least, to be effective citizens of the world!

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4. Resources

A. Best Online Sites For Personality Development

Online information is like an overflowing dam; there is so much information that screening and choosing becomes a major task to some; because the options offered are far too many. Yet, there are consistencies in the websites that are most known for their reliable content. To name a few, I would like to start by talking

about this website on personality development, helpful, sincere, reliable and encompassing; this is what this website is about and is got dynamism to it as well, like adding a cherry to the icing of a cake.

The best online information can be found in this website for personality development, and of course there are websites of astounding nature like, and to browse categories and so on. These are good websites to add on knowledge on personality as well as personality development in various techniques and forms and new online reputation management techniques including social media marketing.

This website acts as both a comprehension as well as a stupendous site for detailed information on the various layers and flavours of personality development and personalities as well.

Personalities of people can be altered for the better, giving it a good face-lift by inducing the right amounts of personality development. Studies have shown how people have marvelously changed to becoming sociably viable in any situation, and this has a great deal to do with personality development and proper coaching of the same.

In any case, online information is so intense and so accessible as well as vast, that often, you get a lot of your queries easily answered, without the need for a second opinion, by viewing websites and informational online genres.

The internet is a new-age boon, which is possibly the reason, why today, you see how there is an obvious need for everyone to have at least a basic knowledge on the knowhow of a computer and internet, for any requirement to access the internet It is a feasible option to open up to views of millions of people across continents, making it possible for global proximity; thereby being able to study information that could be accessible or available to student s in an all together different continent. This paves way for a good expanse in knowledge and experience, in many a field of life, allowing for stepping stones like these to make a good pathway for your life.

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B. Psychology and Personality Development-Related?

Psychology and personality development are as such, two different topics. But as is the case of many permutations and combination, there are related aspects in topics that are generally independent of one another. In the case of psychology and personality development, a similar dynamism is noticed. While personality development is based on principles and content to add enhancement to a personality, psychology deals with the mental make up of a person; and the connection comes about because often, a mental make up that makes the psyche of a person, is exhibited in his or her personality.

Personality development is essential in the development of a charm and a suave that comes with the territory of a energetic development course of personality. At the same time, psychology encourages the study of a human mind, and psychologists aim at maintain a neutral and a healthy balance of mind in a person. The two combined generally call for a magnetic relation, because of the fact that a mental make up of a person allows the influence of a good development, encouraging a personal and professional growth.

So, in certain ways, the two fields that are generally separate , come together in connection and are related, but in other ways they are poles apart.

Understanding further on the lines of both psychology and personality development, one has to understand the basics of both these fields that are vast and massive by themselves, and when combined can create a positive and dizzying attribute change in a person, I say dizzying, in the sense that it is an unbeatable and a shining bright combo, which makes a person achieve heights that are greatly commendable.

The focus on the human mind is a large field of study as well in many an educational institute, say, IVY leagues like Wharton and Harvard to name two of the best existing  colleges of study in the world. Which is why the mix of a balanced psyche and a good personality is an unbeatable combination, and this is where the showing of the two massive fields of psychology and personality development come together in citing and practicalism.

To read on more about the many perks of a good personality, read this website further and gain your daily dose on the different updates we have for you on personality and see if you can identify your personality type today, with our articles and tools to guide you !

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C. A Difficult Personality Can Be Changed With Proper Development- Tr ue or false?

Proper personality development can definitely be a tool to changing a difficult personality and making a transformation of it into a pleasing and a better one. A difficult personality can be a liability, and to change that liability, personality development acts like a wand of magic, changing that liability into an asset by improving the personality to a great extent.

It takes time to change a difficult personality into one that is not difficult; it is a process; just as one can to lose weight overnight and has to practice methods to do so over a period of time, similarly, with regular personality development inducements, there can be a transformation of a difficult personality into a non-difficult one, and slowly but steadily, furthered into one that is pleasing even!

Proper development can change personalities, only for the better. It does not have the means or the loop holes to do damage to a personality. There is only scope for good elements to the personality. Adding shine on a broken, copper bracelet, can make it look shiny, new and jeweled? Is that not possible? Well, it sure is! It works the same with a difficult personality, it acts out and is rebellious but it can be calm, composed and well-shone with the inducement of personality development in the right doses over the right, prescribed period of time.

This is a answer to the above question,. True – a difficult personality can sure be changed with proper development. It aids in the process of growth of an individual and a growth in the thinking and behaviour of a person too. This is for the better as the world is in need for composed, calm and thoughtful as well as just people. (Just, in this context, means fair and balanced)

It is marvelous, what development can do to a persona’s personality. Personality development is like positive development of any kind, it does good, it does well, it reaps benefits and it is a moment of pride. Now, after enclosing these words of wisdom, here’s signing off until more on personality development. Until then, take a leap into the fascinating knowledge you can gain from this website on varied and essential areas of personality development and the colourful and a multitude of effects that one can gain by reading articles from the site!

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D. Personality Development – Freudian Theories

Sigmund Freud was a great man, his greatness is till date, cited in his brilliant work and theories. Freud came up with the three categorically different structures to a person’s personality. Freud believed that personality has three structures: the id, the ego, and the superego.

The id is a tier or part of the personality set up; it is a structure that has no contact to reality- a structure that is unconscious totally. The ego is a grown state or a state that is furthered from an id state to form the structure of ego, which is in contact with reality and which uses reasoning to make decisions. Now, having stated both the states of id and ego, there emerges a state or structure called the superego, which is the moral attribute to a person’s personality, the ability to feel or analyze whether something is right or wrong. This is called the state of superego wherein lies the conscientious personality, gauging right from wrong. These above said analyzing statements were those of the Great Sigmund Freud who stated in correctness the different layers, tiers or substances that form the whole (in this case, the whole being a personality, which has structures to it).

Whilst Freudian principles are based on the theory or rather, a belief by Freud that personalities were like icebergs; there are many definitive views on personality and personality development. While Freud may have personality ideas that were listed as above, and thereby personality development would be done to and on every structural tiers of personality (the three tiers of personality), personality development can be encompassing and can be specifically enhancing as well.

Personality development can be compared to a lock-system of the house, without it, the structure is incomplete. It can also be compared with analogies like an envelope sealed or in other words, like sealing an envelope too. The refinement and the training that personality development brings with it, gives a light, subtle feeling of completion. One may not give it too much thought at times, but think about it, an un-sealed envelope that is posted, can very well, get misplaced or read or lost. Similarly, without personality development in today’s’ world, one may feel less competent than his contemporaries who may have had sessions in personality development, one is able to feel more confident and more aware with the surging attributes of personality development.

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E. Personality Development Books

Personality development has so much material that one can choose from as means to aid personality development of an individual. There are books, websites, seminar, workshops conducted and much more options that one can choose from while looking to get a dose of personality development.

Books that are known for personality development are listed below:

Uncle Pai books for easy reading on personality development. Secrets of personal magnetism. Impossible? Possible? For a better tomorrow (Mantra for personality management)

There are other books that relate personality development with business methods and teach on similar lines like ‘Business communication and personality development’ by Das Biswajit- Author.

What are the cues to choosing the right book to read for your requirements?

In case of personality development, the scope for a good read is to know what the basic contents of the book are; or the back of the book which will give one a précis on what the book is about; once there is knowledge on what the book will entail upon reading, there is enlightenment on the choice that can be made for a good and valuable read on persoanltiyd development.

Enveloping skills to a good personality and a good charm are the two important aspects to any tutoring that will aid a development in a person’s overall personality. To give yourself, regular and consistent updates, for and on a good brushing up of social skills and personality development, viewing of websites that contain efficient information is a good way to go.

Have you not noticed that when a person is charming, you find that a majority of people listen in, pay attention, value that person’s opinion and work upon it as well? Yes, it’s very easily noticeable, which is why I had stated how easy it is to stand out if you have had a good personality development course experience.

Books are a great body of learning and education. The choice of a educative read by making the right choice of which book to read for personality development, will show up in your personality and your attitude in course of time. This is why, my friends, I would recommend, that each of you take time to think, before you make time to read; because what you read, will teach you what you may eventually become. Going out there and choosing what’s best for you is the best piece of advice to take home.

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One of the most important factors that lead one to their goals is the drive. This drive is known as motivation. It is a zest and determination with a kind of excitement that leads one to persevere to reach greater heights, in no matter what avenue of their life; be it – personal or professional. The drive may come from an internal or external source. The individual determines this.

The factors that motivate an individual keep changing as one climbs the ladder of age and maturity. And also, achievement of one goal sets the ball rolling for another one to be achieved. Thus, to be motivated is a constant need. There are times when one faces a period of de-motivation and everything seems bleak. It is then that they need to find what would motivate them back into action.

For every individual there is a variable driving force. In fact, it is not just a single factor, but a combination of factors that lead people to achieve their goals. The fact is that with routine monotony steps in and then everything seems like stagnant waters. It feels like there is nothing new.

Breaking this cycle of monotony has helped many bounce back with enthusiasm. This is why human resource managers create a training calendar, which will take away employees from the routine they are stuck to, as well as enhance their skills in various areas.

Others pursue hobbies during the weekend, thus giving them something to look forward to, as each week comes to a close. There are people who redefine their goals and ambitions from time to time in order to fill them with newer levels of enthusiasm to achieve greater feats. One needs to take stalk every now and then and find the motivator required to carry them through.

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Steps that Lead to Good Personality Development

In order to give yourself a good personality, you will have to go through steps to ensure your personality development is done correctly. There are a few basic things to consider in this regard. Firstly, it is wise to always be responsible for the decisions you make. Don’t blame others if something is your fault. You should also be considerate of others. Personality development is as much about others as it is about you. Always remain positive in the face of adversity. There is no need to feel down about your lot in life. If something is bothering you, don’t let it get the best of you – remain positive at all times.

Always think before you speak. If you put your foot in your mouth then you are likely to offend others – which will in turn lead to negativity. You should always listen to others as well. As previously stated, personality development has an effect on those around us. Maybe you can help others with their own personality development. In doing so can teach you more about the human condition as a whole. Always be honest – this comes down to being honest to yourself and to others. Your subconscious can throw out cues to people you are lying too.

Don’t be a rumor monger. If you come across some juicy gossip, keep it to yourself. It makes you look petty and foolish if all you ever talk about is the problems or foibles of others. Keep your head in your own business and don’t concern yourself with the business of others. You might find it will come back and bite you in the long term. Also, don’t hold grudges. Life is too short to be walking around angry at others all the time. If someone bothers you then just stay away from them.