project report on reliance life insurance comp. ltd

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  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    Project Report On



    Partial fulfillment of the requirements of two years full time

    Master of Business Management (MBA)2


    Preface--------------------------------------------------- (3)

    Certificate------------------------------------------------ (4)Acknowledgement-------------------------------------- (5)Executive Summary------------------------------------- (6)Index----------------------------------------------------- (7)3


    Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG) announces the acquisition of


    percent shareholding in AMP Sanmar Life Insurance Company Limited.

    Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited is officially launched on

    February 1, 2006. This was after obtaining the required regulatiry


    from the Registrar of Companies and the Insurance Regulatory and

    Development Authority. Reliance Life Insurance is the part of the



    Reliance Life Insurance has plenty of plans on the anvil. It has

    also 118branches, with strong presence in South and a bouquet of products


    savings protection and investment need of individuals and

    corporate. The

    head-office of it is at Chennai.

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    The company has already added 600 employees in addition to the

    1000 plus

    staff of the erstwhile AMP Sanmar Life Insurance Company Limited.

    Reliance Life Insurance aims to be the consumers preferred life

    insurer byunderstanding and meeting his needs.

    Think Bigger, Think Better!







    1 INSURANCE INDUSTRY1.1 Meaning of Insurance

    1.2 Importance of Insurance

    1.3 Difference between Insurance and Assurance

    1.4 Principles of Insurance

    1.5 History of Insurance

    1.6 Time line in Insurance history

    1.7 Meaning of Life Insurance

    1.8 History of Life Insurance1.9 Key features of Life Insurance

    1.10 Benefits of Life Insurance

    1.11 Role of Life Insurance in the growth of economy












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    2.1 About Reliance Life Insurance

    2.2 History

    2.3 Journey so far

    2.4 Role of IT at Reliance Life Insurance

    2.5 Mission2.6 Core Values

    2.7 Future Plans

    2.8 HeadOffice

    2.9 Branches










    3.1 Traditional Plans

    3.2 Unit linked Plans



    4.1 Recruitment

    4.2 Selection

    4.3 Training and Development

    4.4 Career Development

    4.5 Communication

    4.6 Incentives

    4.7 Services

    4.8 Performance Appraisal

    4.9 Organizational form and Structure

    4.10 Department




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    5.1 Distribution Channel

    5.2 Promotional Programmes and Target segment

    5.3 Comparative Study





    6.1 Objective of the study

    6.2 Questionnaire

    6.3 Sampling Method and Sampling Size

    6.4 Limitations

    6.5 Analysis of Questionnaire

    6.6 SWOT Analysis







    8 CONLUSION 106


    10 APPENDIX 110





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    Insurance may be described as a social device to reduce or

    eliminate risk of

    loss to life and property. Insurance is a collective bearing of

    risk. Insurance

    is a financial device to spread the risks and losses of few peopleamong a

    large number of people, as people prefer small fixed liability

    instead of big

    uncertain and changing liability.

    Insurance can be defined as a legal contract between two parties


    one party called insurer undertakes to pay a fixed amount of money

    on thehappening of a particular event, which may be certain or

    uncertain. The

    other party called insured pays in exchange a fixed sum known as


    Insurance is desired to safeguard oneself and ones family

    against possible

    losses on account of risks and perils. It provides financial

    compensation for

    the losses suffered due to the happening of any unforeseen events.


    Insurance constitutes one of the major segments of the financial


    Insurance services play predominant role in the process of


    intermediary. Today insurance industry is one of the most growing

    sectors inIndia. There is lot of potential in the Indian Insurance Industry.

    There are many issues, which require study. The scope of the study


    insurance industry of India would be very great as there are


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    developments in the industry after the opening of the sector.

    The major issue right now is the hike in FDI (Foreign Direct


    limit from26% to 49%in the insurance sector. Government may in

    nearfuture allow 49% FDI in Insurance. This would lead to more capital


    by foreign partners.

    Another major issue is the effects on LIC after the entry of

    private players in

    the market. Though market share of LIC has been affected, it has


    in terms of efficiency.There are number of other hot topics like penetration of Health


    Rural marketing of insurance, new distribution channels, new


    ranges, insurance brokers regulation, incentive scheme of


    officers of LIC etc. So it offers lot of scope for studying the


    industry.Right now the insurance industry has great opportunities in a

    country like

    India or China which huge population. Also the penetration of

    insurance in9

    India is very low in both life and non-life segment so there is

    lot potential to

    be tapped.Before starting the discussion on insurance industry and related

    issues, we

    have to start with the basics of insurance. So first we understand

    what is

    insurance?How the wordinsuranceis different from the word

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    1.3 DIFFERENCE BEETWEN INSURANCEAND ASSURANCEAssurance is older in history and it was used to describe all

    types ofinsurances. From 1826, the term assurance came to be used only for

    the risks

    covered by life insurance and the term insurance was exclusively

    used to

    denote the risks covered by marine, fire, etc.

    The word assurance indicated certainty. In life insurance, there

    is an

    assurance from the insurance company to make payment under thepolicy

    either on the maturity or at earlier death. On the other hand the


    insurance was used to denote indemnity type of insurances where


    insurance company was liable to pay only in case of the loss

    damage the


    The insured event was bound to happen sooner or later underassurance but

    the event insured against may or may not happen under insurance.10

    The principle of indemnity applies to insurance

    contracts(non-life) only.

    The scope of the word, insurance is wider.


    An insurance contract is based on some basic principles ofinsurance.

    (1) Principle of Uberrima Fides or Principle of utmost good


    It means maximum truth. Both the parties should disclose all

    material information regarding the subject matter of insurance.

    (2) Principle of indemnity

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    This means that if the insured suffers a loss against which the

    policy has

    been made, he shall be fully indemnified only to the extent of

    loss. In

    other words, the insured is not entitled to make a profit on hisloss.

    (3) Principle of subrogation

    This means the insurer has the right to stand in the place of the


    after settlement of claimsin so far as the insureds right of

    recovery from

    an alternative source is involved. The insurer before the

    settlement of the

    claim may exercise the right. In other words, the insurer is

    entitled to

    recover from a negligent third party any loss payments made to the11

    insured. The purposes of subrogation are to hold the negligent


    responsible for the loss and prevent the insured from collecting

    twice for

    the same loss. The concept of Third Party Claims is based onthe same


    (4) Principle of causa proxima

    The cause of loss must be direct and an insured one in order to

    claim of


    (5) Principle of insurable interest

    The assured must have insurance interest in the life or property


    Insurable interest is that interest which considerably alters the

    position of

    the assured in the event of loss taking place and if the event

    does not take

    placed, he remains in the same old position.

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    The concept of insurance is believed to have emerged almost 4500

    years ago

    in the ancient land of Babylonia where traders used to bear riskof the

    carvanby giving loans, which were later repaid with interest when

    the goods

    arrived safely.

    The concept of insurance as we know today took shape in 1688 at a


    called LloydsCoffee House in London where risk bearers used to

    meet to

    transact business. This coffee house became so popular that

    Lloyds became

    the one of the first modern insurance companies by the end of the



    Marine insurance companies came into existence by the end of the

    eighteenth century. These companies were empowered to write fire

    and life

    insurance as well as marine. The Great Fire of London in 1966caused huge

    loss of property and life. With a view to providing fire insurance


    Dr. Nicholas Barbon set up in 1967 the first fire insurance

    company known

    as the Fire office.

    The early history of insurance in India can be traced back to the

    Vedas. TheSanskrit term Yogakshema (meaning well being), the name of


    Insurance Corporation of Indias corporate headquarters, is found

    in the Rig

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    Veda. The Aryans practiced some form of community insurance


    1000 BC.

    Life insurance in its modern form came to India from England in

    1818. TheOriental Life Insurance Company was the first insurance company to

    be set

    up in India to help the widows of European community. The


    companies, which came into existence between 1818 and 1869,


    Indian lives as subnormal and charged an extra premium of 15 to 20


    cent. The first Indian insurance company, the Bombay Mutual Life

    Assurance Society, came into existence in 1870 to cover Indian

    lives at

    normal rates.

    The Insurance Act, 1938, the first comprehensive legislation

    governing both

    life and non-life branches of insurance were enacted to provide

    strict statecontrol over insurance business. This amended insurance Act looked


    investments, expenditure and management of these companies.

    By the mid- 1950s there were 154 Indian insurers, 16 foreign

    insurers, and

    75 provident societies carrying on life insurance business in

    India. Insurance

    business flourished and so did scams, irregularities and dubiousinvestment

    practices by scores of companies. As a result the government

    decided to

    nationalize the life assurance business in India. The Life


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    Corporation of India (LIC) was set up in 1956. The nationalization

    of life

    insurance was followed by general insurance in 1972.


    (MAJOR LANDMARKS)1818British introduced the life insurance to India with the14

    establishment of the Oriental Life Insurance Company

    . in Calcutta.

    1850Non life insurance started with Triton Insurance


    1870Bombay Mutual Life Assurance Society is the first India

    owned life insurer.

    1912The Indian Life Assurance Company Act enacted to

    regulate the life insurance business.

    1938The Insurance Act was enacted.

    1956Nationalization took place. Government took over 245

    Indian and foreign insurers and provident societies.

    1972Non-life business nationalized, General Insurance

    Corporation(GIC) cameinto being.

    1993Malhotra committee was constituted under the

    chairmanship of former RBI chief R. N. Malhotra todraw a blue print for insurance sector reforms.

    1994Malhotra committee recommended reentry of private


    1997IRDA (Insurance Regulatory and Development

    Authority) was set up as a regulator of the insurance

    market in India.

    2000IRDA started giving license to private insurers. ICICI

    Prudential,HDFCwere first private players to sell

    insurance Policies.

    2001Royal Sundaram was the first non-life private player to

    sell an insurance policy.

    2002Bank allowed to sell insurance plans as TPAs enter the

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    scene, insurers start setting non-life claims in the

    cashless mode.

    1.7 MEANING OF LIFE INSURANCEThere are three parties in a life insurance transaction: the

    insurer, theinsured, and the owner of the policy (policyholder), although the

    owner and16

    the insured are often the same person.

    Another important person involved in a life insurance policy is


    beneficiary. The beneficiary is the person or persons who will

    receive the

    policy proceeds upon the death of the insured.

    Life insurance may be divided into two basic classesterm and


    Term life insurance provides for life insurance coverage for a

    specified term of years for a specified premium. The policy does


    accumulate cash value.

    Permanent life insurance is life insurance that remains in force

    untilthe policy matures, unless the owner fails to pay the premium when


    Whole life insurance provides for a level premium, and a cash


    table included in the policy guaranteed by the company. The


    advantages of whole life are guaranteed death benefits, guaranteed

    cash values, fixed and known annual premiums, and mortality andexpense charges will not reduce the cash value shown in the


    Universal life insurance (UL) is a relatively new insurance


    intended to provide permanent insurance coverage with greater

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    flexibility in premium payment and the potential for a higher


    rate of return. A universal life policy includes a cash account.

    Premiums increase the cash account.

    If you want insurance protection only, and not a savings andinvestment

    product, buy a term life insurance policy.17

    If you want to buy a whole life, universal life, or other cash

    value policy,

    plan to hold it for at least 15 years.

    Canceling these policies after only a few years can more than

    double your

    life insurance costs. Check the National Association of Insurance

    Commissioners website ( or your local library for

    information on the financial soundness of insurance companies.

    1.8 HISTORY OF LIFE INSURANCERisk protection has been a primary goal of humans and institutions

    throughout history. Protecting against risk is what insurance is

    all about.

    Over 5000 years ago, in China, insurance was seen as a

    preventativemeasure against piracy on the sea. Piracy, in fact, was so

    prevalent, that as a

    way of spreading the risk, a number of ships would carry a portion


    another ship's cargo so that if one ship was captured, the entire


    would not be lost.

    In another part of the world, nearly 4,500 years ago, in theancient land of

    Babylonia, traders used to bear risk of the caravan trade by

    giving loans that

    had to be later repaid with interest when the goods arrived

    safely. In 2100

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    BC, the Code of Hammurabi granted legal status to the practice. It

    formalized concepts of bottomry referring to vessel bottoms


    respondentia referring tocargo. These provided the

    underpinning formarine insurance contracts. Such contracts contained three

    elements: a loan

    on the vessel, cargo, or freight; an interest rate; and a

    surcharge to cover the

    possibility of loss. In effect, ship owners were the insured and

    lenders were

    the underwriters.18

    Life insurance came about a little later in ancient Rome, where

    burial clubs

    were formed to cover the funeral expenses of its members, as well

    as help

    survivors monetarily. With Rome's fall, around 450 A.D., most of


    concepts of insurance were abandoned, but aspects of it did

    continue through

    the Middle Ages, particularly with merchant and artisan guilds.These

    provided forms of member insurance covering risks like fire,

    flood, theft,

    disability, death, and even imprisonment.

    During the feudal period, early forms of insurance ebbed with the


    of travel and long-distance trade. But during the 14th to 16th

    centuries,transportation, commerce, and insurance would again reemerge.

    Insurance in India can be traced back to the Vedas. For instance,

    yogakshema, the name of Life Insurance Corporation of India's


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    headquarters, is derived from the Rig Veda. The term suggests that

    a form of

    "community insurance" was prevalent around 1000 BC and practiced

    by the

    Aryans.And similar to ancient Rome, burial societies were formed in the


    period to help families build houses, and to protect widows and


    Modern Insurance

    Illegal almost everywhere else in Europe, life insurance in

    England was

    vigorously promoted in the three decades following the Glorious


    of 1688. The type of insurance we see today owes it's roots to

    17th century

    England. Lloyd's of London, or as they were known then, Lloyd's


    House, was the location where merchants, ship owners and

    underwriters met

    to discuss and transact business deals.While serving as a means of risk-avoidance, life insurance also


    strongly to the gambling instincts of England's burgeoning middle


    Gambling was so rampant, in fact, that when newspapers published

    names of

    prominent people who were seriously ill, bets were placed at

    Lloyds on

    their anticipated dates of death. Reacting against such practices,

    79 merchant

    underwriters broke away in 1769 and two years later formed a New


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    Coffee House that became known as the real Lloyds. Making

    wagers on

    people's deaths ceased in 1774 when parliament forbade the


    Insurance moves to AmericaThe U.S. insurance industry was built on the British model. The

    year 1735

    saw the birth of the first insurance company in the American

    colonies in

    Charleston, SC. The Presbyterian Synod of Philadelphia in 1759,


    the first life insurance corporation in America for the benefit of


    and their dependents. And the first life insurance policy for the


    public in the United States was issued, in Philadelphia, on May

    22, 1761.

    But it wasn't until 80 years later (after 1840), that life

    insurance really took

    off in a big way. The key to its success was reducing the

    opposition from

    religious groups.In 1835, the infamous New York fire drew people's attention to the

    need to

    provide for sudden and large losses. Two years later,

    Massachusetts became

    the first state to require companies by law to maintain such

    reserves. The20

    great Chicago fire of 1871 further emphasized how fires can cause


    losses in densely populated modern cities. The practice of


    wherein the risks are spread among several companies, was devised

    specifically for such situations.

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    With the creation of the automobile, public liability insurance,

    which first

    made its appearance in the 1880s, gained importance and


    More advancement was made to insurance during the process ofindustrialization. In 1897, the British government passed the


    Compensation Act, which made it mandatory for a company to insure


    employees against industrial accidents.

    During the 19th century, many societies were founded to insure the

    life and

    health of their members, while fraternal orders provided low-cost,membersonly

    insurance. Even today, such fraternal orders continue to provide

    insurance coverage to members, as do most labor organizations.


    employers sponsor group insurance policies for their employees,


    not just life insurance, but sickness and accident benefits and


    pensions. Employees contribute a certain percentage of the premiumfor

    these policies.

    Final Thoughts

    Even though the American insurance industry was greatly influenced


    Britain, the US market developed somewhat differently from that of


    United Kingdom. Contributing to that was America's size; landdiversity

    and the overwhelming desire to be independent. As America moved

    from a

    colonial outpost to an independent force, from a farming country

    to an

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    industrial nation, the insurance business developed from a small

    number of

    companies to a large industry.

    Insurance became more sophisticated, offering new types ofcoverage and

    diversified services for an increasingly complex country.

    1.9 KEY FEATURES OF LIFE INSURANCE1) Nomination: -

    When one makes a nomination, as the policyholder you continue to

    be the

    owner of the policy and the nominee does not have any right under


    policy so long as you are alive. The nominee has only the right to

    receive the

    policy monies in case of your death within the term of the policy.

    2) Assignment: -

    If your intention is that your policy monies should go only to a


    person, you need to assign the policy in favor of that person.

    3) Death Benefit: -

    The primary feature of a life insurance policy is the deathbenefit it provides.

    Permanent policies provide a death benefit that is guaranteed for

    the life of

    the insured, provided the premiums have been paid and the policy

    has not

    been surrendered.

    4) Cash Value: -22

    The cash value of a permanent life insurance policy is accumulatedthroughout the life of the policy. It equals the amount a policy

    owner would

    receive, after any applicable surrender charges, if the policy


    surrendered before the insured's death.

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    5) Dividends: -

    Many life insurance companies issue life insurance policies that

    entitle the

    policy owner to share in the company's divisible surplus.

    6) Paid-Up Additions: -Dividends paid to a policy owner of a participating policy can be

    used in

    numerous ways, one of which is toward the purchase of additional


    called paid-up additions.

    7) Policy Loans: -

    Some life insurance policies allow a policy owner to apply for a

    loan against

    the value of their policy. Either a fixed or variable rate of

    interest is charged.

    This feature allows the policy owner an easily accessible loan in

    times of

    need or opportunity.

    8) Conversion from Term to Permanent: -

    When in need of temporary protection, individuals often purchase

    term life

    insurance. If one owns a term policy, sometimes a provision isavailable that

    will allow her to convert her policy to a permanent one without


    additional proof of insurability.

    9) Disability Waiver of Premium23

    Waiver of Premium is an option or benefit that can be attached to

    a life

    insurance policy at an additional cost. It guarantees thatcoverage will stay in

    force and continue to grow

    1.10 BENEFITS OF LIFE INSURANCE1) Risk cover: -

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    Life Insurance contracts allow an individual to have a risk cover

    against any

    unfortunate event of the future.

    2) Tax Deduction: -

    Under section 80C of the Income Tax Act of 1961 one can get taxdeduction

    on premiums up to one lakh rupees. Life Insurance policies thus

    decrease the

    total taxable income of an individual.24

    3) Loans: -

    An individual can easily access loans from different financial

    institutions by

    pledging his insurance policies.4) Retirement Planning: -

    What had provided protection against the financial consequences of

    premature death may now be used to help them enjoy their

    retirement years.

    Moreover the cash value can be used as an additional income in the

    old age.

    5) Educational Needs: -

    Similar to retirement planning the cash values that flow from ones


    insurance schemes can be utilized for educational needs of the

    insurer or his


    1.11 ROLE OF LIFE INSURANCE IN THEGROWTH OF THE ECONOMYThe Life Insurance Industry has an enviable track record among


    sector units. It has a Consistent profit and dividend payingrecord

    accompanied by a steady growth in its financial resources. Through

    investments in the Government sector and socially- oriented

    sectors the

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    Industry has contributed immensely to the nation's development.


    industry is recognized as one of the largest financial

    Institutions in the

    country. The ventures initiated by the industry in the areas ofMutual Fund,25

    Housing Finance has done exceedingly well in recent years. To

    protect the

    country's foreign exchange reserves, the reinsurance arrangement

    are so

    organized that maximum retention is made possible within the

    country while

    at the same time protecting interests of the policy holders.




    2.1 ABOUT RELIANCE LIFE INSURANCEReliance Life Insurance Company Limited is a part of Reliance

    Capital Ltd.

    of the Reliance - Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group. Reliance Capital is

    one of

    Indias leading private sector financial services companies, and

    ranks among

    the top 3 private sector financial services and banking companies,

    in terms27

    of net worth. Reliance Capital has interests in asset management

    and mutual

    funds, stock broking, life and general insurance, proprietaryinvestments,

    private equity and other activities in financial services.

    Reliance Capital Limited (RCL) is a Non-Banking Financial Company

    (NBFC) registered with the Reserve Bank of India under section 45-

    IA of

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    the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934.

    Reliance Capital sees immense potential in the rapidly growing


    services sector in India and aims to become a dominant player in

    thisindustry and offer fully integrated financial services.

    Reliance Life Insurance is another steps forward for Reliance


    Limited to offer need based Life Insurance solutions to

    individuals and


    2.2 HISTORY

    Reliance Capital Limited announced the launch of its lifeinsurance business

    on February 1, 2006. This was after obtaining the required


    approvals from the Registrar Of Companies and the Insurance


    and Development Authority.

    It was in August 2005 that the ball was set rolling when Reliance


    Limited, the financial arm of RelianceAnil Dhirubhai AmbaniGroup28

    (ADAG)announced the requisition of 100% shareholding in AMP


    Life Insurance Company Limited; and the formal transfer of shares


    place in October 2005. The company will issue all policy contracts

    under theReliance Life Insurance Company limited name. All the existing


    contracts also stand transferred to the Reliance Life Insurance

    entity with all

    the original contractual terms and commitments intact.

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    2.3 JOURNEY SO FAR2005

    August:Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (ADAG) announces the

    acquisition of 100 percent shareholding in AMP Sanmar Life

    InsuranceCo Ltd.


    January 17:Mr. Nandgopal participates in a one-day conference on

    Optimising growth opportunities through Distribution Matrix:29

    Emerging Bancassurance organized by the Asia Insurance Post at


    Taj President, Mumbai.

    February 1:Rliance Life Insurance officially launched.

    February 16, 17, 18:Strategy meet at the Reliance Management

    Institute. Amongst those who participate are the CEO, COO,


    Heads, Regional Managers and Regional Sales Managers.

    February 26:A Puja held at the Churchgate office situated in


    Building, 4thFloor, 14 E Road, Mumbai.

    March 1:Churchgate office inaugurated by Mr. AmitabhJhunjhunwala, Mr. Amitabh Chaturvedi and Mr. Nandgopal.

    March 6:Shifting to the new premises at Churchgate commences.

    March 7:The new office at Chennai, at the Trapezium, First Floor,


    39, Nelson Manickam Road, inaugurated by their CEO Mr. Nandgopal,

    Mr. KV Srinivasan and Mr. Sureshbabu also graced the occasion.

    2.4 ROLE OF IT AT RELIANCE LIFEINSURANCE1) World Class Data Centre: -

    They plan to establish a Primary Data Centre at Navi Mumbai

    (Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City) which will cater to their


    needs across India, with fail-over capability to their Chennai

    Data Centre

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    within the same business day in occurance if an incident or



    2) Inter Office Connectivity: -All their Branch / Area and Regional offices will be

    interconnected to their Data Centre with a 24x7 access to Core

    Applications like Lotus Mail, Life-Asia and Internet Applications.


    will enable their associates to work faster and better with high-


    Internet connectivity and also ensure faster Turn Around Time for



    3) Customer Care Centre: -

    They will host a centralized Customer Care Centre at

    Dhirubhai Ambani Knowledge City at Navi Mumbai, which cater

    services to internal and external queries and complications. A


    Relationship Management Tool (CRM) and Lead Management System

    (LMS) are in progress.

    4) Web Portal: -This portal will be an interface between both internal employees

    and their external users. Some of the functions included in their

    portal are

    Policy Tracking Systems, Corporate News, Quality Checking System,

    Under Writing Medical System, and Agent Management System etc.

    5) R World: -31

    Reliance Mobile R-World will provide online information about

    their Company, Products, and Policy Services to their existingcustomers,

    Agents/Advisors and Lead Generators.

    6) SMS Alerts: -

    SMS Alerts will be provided to their Sales Managers about the

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    latest happenings like Contests and Campaigns, Employee Alerts


    include Company News and Welcome/Birthday/Anniversary message

    etc. Customer Alerts will include Welcome/Birthday/Anniversary

    message, Policy Dispatch Details, Policy Servicing SMS likePremium

    Receipt and Renewal Premium reminders etc.

    7) Life and Group Asia: -

    Single Life and Group Life details will be captured and managed

    by Life and Group Asia. A common middleware between these

    applications will enable Group Life Customers to view their


    Single Life Insurance Plan details taken with Reliance Life

    Insurance and

    vice versa.

    8) Advisor Lounge: -

    It is a dedicated area for Reliance Life Insurance

    Agents/Advisors in all the branches across India. This Lounge will


    equipped with desktops and printers with Internet connectivity,


    their Advisors can bring in the prospects and can have discussionsacross

    the table and they can create and print quotes. The

    Agents/Advisors can

    use this area to service their existing customers.

    9) Document Management System: -32

    DMS will enable both policy issuance and contract servicing

    through an automated workflow, which yields a faster Turn around


    to both internal and external users. This application will enable

    them to

    have a paperless office and thus mitigate the risk of losing vital


    10) Wireless Data Access: -

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    This will enable identified Top Sales Managers and Top Advisors

    to access real time data for both LMS and CRM on the fly through


    PDA device.

    11) SAPERP Modules: -SAP (Finance and HR Modules), will automate the Expense,

    Travel and Leave Management Systems.

    2.5 MISSIONThe mission of Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited is to be

    the best in

    every sphere- business results, customer care and employee focus.

    The aim

    of the company is to Think Bigger and Think Better.

    2.6 CORE VALUESReliance Life Insurance Company Limited has some core values which


    listed as follows:33

    1) Result Oriented

    2) Performance Driven

    3) Customer Focused

    4) Learning and Development Oriented5) Employee Centric

    6) Informal and Fun


    Forty-four new branches to be opened across the country in the

    coming months; and a pan India presence with 162 branches in the

    coming year.

    A state-of-the-art customer care centre will provide continuous,

    responsive services to the caller and promptly address queries,


    feedback and suggestions from the caller, who may be both

    prospective and existing clientele and from channel partners in

    Chennai and Mumbai.

    It will be launching additional products aimed at providing

    unparalleled service to its valued clientele.

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    2.8 HEAD OFFICE34

    Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited,

    The Trapezium,

    39, First Floor,Nelson Manickam Road,

    Chennai600 029.

    2.9 BRANCHESThey have so many branches and substations in the India. They have


    160 branches in the India. And they have planned to open more


    across the country in the coming months.35




    3.1 TRADITIONAL PLAN:-Life insurance products are designed to suit the requirements

    of customers. Fundamentally the product provide for:

    Risk cover


    Health cover37

    In every product, to a certain degree, risk cover is imperative

    for it to fall under the category of insurance. Based on the

    coverage of the

    product, the premiums are calculated and the customer pays

    accordingly. In

    order to suggest the right product, it is essential for an agentto understand

    the requirements of the customer well.

    Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited has offered 9

    traditional plans to the customers, which are listed as follows:

    1) Reliance Term Plan

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    2) Reliance Whole Life Plan

    3) Reliance Child Plan

    4) Reliance Endowment Plan

    5) Reliance Special Endowment Plan

    6) Reliance Cash Flow Plan7) Reliance Credit Guardian Plan

    8) Reliance Special Credit Guardian Plan

    Each of the above traditional plans is discussed as follows:

    1) Reliance Term plan: -

    This insurance policy is designed for those who only want life

    cover for the

    protection of their family, and do not wish to save for

    themselves. It can alsobe useful to business firms that wish to provide financial

    security to their

    business against the sudden loss of partners or valuable manpower.


    there is no saving element or bonus provision, the premium is very


    Hence, this is a high-risk plan with a low premium.

    Features: -a) Purely a term plan

    b) Entry age minimum 18 years and maximum 65 year

    c) Maximum premium paying term is 30 year

    d) Loan facility N.A.

    e) Maturity amount = Sum assured

    2) Reliance Whole Life Plan: -

    This insurance policy is designed for people who do not wish to

    avail of any

    benefits themselves but wish to create an immediate estate to

    protect their

    family by availing of insurance cover on their life at a very low


    Features: -

    a) It is a whole life insurance policy with profits

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    b) Low cost life cover

    c) Maturity age is 85 year or 99 years last birthday as chosen

    d) Maturity amount = Sum assured + Vested bonus

    e) Tax benefit is available

    393) Reliance Child Plan: -

    This insurance policy is designed for people who wish to save

    money for a

    future time when there will be a recurring need for substantial

    amounts of

    money. This is especially true when it comes to paying large sums

    of money

    for higher education as and when your son or daughter is studying

    to become

    an Engineer, a Doctor or specialize in some other field, or is


    planning to go abroad.

    This money is payable in equal installments over the last 4 years

    of the

    policy term.

    Features: -

    I. Minimum entry age is 20 year and maximum 60 yeara) Minimum sum assured is Rs. 25,000.

    b) Minimum premium paying term is 5 year and maximum

    20 year

    c) Tax benefit is available

    d) Maturity amount = Four equal installment of sum insured

    in last four year plus vested bonus in the last year

    e) Loan facility is available

    4) Reliance Endowment Plan: -40

    Reliance Life InsurancesReliance Endowment Plan is the key to

    all your

    financial needs. It is an inexpensive and easy way to protect you,


    family or your business.

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    In a nutshell this plan will keep you financially prepared for all

    the special

    occasions in your life - your daughters wedding, your childs


    education or even a new office for your business - by eliminatingthe burden

    that a shortage of money creates.

    In the event of your untimely death, Reliance Endowment Plan will


    assist your loved ones through this difficult time by the

    financial support that

    it provides.

    Reliance Endowment Plan also gives you the additional benefit ofparticipating in the companys profits, which you will receive at

    the end of

    the policy period.

    Features: -

    a) Entry age minimum is 5 year and maximum 65 year

    b) Maturity age minimum is 18 year and maximum 75 year

    c) Minimum premium paying term is 5 year and maximum 35

    year in case of regular and in case of single 15 year

    41d) Minimum sum assured is Rs. 25,000 or as determined by the

    minimum premium

    e) Maximum sum assured is Rs. 5,00,000 (entry age below 18

    years and no limit for entry age 18 and above)

    f) Premium mode annual, half yearly, quarterly and monthly

    (by salary deduction only)

    g) Loan up to 90% of the surrender value of the policy

    h) Maturity amount = Guaranteed sum assured + Reversionary


    5) Reliance Special Endowment Plan: -

    This insurance policy is designed for people who wish to combine


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    with extended security. The unique feature of this policy is that


    protection continues for five years after you have stopped the

    payment of

    premium. Payment of sum assured at the end of premium paying termand

    extension of life cover thereafter for the full sum assured for a

    period of 5

    years, are characteristics of the policy.

    This plan also participates in the profits.

    Features: -

    a) Entry age minimum 12 year and maximum 65 year

    b) Minimum sum assured is Rs. 25,000

    c) Minimum premium paying term is 10 year and maximum 40


    d) Unique feature of this policy is that five year life protection

    continues after you have stopped the payment of premium

    e) Tax benefit is available

    f) Under this policy bonus is compounded yearly

    g) Loan facility is available

    h) Maturity amount = Full sum assured before maturity date +Vested bonus at the time of maturity date

    6) Reliance Cash Flow Plan: -

    This insurance policy is designed for those who have a recurring

    need for

    reinvestment in business or look for short-term investment

    channels. The

    advantage of the policy is that they need not part with a sizable

    amount of

    money at any one time, but create, through regular premium

    payments, a

    periodic return of lump sums which become available for

    reinvestment at

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    higher returns, while providing simultaneously, substantial life


    Alternatively, it can be used to meet any immediate financial

    crisis in the

    family like your son's college admission, your daughter'sengagement, and

    renovation of your home or perhaps, a holiday abroad.

    The money is payable in installments. The first installment is

    paid at the end

    of the 4th year and thereafter at the end of every 3rd year.


    a) Plan with profits

    b) Minimum entry age is 15 year and maximum is 63 year43

    c) Maximum premium paying term is 34 year

    d) Loan facility is not available

    e) In case of death full sum assured + accrued bonuses up to

    the date of death is payable immediately

    f) In case of survival up to maturity date all premium paid

    g) Rider accident death and critical illness

    h) Mode of payment is available

    7) Reliance Credit Guardian Plan: -This insurance policy is designed for those who not only


    individuals but also families and businesses from the financial

    hardship that

    could arise from unfortunate and unexpected death.

    Features: -

    a) Loan protection against home, home improvement, two

    wheelers and four wheelers

    b) In case of death remaining loan amount paid immediately

    c) In case of survival no benefit is available

    d) Premium payment option for single and regular is available

    e) Premium paying term is 2/3 of loan period and remaining

    period paid by the company

    8) Reliance Special Credit Guardian Plan: -

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    This insurance policy is designed for those who not only


    individuals but also families and businesses from the financial

    hardship thatcould arise from unfortunate and unexpected death, disability or



    Features: -

    a) Loan protection against home, home improvement, two

    wheelers and four wheelers

    b) In case of death remaining loan amount paid immediately

    c) In case of survival no benefit is available

    d) Premium payment option for regular and single is available

    e) Premium payment term is 2/3 of loan period and remaining

    period paid by the company

    f) Maturity amount = All the premium paid amount

    g) Tax benefit is available

    3.2 UNIT LINKED PLANA unit-linked policy is a life assurance policy in which the


    depend on the performance of a portfolio of shares.45

    Each premium paid by the insured person is split: a part is used


    provide life assurance cover, while the balance (after the

    deduction of costs,

    expenses, etc.) is used to buy units in a unit trust.

    In this way, a small investor can benefit from investment in a


    fund without making a large financial commitment. As they are

    linked to the

    value of shares, unit linked policies can go up or down in value.

    Policyholders can surrender the policy at any time and the

    surrender value is

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    the selling price of the units purchased by the date of

    cancellation 9less

    expense). A small part of the contribution is used for providing

    life cover

    and the balance is invested in unit. Legal heirs are entitled tothe amount of

    insurance cover and entitled units in case of death of the


    Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited has also offered the two

    Unit Linked Plans, which are listed as follows:

    1) Reliance Market Return Plan

    2) Reliance Golden Years Plan

    Amongst the above plans the Reliance Market Return Plan is thelargest selling plan of the Reliance Life Insurance Company

    Limited. The

    above two ULIP plans are discussed as follows:

    1) Reliance Market Return Plan: -

    Reliance Market Return Fund is the unit-linked product that helps

    you invest

    in the financial markets in a combination of investment

    instruments of your


    choice. You can enjoy the returns from the markets without the

    trouble of

    monitoring and managing your own investment portfolio and keeping


    of the market movements. At the same time your investment premiums

    provide you with insurance cover. Reliance Market Return Fund


    insurance plan provides you with a basket of fund options thatbalances your

    return and risk exposure while providing life cover at the same


    Features: -

    a) Minimum entry age is 30 days and maximum entry age

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    is 65 year

    b) Maximum policy term 40 year and minimum policy

    term 5 year

    c) Mode of premium as annual, quarterly, half yearly and

    monthly Rs. 1000 (for salary deduction only) and Rs.2500 (standing order/credit card)

    d) Top up premium minimum Rs. 2500

    e) Option of investment fund

    i. Capital secure 100% fixed interest securities

    ii. Balanced minimum 80% fixed interest securities

    and maximum 20% in equity

    iii. Equity 100% equity

    iv. Growth minimum 60% fixed interest securities andmaximum 40% in equity

    f) Loan facility is not available

    g) One switches every year free and subsequent switches

    charged 1% of the amount switched47

    h) Partial withdrawals per year under regular and single

    premium options is 2 times

    i) Lock in period till today is 3 year

    j) Minimum unit account balance after each withdrawalsis Rs. 10,000

    2) Reliance Golden Years Plan: -

    Reliance Golden Years Plan.. The Reliance Life Insurance no-

    worry stay

    happyretirementplan. Reliance Golden Years Plan is a flexible

    package that

    provides freedom of choice in choosing the type of investment,

    life cover,vesting options such as commuting and annuity options.


    provide Income tax savings as well.

    Reliance Golden Years Plan, a flexible pension product is

    available for all

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    individuals who are between the ages of 18 and 65.

    Features: -

    a) Entry age minimum is 18 year and maximum 65 year

    b) Minimum premium amount Rs. 10,000 and maximum

    is unlimitedc) Mode of premium payment is available

    d) Pension plan with risk cover and without risk cover

    e) Choice of investment48

    i. Capital secure fund80% in equity and 20% in

    government security

    ii. Balanced fund80% in government and 20%

    in equity

    f) No loan facility is available

    g) Tax benefit is available

    h) Annuity options

    i. Annuity payable for life

    ii. Annuity payable for 5/10/15 years certain and

    thereafter with life

    iii. Annuity payable for life with return of capital

    on death of the annuitant



    4.1 RECRUITMENTRecruitment is the process of finding and attracting capable

    applicants for

    employment. The process begins when new recruits are sought and


    when their applications are submitted. The result is a pool ofapplicants from

    which new employees are selected.50

    In this company the Sales Manager, who recruits the

    advisors/agents for

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    selling the products of the company, does the recruitment. The


    should have at least passed the S.S.C. examination. They must pass

    the prerecruitment

    examination, which is conducted by the Insurance Institute ofIndia, Mumbai, or any other approved examination body. After

    clearing the

    examination the code will be provided to them and the license will

    also be

    given to them, the validity the license would be 3 years. After

    all these

    requirements, the person will become an insurance advisor in the

    company.4.2 SELECTIONSelection is the process of picking individuals (out of the pool

    of job

    applications) with requisite qualifications and competence to fill

    job in the

    organization. In simple words, it is the process of

    differentiating between

    applicants in order to identify these with a greater likelihood of

    success in ajob.

    The Branch Manager, which includes-, will conduct the process of


    of Sales Manager

    1) Personal Interview: -

    The first step of selection of Sales Manager in the

    Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited is to conduct a personal

    interviewof an applicant by the Branch Manager.51

    2) Project 40 Interview: -

    After clearing the personal interview, the project 40

    interview will be taken by the Branch Manager. In this step, the


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    should have to make a list of 40 and then start the business with


    3) Interview with Regional Head: -

    After clearing the project 40 interview, the applicant

    should be interviewed by the Regional Head, who will check his/herperformance.

    4) Negotiation: -

    After clearing the interview with Regional Head, the

    negotiation will be provided to the applicant.

    5) Medical Examination: -

    After that, the medical check up should e made to the


    6) Selection: -

    After clearing all the above steps the applicant should beappointed/selected as a Sales Manager in the company.52

    Requirements of Sales Manager:-

    The Sales Manager should possess the

    following things-

    1. They should be an M.B.A.

    2. The age of them should be between 25 to 35 years.

    3. They should have good communication skill.

    4. They should have at least sales experience of 3 years.

    5. They should have the capability to handle the team.

    6. Their job profile includes recruitment, training, guiding,


    and in turn getting business out of a team.

    4.3 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT:-Training and Development is any attempt to improve current or


    employee performance by increasing an employees ability toperform

    through learning usually by changing the employees attitude or


    his/her skills and knowledge. The need for training and

    development is

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    determined by the employees performance deficiency, computed as


    Training & Development = Standard PerformanceActual Performance

    They are providing 100 hours training to their advisors, whoare newly recruited. They are also providing the product training

    to their

    advisors and Sales Managers, who are newly recruited. The 100


    training is to be conducted at Net Bios Computer Academy whereas


    product training is to be conducted at NIS SPARTA. The NIS SPARTA

    Institute has more than 150 batches and is trained over 3000

    agents for most

    of the private insurance companies. This institute is approved by

    IDRA to

    train agents/advisors.

    4.4 CAREER DEVELOPMENTThey are also providing career development plans, which will


    potential and create avenues for growth.

    4.5 COMMUNICATIONCommunication is the process through which an individual can


    their beliefs, things, information, and experience to others. In

    simple words,

    it is the process of exchanging the information from one person to


    They are providing an open environment, which enabling free

    interactionbetween all levels. The communication is provided in the following





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    C M O





    C E O


    Explanations of the diagram:-

    The communication is flow between Branch to Branch.

    Within a branch, it flows between Branch Manager to Sales Managers


    Sales Managers to Agents/Advisors, and then Branch Head to


    Head, then different Regional Head to Regional Head, then Regional


    to Channel Head, then to Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), then toChief

    Executive Officer (CEO).

    4.6 INCENTIVESIncentives are monetary benefits paid to workmen in recognition of


    outstanding performance. They are providing an aggressive reward


    recognition plans, which are including sales incentives.

    4.7 SERVICESThey are offering following certain services to their employees.

    1) They are providing knowledge sharing and certification


    2) They are planned team building and fun events.

    3) They are creating Reliance Life Insurance family, which


    employees, associates and their families.

    574) Reliance Life Insurance in a team building mode and is looking


    performance driven, achievement oriented and challenge loving



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    Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the

    individual with

    respect to his/her performance on the job and his/her potential


    development. Performance appraisal is a formal, structured systemof

    measuring and evaluating an employees job related behaviors and


    to discover how and why the employee is presently performing on

    the job

    and how the employee can perform more effectively in the future so

    that the

    employee, organization and society all benefit.They are providing a balanced scorecard approach for strategy


    and performance measurement, which goals and measure financial,


    focused, process related and employee development related

    initiatives. In

    addition to this, the Branch Manager should measure the

    performance of the

    Sales Managers at every six months and the Sales Manager shouldmeasure

    the performance of the advisors/agents. If the performance is best


    he/she will be prompted.58


    4.10 DEPARTMENTThey are providing following areas or departments:1) Retail Sales

    2) Under Writing

    3) Actuarial

    4) Insurance Operations

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    5) Customer Service

    6) Quality and Processes

    7) Human Resources


    CMOChannel Head

    Regional Head

    Branch Head

    SalesC MEOanager



    8) Finance




    5.1 DISTRIBUTION CHANNELReliance Life Insurance Company Limited is using five types of

    distribution channel, which are as follows:

    1) Agency: -

    Independent insurance agents represent a number of companies

    and can research these companies products to find the right


    for their clients. Independent agents & insurance producer groups


    growing in prevalence. Although producer groups are in their


    their emergence may potentially be realignment in the distribution


    financial services. Independent shops realized that by poolingproduction

    and funding a central support office, they had increased buying


    The one type of distribution channel, which Reliance Life

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    Insurance Co. Ltd is using, is an agency. This channel works as





    2) Bank Assurance: -

    While a lot of bank relationships with insurance companies

    have been established, life insurance sales have been slower than


    would expect he primary bank insurance activities have been the

    distribution of annuities, credit life, and direct marketing


    Banks are failing to incorporate successful sales tactics used to

    sell other

    financial services like investments.

    Another type of distribution channel is bank assurance. This

    channel is tie up with banks. In this channel the advisors using


    targeting the bank customers to make a business with them i.e., to

    sell thepolicy of the company.

    3) Corporate:-

    To gain a better understanding of the demand amongst

    independent advisors for trust services and to gain a better feel

    for how

    independent advisors handle trust services, a research was


    with independent advisors across several broker/dealers and


    The interviews revealed that demand is greatest for living trusts


    independent advisors, followed by demand for corporate trustee


    Another type of distribution channel is corporate, which are

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    for employee benefits. This channel is tie up with corporate or


    enterprises. Through these small enterprises, the advisors will

    sell the

    products/policy to customers of the small enterprises.62

    4) Rural Benefits:-

    Brokerage firms have gained much of the institutional and

    personal trust business lost by the banks. These firms have


    captured assets, primarily at the expense of the banks. The number


    non-bank trust companies has increased in recent years as


    trust companies have emerged and more broker/dealers are


    services. Insurance companies view full-service brokers as a


    new distribution channel as well.

    Another type of distribution channel is rural benefits. This

    channel works as a dealership. In this channel, the dealers will

    sell thepolicy to the target customers.

    5) Web World:-

    Direct sales of life insurance are growing rapidly, but many of

    the traditional full-serve players seem to be letting it go.

    Across all

    financial services, consumers are expressing a willingness to deal

    with a

    variety of providers on the web. Web sites are starting to pop up


    consumer insurance products especially designed for distribution

    over the


    Another type of distribution channel is web world. This channel

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    is tie up with customer database. In this channel, the advisors

    will sell the

    policy to the target customers, which are taken from the customer

    database, are listed in the website.

    635.2 PROMOTIONAL PROGRAMMES &TARGET SEGMENTPromotional programmes and target segment are related to each


    The promotional programmes are made to motivate the


    and sales managers to do more business i.e., to sell the more

    policies. The

    Reliance Life Insurance Co. Ltd has made three promotional


    which are as follows:

    1) ShubhArambh:-

    This promotional scheme is detailed as follows:



    30,000 Reliance Life T-Shirt50,000 Table Top Clock

    75,000 Leather Bag

    1,00,000 World Space Radio

    1,50,000 L.G. Microwave- 19L

    2,00,000 DVD/VCD/MP3 Player

    3,00,000 Sony Music System


    5,00,000 LG Refrigerators GL-233

    7,50,000 LG Air Conditioner 1T10,00,000 Sony Digital Camcorder

    15,00,000 Trip to Dubai 3D/4N

    20,00,000 Hero Honda Splender


    50,00,000 Maruti Alto Std.

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    75,00,000 Maruti Swift Lxi

    1,00,00,000 GM Aveo 1.4LS

    Login: 1stApril to 31stMay 06

    Issuance till 15thJune 06

    2) R.A.R.E.:-The full form of R.A.R.E. is Reliance Advisors Reward

    Experience. This programs consists of

    1. New Advisor Incentive Program

    2. Board of Advisors65

    3. Annual Discovery Series

    4. Advisor Career Progression

    5. RARE ClubLoyalty Program

    The above programs are described as follows

    1. R.A.R.E. Program New Advisor Incentives:-


    There will be two levels in the New Advisor Incentive


    A. Launch Pad

    B. Take Off

    2. R.A.R.E. Program Board of Advisors:-

    CriteriaThere will be two levels in the Board of Advisors program

    A. Time Period

    B. Parameters

    3. R.A.R.E. Program Discovery Series:-


    There will be six levels in the Discovery Series program

    A. Qualification period

    B. Business criteria66

    C. The qualification criteria will be the same for both the Global

    and the National Discovery Series

    D. Qualification for the Global Discovery Series

    E. Qualification for the National Discovery Series

    F. The top 150 will bb calculated based on WRP (Weighted Recd

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    4. R.A.R.E. Program Advisor Career Progression:-

    Advisor Career Progression

    A. Business Associate

    B. Sales Manager5. R.A.R.E. Privilege Club:-


    A. The RARE Club will have 6 different levels

    B. The criteria for entry into each level will be based on

    I. Business (WRP)

    II. Persistency

    III. Product Mix

    C. The qualification period isI. Logins from 1stApr 06 to 31stMar 07

    II. Issuances from 1stApr 06 to 15thApr 07

    Qualification Criteria67

    Level WRP (Rs) Traditional



    Topaz 1,50,000 60% 80%

    Pearl 5,00,000 60% 80%Sapphire 10,00,000 60% 80%

    Emerald 15,00,000 50% 85%

    Ruby 25,00,000 50% 85%

    Diamond 50,00,000 50% 85%

    3) Elite Club Scheme:-

    In this scheme the advisor, who have login the regular

    premium of Rs. 2, 00,000 will be eligible for the Elite Club


    5.3 COMPARATIVE STUDYPresently there are 15 Life insurance companies in the country.

    There is only one public sector company LIC and the rest 14 are


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    sector. Although LIC has been dominating the Life Insurance

    business since

    past few years the private players have now started to take the


    681) Major Market Players: -

    Birla Sun Life Insurance Company: -

    Birla Sun Life Insurance Company is a 74:26 joint venture

    between Birla group and Sun Life Financial. It is a private sector


    The company was registered on 31/1/2001. The market share for FY


    06 was 1.89%.

    HDFCStandard: -HDFC standard is a 74:26 joint venture between HDFC and

    Standard Life. It is a private sector company. The company was


    on 23/10/2000. The market share for FY 2005-06 was 2.87%.

    ICICI Prudential Life Insurance: -

    ICICI Prudential Life is a 74:26 joint venture between ICICI

    and Prudential. It is a private sector company. The company was

    registeredon 24/11/2000. The market share for FY 2005-06 was 7.35%.

    Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC): -

    Life Insurance Corporation of India is a 100% government held

    Public Sector Company. Being the first to be established LIC is


    forerunner in the Life Insurance sector. The market share for FY


    was 71.44%.

    Kotak Mahindra OLD Mutual: -69

    Kotak Mahindra OLD Mutual is a 74:26 joint venture between

    Kotak Mahindra bank and Old Mutual. It is a private sector

    company. The

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    company was registered on 10/1/2001. The market share for FY 2005-


    was 1.11%.

    Max New York Life: -

    Max New York Life is a 74:26 joint venture between J & Bank,Pallonji & Co and MetLife. It is a private sector company. The

    company was

    registered on 6/8/2001. The market share for FY 2005-06 was 1.23%.

    Aviva Life Insurance India: -

    Aviva Life insurance is a 74:26 joint venture between Aviva and

    Dabur. It is a private sector company. The company was registered


    14/5/2002. The market share for FY 2005-06 was 1.14%.

    ING Vysya Life insurance: -

    ING Vysya Life Insurance is joint venture between Exide

    (50%), Gujarat Cements (14.87%), Enam (9.13%) and ING (26 %). It

    is a

    private sector company. The company was registered on 2/8/2001.


    market share for FY 2005-06 is 0.79%.

    Met Life India: -

    70Met Life India is a 74:26 joint venture between 74:26 JV

    between J & Bank, Pallonji & Co and MetLife. It is a private


    company. The company was registered on 6/8/2001. The market share


    FY 2005-06 was 0.40%.

    Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Co.: -

    Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company is a 74: 26 Joint

    venture between Bajaj Auto limited and Allianz AIG. The companywas

    registered on 3/8/2001. The market share for FY 2005-06 was 7.56%.

    SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd: -

    SBI Life Insurance Company is a 74: 26 Joint venture between

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    SBI and Cardiff S.A. The company was registered on 31/3/2001.It is


    private sector company. The market share for FY 2005-06 was 2.31%.

    The TATA AIG Group: -

    TATA AIG group is a 74:26 JV between Tata Group and AIG. Itbelongs to the private sector. The company was registered on

    12/2/2001. The

    market share for FY 2005-06 was 1.29%.

    Sahara India Life Insurance Company Ltd.: -71

    First Wholly Indian Owned Private Life Insurance Company.

    The Company commenced operations from 30th October 2004. The


    share for FY 2005-06 was 0.06 %.Shriram life insurance company Ltd: -

    Shriram Life is a recent entrant into the life insurance sector

    It is a 74:26 joint venture between the Shriram group through its


    Financial Holdings and Sanlam Life Insurance Limited, South

    Africa. The

    company expects to start operations soon.

    2) Market Share: -Sr. No Insurer Market Share (%)

    1 LIC 71.44

    2 Bajaj Allianz 7.56

    3 ICICI Prudential 7.35

    4 HDFC Standard 2.8772

    5 SBI Life 2.31

    6 Birla SunLife 1.89

    7 Tata AIG 1.298 Max New York 1.23

    9 Aviva 1.14

    10 Kotak Mahindra OLD Mutual 1.11

    11 ING Vysya 0.79

    12 Reliance Life 0.54

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    13 MetLife 0.4

    14 Sahara Life 0.06

    15 Shriram Life 0.03

    Now lets depict the market share of these players on diagram

    73Market Share(%)1LIC2 Bajaj A llianz3 ICICI Prudential4 HDFC Standard5 SBI Life6 Birla SunLife7 Tata AIG8 M ax New York9 Aviva10 Kotak M ahindra OLDMutual11ING Vysya12 Reliance Life13 M etLife14 Sahara Life15 Shriram Life

    Here we can see from the diagram that LIC is the market leader and


    commands the major part of the total life insurance market. Its

    market share

    was approximately 98% before 2000 but after the entry of private

    players it

    has significantly decreased.

    Among private players Bajaj Allianz stands first. It has the

    market share ofapproximately 7.56% in the total market and it constitutes 40% of

    the market

    share among private players.

    HDFC Standard comes third. SBI Life insurance Company Limited


    fourth. ICICI Prudential is also one of the fastest growing life


    companies in India.

    Rest of the players has market share below 2%.74

    3) Capital Fund: -

    Capital Fund of Private Companies

    ( Rs in Crore )

    ICICI Prudential 375

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    Max New York 250

    HDFC Standard 218

    Bajaj Allianz 200

    Tata AIG 183

    Birla Sun Life 180AVIVA 155

    OM Kotak 153

    Reliance Life 126

    SBI Life 125

    Met Life 110

    ING Vysya 11075




    6.1 OBJECTIVES OF STUDY1) To get some good market exposure by dealing with the prospects

    face to face.

    2) To improve our ability to sell a financial product like life


    3) To know the perception of the consumer about life insurance.

    4) To get a deep knowledge of the financial product like


    5) To get some information about the market share of Reliance Life

    Insurance as compared to the giants like LIC and to know the

    standing of the company in the market.

    6.2 QUESTIONNAIREIt is most common instrument whether administered in person

    by phone or online questionnaires are very flexible. The form ofeach

    question is also important. Closed end question include all the


    answers and subjects matters choices among them.

    I have used open-end questions so that customers can write

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    answer in their own words.

    I have also used closed-end questions, which provide

    answers that are easier to interpret and tabulate. I have taken

    care in the

    wording and ordering of questions. I have used simple, direct,unbiased

    wording questions, which are arranged in a logical order. I have


    personal questions at last so that respondent does not become


    Questionnaire of the customer

    I have made questionnaire consisting seventeen questions to

    get customers view about life insurance. I have asked personal


    at last so that they do not become defensive. I have tried to know


    performance i.e. whether they want to invest, where thy want to


    up to what amount and since when.


    Introduction:-Any organization whether big or small, private or public need

    different types of information are to know its popularity. I have


    secondary data and primary data and collected information from the

    combination of these two data.

    Secondary data: -

    Secondary data consist of information that already exists


    having been collected for another purpose. I have gathered

    secondary data

    from website of different operators, different magazines,

    newspapers and


    Primary data: -

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.



    I have taken great care while collecting primary data to answer

    that it is

    relevant, accurate, current and unbiased. I have taken a sample of

    50 people.I have visited them personally to get data.

    Sample size: -

    I have taken sample size of 50 respondents. Because the population

    is too

    large so it is difficult to survey.

    6.4 LIMITATIONSI am a human hang, so there is some limitation of the human

    hangs which is reflected in this research.

    The following are the limitation of this research study.80

    1) The sample size of 50 might not represent the perception of


    population, as the sample size is too small for total population


    Ahmedabad city.

    2) The opinion expressed by the respondents may be biased.

    3) The attitude of the research might be biased.4) One of the most influencing and most critical limitations is

    that I

    am not trained for the research study and this is my first study.


    tried hard to come at conclusion, but there is lack of expertise.

    5) Another limitation is that there is lack of time. If I give

    more time

    then studies will be more effective.

    There are some limitations of this study. But in spite of their

    limitation I

    worked with the enthusiasm. And I tried to give the best results

    to the

    research of this report.


  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    Here I have formed a questionnaire to study why people go for life

    insurance. What is peoples major motive behind investingin life


    Do they decide upon their own or they take guidance of an agent?

    What istheir perception about Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited?81


    There are 7 questions in the questionnaire. Out of these 7

    questions, 6

    questions are close ended and one question is an open ended one.

    Target Population:-

    I had conducted this survey among 50 people, and the target group

    was a

    mix of people from the society. I asked the questions to Doctors,

    Professionals, Professors, Advocates, Engineers, and general



    I have used pie charts, and some other statistical measures to

    analyze the


    Q.1 What is your main motive behind investing in life insurance?(a) Tax Benefit

    (b) Savings

    (c) Risk Cover

    (d) Return/Yield82

    There could be any motive of

    people behind investing in a

    life insurance policy. The main

    purpose of life insurance is theRisk cover of ones life. But some people consider different

    advantages of a

    life insurance policy. Some people consider Tax benefit as the


  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    advantage of life insurance. Some believe that life insurance is


    investment so they tend to invest in life insurance. While some


    believe that it is a compulsory saving. Now lets see what allpeople sayTAXSAVINGRISKCOVERAGERETURN/YIELD



    Here we can see that majority of the people tend to invest in life


    for the risk coverage. The next preferred option is Tax Saving. We


    from the discussion with public and some experts that those people

    with a

    low income tend to invest in life insurance to gain tax benefit.

    Saving motive constitutes very small part of the total sample.

    Return comes


    But this is the general conclusion of 50 people. If we take a

    larger sample,

    we can get a different result.

    As the private players have launched ULIPs, more and more people

    areturning towards these products so the Investment motive has been


    command. Also the number of those people who wish to invest for

    return is

    also increasing.

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    According to a life insurance expert (Vinod Thakkar ), life

    insurance is for

    protection first then for Savings and Tax benefits all those


    Q.2 Rank the above motives according to your preferenceMOTIVE OF INVESTMENT



    1 21 3 24 12 19 11 16 43 8 25 7 104 2 11 3 35


    0 510

    152025303540Preference1234TAX BENEFIT


    We can see from the table and the graph that the number one motive


    people about investing in life insurance is risk coverage, which

    is the main

    theme of life insurance followed by Tax benefit. The third

    position is of

    saving and fourth is Return. This shows that still people considerother

    financial tools more viable for return and life insurance is for

    Tax benefit

    and risk cover.

    Q.3 How do you decide about investing in life insurance?

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    (a) On my own

    (b) family decision

    (c) Employer decides

    (d) as per the guidance of agent

    This is a very crucial question as most of the people are not muchfamiliar

    about different life insurance plans offered by different life


    companies so people take help of the life insurance agent and as

    he guides

    understanding the needs of the individual, people would invest.

    Here one hazardous factor is the moral hazard. People tend to

    invest in life

    insurance plans to maintain relations though they are not in need

    of life


    Also sometimes it depends upon the convincing power of the agent.ON MY OWNFAMILYDECISIONEMPLOYERDECIDES


    Here we can see that majority people (58%) decides on their about


    in life insurance. 28% persons decides as per the guidance of the





    There is no contribution of employers in the decision of ones

    investment in

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    life insurance. 14% people invest in life insurance as per the

    family decision.

    Q.4. Which life insurance policy would you prefer to buy?

    (a) Term Assurance

    (b) Whole Life(c) Endowment

    (d) Combination of Whole Life and Endowment

    (e) Unit Linked

    This is another crucial question as there are number of products

    offered by

    life insurance companies. The products range from pure Term


    Plans to Unit Linked Insurance Plans, which are relatively new

    entrant in the


    We have already explained all these policies ahead.

    Now lets find out what people have to say:

    Type of policy N0.Term Assurance 9Whole Life 9Endowment 7

    Combined 19ULIPs 6TOTAL 50

    87TermAssuranceWhole LifeEndowmentCombinedULIPs

    As it is evident from the chart and the table 38% people prefer


    of Whole Life and Endowment product. It gives people double


    The person would get some amount at the end of the stipulated

    period; for

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    instance 20 years, and after that period the risk cover continues

    and the rest

    of the amount would be paid when the person dies.

    Q.5 Would you prefer Reliance Life Insurance or LIC for buying the

    life insurance policy?(a) Reliance Life Insurance

    (b) LIC

    This is the most important question as it reflects the scope of

    the study. It is

    the main theme of this questionnaire.88

    Prior to 2000 LIC was the only player in the life insurance market

    and it had

    the total market. So people had to go to LIC for buying life

    insurance policy.

    But after the entry of private players in 2000, some people have

    also turned

    to private life insurers.

    Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited is newly launched company.

    So it

    has fewer customers as compared to LIC. But the ULIP plans are

    sold moreof Reliance life insurance as compared to LIC in todays


    Now lets see what people say:Reliance LifeInsuranceLIC

    As evident from the chart that 30% of people would prefer Reliance


    Insurance while 70% would prefer LIC.

    Particulars No.

    Reliance Life Insurance 15LIC 35TOTAL 50


    Personal Details: -

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    1) Age

    (a) 18 to 30

    (b) 31 to 50

    (c) 51 to 65

    Age No.18 to 30 5

    31 to 50 30

    51 to 65 15

    TOTAL 509018 to 3031 to 5051 to 65

    As evident from the chart that I have taken a sample of 50. Out of

    which 10% people are aged between 18 to 30, 60% people are agedbetween

    31 to 50, and remaining 30% people are aged between 51 to 65.

    2) Occupation

    (a) Service

    (b) Business

    (c) Profession

    (d) Housewife

    (e) RetiredOccupation No.91

    Service 5

    Business 15

    Profession 10

    Housewife 5

    Retired 15

    TOTAL 50


    As the evident from the chart that out of 50 respondents 10% are

    of service

    men, 30% are of business men, 20% are of professions, 10% are of

  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    housewives and remaining 30% are of retired.

    3) Income

    (a) 50,000 to 1,00,000

    (b) 1,00,000 to 5,00,000

    (c) More than 5,00,0009250,000 to1,00,0001,00,000 to5,00,000More than5,00,000

    As the evident from the chart out of 50 respondents 20% are


    annually between 50,000 to 1,00,000, 50% are earning between

    1,00,000 to5,00,000 and 30% are earning more than 5,00,000.

    4) Family members

    (a) 2

    (b) 3

    (c) 4

    (d) More than 4

    Income (Per Annum) No.

    50,000 to 1,00,000 101,00,000 to 5,00,000 25

    More than 5,00,000 15

    TOTAL 5093

    Family Members No.

    2 5

    3 15

    4 20

    More than 4 10TOTAL 50234More than 4

    As the evident from the chart out of 50 respondents 10% have 2


  • 8/2/2019 Project Report on Reliance Life Insurance Comp. Ltd.


    members, 30% have 3 family members, 40% have 4 family members and

    remaining 20% have more than 4 family members.

    6.6 SWOT ANALYSISSWOT analysis is the analysis of the internal and external

    factors, whichhave impact on the survival of any organization. Now lets make


    analysis for reliance Life Insurance Company Limited.94


    1) Reliance Life Insurance Company Limited is the part of the

    Reliance Capital.

    2) The brand name is enough to sell the products easily.

    3) Private placement of Rs. 10,000 crs worth of securities with


    by the government. Led to an improvement in market securities.

    4) Strong liquidity from FII was the major reason for the up move.

    5) Range of products

    6) Reliance has a long and strong history of solvency, financial



    1) Newly established company, so people seems it risky.2) Lack of staff.95

    3) Lack of advertisement, so most of the customers are not aware

    of the Reliance Life Insurance.


    1) There is a vast untapped market in India. The life insurance

    penetration in India is approximately 2.5%. So it has large


    2) Intention of traditional products is to encourage long term,

    regular and disciplined savings to systematically build up a

    target fund.

    3) The average insurance premium being collected by the

    company has been growing exponentially year on year.

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