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PROJECT REPORTING in MSCA under H2020 NCP Academy Training Prague, 26/9/2017 Marcela Groholova Research Executive Agency Brussels

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    in MSCA under H2020

    NCP Academy Training

    Prague, 26/9/2017

    Marcela Groholova

    Research Executive Agency


  • Table of content

    • Monitoring Project Implementation

    • Reporting obligations

    • Continuous Reporting

    • Periodic Reporting

    • Amendments

    • FAQs from projects

  • Monitoring Project Implementation

    Art. 22 of the GA:

    • The Agency will — during the implementation of the action or

    afterwards — check the proper implementation of the action and

    compliance with the obligations under the Agreement, including

    assessing deliverables and reports.

    • For this purpose the Agency may be assisted by external persons or


    Project Officers monitor projects. External experts may assist.

  • Participant Portal (PP): "The entry point for submission"

    • Project Reports

    • Researchers' Declarations for all researchers

    • Other documents (e.g. Notification of Starting date, Amendment)

    • "My Area" – "My projects" tab

  • Principles of submission in H2020:

    • Forms and templates provided in the electronic system (PP)

    • Two-step submission process:

    1 - Beneficiary Coordinator

    2 - Coordinator REA

    • No paper signed document, only electronic submission

    • Single submission

    • Process more automated

  • Type of reporting:

    Continuous reporting (at any moment):

    • Monitoring of project implementation – e.g. deliverables

    • Some statistical data

    Periodic reporting (at the time of payment):

    • After each reporting period

    Project Start date

    Project End date

    End period 1

    End period 2, 3

    Periodic Periodic

    Continuous Reporting Module

    Periodic + Final

  • 1. Continuous reporting (during whole project life cycle) • Researchers' Declarations (art. 19 of the GA)

    • Deliverables

    • Milestones

    • Publications

    • Dissemination and communication activities

    • Progress Report (ITN and RISE)

    • Patents

    • Info on gender balance

    • Training activities

    • Questionnaires for researchers • etc.

    2. Periodic reporting (for each reporting period) • Reports from art. 20 of the GA

    • Predefined templates in the system

  • 1 – Continuous Reporting

  • 9

    Log on to the Participant Portal. "My Area"

  • 10

    Go to “My Projects” section. Then click on MP icon so to reach Participant Portal Grant Management Services

  • 11

    Continuous Reporting Module

  • Researcher's Declaration (RD): • Art. 19 of the GA (ITN, RISE, COFUND)

    • No RD for MSCA-IF

    • To be submitted by each beneficiary for all researchers

    Content of RD:

    • Personal data (name, date of birth, nationality, gender, family

    charges, email of researcher, etc.)

    • Data linked to the project allowances: start date and end date of

    recruitment/secondment, hosting institution, etc.

  • Researcher's Declaration – step 1:

    Project researcher library:

    • Each beneficiary can add researcher and fill in all personal data

    • It is saved in the project database

    • Once RD needs to be created, researcher's data are taken automatically


    • Consistent data

    • Time saving

  • Researcher's Declaration – step 2:

    Create RD:

    According to GA – to be submitted within

    20 days after the recruitment (ITN)

    20 days after the secondment (RISE): in case of split stays within 20 days

    after the start of the first stay

    20 days after the start of the research training activities (COFUND)

    - For researchers that already exist in the project library, all personal data are

    automatically prefilled.

    - Who: - ITN and COFUND - recruiting beneficiary;

    - RISE – seconding beneficiary (in case of Partner org . – the coordinator will submit)

  • Researcher's Declaration – important!

    • RD is the main input document for calculating the duration of


    • Ensure that data encoded in the RD are 100% correct (mainly start

    date, end date, organization).

    • RD feeds the financial statement.

    • If the number of units in the financial statement is not correct, RD

    must be corrected and financial statement must be resubmitted.

  • RISE - How to report a split stay ?

    • Create and submit only one RD per secondment. • In case of split stay, no new RD to be created

    • "Add period" in the "Secondment period tab" for RD already

    created for the secondment.

  • Deliverables: • To be uploaded directly on the PP by the Coordinator

    • Scientific deliverables and other deliverables as defined in the GA

    Annex 1

    Progress report (ITN and RISE) = deliverable :

    • ITN - Within 30 days after year 1

    • RISE - Within 30 days after year 1 and 3

    • NO financial reports required

    • Template defined on the Participant Portal

    • Attachments possible

    • Via PP MP

  • Deliverable's status (draft, pending (overdue),

    submitted, approved, rejected (comments possible)):

  • • The status of the deliverable is 'Pending' when a deliverable hasn't been uploaded


    • When the status is displayed with a red background ( ) this means that the

    estimated delivery date has passed.

    • If the deliverable’s estimated delivery date falls in a given reporting period and the

    deliverable is not submitted here on time, before the periodic report is "Locked for

    review", participants will be asked to justify the delay (in the Periodic Reporting




    Continuous Reporting

    Current view

  • • Before submission a comment can be added and user is asked for confirmation whether s/he

    wants to submit.

    • Each time a deliverable has been submitted, the EU Officers will be notified.

    • Each time the EU Officers reject the deliverable, the Coordinator Contacts and the

    Participant Contacts are notified through the Participant Portal Notification System.


    Deliverables Continuous Reporting

  • Milestones

    • Milestones as defined in the GA Annex 1

    • Tick box to confirm that it is achieved

  • Publications

    • The main data to be specified (Title, author, journal, etc.)

  • Patents (if applicable)

  • Gender information

    • Gender dimension in research

    • R&D participants involved in the project

  • Dissemination and Communication


    • No of Dissemination/Communication activities

    • Funding amount of the activities

    • No of people reached by the activities

  • SME impact

    To measure impact on growth and job creation:

    • Turnover and No of employees – only for SMEs

  • Training activities

    • Organizer

    • Module title

    • Skills acquired

    • Duration

    • No of project researchers attending the event

    • No of external participants

  • Questionnaires (will be available soon):

    • Evaluation questionnaire - at the end of the


    • Follow-up questionnaire - two years after recruitment/secondment

    • Each recruited/seconded researcher

  • 2 – Periodic Reporting

  • Periodic reporting obligations

    • Periodic Report (within 60 days following the end of each reporting

    period) Periodic technical report

    Periodic financial report

    • Final Report (in addition to the periodic report for the last reporting

    period) Final technical report – summary for publication

    Final financial report (final summary financial statement created

    automatically by the electronic exchange system, consolidating the individual

    financial statements for all reporting periods)

    NB: For MSCA IF with 1 reporting period - "Report "+ "Final Report" covering

    a single reporting period

    Article 20 of the GA

  • Periodic report - template

    Template for periodic report


    published on the Participant




  • Periodic report - technical report

    Part A

    • Publishable summary

    • Data from Continuous reporting

    Part B – narrative part

    • Explanation of the work carried out by the beneficiaries and overview of


    • Update of the plan for exploitation and dissemination of results

    • Explanations on deviations from DoA

    Information entered in the IT tool through the Continuous Reporting module.

    Submitted in a PDF through the Periodic Reporting module.

  • Periodic report - financial statement

    1. Individual financial statements (Annex 4 to the GA)

    • Financial statements for MSCA: only No if units to report, costs are

    calculated automatically

    • No of units coming from


    • Duration of fellowships (IF)

    2. Periodic summary financial statement including the request

    for payment

    Report generated automatically by the IT tool based on the information entered through the Periodic Reporting module.

  • Periodic reporting module (Activated after the end of each reporting period)

    • Beneficiaries complete on-line the financial statements.

    • Coordinator uploads the Part B of the periodic technical report (narrative




    At the time the coordinator submits the periodic report, the IT tool will capture the information from the continuous reporting module in order to generate automatically the Part A of the Periodic report

    Make sure the information in the continuous reporting module is complete and up-to-date before the periodic report is 'locked for review'

    Automatic activation except if an amendment with financial implications is on-going or a previous periodic report is still open

  • 45

    Periodic Reporting Module

    Periodic Reporting

  • Final report (Art 20 of GA)

    • Within 60 days following the end of the last reporting period

    • Report covers whole project period

    • Final technical report

    • Final financial report (final summary financial statement created

    automatically by the electronic system, consolidating the individual

    financial statements for all reporting periods)

    • To be submitted together with Periodic report for the last RP

    • Via PP MP

  • 1. Notification: All beneficiaries receive a notification.

    2. Beneficiaries complete PR and e-sign FS: All beneficiaries complete their own

    Financial Statement and their contribution to the Technical Part of the Periodic

    Report. Beneficiaries e-sign and submit their Financial Statements to the


    3. The Coordinator approves & submits the elements of the Periodic Report.

    Coordinator submits all reports in one package – Single Submission.

    4. The EU Services review the submitted Periodic Report and accept or reject it.

    5. Interim or Final Payment

    NB: In case of need the Coordinator may decide to submit package without some

    Form Cs (beneficiaries didn't submit Form C on time and blocking payment for

    whole consortium), those beneficiaries will not have any opportunity to submit

    their Form C within the same reporting period, only in the next reporting period!

    Periodic reporting module – summary of steps


    Periodic Reporting

  • Notifications

    • LEAR directly via PP

    • To notify about changes in the organization legal data - address,

    name, universal transfer of rights, etc.

    • PO is informed

    • Via PPMy AreaMy Organization

  • Amendments

    • Changes in the Grant agreement (e.g. change in consortium,

    modification of Annex I, etc.)

    • H2020 online manual (Amendments)

    • With prior agreement of Project Officer

    • Via PPMP

  • After the grant agreement is signed by the Coordinator and by the REA

  • It is highly recommended to involve the PO during the amendment request preparation

  • The Amendment Request can only be:

    • Rejected (the whole) (with comments) • Accepted (the whole) - 45 days • Withdrawn by the initiating party No other option; no 'negotiation'

  • Coordinator

    Progress report

    Periodic report

    Final report


    •Each beneficiary incl. Coordinator

    Financial Statement – FORM C

    Researchers' Declarations


    •Each researcher


  • Frequently asked questions:

  • How to report long-term sick leave in MSCA project:


    Periods in which a researcher was absent for more than 30 days (for reasons

    other than normal annual leave) can NOT be charged to the action (and must be

    removed from the financial statement, by requesting an amendment to suspend

    the action; see Article


    Periods in which a researcher was absent for more than 30 days (for reasons

    other than normal annual leave) can NOT be charged to the action (and must be

    removed from the financial statement, by changing the researcher declaration).

  • Can we make changes in the secondment plan? If so, how flexible are you?

    It depends. Normally changes should be limited to the minimum necessary and

    should be duly justified. However contact your PO to discuss the details.

    Is it possible to replace a partner/beneficiary during GAP?

    Normally not. H2020 proposals must be mature and ready to be implemented (no

    negotiation). Changes during GAP are limited to the absolute minimum (e.g.

    participant becomes bankrupt).

    I cannot submit my amendment request, why?

    The amendment request can be prepared by anyone having access to the

    participant portal (with Coordinator Contact rights) but the submission and

    withdrawal buttons can only be clicked by the PLSIGN.

  • Would a request for exceptional funding (TC) be accepted during GAP or

    project implementation?

    Very unlikely, this must be part of the evaluation (see General Annex of the WP "List

    of countries eligible for funding").

    How is the EU contribution in RISE calculated for split stays?

    For partial months (split stays), a pro-rata unit cost of 1/30 will be reimbursed for

    each day (for ease of implementation, each month is considered to have 30 days).

    Details are available in AGA.

    When does the consortium receive the EU contribution and how should it be


    Pre-financing payment within 30 days, either from the entry into force of the

    Agreement or from 10 days before the starting date, whichever is the latest. Interim

    payment and Payment of balance within 90 days from receiving the complete

    Interim/Final report. Distribution according to GA and detailed in Consortium


  • RISE: Are ESRs without employment contract with the sending University

    eligible? Are there any special arrangements possible?

    Employment contract is not an obligation for RISE, staff members must be actively

    engaged in or linked to research and/or innovation activities for at least one month

    (full-time equivalent) at the sending institution, before the first period of

    secondment. More details are in AGA.

    Where to find the template for periodic report?

    Participant Portal:


    Can 'Publishable summary '' in the Continuous reporting be filled in at any

    time during project implementation or only at the end of the project?

    Yes, it can be filled in at any moment during the project duration, but at the latest

    before submission of the Periodic report (Final report for IF).

  • What is the procedure for Early termination?

    It is a Notification, not an Amendment, "Launch new interaction" in the PP. The

    Termination Date and the Fellowship End Date (for IF) should be specified. It

    cannot be retroactive date, if this is the case, the date of Notification is taken by

    the system.

    IF: My project already finished and I realized that my Start date,

    communicated to the REA, is wrong in the system: can I change it?

    No, it is not possible to change anything after the project end date.

    How to submit the Final Report?

    The Final report must be submitted together with the Periodic report for the last

    reporting period, Normally it is triggered by the system after the end day of the


    Who can submit the Financial statement (access rights):

    Only the FSIGN can submit the financial statement.

  • Where to upload the scientific deliverables:

    IF – no scientific deliverables needed, only Ethics requirements and the Data

    Management Plan (if art. 29.3 activated);

    ITN, RISE, COFUND – deliverables are contractual obligation, submit under

    Continuous reporting.

    Which information provided in the Reporting are considered confidential?

    Is Publishable summary confidential?

    'Publishable summary' is public information, ensure that no confidential information

    is included. All Deliverables marked as "confidential" are not public. All information

    included in the Part B (Technical report) of the proposal are also confidential.

    Do I need to involve PO before I submit my amendment request?

    It is not an obligation, but it is highly recommended. Please consult your PO before

    you formally submit your amendment in order to avoid delays in the process.

  • Do we need a web site and can we submit without one or whether we should

    put the one that is linked to the institution?

    Whatever fits better to your project needs. But ensure that your PO can access it.

    When do we need to submit the Data Management Plan and what it should


    A DMP should be submitted during the project implementation, it is part of the

    deliverables. It is obligatory for all projects which do not "opt-out" of the Open

    Research Data Pilot.

    It describes the data management life cycle for the data to be collected, processed

    or generated by a research project. It must cover how to make data findable,

    accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR). More information on PP


  • More information and help:

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Thank you

    for your attention