project starting report iktimed 2 nov

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Project starting report Iktimed

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Project Starting report


The European Commission, to foster the implementation of the Lisbon strategy 2010 (now EU 2020 strategy), has set up a system of programmes and technology transfer networks to support innovation, the SMEs competitiveness and technology transfer, which have produced yearly studies and reports

The project idea is linked to the Innovation Plans of the National strategic reference frameworks of the involved countries, the Community guidelines on cohesion (“Improving knowledge and Innovation for Growth”)

the work done by the Italian regions within the Italian Observatory on Regional Policies and Innovation, under the coordination of the Marche Region, to improve the strategy for promoting and funding research, knowledge transfer and innovation of SMEs and to find out common tools to support and evaluate research and innovation projects.

Main problems Policy instruments activated on the basis of European, national and regional

strategies on research and innovation and SMEs promotion do not form a system there is a lack of coordination and of synergies between tools at work; few policy instruments are designed and implemented in a user-oriented mode,

taking both expressed and latent need of users (SMEs); the majority of instruments aims at improving or facilitating existing innovation

projects rather than inducing new innovation practices: e.g. providing grants for R&D seems to induce a rather small incremental behavioural effects in term of strategy, management, cooperation and interactive learning; very often tools are designed at regional level under a closed vision of the relevant sources of knowledge useful for the firms (as the boundaries of the firms are defined in administrative terms); there is a lack of “market orientation” of the policy tools. A detailed knowledge of specificities’ of regional innovation system is often absent, not properly diffused in a language understandable by policy makers, or not updated with sufficient regularity; effects of policies are measured in “funds consumption” approach only; not real independent evaluation of the results and impacts are undertaken;

1. Project goals

To:to improve the open innovation approach on research and academic institution;

to increase the relations between the economic sector and science specialization centres of Med programme area;

to improve the connection between R&D, innovation and regional public policy priorities

In order:to set up an open and efficient collaboration system, for regional authorities, to sustain innovation through a trans-national certified system of innovation supply

In order that:To develop joint schemes of collaboration among public sector, research centres and private sector, promoting a business model based on a public private regional economic development partnership and focused on setting up trans-nationalknowledge communities


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Project action area

Geographic coverage of the project- Italy: Marche and Veneto Regions- France: Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Region- Portugal: Algarve Region- Greece :Dytiki Ellada Region- Malta: Malta Region- Cyprus: Kipros Region- Slovenia: Podravaska Region- Spain Andalucía and Cataluña Regions

Excluded areaOutside Eu countries

Initial Requirements (Prerequisites)

Lists of essential requirements for the project start, its constraints and everything without

which the implementation cannot be started. All partners have approved of the project organization by the partners within their


All partners obtained the approvals for an flexible financial/ administrative management, ability to anticipate costs for a period of 4-6 months.

Involvement and approval of the initiating plan by the Lead partner management Completion of all procedures with their respective national authorities of each country


Identification of the coordinators for each technical and financial partners


Last date of the project end: 29/03/2013

No possibility of overruning the total budget


Criteria for measuring of the project success Identifying, within the project management structures a measurable evaluation criteria for the project success and realization of its objectives

At the moment all partners decided not to add any additional criteria to measure project success, even if some partners (Cyprus Univ. and Marche Reg.) supported to add some qualitative criteria


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Project structure

Institutional Cooperation

Timing in the application Form

Component Duration Starting date (mm/yy)

End date (mm/yy)

Component 1 23/04/2010 26/10/2012Component 2 01/06/2010 29/03/2013Component 3 01/07/2010 23/09/2011Component 4 08/11/2010 26/10/2012Component 5 18/07/2011 26/10/2012


Component 4 Defining tools and new

roles of the public research

Component 3 Open innovation

methods for the public sector

Component 5 Open innovation

Intermediary network, pilot action and testing


ent and Com


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Joint Schemes of collaboration among public sector, research

centres and private sector

Open events and Communities

Efficient collaboration system, for regional authorities, to sustain

innovation through a trans-national certified system of innovation

supplyA certified system for open

innovation A web database of innovation


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Management structure

LP will be in charge of coordinating the project activities implementation, guaranteeing the well-timed and effective realization of the proposed activities.

Project Manager will assess, report and control, defining tools and method for all partners.

LP will coordinate the Project management Unit-PMU Unit - that will haveto realize:

A more detailed operative work-plan, a kick off report to present and share with all PP, where objectives, methods, scope and filed of the project will be set with all partners;

Work Breakdown structure-WBS-, break down by phase with a responsibility assignment matrix with exactly one person’s name per task, to identify who of the PP organization structures is responsible for each element of the WBS;

Definition of the project management key documents to check project status Logical framework of the project to better organize both monitoring and evaluation;

PMU, which will be composed by other N. 4 team leaders (indicated by the Partners), will act as the project team leader of each project component and will control and manage the staff involved in each phase, according to the WBS break-downed and responsibility matrix.PMU will be composed by LP plus 3 partners, one for each technical componentPMU Composition: LP project manager, TVT coordinator, ………………………………………………

The SC-Steering Committee will be composed of the key staff of the project beneficiaries, with the aim of guiding the project implementation, taking decisions and guaranteeing an efficient and effective s result. SC will approve a PMU document summarizing the initial stage where specific criteria will be identified and defined unambiguously, to measure outputs, deliverables and project results, and to avoid misunderstandings always present in the implementationphase closure of the project. SC will approve also a list of quality indicators and will have to provide Project Manager and PMU the parameters of tolerance, that is to which extent they could act without the SC approval. Specific factors that must be kept under control will be: costs and expenses, spending level, deviation cost, management indicators and timing, indicators of performance, quality and quantity of intermediate products and final results. SC should approve also a risk management document: description, with a list of risk categories and values and countermeasures. An internal project evaluation will be carried out to check impact on stakeholders and external audience focusing on relevancy, outcomes, impact and sustainability.

Internal evaluation will be done trough questionnaires to collect periodical information among stakeholders and beneficiaries that participate to the actions. An external evaluator will be recruited to define questionnaire and to do the evaluation together with people of partner responsible for the evaluation procedures.

Organization chart


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Operative plan of Iktimed project

Component 1

Phase Description

Steering Committe Member should approve the actions

and ask for stakeholders involvement and othe activities

PMU (Marche


Financial unitTrough Presage each

partner must fill in the section and advise PMU

about problems and validation process

Lead Partner They must coordinate the overall management and maintain contact with the


Stakeholders and beneficiaries

Phase Coordinator 1Coordinate all the other partner and send to the PMU the operative plan

Phase Coordinator 1Coordinate all the other partner and send to the PMU the operative plan


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1.1 Awareness raising and results capitalisationTasks1.1.1 Starting seminar

1.1.2 Intermediate seminar

1.1.3 Final seminar and exbith.

Some meetings will be held with the aimof promoting the project together withits progress and final outcomes. A final seminar able to capitalize the elaborations and outputs of theimplementations, thus supporting the transfer of the initiative and itssustainability in the future. An exhibition,meanwhile, will be arranged in order toshow the relevance of the innovation inthe Med area.

Coordinator: UAB Research Park

Participants Cyprus University, UAB Research centre, Patras Science Park, Temi Zammit Found, Maribor Science Park

Deadline and milestones 17/01/2011 to 08/12/2012

Outputs and deliverables Press releasesPromotional material

Phase 1.2 Communication campaign


Tasks1.2.1 Communication plan

1.2.2 Web database per target audience1.2.3 Communication materials graphic and layout

1.2.3 Printing and dissemination actions

In order to ensure a widespreaddissemination of the achieved results, thisphase is about a proper communication campaign. Of course that’s not aboutself-focused activities, but they will derive from the other phases of the project: contents, outputs and outcomes will be integrated according to a specific communication strategy. To the activities anddeliverables of the initiative, there willbe the addition of specific outputsincluding: information materials, papers, a glossary, articles and a final CD-ROM infour languages

Coordinator: Chamber of Aetoloakarnania

ParticipantsUAB Research centre, Ancona Chamber of Comm., Marche Region, TVT Toulone, Regione West Greece, Aetoloak Chamber of comm

Deadline and milestones 26/10/2010 to 25/02/2011

Outputs and deliverables Communication planOpen event promotional material

Phase 1.3 Web promotion and networking


Tasks1.3.1 Web design and layout

1.3.2 Web animation and groups

1.3.3 Web integration with other tools

This phase has as an objective to fullytake advantage of the ICTs in order towiden and qualify the project’s dissemination.Towards an easy access to the systemand in order to reach a wide range ofbeneficiaries, a digital web-based framework will be set up. In addition to an analytic introduction to the project and the


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partnership, the website will include:A documental database on the themes of the project, enriched by a bibliography surveyAwareness discussion forumAll the tools, methodologies and files elaborated within the projectWeb referencesFour-monthly newsletter that will be sent to the subjects identified by the partners as well as to those who will subscribe online.

Coordinator: Ancona Chamber of Commerce

ParticipantsAncona Chamber of Comm., Marche Region, Patras Science Park, Algarve University, Maribor Science Park

Deadline and milestones 26/10/2010 to 06/10/2011

Outputs and deliverables Web presentation sectionWeb project planning section Website project section

Component 2

Phase 2.1 Administrative and financial management


Tasks2.1.1 Financial Unit

2.1.2 Progress and Financial report

2.1.3 Progress and Financial report

2.1.4 Progress and Financial report

2.1.5 Progress and Financial report

2.1.6 Progress and Financial report

2.1.7 Progress and Financial report

2.1.8 Progress and Financial report

2.1.9 Project closure

A Financial Unit, LP and 1 financialassistant from each PP, will be set up.Lead Partner is the only responsible forthe administrative and financial controlregarding the project’s management. In order to ensure a correct, transparent and timely management of the required procedures,the partnership jointly decided to arrange a systematic distance activity, based on some agreed checking tools and procedures. Coherently with the guidelines, the LPwill ensure an efficient and timelyfinancial management of the payment received from the programme funding.

Coordinator: Marche Region - Department for Innovation and research

ParticipantsMarche Region, TVT Toulone, Patras Science Park, Regione West Greece, IAT

Deadline and milestones 25/10/2010 to 23/02/2013


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Outputs and deliverables Internal financial guidelines

Phase 2.2 Project technical management


Tasks2.2.1 Setting up PMU

2.2.2 Web platform for Proj. management

2.2.3 Intermidiate report

2.2.4 Project closure

This phase is about the setting up of thePMU team, whose responsible will beindicated by the LP. PMU will answer tothe SC, whom they will also submit alldocument for a correct project management action. In order to ensure fluidity and effectiveness of all the project processes, the partnership will adopt a specific information system, by setting up a simply web-based planning system. It will also provide free access to the teams, so as to share in-progress files and cooperate to their revision.

Coordinator: Marche Region - Department forInnovation and research

ParticipantsMarche Region, TVT Toulone, Regione West Greece, IAT

Deadline and milestones 21/10/2010 to 23/02/2013

Outputs and deliverables Key documents to check project status4

WBS document

Phase 2.3 Steering Committee


Tasks2.3.1 SC member composition and decision

2.3.2 First SC

2.3.3 Second SC

Functions, role and responsibility thatthe Partnership together decides togive to the SC are widely explained inthe specific section of the AF, the sameas all the procedures and internalfunctioning. Decisions will be taken by the SC as an absolute majority of its members. Should the decision bring about some very serious consequences for the project, the LP will have the power of veto and/or choice, being the LP the only one responsible to the Managing Authority. Anyway, those occurrences will be clearly regulated in the set of rules to be approved during the first SC.

Coordinator: Region of Western Greece

ParticipantsMarche Region, TVT Toulone, Regione West Greece, IAT

Deadline and milestones 26/10/2010 to 27/07/2012

Outputs and deliverables Minutes and list of participant


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Phase 2.4 Monitoring and evaluation


Tasks2.4.1 Sharing and presentation evaluat. method

2.4.2 Intermidiate evaluation

According to the project logic, themonitoring and evaluation functionscan be fully included within the area ofCoordination. As analyticallydescribed in the 5.3 section of theproject, the external auditor will in facthave a function of stimulus and aconstructive attitude towards the SCactivities, so that the latter will use thereceived indications to re-plan activitieson progress, thus improving theireffectiveness and impact.By following the elaborated system,all PP teams will cooperate to collectand elaborate data, on the ground ofwhich reports and recommendationswill be derived. There will also be aprocess of hetero-evaluation able to involve the stakeholders in order to acquire some external feedbacks.

Coordinator: Toulon Var Technologies (BIC TVT)

ParticipantsCyprus University, TVT Toulone, IAT

Deadline and milestones 26/11/2010 to 27/03/2012

Outputs and deliverables Periodic Report on internal evaluation

Component 3

Phase 3.1 Comparative Analysis of the regional policies


Tasks3.1.1 Definition of a common Framework

3.1.2 Meeting and interviews

3.1.3 Transational working group

3.1.4 Data analysis and report

The purpose of this report is a comparative analysis among regional policies for innovation in the project area. Data from Eurostat will be used withinformation collected in each region.Activities foreseen will be:- Definition and sharing of the frame of reference, variables and field for comparison;- Direct interviews and N.2 transnationalmeetings with regional officers in charge of funding schemes;- Descriptive statistics, cluster analyses of data and qualitative evaluation of the policy; This report should be realized by aworking group supported by all partners for data collection. The result will be acommon methodology to monitor publicfunding innovation programmes andsome identification of successfully actions.

Coordinator: Participants


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Region of Western Greece Cyprus University, UAB Research centre, Marche Region, TVT Toulone, Patras Science Park, Regione West Greece, Maribor Science Park

Deadline and milestones 25/10/2010 to 04/06/2011

Outputs and deliverables Expert Report on comparative analysis of regional policies in the Med area

Methodological guidelines for the Innovation Department of Regional Authorities

Phase 3.2 Design of smart specialisation policy mixes


Tasks3.2.1 Collection information

3.2.1 Focus groups

3.2.3 Transational workshop

3.2.4 Mapping and report

This phase will lead to define a map ofexcellence in the General PurposeTechnologies and in smart specialization(possible application of Generaltechnologies) for both regions that areat the technological frontier and thosethat are less advanced. Main Activities- Collection of information on mainglobal innovative landscape with apredictive analysis- N.8 Focus groups in each Country toidentify territorial excellence- N. 2 laboratories with PP experts andrelevant stakeholders to choose leadersand followers territories and relations among them- Workshop in collaboration with Managing Authority and/or European DGResearch

Coordinator: Marche Region - Department for Innovation and research

ParticipantsUAB Research centre, Veneto Cluster, Marche Region, TVT Toulone, Regione West Greece, Temi Zammit Found, IAT

Deadline and milestones 24/11/2010 to 11/06/2011

Outputs and deliverables Focus group reports on territorialExcellence

Final report on smart specialization: “How should a regions position itself in the knowledge economy?"

Paper for workshop: Smart specialization and future possibilities for Med regions

Phase 3.3 Pre-commercial procurement as a driver of innovation



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Tasks3.3.1 Experts group

3.3.2 Collection of directive

3.3.3 Training and case studies

3.3.4 Translation and promotion

Pre-commercial procurement is defined asprocurement of R&D services in which companies develop new solutions forpublic sector needs as no commerciallystable solution exists yet. Activitiesforeseen: Setting up of an experts group made up by 8 people (one expert from aprocurement agency of each Country). Collection of all European directives on best practices N. 1 meeting in Brussels with EU DG experts Training session forexperts groups on pre-procurementinnovative solutions. Elaboration of N. 4case studies in each Country of possibleapplications in each regional authority of the procurement process, translationin 4 languages Public promotiontowards main procurement agencies in the Med area programme with dissemination actions.

Coordinator: Andalusian Institute of Technology

ParticipantsVeneto Cluster, Ancona Chamber of Comm., Marche Region, TVT Toulone, Aetoloak Chamber of comm., IAT

Deadline and milestones 15/11/2010 to 20/10/2011

Outputs and deliverables Report on EU communication and best practices

Training materials on innovative procurement

Database with procurement agencies of the Med area

Report on Pre procurement as a driver for innovation


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Component 4

Phase 4.1 Setting up of the Med innovation communities frameworks


Tasks4.1.1 Eu best practices in commun. manag

4.1.2 Legal topics on transnat. groups

4.1.3 Workshop and meeting

4.1.4 Paper elaboration

The Med Innovative communities (MIC)will establish an innovation chain fromeducation to economic impact that will deliver measurable societal, economic and entrepreneurial business impact.An expert group will collect informationand get in touch with EU Institutions andresearch centres to identify possible best practices in communities management.An analysis of legal framework forsetting up and manage transnational groups and to study in deep possible relations in each countries. Workshop among experts to identify the most suitable legal framework to create new scheme for the transnational collaboration: EGCT, Consortium, etc. A position paper will be drawn up andpublished to help each PP for futureinternational collaboration.

Coordinator: Venetian Cluster of Cultural Heritage

ParticipantsVeneto Cluster, Ancona Chamber of Comm., TVT Toulone, Temi Zammit Found

Deadline and milestones 10/12/2010 to 24/09/2011

Outputs and deliverables Position paper on legal and administrative alternatives

Collection of laws and best practices

Phase 4.2 Identification and setting up of Med Innovative communities


Tasks4.2.1. N.3 Communities plans

4.2.2 Call for private participation

Main aim of (MIC) communities is to set up collaborative groups finalized toinclude business people, researchers,technologists, as well as academics who are flexible, mobile and eager to innovate in some specific sector. Activities are- Three partners must define N. 3communities based on WP3 work, witha definition of what it wants to accomplish. Other proposals fromproject partners could be evaluated intheir consistency;- To enhance and invite the privatesector participation, a public call will beheld in each project area, trough websiteand ads in local and technical newspaper;- A clear organisation and an effective


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governance structure must be designed At least N. 6 working groups will be held among PP and experts.

Coordinator: Andalusian Institute of Technology

ParticipantsCyprus University, Veneto Cluster, TVT Toulone, Patras Science Park, IAT , Maribor Science Park

Deadline and milestones 13/06/2011 to 15/11/2011

Outputs and deliverables Updated progress reports on communities selection

Phase 4.3 Set up new schemes innovation-focused for MIC communities


Tasks4.3.1 N.3 communities formalization

4.3.2. Co-location plans

The main idea of the component, andparticularly of this phase, is to create anenvironment: the innovative communities, where to enhance mobilityand IPR management in specific sectors.Activities foreseen are:- An Initial Go/No-Go assessment for allCommunities proposed by the project committee. At least 3 communities will beformalized;- Each community group will realize aco-location action plan. This co-location of people will allow researchers, technicians and entrepreneurs to work togetherface-to-face and move forward effectively to define their own communities workprogramme and business plan with IPR plan. Several technical meetings will be realized with 6 seminars.

Coordinator: Toulon Var Technologies (BIC TVT)

ParticipantsCyprus University, UAB Research centre, Veneto Cluster, TVT Toulone, Patras Science Park, Aetoloak Chamber of comm., Algarve University, Maribor Science Park

Deadline and milestones 15/11/2011 to 13/11/2012

Outputs and deliverables Community plansJoint Community Proposal and business planCommunities proposal contents

Component 5

Phase 5.1 Definition of the Indicator system



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Tasks5.1.1 Data structure and indicators

5.1.2 Online self assesment

A certifying systems will be identified toimplement a method to catalogue andcertify innovation of structured researchcenters ,but also that innovation which isless structured and present out of publicspaces. Main activities will be:- Definition of the indicators and datacharacteristic of the entities surveyed;- Definition of data structure. A transnational expert group will collectinformation and define the set ofindicators that can take into consideration the Country specifications. This activity will start in 5 sectors already identified in the Component 3 phases;- On line self assessment including at least 50 organizations directly tested by the Project Partners

Coordinator: Toulon Var Technologies (BIC TVT)

ParticipantsCyprus University, UAB Research centre, Marche Region, TVT Toulone, IAT

Deadline and milestones 19/04/2011 to 19/11/2011

Outputs and deliverables Online self assessment

Set of indicators

Phase 5.2 Project and design of web database


Tasks5.2.1 Logical DB design

5.2.2 DB implementation

5.2.3 Testing

A technical group with external consultants will design the web database. Activities foreseen will be:- Implementation of the models system ofaccreditation, definition of the informative structure;- Requirements Analysis: daily volume of the data;- Database Design;- Evaluation and Selection of the database management system;- Logical Database Design: This includes the mapping of all objects i.e. tables design, indexes, views, transactions, access privileges etc.;- Physical Database Design selecting andcharacterizing the data storage and dataaccess of the database;-Implementation constructs typicallycomprise storage group, table spaces,data files tables etc.;- Testing and Performance Tuning.

Coordinator: Marche Region - Department for Innovation and research

ParticipantsMarche Region, TVT Toulone, Patras Science Park, Algarve University


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Deadline and milestones 06/10/2011 to 27/06/2012

Outputs and deliverables Database design

Database for open innovation

Phase 5.3 Public openess of web database and of the accreditation system


Tasks5.3.1 Services and opportunities

5.3.2 Committee and meetings

5.3.3 Call for participation

Definition of opportunities and services reserved to organizations accredited. Services are determined by local policy makers and enables local institutions to carry out analysis on skills and scientific and innovation capabilities in the area.- Implementation of a committeemeeting, approval of the database by allregional authorities in the project areas- N. 4 meeting with regional authoritiesof the Med area to introduce theinitiative and to define the database as a recognized tool by the regional authorities in financing innovation.- Call for participation to populate database from organization in the partner areas. The database is accessed by the end users and application programs. This stage includes adding of new data, modifying existing data and deletion of obsolete data

Coordinator: University of the Algarve

ParticipantsUAB Research centre, Ancona Chamber of Comm., Marche Region, Regione West Greece, Aetoloak Chamber of comm., Temi Zammit Found, Algarve University

Deadline and milestones 25/01/2012 to 25/08/2012

Outputs and deliverablesWeb database of participants and people to public events

Phase 5.4 Open science initiatives


Tasks5.4.1 Working group for Open events

5.4.2 Programme and topics approval

5.4.3 Event in Ancona

5.4.4 Follow up and networking

5.4.5 Programme and topics approval

5.4.6 Event in Barcellona

Open science initiatives will involve researchers and entrepreneurs together to allow the development of knowledge. 2 events will be realized, 1 per year and a web section will permit a constantinformation. A Committee will choose the specific topics and the structure of theevent. It will provide also a public call forabstracts, posters and speakerspresentation. The idea is to facilitate the matching among researchers and businessman and entrepreneurs, a


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presentation of MICs will be done. In atwo-days event, live speakers, talksvideos, and networking sessions will combine to spark deep discussion and connection. The Open science Conference will provide general guidance for theprogram, but individual events, could beself-organized

Coordinator: Marche Region - Department for Innovation and research

ParticipantsCyprus University, Marche Region, TVT Toulone, Patras Science Park, Regione West Greece, Algarve University, IAT

Deadline and milestones 04/04/2011 to 18/10/2012

Outputs and deliverables Speakers video registrations

Papers and posters

Term of references for each partners

In the following table you can find the list of the proposed tasks in which each organization will be involved direcltly

UABPhase Role

1.1 Awareness raising and results capitalisation


1.2 Communication campaign Working group member

3.1 Comparative Analysis of the regional Working group member


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3.2 Design of smart specialisation policy mixes

Working group member

4.3 Set up new schemes innovation-focused for MIC communities

Working group member

5.1 Definition of the Indicator system Working group member

5.3 Public openess of web database and of the accreditation system

Working group member


1.2 Communication campaign Working group member

2.1 Administrative and financial management Working group member

2.2 Project technical management Working group member

2.3 Steering Committee Coordinator

3.1 Comparative Analysis of the regional policies


3.2 Design of smart specialisation policy mixes

Working group member

5.3 Public openess of web database and of the accreditation system

Working group member

5.4 Open science initiatives Working group member


1.2 Communication campaign Working group member

1.3 Web promotion and networking Working group member

2.1 Administrative and financial management Coordinator

2.2 Project technical management Coordinator

2.3 Steering Committee Working group member

3.1 Comparative Analysis of the regional policies

Working group member

3.2 Design of smart specialisation policy mixes



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3.3 Pre-commercial procurement as a driver of innovation

Working group member

5.1 Definition of the Indicator system

5.2 Project and design of web database Coordinator

5.3 Public openess of web database and of the accreditation system

Working group member

5.4 Open science initiatives Coordinator

IATPhase Role

2.1 Administrative and financial management Working group member

2.2 Project technical management Working group member

2.3 Steering Committee Working group member

2.4 Monitoring and evaluation Working group member

3.2 Design of smart specialisation policy mixes

Working group member

3.3 Pre-commercial procurement as a driver of innovation


4.2 Identification and setting up of Med Innovative communities


5.1 Definition of the Indicator system Working group member

5.4 Open science initiatives Working group member


3.2 Design of smart specialisation policy mixes

Working group member

3.3 Pre-commercial procurement as a driver of innovation

Working group member

4.1 Setting up of the Med innovation communities frameworks


4.2 Identification and setting up of Med Innovative communities

Working group member

4.3 Set up new schemes innovation-focused for MIC communities

Working group member


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TVTPhase Role

1.2 Communication campaign Working group member

2.1 Administrative and financial management Working group member

2.2 Project technical management Working group member

2.3 Steering Committee Working group member

2.4 Monitoring and evaluation Coordinator

3.1 Comparative Analysis of the regional policies

Working group member

3.2 Design of smart specialisation policy mixes

Working group member

3.3 Pre-commercial procurement as a driver of innovation

Working group member

4.1 Setting up of the Med innovation communities frameworks

Working group member

4.2 Identification and setting up of Med Innovative communities

Working group member

4.3 Set up new schemes innovation-focused for MIC communities


5.1 Definition of the Indicator system Coordinator

5.2 Project and design of web database Working group member


1.3 Web promotion and networking Working group member

4.3 Set up new schemes innovation-focused for MIC communities

Working group member

5.2 Project and design of web database Working group member

5.3 Public openess of web database and of the accreditation system


5.4 Open science initiatives Working group member


1.2 Communication campaign Working group member

1.3 Web promotion and networking Coordinator


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3.3 Pre-commercial procurement as a driver of innovation

Working group member

4.1 Setting up of the Med innovation communities frameworks

Working group member

5.3 Public openess of web database and of the accreditation system

Working group member


1.2 Communication campaign Coordinator

3.3 Pre-commercial procurement as a driver of innovation

Working group member

4.3 Set up new schemes innovation-focused for MIC communities

Working group member

5.3 Public openess of web database and of the accreditation system

Working group member


1.1 Awareness raising and results capitalisation

Working group member

1.3 Web promotion and networking Working group member

3.1 Comparative Analysis of the regional policies

Working group member

4.2 Identification and setting up of Med Innovative communities

Working group member

4.3 Set up new schemes innovation-focused for MIC communities

Working group member


1.1 Awareness raising and results capitalisation

Working group member

3.2 Design of smart specialisation policy Working group member


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4.1 Setting up of the Med innovation communities frameworks

Working group member

5.3 Public openess of web database and of the accreditation system

Working group member

PATRASPhase Role

1.1 Awareness raising and results capitalisation

Working group member

1.3 Web promotion and networking Working group member

2.1 Administrative and financial management Working group member

3.1 Comparative Analysis of the regional policies

Working group member

4.2 Identification and setting up of Med Innovative communities

Working group member

4.3 Set up new schemes innovation-focused for MIC communities

Working group member

5.2 Project and design of web database Working group member

5.4 Open science initiatives Working group member


1.1 Awareness raising and results capitalisation

Working group member

2.4 Monitoring and evaluation Working group member

3.1 Comparative Analysis of the regional policies

Working group member

4.2 Identification and setting up of Med Innovative communities

Working group member

4.3 Set up new schemes innovation-focused for MIC communities

Working group member

5.1 Definition of the Indicator system Working group member

5.4 Open science initiatives Working group member


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Deliverables and main results

Deliverables Description Number Phase

1 Expert Report on comparative analysis of regional policies in the Med area

This paper will describe the situation concerning regional policies for innovation and funding scheme in the Med area. A comparative analysis will be realized also with some International Best practices (Europe and references to the USA).

200 3.1 Comparative Analysis

of the regional policies

2 Methodological guidelines for the Innovation Department of Regional Authorities

A common methodology standard for a monitoring system for innovation funding tools will permit local authorities to monitor their policies in funding innovation and implement an own monitoring system

300 3.1 Comparative Analysis

of the regional policies

3 Focus group reports on territorialexcellence

At least one focus group in each Country will be held in each target area. Participants will be entrepreneurs and person in charge of knowledge centres.

8 3.2 Design of smart

specialisation policy


4 Final report on smart specialization: “How should a regions position itself in the knowledge economy?"

All regions in Europe can’t fight to reach the frontier of innovation, as the majority will miss the goal, so this report will define a mutual exchange among regions of the project and other Med areas to look for a successfully technological link.

400 3.2 Design of smart

specialisation policy


5 Paper for workshop: Smart specialization and future possibilities for Med regions

This workshop will be en event to realize a peer review among regions working in pairs on reviewing their position and future possibilities in European global economy

100 3.2 Design of smart

specialisation policy


6 Promotional material A graphic and printed version of the main results will be distributed at the workshop. It will include also information materials, papers, a glossary, articles and a final cd-rom in four languages.

5000 1.1 Awareness raising and

results capitalisati


7 Report on EU communication and best practices

A collection of EU latest directives and communication tools about the pre-procurement initiative and possibilities

1 3.3 Pre-commercia

l procureme

nt as a driver of


8 Training materials on innovative procurement

Training session will be held to identify in some specific public services, for example healthcare and transport or as well as to address social challenges of climate change, sustainable energy, possible concrete applications of pre procurement.

1 3.3 Pre-commercia

l procureme

nt as a driver of



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9 Database with procurement agencies of the Med area

A web database on procurement agencies and offices within regional authorities of the Med area will be set up. Each PP will contribute to provide information on web support. It will permit to inform and disseminate a periodic information

1 3.3 Pre-commercia

l procureme

nt as a driver of


10 Report on Pre procurement as a driver for innovation

Many Public Authorities are not aware of the potential and do not yet act as “intelligent customers” for public services, this report wants to aware public authorities about the possibilities to use procurement as a driver for the innovation

1 3.3 Pre-commercia

l procureme

nt as a driver of


11 Position paper on legal and administrative alternatives

Legal framework is quite important to have concrete successful possibilities for transnational groups. This paper will give concrete advice for international officers that want to set up international working groups showing different alternative and points of view

500 4.1 Setting up of the

Med innovation communiti

es framework


12 Updated progress reports on communities selection

A web database will be set up to collect all people involved in communities creation with a full description of organizations and minutes, and technical groups reports

20 4.2 Identificati

on and setting up

of Med Innovative communiti


13 Communities proposal contents A community must be established in at least 3 different countries with at least one higher education partner and one private company. A list of all proposal for all communities will be published and contain all technical information

10 4.3 Set up new

schemes innovation-focused for

MIC communiti


14 Joint Community Proposal and business plan

A joint formalized community with the targeted priority areas chosen in WP3 and broad innovation goals which the communities addresses in a competitive and sustainable way. Its strategy, activities, work programme, IPR plan and education

3 4.3 Set up new

schemes innovation-focused for

MIC communiti


15 Online self assessment An online questionnaire will be submitted to define the indicator system

1 5.1 Definition

of the Indicator system

16 Set of indicators A proposal of set of indicators shall be shared among all partners

1 5.1 Definition

of the Indicator system

17 Database for open innovation The database structure will provide research centers to act directly in the management of their data; a second layer, where data is subject to

1 5.2 Project and design

of web database


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verification by the managing body of the certification system

18 Web database of participants and people to public events

A web database will be created to contain all the information on stakeholders and participants in all public activities of the project. A single database can permit to inform quicly about the project trend

2 5.3 Public openess of

web database and of the accreditation system

19 Press releases Press releases will be done during allproject activities trough local and regionalmedia (broadcast, press conferences andprinted media) as well as specialistmagazines.

1 1.1 Awareness raising and

results capitalisati


20 Web presentation section A specific web section will be realized to present initiative and update participants

1 1.3 Web promotion

and networking

21 Open event promotional material Final programme and catalogue about participants will be distributed in each event.

1 1.2 Communic

ation campaign

22 Papers and posters A public call will be realized to collect proposals, papers and posters for open events. At least 50 contribution will be collected

50 5.4 Open science


23 Speakers video registrations A web and podcast session of each presentation will be done.

1 5.4 Open science


24 Collection of laws and best practices National laws, European regulations and case studies will be collected in a systematic way also highlighting problems and opportunities for each country. This report will be printed for each partner in english with an online version

100 4.1 Setting up of the

Med innovation communiti

es framework


25 Community plans Community plans are proposals with an own business plan and technical proposal to allow people to exchange and deep producst and process among enterprises, University and public sector

5 4.3 Set up new

schemes innovation-focused for

MIC communiti


26 WBS document Work Breakdown structure, break down by phase, by product, activity, with a responsibility assignment matrix where exactly one person’s name per task, to identify which element of the PPorganization structures is responsible for each element of the WBS.

1 2.2 Project technical


27 Key documents to check project status Key documents to check project status as: critical path (PERT Diagram), scope change form, issues management log, risk management log, monthly report and budget management:

15 2.2 Project technical



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project cost with a QPI = Quick Performance Index and the Logical framework.

28 Periodic Report on internal evaluation The external evaluator will write periodic reports every six months and a final report with analysis of data collected using online questionnaires and interviews with participants.

5 2.4 Monitoring

and evaluation

29 Internal financial guidelines Internal financial guidelines is a document that contains all the information and forms to be used. A web section will be made also for keeping the information updated

1 2.1 Administra

tive and financial


30 Web project planning section An online scheduling, collaboration, and planning software will be customized for the project using existing project management platform and easy web. 2.0 tools to facilitate work at distance. Some tools will be choose by the PMU

1 1.3 Web promotion

and networking

31 Website project section In addition to an analytic introduction to the project and the partnership, the website will include: - A documental database, bibliography survey, awareness discussion forum and linkage to all project web sections

1 1.3 Web promotion

and networking

32 Database design A technical document that describes the flow of information and reports through the use of the software development chosen

1 5.2 Project and design

of web database

Results IndicatorsNew networks linked to technology transfer

Permanent networks established1

Common studies aimed at joint strategies, tools, methodologies or plans

Joint implementation or working plans or strategies


Joint strategies and agreementsJoint implementation or working plans or strategies


Number of SMEs directly involved in transnational activities

New transnational activities set up by SMEs (indicate the number


Number of SMEs indirectly involved in transnational activities

New transnational activities set up by SMEs


New structures for transnational support of innovation Seminars and forums at transnational level


IKTIMED PROJECT Operational Plan for partner


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See file attached