project system as is from tata tele anand

8/18/2019 Project System as is From Tata Tele Anand 1/35  Tata Teleservices Limited. PROJECT CONNECT SAP R/3 IMPLEMENTATION PROJECT BUSINESS BLUEPRINT Logistics - Project System Version Draft  <11.08.04>

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Tata Teleservices Limited.



Logistics - Project System

Version Draft



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Executive Summary....................................................................................................4

1 Organization Structure.........................................................................................5

1.1 Operating Concern..................................................................................................5

1.2 Controlling Area.......................................................................................................5

1.3 Company Code....................................................................................................5

1.4 Business Area..........................................................................................................5

1.5 Cost Center..............................................................................................................5

1. !ro"it Center............................................................................................................5

1.# Plant.......................................................................................................................

1.$ !urc%asing Organization........................................................................................

1.& Sales Organisation..................................................................................................

1.1' (or) Center..........................................................................................................

1.11 !urc%asing *roup................................................................................................#

2 +aster ,ata...........................................................................................................$

2.1 S-A,A/, E-(O/0...........................................................................................$2.1.1 Standard Net Work Maintenance.....................................................................................8 

2.2 Stanar (or) Brea) ,on Structures..............................................................1'2.2.1 Standard WBS Maintenance..........................................................................................10 

2.3 Stanar +ile Stones............................................................................................ 112.3.1 Standard milestone maintenance........................................................................................11

2.4 !S or) Center......................................................................................................122.4.1 PS work center maintenance.........................................................................................13 Process Explanation to!"e#.......................................................................................14

2.5 etor) Bill o" +aterials.......................................................................................142.$.1 Net work B%M maintenance..........................................................................................1$ 2.$.1.2 Process Explanation to!"e#.......................................................................................1$ 

3 Business !rocesses...........................................................................................1#

3.1 n"rastructure !roect............................................................................................1#3.1.1 &nternal Pro'ect initiation.................................................................................................1( 

3.2 B-S /aio +ux...................................................................................................1$3.2.1 &nternal Pro'ect initiation.................................................................................................18 

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3.3 S- !roect............................................................................................................ 1&3.3.1 &nternal Pro'ect initiation.................................................................................................1

3.4 Sitc% n"rastructure !roect............................................................................... 21

3.4.1 &nternal Pro'ect initiation.................................................................................................21

3.5 OS! !/O6EC-.......................................................................................................223.$.1 B)siness Process 1.......................................................................................................22 

3. 7 !/O6EC-........................................................................................................243.-.1 B)siness Process 1.......................................................................................................24

3.# !-B !/O6EC-.......................................................................................................253.(.1 B)siness Process 1.......................................................................................................2$ 

4 Annexure.............................................................................................................2#

4.1 Aut%orization.........................................................................................................2#

4.2 /eports...................................................................................................................2#

4.3 ,ata Conversion an +igration Approac%..........................................................2$4.3.1 Master *ata...................................................................................................................28 4.3.2 5ransaction *ata............................................................................................................2

4.4 -raining Strategy an !lan...................................................................................2&

4.5 nter"ace /e8uirements........................................................................................3'

4. 0ey En%ancements 9 ,evelopments..................................................................32

4.# 0ey Bene"its...........................................................................................................32

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Executive Summary

Company !ro"ile

SA! mplementation

O:ectives; Scope an Approac%




SAP’s has a proprietary implementation methodology called as Accelerated SAP(ASAP), which will be used as the base approach for the implementation at SAP. ASAP is a solution from SAP to streamline customer implementations and deliver faster business results.

 ASAP incorporates a Step-by-Step Approach and avoids non-value added tass. !tutili"es the #usiness $ngine of SAP %&' and is based on %&'’s best businesspractices. ASAP provides a baseline for #usiness Process %euirements,onfiguration &*esting, and $nd-user Procedures&*raining.

!n the current phase of the pro+ect #usiness Process %euirements, as detailed inthe following pages, have been discussed and agreed in the form of A# and #luePrint ocument.

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1 Organization Structure

*he following organi"ational definitions have been done at **S for /0odule1

1.1 2perating oncern*he 2perating oncern is an organi"ational unit in accounting, which structures anenterprise from the Profitability Analysis point of view.

efinitions at **S3 - 2nly one 2perating concern is defined at **S and is **S

1.2 ontrolling Area*he controlling area is the basic organi"ational unit in controlling. A controlling arearepresents a closed system that is used for cost accounting. ost allocations onlybe controlling area. . efinitions at **S3 - 2nly one is ontrolling Area is defined at **S and is **S

1.3 Company Code*he ompany ode is an organi"ational unit used in accounting. !t is used instructure of business organi"ation from the financial accounting perspective.

efinitions at **S3 - 2nly one ompany code is defined at **S and is **S

1.4 #usiness Area A #usiness Area  is an organi"ational unit within accounting that represents aseparate area of operations or responsibilities in a business organi"ation.#usiness areas are used to facilitate e4ternal segment reporting across companycodes, covering the company5s main areas of operation (product lines, circles)

efinitions at **S3 - $ach circle is defined as a #usiness area at **S

1.5 ost enter ost enter is an organi"ational unit within a controlling area that represents adefined location of cost incurrence

efinitions at **S3 - $ach department in a cluster is defined as a cost center.#usiness area at **S

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1.6 Profit enter 2rgani"ational unit within a controlling area represents a defined location of ostand %evenue incurrence

efinitions at **S3 - $ach product in a cluster is defined as profit center.

1.7 PlantPlant is an organi"ational unit within logistics, serving to subdivide an enterpriseaccording to the production, procurement, maintenance and material planning. Aplant is a place where either material is produced, or goods and services areprovided.efinitions at **S3- All clusters in the **S are defined as plants. 6our motherwarehouses also defined as plants*he following Plants business areas have been defined for **S3



1.8  Purchasing 2rgani"ation A purchasing 2rgani"ation procures material and services, negotiates conditions ofpurchase with vendors, and bares responsibility for such transactions

1.9  Sales 2rganisation An organi"ational unit, structures the company according to its sales reuirements. A sales organi"ation is responsible for selling materials and services.

1.10  7or enter 7or enter is an organi"ational unit that defines where and when an operationshould be carried out. *he wor centre has a particular available capacity. *heactivities performed at or by the wor centers and activity types. 



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1.11  Purchasing 8roup 9ey for buyer or group of buyers responsible for certain purchasing activities.



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2 +aster ,ata

2.1 S*A:A% :$*72%9 

 A networ represents the flow of a pro+ect or of a tas within a pro+ect. ;ou cangraphically display various structural elements of a pro+ect and theirinterdependencies in the Pro+ect System.uring the life of a pro+ect, networs are used as a basis for planning, analy"ing,controlling and monitoring schedules, dates and resources (such as people,machines, P%*s, materials, documents and drawings). ;ou can assign networs to apro+ectStandard :etwor3 Pro+ect-neutral networ structure, which can be used as atemplate when creating other standard networs or operative networs.

7hen you create networs from standard networs, you save time and you alsoincrease the consistency of business processes, if different pro+ects consist of thesame activities.;ou can lin standard networs with standard wor breadown structures in order tocreate pro+ect templates, which contain both the pro+ect structure and the activitiesassigned to the structure. 7hen you use a standard networ that is lined to astandard 7#S to create an operative networ, an operative 7#S is also created.

2.1.1 Stanar et (or) +aintenance

o 7hile creating standard networ enter **S networprofile in the initial screen. ;ou can give <-digit e4ternalnumber or system will give the ne4t open internal number for the networ. *he ey date determines from what pointon the standard networ is valid. *he suggested value for the ey date is the current date.

!f you enter a future date as the ey date, thestandard networ is not available prior to this date.!f you want to change the standard networ, enterthis ey date (or a different date in the future). *he

changes will tae effect on the ey date.$nter the following data in networ header.

o *he standard 7#S element for creating a lin betweenthe standard 7#S element and the standard networ.

o 0aintaining :etwor Activities 

o 0aintaining %elationships #etween Activities 

o  Allocating 0aterial omponents to Standard :etwors

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o  Assigning *emplate *e4ts to Activities Business /e8uirements Expectations*he following standard networs will be created to suitthe **S business reuirements.

!nfrastructure Pro+ect6acilities:etwor:etwor !nterface unit2utside Plant!S!*7ire line & ata !S:

Public *elephone #ooth !rocess Explanation <to=:e>

• ;ou can reate edit&display and delete the

standard networs

(or) steps in Stanar netor) maintenance

(or) Steps ,escription !er"ormeBy


?unction= reate standard networ ore user :>=? hange standard networ ore user :>?' isplay standard networ ore user :>'@ elete standard networ ore user :B Special Organization ConsierationStandard networs can be created for each process.Cence whenever new business process added new

networ should be created. ,escription o" mprovement:A ,escription o" ?unctional ,e"icienciesore user who is creating the standard networs may notaware the e4act reuirements.

2.1.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies

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%espective business heads should approve the standardnetwor design.

2.1.1.!  nter"ace Consierations:one

2.2 Stanar (or) Brea) ,on Structures A wor breadown structure (7#S) is a model of the wor to be performed in apro+ect organi"ed in a hierarchical structure. *he 7#S is an important tool, whichhelps you eep an overview of the pro+ect.

Stanar (or) Brea)on Structure <Stanar (BS>@ :eutral wor breadownstructure that can be used more than once and serves as a template for creatingoperative wor breadown structures.  6or future pro+ects with the same structure,you can use standardi"ed wor breadown structures as a template to createoperative wor breadown structures or other standard wor breadown structures.*his not only saves time when creating a pro+ect in the system, but also in thedesign phase

2.2.1 Stanar (BS +aintenance

;ou can use an e4isting standard wor breadown structure tocreate standard wor breadown structures (7#S) andoperative wor breadown structures. *he standard worbreadown structure’s data is transferred to the new standard

wor breadown structure and can be then overwritten.hanges to mae to the original at a later point in time are nottransferred to the new standard wor breadown structure.

7hile creating standard 7#S you enter the following in !nitialscreen.

o *he ey for the standard pro+ector choose 2pen number so that the System defines a ey.

o *he pro+ect definition of the 7#S to be copied

;ou do not have to enter a pro+ect profile.

• $nter basic data D ontrol data for the 7#S $lements

• 8o to 7#S element over view to enter all the elements Business /e8uirements Expectations

*he following standard 7#S will be created to suit the**S business reuirements.

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!nfrastructure Pro+ect6acilities:etwor

:etwor !nterface unit2utside Plant!S!*7ire line & ata !S:Public *elephone #ooth !rocess Explanation <to=:e>

;ou can create&change&display the standard networs.

 (or) steps in Stanar (BS maintenance

(or) Steps ,escription !er"ormeBy


?unction= reate Standard 7#S 2%$ ES$% F=? hange Standard 7#S 2%$ ES$% F?' isplay Standard 7#S 2%$ ES$% F'  Special Organization Consieration

Standard 7#S can be created for each process. Cencewhenever new business process added new Standard7#S should be created ,escription o" mprovement

 A ,escription o" ?unctional ,e"icienciesore user who is creating the standard 7#S may notaware the e4act reuirements.

2.2.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies%espective business heads should approve the standardnetwor design.

2.2.1.!  nter"ace Consierations:one

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2.3 Stanar +ile Stones

Standard milestones are used e4clusively in the Pro'ect S6stem as a source forcreating milestones and other standard milestones.

;ou can combine different standard milestones in a milestone group. 6or e4ample,you can group together all milestones that are relevant for earned value analysis

2.3.1 Stanar milestone maintenance!n the !nitial screen of the standard milestone you can give the

name of the milestone up to => digit alphanumeric ey.

!n the details screen of the standard milestone you will enter theusage of the milestone and milestone it group.

!f the usage is to trigger milestone functions chose mile stonefunctions and parameters to trigger them. Business /e8uirements ExpectationsStandard milestone is created to indicate the pro+ectcompletion milestone. !rocess Explanation <to=:e>

;ou can create&change&display the standard milestones

(or) steps in Stanar +ile Stone maintenance

(or) Steps ,escription !er"ormeBy


?unction= reate Standard 0ile Stone 2%$ ES$% :==

? hange Standard 0ile Stone 2%$ ES$% :=?' isplay Standard 0ile Stone 2%$ ES$% F' Special Organization ConsierationStandard milestones will be created for the completion ofthe pro+ect. ,escription o" mprovement


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2.3.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies:A

2.3.1.!  nter"ace Consierations:one

2.4 !S or) Center

2perations are carried out at a wor centre. !n the %&' System wor centres arebusiness ob+ects that can represent the following real wor centres, for e4ample3

0achines, machine groups• Production lines

•  Assembly wor centers

• $mployees, groups of employees

ata in wor centers is used for 

• Scheduling

2perating times and formulas are entered in the wor center, so that the

duration of an operation can be calculated.• osting

6ormulas are entered in the wor center, so that the costs of an operation canbe calculated. A wor center is also assigned to a cost center.

• apacity planning

*he available capacity and formulas for calculating capacity reuirements areentered in the wor center.

• Simplifying operation maintenance

Garious default values for operations can be entered in the wor center 

2.4.1 !S or) center maintenance

*he wor center data is schematically arranged in variousscreens or screen groups. 7hich screens and data you can editare determined by the wor center category that you definewhen you create a wor center.

7hen you create a wor center you are lead through variousscreens, the seuence depends on the wor center category.

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;ou navigate with :e4t screen and Previous screen or, if you donot want to enter reuired data, sip .

!f you have stopped entering data for a wor center, saved ande4ited, you can see which data is missing by checing the worcenter. *he system then leads you to the screens you still needto edit.

7hen you are changing or displaying a wor center, you canuse Sip to navigate from one screen to another.

;ou can use a reference to create or change a wor center Business /e8uirements Expectations

PS wor centers will be created for each cluster & *own !rocess Explanation <to=:e>;ou create&change&display& ist display the PS worcenter master records and also assign them to respectivecost centers.

(or) steps in !S or) Center master /ecor

(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction

?unction= reation of PS wor center SEP$% ES$% :%=

? hange of PS wor center    SEP$% ES$% :%?' isplay of PS wor center SEP$% ES$% :%'@ ist display of wor centers SEP$% ES$% %>HH Assign cost center to wor center SEP$% ES$% %>I Special Organization Consieration:ew wor centers should be created for each cluster&*own. ,escription o" mprovement

 A ,escription o" ?unctional ,e"iciencies:umbers of wor centers are created at city& town level.7here as cost centers are created at cluster level for

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different functions. Cence the assignment of wor centerto cost center is becoming difficult.

2.4.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies%edesigning of cost centers and cost centers are to done.

2.4.1.!  nter"ace Consierations!nterface with controlling for assigning cost centers

2.5 etor) Bill o" +aterials

*he bill of material transfer component maes it easier for you to assign materialcomponents to networ activities and eep this information up-to-date.

!f you assign bill of material (#20) items to a networ activity manually by e4plodingthe #20 and then change the #20, you have to manually mae these changes inthe networ as well.

0aing the assignment and eeping this information up-to-date can be a lot of wor,particularly if you

• 7ant to assign a very large number of components

• 7ant to assign components during the design phase and you e4pect to haveto mae several changes to the #20s.

7hen you use the #20 transfer function to assign individual #20 items to networ

activities, the system creates a logical lin using a reference point. Enlie themanual assignment of single components, you can automatically update subseuent#20 changes in the networ activity.6or instance, if you change uantities or the material description in a #20, you canautomatically transfer these changes to the networ as well as to the correspondingpurchase reuisitions and reservations. ;ou only have to e4ecute the assignmentprogram regularly to eep the data up-to-date during the design phase of yourpro+ect

2.5.1 et or) BO+ maintenance

 All the networ activities, to which you want to assigncomponents, must be assigned to a 7#S element. ;ou can usedifferent 7#S elements within a pro+ect. *he system ignores the7#S assignment of the networ header. !n *ransfer ontrol, youcan assign individual material components to other 7#Selements (than the 7#S element in the networ header)

• ;ou maintain the reference point in the #20 item.

• ;ou maintain the reference point in the networ activity .

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• *he reference point in the #20 must agree with the

reference point in the corresponding networ activity

• ;ou e4ecute the #20 transfer assignment program.

•  After this you can allocate manually or change e4isting

assignments. Business /e8uirements Expectations

:etwor #20 will be used for the 2SP process  !rocess Explanation <to=:e>;ou create 7#S #20 and enter reference points in#20. Also you enter reference points in networactivities. ;ou transfer #20 using #20 transfer function.

(or) steps in !S or) Center master /ecor

(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction


= reation of 7#S #20 SEP$% ES$% S<@? hange of 7#S #20 SEP$% ES$% S<H

? reation networ SEP$% ES$% F?>:' *ransfer of 7#S #20 to :etwor SEP$% ES$% :'' Special Organization Consieration

2ne special material code to mae the 2SP #20 is to becreated ,escription o" mprovement

 A ,escription o" ?unctional ,e"iciencies*he #20 for 2SP pro+ect is not fi4ed. !t varies frompro+ect to pro+ect

2.5.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies

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 All the components for the 2SP pro+ect will be attached to#20. After transfer of components to networ unwantedmaterials can be deleted.

2.5.1.!  nter"ace Consierations

!nterface with 00 for creating the #20

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3 Business !rocesses


n"rastructure !roect3.1.1 nternal !roect initiation Business /e8uirements Expectations !rocess Explanation <to=:e>

(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction  ?unction

= reation of Pro+ect for a cape4 atcircle evel


? Cierarchy planning of costs in7#S $lements


' Approval of the ape4 and Assignment of cape4 to evel=7#S $lement

!0& F?> :

@ #udget distribution among 7#S$lements


H Procurement of 0aterials againstPro+ect in 00

%efer 00

I 8oods %eceipt =>' < Case </eceipt at *o on>

a. *o bloced stoc at 7arehouseS. ocation


b. *ransfer from 8% blocedStoc to En restricted Pro+ectStoc


c. !ssue of 0aterials to Pro+ect(against *ransfer slip fromnetwor dept)


B Case </eceipt at Site irectly>a. *o bloced stoc at (Girtual)Site S. ocation


b. *ransfer from 8% blocedStoc to En restricted Pro+ectStoc


. !ssue of 0aterials to Pro+ectimmediately


Service $ntry Sheet for Pro+ectServices


=> Pro+ect onsumptions Settlement FBB

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(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction  ?unction

to AE at month $nd== %eceive Provisional acceptance*est certificate from networ dept.


=? Set the Status of 7#S $lement totechnically close.


=' Settlement to Asset aftertechnically close at 0onth end.


=@ After completion of all 7#S$lements set the pro+ect status tolosed

F?>:   Special Organization Consieration ,escription o" mprovemento ,escription o" ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.1.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.1.1.!   nter"ace Consierations

3.2 B-S /aio +ux

3.2.1 nternal !roect initiation Business /e8uirements Expectations !rocess Explanation <to=:e>

(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction  ?unction

= reation of Pro+ect for a cape4 at circleevel

Eser dept. F?>:

? Cierarchy planning of costs in 7#S 6inance F@>

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(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction  ?unction

$lements' Approval of the ape4 and Assignmentof cape4 to evel= 7#S $lement

!0& F?> :

@ #udget distribution among 7#S$lements


H Procurement of 0aterials againstPro+ect in 00

%efer 00

I 8oods %eceipt to bloced stoc at7arehouse S. ocation


< *ransfer from 8% bloced Stoc to Enrestricted Pro+ect Stoc


B !ssue of 0aterials to Pro+ect (against*ransfer slip from networ dept)


Pro+ect onsumptions Settlement to AE at month $nd


=> %eceive Provisional acceptance *estcertificate from networ dept.


== Set the Status of 7#S $lement to*echnically close.


=? Settlement to Asset after *echnicallyclose at 0onth end.


=' After completion of all 7#S $lements

set the pro+ect status to losed

F?>: Special Organization Consieration ,escription o" mprovemento ,escription o" ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.2.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.2.1.!  nter"ace Consierations

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3.3 S- !roect

3.3.1 nternal !roect initiation Business /e8uirements Expectations !rocess Explanation <to=:e>

(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction  ?unction

= reation of Pro+ect for a cape4 atcircle evel


? Cierarchy planning of costs in7#S $lements


' Approval of the ape4 and Assignment of cape4 to evel=7#S $lement

!0& F?> :

@ #udget distribution among 7#S$lements


H Procurement of 0aterials againstPro+ect in 00

%efer 00

I 8oods %eceipt =>' < Case </eceipt at *o on>

a. *o bloced stoc at 7arehouseS. ocation


b. *ransfer from 8% blocedStoc to En restricted Pro+ectStoc


c. !ssue of 0aterials to Pro+ect(against *ransfer slip from !S!*ept.)


B Case </eceipt at Site irectly>a. *o bloced stoc at (Girtual)Site S. ocation


b. *ransfer from 8% blocedStoc to En restricted Pro+ectStoc


. !ssue of 0aterials to Pro+ectimmediately


Settlement to asset at month $nd FBB=> After consumption of all pro+ect

stoc set the pro+ect status tolosed


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3.3.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.3.1.!   nter"ace Consierations

3.4 Sitc% n"rastructure !roect

3.4.1 nternal !roect initiation Business /e8uirements Expectations !rocess Explanation <to=:e>

(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction  ?unction

= reation of Pro+ect for a cape4 atcircle evel


? Cierarchy planning of costs in7#S $lements


' Approval of the ape4 and Assignment of cape4 to evel=7#S $lement

!0& F?> :

@ #udget distribution among 7#S



H Procurement of 0aterials againstPro+ect in 00

%efer 00

I 8oods %eceipt< Case </eceipt at *o on>

a. *o bloced stoc at 7arehouseS. ocation


b. *ransfer from 8% blocedStoc to En restricted Pro+ectStoc


c. !ssue of 0aterials to Pro+ect ??=

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(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction  ?unction

(against *ransfer slip fromnetwor dept)B Case </eceipt at Site irectly>

a. *o bloced stoc at (Girtual)Site S. ocation


b. *ransfer from 8% blocedStoc to En restricted Pro+ectStoc


. !ssue of 0aterials to Pro+ectimmediately


Service $ntry Sheet for Pro+ect



=> Pro+ect onsumptions Settlementto AE at month $nd


== %eceive Provisional acceptance*est certificate from networ dept.


=? Set the Status of 7#S $lement totechnically close.


=' Settlement to Asset aftertechnically close at 0onth end.


=@ After completion of all 7#S$lements set the pro+ect status to


F?>: Special Organization Consieration ,escription o" mprovemento ,escription o" ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.4.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.4.1.! nter"ace Consieration

3.5 OS! !/O6EC-

3.5.1 Business !rocess 1 Business /e8uirements Expectations

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(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction  ?unction


reation of Pro+ect for a cape4 atcluster evel F?>:


Cierarchy planning of costs in 7#S$lements F@>


 Approval of the ape4 and Assignment of cape4 to evel= 7#S$lement !0& F?> :

@#udget distribution among 7#S$lements F'>


Procurement of 0aterials for SeveralPro+ects against rate contract %efer 00


8oods %eceipt of 0aterials to blocedstoc at 7arehouse S. ocation =>'


*ransfer materials from 8% blocedStoc to Enrestricted Pro+ect Stoc =>H


*ransfer materials from circle warehouse to cluster ware house (plant toplant) 'H=

*ransfer materials from cluster warehouse to vendor storage locationagainst wor order '==


Gendor submits consumption reportcertified by $ngineer 0anual

==  As per vendor consumption reporta. 0aterial issues to pro+ect fromvendor storage location ??=


b. 0aterial transfer from pro+ect topro+ect (at vendor storage location) @=H


c. 0aterial transfer from vendor

storage location to ware housestorage location '==

  d. 0aterial loss at vendor J

Service $ntry Sheet for Pro+ectServices 0B=:


Pro+ect onsumptions Settlement to AE at month $nd FBB


%eceive Provisional acceptance *estcertificate from networ dept. 0anual


Set the Status of 7#S $lement to*echnical closure (*$C2) F?>:

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(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction  ?unction

=' Settlement to Asset after *$C2 at0onth end FBB


 After completion of all 7#S $lementsset the pro+ect status to losed F?> : Special Organization Consieration ,escription o" mprovemento ,escription o" ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.5.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.5.1.!  nter"ace Consierations

3.6 7 !/O6EC-

3..1 Business !rocess 1

3..1.1 Business /e8uirements Expectations

3..1.2 !rocess Explanation <to=:e>

(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction


=reation of Pro+ect for a cape4 atcircle evel F?>:

?Cierarchy planning of costs in 7#S$lements F@>


 Approval of the ape4 and Assignment of cape4 to evel= 7#S$lement !0& F?> :

@#udget distribution among 7#S$lements F'>

H Procurement of 0aterials for Several %efer 00

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(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction  ?unction

Pro+ects at corporate

I8oods %eceipt of 0aterials to blocedstoc at 0other 7arehouse =>'

<*ransfer materials from 8% blocedStoc to Enrestricted Pro+ect Stoc =>H


*ransfer materials from 0other warehouse to circle ware house (plant toplant) against S*2 'H=

*ransfer materials from circle warehouse to cluster ware house (plant toplant) against S*2 'H=

*ransfer materials from cluster warehouse to !D % or 6ranchise Storagelocation '==

=> !ssue to Pro+ect from P2S interface ??=== !ssue to Pro+ect from %0 interface ??=

=?Pro+ect onsumptions Settlement to AE at month $nd FBB

='%eceive Provisional acceptance *estcertificate from networ dept. 0anual

=@Set the Status of 7#S $lement to*echnical closure (*$C2) F?>:

=HSettlement to Asset after *$C2 at0onth end FBB

=I After completion of all 7#S $lementsset the pro+ect status to losed F?>:

3..1.3 Special Organization Consieration

3..1.4 ,escription o" mprovement


3..1.5 ,escription o" ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3..1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3..1.!  nter"ace Consierations

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3.7 !-B !/O6EC-

3.!.1 Business !rocess 1

3.!.1.1 Business /e8uirements Expectations

3.!.1.2 !rocess Explanation <to=:e>

(or) Steps ,escription !er"orme By SA!-ransaction


=reation of Pro+ect for a cape4 atcircle level F?>:

?Cierarchy planning of costs in 7#S$lements F@>


 Approval of the ape4 and Assignment of cape4 to evel= 7#S$lement !0& F?> :

@#udget distribution among 7#S$lements F'>


Procurement of 0aterials for pro+ect

against rate contract %efer 00

I8oods %eceipt of 0aterials to blocedstoc at circle 7arehouse S. ocation =>'

<*ransfer materials from 8% blocedStoc to Enrestricted Pro+ect Stoc =>H


*ransfer materials from circle warehouse to cluster ware house (plant toplant) against S*2 'H=

0aterial !ssue to Pro+ect against wororder form F$ (**S owned) ??=


0aterial !ssue to ustomer against

wor order form F$ (Sale to customer) J== Settlement to asset at month end FBB

=? After consumption of all P*#S set thepro+ect status to losed F?>:

3.!.1.3 Special Organization Consieration

3.!.1.4 ,escription o" mprovement

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3.!.1.5 ,escription o" ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.!.1. Approac% to cover ?unctional ,e"iciencies

3.!.1.!  nter"ace Consierations

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4 Annexure

4.1 Aut%orization

4.2 /eports

PSK%K>>= ape4 Gs Purchase 2rdersPSK%K>>? 0aterial !ssues to pro+ectsPSK%K>>' Pro+ect wise cost summaryPSK%K>>@ Pro+ect wise irect !nvoicesPSK%K>>H Pro+ect wise P% details

PSK%K>>I Pro+ect wise P%, P2 and !nvoicesPSK%K>>< ape4 %eportPSK%K>>B Pro+ect wise open P2 details

niviual OverviesPSK%K>> Structure 2verviewPSK%K>=> Pro+ect efinitionsPSK%K>== 7#S $lementsPSK%K>=? :etworsPSK%K>=' ActivitiesPSK%K>=@ 2rders

!S ?inancial reports

PSK%K>=H osts&%evenues&$4penditures&%eceiptsPSK%K>=I ost plan #ased

ost %eportsPSK%K>=< Plan&Actual&GariancePSK%K>=B Plan&Actual&ommitment&%em. Plan&AssignedPSK%K>= Plan =&Plan ?&Actual&ommitmentsPSK%K>?> Actual in 2 Area&2b+ect&*ransaction urrencyPSK%K>?= Plan&Actual&own Payment as $4pensePSK%K>?? ommitment etail

PSK%K>?' Actual osts for $ach 0onth (urrent 6iscal ;ear)PSK%K>?@ ommitments for $ach 0onth (urrent 6iscal ;ear)

Cost ierarc%y reportsPSK%K>?H Actual&ommitment&*otal&Plan in 2 Area urrencyPSK%K>?I Actual&Plan&Gariance Absolute&Gariance LPSK%K>?< Actual&Plan omparison3 PeriodsPSK%K>?B Period omparisonPSK%K>? ommitments3 Period comparison

Cost Buget /elate reportsPSK%K>'> 6unds 2verviewPSK%K>'= #udget&Actual&Gariance

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PSK%K>'? #udget&Actual&ommitment&%em Plan&AssignedPSK%K>'' #udget&istributed&Plan&istributedPSK%K>'@ #udget Epdates

PSK%K>'H Availability ontrol!ayment /eports

PSK%K>'I %eceipts&$4penditures in 6iscal ;ear PSK%K>'< %eceipts&$4penditures for All 6iscal ;earsPSK%K>'B Plan&Actual&ommitPSK%K>' $4penditures

ine temsPSK%K>@> Actual osts&%evenuesPSK%K>@= ommitmentsPSK%K>@? Plan osts&%evenues

PSK%K>@' Cierarchical ost&%evenue PlanningPSK%K>@@ Actual Payments&Payment ommitmentsPSK%K>@H ine !tem Settlement

%un %eportPSK%K>@I Cierarchy %eportPSK%K>@< Cierarchy %eport in #acgroundPSK%K>@B ost $lement %eport

+aterial reportsPSK%K>@ Stoc&%euirementsPSK%K>H> 0aterial omponentsPSK%K>H= 0issing Parts

PSK%K>H? Pegged %euirementsPSK%K>H' 2rder %eportPSK%K>H@ %eservationsPSK%K>HH Planned 2rdersPSK%K>HI Galuated Pro+ect StocPSK%K>H< 2utline AgreementsPSK%K>HB Purchase %euisitionsPSK%K>H 6or Pro+ectPSK%K>I> 6or Account AssignmentPSK%K>I= Purchase 2rdersPSK%K>I? 6or Pro+ect

PSK%K>I' 6or Account Assignment

4.3 ,ata Conversion an +igration Approac%

4.3.1 +aster ,ata

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,escription o"+aster ,ata to :e

7ploae Entere

+anual SA!program <i"

!rogram=StanarB,C S+(>

,ata Source !re=re8uisiteata process


4.3.2 -ransaction ,ata


,escription o"-ransaction ,ata to:e 7ploaeEntere

+anual SA!program <i"!rogram=StanarB,C S+(>

,ata Source !re=re8uisiteata process


4.4 -raining Strategy an !lan

Core -eam -raining !lan

!oer Super 7ser -raining !lan

En 7ser -raining !lan <Centralize ,e=Centralize -rain t%e trainerconcept>

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4.5 nter"ace /e8uirements

  lNo Master List of External Interfaces nter"ace

!SED-''1!SB!!''3!roect Structuring

PrimaGera0S Pro+ects

Defne Project defnition  

Maintain WBS Elements  

Maintain Project Networks  

Maintain Internal Activities  

Maintain Eternal Service Activities  

!SED-''2 !SB!!''#+aterials !rocurement 9 Service !rocessing C/+9 !OS nter"ace

%0 DP2S System

!oods Iss"e #or Project cons"mptions $ Service Entry  

NIU , Capitalization [ consumption data thruPOS & CRM Interface Pro!ect consumptions from "ranchise S#$ocPro!ect consumptions from I&R S#$oc  


Master List of Inter Module

Interfaces nter"ace

  ?inance nter"aces!S-''3 PSK#PPK>>=.>? , Pro+ect Approval 6!!S-''4 PSK#PPK>>@.>@ , Plan ash 6low 6!!S-''5 PSK#PPK>><.>.>= , Par Gendor invoice 6!!S-'' PSK#PPK>><.>.>? hec Payment Goucher 6!!S-''# PSK#PPK>><.>.>' Approve PG as per 2A 6!!S-''$ PSK#PPK>><.>.>@ Submit PG to 6inance 6!!S-'11 PSK#PPK>>B.>= %eposting of invoices, costs 6!!S-'12 PSK#PPK>>B.>' Settle Pro+ consumption to 7!P 6!!S-'13 PSK#PPK>>.>' ost and ommitment Analysis 6!!S-'14 PSK#PPK>==.>= *echnical confirmation of Pro+ect 6!!S-'15 PSK#PPK>=?.>= Set Pro+ect Status to lose 6!!S-'1 PSK#PPK>=>.>= Pro+ect Stoc #alance analysis "I#MM

!S-'1# PSK#PPK>=>.>? 2pen commitment analysis "I#MM


Master List of Inter Module

Interfaces nter"ace

!S-'1$ PSK#PPK>>B.>? 2verhead cost distribution "I#CO!S-'1& PSK#PPK>>?.> PS & $ maintenance 2!S-'2' PSK#PPK>>?.=> Asset 0aster maintenance A0!S-'21 PSK#PPK>><.=>.>I N:$, 4nsfer cards from Pro+ to Pro+ %M#MM!S-'22 PSK#PPK>>@.>? ost Planning in :etwors !0!S-'23 PSK#PPK>>H.>' #udget assignment to Pro+ect !0

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!S-'24 PSK#PPK>>H.>H #udget %elease !0!S-'25 PSK#PPK>>H.>I #udget Epdate !0!S-'2 PSK#PPK>>?.== 0aterial Serial M 0aintenance P0

!S-'2# PSK#PPK>>?.=? $uipment :umber *racing P0!S-'2$ PSK#PPK>>?.=' 7arranty 0aster 0aintenance P0!S-'2& PSK#PPK>>?.>I Gendor 0aster 0aintenance 00!S-'3' PSK#PPK>>?.>< Purchase !nfo records 00!S-'31 PSK#PPK>>?.=I 0aterial 0aster maintenance 00!S-'32 PSK#PPK>>?.=< Service 0aster maintenance 00!S-'33 PSK#PPK>><.>=.>= reate !ndent against ape4&Pro+ 00!S-'34 PSK#PPK>><.>=.>? *ransfer !ndent to Purchase ept 00!S-'35 PSK#PPK>><.>?.>= %un 0%P N entral evel for :!E 00

!S-'43 PSK#PPK>><.>H.>? Assign &7#S element of a Pro+ect 00!S-'44 PSK#PPK>><.>H.>' hec funds against ape4& Pro+M 00!S-'45

PSK#PPK>><.>H.>@ 8enerate P2 2utput 00!S-'4# PSK#PPK>><.>H.>I N :!E D P*# ,%el order on Gendor 00!S-'4$ PSK#PPK>><.>H.>< Approve 7or order for Service contracts

as per A2 00!S-'4& PSK#PPK>><.>H.>B Ac receipt of P2 by Gendor&Eser 00!S-'5' PSK#PPK>><.>H.> 6ollow Ep Subseuent Activities 00!S-'51 PSK#PPK>><.>I.>= N 07C for :!E ases 00!S-'52 PSK#PPK>><.>I.>? N ircle 7C for :$,P*# D 2SP ases 00!S-'53 PSK#PPK>><.><.>= N 2SP , O Plant Pro+ect Stoc Q

  ircle 7C to Pro+ect Stoc against Gendor7or 2rder 00

!S-'54 PSK#PPK>><.><.>? N :!E , O Plant to Plant Q  from 07C to circle 7C against S*2 from

circles 00!S-'55 PSK#PPK>><.><.>' N :!E , O Plant to Plant Q

from circle 7C to cluster 7C against S*2 from clusters 00!S-'5 PSK#PPK>><.><.>@ N :!E , O Plant S&oc to S&ocQ

from cluster 7C to 6ranchise& or !D% Storage ocation 00!S-'5# PSK#PPK>><.>B.>= Activity confirmations for , M ivil related

wor  M $uipment !nstallation 00

!S-'5$ PSK#PPK>><.>B.>? N 2SP ,%econcile pro+ect consumptions from vendor pro+ect stoc Dreturn balance item to unrestricted Plant stoc 00

!S-'5& PSK#PPK>><.>B.>' N :!E , apitalisation O thru P2S D %0

!nterface RPro+ect consumptions from 6ranchise S&ocPro+ect consumptions from !D% S&oc 00

!S-'2 PSK#PPK>><.=>.>= N :!E , return at ero Galue MM!S-'3 PSK#PPK>><.=>.>? N :!E , subseuent replacement&pro+


!S-'4 PSK#PPK>><.=>.>' N 2SP , Tnsfer of stoc from Pro+ect toPro+ect


!S-'5 PSK#PPK>><.=>.>@ N 2SP , return of Pro+ect Stoc to PlantStoc


!S-' PSK#PPK>><.=>.>H N P*# , return of P*# euipment fromustomer 


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4.6 0ey En%ancements 9 ,evelopments

NO Nature of Gap ,evelopments 

Process  PSK8APKPK>>@ ud'et chec( for Centrally procured

items li(e NIU & OSP 7or around will be onePSK8APKPK>>H ) NIU, Capitalisation [ thru POS & CRM

Interface Pro!ect consumptions from "ranchise S#$ocPro!ect consumptions from I&R S#$oc

!nterface with P2S and%0 to be developed

PSK8APKPK>>I N :!E , return at ero Galue after activation but beforeapitalisation %eport to be developed



PSK8APK%K>><  ape4 Gs Purchase 2rders %eport to be developedPSK8APK%K>>B  0aterial !ssues to pro+ects %eport to be developedPSK8APK%K>>  Pro+ect wise cost summary %eport to be developedPSK8APK%K>=>  Pro+ect wise irect !nvoices %eport to be developedPSK8APK%K>==  Pro+ect wise P% details %eport to be developedPSK8APK%K>=?  Pro+ect wise P%, P2, issues, stoc and !nvoices %eport to be developedPSK8APK%K>='  ape4 %eport %eport to be developed 



PSK8APKK>=@ ape4 reuisition form Script to be developedPSK8APKK>=H Pro+ect ost Planning 6orm Script to be developedPSK8APKK>=I Purchase %euisition form Script to be developedPSK8APKK>=< 7ors %euisition form Script to be developedPSK8APKK>=B Purchase order proposal form Script to be developedPSK8APKK>= 7or order proposal form Script to be developedPSK8APKK>?> Purchase 2rder Script to be developedPSK8APKK>?= 7or order for Pro+ects Script to be developedPSK8APKK>?? 0aterial receipt report %eport to be developedPSK8APKK>?' Pro+ect ompletion report %eport to be developedPSK8APKK>?@ 8oods %eceipt :ote Script to be developed

PSK8APKK>?H Pro+ect Stoc edger %eport to be developed 



PSK8APK!K>?I !nterface3 0aterials Procurement D Service Processing !nterface to be developedPSK8APK!K>?< !nterface3 Pro+ect Structure creation !nterface to be developed

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4.7 0ey Bene"its

• #enefit =

• #enefit ?

• #enefit n UUUUU.. O Process evel #enefitsQ

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