projecttitle((86(points)( - trinity college ·...

Project Title (86 points) Author Names (56 points) Addi;onal Informa;on (36 points) Sec$on Title (36 points) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget tortor eget turpis fermentum dictum. Ut nisi massa, sollicitudin ac pellentesque scelerisque, vulputate ac purus. In sodales, ante nec posuere adipiscing, turpis dui faucibus eros, vitae interdum tortor turpis at nisl. Phasellus adipiscing lacus vel enim semper non ultricies purus moles;e. Nunc mollis lectus eget ligula fermentum tempor. Aliquam libero mi, blandit sed rutrum sed, ullamcorper quis massa. Maecenas cursus nisl sit amet eros lacinia vel ullamcorper purus mollis. Suspendisse poten;. Quisque dui quam, lacinia eget semper ves;bulum, sagiJs sed arcu. Maecenas dapibus bibendum nibh, eget tempor mauris gravida at. Nam non augue id velit hendrerit ornare bibendum vitae erat. Vivamus quis iaculis magna. Sed pre;um elementum auctor. Quisque quis tortor quis ipsum ullamcorper varius eget sit amet felis. Nullam lorem libero, pharetra nec accumsan vitae, blandit vitae nulla. Maecenas condimentum mollis sapien, non luctus dui sodales id. Sed porJtor venena;s tellus, sit amet sodales nunc semper et. Maecenas et elementum massa. Curabitur ipsum nibh, ultrices a iaculis sed, maJs ac sapien. Nullam non leo tellus, vel tris;que ligula. Cum sociis natoque pena;bus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Praesent neque eros, tempor eu aliquet sed, malesuada vel. Sec$on Title (36 points) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Consectetur adipiscing elit Proin eget tortor eget turpis fermentum dictum. Ut nisi massa, sollicitudin ac pellentesque scelerisque, vulputate ac In sodales, ante nec posuere adipiscing, turpis dui faucibus eros, vitae interdum tortor turpis at nisl vel Table Title (36 points) Sec$on Title (36 points) Sec$on Title (36 points) Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 5512 5646 864 3232 8623 32111 15 1234567891 1234567891 12 5512 5646 1233213 9953331 8623 32111 995 654231 1234567891 12 864 3232 1233213 9953331 15 1234567891 5512 5646 Table descrip$on. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget tortor eget turpis fermentum dictum. Ut nisi massa, sollicitudin ac pellentesque scelerisque, vulputate ac purus. In sodales, ante nec posuere adipiscing, turpis dui faucibus eros, vitae interdum tortor turpis. Overall Result Contribu;ng factor Other contribu;ng factor Biggest contribu;ng factor Diagram descrip$on. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget tortor eget turpis fermentum dictum. Ut nisi massa, sollicitudin ac pellentesque scelerisque, vulputate ac purus. In sodales, ante nec posuere adipiscing, turpis dui faucibus eros, vitae interdum. 1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet 2. Consectetur adipiscing elit 3. Proin eget tortor eget turpis fermentum dictum. Ut nisi massa, sollicitudin ac pellentesque scelerisque, vulputate ac 4. In sodales, ante nec posuere adipiscing, turpis dui faucibus eros, vitae interdum tortor turpis at nisl vel Sec$on Title (36 points) Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget tortor eget turpis fermentum dictum. Ut nisi massa, sollicitudin ac pellentesque scelerisque, vulputate ac purus. In sodales, ante nec posuere adipiscing, turpis dui faucibus eros, vitae interdum tortor turpis at nisl. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 Bar chart descrip$on. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget tortor eget turpis fermentum dictum. Ut nisi massa, sollicitudin ac pellentesque scelerisque, vulputate ac purus. In sodales, ante nec posuere adipiscing, turpis dui faucibus eros, vitae interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget tortor eget turpis fermentum dictum. Ut nisi massa, sollicitudin ac pellentesque scelerisque, vulputate ac purus. Chart Title (36 points) Central Services won’t print posters with a solid color background. S;ck with a white background, and use color elsewhere to add contrast. Leave a 1inch border on all sides of your poster content. The column divisions on your poster don’t need to be visible. If you choose to hide them, the unity they bring to your layout will s;ll be there. See other examples on display. They all use a grid, whether the gridlines are visible or not. Be sure to leave plenty of visual breathing room (“whitespace”) between the edge of the text and the borders of any box text is in. The Sec$on Title is 8” wide. The column it is in is 8 ½” wide. There is ¼” of whitespace on either side of the sec;on ;tle. Leave a 1inch border on all sides of your poster content. This text box contains 200 words. The font size is 24 points. This is the smallest size you should use for paragraphs of text. The paragraph spacing is set to insert 12 points of space aDer each paragraph. Your paragraph spacing should equal half your font size. Whenever you change your font size, change the paragraph spacing. The paragraph line spacing is set to a mul$ple of 1.2. This is a comfortable line spacing for most fonts and content. The text box has a lec and right margin of .2” Each column on this page is 8 ½” wide. It is essen;al that every column on your poster be the same width. This chart spans 2 columns, for a total of 17”. If you can’t fit content into a single column, you can expand the content to cover 2 columns. The only kind of text that should stretch a 2column area is a cap;ons. Full paragraphs of text, or lists, are difficult to read when stretched across 2columns. The heading area is 4” tall, and stretches across all columns of the poster. Onlu use the logo treatments provided in the templates on posters101 . Never stretch, skew or distort the logo. For templates and tutorials, visit: posters101/ The Sec$on Title is 8” wide. The column it is in is 8 ½” wide. There is ¼” of whitespace on either side of the sec;on ;tle. Every table, image, diagram, chart or photograph should have a cap$on. The cap;on can be smaller than your body content text. The font size on these cap;ons ins 18 points.

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Page 1: ProjectTitle((86(points)( - Trinity College · ProjectTitle((86(points)(Author(Names((56(points)(Addi;onal(Informaon((36(points)(Sec$onTitle(36points) Lorem(ipsum(dolor(sit amet,

Project  Title  (86  points)  Author  Names  (56  points)  

Addi;onal  Informa;on  (36  points)  

Sec$on  Title  (36  points)  Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit  amet,  consectetur  adipiscing  elit.  Proin  eget  tortor  eget  turpis  fermentum  dictum.  Ut  nisi  massa,   sollicitudin   ac   pellentesque   scelerisque,  vulputate   ac   purus.   In   sodales,   ante   nec   posuere  adipiscing,   turpis   dui   faucibus   eros,   vitae   interdum  tortor  turpis  at  nisl.    

Phasellus  adipiscing  lacus  vel  enim  semper  non  ultricies  purus   moles;e.   Nunc   mollis   lectus   eget   ligula  fermentum   tempor.   Aliquam   libero   mi,   blandit   sed  rutrum   sed,   ullamcorper   quis  massa.  Maecenas   cursus  nisl  sit  amet  eros  lacinia  vel  ullamcorper  purus  mollis.  

Suspendisse   poten;.   Quisque   dui   quam,   lacinia   eget  semper  ves;bulum,  sagiJs  sed  arcu.  Maecenas  dapibus  bibendum   nibh,   eget   tempor   mauris   gravida   at.   Nam  non   augue   id   velit   hendrerit   ornare   bibendum   vitae  erat.   Vivamus   quis   iaculis   magna.   Sed   pre;um  elementum  auctor.    

Quisque  quis  tortor  quis  ipsum  ullamcorper  varius  eget  sit   amet   felis.   Nullam   lorem   libero,   pharetra   nec  accumsan   vitae,   blandit   vitae   nulla.   Maecenas  condimentum  mollis   sapien,   non   luctus  dui   sodales   id.  Sed   porJtor   venena;s   tellus,   sit   amet   sodales   nunc  semper   et.  Maecenas   et   elementum  massa.   Curabitur  ipsum   nibh,   ultrices   a   iaculis   sed,   maJs   ac   sapien.  Nullam  non  leo  tellus,  vel  tris;que  ligula.  

Cum  sociis  natoque  pena;bus  et  magnis  dis  parturient  montes,   nascetur   ridiculus   mus.   Praesent   neque   eros,  tempor  eu  aliquet  sed,  malesuada  vel.  

Sec$on  Title  (36  points)  

•  Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit  amet  

•  Consectetur  adipiscing  elit  

•  Proin   eget   tortor   eget   turpis   fermentum  dictum.   Ut   nisi   massa,   sollicitudin   ac  pellentesque  scelerisque,  vulputate  ac  

•  In   sodales,   ante   nec   posuere   adipiscing,  turpis   dui   faucibus   eros,   vitae   interdum  tortor  turpis  at  nisl  vel  

Table  Title  (36  points)   Sec$on  Title  (36  points)  

Sec$on  Title  (36  points)  

Column  1   Column  2   Column  3   Column  4  

5512   5646   864   3232  

8623   32111   15   1234567891  

1234567891   12   5512   5646  

1233213   9953331   8623   32111  

995   654231   1234567891   12  

864   3232   1233213   9953331  

15   1234567891   5512   5646  

Table  descrip$on.  Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit  amet,  consectetur  adipiscing  elit.  Proin  eget  tortor  eget  turpis  fermentum  dictum.  Ut  nisi  massa,  sollicitudin  ac   pellentesque   scelerisque,   vulputate   ac   purus.   In   sodales,   ante   nec  posuere  adipiscing,  turpis  dui  faucibus  eros,  vitae  interdum  tortor  turpis.  

Overall  Result  

Contribu;ng  factor  

Other  contribu;ng  

factor  Biggest  

contribu;ng  factor  

Diagram  descrip$on.   Lorem   ipsum  dolor  sit  amet,  consectetur  adipiscing  elit.   Proin   eget   tortor   eget   turpis   fermentum   dictum.   Ut   nisi   massa,  sollicitudin   ac   pellentesque   scelerisque,   vulputate   ac   purus.   In   sodales,  ante  nec  posuere  adipiscing,  turpis  dui  faucibus  eros,  vitae  interdum.  

1.  Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit  amet  

2.  Consectetur  adipiscing  elit  

3.  Proin  eget   tortor   eget   turpis   fermentum  dictum.   Ut   nisi   massa,   sollicitudin   ac  pellentesque  scelerisque,  vulputate  ac  

4.  In   sodales,   ante   nec   posuere   adipiscing,  turpis   dui   faucibus   eros,   vitae   interdum  tortor  turpis  at  nisl  vel  

Sec$on  Title  (36  points)  Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit  amet,  consectetur  adipiscing  elit.  Proin  eget  tortor  eget  turpis  fermentum  dictum.  Ut  nisi  massa,   sollicitudin   ac   pellentesque   scelerisque,  vulputate   ac   purus.   In   sodales,   ante   nec   posuere  adipiscing,   turpis   dui   faucibus   eros,   vitae   interdum  tortor  turpis  at  nisl.    








Category  1   Category  2   Category  3   Category  4  

Series  1  

Series  2  

Series  3  

Bar  chart  descrip$on.  Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit  amet,  consectetur  adipiscing  elit.  Proin  eget  tortor  eget  turpis  fermentum  dictum.  Ut  nisi  massa,  sollicitudin  ac  pellentesque  scelerisque,  vulputate  ac  purus.  In  sodales,  ante  nec  posuere  adipiscing,  turpis  dui  faucibus  eros,  vitae  interdum.  Lorem  ipsum  dolor  sit  amet,  consectetur  adipiscing  elit.  Proin  eget  tortor  eget  turpis  fermentum  dictum.  Ut  nisi  massa,  sollicitudin  ac  pellentesque  scelerisque,  vulputate  ac  purus.  

Chart  Title  (36  points)  

Central   Services   won’t  print   posters   with   a  solid  color  background.  S;ck   with   a   white  background,   and   use  color  elsewhere   to  add  contrast.  

Leave  a  1-­‐inch  border  on  all  sides  of  your  poster  content.  

The  column  divisions  on  your  poster  don’t  need  to  be   visible.   If   you   choose   to   hide   them,   the   unity  they  bring  to  your  layout  will  s;ll  be  there.    

See  other  examples  on  display.  They  all  use  a  grid,  whether  the  gridlines  are  visible  or  not.  

Be  sure  to  leave  plenty  of  visual  breathing  room  (“whitespace”)  between  the  edge  of  the  text  and  the  borders  of  any  box  text  is  in.  

The  Sec$on  Title  is  8”  wide.  The  column  it  is  in  is  8  ½”  wide.      

There  is  ¼”  of  whitespace  on  either  side  of  the  sec;on  ;tle.  

Leave  a  1-­‐inch  border  on  all  sides  of  your  poster  content.  

This  text  box  contains  200  words.  

The  font  size  is  24  points.  This  is  the  smallest  size  you  should  use  for  paragraphs  of  text.  

The  paragraph  spacing  is  set  to  insert  12  points  of  space  aDer  each  paragraph.  Your  paragraph  spacing  should  equal  half  your  font  size.  Whenever  you  change  your  font  size,  change  the  paragraph  spacing.  

The  paragraph  line  spacing  is  set  to  a  mul$ple  of  1.2.  This  is  a  comfortable  line  spacing  for  most  fonts  and  content.  

The  text  box  has  a  lec  and  right  margin  of  .2”  

Each  column  on  this  page  is  8  ½”  wide.  It  is  essen;al  that  every  column  on  your  poster  be  the  same  width.  

This  chart  spans  2  columns,  for  a  total  of  17”.  If  you  can’t  fit  content  into  a  single  column,  you  can  expand  the  content  to  cover  2  columns.  

The  only  kind  of  text  that  should  stretch  a  2-­‐column  area  is  a  cap;ons.  Full  paragraphs  of  text,  or  lists,  are  difficult  to  read  when  stretched  across  2-­‐columns.  

The   heading   area   is   4”  tal l ,   and   stretches  across   all   columns   of  the  poster.  

Onlu  use  the  logo  treatments  provided  in  the  templates  on  

Never  stretch,  skew  or  distort  the  logo.  

For  templates  and  tutorials,  visit:


The  Sec$on  Title  is  8”  wide.  The  column  it  is  in  is  8  ½”  wide.      

There  is  ¼”  of  whitespace  on  either  side  of  the  sec;on  ;tle.  

Every  table,  image,  diagram,  chart  or  photograph  should  have  a  cap$on.  

The  cap;on  can  be  smaller  than  your  body  content  text.  The  font  size  on  these  cap;ons  ins  18  points.