prompt to what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as...

Prompt To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

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Page 1: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?


To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

Page 2: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

What you already know

Colonists English Spanish Iroquios African Scot-Irish French Loyalist

Mexican0Texian Old Northwest Germans and Irish

Page 3: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

Their own and unity with American

Arts Culture Ideas Politcal Religion

Page 4: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

Document a settlers of the old northwest the first wave of north-westerners came from Kentucky,

Tennessee, and the upper regions of Virgina and the Carolinas.

The northerners didnt really have a big culture shock since they were already part of the original colonist the only big change to them was after the war of 1812 the southerners viewed the northerners as greedy and excessively ambitious which made the northerners move to Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois but the northerners were able to keep their cultural ways by moving away since the southerners had a different perspective of their ways the northerners had to get away and as an outcome created public schools , fashioning internal improvements, and building railroads

p.244 the american pageant thirthteen edition

Page 5: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

Document b Mexican or Texican   in the borderline of Texas and Mexico the big culture shock of the group was that they werent given

the same equal rights and were treated unfairly so this caused the Texas revolution

after annexation Texas kept its Spanish mexican culture by having similar architecture and activities

P. 279 Thirteen edition American pageant

Page 6: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

Doucment c The conquistadors (conquerors) were Spaniards who

subjugated (conquered) the native peoples of North and South America during the late fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. As the Spaniards began to arrive in the Americas, they claimed territory for Spain. They obtained this land by conquering the Aztecs in Mexico, the Mayas in southern Mexico and in Central America, and the Incas in western South America. The native peoples, who traveled on foot and defended themselves with spears and knives, were no match for the conquistadors, who rode on horseback and were armed with guns. Many natives also died from illnesses (such as smallpox and measles) that the Europeans inadvertently carried to the Americas.

Page 7: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?


Page 8: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

Docutment e

Page 9: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

Document f

Pg 116-117 Thirteen edition, the american Pageant

The first French to leave Canada were the Acadians, the settlers of the seaboard region that now comprises Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and part of Marine. In 1713 the French crown ceded this territory to the British, who demanded that the Acadicans either swear allegiance to britain or withdraw to french crown cede this territory. At first doing neither, they managed to French reprisals until Le Grand Derangement (“the great displacement”) in 1755, when the British expelled them from the region at at bayonne point. The Acandians fled far south to French colony of Louisana, where they settled among the sleepy bayous, planted sugar cane and sweet potatoes, practiced roman catholicism, and spoke the French dialect that came to be called Cajun. The cajun settlements were tiny and secluded, many of them accessible only by small boat.

Page 10: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

Document g P.296 Thriteen Edition, The American Pageant

Page 11: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

Document H Flare-ups of Antiforeignism The invasion by this so-called immigrant “rabble” in the 1840s and 1850s

inflamed the prejudices of American, and “nativists”. They feared that these foreign horders would outbreed, outvote, and overwhelm the old “native” stock. Not only did the newcomers take jobs from “native” americans, but the bulk of the displaced Irish were Roman Catholics, as were substantial minority of the Germans. The Church of Rome was still widely regarded by many old-line americans as a “foreign” church; convents were commonly referred to as “popish brothels”.

Roman Catholics were now on the move. Seeking to protect their children from Protestant indoctrination in the public schools, they began in the 1840s to construct an entire separate Catholic educational system-an enormously expensive undertaking for a poor immmigrant community, but one that revealed the strength of its religious commitment.

P. 296 Thirteen Edition, The American Pageant

Page 12: Prompt  To what extent had the coloinst developed a sense of their own identity and unity as Americans by the eve of the Revolution?

The members

Erika J.Jonathan B.

Logan I.Raken M.Steven T.