proof "dowsing rod"/dipole antennas respond to electromagnetic energy

“Dowsing Rods” are Hand Held Dipole Antennas: Hypothesis and Test Results Part 1: Electromagnetic Energy Drives Dowsing Rod/Dipole Antenna Behavior By John S. Janks November 15, 2011 Copyright 2011 © eager Detection Systems, LLC All Rights Reserved 1

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An experiment testing whether "dowsing rods"/dipole antennas respond to EMR from commercial aircraft transponders, and the effect that powerlines have on the process.Definintive proof dipole antennas respond to EM energy.


Page 1: Proof "dowsing rod"/dipole antennas respond to electromagnetic energy

“Dowsing Rods” are Hand Held Dipole Antennas: Hypothesis and Test Results

Part 1: Electromagnetic Energy Drives Dowsing Rod/Dipole Antenna Behavior


John S. Janks

November 15, 2011

Copyright 2011 © ∑eager Detection Systems, LLCAll Rights Reserved


Page 2: Proof "dowsing rod"/dipole antennas respond to electromagnetic energy



How did such disparate topics as the dipole antennas (those “rabbit ears”) that sat atop TV sets for decades and emotive topic “dowsing rods” come together in the same hypothesis? As Schick and Vaughn have observed, the “scientific method” is not equivalent to the “experimental method.”1 Rather, science is a method for assessing the credibility of claims, and not a set of claims.

Unlike what we were taught in beginning science classes, there is no systematic method for the construction of hypotheses. Constructing hypotheses is more like creative art than what we normally think of as science. Indeed, constructing scientific hypotheses is often a matter of recognizing a new analogy (heart as pump, brain as computer, genes as instructions, etc.). That is what happened here: the L-shaped disconnected wires of the dipole antenna bore an uncanny resemblance to the L-shaped disconnected wires used by dowers.

Schick and Vaughn set five criteria for an adequate hypothesis:1

1. Testability : A hypothesis is scientific only if it is testable,

2. Fruitfulness : Best hypothesis makes the greatest number of unexpected correct predictions,

3. Scope : Best hypothesis explains and predicts the most diverse phenomena,

4. Simplicity : Other things being equal, the best hypothesis is the one with the fewest assumptions,

5. Conservatism : Best hypothesis fits with other well-established beliefs.

This series of reports and YouTube videos adds some much-needed experimental data to the discussion. There has been remarkably little scientific testing of dowsing rods. Moreover, virtually none that illustrate dowsing rods are similar to dipoles.

The hypothesis is simple: “dowsing rods” are hand-held dipole antennas, and as such bear all the known properties of dipoles. For the application to finding IEDs, landmines, tripwires, tunnels and caches the dipole characteristics greatly expand the users’ capabilities. For unlike current technologies such as metal detection, ground-penetrating radar (GPR), hyperspectral sensors, electromagnetic field gradient devices, the dipole depends on electrical potential.

It is not, therefore, subject to the peculiarities of the electromagnetic spectrum as are the applications above. Wet soil that confuses GPR, IEDs made of plastic rather than metal

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Page 3: Proof "dowsing rod"/dipole antennas respond to electromagnetic energy

an be invisible to the metal detector, or any number of other complications simply do not apply to the dipole antenna.

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Figure 1. Similarities between dipole antennas and “dowsing rods.” The upper two figures are used with the permission of Ott.2. The parasitic capacitor shown in the right dipole illustration allows for the completion of the electrical circuit. The bottom figure shows “dowsing rod” movement in the hands of a user.


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Table 1 below lists many of the similarities between dipole antennas and what are

commonly referred to as “dowsing rods.” The green check in column three (√√)) indicates that the characteristic of the dipole antenna is also present in the “dowsing rod.”

The similarities between dowsing rods and dipole antennas are striking. Among the most interesting are that neither need a ground, if there is no electrical potential, such as when a conductive metal wire is connected to the dowsing rods, there is no movement. More metal at the “top hat” end of a dipole antenna or a dowsing rod will increase efficiency. A longer dowsing rod will react sooner and at greater distances from the target. Although the cause is speculative, dowsing rods can measure both large and short distances between two buried objects. This is probably a factor of harmonics.

Table 1. Comparison of Dipole Antennas and Dowsing Rods

Dipole Antenna Dowsing Rods Comparison

Can be dipole or monopole One rod will work if 2 are not available

√√Radiation proportional to dipole current

Rod movement is proportional to length


Does not require a ground Does not require a ground

√√Dipoles will not function without an electrical potential

Dowsing rods, if connected by a wire, will not move


More metal increases radiation efficiency

Longer rods react sooner than short ones

√√Multiple resonance occur at odd numbered harmonics

Rods can determine both small- and large-scale variations


Monopoles and dipoles radiate in the same fields

Single rods move in the same regions as double rods


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Page 5: Proof "dowsing rod"/dipole antennas respond to electromagnetic energy


The study area is shown in Figure 2, a portion of the Houston Intercontinental Airport. It is located approximately 0.5 km to the north of the nearer landing strip. The aircraft are often only a few hundred feet above the ground. Each commercial aircraft emits electromagnetic energy from its transponder in the MHz-GHz frequency range. An idealized drawing showing the interconnectedness between aircraft and receiving stations is shown in Figure 3.

As with any electromagnetic energy, however, radiation can be blocked by a Faraday Cage (Figure 4). The electromagnetic energy finds it easier to go around the shield than

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Figure 2. Aerial view of the study area in green and its location near two E-W landing strips at Houston Intercontinental Airport.

Figure 3. Idealized view of interconnection among aircraft transponders and receivers.


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through it; this is the reason you aren’t electrocuted by lightening when you are inside your car. The study area is shown in Figure 5.Dowsing rod/Dipole antennas react to all aircraft taking off and landing on the south side of the power lines. In other words, where there is no interference between the transponder signal and the dipole antennas the antenna farthest from the aircraft follows

the aircraft’s position, whether it is taking off or landing. All dipoles reacted to commercial aircraft south of the power lines. South of the power lines there was nothing obstructing the transponder signal from the hand held dipoles. Figures 6 and 7 are examples of power lines separating the user held dipoles from the aircraft and its


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Figure 4. Idealized diagram showing that a Faraday Cage or shield will turn away electromagnetic radiation (such as an aircraft transponder). In our study, electrical power lines serve as a Faraday Shield that perform the same task.

Figure 5. Study area along Woodcreek Glenn and the county easement road above Turkey Creek, Houston, TX. E-W glide paths are about 0.5 km to the south (bottom).


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Figure 6. End of Woodcreek Glen where it meets Turkey Creek, looking south. Center of photo, along lowest wire, a jet is seen taking off (red arrow).

Figure 7. Close up view of jet taking off (towards the west). From this position the transponder signal is blocked by the power lines and no movement is seen in the dowsing rods/dipole antennas.


Page 8: Proof "dowsing rod"/dipole antennas respond to electromagnetic energy

Figure 8 illustrates the reaction of the hand held dipole at different locations relative to the power lines as aircraft pass. Anywhere south of the power lines, where no interference occurs, the response of the dipoles is ubiquitous. However, directly under

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Figure 8. Sampling locations as aircraft passed to the south. There is a +/- 20-meter shadow zone (white) north of the power lines. This zone transforms into normal behavior further north of the shadow zone. Anywhere south of the power lines the rods reacted to passing aircraft.

Figure 9. An idealized diagram showing that transponder pulses must be defracted over the power lines, not pass through them. Several of these lines are shown in red at the corner of Woodcreek Glen and Woodcreek Ln.


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the power lines the rods point towards each other, and from that point northward approximately 20 +/- meters, there is no response as aircraft pass. Moving further northward along Woodcreek Glen eventually the behavior of the dipoles returns to that identical to the behavior south of the power lines. While we understand that electromagnetic energy travels in a straight line in the GHz range, the drawing in Figure 9 showing the bending is for illustrative purposes only.

Figure 10 is an overview of part of the subdivision showing where the dipole antennas react to passing aircraft (red), the position of the power lines (cyan) and the “shadow zone” where no rod movement takes place. Most likely the aircraft transponder pulses are blocked by the multiple power lines which form a Faraday Shield keeping the pulses from activating the dipole antennas.

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Figure 10. A wider view showing the shadow zone where no movement occurs (yellow), surrounded by areas where the rods move (red).


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1. Schick, T. and L. Vaughn, 2001, “Science and Its Pretenders,” Chapter 7,, 5 p.

2. Ott, H. W., 2002, “Dipoles for Dummies, Parts 1,2, & 3,” Henry Ott Consultants,

3. Janks, J. S., 2011, “Experiment Proves Dowsing Rods Respond to Electromagnetic Energy,”, I. E. Sigma Productions.

4. Janks, J. S., 2011, “Similarities Between Dipole Antennas and Dowsing Rods,”, I. E. Sigma Productions.

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Page 11: Proof "dowsing rod"/dipole antennas respond to electromagnetic energy


YouTube Dowsing Rod Science Videos Created by I. E. Sigma Productions

Segment No. and topic Segment ID

Part 1: Summary Findings (Updated 0409)

Part 2: Buried Objects Under Wood

Part 3: Locating Objects Under Difficult Conditions

Part 4: Multiple Objects

Part 5: Electrical Conductivity

Part 6: Aircraft/ Stationary User

Part 7: Pipes, Trip Wires, Bricks

Part 8: Double Blind Test

Part 9: Testing the “Ideomotor Effect” with Modern Materials

Part 10: Aircraft Effect on Rods

Part 11: Double Blind Test

Part 12: Finding Trip Wires

Part 13: Original Part 1 -Archived- Updated 2 April 2009 as Part 1

Part 14: Buried Cords and Objects

Part 15: Empirical Data in the Science/Pseudoscience Debate

Part 16: Evidence against the Ideomotor Effect

Part 17: You scientist proves experts wrong on dowsing

Part 18: Experiments prove dowsing rods respond to electromagnetic energy

Part 19: Locating tripwires in wooded areas

Part 20: Similarities between dipole antennas and dowsing rods

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John S. Janks has a BA from Monmouth College, Monmouth, IL and an MS from the University of Illinois at Chicago, both in geology. He worked in the oil, gas and chemical industries for 25 years. For nineteen of those years he worked at Texaco and Chevron/Texaco subsidiaries. He developed x-ray diffraction quantitative methods, worked in environmental geology and remote sensing. Remote sensing included satellite spectral data, spy satellite photography, and aerial photographic analysis. He developed a satellite spectral program to identify and quantify oil field operations. He taught courses and wrote manuals in all these areas of science.

For the past 20 years he has used dipole antennas for locating buried objects, waste pits, pipelines, and wellheads made of metals, plastics and ceramics. The dipole antenna program was also used in providing “ground truth” for satellite and aerial photograph analyses.

He has written over 30 papers and abstracts. He has spoken to domestic and international groups on x-ray diffraction methodology, satellite and aerial photography interpretation, and oil seep detection. His work has included regions such as the “stans,” the Arabian Peninsula, Angola, Peru, Colombia, China and parts of SE Asia. He has prepared environmental analyses for the governments of Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador. Abstracts of his papers are available upon request.

He is a U. S. Navy Vietnam Veteran.

He can be reached at: [email protected]

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