propaganda movement

Many Filipinos took refuge in Europe and initiated in Spain a crusade for reforms in the Philippines. The immergence of more Filipino illustrados gave birth to a unified nationalist movement. This campaign was known in our history as the Propaganda Movement.

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I would like to thank and acknowledgeProf. Aldrin Gueverrafor making this PPT


Page 1: Propaganda Movement

Many Filipinos took refuge in Europe and initiated in Spain a crusade for reforms in the Philippines. The immergence of more Filipino illustrados gave birth to a unified nationalist movement. This campaign was known in our history as the Propaganda Movement.

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Page 3: Propaganda Movement

the nature of the reform movement

The middle class denounced Spanish abuses and asked Spain to make the Philippines a province of Spain.

The reformists believed that the Filipinos would be better off if they were to become Spanish citizens enjoying all the rights and privileges of the latter.

The assimilation of the Philippines was to be published in a peaceful manner.

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Reforms:Equality of the Filipinos and Spaniards before

the lawFilipino representative to the Spanish CortesSecularization of Philippine parishes and the

expulsion of the friars.Human rights for the FilipinosFreedom of speech freedom of the pressFreedom to meet/assemblyPetition for redress grievances

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Del PilarA lawyer and journalist from BulacanDuring Pintakasi (cockfighting day) he spoke

out to the crowd by satirizing corrupt officials and friars.

He sought to reached to people through his pen.He wrote anti-friar pamphlets in simple yet

forceful Tagalog. He helped established the first bilingual

newspaper, Diaryong TagalogHe became the editor in the Tagalog section.

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Cont.He released Dasalan at Tocsohan, a manual

of anti-clerical commentary in the format of a novena. He parodied Lord’s Prayer, Hail Mary, Apostles creed, Ten Commandments, Act of Contrition.

Del Pilar’s stay in the country became dangerous.

His house was burned mysteriously He left the country in October 1888 to escape


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Lopez-JaenaHe wrote Fray Botod/Friar fatbelly in 1874.Looked like hungry mosquito and soon

became stout because of the stocks taken from people.

Because of his anti-clerical literature, he moved Madrid where he joined other Filipino expatriates into journalism.

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Rizal Calamba, Laguna1882, he went to Madrid to study medicineSocio-historical novel Noli Me tangere in

1887.Noli reflected the defects of the Spanish rule

in the Philippines, particularly the abuses of the friars.

The impact of the reading in the Philippines was so intense that it was prohibited in the Philippines.

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Other great Filipino reformist:Perdo A. Paterno, lawyerAntonio Luna, pharmacist and essayistPedro Serrano Laktaw, teacher-tutor of

Prince AlfonsoIsabelo de los Reyes, folklorist and

newspapermanJuan Luna, painter (spoliarium)Felix Resurreccion Hidalgo, painter

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La Solidaridad“Sol”/newspaper/feb. 15, 1889Solidarity/purely Filipino organizationEstablished in Barcelona on December 31,c

1888.To make known the objectives of the

Propaganda.It was printed in Barcelona from Feb to Oct


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“sol” contributorsM.H. Del Pilar - PlaridelRizal – Dimas Alang, Laong LaanMariano Ponce – Naning, Kalipulako,

TigbalangAntonio Luna – Taga-IlogFerdinand BlumentrittMiguel Morayta – Rizal’s professor in

University of Madrid

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THE AIMS OF LA SOLIDARIDADTo collect, gather libertarian ideas which are manifested daily in the

field of politics, science, art, literature, commerce, agriculture, and industry.

To discuss all problems relating to the general interest of the nationTo seek solutions to those problems in high-level and democratic

manner.DEL PILAR:The removal of the friars and the secularization of the parishes. Active participation in the affairs of the government.Freedom of speech, of the press, and of the assemblyA wider social and political freedom Equality before the law Assimilation

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MasonryHelped them in their fight for reforms

Revolucion – 1st Filipino Masonic lodge founded by Jaena in Barcelona.

Lodge Solidaridad – in MadridLodge Nilad – wanted a dignified, free and

prosperous country with a democratic regime and genuine and effective autonomy, a good government

They wanted reforms, representation in the Spanish Cortes

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Cont.Declaration of the country as a Spanish countryWith all rights and obligations.As of May 1893, the masonic lodges in the country

numbered 35, nine of which were in the city of Manila.

They also accepted women as members.Rosario Villaruel – 1st woman to be accepted as

member on July 18, 1893.Other female members include; Trinidad Rizal,

Romualda Ranuza, Josefa Rizal, Marina Dizon, Sixta Fajardo, Valeriana Legazpi, Purificacion Leyva

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La Liga FilipinaFounded by Rizal on July 30, 1892 at the

residence of Doroteo Ongjunco in Ilaya, Tondo, Manila.

Ambrosio Salvador as PresidentDeodado Arellano –ViceBonifacio Arellano – treasurerAgustin Dela Rosa - fiscal

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La liga…Sort of a mutual aid and self-help society,

dispensing scholarship funds and legal aids, loaning capital and setting up cooperatives.

Unus Instar Omnium (one like all)Served as an avowal of their ideals.

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Objectives:Unification of the whole archipelago into one

compactVigorous and homogenous bodyProtection in cases of want and necessityDefense against violence and injusticesEncouragement of instruction, agriculture

and commerceStudy and implementation of reforms

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Most important reforms of the associationCompulsory teaching of Spanish in all schoolsSuppression of inhuman punishment in all jails and

tribunals of justiceEstablishment of the civil register and the register

of deedsAbolition of the diezmos prediales and the

sanctorumEstablishments of secondary schools in 2 or 3

provinces of the archipelagoReforms in the University of Sto. Tomas in order to

raise it to the rank of the universities in Spain Establishment of agricultural banks Initiation of reforms in the public administrationConstruction of good roads and railways

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This situation alarmed the Spanish authority. On July 6, 1892, Rizal was secretly arrested by order of Governor General Despujol and subsequently imprisoned at Fort Santiago. The following day, he was deported to Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte for his allegedly subversive material.

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