property second batch cases

1 G.R. Nos. L-10817-18 February 28, 1958 ENRIQUE LOPEZ, petitioner, vs. VICENTE OROSA, JR., and PLAZA THEATRE, INC., respondents. Nicolas Belmonte and Benjamin T. de Peralta for petitioner. Tolentino & Garcia and D. R. Cruz for respondent Luzon Surety Co., Inc. Jose B. Macatangay for respondent Plaza Theatre, Inc. FELIX, J.: Enrique Lopez is a resident of Balayan, Batangas, doing business under the trade name of Lopez-Castelo Sawmill. Sometime in May, 1946, Vicente Orosa, Jr., also a resident of the same province, dropped at Lopez' house and invited him to make an investment in the theatre business. It was intimated that Orosa, his family and close friends were organizing a corporation to be known as Plaza Theatre, Inc., that would engage in such venture. Although Lopez expressed his unwillingness to invest of the same, he agreed to supply the lumber necessary for the construction of the proposed theatre, and at Orosa's behest and assurance that the latter would be personally liable for any account that the said construction might incur, Lopez further agreed that payment therefor would be on demand and not cash on delivery basis. Pursuant to said verbal agreement, Lopez delivered the lumber which was used for the construction of the Plaza Theatre on May 17, 1946, up to December 4 of the same year. But of the total cost of the materials amounting to P62,255.85, Lopez was paid only P20,848.50, thus leaving a balance of P41,771.35. We may state at this juncture that the Plaza Theatre was erected on a piece of land with an area of 679.17 square meters formerly owned by Vicente Orosa, Jr., and was acquired by the corporation on September 25, 1946, for P6,000. As Lopez was pressing Orosa for payment of the remaining unpaid obligation, the latter and Belarmino Rustia, the president of the corporation, promised to obtain a bank loan by mortgaging the properties of the Plaza Theatre., out of which said amount of P41,771.35 would be satisfied, to which assurance Lopez had to accede. Unknown to him, however, as early as November, 1946, the corporation already got a loan for P30,000 from the Philippine National Bank with the Luzon Surety Company as surety, and the corporation in turn executed a mortgage on the land and building in favor of said company as counter-security. As the land at that time was not yet brought under the operation of the Torrens System, the mortgage on the same was registered on November 16, 1946, under Act No. 3344. Subsequently, when the corporation applied for the registration of the land under Act 496, such mortgage was not revealed and thus Original Certificate of Title No. O-391 was correspondingly issued on October 25, 1947, without any encumbrance appearing thereon. Persistent demand from Lopez for the payment of the amount due him caused Vicente Orosa, Jr. to execute on March 17, 1947, an alleged "deed of assignment" of his 420 shares of stock of the Plaza Theater, Inc., at P100 per share or with a total value of P42,000 in favor of the creditor, and as the obligation still remained unsettled,

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G.R. Nos. L-10817-18 February 28, 1958ENRIQUE LOPEZ,petitioner,vs.VICENTE OROSA, JR., and PLAZA THEATRE, INC.,respondents.Nicolas Belmonte and Benjamin T. de Peralta for petitioner.Tolentino & Garcia and D. R. Cruz for respondent Luzon Surety Co., Inc. Jose B. Macatangay for respondent Plaza Theatre, Inc.FELIX,J.:Enrique Lopez is a resident of Balayan, Batangas, doing business under the trade name of Lopez-Castelo Sawmill. Sometime in May, 1946, Vicente Orosa, Jr., also a resident of the same province, dropped at Lopez' house and invited him to make an investment in the theatre business. It was intimated that Orosa, his family and close friends were organizing a corporation to be known as Plaza Theatre, Inc., that would engage in such venture. Although Lopez expressed his unwillingness to invest of the same, he agreed to supply the lumber necessary for the construction of the proposed theatre, and at Orosa's behest and assurance that the latter would be personally liable for any account that the said construction might incur, Lopez further agreed that payment therefor would be on demand and not cash on delivery basis. Pursuant to said verbal agreement, Lopez delivered the lumber which was used for the construction of the Plaza Theatre on May 17, 1946, up to December 4 of the same year. But of the total cost of the materials amounting to P62,255.85, Lopez was paid only P20,848.50, thus leaving a balance of P41,771.35.We may state at this juncture that the Plaza Theatre was erected on a piece of land with an area of 679.17 square meters formerly owned by Vicente Orosa, Jr., and was acquired by the corporation on September 25, 1946, for P6,000. As Lopez was pressing Orosa for payment of the remaining unpaid obligation, the latter and Belarmino Rustia, the president of the corporation, promised to obtain a bank loan by mortgaging the properties of the Plaza Theatre., out of which said amount of P41,771.35 would be satisfied, to which assurance Lopez had to accede. Unknown to him, however, as early as November, 1946, the corporation already got a loan for P30,000 from the Philippine National Bank with the Luzon Surety Company as surety, and the corporation in turn executed a mortgage on the land and building in favor of said company as counter-security. As the land at that time was not yet brought under the operation of the Torrens System, the mortgage on the same was registered on November 16, 1946, under Act No. 3344. Subsequently, when the corporation applied for the registration of the land under Act 496, such mortgage was not revealed and thus Original Certificate of Title No. O-391 was correspondingly issued on October 25, 1947, without any encumbrance appearing thereon.Persistent demand from Lopez for the payment of the amount due him caused Vicente Orosa, Jr. to execute on March 17, 1947, an alleged "deed of assignment" of his 420 shares of stock of the Plaza Theater, Inc., at P100 per share or with a total value of P42,000 in favor of the creditor, and as the obligation still remained unsettled, Lopez filed on November 12, 1947, a complaint with the Court of First Instance of Batangas (Civil Case No. 4501 which later became R-57) against Vicente Orosa, Jr. and Plaza Theater, Inc., praying that defendants be sentenced to pay him jointly and severally the sum of P41,771.35, with legal interest from the firing of the action; that in case defendants fail to pay the same, that the building and the land covered by OCT No. O-391 owned by the corporation be sold at public auction and the proceeds thereof be applied to said indebtedness; or that the 420 shares of the capital stock of the Plaza Theatre, Inc., assigned by Vicente Orosa, Jr., to said plaintiff be sold at public auction for the same purpose; and for such other remedies as may be warranted by the circumstances. Plaintiff also caused the annotation of a notice oflis pendenson said properties with the Register of Deeds.Defendants Vicente Orosa, Jr. and Plaza Theatre, Inc., filed separate answers, the first denying that the materials were delivered to him as a promoter and later treasurer of the corporation, because he had purchased and received the same on his personal account; that the land on which the movie house was constructed was not charged with a lien to secure the payment of the aforementioned unpaid obligation; and that the 420 shares of stock of the Plaza Theatre, Inc., was not assigned to plaintiff as collaterals but as direct security for the payment of his indebtedness. As special defense, this defendant contended that as the 420 shares of stock assigned and conveyed by the assignor and accepted by Lopez as direct security for the payment of the amount of P41,771.35 were personal properties, plaintiff was barred from recovering any deficiency if the proceeds of the sale thereof at public auction would not be sufficient to cover and satisfy the obligation. It was thus prayed that he be declared exempted from the payment of any deficiency in case the proceeds from the sale of said personal properties would not be enough to cover the amount sought to be collected.Defendant Plaza Theatre, Inc., on the other hand, practically set up the same line of defense by alleging that the building materials delivered to Orosa were on the latter's personal account; and that there was no understanding that said materials would be paid jointly and severally by Orosa and the corporation, nor was a lien charged on the properties of the latter to secure payment of the same obligation. As special defense, defendant corporation averred that while it was true that the materials purchased by Orosa were sold by the latter to the corporation, such transactions were in good faith and for valuable consideration thus when plaintiff failed to claim said materials within 30 days from the time of removal thereof from Orosa, lumber became a different and distinct specie and plaintiff lost whatever rights he might have in the same and consequently had no recourse against the Plaza Theatre, Inc., that the claim could not have been refectionary credit, for such kind of obligation referred to an indebtedness incurred in the repair or reconstruction of something already existing and this concept did not include an entirely new work; and that the Plaza Theatre, Inc., having been incorporated on October 14, 1946, it could not have contracted any obligation prior to said date. It was, therefore, prayed that the complaint be dismissed; that said defendant be awarded the sum P 5,000 for damages, and such other relief as may be just and proper in the premises.The surety company, in the meantime, upon discovery that the land was already registered under the Torrens System and that there was a notice oflis pendensthereon, filed on August 17, 1948, or within the 1-year period after the issuance of the certificate of title, a petition for review of the decree of the land registration court dated October 18, 1947, which was made the basis of OCT No. O-319, in order to annotate the rights and interests of the surety company over said properties (Land Registration Case No. 17 GLRO Rec. No. 296). Opposition thereto was offered by Enrique Lopez, asserting that the amount demanded by him constituted a preferred lien over the properties of the obligors; that the surety company was guilty of negligence when it failed to present an opposition to the application for registration of the property; and that if any violation of the rights and interest of said surety would ever be made, same must be subject to the lien in his favor.The two cases were heard jointly and in a decision dated October 30, 1952, the lower Court, after making an exhaustive and detailed analysis of the respective stands of the parties and the evidence adduced at the trial, held that defendants Vicente Orosa, Jr., and the Plaza Theatre, Inc., werejointlyliable for the unpaid balance of the cost of lumber used in the construction of thebuildingand the plaintiff thus acquired the materialman's lien over the same. In making the pronouncement that the lien was merely confined to the building and did not extend to the land on which the construction was made, the trial judge took into consideration the fact that when plaintiff started the delivery of lumber in May, 1946, the land was not yet owned by the corporation; that the mortgage in favor of Luzon Surety Company was previously registered under Act No. 3344; that the codal provision (Art. 1923 of the old Spanish Civil Code) specifying that refection credits are preferred could refer only to buildings which are also classified as real properties, upon which said refection was made. It was, however, declared that plaintiff's lien on the building was superior to the right of the surety company. And finding that the Plaza Theatre, Inc., had no objection to the review of the decree issued in its favor by the land registration court and the inclusion in the title of the encumbrance in favor of the surety company, the courta quogranted the petition filed by the latter company. Defendants Orosa and the Plaza Theatre, Inc., were thus required to payjointlythe amount of P41,771.35 with legal interest and costs within 90 days from notice of said decision; that in case of default, the 420 shares of stock assigned by Orosa to plaintiff be sold at public auction and the proceeds thereof be applied to the payment of the amount due the plaintiff, plus interest and costs; and that the encumbrance in favor of the surety company be endorsed at the back of OCT No. O-391, with notation I that with respect to the building, said mortgage was subject to the materialman's lien in favor of Enrique Lopez.Plaintiff tried to secure a modification of the decision in so far as it declared that the obligation of therein defendants was joint instead of solidary, and that the lien did not extend to the land, but same was denied by order the court of December 23, 1952. The matter was thus appealed to the Court of appeals, which affirmed the lower court's ruling, and then to this Tribunal. In this instance, plaintiff-appellant raises 2 issues: (1) whether a materialman's lien for the value of the materials used in the construction of a building attaches to said structure alone and does not extend to the land on which the building is adhered to; and (2) whether the lower court and the Court of Appeals erred in not providing that the material mans liens is superior to the mortgage executed in favor surety company not only on the building but also on the land.It is to be noted in this appeal that Enrique Lopez has not raised any question against the part of the decision sentencing defendants Orosa and Plaza Theatre, Inc., to payjointlythe sum of P41,771.35, so We will not take up or consider anything on that point. Appellant, however, contends that the lien created in favor of the furnisher of the materials used for the construction, repair or refection of a building, is also extended to the land which the construction was made, and in support thereof he relies on Article 1923 of the Spanish Civil Code, pertinent law on the matter, which reads as follows:ART. 1923. With respect to determinate real property and real rights of the debtor, the following are preferred:x x x x x x x x x5. Credits for refection, not entered or recorded,with respect to the estate upon which the refection was made, and only with respect to other credits different from those mentioned in four preceding paragraphs.It is argued that in view of the employment of the phrase real estate, or immovable property, and inasmuch as said provision does not contain any specification delimiting the lien to the building, said article must be construed as to embrace both the land and the building or structure adhering thereto. We cannot subscribe to this view, for while it is true that generally, real estate connotes the land and the building constructed thereon, it is obvious that the inclusion of the building, separate and distinct from the land, in the enumeration of what may constitute real properties1could mean only one thing that a building is by itself an immovable property, a doctrine already pronounced by this Court in the case ofLeung Yee vs. Strong Machinery Co., 37 Phil., 644. Moreover, and in view of the absence of any specific provision of law to the contrary, a building is an immovable property, irrespective of whether or not said structure and the land on which it is adhered to belong to the same owner.A close examination of the provision of the Civil Code invoked by appellant reveals that the law gives preference to unregistered refectionary credits only with respect to the real estate upon which the refection or work was made. This being so, the inevitable conclusion must be that the lien so created attaches merely to the immovable property for the construction or repair of which the obligation was incurred. Evidently, therefore, the lien in favor of appellant for the unpaid value of the lumber used in the construction of the building attaches only to said structure and to no other property of the obligors.Considering the conclusion thus arrived at, i.e., that the materialman's lien could be charged only to the building for which the credit was made or which received the benefit of refection, the lower court was right in, holding at the interest of the mortgagee over the land is superior and cannot be made subject to the said materialman's lien.Wherefore, and on the strength of the foregoing considerations, the decision appealed from is hereby affirmed, with costs against appellant. It is so ordered.

G.R. Nos. L-10837-38 May 30, 1958ASSOCIATED INSURANCE and SURETY COMPANY, INC.,plaintiff,vs.ISABEL IYA, ADRIANO VALINO and LUCIA VALINO,defendants.ISABEL IYA,plaintiff,vs.ADRIANO VALINO, LUCIA VALINO and ASSOCIATED INSURANCE and SURETY COMPANY. INC.,defendants.Jovita L. de Dios for defendant Isabel Iya.M. Perez Cardenas and Apolonio Abola for defendant Associated Insurance and Surety Co., Inc.FELIX,J.:Adriano Valino and Lucia A. Valino, husband and wife, were the owners and possessors of a house of strong materials constructed on Lot No. 3, Block No. 80 of the Grace Park Subdivision in Caloocan, Rizal, which they purchased on installment basis from the Philippine Realty Corporation. On November 6, 1951, to enable her to purchase on credit rice from the NARIC, Lucia A. Valino filed a bond in the sum of P11,000.00 (AISCO Bond No. G-971) subscribed by the Associated Insurance and Surety Co., Inc., and as counter-guaranty therefor, the spouses Valino executed an allegedchattelmortgage on the aforementioned house in favor of the surety company, which encumbrance was duly registered with theChattel Mortgage Register of Rizalon December 6, 1951. It is admitted that at the time said undertaking took place, the parcel of land on which the house is erected was still registered in the name of the Philippine Realty Corporation. Having completed payment on the purchase price of the lot, the Valinos were able to secure onOctober 18, 1958, a certificate of title in their name (T.C.T. No. 27884). Subsequently, however, oron October 24, 1952, the Valinos, to secure payment of an indebtedness in the amount of P12,000.00, executed areal estate mortgageover the lot and the house in favor of Isabel Iya, which was duly registered and annotated at the back of the certificate of title.On the other hand, as Lucia A. Valino, failed to satisfy her obligation to the NARIC, the surety company was compelled to pay the same pursuant to the undertaking of the bond. In turn, the surety company demanded reimbursement from the spouses Valino, and as the latter likewise failed to do so, the company foreclosed the chattel mortgage over the house. As a result thereof, a public sale was conducted by the Provincial Sheriff of Rizal onDecember 26, 1952, wherein the property was awarded to the surety company for P8,000.00, the highest bid received therefor. The surety company then caused the said house to be declared in its name for tax purposes (Tax Declaration No. 25128).Sometime inJuly, 1953, the surety company learned of the existence of the real estate mortgage over the lot covered by T.C.T. No. 26884 together with the improvements thereon; thus, said surety company instituted Civil Case No. 2162 of the Court of First Instance of Manila naming Adriano and Lucia Valino and Isabel Iya, the mortgagee, as defendants. The complaint prayed for the exclusion of the residential house from the real estate mortgage in favor of defendant Iya and the declaration and recognition of plaintiff's right to ownership over the same in virtue of the award given by the Provincial Sheriff of Rizal during the public auction held on December 26, 1952. Plaintiff likewise asked the Court to sentence the spouses Valino to pay said surety moral and exemplary damages, attorney's fees and costs. Defendant Isabel Iya filed her answer to the complaint alleging among other things, that in virtue of the real estate mortgage executed by her co-defendants, she acquired a real right over the lot and the house constructed thereon; that the auction sale allegedly conducted by the Provincial Sheriff of Rizal as a result of the foreclosure of thechattelmortgage on the house was null and void for non-compliance with the form required by law. She, therefore, prayed for the dismissal of the complaint and anullment of the sale made by the Provincial Sheriff. She also demanded the amount of P5,000.00 from plaintiff as counterclaim, the sum of P5,000.00 from her co-defendants as crossclaim, for attorney's fees and costs.Defendants spouses in their answer admitted some of the averments of the complaint and denied the others. They, however, prayed for the dismissal of the action for lack of cause of action, it being alleged that plaintiff was already the owner of the house in question, and as said defendants admitted this fact, the claim of the former was already satisfied.OnOctober 29, 1953, Isabel Iya filed another civil action against the Valinos and the surety company (Civil Case No. 2504 of the Court of First Instance of Manila) stating that pursuant to the contract of mortgage executed by the spouses Valino on October 24, 1952, the latter undertook to pay a loan of P12,000.00 with interest at 12% per annum or P120.00 a month, which indebtedness was payable in 4 years, extendible for only one year; that to secure payment thereof, said defendants mortgaged the house and lot covered by T.C.T. No. 27884 located at No. 67 Baltazar St., Grace Park Subdivision, Caloocan, Rizal; that the Associated Insurance and Surety Co., Inc., was included as a party defendant because it claimed to have an interest on the residential house also covered by said mortgage; that it was stipulated in the aforesaid real estate mortgage that default in the payment of the interest agreed upon would entitle the mortgagee to foreclose the same even before the lapse of the 4-year period; and as defendant spouses had allegedly failed to pay the interest for more than 6 months, plaintiff prayed the Court to order said defendants to pay the sum of P12,000.00 with interest thereon at 12% per annum from March 25, 1953, until fully paid; for an additional sum equivalent to 20% of the total obligation as damages, and for costs. As an alternative in case such demand may not be met and satisfied plaintiff prayed for a decree of foreclosure of the land, building and other improvements thereon to be sold at public auction and the proceeds thereof applied to satisfy the demands of plaintiff; that the Valinos, the surety company and any other person claiming interest on the mortgaged properties be barred and foreclosed of all rights, claims or equity of redemption in said properties; and for deficiency judgment in case the proceeds of the sale of the mortgaged property would be insufficient to satisfy the claim of plaintiff.Defendant surety company, in answer to this complaint insisted on its right over the building, arguing that as the lot on which the house was constructed did not belong to the spouses at the time the chattel mortgage was executed, the house might be considered only as a personal property and that the encumbrance thereof and the subsequent foreclosure proceedings made pursuant to the provisions of the Chattel Mortgage Law were proper and legal. Defendant therefore prayed that said building be excluded from the real estate mortgage and its right over the same be declared superior to that of plaintiff, for damages, attorney's fees and costs.Taking side with the surety company, defendant spouses admitted the due execution of the mortgage upon the land but assailed the allegation that the building was included thereon, it being contended that it was already encumbered in favor of the surety company before the real estate mortgage was executed, a fact made known to plaintiff during the preparation of said contract and to which the latter offered no objection. As a special defense, it was asserted that the action was premature because the contract was for a period of 4 years, which had not yet elapsed.The two cases were jointly heard upon agreement of the parties, who submitted the same on a stipulation of facts, after which the Court rendered judgment dated March 8, 1956, holding that the chattel mortgage in favor of the Associated Insurance and Surety Co., Inc., was preferred and superior over the real estate mortgage subsequently executed in favor of Isabel Iya. It was ruled that as the Valinos were not yet the registered owner of the land on which the building in question was constructed at the time the first encumbrance was made, the building then was still a personality and a chattel mortgage over the same was proper. However, as the mortgagors were already the owner of the land at the time the contract with Isabel Iya was entered into, the building was transformed into a real property and the real estate mortgage created thereon was likewise adjudged as proper. It is to be noted in this connection that there is no evidence on record to sustain the allegation of the spouses Valino that at the time they mortgaged theirhouse and lotto Isabel Iya, the latter was told or knew that part of the mortgaged property, i.e., thehouse, had previously been mortgaged to the surety company.The residential building was, therefore, ordered excluded from the foreclosure prayed for by Isabel Iya, although the latter could exercise the right of a junior encumbrance. So the spouses Valino were ordered to pay the amount demanded by said mortgagee or in their default to have the parcel of land subject of the mortgage sold at public auction for the satisfaction of Iya's claim.There is no question as to appellant's right over the land covered by the real estate mortgage; however, as the building constructed thereon has been the subject of 2 mortgages; controversy arise as to which of these encumbrances should receive preference over the other. The decisive factor in resolving the issue presented by this appeal is the determination of the nature of the structure litigated upon, for where it be considered a personality, the foreclosure of the chattel mortgage and the subsequent sale thereof at public auction, made in accordance with the Chattel Mortgage Law would be valid and the right acquired by the surety company therefrom would certainly deserve prior recognition; otherwise, appellant's claim for preference must be granted. The lower Court, deciding in favor of the surety company, based its ruling on the premise that as the mortgagors were not the owners of the land on which the building is erected at the time the first encumbrance was made, said structure partook of the nature of a personal property and could properly be the subject of a chattel mortgage. We find reason to hold otherwise, for as this Court, defining the nature or character of a building, has said:. . . while it is true that generally, real estate connotes the land and the building constructed thereon, it is obvious that the inclusion of the building, separate and distinct from the land, in the enumeration of what may constitute real properties (Art. 415, new Civil Code) could only mean one thing that abuilding is byitself an immovable property . . . Moreover, and in view of the absence of any specific provision to the contrary,a building is an immovable property irrespective of whether or not said structure and the land on which it is adhered to belong to the same owner. (Lopezvs. Orosa, G.R. Nos.supra, p. 98).A building certainly cannot be divested of its character of a realty by the fact that the land on which it is constructed belongs to another. To hold it the other way, the possibility is not remote that it would result in confusion, for to cloak the building with an uncertain status made dependent on the ownership of the land, would create a situation where a permanent fixture changes its nature or character as the ownership of the land changes hands. In the case at bar, as personal properties could only be the subject of a chattel mortgage (Section 1, Act 3952) and as obviously the structure in question is not one, the execution of the chattel mortgage covering said building is clearly invalid and a nullity. While it is true that said document was correspondingly registered in the Chattel Mortgage Register of Rizal, this act produced no effect whatsoever for where the interest conveyed is in the nature of a real property, the registration of the document in the registry of chattels is merely a futile act. Thus, the registration of the chattel mortgage of a building of strong materials produce no effect as far as the building is concerned (Leung Yeevs. Strong Machinery Co., 37 Phil., 644). Nor can we give any consideration to the contention of the surety that it has acquired ownership over the property in question by reason of the sale conducted by the Provincial Sheriff of Rizal, for as this Court has aptly pronounced:A mortgage creditor who purchases real properties at an extrajudicial foreclosure sale thereof by virtue of a chattel mortgage constituted in his favor, which mortgage has been declared null and void with respect to said real properties, acquires no right thereto by virtue of said sale (De la Rivavs. Ah Keo, 60 Phil., 899).Wherefore the portion of the decision of the lower Court in these two cases appealed from holding the rights of the surety company, over the building superior to that of Isabel Iya and excluding the building from the foreclosure prayed for by the latter is reversed and appellant Isabel Iya's right to foreclose not only the land but also the building erected thereon is hereby recognized, and the proceeds of the sale thereof at public auction (if the land has not yet been sold), shall be applied to the unsatisfied judgment in favor of Isabel Iya. This decision however is without prejudice to any right that the Associated Insurance and Surety Co., Inc., may have against the spouses Adriano and Lucia Valino on account of the mortgage of said building they executed in favor of said surety company. Without pronouncement as to costs. It is so ordered.

G.R. No. L-15334 January 31, 1964BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS, CITY ASSESSOR and CITY TREASURER OF QUEZON CITY,petitioners,vs.MANILA ELECTRIC COMPANY,respondent.Assistant City Attorney Jaime R. Agloro for petitioners.Ross, Selph and Carrascoso for respondent.PAREDES,J.:From the stipulation of facts and evidence adduced during the hearing, the following appear:On October 20, 1902, the Philippine Commission enacted Act No. 484 which authorized the Municipal Board of Manila to grant a franchise to construct, maintain and operate an electric street railway and electric light, heat and power system in the City of Manila and its suburbs to the person or persons making the most favorable bid. Charles M. Swift was awarded the said franchise on March 1903, the terms and conditions of which were embodied in Ordinance No. 44 approved on March 24, 1903. Respondent Manila Electric Co. (Meralco for short), became the transferee and owner of the franchise.Meralco's electric power is generated by its hydro-electric plant located at Botocan Falls, Laguna and is transmitted to the City of Manila by means of electric transmission wires, running from the province of Laguna to the said City. These electric transmission wires which carry high voltage current, are fastened to insulators attached on steel towers constructed by respondent at intervals, from its hydro-electric plant in the province of Laguna to the City of Manila. The respondent Meralco has constructed 40 of these steel towers within Quezon City, on land belonging to it. A photograph of one of these steel towers is attached to the petition for review, marked Annex A. Three steel towers were inspected by the lower court and parties and the following were the descriptions given there of by said court:The first steel tower is located in South Tatalon, Espaa Extension, Quezon City. The findings were as follows: the ground around one of the four posts was excavated to a depth of about eight (8) feet, with an opening of about one (1) meter in diameter, decreased to about a quarter of a meter as it we deeper until it reached the bottom of the post; at the bottom of the post were two parallel steel bars attached to the leg means of bolts; the tower proper was attached to the leg three bolts; with two cross metals to prevent mobility; there was no concrete foundation but there was adobe stone underneath; as the bottom of the excavation was covered with water about three inches high, it could not be determined with certainty to whether said adobe stone was placed purposely or not, as the place abounds with this kind of stone; and the tower carried five high voltage wires without cover or any insulating materials.The second tower inspected was located in Kamuning Road, K-F, Quezon City, on land owned by the petitioner approximate more than one kilometer from the first tower. As in the first tower, the ground around one of the four legs was excavate from seven to eight (8) feet deep and one and a half (1-) meters wide. There being very little water at the bottom, it was seen that there was no concrete foundation, but there soft adobe beneath. The leg was likewise provided with two parallel steel bars bolted to a square metal frame also bolted to each corner. Like the first one, the second tower is made up of metal rods joined together by means of bolts, so that by unscrewing the bolts, the tower could be dismantled and reassembled.The third tower examined is located along Kamias Road, Quezon City. As in the first two towers given above, the ground around the two legs of the third tower was excavated to a depth about two or three inches beyond the outside level of the steel bar foundation. It was found that there was no concrete foundation. Like the two previous ones, the bottom arrangement of the legs thereof were found to be resting on soft adobe, which, probably due to high humidity, looks like mud or clay. It was also found that the square metal frame supporting the legs were not attached to any material or foundation.On November 15, 1955, petitioner City Assessor of Quezon City declared the aforesaid steel towers for real property tax under Tax declaration Nos. 31992 and 15549. After denying respondent's petition to cancel these declarations, an appeal was taken by respondent to the Board of Assessment Appeals of Quezon City, which required respondent to pay the amount of P11,651.86 as real property tax on the said steel towers for the years 1952 to 1956. Respondent paid the amount under protest, and filed a petition for review in the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA for short) which rendered a decision on December 29, 1958, ordering the cancellation of the said tax declarations and the petitioner City Treasurer of Quezon City to refund to the respondent the sum of P11,651.86. The motion for reconsideration having been denied, on April 22, 1959, the instant petition for review was filed.In upholding the cause of respondents, the CTA held that: (1) the steel towers come within the term "poles" which are declared exempt from taxes under part II paragraph 9 of respondent's franchise; (2) the steel towers are personal properties and are not subject to real property tax; and (3) the City Treasurer of Quezon City is held responsible for the refund of the amount paid. These are assigned as errors by the petitioner in the brief.The tax exemption privilege of the petitioner is quoted hereunder:PAR 9. The grantee shall be liable to pay the same taxes upon its real estate, buildings, plant (not including poles, wires, transformers, and insulators), machinery and personal property as other persons are or may be hereafter required by law to pay ... Said percentage shall be due and payable at the time stated in paragraph nineteen of Part One hereof, ...and shall be in lieu of all taxes and assessments of whatsoever nature and by whatsoever authority upon the privileges, earnings, income, franchise, and poles, wires, transformers, and insulators of the grantee from which taxes and assessments the granteeis hereby expressly exempted. (Par. 9, Part Two, Act No. 484 Respondent's Franchise; emphasis supplied.)The word "pole" means "a long, comparatively slender usually cylindrical piece of wood or timber, as typically the stem of a small tree stripped of its branches; also by extension, a similar typically cylindrical piece or object of metal or the like". The term also refers to "anupright standard to the top of which something is affixed or by which something is supported; as a dovecote set on a pole; telegraph poles; a tent pole; sometimes, specifically a vessel's master (Webster's New International Dictionary 2nd Ed., p. 1907.) Along the streets, in the City of Manila, may be seen cylindrical metal poles, cubical concrete poles, and poles of the PLDT Co. which are made of two steel bars joined together by an interlacing metal rod. They are called "poles" notwithstanding the fact that they are no made of wood. It must be noted from paragraph 9, above quoted, that the concept of the "poles" for which exemption is granted, is not determined by their place or location, nor by the character of the electric current it carries, nor the material or form of which it is made, but the use to which they are dedicated. In accordance with the definitions, pole is not restricted to a long cylindrical piece of wood or metal, but includes "upright standards to the top of which something is affixed or by which something is supported. As heretofore described, respondent's steel supports consists of a framework of four steel bars or strips which are bound by steel cross-arms atop of which are cross-arms supporting five high voltage transmission wires (See Annex A) and their sole function is to support or carry such wires.The conclusion of the CTA that the steel supports in question are embraced in the term "poles" is not a novelty. Several courts of last resort in the United States have called these steel supports "steel towers", and they denominated these supports or towers, as electric poles. In their decisions the words "towers" and "poles" were used interchangeably, and it is well understood in that jurisdiction that a transmission tower or pole means the same thing.In a proceeding to condemn land for the use of electric power wires, in which the law provided that wires shall be constructed upon suitablepoles, this term was construed to mean either wood or metal poles and in view of the land being subject to overflow, and the necessary carrying of numerous wires and the distance between poles, the statute was interpreted to includetowersorpoles. (Stemmons and Dallas Light Co. (Tex) 212 S.W. 222, 224; 32-A Words and Phrases, p. 365.)The term "poles" was also used to denominate the steel supports or towers used by an association used to convey its electric power furnished to subscribers and members, constructed for the purpose of fastening high voltage and dangerous electric wires alongside public highways. The steel supports or towers were made of iron or other metals consisting of two pieces running from the ground up some thirty feet high, being wider at the bottom than at the top, the said two metal pieces being connected with criss-cross iron running from the bottom to the top, constructed like ladders and loaded with high voltage electricity. In form and structure, they are like the steel towers in question. (Salt River Valley Users' Ass'n v. Compton, 8 P. 2nd, 249-250.)The term "poles" was used to denote the steel towers of an electric company engaged in the generation of hydro-electric power generated from its plant to the Tower of Oxford and City of Waterbury. These steel towers are about 15 feet square at the base and extended to a height of about 35 feet to a point, and are embedded in the cement foundations sunk in the earth, the top of which extends above the surface of the soil in the tower of Oxford, and to the towers are attached insulators, arms, and other equipment capable of carrying wires for the transmission of electric power (Connecticut Light and Power Co. v. Oxford, 101 Conn. 383, 126 Atl. p. 1).In a case, the defendant admitted that the structure on which a certain person met his death was built for the purpose of supporting a transmission wire used for carrying high-tension electric power, but claimed that the steel towers on which it is carried were so large that their wire took their structure out of the definition of a pole line. It was held that in defining the word pole, one should not be governed by the wire or material of the support used, but was considering the danger from any elevated wire carrying electric current, and that regardless of the size or material wire of its individual members, any continuous series of structures intended and used solely or primarily for the purpose of supporting wires carrying electric currents is a pole line (Inspiration Consolidation Cooper Co. v. Bryan 252 P. 1016).It is evident, therefore, that the word "poles", as used in Act No. 484 and incorporated in the petitioner's franchise, should not be given a restrictive and narrow interpretation, as to defeat the very object for which the franchise was granted. The poles as contemplated thereon, should be understood and taken as a part of the electric power system of the respondent Meralco, for the conveyance of electric current from the source thereof to its consumers. If the respondent would be required to employ "wooden poles", or "rounded poles" as it used to do fifty years back, then one should admit that the Philippines is one century behind the age of space. It should also be conceded by now that steel towers, like the ones in question, for obvious reasons, can better effectuate the purpose for which the respondent's franchise was granted.Granting for the purpose of argument that the steel supports or towers in question are not embraced within the termpoles, the logical question posited is whether they constituterealproperties, so that they can be subject to a real property tax. The tax law does not provide for a definition of real property; but Article 415 of the Civil Code does, by stating the following are immovable property:(1) Land, buildings, roads, and constructions of all kindsadheredto the soil;x x x x x x x x x(3) Everything attached to an immovable in afixed manner, in such a way that it cannot be separated therefrom without breaking the material or deterioration of the object;x x x x x x x x x(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or implements intended by the owner of the tenement for an industry or works which may be carried in a building or on a piece of land, and which tends directly to meet the needs of the said industry or works;x x x x x x x x xThe steel towers or supports in question, do not come within the objects mentioned in paragraph 1, because they do not constitute buildings or constructions adhered to the soil. They are not construction analogous to buildings nor adhering to the soil. As per description, given by the lower court, they are removable and merely attached to a square metal frame by means of bolts, which when unscrewed could easily be dismantled and moved from place to place. They can not be included under paragraph 3, as they are not attached to an immovable in a fixed manner, and they can be separated without breaking the material or causing deterioration upon the object to which they are attached. Each of these steel towers or supports consists of steel bars or metal strips, joined together by means of bolts, which can be disassembled by unscrewing the bolts and reassembled by screwing the same. These steel towers or supports do not also fall under paragraph 5, for they are not machineries, receptacles, instruments or implements, and even if they were, they are not intended for industry or works on the land. Petitioner is not engaged in an industry or works in the land in which the steel supports or towers are constructed.It is finally contended that the CTA erred in ordering the City Treasurer of Quezon City to refund the sum of P11,651.86, despite the fact that Quezon City is not a party to the case. It is argued that as the City Treasurer is not the real party in interest, but Quezon City, which was not a party to the suit, notwithstanding its capacity to sue and be sued, he should not be ordered to effect the refund. This question has not been raised in the court below, and, therefore, it cannot be properly raised for the first time on appeal. The herein petitioner is indulging in legal technicalities and niceties which do not help him any; for factually, it was he (City Treasurer) whom had insisted that respondent herein pay the real estate taxes, which respondent paid under protest. Having acted in his official capacity as City Treasurer of Quezon City, he would surely know what to do, under the circumstances.IN VIEW HEREOF, the decision appealed from is hereby affirmed, with costs against the petitioners.

G.R. No. L-46245 May 31, 1982MERALCO SECURITIES INDUSTRIAL CORPORATION,petitioner,vs.CENTRAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS, BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS OF LAGUNA and PROVINCIAL ASSESSOR OF LAGUNA, respondents.AQUINO,J.:In this special civil action of certiorari, Meralco Securities Industrial Corporation assails the decision of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals (composed of the Secretary of Finance as chairman and the Secretaries of Justice and Local Government and Community Development as members) dated May 6, 1976, holding that Meralco Securities' oil pipeline is subject to realty tax.The record reveals that pursuant to a pipeline concession issued under the Petroleum Act of 1949, Republic Act No. 387, Meralco Securities installed from Batangas to Manila a pipeline system consisting of cylindrical steel pipes joined together and buried not less than one meter below the surface along the shoulder of the public highway. The portion passing through Laguna is about thirty kilometers long.The pipes for white oil products measure fourteen inches in diameter by thirty-six feet with a maximum capacity of 75,000 barrels daily. The pipes for fuel and black oil measure sixteen inches by forty-eight feet with a maximum capacity of 100,000 barrels daily.The pipes are embedded in the soil and are firmly and solidly welded together so as to preclude breakage or damage thereto and prevent leakage or seepage of the oil. The valves are welded to the pipes so as to make the pipeline system one single piece of property from end to end.In order to repair, replace, remove or transfer segments of the pipeline, the pipes have to be cold-cut by means of a rotary hard-metal pipe-cutter after digging or excavating them out of the ground where they are buried. In points where the pipeline traversed rivers or creeks, the pipes were laid beneath the bed thereof. Hence, the pipes are permanently attached to the land.However, Meralco Securities notes that segments of the pipeline can be moved from one place to another as shown in the permit issued by the Secretary of Public Works and Communications which permit provides that the government reserves the right to require the removal or transfer of the pipes by and at the concessionaire's expense should they be affected by any road repair or improvement.Pursuant to the Assessment Law, Commonwealth Act No. 470, the provincial assessor of Laguna treated the pipeline as real property and issued Tax Declarations Nos. 6535-6537, San Pedro; 7473-7478, Cabuyao; 7967-7971, Sta. Rosa; 9882-9885, Bian and 15806-15810, Calamba, containing the assessed values of portions of the pipeline.Meralco Securities appealed the assessments to the Board of Assessment Appeals of Laguna composed of the register of deeds as chairman and the provincial auditor as member. That board in its decision of June 18, 1975 upheld the assessments (pp. 47-49, Rollo).Meralco Securities brought the case to the Central Board of Assessment Appeals. As already stated, that Board, composed of Acting Secretary of Finance Pedro M. Almanzor as chairman and Secretary of Justice Vicente Abad Santos and Secretary of Local Government and Community Development Jose Roo as members, ruled that the pipeline is subject to realty tax (p. 40, Rollo).A copy of that decision was served on Meralco Securities' counsel on August 27, 1976. Section 36 of the Real Property Tax Code, Presidential Decree No. 464, which took effect on June 1, 1974, provides that the Board's decision becomes final and executory after the lapse of fifteen days from the date of receipt of a copy of the decision by the appellant.Under Rule III of the amended rules of procedure of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals (70 O.G. 10085), a party may ask for the reconsideration of the Board's decision within fifteen days after receipt. On September 7, 1976 (the eleventh day), Meralco Securities filed its motion for reconsideration.Secretary of Finance Cesar Virata and Secretary Roo (Secretary Abad Santos abstained) denied the motion in a resolution dated December 2, 1976, a copy of which was received by appellant's counsel on May 24, 1977 (p. 4, Rollo). On June 6, 1977, Meralco Securities filed the instant petition for certiorari.The Solicitor General contends that certiorari is not proper in this case because the Board acted within its jurisdiction and did not gravely abuse its discretion and Meralco Securities was not denied due process of law.Meralco Securities explains that because the Court of Tax Appeals has no jurisdiction to review the decision of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals and because no judicial review of the Board's decision is provided for in the Real Property Tax Code, Meralco Securities' recourse is to file a petition for certiorari.We hold that certiorari was properly availed of in this case. It is a writ issued by a superior court to an inferior court, board or officer exercising judicial or quasi-judicial functions whereby the record of a particular case is ordered to be elevated for review and correction in matters of law (14 C.J.S. 121-122; 14 Am Jur. 2nd 777).The rule is that as to administrative agencies exercising quasi-judicial power there is an underlying power in the courts to scrutinize the acts of such agencies on questions of law and jurisdiction even though no right of review is given by the statute (73 C.J.S. 506, note 56)."The purpose of judicial review is to keep the administrative agency within its jurisdiction and protect substantial rights of parties affected by its decisions" (73 C.J.S. 507, See. 165). The review is a part of the system of checks and balances which is a limitation on the separation of powers and which forestalls arbitrary and unjust adjudications.Judicial review of the decision of an official or administrative agency exercising quasi-judicial functions is proper in cases of lack of jurisdiction, error of law, grave abuse of discretion, fraud or collusion or in case the administrative decision is corrupt, arbitrary or capricious (Mafinco Trading Corporation vs. Ople, L-37790, March 25, 1976, 70 SCRA 139, 158; San Miguel Corporation vs. Secretary of Labor, L-39195, May 16, 1975, 64 SCRA 56, 60, Mun. Council of Lemery vs. Prov. Board of Batangas, 56 Phil. 260, 268).The Central Board of Assessment Appeals, in confirming the ruling of the provincial assessor and the provincial board of assessment appeals that Meralco Securities' pipeline is subject to realty tax, reasoned out that the pipes are machinery or improvements, as contemplated in the Assessment Law and the Real Property Tax Code; that they do not fall within the category of property exempt from realty tax under those laws; that articles 415 and 416 of the Civil Code, defining real and personal property, have no application to this case; that even under article 415, the steel pipes can be regarded as realty because they are constructions adhered to the soil and things attached to the land in a fixed manner and that Meralco Securities is not exempt from realty tax under the Petroleum Law (pp. 36-40).Meralco Securities insists that its pipeline is not subject to realty tax because it is not real property within the meaning of article 415. This contention is not sustainable under the provisions of the Assessment Law, the Real Property Tax Code and the Civil Code.Section 2 of the Assessment Law provides that the realty tax is due "on real property, including land, buildings, machinery, and other improvements" not specifically exempted in section 3 thereof. This provision is reproduced with some modification in the Real Property Tax Code which provides:SEC. 38. Incidence of Real Property Tax. There shall be levied, assessed and collected in all provinces, cities and municipalities an annualad valorem taxon real property, such as land, buildings, machinery and other improvements affixed or attached to real property not hereinafter specifically exempted.*It is incontestable that the pipeline of Meralco Securities does not fall within any of the classes of exempt real property enumerated in section 3 of the Assessment Law and section 40 of the Real Property Tax Code.Pipeline means a line of pipe connected to pumps, valves and control devices for conveying liquids, gases or finely divided solids. It is a line of pipe running upon or in the earth, carrying with it the right to the use of the soil in which it is placed (Note 21[10],54 C.J.S. 561).Article 415[l] and [3] provides that real property may consist ofconstructions of all kinds adhered to the soiland everything attached to an immovable in a fixed manner, in such a way that it cannot be separated therefrom without breaking the material or deterioration of the object.The pipeline system in question is indubitably a construction adhering to the soil (Exh. B, p. 39, Rollo). It is attached to the land in such a way that it cannot be separated therefrom without dismantling the steel pipes which were welded to form the pipeline.Insofar as the pipeline uses valves, pumps and control devices to maintain the flow of oil, it is in a sense machinery within the meaning of the Real Property Tax Code.It should be borne in mind that what are being characterized as real property are not the steel pipes but the pipeline system as a whole. Meralco Securities has apparently two pipeline systems.A pipeline for conveying petroleum has been regarded as real property for tax purposes (Miller County Highway, etc., Dist. vs. Standard Pipe Line Co., 19 Fed. 2nd 3; Board of Directors of Red River Levee Dist. No. 1 of Lafayette County, Ark vs. R. F. C., 170 Fed. 2nd 430; 50 C. J. 750, note 86).The other contention of Meralco Securities is that the Petroleum Law exempts it from the payment of realty taxes. The alleged exemption is predicated on the following provisions of that law which exempt Meralco Securities from local taxes and make it liable for taxes of general application:ART. 102.Work obligations, taxes, royalties not to be changed. Work obligations, special taxes and royalties which are fixed by the provisions of this Act or by the concession for any of the kinds of concessions to which this Act relates, are considered as inherent on such concessions after they are granted, and shall not be increased or decreased during the life of the concession to which they apply; nor shall any otherspecial taxesor levies be applied to such concessions, nor shall 0concessionaires under this Act be subject to anyprovincial, municipal or other local taxes or levies;nor shall any sales tax be charged on any petroleum produced from the concession or portion thereof, manufactured by the concessionaire and used in the working of his concession. All such concessionaires, however, shall be subject tosuch taxes as are of general applicationin addition to taxes and other levies specifically provided in this Act.Meralco Securities argues that the realty tax is a local tax or levy and not a tax of general application. This argument is untenable because the realty tax has always been imposed by the lawmaking body and later by the President of the Philippines in the exercise of his lawmaking powers, as shown in section 342et seq.of the Revised Administrative Code, Act No. 3995, Commonwealth Act No. 470 and Presidential Decree No. 464.The realty tax is enforced throughout the Philippines and not merely in a particular municipality or city but the proceeds of the tax accrue to the province, city, municipality and barrio where the realty taxed is situated (Sec. 86, P.D. No. 464). In contrast, a local tax is imposed by the municipal or city council by virtue of the Local Tax Code, Presidential Decree No. 231, which took effect on July 1, 1973 (69 O.G. 6197).We hold that the Central Board of Assessment Appeals did not act with grave abuse of discretion, did not commit any error of law and acted within its jurisdiction in sustaining the holding of the provincial assessor and the local board of assessment appeals that Meralco Securities' pipeline system in Laguna is subject to realty tax.WHEREFORE, the questioned decision and resolution are affirmed. The petition is dismissed. No costs.SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. L-50466 May 31, 1982CALTEX (PHILIPPINES) INC.,petitioner,vs.CENTRAL BOARD OF ASSESSMENT APPEALS and CITY ASSESSOR OF PASAY,respondents.AQUINO,J.:This case is about the realty tax on machinery and equipment installed by Caltex (Philippines) Inc. in its gas stations located on leased land.The machines and equipment consists of underground tanks, elevated tank, elevated water tanks, water tanks, gasoline pumps, computing pumps, water pumps, car washer, car hoists, truck hoists, air compressors and tireflators. The city assessor described the said equipment and machinery in this manner:A gasoline service station is a piece of lot where a building or shed is erected, a water tank if there is any is placed in one corner of the lot, car hoists are placed in an adjacent shed, an air compressor is attached in the wall of the shed or at the concrete wall fence.The controversial underground tank, depository of gasoline or crude oil, is dug deep about six feet more or less, a few meters away from the shed. This is done to prevent conflagration because gasoline and other combustible oil are very inflammable.This underground tank is connected with a steel pipe to the gasoline pump and the gasoline pump is commonly placed or constructed under the shed. The footing of the pump is a cement pad and this cement pad is imbedded in the pavement under the shed, and evidence that the gasoline underground tank is attached and connected to the shed or building through the pipe to the pump and the pump is attached and affixed to the cement pad and pavement covered by the roof of the building or shed.The building or shed, the elevated water tank, the car hoist under a separate shed, the air compressor, the underground gasoline tank, neon lights signboard, concrete fence and pavement and the lot where they are all placed or erected, all of them used in the pursuance of the gasoline service station business formed the entire gasoline service-station.As to whether the subject properties are attached and affixed to the tenement, it is clear they are, for the tenement we consider in this particular case are (is) the pavement covering the entire lot which was constructed by the owner of the gasoline station and the improvement which holds all the properties under question, they are attached and affixed to the pavement and to the improvement.The pavement covering the entire lot of the gasoline service station, as well as all the improvements, machines, equipments and apparatus are allowed by Caltex (Philippines) Inc. ...The underground gasoline tank is attached to the shed by the steel pipe to the pump, so with the water tank it is connected also by a steel pipe to the pavement, then to the electric motor which electric motor is placed under the shed. So to say that the gasoline pumps, water pumps and underground tanks are outside of the service station, and to consider only the building as the service station is grossly erroneous. (pp. 58-60, Rollo).The said machines and equipment are loaned by Caltex to gas station operators under an appropriate lease agreement or receipt. It is stipulated in the lease contract that the operators, upon demand, shall return to Caltex the machines and equipment in good condition as when received, ordinary wear and tear excepted.The lessor of the land, where the gas station is located, does not become the owner of the machines and equipment installed therein. Caltex retains the ownership thereof during the term of the lease.The city assessor of Pasay City characterized the said items of gas station equipment and machinery as taxable realty. The realty tax on said equipment amounts to P4,541.10 annually (p. 52, Rollo). The city board of tax appeals ruled that they are personalty. The assessor appealed to the Central Board of Assessment Appeals.The Board, which was composed of Secretary of Finance Cesar Virata as chairman, Acting Secretary of Justice Catalino Macaraig, Jr. and Secretary of Local Government and Community Development Jose Roo, held in its decision of June 3, 1977 that the said machines and equipment are real property within the meaning of sections 3(k) & (m) and 38 of the Real Property Tax Code, Presidential Decree No. 464, which took effect on June 1, 1974, and that the definitions of real property and personal property in articles 415 and 416 of the Civil Code are not applicable to this case.The decision was reiterated by the Board (Minister Vicente Abad Santos took Macaraig's place) in its resolution of January 12, 1978, denying Caltex's motion for reconsideration, a copy of which was received by its lawyer on April 2, 1979.On May 2, 1979 Caltex filed this certiorari petition wherein it prayed for the setting aside of the Board's decision and for a declaration that t he said machines and equipment are personal property not subject to realty tax (p. 16, Rollo).The Solicitor General's contention that the Court of Tax Appeals has exclusive appellate jurisdiction over this case is not correct. When Republic act No. 1125 created the Tax Court in 1954, there was as yet no Central Board of Assessment Appeals. Section 7(3) of that law in providing that the Tax Court had jurisdiction to review by appeal decisions of provincial or city boards of assessment appeals had in mind the local boards of assessment appeals but not theCentralBoard of Assessment Appeals which under the Real Property Tax Code has appellate jurisdiction over decisions of the said local boards of assessment appeals and is, therefore, in the same category as the Tax Court.Section 36 of the Real Property Tax Code provides that the decision of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals shall become final and executory after the lapse of fifteen days from the receipt of its decision by the appellant. Within that fifteen-day period, a petition for reconsideration may be filed. The Code does not provide for the review of the Board's decision by this Court.Consequently, the only remedy available for seeking a review by this Court of the decision of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals is the special civil action of certiorari, the recourse resorted to herein by Caltex (Philippines), Inc.The issue is whether the pieces of gas station equipment and machinery already enumerated are subject to realty tax. This issue has to be resolved primarily under the provisions of the Assessment Law and the Real Property Tax Code.Section 2 of the Assessment Law provides that the realty tax is due "on real property, including land, buildings, machinery, and other improvements" not specifically exempted in section 3 thereof. This provision is reproduced with some modification in the Real Property Tax Code which provides:SEC. 38. Incidence of Real Property Tax. There shall be levied, assessed and collected in all provinces, cities and municipalities an annualad valorem taxon real property, such as land, buildings, machinery and other improvements affixed or attached to real property not hereinafter specifically exempted.The Code contains the following definitions in its section 3:k) Improvements is a valuable addition made to property or an amelioration in its condition, amounting to more than mere repairs or replacement of waste, costing labor or capital and intended to enhance its value, beauty or utility or to adapt it for new or further purposes.m) Machinery shall embrace machines, mechanical contrivances, instruments, appliances and apparatus attached to the real estate. It includes the physical facilities available for production, as well as the installations and appurtenant service facilities, together with all other equipment designed for or essential to its manufacturing, industrial or agricultural purposes (See sec. 3[f], Assessment Law).We hold that the said equipment and machinery, as appurtenances to the gas station building or shed owned by Caltex (as to which it is subject to realty tax) and which fixtures are necessary to the operation of the gas station, for without them the gas station would be useless, and which have been attached or affixed permanently to the gas station site or embedded therein, are taxable improvements and machinery within the meaning of the Assessment Law and the Real Property Tax Code.Caltex invokes the rule that machinery which is movable in its nature only becomes immobilized when placed in a plant by the owner of the property or plant but not when so placed by a tenant, a usufructuary, or any person having only a temporary right, unless such person acted as the agent of the owner (Davao Saw Mill Co. vs. Castillo, 61 Phil 709).That ruling is an interpretation of paragraph 5 of article 415 of the Civil Code regarding machinery that becomes real property by destination. In theDavao Saw Mills casethe question was whether the machinery mounted on foundations of cement and installed by the lessee on leased land should be regarded as real property forpurposes of execution of a judgment against the lessee.The sheriff treated the machinery as personal property. This Court sustained the sheriff's action. (Compare with Machinery & Engineering Supplies, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 96 Phil. 70, where in a replevin case machinery was treated as realty).Here, the question is whether the gas station equipment and machinery permanently affixed by Caltex to its gas station and pavement (which are indubitably taxable realty) should be subject to the realty tax. This question is different from the issue raised in theDavao Saw Millcase.Improvements on land are commonly taxed as realty even though for some purposes they might be considered personalty (84 C.J.S. 181-2, Notes 40 and 41). "It is a familiar phenomenon to see things classed as real property for purposes of taxation which on general principle might be considered personal property" (Standard Oil Co. of New York vs. Jaramillo, 44 Phil. 630, 633).This case is also easily distinguishable from Board of Assessment Appeals vs. Manila Electric Co., 119 Phil. 328, where Meralco's steel towers were considered poles within the meaning of paragraph 9 of its franchise which exempts its poles from taxation. The steel towers were considered personalty because they were attached to square metal frames by means of bolts and could be moved from place to place when unscrewed and dismantled.Nor are Caltex's gas station equipment and machinery the same as tools and equipment in the repair shop of a bus company which were held to be personal property not subject to realty tax (Mindanao Bus Co. vs. City Assessor, 116 Phil. 501).The Central Board of Assessment Appeals did not commit a grave abuse of discretion in upholding the city assessor's is imposition of the realty tax on Caltex's gas station and equipment.WHEREFORE, the questioned decision and resolution of the Central Board of Assessment Appeals are affirmed. The petition for certiorari is dismissed for lack of merit. No costs.SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. L-26278 August 4, 1927LEON SIBAL ,plaintiff-appellant,vs.EMILIANO J. VALDEZ ET AL.,defendants.EMILIANO J. VALDEZ,appellee.J. E. Blanco for appellant.Felix B. Bautista and Santos and Benitez for appellee.JOHNSON,J.:The action was commenced in the Court of First Instance of the Province of Tarlac on the 14th day of December 1924. The facts are about as conflicting as it is possible for facts to be, in the trial causes.As a first cause of action the plaintiff alleged that the defendant Vitaliano Mamawal, deputy sheriff of the Province of Tarlac, by virtue of a writ of execution issued by the Court of First Instance of Pampanga, attached and sold to the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez the sugar cane planted by the plaintiff and his tenants on seven parcels of land described in the complaint in the third paragraph of the first cause of action; that within one year from the date of the attachment and sale the plaintiff offered to redeem said sugar cane and tendered to the defendant Valdez the amount sufficient to cover the price paid by the latter, the interest thereon and any assessments or taxes which he may have paid thereon after the purchase, and the interest corresponding thereto and that Valdez refused to accept the money and to return the sugar cane to the plaintiff.As a second cause of action, the plaintiff alleged that the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez was attempting to harvest the palay planted in four of the seven parcels mentioned in the first cause of action; that he had harvested and taken possession of the palay in one of said seven parcels and in another parcel described in the second cause of action, amounting to 300 cavans; and that all of said palay belonged to the plaintiff.Plaintiff prayed that a writ of preliminary injunction be issued against the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez his attorneys and agents, restraining them (1) from distributing him in the possession of the parcels of land described in the complaint; (2) from taking possession of, or harvesting the sugar cane in question; and (3) from taking possession, or harvesting the palay in said parcels of land. Plaintiff also prayed that a judgment be rendered in his favor and against the defendants ordering them to consent to the redemption of the sugar cane in question, and that the defendant Valdez be condemned to pay to the plaintiff the sum of P1,056 the value of palay harvested by him in the two parcels above-mentioned ,with interest and costs.On December 27, 1924, the court, after hearing both parties and upon approval of the bond for P6,000 filed by the plaintiff, issued the writ of preliminary injunction prayed for in the complaint.The defendant Emiliano J. Valdez, in his amended answer, denied generally and specifically each and every allegation of the complaint and step up the following defenses:(a) That the sugar cane in question had the nature of personal property and was not, therefore, subject to redemption;(b) That he was the owner of parcels 1, 2 and 7 described in the first cause of action of the complaint;(c) That he was the owner of the palay in parcels 1, 2 and 7; and(d) That he never attempted to harvest the palay in parcels 4 and 5.The defendant Emiliano J. Valdez by way of counterclaim, alleged that by reason of the preliminary injunction he was unable to gather the sugar cane, sugar-cane shoots (puntas de cana dulce) palay in said parcels of land, representing a loss to him of P8,375.20 and that, in addition thereto, he suffered damages amounting to P3,458.56. He prayed, for a judgment (1) absolving him from all liability under the complaint; (2) declaring him to be the absolute owner of the sugar cane in question and of the palay in parcels 1, 2 and 7; and (3) ordering the plaintiff to pay to him the sum of P11,833.76, representing the value of the sugar cane and palay in question, including damages.Upon the issues thus presented by the pleadings the cause was brought on for trial. After hearing the evidence, and on April 28, 1926, the Honorable Cayetano Lukban, judge, rendered a judgment against the plaintiff and in favor of the defendants (1) Holding that the sugar cane in question was personal property and, as such, was not subject to redemption;(2) Absolving the defendants from all liability under the complaint; and(3) Condemning the plaintiff and his sureties Cenon de la Cruz, Juan Sangalang and Marcos Sibal to jointly and severally pay to the defendant Emiliano J. Valdez the sum of P9,439.08 as follows:(a) P6,757.40, the value of the sugar cane;(b) 1,435.68, the value of the sugar-cane shoots;(c) 646.00, the value of palay harvested by plaintiff;(d) 600.00, the value of 150 cavans of palay which the defendant was not able to raise by reason of the injunction, at P4 cavan. 9,439.08 From that judgment the plaintiff appealed and in his assignments of error contends that the lower court erred: (1) In holding that the sugar cane in question was personal property and, therefore, not subject to redemption;(2) In holding that parcels 1 and 2 of the complaint belonged to Valdez, as well as parcels 7 and 8, and that the palay therein was planted by Valdez;(3) In holding that Valdez, by reason of the preliminary injunction failed to realized P6,757.40 from the sugar cane and P1,435.68 from sugar-cane shoots (puntas de cana dulce);(4) In holding that, for failure of plaintiff to gather the sugar cane on time, the defendant was unable to raise palay on the land, which would have netted him the sum of P600; and.(5) In condemning the plaintiff and his sureties to pay to the defendant the sum of P9,439.08.It appears from the record:(1) That on May 11, 1923, the deputy sheriff of the Province of Tarlac, by virtue of writ of execution in civil case No. 20203 of the Court of First Instance of Manila (Macondray & Co., Inc.vs.Leon Sibal),levied an attachment on eight parcels of land belonging to said Leon Sibal, situated in the Province of Tarlac, designated in the second of attachment as parcels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (Exhibit B, Exhibit 2-A).(2) That on July 30, 1923, Macondray & Co., Inc., bought said eight parcels of land, at the auction held by the sheriff of the Province of Tarlac, for the sum to P4,273.93, having paid for the said parcels separately as follows (Exhibit C, and 2-A):


1 .....................................................................P1.00

2 .....................................................................2,000.00

3 .....................................................................120.93

4 .....................................................................1,000.00

5 .....................................................................1.00

6 .....................................................................1.00

7 with the house thereon ..........................150.00

8 .....................................................................1,000.00==========


(3) That within one year from the sale of said parcel of land, and on the 24th day of September, 1923, the judgment debtor, Leon Sibal, paid P2,000 to Macondray & Co., Inc., for the account of the redemption price of said parcels of land, without specifying the particular parcels to which said amount was to applied. The redemption price said eight parcels was reduced, by virtue of said transaction, to P2,579.97 including interest (Exhibit C and 2).The record further shows:(1) That on April 29, 1924, the defendant Vitaliano Mamawal, deputy sheriff of the Province of Tarlac, by virtue of a writ of execution in civil case No. 1301 of the Province of Pampanga (Emiliano J. Valdezvs.Leon Sibal 1. the same parties in the present case), attached the personal property of said Leon Sibal located in Tarlac, among which was included the sugar cane now in question in the seven parcels of land described in the complaint (Exhibit A).(2) That on May 9 and 10, 1924, said deputy sheriff sold at public auction said personal properties of Leon Sibal, including the sugar cane in question to Emilio J. Valdez, who paid therefor the sum of P1,550, of which P600 was for the sugar cane (Exhibit A).(3) That on April 29,1924, said deputy sheriff, by virtue of said writ of execution, also attached the real property of said Leon Sibal in Tarlac, including all of his rights, interest and participation therein, which real property consisted of eleven parcels of land and a house and camarin situated in one of said parcels (Exhibit A).(4) That on June 25, 1924, eight of said eleven parcels, including the house and the camarin, were bought by Emilio J. Valdez at the auction held by the sheriff for the sum of P12,200. Said eight parcels were designated in the certificate of sale as parcels 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 and 11. The house and camarin were situated on parcel 7 (Exhibit A).(5) That the remaining three parcels, indicated in the certificate of the sheriff as parcels 2, 12, and 13, were released from the attachment by virtue of claims presented by Agustin Cuyugan and Domiciano Tizon (Exhibit A).(6) That on the same date, June 25, 1924, Macondray & Co. sold and conveyed to Emilio J. Valdez for P2,579.97 all of its rights and interest in the eight parcels of land acquired by it at public auction held by the deputy sheriff of Tarlac in connection with civil case No. 20203 of the Court of First Instance of Manila, as stated above. Said amount represented the unpaid balance of the redemption price of said eight parcels, after payment by Leon Sibal of P2,000 on September 24, 1923, fro the account of the redemption price, as stated above. (Exhibit C and 2).The foregoing statement of facts shows:(1) The Emilio J. Valdez bought the sugar cane in question, located in the seven parcels of land described in the first cause of action of the complaint at public auction on May 9 and 10, 1924, for P600.(2) That on July 30, 1923, Macondray & Co. became the owner of eight parcels of land situated in the Province of Tarlac belonging to Leon Sibal and that on September 24, 1923, Leon Sibal paid to Macondray & Co. P2,000 for the account of the redemption price of said parcels.(3) That on June 25, 1924, Emilio J. Valdez acquired from Macondray & Co. all of its rights and interest in the said eight parcels of land.(4) That on June 25, 1924, Emilio J. Valdez also acquired all of the rights and interest which Leon Sibal had or might have had on said eight parcels by virtue of the P2,000 paid by the latter to Macondray.(5) That Emilio J. Valdez became the absolute owner of said eight parcels of land.The first question raised by the appeal is, whether the sugar cane in question is personal or real property. It is contended that sugar cane comes under the classification of real property as "ungathered products" in paragraph 2 of article 334 of the Civil Code. Said paragraph 2 of article 334 enumerates as real property the following: Trees, plants, and ungathered products, while they are annexed to the land or form an integral part of any immovable property." That article, however, has received in recent years an interpretation by theTribunal Supremo de Espaa, which holds that, under certain conditions, growing crops may be considered as personal property. (Decision of March 18, 1904, vol. 97, Civil Jurisprudence of Spain.)Manresa, the eminent commentator of the Spanish Civil Code, in discussing section 334 of the Civil Code, in view of the recent decisions of the supreme Court of Spain, admits that growing crops are sometimes considered and treated as personal property. He says:No creemos, sin embargo, que esto excluya la excepcionque muchos autores hacen tocante a la venta de toda cosecha o de parte de ella cuando aun no esta cogida (cosa frecuente con la uvay y la naranja), y a la de lenas, considerando ambas comomuebles. El Tribunal Supremo, en sentencia de 18 de marzo de 1904, al entender sobre un contrato de arrendamiento de un predio rustico, resuelve que su terminacion por desahucio no extingue los derechos del arrendario, para recolectar o percibir los frutos correspondientes al ao agricola, dentro del que nacieron aquellos derechos, cuando el arrendor ha percibido a su vez el importe de la renta integra correspondiente, aun cuando lo haya sido por precepto legal durante el curso del juicio, fundandose para ello, no solo en que de otra suerte se daria al desahucio un alcance que no tiene, sino en que, y esto es lo interesante a nuestro proposito,la consideracion de inmuebles que el articulo 334 del Codigo Civil atribuge a los frutos pendientes, no les priva del caracter de productos pertenecientes, como tales, a quienes a ellos tenga derecho, Ilegado el momento de su recoleccion.x x x x x x x x xMas actualmente y por virtud de la nueva edicion de la Ley Hipotecaria, publicada en 16 de diciembre de 1909, con las reformas introducidas por la de 21 de abril anterior, la hipoteca, salvo pacto expreso que disponga lo contrario, y cualquiera que sea la naturaleza y forma de la obligacion que garantice,no comprende los frutoscualquiera que sea la situacion en que se encuentre. (3 Manresa, 5. edicion, pags. 22, 23.)From the foregoing it appears (1) that, under Spanish authorities, pending fruits and ungathered products may be sold and transferred as personal property; (2) that the Supreme Court of Spain, in a case of ejectment of a lessee of an agricultural land, held that the lessee was entitled to gather the products corresponding to the agricultural year, because said fruits did not go with the land but belonged separately to the lessee; and (3) that under the Spanish Mortgage Law of 1909, as amended, the mortgage of a piece of land does not include the fruits and products existing thereon, unless the contract expressly provides otherwise.An examination of the decisions of the Supreme Court of Louisiana may give us some light on the question which we are discussing. Article 465 of the Civil Code of Louisiana, which corresponds to paragraph 2 of article 334 of our Civil Code, provides: "Standing crops and the fruits of trees not gathered, and trees before they are cut down, are likewise immovable, and are considered as part of the land to which they are attached."The Supreme Court of Louisiana having occasion to interpret that provision, held that in some cases "standing crops" may be considered and dealt with as personal property. In the case ofLumber Co. vs. Sheriff and Tax Collector(106 La., 418) the Supreme Court said: "True, by article 465 of the Civil Code it is provided that 'standing crops and the fruits of trees not gathered and trees before they are cut down . . . are considered as part of the land to which they are attached, but the immovability provided for is only one in abstracto and without reference to rights on or to the crop acquired by others than the owners of the property to which the crop is attached. . . . The existence of a right on the growing crop is a mobilization by anticipation, a gathering as it were in advance, rendering the crop movable quoad the right acquired therein. Our jurisprudence recognizes the possible mobilization of the growing crop." (Citizens' Bankvs.Wiltz, 31 La. Ann., 244; Porchevs.Bodin, 28 La., Ann., 761; Sandelvs.Douglass, 27 La. Ann., 629; Lewisvs.Klotz, 39 La. Ann., 267.)"It is true," as the Supreme Court of Louisiana said in the case ofPorche vs. Bodin(28 La. An., 761) that "article 465 of the Revised Code says that standing crops are considered as immovable and as part of the land to which they are attached, and article 466 declares that the fruits of an immovable gathered or produced while it is under seizure are considered as making part thereof, and incurred to the benefit of the person making the seizure. But the evident meaning of these articles, is where the crops belong to the owner of the plantation they form part of the immovable, and where it is seized, the fruits gathered or produced inure to the benefit of the seizing creditor.A crop raised on leased premises in no sense forms part of the immovable. It belongs to the lessee, and may be sold by him, whether it be gathered or not, and it may be sold by his judgment creditors. If it necessarily forms part of the leased premises the result would be that it could not be sold under execution separate and apart from the land. If a lessee obtain supplies to make his crop, the factor's lien would not attach to the crop as a separate thing belonging to his debtor, but the land belonging to the lessor would be affected with the recorded privilege. The law cannot be construed so as to result in such absurd consequences.In the case ofCitizen's Bank vs. Wiltz(31 La. Ann., 244)the court said:If the cropquoadthe pledge thereof under the act of 1874 was an immovable, it would be destructive of the very objects of the act, it would render the pledge of the crop objects of the act, it would render the pledge of the crop impossible, for if the crop was an inseparable part of the realty possession of the latter would be necessary to that of the former; but such is not the case. True, by article 465 C. C. it is provided that "standing crops and the fruits of trees not gathered and trees before they are cut down are likewise immovable and are considered as part of the land to which they are attached;" but the immovability provided for is only onein abstractoand without reference to rights on or to the crop acquired by other than the owners of the property to which the crop was attached. The immovability of a growing crop is in the order of things temporary, for the crop passes from the state of a growing to that of a gathered one, from an immovable to a movable. The existence of a right on the growing crop is a mobilization by anticipation, a gathering as it were in advance, rendering the crop movablequoadthe right acquired thereon. The provision of our Code is identical with the Napoleon Code 520, and we may therefore obtain light by an examination of the jurisprudence of France.The rule above announced, not only by theTribunal Supremo de Espaabut by the Supreme Court of Louisiana, is followed in practically every state of the Union.From an examination of the reports and codes of the State of California and other states we find that the settle doctrine followed in said states in connection with the attachment of property and execution of judgment is, that growing crops raised by yearly labor and cultivation are considered personal property. (6 Corpuz Juris, p. 197; 17 Corpus Juris, p. 379; 23 Corpus Juris, p. 329: Raventasvs.Green, 57 Cal., 254; Norrisvs.Watson, 55 Am. Dec., 161; Whipplevs.Foot, 3 Am. Dec., 442; 1 Benjamin on Sales, sec. 126; McKenzievs.Lampley, 31 Ala., 526; Crinevs.Tifts and Co., 65 Ga., 644; Gillittvs.Truax, 27 Minn., 528; Prestonvs.Ryan, 45 Mich., 174; Freeman on Execution, vol. 1, p. 438; Drake on Attachment, sec. 249; Mechem on Sales, sec. 200 and 763.)Mr. Mechem says that a valid sale may be made of a thing, which though not yet actually in existence, is reasonably certain to come into existence as the natural increment or usual incident of something already in existence, and then belonging to the vendor, and then title will vest in the buyer the moment the thing comes into existence. (Emersonvs.European Railway Co., 67 Me., 387; Cuttingvs.Packers Exchange, 21 Am. St. Rep., 63.) Things of this nature are said to have a potential existence. A man may sell property of which he is potentially and not actually possessed. He may make a valid sale of the wine that a vineyard is expected to produce; or the gain a field may grow in a given time; or the milk a cow may yield during the coming year; or the wool that shall thereafter grow upon sheep; or what may be taken at the next cast of a fisherman's net; or fruits to grow; or young animals not yet in existence; or the good will of a trade and the like. The thing sold, however, must be specific and identified. They must be also owned at the time by the vendor. (Hullvs.Hull, 48 Conn., 250 [40 Am. Rep., 165].)It is contended on the part of the appellee that paragraph 2 of article 334 of the Civil Code has been modified by section 450 of the Code of Civil Procedure as well as by Act No. 1508, the Chattel Mortgage Law. Said section 450 enumerates the property of a judgment debtor which may be subjected to execution. The pertinent portion of said section reads as follows: "All goods, chattels, moneys, and other property, both real and personal, * * * shall be liable to execution. Said section 450 and most of the other sections of the Code of Civil Procedure relating to the execution of judgment were taken from the Code of Civil Procedure of California. The Supreme Court of California, under section 688 of the Code of Civil Procedure of that state (Pomeroy, p. 424) has held, without variation, that growing crops were personal property and subject to execution.Act No. 1508, the Chattel Mortgage Law, fully recognized that growing crops are personal property. Section 2 of said Act provides: "All personal property shall be subject to mortgage, agreeably to the provisions of this Act, and a mortgage executed in pursuance thereof shall be termed a chattel mortgage." Section 7 in part provides: "If growing crops be mortgaged the mortgage may contain an agreement stipulating that the mortgagor binds himself properly to tend, care for and protect the crop while growing.It is clear from the foregoing provisions that Act No. 1508 was enacted on the assumption that "growing crops" are personal property. This consideration tends to support the conclusion hereinbefore stated, that paragraph 2 of article 334 of the Civil Code has been modified by section 450 of Act No. 190 and by Act No. 1508 in the sense that "ungathered products" as mentioned in said article of the Civil Code have the nature of personal property. In other words, the phrase "personal property" should be understood to include "ungathered products."At common law, and generally in the United States, all annual crops which are raised by yearly manurance and labor, and essentially owe their annual existence to cultivation by man, . may be levied on as personal property." (23 C. J., p. 329.) On this question Freeman, in his treatise on the Law of Executions, says: "Crops, whether growing or standing in the field ready to be harvested, are, when produced by annual cultivation, no part of the realty. They are, therefore, liable to voluntary transfer as chattels. It is equally well settled that they may be seized and sold under execution. (Freeman on Executions, vol. p. 438.)We may, therefore, conclude that paragraph 2 of article 334 of the Civil Code has been modified by section 450 of the Code of Civil Procedure and by Act No. 1508, in the sense that, for the purpose of attachment and execution, and for the purposes of the Chattel Mortgage Law, "ungathered products" have the nature of personal property. The lower court, therefore, committed no error in holding that the sugar cane in question was personal property and, as such, was not subject to redemption.All the other assignments of error made by the appellant, as above stated, relate to questions of fact only. Before entering upon a discussion of said assignments of error, we deem it opportune to take special notice of the failure of the plaintiff to appear at the trial during the presentation of evidence by the defendant. His absence from the trial and his failure to cross-examine the defendant have lent considerable weight to the evidence then presented for the defense.Coming not to the ownership of parcels 1 and 2 described in the first cause of action of the complaint, the plaintiff made a futile attempt to show that said two parcels belonged to Agustin Cuyugan and were the identical parcel 2 which was excluded from the attachment and sale of real property of Sibal to Valdez on June 25, 1924, as stated above. A comparison of the description of parcel 2 in the certificate of sale by the sheriff (Exhibit A) and the description of parcels 1 and 2 of the complaint will readily show that they are not the same.The description of the parcels in the complaint is as follows:1. La caa dulce sembrada por los inquilinos del ejecutado Leon Sibal 1. en una parcela de terreno de la pertenencia del citado ejecutado, situada en Libutad, Culubasa, Bamban, Tarlac, de unas dos hectareas poco mas o menos de superficie.2. La caa dulce sembrada por el inquilino del ejecutado Leon Sibal 1., Ilamado Alejandro Policarpio, en una parcela de terreno de la pertenencia del ejec