proposal bahasa inggris stai mu tanjungpinang

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF USING VIDEO MEDIA IN TEACHING SPEAKING ABOUT EXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY AND AFFECTION TO THE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS OF SMA NEGERI 4 BINTAN A. Background of The Problem English is not only use as an official language in many nations, but also influence on many different cultures in a large number of countries; it is the central language of communication in the world-wide 1 . The development in the quality of English learning has not satisfaction. This is because of lack of several factors to support the learning and teaching approaches. Teaching and learning English implementation still has shortages of textbooks, unqualified English teachers and also unstandardized curriculum. 2 1 Susanna, A(The weak language learner: a study of ways of taking weak language learners into consideration in class(Sweden: Vaxjo University,2007),page.115 2 Thongma Souriyavongs, Factors Causes Students Low English Language Learning, accessed Causes Students Low English Language Learning A Case Study in the National University of Laos, Februari17 th at 08:18 a.m 1

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Ini adalah contoh proposal mahasiswa STAI MU tanjungpinang. Boleh di pelajari, tapi jangan dijiplak mentah2


Page 1: Proposal Bahasa Inggris STAI MU Tanjungpinang




A. Background of The Problem

English is not only use as an official language in many

nations, but also influence on many different cultures in a large

number of countries; it is the central language of communication

in the world-wide1. The development in the quality of English learning has not

satisfaction. This is because of lack of several factors to support the learning and

teaching approaches. Teaching and learning English implementation still has

shortages of textbooks, unqualified English teachers and also unstandardized


There some problems that cause The students can not speak English

because The media of learning rarely used in teaching process and the teacher

unqualified in teaching process so that make the students are not interest with


The problem will be difference in each level of school. The problem will

not be same between students in the primary school with students in junior high

school and senior high school. Some experts assumed that there are many factors

1 Susanna, A(The weak language learner: a study of ways of taking weak language learners into consideration in class(Sweden: Vaxjo University,2007),page.1152Thongma Souriyavongs, Factors Causes Students Low English Language Learning, accessed Causes Students Low English Language Learning A Case Study in the National University of Laos, Februari17th at 08:18 a.m


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that make the students can not speak English Well. One expert assumed that lack

of media can make student can not speak English well.

So Media is verry important. There are some factors causes the student can not

speak English :

1. English is regarded as a difficult subject to learn.

Many students think that English is difficult because English

has a different structure with Indonesian.

2. Learners’ learning depends on the English teachers as


Students learn English only depend on what did the teacher

gave. They rarely want to learn English to others whey they

are in the home.

3. There is a lack of support to use English in the home

environment and the community.

There is no English comunity in the school or in their


4. The teacher are not ready in teaching English.

They rarely use interactive media in teaching English in the


5. Learners have insufficient or lacking of exposure to the

language as there is a limited opportunity to use English

outside the classrooms.


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The students rarely practice to speak English outside the


6. Students have a limitation of vocabulary proficiency as well

as English reading materials are not always available.

The student are not mastery many vocabularies can cause

they can not speak English.

7. Learners have an unwillingness and lack of motivation to

learn English as they do not see the immediate need to use

the language.

The students lack of motifation to lear English because they

do not know the reality of usefull of English because they are

not working yet.

8. Lack of motivation for learning or the negative attitude

towards the target language. Lack of motivations can make

negative effect in learning English3.

Learning media is a integral part of learning process in the class. To get

maximum result, Learning process have to have a knowladge about processing

learning media as a help tool for make clear and make a lesson can be mastered

by student in the class4.

3 Thongma Souriyavongs, Factors Causes Students Low English Language Learning, accessed Causes Students Low English Language Learning A Case Study in the National University of Laos, Februari17th at 08:18 a.m4 Sharon E.Smaldino, Intructional Technology & Media for Learning(Jakarta:kencana Pernada Group, 2008), page. 311.


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To encrease quality of learning process and the result of learning, we may not

to forget a fact that student have to make many interactions with sources of

learning. Without good source of learning, its very impossible a good learning

process can be achieved. So, Teaching media is very important in learning

process. Learning Media can increase academic activities of students.

Video as a learning media can be use to make student interes with the study.

Video can creat a innovative effect and realistic image. The students not only can

imagine but they can see directly and hear what they said in the video. Video can

process a learning become an avialable interactive learning. By using video, the

students can know and learn english as they meet the native speaker from abroad.

They can hear the really pronounciations from native speaker and can folow how

the native speaker talk, and know how to produce the good pronunciations. If

video always used in teaching speaking in the class, it can improove the speaking

skill of the student in the class.

There are many problems about speaking that happened in the school. Based to

the pre-observation to the school, the writer found some problems about first year

students speaking skill at SMA Negeri 4 Bintan such us :

1. The students can not speak English.

2. The students are not convidence to speak English when they are studying

English in the class.


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3. The Students are not interest to speak English because they think that

Speak English must be perfect (afraid to make mistake when they are

speaking English).

4. The students are not interest with English because the teacher focused to

text books.

5. The English teachers never use media video in teaching English.

6. Some students rarely finished their home work.

7. The students can not practice to speak English with simple conversations

such as a short conversations about how to express their sympathy and

affection to other infront of the class.

8. The students are lazy to study English in the class and outside of the class.

9. Almost 45 % The students’ achievement is under the standart of minimal

achievement (KKM).

Based to the some problems above, the writter interest to do the research about

the effectiveness of using video media in teaching speaking about expressions

of sympathy and affections to the first year students of SMA Negeri 4 Bintan.

B. The Reasons of Choosing The Title

The writer choose this title because :

1. This research has never been done by the students of English Education

Department of Institute Miftahul ‘Ulum For Islamic Studies



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2. This research is match with the writter educations background(English

Deparment Student in English Education Department of Institute Miftahul

‘Ulum For Islamic Studies Tanjungpinang )

3. The location of the research is near the writer’s office so that it can be

reached easily.

C. Definitions of The Term

The terminology used in this research can be define in the following :

1. Effectiveness is Producing the result that is wanted or intended.5

Effectiveness can be define as correctly result.

2. Video derived from the latin “Video-Vidi-Vidisum” it can be mean “See”6

Video can be define as a moving picture with sound that we can see from

the screen.

3. Media derived from the latin “medium” it can be mean as intermediary.

“Media dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah alat untuk mentransfer informasi

untuk dipelajari atau bisa juga disebut perantara pesan”. So, Media can

be define as a tool to transfer informations to study or can be called as

mediator messege.7 Media is a best tool to transfer knowledge to styudent.

4. Teaching is Work of a teacher: earn a living by teaching8 Teaching can be

define as an activity in knowledge transfering process done by teacher to

the student.

5 Oxford University,Oxford Learner’s Pocket(China:Oxford University,2004),page.1386 K. Prent dkk, Kamus Latin-Indonesia(Bandung:Rineka Cipta,1969), page. 9267 Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, Aswan Zain, Strategi Belajar Mengajar(Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2006),page. 1208 Oxford University,Oxford Learner’s Pocket(China:Oxford University,2004),page.443


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5. Speaking can be define as so much a part of daily life that we take it for

granted.9. Speaking can be define as a process pruducing sentences that

have mean and happen a feedback from the speaker.

6. Student can be define as :

a. “Orang yang belajar di perguruan tinggi atau universitas” Person

Who is studying at a college or university.

b. “Orang yang belajar di sekolah” Person studying at school.

Student can be define as people that studying a studies10.

D. The Problems

1. Identifications of The problem

There are some problems happened when the teacher teach speaking to the

students. Toward Early observations in SMA Negeri 4 Bintan, The writer make

some conclusions about the problem of the first year students in SMA Negeri 4

Bintan :

1. Almost all The first year students of SMA 4 Bintan have a problem in

learning speaking.

2. The students are not interest in learning process, they are feel bored to

the teacher, because the teacher teach this competency without media.

3. The students are not convidence to speak English when they are

studying English.

9 Scott Thronbury, The Elements of Foreign Language Teaching(Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, Ltd,1997),page.1.10 Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, Aswan Zain, Strategi Belajar Mengajar(Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2006),page.429


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4. The Students are not interest to speak English because they think that

Speak English must be perfect (afraid to make mistake when they are

speaking English).

5. The students are not interest with English because the teacher focused

on the text books.

6. The English teachers never use media video in teaching English.

7. Some students rarely finished their home work.

8. The students can not practice to speak English with simple

conversations such as a short conversations about how to express their

sympathy or showing affections to others infront of the class.

9. The students are lazy to study English in the class and outside of the


10. Almost 45 % The students’ achievement is under the standart of

minimal achievement (KKM).

Therefore, it is needed a solution to solve this problem to change this

conditions. As the result, the reseacher will use the video media in teaching

speaking about using expressions of symphaty and showing affections to the

first year students of SMA 4 Bintan. It is to know how is the effectiveness a

video media in speaking learning process.

2. Limitations of The Problem

Due to the researcher’s limitations of time, he limits this research only

about the effectiveness of using video media in teacing speaking about using


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expressions of sympathy and affection to the first year students of SMA 4


3. Formulations of The Problem

The formulations of the problem in this research is as folows :

a. How is the effectiveness of using video media in teaching speaking

about using expressions of sympathy and affection to the first year

students of SMA Negeri 4 Bintan ?

b. How is the students achievement after using video media in teaching

speaking about expression of symphaty and affection in the class ?

E. Objectives and Need of The Research

1. The Objectives of The Research

Based on the problem, this research aimed at finding out:

a. To know the effectivess of video media in teaching speaking about

expressions of sympathy and affection to the First year student of SMA

Negeri 4 Bintan.

b. To know the students achievement after using video media in teaching

speaking about expression of symphaty and affection in the class.

2. The Need of Research

This research is very useful for teachers and students. There are two needs of

this study :

a. Theoretically

1. To improove student’s speaking ability about expressing sympathy

and affection.


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2. To kwow how is student’s speaking skill about expressing sympathy

and affection.

b. Practically

1. To give a good sugestion to the headmaster to provide facilities such

as video media as a learning source to get student’s attetions when

they are studying in the class

2. To motivate the teacher that the teacher must be creatife and

innovative in using learning media to the students.

F. Hypothesis

“Hipotesis dapat diartikan sebagai jawaban sementara dari sebuah penelitian

sampai menjadi fakta melalui data yang telah terkumpul” Hypothesis can be

define as an tentative answer from a research problem until it become a fact

through data collected.11 Hypothesis is a tentative answer to prove the research

problem through data collected. Hypothesis will be compare with the data

collected, after that quality of hyphotesis can be known. There are two types of

hypothesis. They are :

1. Ha(Hypothesis Alternative)

“Hipotesis Alternatif mengacu pada sebuah hubungan antara variabel

X dan Y atau mengacu pada perbedaan yang signifikan”. it is refers a

corelations between variable X and Y or it is refers a significant

differences between two groups. In this research There is a significant

difference between using video media in teaching speaking.

11 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2010),page. 110.


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2. Ho(Null Hypothesis) :

“Hipotesis Null mengacu pada tidak adanya perbedaan antara variabel

X dan Y”. It is refers no significant difeerence between variable X and Y

or there is no impact from variable X and Y. In this research, There is no

significant difference between using media video in teaching speaking12.

G. Operational Variable

“Operasional variabel adalah segala sesuatu yang akan menjadi objek

penelitian”. Operational variable is everything that will be objects of research13.

The purpose of this study is to teach SMA students. Focuse to the importants of

learning about using expressions of sympathy and affection for the student to

encrease their mastery in Speaking Skill, it is necessary for the teachers to find

appropiate teaching media to make the student interest with English and it is

necessary to improve Students speaking skill. This study deal with the finding of

the better technique of teaching English especially in Speaking. There are two

variables in this research :

1. Dependent Variable

Dependent variable in this research is the speaking skill of The first year

students of SMA Negeri 4 Bintan.

2. Independent variable

Independent variable in this research is Video Media

H. Theoretical Framework

12 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2010),page. 11013 Abdurrahmat Fathoni, Metodelogi Penelitian & Teknik Penyusunan Skripsi(Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2006),page.24.


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1. Teaching Media

Media derived from the latin “medium” it can be mean as intermediary.

“Media dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah alat untuk mentransfer informasi

untuk dipelajari atau perantara pesan”. So, Media can be define as a tools to

transfer informations to study or mediator messege14. “Media pembelajaran

dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah alat untuk mentransfer informasi-informasi

kepada pembelajar untuk mendapatkan pesan-pesan untuk memcapai tujuan

pembelajaran”. Teaching Media can be define as a tool to trasnsfer

informations to the learner to get messeges to achieve the aim of learning15

Learning media can be define as a media that use to transfer informations or

messege from the teacher to the student.

2. Media as a Teaching sources

“Proses pembelajaran adalah sebuah proses pengantaran informasi

kepada pelajar” Learning process is a transfering of information processing to

the students. ‘Ada beberapa jenis sumber pembelajaran yaitu : manusia, buku

atau perpustakaan, media massa, lingkungan dan Media pembelajaran”.

There are some kinds of learning sources. They are : human, book/library,

Mass media, Environtment, and Learning Media.16 Learning media have an

important position to educations. Media as a helpfull tool have a good impact.

3. Types of Media

14 Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, Aswan Zain, Strategi Belajar Mengajar(Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2006),page. 120.15Ibid.,page.121.16 Syaiful Bahri Djamarah, Aswan Zain, Strategi Belajar Mengajar(Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2006),page.122.


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“Ada beberapa jenis media seperti : Media Audio, Media Visual dan

Audio Visual”. There are some kinds of media such as:

a. Audio Media

Audio media only focus to voice or sounds like radio, cassette


b. Visual Media

Visual Media is a media that focus to static image, or printed. This

media not use sound or voice

c. Audio Visual Media

Audio Visual Media is a media that combine between visual and audio.

This media more complete than Audio or visual only. Audio visual can

be like a videos(movie), film from projector, etc17.

4. The Definitons of Video

There are some definitions of video according to the experts.

1. Video derived from the latin “Video-Vidi-Vidisum” it can be mean


2. Video can be define as a moving picture that we can see from the


3. “Video dapat diartikan sebagai sebuah bagian dari gambar-gambar di

televisi atau sebuah gambar hidup yang sudah direkam di televisi”

Video can be define as 1) a part that appear images on the television;

17 Ibid., page.124.18 K. Prent dkk, Kamus Latin-Indonesia(Bandung:Tri Cipta,1969), page. 926.


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2) A live image recorded that appeared on the television;19 Video can

be mean as an interactive picture that appeared by the television.

4. Video can be define as the storage of visuals and their display on the


Based on some definitions above, video can be define as

something that we can see, motions image, record process.

5. The strength of Video in learning process

The conditions in technology erra, make student familiar with television in

their home. The student can use their television to watch videos. With this

conditions, The teacher can make or copy the video related to the learning

process from the internet and burn it to the discs and spread them to the

students. They can watch the videos in their home. Watching videos can

make we more understand and make the subject studied by the teacher can be

memoriable for the students. In afective, video can icrease emotional unsure

and actions from effective learning because a video has a power of emotional

impact. Video can make the student lought, keep smile,or sad and cry. In

psikomotoryc, video have a strength in display how is somethings do a

reactions such as in demontrate a way to make a flower(handycraft) from a

paper, or make a cake, or make a juice. It will appear more simply, detiel, and

can be random many times. By using media video, the teacher can give a

challange to their student to observe and evaulate their practise and they can

give the feedback from what they watch.

19 Eko Endarmoko,Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia(1995), page.1119.20 Sharon E.Smaldino, Intructional Technology & Media for Learning(Jakarta:kencana Pernada Group, 2008), page.374


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In competency interpersonal, by using video the teacher can give a

challange to the students to do disscuss about what they watch in the video.

Video or film can give an effectivness and effesiency of learning process such

as :

1. Video Solve problem space and time

Video can make the student’s imagine the place like they watch.

2. Video can decribe a history in short time.

Video can describe a history happened in the last.

3. Video can make the student go to a country in other side of world

without they have to move.

4. Video can be repeated many times.

We can replay the video anytime.

5. Video can transfer the messege direcly and memoriable.

Video can make the student’s cacth the messege directly

6. Video can make the student imaginate and develope their imaginations


7. Video can enclear abstract dan give a describing more reall.

Video can make abstrack more reall

8. Video can make the student able to express their opinion.

The are many strength of video, it will be memoriable something, easy

to see, easy to describe history in short time etc21.

6. The weakness of Video in learning process

21 Sharon E.Smaldino, Intructional Technology & Media for Learning(Jakarta:kencana Pernada Group, 2008), page. 311.


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Video has some weaknees such us :

1. Video more emphasis to how important a subjec but not focus to

developing of the subject

2. Video media still expensive for teacher, especially for teachers in

the small school or schools in the village22.

7. The Types of Video

There are some kind of video technique such as :

1. Video live

Video live can be explain as a video by using television directly. In

this video, there is a teacher as a host and only used one language. The

host in the video have a fuction as a guide to the subject.

The video will appear important items that will be learned and there is

a guidence to describe what the student have to take pay attention and

what the student do by student to explore the video.

2. Video source

Video source can be explain as a video that appear the subject

indirectly. The aim of this video is to give a describing a new language

or new illustrations to the each steps23.

8. The Types of Video Technique

There are some types of video technique such as :

a. Listening Comphrension

22 Nugent, Sharon E.Smaldino, Video as a teaching media , accessible, January 1th 2014 at 09:40 a.m23 Nugent, Sharon E.Smaldino, Video as a teaching media , accessible, January 1th 2014 at 09:40 a.m


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There are some activities in this video. The student asked to fill a

blank conversation based to the videos appeared.

b. Silent viewing

The teacher only use video visual, without a voice, ant the student

asked to peredic what the actor said in the film. The student have to

predict a keyword related to the video like a topic.

c. Jigsaw viewing

This technique do with a group. One group sonsist of two person.

One of two person see the video and one other have to close the eyes.

The one who watch the movie have to describe the videos like a actress

or actor and give some clues and the one who close the eyes have to

predict who is the actor or actrees from the clues given by the one who

watch the movie.

d. Jigsay viewing with comentary

This technique almost same with Jigsaw viewing. This technique do

with a group. One group sonsist of two person. One of two person see

the video and one other have to close the eyes. The one who watch the

movie have to describe the videos like a actress or actor and give some

clues and the one who close the eyes have to predict who is the actor

or actrees from the clues given by the one who watch the movie.

The differences between Jigsaw viewing with Jigsaw Viewing with

comentary only in the type of video. The jigsaw viewing with


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comentary use a silent video(visual only without the sound) but The

jigsaw viewing use a video with sound(not silent video).

e. Video treasure hunt

In this technique student have to predict a dark screen of a video but

there is a sound there. They have to predict what the actor do in the

screen with analyze the voice or analyze the conversation from what

they hear. The student have to predict the character, emotions, object

etc in the dark video.

f. Predictions

In this technique, the student asked to predict what will happen

after they watched a half of the video. They have to speak and tell it

their predictions infront of class. After that the teacher will play the

next real video to the student.

g. Reserve Predictions

In this technique, the student watch the last part of the movie, after

that the teacher asked to the student to predict about the first part of the

movie in front of the class based their predictions. After that the

teacher will play the real video to the student.

h. Sequencing

In this technique, the student asked to arrage the video become a

good video. The video or movie appeared in the screen is random

videos. The student do discuss and arrange the part of the video24.

24 Nugent, Sharon E.Smaldino, Video as a teaching media, accessible, January 1th 2014 at 09:40 a.m


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I. Time and Location

The writer will do This research in 1st March 2014 in SMA Negeri 4

Sribintan (Tanjunguban Street. Km. 49. Sri Bintan Village). The writer will do

this research to the 1th Class).

J. Subject and Object of The Research

1. The Subject of The research

“Subjek penelitian adalah subjek yang akan di teliti oleh peneliti”.

The subject of the research is the subject that will be researched by

researcher. 25The subject of this research is   the 1st class students of SMA

Negeri 4 Bintan.

2. The Object of The Research

The object of the research is the effectiveness of using media video in

teaching speaking about using expressions of sympathy and affection to

the first year students of SMA Negeri 4 Bintan.

K. Population and Sample

1. Population

“Populasi penelitian adalah semua subjek penelitian atau satu set

atau koleksi”. Population of the research is all of research subject or a

set (or collection) of all elements prosessing one or more attributes of

interest.26 The population of the research is all of students at 1st Year of

SMA Negeri 4 Bintan (Class 1a,1b and 1c) consist of 90 students.

25 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian (Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2002),Page.122.

26 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2010),page. 137.


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2. Sample

“Sampel adalah beberapa bagian dari populasi yang memberikan

informasi atau data yang dibutuhkan dalam sebuah penelitian atau

perwakilan dari populasi yang akan diteliti”. Sample of the research is

some parts of populations that give informations or data needed in a

research or a representative of pupulations will be observed.27 The

sample of this research is Class 1A. It is consist of 30 Students. They

are 15 male and 15 female.

Table. 1.2 The data of students of class 1A


Students of class 1A Total

Male Female

3015 15


L. Techniques of Collecting The Data

The researcher will use the technique using written test, which are pre-test

and post-test. This technique is aim at knowing how is far the effectiveness of

using media video in teaching speaking about using expressions of sympathy

and affection to the first year student of SMA 4 Bintan.

M. Techniques of Analyzing The Data

1. Technique Quantitative Analyzing.

27 Ibid.,page.174


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The writer will use Quantitative analyzing in this research. The

writer will use a experimental method to analyze the data from Pre-test

and Post-Test after that the data collected will be

compared.”Penelitian dilakukan melakukan dua kali observasi yaitu

penelitian sebelum percobaan dan penelitian sesudah percobaan” The

writer will do twice observations, they are before doing performing

experiment(01) and after doing performing experiment(02).28

t = Md

❑√ ∑ x2d

N (N−1)

Md : Mean from the comparations of pre test-post test

Xd : Deviation of subjects (d-Md)

∑ x2 d : Total of deviation kuadrat

N : Sample of subject

The formula to get Md is :

Md=∑ d


28 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Jakarta:Rineka Cipta,2010),page. 124.