proposed retd project activities david de jager, kristian petrick operating agent retd

Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick Operating Agent RETD RETD ExCo13, 14-15 March 2011 Paris

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Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick Operating Agent RETD. RETD ExCo13, 14-15 March 2011 Paris. RETD Thematic Areas 2010-2015. 1Overarching and cross-cutting issues 1.1Quantifying the benefits of RETs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Proposed RETD Project Activities

David de Jager, Kristian Petrick Operating Agent RETD

RETD ExCo13, 14-15 March 2011Paris

Page 2: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

RETD Thematic Areas 2010-2015

1 Overarching and cross-cutting issues1.1 Quantifying the benefits of RETs1.2 Integrating RETs across sectors: removing institutional inertia

2 Key challenges and opportunities for large-scale RE deployment in various sectors

2.1 Electricity sector2.2 Heating and cooling sectors2.3 Transport sector

Page 3: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Input to energy scenarios work - WEO 2011


Theme: 1.1 Quantifying the benefits of RETsBackground: RETD has given input to the WEO/ETP in the past. This has

resulted in a constructive cooperation and an improvement of the key input parameters for RETs.

Objective: The proposal is to be involved in WEO 2011Budget: 20 k€Time frame: April – July 2011

Status: Proposed project idea at ExCo13 (WP2011, p. 30)(discussion on Implementing Body)

Page 4: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Securing the supply chain for renewable energy


Theme: 1.1 Quantifying the benefits of RETsBackground: Large-deployment of renewable energy will increase the

security of energy supply. However, the supply chain of renewable energy technologies may encounter its own difficulties.

Objective: Identification and quantification of:(1) Supply chain constraints (Resource availability, production capacity, energy consumption of large-scale RE deployment; environmental and health impacts, and socio-economic impacts)(2) Mitigation measures(3) Policy implications and recommendations

Budget: 100 k€ (t.b.d.)Time frame: 2011-2012Status: Proposed project idea at ExCo13 (WP2011, p. 31)

Page 5: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Renewable Energy and Water – Follow-up

RENWA Follow-up

Theme: 1.2 Integrating RETs across sectors: removing institutional inertia

Background: The RENWA scoping study showed that there are possible synergies between renewable energy and fresh water production. However, further technological development – notable of key desalination technologies – is needed to allow for more robust conclusions to be taken.

Next steps: Dissemination of project results of scoping study at workshops/conferences

Budget: 10 k€ (t.b.d.)Time frame: 2011Status: Discussion on next steps

Page 6: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Risk quantification and management – Follow-up


Theme: 1.2 Integrating RETs across sectors: removing institutional inertia

Background: The RISK study showed that all RE stakeholders would benefit from a commonly applied risk methodology. This will speed up the deployment of RETs.

Next steps: The Operating Agent will explore the opportunities to cooperate with key stakeholders on further developing the RISK methodology, to disseminate the results, and to see if the development of a dedicated risk database for RE technologies can be realized.

Budget: p.m. (provided stakeholders support this initiative)Time frame: 2011-2012Status: Discussion on next steps

Page 7: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Industrial competitiveness and renewable energy deployment


Theme: 1.2 Integrating RETs across sectors: removing institutional inertia

Background: Many countries now look at (re-) designing their industrial policies in order to find synergies with renewable energy deployment. This topic was identified at ExCo 11 and addressed in the Nice round table discussion.

Next steps: How could RETD contribute?Budget: p.m. Time frame: 2011-2012Status: Discussion on next steps

Page 8: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Formation of an Industry Consortium promoting Renewable Energies


Theme: 1.2 Integrating RETs across sectors: removing institutional inertia

Background: One of the conclusions of the SCENARIO 7 project (Short Term Actions) is to form an industry consortium that should promote the deployment of RE aiming to convince policy makers (and the public) of the benefits of RE.

Objective: Organize and manage the process of forming the Industry Consortium (IC) so that it can be actively promote RE.

Budget: 100-150 k€ (depending on scope; industry may also provide parts of the budget)

Time frame: 2011-2012Status: Proposed project idea at ExCo13 (WP2011, p. 32)

Discuss relation with Renewable Industry Advisory Board (RIAB) to REWP

Page 9: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Renewables for Islands (or remote areas) and micro-grids


Theme: 1.2 Integrating RETs across sectors: removing institutional inertia

Background: Islands/remote areas and/or micro-grids frequently rely fully or to a large extent on local conversion of fossil fuels. The costs of these isolated energy systems are relatively high and are expected to increase due to increased prices for fossil fuels. Renewable energy technologies frequently offer a better perspective for these locations.

Objective: To provide solutions for making remote areas energy independent from imports or transmission infrastructures.

Budget: p.m.Time frame: p.m.Status: Proposed at ExCo11. Put on hold.

Page 10: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Understanding the process of RE policy making


Theme: 1.2 Integrating RETs across sectors: removing institutional inertia

Background: Countries have difficulties in learning from each other. Can RETD have more impact by having a better understanding of the policy making process? Is RETD addressing the right government bodies?

Objective: To investigate and describe the policy making process (legislative procedure) in different jurisdictions and improve the dialogue with the RETD target group, i.e. policy makers.To identify the key players in (and around) the different administrations that should be addressed by RETD.

Budget: 130 k€ (study) + 30 k€ (workshop) (t.b.d.)Time frame: 2011-2012Status: Proposed project idea at ExCo13 (WP2011, p. 33)

Page 11: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Influence of Lobbying Groups on Energy Policies


Theme: 1.2 Integrating RETs across sectors: removing institutional inertia

Background: Policies on RE deployment are under constant pressure from lobbying groups notably from the fossil and nuclear industry. This pressure leads often to non-functioning or restrictive policies that fall short with the required actions needed to fight climate change and improve security of supply.

Objective: A project that investigates these activities can lead to an increased transparency which in turn may help to improve RE policies and make them more effective.

Budget: p.m.Time frame: 2012Status: Proposal at ExCo13 to prepare project idea/ToR (based on

similar work in other areas)

Page 12: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Levelling the playing field for RES-E: a critical self-assessment by RETD participating countries


Theme: 2.1 Key challenges and opportunities for large-scale RE deployment in various sectors – Electricity sector

Background: The development of RES-E projects is frequently still faced with a different playing field as compared to conventional energy supply projects.

Objective: An assessment of the playing field for several RES-E technologies compared to conventional technologies and/or conversion routes, including any (hidden) subsidies for the latter categories.

Budget: 75 k€ for methodology development, plus60 k€ per RETD country study (e.g. 3 studies)

Time frame: 2011-2012Status: Proposed at ExCo 11. Proposal to develop ToR and identify

countries that want to participate

Page 13: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Electricity markets (and/or grids) design and RES-E deployment


Theme: 2.1 Key challenges and opportunities for large-scale RE deployment in various sectors – Electricity sector

Background: As a follow-up to IEMVP, RETD will seek partners to organize an international workshop or conference, at which stakeholders will discuss the various aspects of market design and exchange experiences.

Objective: The preparation of a key-note paper that summarizes the main topics and challenges in a comprehensive way; the organisation of a workshop with a partner-organisation; and the dissemination of the results.

Budget: 50 - 100 k€ (possibly with partner organization)Time frame: 2012Status: Proposal at ExCo13. Take a decision after ExCo14 and the

RETD flagship event

Page 14: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

RE market transparency: Harvesting voluntary markets: what do you buy? An international comparison of certificate systems (tracking, using, and claiming)


Theme: 2.1 Key challenges and opportunities for large-scale RE deployment in various sectors – Electricity sector

Background: Voluntary markets have shown to be an important driver for RES-E deployment in some countries. Several schemes have been developed to supply green electricity to consumers. What exactly does a green electricty consumer buy and what environmental claims can be made?

Objective: Provide a comprehensive overview of the main schemes in place, their impact on RES-E deployment, and the opportunities for further improvement.

Budget: 75 – 100 k€ (t.b.d.)Time frame: 2012Status: Proposed at ExCo11. The Operating Agent explores whether

other stakeholders may be interested to participate in this study (through co-financing or in-kind).

Page 15: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Follow-up studies

Various follow-up

Theme: Key challenges and opportunities for large-scale RE deployment in various sectors2.2 Heating and cooling sector2.3 Transport sector

Background: Various topics have been proposed at ExCo11 to be considered in a latter stage.Heating and cooling: ZEB-RE/OPTIMUM-H/FLEXERGYTransport: RE-MOBILITY

Objective:Budget:Time frame:Status: It is proposed to await the results of RE-BIZZ/OPTIMUM and

RETRANS2 before deciding on these project activities

Page 16: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Proposed project activities to start in 2011

Project idea Theme Description Budget (k€)

SCENARIOS8 1.1 WEO 2011 input 20

RE-SUPPLY 1.1 RE supply chain security 100

RenWa2 1.2 Dissemination of RenWa1 10

RE-IND 1.2 RE & ind. competitiveness p.m.

RE-CON 1.2 RE industry consortium 100-150

RE-PROCESS 1.2 Understanding RE policy making process

130+ 30

E-LOBBY 1.2 Lobbying p.m.

LEVEL-E 2.1 Leveling the playing field 75 + 60 x N

Page 17: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD

Decision on other project ideas

Project idea Theme Proposed action

REMOTE 1.2 No action

RISK2 1.2 Explore cooperation with stakeholders

MARKET-E 2.1 Decide after ExCo14 / READy 2011 event

VOLUNTAR-E 2.1 Explore cooperation with other organizations

ZEB-RE etc 2.2 Decide after RE-BIZZ / OPTIMUM pilot


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For additional information on RETD

Online: www.iea-retd.orgContact: [email protected]

Page 19: Proposed RETD Project Activities David de Jager, Kristian Petrick  Operating Agent RETD



Theme: ThemeBackground:

Objective:Budget:Time frame:Status: