propulsion engine indication systems.pdf

Issue: Author: For Training Purposes Only LTT 2006 E Propulsion / Engine Indication Systems ATA 77, 79 EJAMF_M14.02_B2_E eJAMF Fundamentals 1JUL2007 SwD EASA Part-66 B2 Module 14.02 26.07.2012

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Propulsion Engine Indication Systems


Issue:Author:For Training Purposes OnlyLTT 2006 EPropulsion / Engine Indication SystemsATA 77, 79EJAMF_M14.02_B2_EeJAMFFundamentals1JUL2007SwDEASA Part-66B2Module 14.0226.07.2012Training ManualFor training purposes and internal use only.E Copyright by Lufthansa Technical Training (LTT).LTT is the owner of all rights to training documents and trainingsoftware.Anyuseoutsidethetrainingmeasures,especiallyreproductionand/or copying of training documents and software also extractsthere of in any format all (photocopying, using electronic systemsor with the aid of other methods) is prohibited.Passing on training material and training software to third partiesfor the purpose of reproduction and/or copying is prohibited withoutthe express written consent of LTT.Copyrightendorsements,trademarksorbrandsmaynotberemoved.A tape or video recording of training courses or similar services isonly permissible with the written consent of LTT.In other respects, legal requirements, especially under copyrightand criminal law, apply.Lufthansa Technical TrainingDept HAM USLufthansa Base HamburgWeg beim Jger 19322335 HamburgGermanyTel: +49 (0)40 5070 2520Fax: +49 (0)40 5070 4746E-Mail: Customer-Service@LTT.DLH.DEwww.Lufthansa-Technical-Training.comRevisionIdentification:S The date given in the column Issue on the face of this cover is binding for the complete Training Manual.S Dates and authors ID, which may be given at the base of the individual pages, are for information about the latest revision of that page(s) only.S The LTT production process ensures that the Training Manual contains a complete set of all necessary pages in the latest finalized revision. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 1 ATA DOCeJAMFPropulsionFRA US/T SwD Mar 29, 2007ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSLufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 2 01|Engine Indication Systems/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSINTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006INTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSEngine indications are used to monitor the parameters of the engine and itssystems.The engine indications can be divided into 3 groups. First, there are the performance indications, that are also named primaryindications. Then there are the system indications, that are also called secondaryindications. The third group of indications is used for engine trend monitoring andusually not shown in the cockpit.The performanceindications are used to monitor the performance and thelimits of the engine, and to set the thrust for the different flight phases.The system indications are used to monitor the operation of engine systemssuch as the oil or fuel system. They are also used to detect malfunctionsquickly.Enginetrendmonitoring is done on the ground to detect engine problems atan early stage. It uses engine parameters that are automatically recorded bythe aircraft condition monitoring system (ACMS).Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 3 01|Engine Indication Systems/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSINTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 1 Engine Indication System FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 4 02|Engine Indication Systems/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSINTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Engine indication systems cont.You can find engine indications, such as the ones shown on this ECAM displaysystem, which have a combination of gauge type analog displays and digitalreadouts.There are also analog indications with moving vertical bars, such as the onesshown on this EICAS display.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 5 02|Engine Indication Systems/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSINTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 2 Engine Performance Indication FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 6 03|Eng. Perf, Indicat. & Eng. Syst.Indicat./ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSINTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006ENGINE PERFORMANCE INDICATIONSThe indication which is always located at the top is used to monitor and set theengine thrust.Because it is not possible to measure the thrust directly, there are 2 differentindications which give an equivalent value.This is eitherS the rotational speed of the fan, called N1, orS the engine pressure ratio.The other performance indications are the engine rotor speed indications foreach rotor system.This means that in addition to N1 there is N2 and, if available, also N3.There is also the exhaust gas temperature indication (EGT) and the fuel flowindication.Data for the indications is measured by specific sensors or probes. The data isusually electrically transmitted to the indicators.Sensors fitted to engines with a FADEC system will first transmit the data tothe FADEC system computer.The computer then sends the data to the indicators or display system and alsouses it to control the engine.ENGINE SYSTEM INDICATIONSWe use the secondary engine indications to monitor the correct operation ofengine systems. These are also called engine system indications.The indications for the oil system monitor the oil quantity, the oil pressure, andthe oil temperature.The engine vibration indication shows you any imbalance that occurs in therotating parts of the engine. For example an imbalance can be generated bydamage to blades or bearings.The nacelle temperature increases for example when there is a leakage of hotair in the engine nacelle.The indications on the EICAS generally give the same information as theindications on the ECAM, although they are shown in a different way.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 7 03|Eng. Perf, Indicat. & Eng. Syst.Indicat./ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSINTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 3 Engine Performance Indication 2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 8 04|Engine System Indications/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSINTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Engine system indications cont.There are also warnings and cautions displayed on the ECAM / EICAS pageS when an indication exceeds a limit, orS when, as shown here, the system detects a low oil pressure, orS when a filter gets clogged as indicated here, orS when an unlocked thrust reverser is detected.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 9 04|Engine System Indications/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSINTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 4 Engine System Indications FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 10 05|Engine Trend Monitoring/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSINTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006ENGINE TREND MONITORINGModern engines are very reliable and economic, but the performance of theengine modules decrease during their lifetime.To prevent larger performance reductions or even engine problems duringflight, you need a monitoring tool that alerts us to a problem at an early stage.This tool is called engine trend monitoring.The engine trend monitoring is done in the workshop by analyzing engine datathat is periodically recorded during flight by the aircraft condition monitoringsystem.The ACMS provides this data on a print-out from the cockpit printer, and it canalso usually transmit the data via the ACARS datalink to the ground.The transmitted engine data is analyzed by a computer system in order to findany parameters that indicate a trend towards a limit.3 different analyses are usually done:S the thermodynamic analysis,S the mechanicdynamic analysis, andS the oil consumption analysis.The thermodynamic analysis checks the pressures and temperatures along thegas flow path. It also monitors the feedback signals from the VSV and VBV, theactive clearance control, and the fuel flow.The data gives exact information about the condition of the engine componentsinvolved in the thermodynamic process.The mechanic-dynamic analysis mainly checks for failures in the rotor system,for example imbalances and bearing failures. To do this it checks enginevibration and rotor speed signals.The oil consumption analysis generates an alert when the oil consumptionexceeds a certain level.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 11 05|Engine Trend Monitoring/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSINTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORINGeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 5 Engine Trend Monitoring FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 12 01|Intro/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006ROTOR SPEED INDICATIONINTRODUCTIONIn all engines there is a rotor speed indication for each individual rotor system.There is a N1 indication for the low pressure rotor and a N2 for the highpressure rotor. There is also a N3 indication if the engine has 3 rotors.Theengine rotor speed indications are always expressed as a percentage of a100% design speed.Now read the N1 value for engine number 2 in the example.Each rotor speed indication has 3 main parts:S the sensorS the data transmissionS and the indication.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 13 01|Intro/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 6 Introduction FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 14 02|Tachometer Generator/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006TACHOMETER GENERATORThere are 2 different types of sensor, which can measure rotor speed onengines.One is the variable reluctance type sensor.The other is the tachometer generator type, which is usually located on thegearbox.The tachometer generator has a permanent magnet that is driven by thegearbox with a speed that is proportional to the N2 rotor speed. The rotatingmagnetic field generates a 3phase AC voltage with a frequency that isproportional to the input speed.The frequency is converted back to the speed signal in either a computer orindicator.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 15 02|Tachometer Generator/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 7 Tachometer Generator FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 16 03|Tachometer generator/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Tachometer generator cont.In older generation aircraft there are rotor speed indicators, which are drivendirectly by the voltage from the tachometer generator.The indicator has a synchronous AC motor that generates a speed proportionalto the input frequency, which is the same as the speed of the drive shaft on thetachometer generator.An eddy current clutch transfers the speed into a proportional torque, whichmoves the gauge pointer to the correct indication.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 17 03|Tachometer generator/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 8 Direct Indication FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 18 04|Tachometer Generator/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Tachometer generator cont.In modern aircraft systems the tachometer generator sends the 3phase ACvoltage to the FADEC computer, where it is used to calculate the speed signal.The tachometer generator also supplies electrical power to the computer and istherefore also called dedicated generator or control alternator.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 19 04|Tachometer Generator/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 9 FADEC Generator FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 20 05|Variable Reluctance SpeedSensor/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006VARIABLE RELUCTANCE SPEED SENSORNow let us have a look at the variable reluctance speed sensor, which isnormally used to measure the N1 rotor speed.The variable reluctance sensor is positioned directly in line with the phonicwheel on the compressor shaft.As you can see phonic wheels have different shapes, but this is not important.The important thing is that the rotating phonic wheel alternates metal and air atthe tip of the sensor to change the sensors magnetic field.Because the sensor must be located near the compressor shaft, it often needsa long support tube to make replacement of the sensor possible.You must be very careful during replacement not to bend or damage the probe. Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 21 05|Variable Reluctance SpeedSensor/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 10 Sensor and Phonic Wheel FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 22 06|Variable Reluctance SpeedSensor/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Variable reluctance speed sensor cont.There are similar sensor types located near the fan blades on some engines.The fan blades are used instead of a phonic wheel to change the magnetic fieldof the sensor.You can find also a variable reluctance type sensor on the gearbox whichmeasures the N2 rotor speed.In this installation a gear in the gear box has the function of the phonic wheel.In all applications a computer is used to calculate the rotational speed from thesensor pulses.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 23 06|Variable Reluctance SpeedSensor/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 11 Variable Reluctance Speed Sensor FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 24 07|Speed Indication/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006SPEED INDICATIONSThere are 3 different types of rotor speed indication:S a display with a clock type scale,S a display with a moving vertical bar, andS the classical electromechanical indicator.All 3 indications show the actual N1 value with an analog and a digitalindication.There is always a speed limit indication, which is usually a red line. This is themaximum permitted rotor speed.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 25 07|Speed Indication/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 12 Speed Indications FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 26 08|Speed Indication/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Speed indications cont.When actual N1 exceeds the red limit it can damage the engine.To make this dangerous situation clear to the pilot, the indications on thedisplays change to red accompanied by warnings from the central warningsystem.The maximum exceedance value is recorded and in modern aircraft it alsoinitiates an exceedance report from the engine trend monitoring.This is used for planning the necessary maintenance actions.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 27 08|Speed Indication/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 13 Exceedance Recording FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 28 09|Limit Indications/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006 LIMIT INDICATIONSWhen N1 decreases below the red limit, a red exceedance pointer shows therecorded maximum exceedance value or you just get a red box around thedigital readout to show that an exceedance occurred.You can read the value with the onboard maintenance system.You can reset the exceedance value when you finish the necessarymaintenance actions.You can reset the exceedance indication by pressing the corresponding pushbutton in the cockpit. In modern aircraft this is done automatically with the nextengine start.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 29 09|Limit Indications/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 14 Exceedance Pointer FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 30 10|Limit indications/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Limit indications cont.When the N1 indication is used to set engine power, then an additionalindication is needed to show the pilot the N1 value for the required thrust.This value is calledS N1 limit, orS N1 command, orS reference N1.The N1 limit or N1 command shows the N1 that is required for a specific flightphase, such as take-off or climb. The value is calculated by the flightmanagement or autothrottle system.There is always an analog indication on the scale and an additional digitalreadout.You can also set this value manually with the knob on the lower indicator. Forthe displays you set the value via the flight management system.On some displays you also can find an amber line that shows the N1 for themaximum available thrust, and a blue circle or white line that shows the N1 forthe actual throttle position.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 31 10|Limit indications/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSROTOR SPEED INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 15 N1 Command FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 32 01|Intro/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMEPR INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006EPR INDICATIONINTRODUCTIONYou only find an EPR indication for some engine types. It is always located atthe top of the engine indications, because it is used to set the engine power. The EPR corresponds to the engine thrust, because it is the ratio of the totalpressure at the turbine outlet to the total pressure at the fan inlet.Other engine types do not need an EPR indication, because the power is setwith the N1indication.Each EPR indication system has 3 main parts:S 2 pressure pickups that are connected by tubes with a computer,S a computer, which is either a separate EPR transmitter or part of theFADEC computer, andS the indicator, which is located in the cockpit.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 33 01|Intro/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMEPR INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 16 EPR Indication System Components FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 34 02|Pressure Sensors/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMEPR INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006PRESSURE SENSORSTo calculate and indicate the EPR you must measure 2 pressures.The pressure is given the name of the station that detects it, for example theP2 and the P5 pressure.P2 is the total air pressure at the fan inlet. It is measured by a pressure probe,which is located in the fan airstream. Like other air data probes it is electricallyheated to prevent icing.P5 is the total gas pressure at the turbine exit. This pressure is also sensed byprobes or, like in this example, with small holes in 3 of the turbine nozzle guidevanes.The individual pressures are collected by pickups in the turbine case andguided by tubes to a common pressure manifold. This gives an average P5pressure value.The 2 pressure values are passed to the computer for it to calculate thepressure ratio. Shown here is an EPR transmitter, which is an earlier type ofcomputer. Before the calculation can occur, the computer must change thepressure into a proportional electrical signal.The EPR transmitter uses electromechanical pressure transducers with, forexample, bourdon tubes.The photo shows an example of bourdon tubes.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 35 02|Pressure Sensors/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMEPR INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 17 Sensors and Transmitter FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 36 03|Pressure Sensors/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMEPR INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Pressure sensors cont.On modern engines the EPR calculation is done in the FADEC computer. Ituses electronic pressure transducers like in the air data system.These transducers are much smaller, more reliable and more exact than theelectromechanical transducers.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 37 03|Pressure Sensors/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMEPR INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 18 Sensors and FADEC FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 38 04|EPR Indications/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMEPR INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006EPR INDICATIONIn this segment we will show you 2 different types of EPR indication.Firstly, the indication on a display unit which you find on modern aircraft, andsecondly, the classical electromechanical indicator on older generation aircraft.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 39 04|EPR Indications/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMEPR INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 19 EPR Indications FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 40 05|Additional Indications/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMEPR INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006ADDITIONAL INDICATIONSYou may have noticed that the actual EPR indication is shown by an analogand a digital value.The EPR command has the same function as the N1 command. This exampleshows the EPR required for a flexible take-off.On the classical indicator this value is called the EPR limit, which is also shownin both analog and digital format.You can also set the value manually by pulling the knob.On the display you can find 2 more indications. This is:S the amber line that shows the EPR for the maximum available thrust andS a blue circle that shows the EPR that corresponds to the actual throttleposition.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 41 05|Additional Indications/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMEPR INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 20 Additional Indications FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 42 01|Intro/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSEGT INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006EGT INDICATIONINTRODUCTIONThere must be an exhaust gas temperature indication for each engine. Theindication is necessary to monitor the high temperatures in the engine exhaustin order to see when a limit is exceeded.The highest temperature is directly behind the combustion chamber where thehot gas hits the high pressure turbine. This temperature is called the turbineinlet temperature or TIT.Because this temperature can be higher than 1,400_ C, it is not easy tomeasure the TIT.The exhaust gas temperature (EGT) is therefore measured at a colder locationin the engine either between the high and low pressure turbine or directlybehind the low pressure turbine. This is possible because the EGT has a directrelationship to the TIT.Because of the different measuring points you can find maximum EGTindications between 600_C and 900_C.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 43 01|Intro/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSEGT INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 21 EGT Indication System FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 44 02|EGT Probes/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSEGT INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006EGT PROBESTo measure and indicate the EGT you need:S temperature sensors,S a means of transmitting data, andS a method of indication.To measure high temperatures you need sensors of the thermocouple type.There are several thermocouples on the engine. In the example shown herethere are 9. They are installed in the turbine case of the engine.All thermocouples are connected to each other in order to generate a commontemperature value. The thermocouples for the EGT are always connected inparallel in order to measure the average exhaust gas temperature.Theparallelling is done in junction boxes. To make probe replacement easier,on some engines the thermocouples are parallelled in groups in paralleljunction boxes. All signals are then combined in the main junction box andtransferred to the FADEC system.You may recall that special wiring is needed from the probes to the coldjunction. In our example the cold junction is located in the FADEC systemcomputer.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 45 02|EGT Probes/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSEGT INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 22 EGT Indication Components FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 46 03|EGT Indication/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSEGT INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006EGT INDICATIONYou are now going to look at 3 different types of EGT indication:S the display with a clock type scale,S a display with a moving vertical bar, andS the classical electromechanical indicator.All 3 indications show the actual exhaust gas temperature in degrees Celsius inboth analog and digital.They also always show the temperature limit, usually as a red line. This is themaximum permissible EGT that should never be exceeded.When an EGT red limit exceedance occurs in modern systems, then you getinformation which is basically the same as you get when a rotor speedexceedance occurs.On each display there is also an amber line that shows the maximum EGT forthe maximum continuous thrust setting. The EGT is only allowed to exceed theamber line value for a short time when the engines run at take-off or go aroundthrust.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 47 03|EGT Indication/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSEGT INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 23 EGT Indications FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 48 01|System Architecture/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSFUEL FLOW INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006FUEL FLOW INDICATIONSYSTEM ARCHITECTUREThe fuel flow indicating system provides 2 different indications for the pilot:S The actual fuel flow to the engines, which is in kg or tons per hour, andS the fuel used since the engine was started. This is in kg or tons.The fuel flow indication allows you to monitor the performance and economicoperation of the engines. The engines usually have the same power settingand therefore each flow indicator should also show identical fuel flow.The fuel used indication shows the mass of fuel which was burned since thelast engine start on ground. This allows to compare the performance of thedifferent engines. It also gives a redundant information for the actual fuelquantity.You can calculate the actual fuel quantity by subtracting the amount of usedfuel from the amount of fuel in the tanks at take-off. The fuel used indication isusually automatically reset to 0 when the engine master switch is switched toON and the aircraft is on the ground.To generate the fuel flow and fuel used indications there needs to be a fuel flowtransmitter on each engine and then a calculation has to be done.The calculation in modern systems is usually done by the FADEC systemcomputer.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 49 01|System Architecture/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSFUEL FLOW INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 24 Fuel Flow Indication System FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 50 02|Fuel Flow Transm. Intro/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSFUEL FLOW INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006FUEL FLOW TRANSMITTER INTRODUCTIONThe fuel flow transmitter measures the mass flow of fuel between the fuelcontrol unit and the fuel nozzles.There are different types of fuel flow transmitter, but their operation is alwaysbased on a basic law of Physics:force is equal to mass times acceleration.All transmitter types measure the force, which is applied by the mass of fuel.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 51 02|Fuel Flow Transm. Intro/ALLENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSFUEL FLOW INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 25 Powered Fuel Flow Transmitter FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 52 03|Fuel Flow Transm. Types/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSFUEL FLOW INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006FUEL FLOW TRANSMITTER TYPESIn the transmitter type shown here the fuel mass turns a turbine against aspring and the deflection angle is measured.To get the force you must accelerate the fuel. This is done here by an impellerthat rotates continuously, driven by an electric motor.The mass of fuel is proportional to the turbine angle, because the accelerationof the fuel is constant.A position transducer, such as synchro or RVDT, measures the turbine angleand sends it to the indicator.The indicator shows the fuel flow directly and also calculates the fuel usedvalue by an integration of the fuel flow rate.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 53 03|Fuel Flow Transm. Types/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSFUEL FLOW INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 26 Powered Fuel Flow Transmitter 2 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 54 04|Fuel Flow Transm. Types/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSFUEL FLOW INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Fuel flow transmitter types cont.Modern fuel flow transmitters do not need an electric motor with a powersupply. They use the fuel itself to generate the acceleration.In this transmitter type the fuel flow turns a small turbine. The rotating turbinealso drives a drum and an impeller, which is located inside the drum. Both arecoupled by a spring.The fuel drives the turbine, drum, and impeller with a speed that is proportionalto the volume of fuel.Behind the turbine the fuel passes through a fixed straightener that stops allpossible fuel spin. The straightened fuel then passes through the rotating drumwithout affecting the rotation of the drum. Then the fuel hits the impeller blades.The force of the fuel delays the rotation of the impeller, until this braking forceis compensated by the force of the spring.The angle between the rotating drum and the rotating impeller is proportional tothe mass fuel flow.The transmitter measures this angle with 2 coils in combination with 4permanent magnets.2 magnets are located on the drum and2 are located on the impeller.When a magnet passes the coil, it induces a voltage pulse in the coil. In ourexample this happens twice for each rotation.With no fuel flow the angle is zero and therefore the magnets on the drum andthe impeller pass the coils at the same time.When there is fuel flow, the impeller magnet is delayed by an angle inproportion to the fuel mass. When this happens, the pulse from theimpellercoil is also delayed.The FADEC system computer now calculates the time between the 2 pulses,which is proportional to the mass fuel flow.An integration of the fuel flow value gives the required fuel used information.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 55 04|Fuel Flow Transm. Types/B1/B2ENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMSFUEL FLOW INDICATIONeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD NOV 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 27 Fuel Flow Indication FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 56 01|Oil Qty Indic/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006ENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMOIL QUANTITY INDICATIONThe oil quantity transmitter in the tank sends the information via a computer,which performs the measurement, in this example called the engine interfaceunit (EIU), to the display units in the cockpit.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 57 01|Oil Qty Indic/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 28 Oil Quantity Indicating Schematic FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 58 02|Oil Qty Indic/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Oil Quantity Indication cont.The oil quantity transmitter is normally installed at the top of the oil tank.This allows the transmitter to be changed without draining the tank.2 types of transmitter are usedS the capacitance type transmitter andS the reed switch type transmitter.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 59 02|Oil Qty Indic/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 29 Different Types of Quantity Transmitter FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 60 03|Oil Qty Transmtr/B1/B2LUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Oil Quantity Indication cont.Here you see the capacitance type transmitter. The upper part has theelectronic components for the capacitance measurement and an electricalconnector.The lower part, which is immersed in the oil, has 2 concentric tubes. These arethe 2 plates of the capacitor .Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 61 03|Oil Qty Transmtr/B1/B2LUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 30 Capacitance Type Transmitter FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 62 04|Oil Qty Transmtr/B1/B2LUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Oil Quantity Indication cont.The reed type transmitter has a metal tube with a float inside and a multi switchassembly.The metal tube has holes to let the oil in from the tank so that the float canmove up and down with the oil level in the tank. The float assembly haspermanent magnets, which activate an internal switch assembly.The multi switch assembly has a ladder of reed switches connected byresistors. The magnet in the float always closes the switch nearest to it.When, for example, the oil tank is full, then the float is at the upper limit of itstravel. The magnet in the float assembly causes the top switch in the ladder toclose. In this situation the resistance in the electrical circuit is at its minimum,and this gives maximum output voltage from the transmitter.You have seen that when the oil level falls, the float also falls. The switchnearest to the float closes and all other switches open.The electrical resistance in the circuit changes with the switch that is closedand this gives a corresponding output voltage from the transmitter.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 63 04|Oil Qty Transmtr/B1/B2LUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 31 Reed Switch Type Transmitter FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 64 05|Oil Press Indic/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006OIL PRESSURE INDICATIONThe oil pressure transmitter is connected to the oil supply line and to the oiltank vent line.The transmitter senses the pressure difference between the total oil pressure inthe oil supply line and the vent pressure in the oil tank.Oil pressure information is sent from the oil pressure transmitter to the engineinterface unit, which performs the measurement and then to the display unit inthe cockpit.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 65 05|Oil Press Indic/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 32 Oil Pressure Indication System Schematic FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 66 06|Oil Press Sensor/B1/B2LUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006OIL PRESSURE SENSORThere are two main types of oil pressure transmitter the bourdon tube typeand the strain gage type.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 67 06|Oil Press Sensor/B1/B2LUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 33 Oil Pressure Sensors FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 68 07|Low Oil Press Switch/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006LOW OIL PRESSURE SWITCHAn additional pressure switch is used in the engine oil system to initiate a lowoil pressure warning.The pressure switch is also connected to the oil supply line and the oil tankvent line.If the oil pressure decreases below the limit, the low oil pressure switch closes,a signal is sent to the flight warning computer, and a warning message appearson the display unit in the cockpit.Note also, that the engine low oil pressure warning is always accompanied byan acoustic warning in the cockpit.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 69 07|Low Oil Press Switch/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 34 Low Oil Pressure Switch FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 70 08|Low Oil Press Switch/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Low Oil Pressure Switch cont.Here you can see the location of the oil pressure transmitter and the low oilpressure switch on an engine.In this example they are installed on the fan case in the ten oclock position.You can see where each is connected to the oil supply line and the oil tank ventpressure line.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 71 08|Low Oil Press Switch/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 35 Pressure Transmitter & Low Pressure Switch Location FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 72 09|Oil Temp Indic/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006OIL TEMPERATURE INDICATIONThe location of the oil temperature sensor in the lubrication system depends onthe engine type.The sensor can be found in the scavenge system, where it senses the hot oiltemperature upstream of the oil cooler, or it can be found in the pressuresystem, where it senses the temperature of the cooled oil.Oil temperature information is sent from the oil temperature sensor to acomputer, which performs the measurement and then to the display unit in thecockpit.There are 2 main types of oil temperature sensor the thermocouple and thethermistor.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 73 09|Oil Temp Indic/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 36 Oil Temperature Indication FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 74 10|Oil Temp Indic/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Oil Temperature Indication cont.There are 2 main types of oil temperature sensor the thermocouple and thethermistor.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 75 10|Oil Temp Indic/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 37 Oil Temperature Sensor Location FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 76 11|Oil Temp Sensor/B1/B2LUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Oil Temperature Indication cont.There are 2 main types of oil temperature sensor the thermocouple and thethermistor.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 77 11|Oil Temp Sensor/B1/B2LUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 38 Oil Temperature Sensor FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 78 12|Oil Contam Monitorg/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006OIL CONTAMINATION MONITORINGAs you already know, the engine oil carries particles from the bearings and thegears to the filters in the lubrication system.You can monitor the quantity, the size, and the type of material of theseparticles to get some indication of the internal wear of lubricated engine parts.A process called Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program, or SOAP for short, isused to find out about internal wear of lubricated engine components.This SOAP analysis can find particles in the oil, which are so small that theycan not be caught by the oil filters. These particles range in size from 0.001mm to 0.02 mm.It is important to monitor the concentration of these particles in the oil toidentify increased wear at an early stage.Many particles indicate increased wear and knowledge of the material helps toidentify the engine part with increased wear.Oil samples for SOAP are taken from the oil tank at regular intervals and sentto the laboratory for analysis.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 79 12|Oil Contam Monitorg/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 39 Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 80 13|Oil Contam Monitorg/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD 2006OilContaminationMonitoringcont.The scavenge oil filter element catches larger particles which are of a size ofmore than 0.015 mm. These particles can be removed and sent for analysis.The problem with this is that the filter element is not changed very often andeach filter inspection takes time.Magnetic chip detectors are an easier and less time consuming method to getinformation about the condition of the oil.Magnetic chip detectors catch metal particles which are attracted to themagnet. They can be easily removed and the condition can be checked.The magnetic chip detectors can be manually checked at fixed intervals or onsome modern aircraft they can be electronically monitored and removed whennecessary.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 81 13|Oil Contam Monitorg/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 40 Magnetic Chip Detectors FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 82 14|Oil Contam Monitorg/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006OilContaminationMonitoringcont.Here you see an electronically monitored chip detector, installed in thescavenge oil line. This chip detector has 2 magnets at its tip. The resistancebetween the 2 chip detector magnets is monitored by the electronic controlunit. The resistance decreases when particles connect with the magnets. Whenthe resistance between the magnets gets below the limit, the electronic controlunit sends a maintenance message for the post flight report.Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Page 83 14|Oil Contam Monitorg/ALLLUBRICATION SYSTEMENGINE OIL MONITORING SYSTEMeJAMFPropulsionHAM SwD OCT 2006Lufthansa Technical Training Figure 41 Electronic Magnetic Chip DetectorsTABLE OF CONTENTSEJAMF M14.02 B2 EPage iENGINE INDICATION SYSTEMS 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION & TREND MONITORING 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGINE INDICATIONSYSTEMS 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGINE PERFORMANCE INDICATIONS 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGINE SYSTEM INDICATIONS 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGINE TREND MONITORING 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROTOR SPEED INDICATION 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TACHOMETER GENERATOR 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VARIABLE RELUCTANCE SPEED SENSOR 20 . . . . . . . . . SPEED INDICATIONS 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIMIT INDICATIONS 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPR INDICATION 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION 32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRESSURE SENSORS 34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EPR INDICATION 38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ADDITIONAL INDICATIONS 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EGT INDICATION 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EGT PROBES 44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EGT INDICATION 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FUEL FLOW INDICATION 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FUEL FLOW TRANSMITTER INTRODUCTION 50 . . . . . . . FUEL FLOW TRANSMITTER TYPES 52 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ENGINE OIL MONITORINGSYSTEM 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIL QUANTITY INDICATION 56 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIL PRESSURE INDICATION 64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIL PRESSURE SENSOR 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOW OIL PRESSURE SWITCH 68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIL TEMPERATURE INDICATION 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OIL CONTAMINATIONMONITORING 78 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TABLE OF CONTENTSEJAMF M14.02 B2 EPage iiTABLE OF FIGURESEJAMF M14.02 B2 EPage iFigure 1 Engine Indication System 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 2 Engine Performance Indication 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 3 Engine Performance Indication 2 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 4 Engine System Indications 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 5 Engine Trend Monitoring 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 6 Introduction 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 7 Tachometer Generator 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 8 Direct Indication 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 9 FADEC Generator 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 10 Sensor and Phonic Wheel 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 11 Variable Reluctance Speed Sensor 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 12 Speed Indications 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 13 Exceedance Recording 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 14 Exceedance Pointer 29 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 15 N1 Command 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 16 EPR Indication System Components 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 17 Sensors and Transmitter 35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 18 Sensors and FADEC 37 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 19 EPR Indications 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 20 Additional Indications 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 21 EGT Indication System 43 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 22 EGT Indication Components 45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 23 EGT Indications 47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 24 Fuel Flow Indication System 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 25 Powered Fuel Flow Transmitter 51 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 26 Powered Fuel Flow Transmitter 2 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 27 Fuel Flow Indication 55 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 28 Oil Quantity Indicating Schematic 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 29 Different Types of Quantity Transmitter 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 30 Capacitance Type Transmitter 61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 31 Reed Switch Type Transmitter 63 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 32 Oil Pressure Indication System Schematic 65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 33 Oil Pressure Sensors 67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 34 Low Oil Pressure Switch 69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 35 Pressure Transmitter & Low Pressure Switch Location 71 . . . . . Figure 36 Oil Temperature Indication 73 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 37 Oil Temperature Sensor Location 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 38 Oil Temperature Sensor 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 39 Spectrometric Oil Analysis Program 79 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 40 Magnetic Chip Detectors 81 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Figure 41 Electronic Magnetic Chip Detectors 83 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TABLE OF FIGURESEJAMF M14.02 B2 EPage iiTABLE OF FIGURESEJAMF M14.02 B2 EPage iiiTABLE OF FIGURESEJAMF M14.02 B2 EPage iv