prospect burma summer newsletter

INSIDE 2 Chairman’s Editorial 3 Burma Watch 4 Daw Suu’s visit 5 Daw Suu’s visit 6 News Round 7 Launch of the Lady Gore-Booth Memorial Scholarships 8 How to Help PROSPECT BURMA KEEPING THE FLAME OF EDUCATION ALIVE ISSUE 24 SUMMER 2012 HISTORIC VISIT TO LONDON ©Homer Sykes “I appeal to our friends and supporters all over the world to help Burma towards “I appeal to our friends and supporters all over the world to help Burma towards “I appeal to our friends and supporters all over the world to help Burma towards “I appeal to our friends and supporters all over the world to help Burma towards a sound future by giving generously to Prospect Burma.” a sound future by giving generously to Prospect Burma.” a sound future by giving generously to Prospect Burma.” a sound future by giving generously to Prospect Burma.” Aung San Suu Kyi Aung San Suu Kyi Aung San Suu Kyi Aung San Suu Kyi On her historic two-week visit to Europe, the first in 24 years, Aung San Suu Kyi met with political leaders in Geneva, Oslo, Dublin, London and Paris. Highlights included her long-awaited acceptance speech for the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize, an honorary doctorate from Oxford University and addressing a joint session of the British Parliament. Throughout her tour, she called on Western countries to help Burma build its nascent democracy, reiterated calls for “cautious optimism” and “human-rights-friendly investments”, and stressed the importance of education.

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Prospect Burma Summer Newsletter


Page 1: Prospect Burma Summer Newsletter


2 Chairman’s Editorial

3 Burma Watch

4 Daw Suu’s visit

5 Daw Suu’s visit

6 News Round

7 Launch of the

Lady Gore-Booth

Memorial Scholarships

8 How to Help






er S



“I appeal to our friends and supporters all over the world to help Burma towards “I appeal to our friends and supporters all over the world to help Burma towards “I appeal to our friends and supporters all over the world to help Burma towards “I appeal to our friends and supporters all over the world to help Burma towards

a sound future by giving generously to Prospect Burma.” a sound future by giving generously to Prospect Burma.” a sound future by giving generously to Prospect Burma.” a sound future by giving generously to Prospect Burma.” Aung San Suu Kyi Aung San Suu Kyi Aung San Suu Kyi Aung San Suu Kyi

On her historic two-week visit to Europe, the first in 24 years, Aung San Suu Kyi met

with political leaders in Geneva, Oslo, Dublin, London and Paris. Highlights included

her long-awaited acceptance speech for the 1991 Nobel Peace Prize, an honorary doctorate

from Oxford University and addressing a joint session of the British Parliament.

Throughout her tour, she called on Western countries to help Burma build its nascent

democracy, reiterated calls for “cautious optimism” and “human-rights-friendly

investments”, and stressed the importance of education.

Page 2: Prospect Burma Summer Newsletter


PROSPECT BURMA Keeping the flame of education alive

Patron The Viscount Slim OBE DL

Vice-Patron Martin Morland CMG

Chairman Robert Gordon CMG OBE

Vice-Chair Patricia Herbert


Anna Allott OBE

David Colvin CMG

Dr Thein Lwin

Daw Kyi Kyi May

Guy Slater

Sir Robin Christopher KBE CMG

Lindy Ambrose

Caroline Courtauld MBE

Executive Director Fraser Wilson MBE

Development Director Beth Bluck

Programme Advisor Steph O’Connell

Prospect Burma

Porters’ Lodge

Rivermead Court

Ranelagh Gardens

London SW6 3SF

Registered Charity No: 802615

Tel: 020 7371 0887

Fax: 020 7371 0547

[email protected]

Editor Beth Bluck

Chairman’s Editorial Prospect Burma’s Chairman, Robert Gordon, gives his views

I write this in the aftermath of

Aung San Suu Kyi’s memorable

visit to Britain.

Prospect Burma was asked to work

with the local Burmese community

to organise the Royal Festival Hall

cultural event on 22nd June at

which Daw Suu addressed almost

3,000 of her fellow nationals.

I don’t think London’s South Bank

has ever witnessed such a

spectacular collection of family

groups from all corners of Burma,

in their stunning gaung baungs,

htameins, eingyis and longyis as

well as a wide variety of ethnic

nationality costumes.

At our private meeting with

Daw Suu, we consulted her on Prospect Burma’s future plans: she is

keen for us to continue the scholarship programme. But she would

also like us to explore ways in which we can assist the huge task

of reconstructing the Burmese educational system and bring in badly

needed professional training.

Looking ahead, one exciting development is the plan to transfer

Dr Thein Lwin’s Thinking Classroom Foundation from Thailand

to his home town of Bago. If all goes well, this should be up and

running in 2013 and will lay the foundation for a truly modern

teachers training college.

Another success story showcased at the Royal Festival Hall is the

rapidly expanding work of Prospect Burma alumnus, Dr Sasa, in

Chin State, where his health training programme now reaches over

400 villages and is already having a measurable impact in reducing

mortality rates from dysentery and other diseases.

In July, I accompanied the first official UK trade mission to Burma

in 16 years, which allowed me to meet the newly-formed Myanmar

Scholarship Alumni Association. These talented individuals – many

former Prospect Burma scholars – are, I hope, forerunners of a much

bigger cohort of alumni who will be returning in the months and

years ahead to lend their skills to the rebuilding of their country.

There is still a huge amount to do. Last October, I noticed that the

mood of cautious optimism in Rangoon lent rather to the side of

caution. This July, the emphasis has shifted more towards optimism.

With each passing month, the conviction is growing that the country

really is committed to change. The challenges are immense: many

political prisoners remain in jail, communal violence has erupted

in Arakan, serious conflict continues in Kachin and Shan States,

old mindsets have still to adjust in both private and public sectors.

But a start has been made, and Prospect Burma will do its best to

build on this.

Page 3: Prospect Burma Summer Newsletter



Political events have continued to move at remarkable speed during the

first half of 2012. The new government under President Thein Sein

appears publicly committed to democratic reform. Aung San Suu Kyi

won a parliamentary seat in the April by-election and was subsequently

allowed to make her first trips abroad since 1988. Government ceasefires

have spread to the majority of armed ethnic opposition groups. Western

sanctions are being lifted. And prominent international visitors have lined

up to visit the country, including UK Prime Minister David Cameron

and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Just a year ago, such events

appeared inconceivable.

There remain, however, many reasons for caution. There have been

too many disappointments in Burma’s troubled history for naïve

expectations now. In a world of “rogue states”, the Western strategy

is to embrace President Thein Sein as a “reformer” to try and encourage

the country’s military leaders away from their repressive past. Diplomats

and democracy supporters hope that, in the long-term, such a stratagem

will work. Already there is a new social energy in Rangoon and the main

conurbations; the government is opening up the economy and many

long-closed issues for discussion; and foreign institutions – from

the World Bank to media and human rights groups – are seeking

to set up office.

On the other hand, opposition voices warn that reform is at a very

tentative stage. Firstly, previous military-backed governments in 1962

and 1988 also offered compromise with opposition groups before

imposing more years of military rule. And secondly, little has yet

changed in the real detail of Burmese politics. The next general election

is not scheduled until 2015, and it is unclear how Aung San Suu Kyi

and the National League for Democracy can make political impact

in the meantime. The NLD has just 43 seats in a parliamentary system

dominated by the military.

Even more stark, despite the recent ceasefires, the loss of life in ethnic

conflict has increased during the past year. Ethnic leaders claim that the

country’s generals are playing “divide and rule”, using a combination

of force and negotiation to increase military authority. Communal

violence has erupted in the Rakhine state, while over 70,000 persons

have been internally displaced during government operations against

opposition forces in the Kachin and Shan states. Burma is not a land

at peace.

In time, advocates on the different sides believe that the present divisions

can be healed. There has lately been more good news from Burma than in

many years. But if reconciliation and progress are to be really achieved,

then realism about the country’s socio-political needs will be essential.

In many respects, Burma is now beginning at a kind of “Year Zero”.

The country currently ranks third from bottom, next to Afghanistan,

on the corruption index of Transparency International; it is 149th out

of 187 countries in the UNDP Human Development Index; and it has

the highest disease burden and numbers of displaced peoples of any

country in the sub-Asian region. Against this backdrop, it is clear that

the hard work is just beginning.

Page 4: Prospect Burma Summer Newsletter



Prospect Burma was asked by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

to help organise an event for her to meet the Burmese

community in the United Kingdom during her recent

historic visit. With a little over three weeks’ notice, the

doors of the Royal Festival Hall opened on June 22nd to

nearly 3,000 Burmese who had travelled from all over

the country to attend “An Encounter with Daw Aung San

Suu Kyi and the People of Burma in the United

Kingdom”. Daw Suu took a short time out to meet

Prospect Burma’s Trustees and staff before addressing

her people. The Burmese community put together

a vibrant cultural performance of dance and song

introduced by Zarganar and Htein Lin. We are grateful

to the students and supporters who attended the event

and sent us these happy memories, in prose and poetry,

of a truly wonderful day. (Photos copyright Homer Sykes)

A Bright Star at South Bank

Arriving at Waterloo this past Friday on a grey blustery

morning, you would have been treated to a scene at

South Bank awash with colour and joy. On the one hand

were the ladies and gents dressed up to the hilt for Royal

Ascot. In contrast, it was a case of East meets West,

with the presence of excited members of the Burmese

community at the Royal Festival Hall for 'An Encounter

with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi'. They presented

a stunning array of colour in traditional Burmese dress,

admired by passers-by and staff on duty. These very

proud Burmese with their uplifted spirits filled the air

with a sense of exhilaration. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's

unique influence wherever she and her message for peace and democracy pervade, once again offered hope for

the future as well as the prospect of shared prosperity and ethical investment that is so crucial for this

resilient nation. How wholeheartedly the audience sang their national anthem and applauded Aung San Suu

Kyi for her eloquent speech. The cultural music and dance was remarkable emphasising Daw Suu Kyi's fervent

belief not to forget one's roots, and the representation of the different ethnic groups symbolised the

message of unity for all peoples of Burma.

“I want to tell you how much we enjoyed the occasion. When I said we, I meant the thirty-nine of us from

Manchester and Greater Manchester who travelled by coach for the day. And others I met and talked to after the

concert. We had a wonderful time listening to all the songs and dances. And of course listening to Daw Suu, talking

to us, answering questions from the audience and just having her there seemed to be pure magic. To see her there

right in front of us was almost unbelievable. I had thought there wouldn't be any change in my life time and I'm the

same age as her. Then this; although I must say that like most of us, I'm very cautious. The most moving moment

during the concert was when we stood and sang the national anthem led by Daw Mar Mar Aye and Daw Suu

standing there and singing along. Then another song 'Khit Hsan' (new era). I was shivering and tears were running

down my face. It was most unforgettable. Daw Suu when she came up on to the stage was sitting right in front of

us. So what more could I ask. Thank you very much again and thank you very much for what you've been doing for


“I thank Prospect Burma for giving me the opportunity to attend the event. It was an overwhelming experience and

unforgettable day for me. Singing the National Anthem without shedding tears was particularly hard for me as it

has been nearly a decade since I left the country for education and it reminded me and reinforced me to go back

to my country. Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is an exceptionally amazing person and I was thrilled that I had the chance

to see her and listen to her questions and answers. I feel motivated by seeing her, listening to her speeches on

television. I felt my dream has been revitalised.”

An Encounter with Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

Page 5: Prospect Burma Summer Newsletter


Surreal moments


SHE the noble one came,

To Royal Festival Hall

in the rain

Three thousand of her countrymen,

women and children strain to see her,

greet her, thank her, love her, hug her,

Every one wished to do the same

A saint among her own people

A stateswoman, among politicians

Of the day

She's been feted, praised and admired

Equally by Lords and Dames.

Her advice: love thy host and be


But do not forget your language and

be faithful

I pinched myself.

Is it a sweet dream?

A fantasy?

Is this real? Is she here?

Overjoyed crowds spilled out

Smiling, laughing, from the Hall

A momentous occasion

A milestone not to be forgotten

At all

that was yesterday


I went there again

The same Royal Festival Hall

no 'Lady' nor lords and dames

But Venezuelan orchestra for all


A different theme. A different scene,

a different day

I walk around

Re-living yesterday

Seeing Burmese men with

Dainty 'pasoes and gaung paungs'

Ladies with colourful sarongs

And flowers in their hair


They are nowhere to be found

this evening

Was that life's precious moment? Was

that life's fleeting moment?

I do not know

But Thames nearby flows as ever

And the People of Burma in the United Kingdom

Page 6: Prospect Burma Summer Newsletter





for sharing your

precious day with

us. Zoe Sprigings, who spent several months of

her gap year staying

with her aunt, Vicky

Bowman, in Burma,


Jonathan Mitchell

earlier this year.

Their wedding guests

were asked to send

donations to Prospect

Burma in lieu of gifts.

A huge thank you to all those generous guests and to the

happy couple.

Do it for Prospect Burma! Each year our scholarship committee has to turn

away hundreds of Burmese students who are

desperate for an education due to a lack of funds.

Could you help us by raising money with a coffee

morning, a book sale, a jazz evening? Or get your

own page on and get sponsored

to climb a mountain or grow a beard, dress up as

a reindeer or go on a diet—just look what Katie and

Emma did for us!

Emma Johnstone and Katie

Newman kept to a diet of rice

and beans for five days to raise

£377 through Just Giving for

Prospect Burma.

“Katie and I really

wanted to raise

money for Burma as

we felt it was on the

verge of great social

change and wanted

to help in any way

we could. We are

also interested in

aspects of education

- as we work at a

think tank which looks into improving education in

the UK as one of it's aims. We were really impressed

with the scholarships you offer as well as the

emphasis that Burmese students should come back

to their country and use their learnt skills to

improve Burma themselves.” Thank you!

A big round of thanks to Dr Aung Kyi Myint who

sent us his recording of the Encounter with Aung

San Suu Kyi, and for the superb Burmese

community committee we worked with in putting the

event together, especially to U Uttara, Ko Aung,

Htein Lin and Dr Win Naing, and to Liz Hoskyn

from the Royal Festival Hall.



Every other year Prospect Burma hosts a Summer

Event to raise funds, and for the past two years

Bloomsbury Auctions has generously allowed us the

free use of their premises, and star supporter, Tina

Blick, has donated the catering. We urgently

require somewhere in central London that can take

up to 200 supporters for one night in mid-June 2013,

where we can auction works of art and gifts over an

evening of wine and canapés. If you have a venue or

gifts that we can use as prizes or lots, please contact

me, [email protected]. Thank you so much.

Dominic Nardi, the husband of one of Prospect

Burma’s alumni, visited Burma recently for the

University of Michigan to deliver the Wallenberg

Medal to Daw Suu. The humanitarian award is

named after a U-M alumnus who saved tens of

thousands of Jews near the end of World War II.

Past recipients include the Dalai Lama and

Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Dominic met his

Burmese wife when they were both studying at

Georgetown University, and she is now helping

Prospect Burma to keep in touch with our alumni in

Burma and is on the board of the American Friends

of Prospect Burma. (See page 8 for Giving from


A New Coat of Paint Despite the soaring

temperature, staff helped out

with painting PB’s English

Language and Computer

Training School in Delhi

during the summer break. The school has just

started its second semester and we are profoundly

grateful to all the volunteers teaching English

conversation classes.

Page 7: Prospect Burma Summer Newsletter


Prospect Burma’s Vice-Patron,

Lady Gore-Booth, died in her 90th year

on February 2nd 2012.

Archie Mackenzie, a friend of the Gore-Booths for 69

years, has given us permission to reproduce extracts

from the obituary he wrote for The Times.

“Patricia Gore-Booth was the wife of a former

head of the Diplomatic Service, Lord Gore-

Booth, but performed some of her most

distinguished services after her husband’s


Paul Gore-Booth’s first ambassadorial post was

in Burma, 1953-56, where he encountered

numerous controversies that followed the

country’s independence after the war. This,

however, did not prevent the Gore-Booths from

developing a deep attachment to the Burmese

people, especially the family of General Aung

San, Burma’s nationalist hero, who was

assassinated before their arrival.

His widow, Daw Khin Kyi, continued to play

a prominent role in Burmese affairs, and when

the Gore-Booths were appointed to the High Commission in India, in 1960, Daw Khin Kyi

was already there as Burmese Ambassador. She and Patricia continued their

friendship and when the military coup happened in Burma in 1962, Daw Khin Kyi, like

thousands of other Burmese decided to send her children abroad for their further

education. The Gore-Booths, who had returned to London, became guardians to Aung San

Suu Kyi and her brother. They acted in loco parentis to Suu Kyi, and when she became

engaged to Michael Aris, an Oxford don, it was from the Gore-Booth’s home that she set

out for her wedding.

At her funeral, the present British Ambassador, Andrew Heyn, arrived unannounced

with a hand-written tribute from Aung San Suu Kyi.”

Pat was involved in the foundation of Prospect Burma in 1989, and was a constant visitor to the

tiny basement storeroom in which Prospect Burma has its office. She took a keen personal interest

in the students, was a fount of information, a guiding light, and is deeply missed.

The Pat Gore-Booth Memorial Scholarships were initiated by one of Prospect Burma’s staff

donating their month’s fee to launch the fund, and since then, other Trustees and supporters have

donated amounts ranging from £25 to £10,000. We have one Trustee waiting to donate £500 if we

can find someone else to match his donation, and are looking for further donors to add their

contributions to the fund.

Cheques should be made payable to Prospect Burma, but please make sure to note that they are for

the Pat Gore-Booth Memorial Scholarships. In the next issue of our newsletter, we will reveal the

amount raised and the scholars you have enabled us to support in memory of a very special lady.

Launching the Pat GoreLaunching the Pat GoreLaunching the Pat GoreLaunching the Pat Gore----Booth Memorial ScholarshipsBooth Memorial ScholarshipsBooth Memorial ScholarshipsBooth Memorial Scholarships

Page 8: Prospect Burma Summer Newsletter



Prospect Burma is a UK registered educational charity supporting scholarships for Burmese

students. We are endorsed by Aung San Suu Kyi who contributes to us with money from her Nobel

Peace Prize Funds. Last year we received 717 applications from Burmese students for scholarships

and were able to award just over 150. That meant that over 550 Burmese students desperate

for an education were turned away.

Prospect Burma has several educational schemes to help young people realise their dream of a

democratic Burmese society. Our long-standing Partners of Prospect Burma provide us with

essential core funding for our work. Joining this key group at just £25 a month (more if you wish)

gives us the secure support so vital to our work.

The Adopt a Scholarship Scheme costs £800 per part-scholarship per year or £3,500 per full

scholarship and lets benefactors support scholarships in specific areas of study, providing much-

needed targeted support for individual students. We also have an Institutional Partner’s Scheme

costing £2,000 per year for organisations wishing to support us.

You can make donations to us by phoning or writing, or on our website and get your own free

webpage using So PLEASE if you are going to climb a mountain, write a will,

cross a desert or dance across England, please do it in aid of the many students who are hoping for an

education and a future, and pledge it to Prospect Burma.

Please send your donations, payable to Prospect Burma, to the address on page 2.

If you are a UK taxpayer, signing a Gift Aid form with your donation, increases the value of

your gift by 25% at no extra cost to you. Our IBAN number is GB07RBOS 161725 10019933

and SWIFT code is RBOS GB2L.

“I was very moved by the material you sent - clearly Prospect Burma is a

wonderful cause. I’m signing up to be a regular donor and have completed the

Gift Aid form.”


£25,000 Supports our English Language

Training School for desperately

poor Burmese refugees in Delhi

£4,500 English teaching in Kachin State

for one year

£2,000 for Institutional Partners for one year

£800 Adopt a Scholarship for one student

for one year—part grant

£800 to cover a British Council scholarship

in Rangoon for one year

£300 to become a Prospect Burma Partner

£100 towards training a teacher


There are two ways in which our supporters in America can

make donations to Prospect Burma. The first is by making

cheques payable to “American Friends of Prospect Burma”

which has US501c(3) status, and sending them to Zali Win,

Treasurer, at P O Box 257, Accord, New York, 12404.

Alternatively, Prospect Burma is supported by the American

Fund for Charities, a US501(c)(3) non-profit organisation

EIN 52-2109597. Donations to the American Fund for

Charities from US taxpayers are tax deductible to the extent

allowed by US law. Prospect Burma has been reviewed by

the American Fund for Charities and the Board of the

American Fund has determined that Prospect Burma is

a suitable organisation to receive grants from a US public

charity. For further information please see: