protest· martial law in 7-25... · 2015....

YOl -1. RO•I S THUR.I. JUlY IS PROTEST· MARTIAL LAW IN SOUTH CONDEMN U.S. SUPPORT OF APARTHEID The south AfriCan Government has declared a "State of Emergency" which really means martial law. In the context Of apartheid, martial law allows for absolute powers of arrest •. detentlon and execution WithOut trial or accountability. Furthermore, total censorship of all news and InformatiOn was announced by the south African Pollee commiSsioner. As In the u.s. Invasion of Grenada, the world will not know how many people are being killed, maimed or detained. Under martial law all u.s. corporations are required by the "Key-Points Act" to tum over thelr·securlty forces and other resources to the south African Government, aid In the repression of the south African people. This tYpe Of repression Is carried out In order to protect the profits Of u.s. corporations and the SOUth AfriCan economy. The san Francisco mtti·Apartheld committee and the Bay Area Free SOuth Afr"li::a · Movement can on all people of conscience to make the follOwing demands Of our elected representatives and the Reagan administration: • Break all diplomatic, economic and military relations with SOuth • Oppose martial law In SOuth Africa. support unconditional freedom fOr Nelson and Winnie Mandela and all Trade Union and Political prisoners. • Recognize the African National congress lA.N.CJ and the United FrOnt lU.D.F.) as the representatives Of the majority Of the SOuth Africans. at the san Frandsco PROTEST DEMONSTRATION THURSDAY, JULY 25 . At FEDERAL BUILDING 450 Golden Gate Ave . For more Information, contact

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  • • YOl -1. RO•I S a~r~e THUR.I. JUlY IS


    CONDEMN U.S. SUPPORT OF APARTHEID The south AfriCan Government has declared a "State of Emergency" which really

    means martial law. In the context Of apartheid, martial law allows for absolute powers of arrest •. detentlon and execution WithOut trial or accountability.

    Furthermore, total censorship of all news and InformatiOn was announced by the south African Pollee commiSsioner. As In the u.s. Invasion of Grenada, the world will not know how many people are being killed, maimed or detained.

    Under martial law all u.s. corporations are required by the "Key-Points Act" to tum over thelr·securlty forces and other resources to the south African Government, aid In the repression of the south African people. This tYpe Of repression Is carried out In order to protect the profits Of u.s. corporations and the SOUth AfriCan economy.

    The san Francisco mtti·Apartheld committee and the Bay Area Free SOuth Afr"li::a · Movement can on all people of conscience to make the follOwing demands Of our elected representatives and the Reagan administration: • Break all diplomatic, economic and military relations with SOuth Africa~ • Oppose martial law In SOuth Africa. • support unconditional freedom fOr Nelson and Winnie Mandela and all Trade

    Union and Political prisoners. • Recognize the African National congress lA.N.CJ and the United Democ~lc

    FrOnt lU.D.F.) as the representatives Of the majority Of the SOuth Africans.

    at the san Frandsco


    . At t~e FEDERAL BUILDING 450 Golden Gate Ave . For more Information, contact

  • - around ·~he world


    N~ was alnDst the target .of a U.S. retaliatory strike to ave[lge the ldlling of Marines in E1 Salvador.

    Sooth Africa lbDi-up

    At least ~ people are being held l.mder the Sfate of Eitergency laws. Meanwhile, tight lids on the :Qress have kept accurate casualty accounts and arrest figures .fran peing obtained. ere person who faces no chance of arrest is fOI1'JEI' lobrld Bank presi-dent Robert McNamara, who was ~potted sneaking ·around Port .I:Uimbeth at the rehest of the Fod Foundation.

    ~~~!!~:~~~~~Farei~ release 1i£ting ~good for G.B. is good for

    ·.The U.S. nuclear industry, which has had no contracts since Three Mile Island, has the ~oahead to contaminate the Peo_QTe's RePI!blic of with six billion dollars -worth of nuclear exports. · '

    There DUSt be Sill! trick to it-

    Our best friends, the U.C., will admit undocuoelted students and charge than the S8IIE tuition as CalifOrnia residents;

    Snidde llitch.

    840 ~ coomitted suicide in U.S. jails in 1984 and for . ~?ai'i~e who succeeds, ~n, try


    for discrimination against and Atheists. .

    Strilce '1\io

    PaselBll playeys will strike on Hiroshima day if owners do not c:


    Salsa & World· Beat· Liberation Boogie l!'BIDAY, JULY 26th

    CLOYNE COURT CO-O:P 11600 rillt• Z'OIUl oa u.. IUinJaai4e or cempua

    The PretidefttiGI· Sulle by Skip Tracy

    Ronald Rea2an reared fran tre aries0.,::. e:s-:i_--:'.::l..a. tnen promptly beg_an talk UI!VUgu his li>unded ~ His. radio addreSs proved conclusively that · the shortened intestine increases the pro~nsity for =wing shit. Isn't it somewhat · that tre one IIDSt respQn-sible or sl~ federal aid for health and education, denied ftmds for contraception, abortion, and AIIE researcli, shoUld advise fel-


    Lack of regular medical care and coverage afflicts not only tre unemployea and those on fixed inc~!3.J but also the under-emplo)'el}, minors, lo.Uien, and tre semi-ski11ed. Restaurant employees, clerks, and secretaries are generally covered only by those policies r~uired b_y law. \obrker's ~tion and disabi-lity. apply only to injuries occuring in the workplace. The health Of these individuals and the quality_of health care is reflected in these nmsly WigeB.

    It \\'0\lld be difficult to gauge the.numbers of ~ople in lower-:inca!E brackets WhO have . t.:ine or can afford ~1fl!" check-unct. If tre · at ~land ~tal in sen rut of a JX!Ol of over 100 lh> apply to P.Utlci~te. The av~ age of 'i':re stuaents is 28, and IIDSt · have finished their formal ~tion a:J_~e.a,dy, althou_gh ~~1:; s )lot a. requirement fot aamiss1on. The stud~nts have had ~~~?lf.i ... ~. exce~~stu-dents go through encourages QeWSP8per8 to guarantee plocelBlt for graduates. The students receive a stipend and free lxrusing over tre Sl.llllet.

    · · In today's Examiner, on the third page, is a ficture of a blel ve-year-old g:4' ~carried off, limp ~ blOOdy. Even before ~ the text a first reaction to t.hiS gory dePiction is revul-sion. One asks, how c'an the ~ print suCh a sensatiOll&-lizeii:l illustration of the \oAJI'ld. regardless of the situation? Read:!ng further, one can care to another conclusion. The victim today happel!ed to be caumt in tre crossfire of rocks (~uatters) and bullets (Filipino soli:liers).

    As most people· understand by J:l~Y, this is lllli:"der, and no mtter what tre JPlitical scenario, it is unexcusab1.e. lbt, as the newsp:~.:per lands on tre front steps e8ch IIDl), IIDSt JB>Ple ha:rdell t:OOn-selves to the stories of death, mass or singular, pointblank or casual dest:fuction. Most of the time, the death anguish fades quickly as the ~e t~1 and the IIBOOry is r~laCed with me perti-nence of Iady Diana's slip stxJwjJ:lg ·

    the column. The ••""3nat"C! s~ explaining

    wardrobe than an children getting

    A recent survey of daily JBpers · revealed that aily 5.6% Of tre:ir staffs were minorities •. Within thiS smll. camilnity,· gqiduateS of the StJIDet · pr~ stand out. For example, fuln:i.S Bell, who \oBS once a ~ Jmticin::mt ll.elt · en to W:iii a -fulitzer PriZe ~th Newsday in 1~

    The program originated at · ColmiDia Universi!:y_~in New York

    . dmjng tre late 1~s, h.rt: IIDVed to Be:fkeley in 1976 after tre Ford Foundation pulled out of the pr_:ogi'Cl!D, claiming that tre ~blan of underrepresentaVon had been solved. 'Ifu programs gm1 is to help bring greater racial diversity to newsrocm3, so ~ pers can· IIDre accurate! y reflect our lllUlti-racial society. People who are interested in tlieJ?cogram can contact the Sumner ogram offices in Northgate HalL

    '';, '.' ''. ' ..... .

  • JULY 25 1985

    Che night in Madison, Wiscon-sin, I was wallqng by the Capitol §quare and heard sare ~ dnJrnc3. I ah.ays liked the Capitol buil-ding because of its rrasonic geare-try and its placarent on top of a sacred Indian IIDund. It IIBde rre very happy to hear conga drums coffilng from inside of 1t, so I decide.'ill. ~~l..IIO(Jf

    from the International House in Berkeley, KPFA Radio & Livermore Action Group Presents the

    Saturday, July 27, 1985 6:00PM Preview 7:30PM Auction 2299 Piedmont Avenue Berkeley, California

    Listen to tie IFFA ~ Nel.&

    P£01'1-~ "' C.OI.S'R... ~



    18 UVERMORE ACflON PLANNING MEETING, 7:30pm Lag office putting together the final details for actlon logistics. '

    25 SPOKFSCOUNCll., 7:30pm ~ KPFA/LAG 3rd ANNUAL AUCflON, 6:00pm preview, 7:30 p~ ~uction lntema-

    tlonal HOllie, 2299 Piedmont, Berlceley, flargjns, bargins, bargins the practical-the wonderful, the Z.'uty


    & Scott S.F. moving through parlcs, up Haight Street, we'U redecorate various sites as we move through • ""!iJenOe of emotions hom mourning lhnJ anger 1o hope and """'bra!lng COOJml!'lity.

    4 BAl' AREA ASIANS FOR NUCLEAR DJSAI\MAMENT EVENT, 3:00pm St. Mary's Cathedral-1111 Gou&h, S.F., ·memorial

    8 5Tif SITE 300 OCCUPATION, legal demonstration and 5-9th badt-rountry occupa-.lions, call Liz or Saul 397-1452 or Patridobedience, legal demo Uverm""' Labs 8:00am- funeral procession hom oeveral locations In Uvennore, converge on Ea