protocol for expanded indications of endoscopic submucosal

STUDY PROTOCOL Open Access Protocol for expanded indications of endoscopic submucosal dissection for early gastric cancer in China: a multicenter, ambispective, observational, open-cohort study Zhi Zheng 1,2,3,4, Jie Yin 1,2,3,4, Ziyu Li 5 , Yingjiang Ye 6 , Bo Wei 7 , Xin Wang 8 , Yantao Tian 9 , Mengyi Li 1,2,3,4 , Qian Zhang 3,10 , Na Zeng 3,10 , Rui Xu 3,11 , Guangyong Chen 3,7 , Jie Zhang 12 , Peng Li 3,4,13 , Jun Cai 1,2,3,4 , Hongwei Yao 1,2,3,4 , Jun Zhang 1,2,3,4* , Zhongtao Zhang 1,2,3,4 and Shutian Zhang 3,4,13 Abstract Background: The main treatment methods for early gastric cancer (EGC) include endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) and radical gastrectomy. However, appropriate treatment for patients who exceed the absolute indications for ESD remains unestablished. In China, evidence-based medicine for the expanding indications of ESD and accurate diagnostic staging for EGC patients are lacking. Thus, clinical studies involving Chinese patients with EGC are necessary to select appropriate treatment options and promote Chinas expanded indications for ESD and diagnostic staging scheme. Methods: This is a multicenter, ambispective, observational, open-cohort study that is expected to enroll 554 patients with EGC. The study was launched in May 2018 and is scheduled to end in March 2022. All enrolled patients should meet the inclusion criteria. Case report forms and electronic data capture systems are used to obtain clinical data, which includes demographic information, results of perioperative blood- and auxiliary examinations, surgical information, results of postoperative pathology, and the outcomes of postoperative recovery and follow-up. Patients are followed up every 6 months after surgery for a minimum of 5 years. The primary endpoint is the rate of lymph node metastasis (LNM), whereas the secondary endpoints include the following: consistency, sensitivity, and specificity of the results of preoperative examinations and postoperative pathology; cut- off values for LNM; logistic regression model of expanded indications for ESD; and incidence of postoperative complications within the 30-day and 5-year relapse-free survival rates. (Continued on next page) © The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data. * Correspondence: [email protected] Zhi Zheng and Jie Yin contributed equally to this work. 1 Department of General Surgery, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, 95 Yong-an Road, Xi-Cheng District, Beijing 100050, China 2 Beijing Key Laboratory of Cancer Invasion and Metastasis Research, Beijing, China Full list of author information is available at the end of the article Zheng et al. BMC Cancer (2020) 20:801

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Page 1: Protocol for expanded indications of endoscopic submucosal


Protocol for expanded indications ofendoscopic submucosal dissection for earlygastric cancer in China: a multicenter,ambispective, observational, open-cohortstudyZhi Zheng1,2,3,4†, Jie Yin1,2,3,4†, Ziyu Li5, Yingjiang Ye6, Bo Wei7, Xin Wang8, Yantao Tian9, Mengyi Li1,2,3,4,Qian Zhang3,10, Na Zeng3,10, Rui Xu3,11, Guangyong Chen3,7, Jie Zhang12, Peng Li3,4,13, Jun Cai1,2,3,4,Hongwei Yao1,2,3,4, Jun Zhang1,2,3,4* , Zhongtao Zhang1,2,3,4 and Shutian Zhang3,4,13


Background: The main treatment methods for early gastric cancer (EGC) include endoscopic submucosaldissection (ESD) and radical gastrectomy. However, appropriate treatment for patients who exceed the absoluteindications for ESD remains unestablished. In China, evidence-based medicine for the expanding indications of ESDand accurate diagnostic staging for EGC patients are lacking. Thus, clinical studies involving Chinese patients withEGC are necessary to select appropriate treatment options and promote China’s expanded indications for ESD anddiagnostic staging scheme.

Methods: This is a multicenter, ambispective, observational, open-cohort study that is expected to enroll 554patients with EGC. The study was launched in May 2018 and is scheduled to end in March 2022. All enrolledpatients should meet the inclusion criteria. Case report forms and electronic data capture systems are used toobtain clinical data, which includes demographic information, results of perioperative blood- and auxiliaryexaminations, surgical information, results of postoperative pathology, and the outcomes of postoperative recoveryand follow-up. Patients are followed up every 6 months after surgery for a minimum of 5 years. The primaryendpoint is the rate of lymph node metastasis (LNM), whereas the secondary endpoints include the following:consistency, sensitivity, and specificity of the results of preoperative examinations and postoperative pathology; cut-off values for LNM; logistic regression model of expanded indications for ESD; and incidence of postoperativecomplications within the 30-day and 5-year relapse-free survival rates.

(Continued on next page)

© The Author(s). 2020 Open Access This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License,which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you giveappropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate ifchanges were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commonslicence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commonslicence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtainpermission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver ( applies to thedata made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.

* Correspondence: [email protected]†Zhi Zheng and Jie Yin contributed equally to this work.1Department of General Surgery, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital MedicalUniversity, 95 Yong-an Road, Xi-Cheng District, Beijing 100050, China2Beijing Key Laboratory of Cancer Invasion and Metastasis Research, Beijing,ChinaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

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(Continued from previous page)

Discussion: This study will explore and evaluate expanded indications for ESD that match the characteristics of theChinese population in patients with EGC and will introduce a related staging procedure and examination schemethat is appropriate for China. Ethical approval was obtained from all participating centers. The findings are expectedto be disseminated through publications or presentations and will facilitate clinical decision-making in EGC.

Trial registration: The name of the registry is ChiCTR. It was registered on May 9, 2018, with the registrationnumber (ChiCTR1800016084). The clinical trial was launched in May 2018 and will end in March 2022, withenrollment to be completed by December 2021. Trial status: Ongoing.

Keywords: Early gastric cancer, Expanded indications for ESD, Lymph node metastasis, Staging diagnosis scheme,Chinese population

BackgroundThe improvement in public health awareness and thedevelopment of endoscopic technology have led to anincreased detection rate and the overall incidence ofearly gastric cancer (EGC) [1, 2]. Statistics from theChinese Association of Gastrointestinal Cancer Surgeryshow that EGC accounts for 19.5% of the overall gastriccancer cases in China [3]. Hence, scholars have begun topay more attention to the early diagnosis and treatmentof gastric cancer.The current treatment methods for EGC mainly in-

clude endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) or endo-scopic submucosal dissection (ESD), and radicalgastrectomy [4, 5]. However, the rate of lymph node me-tastasis (LNM) in early gastric cancer is low and, there-fore, most patients undergo unnecessary or excessivelymph node dissection, which increases the surgicaltrauma [4]. Although EMR/ESD can be performed tocompletely remove the lesion, assessing the status ofLNM around the stomach is currently impossible, result-ing in incomplete treatment [6].The absolute indications for ESD published in the up-

dated Japanese gastric cancer treatment guidelines 2018(5th edition) include the following: 1) differentiatedintramucosal carcinoma with no ulcer and tumor size <2 cm; 2) differentiated intramucosal carcinoma with noulcer and tumor size > 2 cm; and 3) ulcerative, differenti-ated intramucosal carcinoma with tumor size < 3 cm thatis accompanied by undifferentiated components [4].However, controversy remains regarding the appropriatetreatment for patients who exceed these absolute indica-tions for ESD (i.e., expanded indications) [7–10]. Somestudies found that ESD was suitable for some patientswith EGC and expanded indications; these patients hadbetter safety and effectiveness outcomes in the short-term after ESD [11]. Although the relative recurrencerate was increased in these patients, their long-termprognosis was better. Other studies recommend radicalgastrectomy for patients with expanded indications be-cause ESD may not meet the criteria for curative resec-tion, and LNM may occur in the long-term [12, 13].

LNM is an independent risk factor for poor prognosis[14, 15]. Thus, a clinical trial, including patients with ex-panded indications for ESD, is necessary to select thetreatment option that optimally balances radical tumortreatment and surgical trauma reduction.Currently, evidence-based medicine in China support-

ing the use of expanded indications for ESD in patientswith EGC is insufficient; hence, this multicenter, ambis-pective, observational, open-cohort study of Chinese pa-tients with EGC is being conducted by the BeijingFriendship Hospital. The trial is expected to further re-fine the indications for ESD treatment in these patients.

Methods/designStudy aimThis study aims to explore and evaluate expanded indi-cations for ESD that match the characteristics of theChinese population in patients with EGC, and to intro-duce a staging procedure and examination scheme forEGC that is appropriate for China.

Study design and settingThis is a multicenter, ambispective, observational, open-cohort study. The clinical trial was launched in May2018 and will end in March 2022, with enrollment to becompleted by December 2021. Between May 2018 andDecember 2022, patients from Beijing Friendship Hos-pital, Capital Medical University, Beijing Cancer Hos-pital, Peking University People’s Hospital, PekingUniversity First Hospital, Chinese PLA General Hospital,and Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sci-ences will be selected for treatment. In total, 554 pa-tients are expected to be included in the trial. Afterproviding written informed consent, patients willundergo a D2 gastrectomy in a non-randomized, pro-spective study. For the retrospective study, researcherswill recruit patients from January 2008 to April 2018,and all enrolled patients must meet the inclusion cri-teria. The detailed research process is described in Fig. 1.The latest protocol version is version 1.0 in April 2018.

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Inclusion criteria

1) Patients aged 18–75 years (regardless of sex).2) Patients with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group

(ECOG) score ≤ 2 points and American Society ofAnesthesiologists (ASA) score ≤ 2 points who canundergo a radical D2 gastrectomy.

3) Patients without a history of gastrointestinaloperation, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy.

4) Patients with normal liver, kidney, heart, lung, andbone marrow function (GPT × 109/L, PLT>109/L).

5) Patients who can understand and comply with theresearch protocol.

6) Patients who can provide written informed consentby themselves or through their legal agent.

7) Gastroscopic and pathologic diagnoses based on thefollowing criteria: ①Tumor diameter > 30 mm,ulceration (UL)(+), and differentiated, mucosalcarcinoma (T1a); ②Tumor diameter > 30 mm anddifferentiated, submucosal invasion depth < 500 μm(T1b SM1); ③Tumor diameter ≤ 30 mm anddifferentiated, submucosal carcinoma (T1b);

④Tumor diameter ≤ 20 mm, UL(−), andundifferentiated (T1a); ⑤Tumor diameter > 20 mm,UL(−), and undifferentiated (T1a); ⑥Tumordiameter ≤ 30 mm, UL(+), and undifferentiated(T1a); ⑦Tumor diameter > 30 mm, UL(+), andundifferentiated (T1a). The detailed inclusioncriteria are shown in Table 1.

Exclusion criteria

1) Patients with a contraindication for gastroscopy.2) Patients with uncontrollable diseases, such as

coagulation disorders, epilepsy, central nervoussystem diseases or mental disorders,cardiopulmonary insufficiency, unstable angina,myocardial infarction, a cerebrovascular accidentthat occurred within 6 months, and other surgicalcontraindications.

3) Patients who cannot undergo general anesthesia orsurgical treatment because of conditions related toother organs, or patients who are unwilling toundergo surgery.

Fig. 1 Research process and flow chart

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4) Patients with gastric stump cancer, recurrent gastriccancer, multiple primary malignant tumors in theabdominopelvic cavity, or a history of othermalignant tumors within the previous 5 years.

5) Patients who are pregnant or lactating.6) Patients who are participating in other clinical


Elimination criteria

1) A tumor with distant metastasis that is observedduring the operation and postoperatively confirmedas advanced gastric cancer (pT2N0-3 M0–1) or non-gastric cancer by pathologic examination.

2) Patients who do not follow the research plan andreceive other anti-tumor treatments during the ob-servation period.

3) Patients with incomplete clinical data obtained afterenrollment, which cannot be used in futurestatistical analysis.

4) Patients who do not comply with the researchprotocol for treatment.

5) Study termination as deemed necessary byresearchers for the benefit of the patient.

Primary endpointThe primary endpoint of this study is the rate of LNM.The scope of potential expanded indications for ESD isexplored and evaluated based on the presence of LNMby histopathology and the positive rate of LNM with ex-panded indications for ESD.

Secondary endpoints

1) Accuracy, specificity, and sensitivity are evaluatedusing the following gold standards: postoperativehistopathology of ultrasonic gastroscopy for tumorinvasion depth, abdominal and pelvic enhancedcomputed tomography (CT) scan for LNM,pathological biopsy for tumor differentiation, andauxiliary examination for TNM staging.

2) Cut-off values for LNM: A receiver operatingcharacteristic curve is drawn for the clinicalcharacteristics under different LNM rates to obtainthe cut-off values.

3) Logistic regression model: To explore thecorresponding logistic regression model,postoperative histopathological examination forLNM, depth of infiltration, and degree ofdifferentiation are evaluated in the univariateanalysis. Variables with statistical significance in theunivariate analysis are examined in the multivariateanalysis.

4) Complications: The incidence of postoperativecomplications within the last 30 days, includinganastomotic fistula, pancreatic fistula, intestinalobstruction, delayed bleeding, and incision-relatedcomplications, are recorded. Postoperative compli-cations classified as higher than Grade II, accordingto the Clavien–Dindo classification are regarded asclinically significant (Tables 2), [16].

5) Five-year relapse-free survival rate: The time inter-val from the date of operation to the detection oftumor recurrence within 5 years is recorded.

Participating surgeonsStudies have found that surgeon proficiency is signifi-cantly related to rates of postoperative complications,mortality, and the presence of a residual tumor. Concur-rently, a study analyzed surgeons’ operation and foundthat a surgeon had completed the surgery learning curveafter performing 90–100 operations and could independ-ently handle emergencies during surgery [17, 18]. Thelength of surgery, blood loss, and incidence of intraoper-ative and postoperative complications similarly de-creased. Therefore, all surgeons involved in this studywill have completed at least 100 gastrectomy surgeriesto ensure the quality of treatment for the enrolled pa-tients. Similarly, our research team includes several ex-perienced gastrointestinal surgeons who are available toperform surgeries for enrolled patients.

Informed consentAccording to the requirements of the ethics committee,all enrolled patients must sign an informed consentdocument. Informed consent forms are provided to thepatients before their enrollment in the prospective study;the consent forms include information on the purposeand significance of the study, the benefits and possiblerisks of participating in the study, and the confidentiality

Table 1 Inclusion criteria of expanded indications for ESD in patients with EGC

T1a T1b

UL (−) UL (+) SM1 SM2

≤20 mm > 20mm ≤30 mm > 30mm ≤30 mm > 30mm ≤30 mm > 30mm



ESD, ESD absolute indication; EXPANDED, ESD expanded indication; SURGERY, surgical indication for EGC; EGC, early gastric cancer; ESD, endoscopicsubmucosal dissection

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of the study. Enrolled patients have the opportunity toask questions and receive answers. The requirement forinformed consent is waived due to the retrospective na-ture of study.

InterventionsD2 gastrectomyUnder the requirement of the guideline for laparoscopicgastrectomy for gastric cancer (2016 edition) [19], lap-aroscopic radical gastrectomy is performed in patients.A preoperative abdominal enhanced CT scan is per-formed to evaluate the lesion site, tumor size, and LNM.Preoperative endoscopic injection positioning is per-formed with dye, or intraoperative endoscopic position-ing is used to determine the tumor location to ensuresafe margins. The scope of lymph node dissection (LND)is according to the Japanese gastric cancer treatmentguidelines 2018 (5th edition) [4]. The scope of LND ofD2 distal gastrectomy should include the No. 1, 3, 4sb,4d, 5, 6, 7, 8a, 9, 11p, and 12a lymph nodes. D2 proximalgastrectomy should include the 1, 2, 3a, 4sa, 4sb, 7, 8a,9, 11p, and 12a lymph nodes, and D2 total gastrectomyshould include the 1, 2, 3, 4sa, 4sb, 4d, 5, 6, 7, 8a, 9, 11p,11d, and 12a lymph nodes.

Perioperative treatment for enrolled patientsFor patients who underwent radical surgery, clinicianswill provide symptom-based treatment, such as antibi-otics, proton pump inhibitors, analgesics, octreotide,total parenteral nutrition support, and blood products,according to the patient’s recovery. Routine postopera-tive blood tests, biochemistry tests, blood amylase, andabdominal drainage fluid amylase will be reviewed regu-larly to monitor for anastomotic leakage, delayed bleed-ing, and pancreatic leakage. There will be a regularabdominal ultrasound examination to monitor for peri-toneal effusion. If necessary, drainage by abdominalpuncture will be performed. After return to a normal

diet, patients with LNM or undifferentiated tumors willreceive adjuvant chemotherapy 3–4 weeks after surgery.

Data collectionA uniform case report form (CRF) was designed, and theelectronic data capture (EDC) system was already estab-lished before the commencement of the clinical trial. Alldata are provided on the CRF. Subsequently, the clinicalresearch coordinator (CRC) enters the data into theEDC system promptly ( Every month, clinical research associates moni-tor the electronic database to ensure data quality.The CRF includes the following data: 1) Demographic in-

formation: sex, age, length of hospital stay, body massindex, family disease history, concomitant disease, ECOGscore, nutrition risk screening 2002 (NRS 2002) score, andvenous thromboembolism score; 2) Perioperative laboratorytests: results of routine blood tests, biochemical investiga-tions, and tumor marker evaluations, including CA19–9,CA125, AFP, CEA, and CA724; 3) Auxiliary examination:all the enrolled patients undergo an abdominal enhancedCT scan and low-dose plain CT scan of the chest, a posi-tron emission tomography (PET)/CT examination whennecessary, and an ultrasound gastroscopy or magnified gas-troscopy; 4) Surgical information: ASA score, operationdate, operation time, blood loss, surgical methods, degreeof lymph node dissection, and intraoperative complications;5) Postoperative pathology: the number of tumor lesions,tumor size, tumor location, surgical margin, gross type oftumor, histopathological type, Lauren type, depth of tumorinvasion, number of lymph nodes dissected, and total num-ber of LNM; and 6) Postoperative recovery outcomes: totalhospitalization cost, postoperative complications and death,and recovery time of intestinal function (Table 3).

Follow-upThe postoperative follow-up is performed by a dedicatedinvestigator. The patients are followed up every 6months after discharge using outpatient visits, telephone,

Table 2 Clavien–Dindo classification

Grade Definition

I Any complication that deviates from the natural course of the operation; treatments include antiemetic, antipyretic, analgesic, and diureticdrugs; infusion; physical therapy; as well as bedside debridement of incision infection.

II Medications other than those permitted for grade I complications are required, including blood transfusion and total parenteral nutritionsupport.

III Surgical and endoscopic interventions and radiotherapy are required.

IIIa No general anesthesia is required.

IIIb General anesthesia is needed.

IV Life-threatening complications requiring intensive care.

IVa Single-organ dysfunction

IVb Multi-organ dysfunction

V Death

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or mail. During the follow-up period, the patients undergophysical examinations, laboratory tests, a gastroscopy, achest and abdominal CT scan, or an abdominal ultra-sound assessment. The laboratory tests include routineblood examination, blood biochemistry, and tumormarker evaluation that includes CA19–9, CA125, AFP,CEA, and CA724. For patients that develop postoperativetumor recurrence or distant metastasis, a further detailedevaluation, including abdominal magnetic resonance im-aging or PET/CT, will be performed to determine thefeasibility of surgical resection. Each patient will befollowed for at least 5 years or until a loss to follow-up.The detailed follow-up schedule is shown in Table 3.

Adverse eventsAll serious adverse events (SAEs) occurring between thesigning of the informed consent and the completion of thetrial need to be recorded. SAEs are defined as any injury re-lated (or not) to the expected outcome of the operation.The trial includes an independent data monitoring commit-tee that will review the ongoing safety data in an unblindedmanner under the Standard Operation Procedures for Clin-ical Trials, Japan Medical Association. All the patients willundergo the best treatments for curing complications.

Quality controlQuality control of pathologyThe specimen collectors have sampling experience or areguided by an experienced pathologist. The procedures forhandling the resected specimens are as follows: First, the

pathologist incises the stomach along the greater curvature.Second, the specimen is fully stretched to maintain the ori-ginal shape, and the stomach is placed on a flat rubber platewith the mucosal side up and pinned at the edge with stain-less steel pins. At the edge of the specimen, the entire gas-tric wall, especially the muscularis, is pulled outward by theneedle with a uniform force to extend the mucosa, which issubsequently fixed on the rubber plate to fully expose thelesions of the mucosal surface. Third, the specimen collec-tion is performed within 30min after the tissue is isolated.Thereafter, we completely immerse the specimen in a vol-ume of 10% neutral buffered formalin 6–8 times that of thespecimen for 12–48 h. The tumor lesions are afterwardssectioned along the vertical direction of the tangent linenear the cutting edge. Subsequently, the whole gastric walltissue is cut in parallel at a distance of 4–5mm, and all tis-sues are collected for examination. Finally, we dehydrate,embed, and section the tissue for microscopic observation.The detailed procedure is illustrated in Fig. 2.Moreover, we have developed a standardized path-

ology report template to homogenize the data from allresearch centers. The pathology report includes themacroscopic description, histological diagnosis, Laurentype, depth of invasion, vascular-lymphatic infiltration,surgical margin, LNM, pathological tumor stage, immu-nohistochemical staining, and gene detection.

Quality control of gastroscopyWe have developed a gastroscopy report template, whichhelps to unify the research data; the report includes a

Fig. 2 Standardized procedure for sampling of gastric specimen by surgical resection: a incision of the specimen along the greater curvature of thestomach; b the resected specimen was pinned out with fine needles on a rubber plate; c the resected specimen was soaked in a volume of 4% neutralbuffered formaldehyde 6–8 times that of the specimen for 12–48 h; d and e the whole of the gastric wall tissue was sliced in parallel at a distance of 4–5mm; f the sliced tissues were placed in the cassettes for subsequent dehydration, embedding, and sectioning for histological evaluation

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general description of the stomach. We need to obtain4–8 images of the different parts of the stomach. Fur-thermore, the report describes the number of lesions,tumor location, tumor size, gross type of tumor, tumordistance from the dentate line, and tumor distance fromthe pyloric ring. If patients undergo ultrasound gastros-copy, the report should equally describe the depth of in-vasion and the occurrence of LNM around the stomach.

Quality control of radiographic examinationAn abdominal and pelvic enhanced CT scan is import-ant for clinical diagnosis and tumor staging. We ensurethat the following items are determined with the CTscan: tumor location, tumor size, presence or absence ofabdominal effusion, other abdominal organ metastasis,non-local LNM, and abnormal variation of peripheralgastric blood vessels; these aspects are included in theimaging report template.

Research supervision committeeWe ensure that members of the research supervisioncommittee of this trial have a clear division of labor andgood cooperation. The supervision committee consistsof data managers, data inspectors, and methodologicalteams. Each part of this clinical trial has a standard oper-ating procedure to ensure the homogeneity of the re-search. Moreover, specialized personnel is engaged indata collection, data entry, data inspection, data cleaning,and follow-up.

Statistical analysisSPSS 21.0 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) statisticalsoftware is used for the statistical analysis. The quantita-tive variables are described as the mean ± standard devi-ation and are tested by univariate analysis of variance fornormal distribution; on the contrary, they are describedas the median (interquartile range) and tested by theKruskal-Wallis H test for non-normal distribution. Thecategorical variables are described as frequency (N) withthe percentage (%) and tested by χ2 test, corrective χ2

test, or Fisher’s exact test. Ranked data are expressed asfrequency and percentages and are compared using theKruskal-Wallis H test. Sensitivity and specificity are cal-culated to evaluate the diagnostic performance. TheKaplan-Meier method is used to draw survival curves,and the survival of multiple groups are compared by thelog-rank test. The univariate and multivariate Cox pro-portional hazards models are used to evaluate the hazardratios for adverse outcomes. All statistical tests are two-sided, and a P-value < 0.05 is considered statisticallysignificant.

Determination of sample sizeThe sample size was calculated by PASS 11.0 (NCSSStatistical and Data Analysis, USA) software and was es-timated based on the preliminary research results of theJapanese clinical trial. According to previous studies witha single group design, the rate of LNM with expandedindications for ESD was 3% [20, 21] with an allowableerror of 1.5%. Based on a one-sided test with an α valueequal to 0.025, the estimated total sample size requiredfor the trial is at least 497 patients. The withdrawal ratewas assumed to be 20% during the follow-up. Therefore,the total sample size that is needed for this clinical studyis approximately 554 patients, of which 274 and 280 areenrolled in a prospective- and retrospective study,respectively.

Patient and public involvementPatients and the public were not involved in the design,the recruitment, or the conduct of the trial. The sponsorplayed an important role in study design, collection,management, analysis and interpretation of data, writingof the report, and the decision to submit the report forpublication. They had the ultimate authority regardingany activity in the trial.

DiscussionThe optimal treatment for EGC should balance radicaltumor treatment and surgical trauma reduction. How-ever, controversy remains surrounding how to choose anappropriate treatment in patients with EGC who exceedthe absolute indications for ESD. The primary endpointof this study is the rate of LNM. The scope of potentialexpanded indications for ESD will be explored and eval-uated based on the presence of LNM by histopathologyand the positive rate of LNM with expanded indicationsfor ESD. The purpose of this study is to explore andevaluate expanded indications for ESD that match thecharacteristics of the Chinese population in patients withEGC and to introduce a staging diagnosis and examin-ation scheme for EGC that is appropriate for China. Tothe best of our knowledge, this study is the first clinicaltrial to focus on Chinese patients with EGC, and the re-sults could facilitate clinical decision-making.Despite decades of research on the treatment of EGC,

numerous problems remain unsolved. Regarding pre-operative evaluation, Choi et al. showed that the overallaccuracy of endoscopic ultrasonography in T staging ofgastric cancer is 78% and only 72% in T1b submucosalstaging. Thus, determining the depth of tumor sub-mucosal infiltration remains difficult, which may resultin unnecessary surgical trauma to some patients [22].Similarly, Choi et al. reported that the tumor diametermeasured under the endoscope was significantly smallerthan that measured pathologically. Although the size

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deviation in 80% of tumor lesions was < 0.4 cm, the dif-ference suggests that preoperative gastroscopy mayunderestimate the tumor diameter [23]. Consequently,ESD performed in patients with expanded indicationsmay result in non-curative resection of the tumor and,thereby, affect the prognosis of patients.Most of the endoscopic treatments of EGC worldwide

are based on the Japanese gastric cancer treatment guide-lines 2018 (5th edition) [4]. Most of the existing researchdata on the absolute indications for ESD are from Japanand South Korea. Some studies have found that perform-ing ESD for expanded indications can achieve a similar ef-fect on LNM rate and patient prognosis as performingESD for absolute indications [24, 25]. Therefore, a refine-ment of the expanded indications for ESD is imperative toguide clinical practice. Additionally, most of the studieson ESD or gastrectomy are retrospective in nature, andthe influence of preoperative examination, surgeon, andsurgical procedure may lead to bias; moreover, a detailedsubgroup analysis was lacking. Further, prospective, multi-center, large-sample studies on radical gastrectomy in theChinese population to verify the feasibility of endoscopicindications for EGC or adjust the existing endoscopic indi-cations for EGC are limited. Hence, conducting this studyto explore the expanded indications for EGC is necessary.This study has some limitations. First, this study in-

cludes only a Chinese sample; therefore, further studiesthat include other populations are warranted. Second,this is a multicenter, ambispective, observational, open-cohort study; the quality of evidence may be lower thana large-sample, multicenter, randomized controlledstudy. Nevertheless, we will improve the research proto-col further, by including more research centers and pa-tients to provide a more precise evaluation of expandedindications for ESD and staging scheme for EGC.

Ethics and disseminationThis protocol has been reviewed and approved by theEthics Committee of Beijing Friendship Hospital, CapitalMedical University (2018-P2–015-02). The medical teamsinvolved in this study have well-developed and standard-ized surgical techniques, and extensive experience, whichreduces the potential risks associated with surgery and en-sures the correct implementation of this study. In theevent of complications, the medical teams have standard-ized measures to maximize the patient’s safety.During the study, all personal data, such as name and

sex, will be replaced with statistical codes or numbersand will be kept strictly confidential. All clinical data willbe analyzed anonymously through the CRF and EDCsystems to protect the privacy of the patients. Similarly,we plan to publish the results of this study in 2023 onceall data have been obtained and evaluated. However, thearticle will not disclose any personal information.

AbbreviationsEGC: Early gastric cancer; ESD: Endoscopic submucosal dissection;LNM: Lymph node metastasis; EMR: Endoscopic mucosal resection;ECOG: Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; ASA: American Society ofAnesthesiologists; UL: Ulceration; CT: Computed tomography; CRF: Casereport form; EDC: Electronic data capture; CRC: Clinical research coordinator;NRS2002: Nutrition risk screening 2002; POD: Postoperative day

AcknowledgmentsSix tertiary hospitals in China are participating in this study: BeijingFriendship Hospital, Capital Medical University; Beijing Cancer Hospital;Peking University People’s Hospital; Peking University First Hospital; ChinesePLA General Hospital; and Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy of MedicalSciences. We would like to thank the investigators from the collaboratingcenters: RL M and K X (Beijing Cancer Hospital); W Z (Peking UniversityPeople’s Hospital); S Z (Peking University First Hospital); GX L (Chinese PLAGeneral Hospital); FH M and P J (Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy ofMedical Sciences); and FJ LV, QZ Z, FD B, XY L, YS L and XS Y (BeijingFriendship Hospital, Capital Medical University). Moreover, we would like tothank Editage ( for English language editing.

Authors’ contributionsWith J Z1 corresponding to Jun Zhang, and J Z2 corresponding to JieZhang. Meanwhile, Z Z1 corresponding to Zhi Zheng. J Z1, ZT Z, and ST Zare the principal researchers and carried out the studies in all the phases oftrial design. MY L and Z Z1 participated in data collection and obtainedwritten informed consent from patients. Q Z and N Z performed thestatistical analysis and participated in its design. R X, GY C, J Z2, J C, H Y, andP L are responsible for formulating the Standard Operation Procedure ofpathology, radiology, and endoscopy, respectively. ZY L, YJ Y, X W, B W, andYT T developed the ethics board application and assisted in patientenrolment in cooperation centers. Z Z1 and J Y helped to draft themanuscript. J Z1 revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved thefinal manuscript.

FundingThe work of the author’s project is supported by Beijing Municipal Science &Technology Commission (D171100006517003) to Jun Zhang. The funder hadno influence in the design of this trial nor in the writing of manuscript andpresenting the study outcomes, and also have no role in collection, analysisand interpretation of data.Contact information sponsor: Xiao Zhang from Beijing Municipal Science &Technology Commission (Tel: 010–66153436).

Availability of data and materialsWe will transfer the CRFs to the EDC (,which will be stored in a hard disk and cloud system. Detailed results will beopenly shared after study completion.

Ethics approval and consent to participateThis protocol has been reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee ofBeijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University; Beijing CancerHospital; Peking University People’s Hospital; Peking University First Hospital;Chinese PLA General Hospital; and Cancer Hospital Chinese Academy ofMedical Sciences. According to the requirements of the ethics committee,the prospective study was conducted after the enrolled patients signed theinformed consent. However, the requirement for informed consent waswaived in the retrospective study. This clinical trial is consistent with theprinciples of the Declaration of Helsinki.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Author details1Department of General Surgery, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital MedicalUniversity, 95 Yong-an Road, Xi-Cheng District, Beijing 100050, China. 2BeijingKey Laboratory of Cancer Invasion and Metastasis Research, Beijing, China.3National Clinical Research Center for Digestive Diseases, Beijing, China.

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Page 10: Protocol for expanded indications of endoscopic submucosal

4Beijing Institute of Clinical Medicine, Beijing, China. 5Department ofGastrointestinal Surgery, Beijing Cancer Hospital, Beijing, China. 6Departmentof General Surgery, Peking University People’s Hospital, Beijing, China.7Department of General Surgery, Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing,China. 8Department of General Surgery, Peking University First Hospital,Beijing, China. 9Department of Pancreatic and Gastric Surgery, CancerHospital Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing, China. 10ClinicalEpidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine Unit, Beijing Friendship Hospital,Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. 11Department of Pathology, BeijingFriendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China. 12Departmentof Radiology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing,China. 13Department of Gastroenterology, Beijing Friendship Hospital, CapitalMedical University, Beijing, China.

Received: 15 June 2020 Accepted: 17 August 2020

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