proton plan director's review 8/15/06 – booster corrector upgradedrennan1 proton plan booster...

roton Plan Director's Review 8/15/06 – Booster Corrector Upgrade Drennan 1 Proton Plan Proton Plan Booster Corrector Upgrade Booster Corrector Upgrade Directors Review Directors Review August 2006 August 2006 Presenter: Craig Drennan

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Proton Plan Director's Review 8/15/06 – Booster Corrector Upgrade Drennan 1

Proton PlanProton Plan

Booster Corrector UpgradeBooster Corrector Upgrade

Directors ReviewDirectors Review August 2006 August 2006

Presenter: Craig Drennan

Proton Plan Director's Review 8/15/06 – Booster Corrector Upgrade Drennan 2


Progress Over The Last Year

The Plan For The Year Ahead

Management – Structure, Schedule and Cost

Project Risks and Managing Hazards


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• Last Years Accomplishments Corrector Magnet Prototype: Many design and assembly

challenges were overcome to produce the first prototype.

Power Supplies / Amplifiers: Two varieties of magnet power supplies have been evaluated and found suitable for this project.

Controls: A new CAMAC power supply controller has been prototyped and software development has begun.

Prototype Testing: Testing for all these items is currently in progress.

Mechanical Designs: Initial measurements for new magnet stands were made during the Spring shut-down.

Cooling Water: The main header for the corrector magnet cooling water has been installed.

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Corrector Magnet DevelopmentCorrector Magnet Development

The first corrector package prototype has been

assembled and is being evaluated at MTF.

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Power SuppliesPower Supplies

• Power Supply Specifications

Current and voltage requirements are highlighted below.

Other power supply requirements are listed in the main

specifications document, Beams-doc-1881-v5 .

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• Two Candidate Supplies To Drive Correctors

In-house design from AD/EES

• Advantages:

– Meets magnet field/current/voltage requirements

– Implements Fermi specified interlocks and diagnostics

– In house ability to service and repair

– Expected to be the lowest cost solution

• Weaknesses:

– Some chance that production will not meet the schedule

– Recent supply modifications have no history in the field

Power SuppliesPower Supplies

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Power SuppliesPower Supplies

• Two Candidate Supplies To Drive Correctors (continued)

Vendor product from Copley Controls

• Advantages:

– Exceeds magnet field/current/voltage requirements

– Commercially proven quality (mainly used in MRI)

– Strongly deterministic delivery schedule.

• Weaknesses:

– More expensive

– No in-house repair ($300.00 flat repair fee)

– Needs additional hardware to support desired diagnostics

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Power SuppliesPower Supplies

• Four Quadrant Switching Power Supplies

Design in AD/EE Support

• Magnet             I_peak    V_peak I_rms @ 50 degC

• Dipoles 40 A 150 V 40 A

• Sextupoles 40 A 150 V 40 A

• Norm. Quad. 65 A 150 V 65 A

• Skew Quad. 10 A 150 V 10 A

• Approx. Cost: < $3,000.00 each

• Magnet             I_peak    V_peak I_rms @ 50 degC

• Dipoles 40 A 150 V 40 A

• Sextupoles 40 A 150 V 40 A

• Norm. Quad. 65 A 150 V 65 A

• Skew Quad. 10 A 150 V 10 A

• Approx. Cost: < $3,000.00 each

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Power SuppliesPower Supplies

• Model 231HC Power Amplifier from Copley Controls

One model used for all magnets except the skew quad.

• I_peak V_peak I_rms @ 35 degC

• 90 A 150 V 70 A

• Approx. Cost $4,000.00 each

• I_peak V_peak I_rms @ 35 degC

• 90 A 150 V 70 A

• Approx. Cost $4,000.00 each

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New Power Supply Ramp Controllers

• Will output ACNET programmable current reference curves for the power amplifiers and monitor amplifier tracking.

• Will provide digital Enable/Inhibit and monitor digital status.

• Controller specifications available, Beams-doc-1882-v3 .

• CAMAC C473 Users Manual available, Beams-doc-2361-v2

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ControlsControls ACNET / Software work to support the new CAMAC

ramp controller has begun. Specification of more advanced applications will begin


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New Beam Position MonitorsNew Beam Position Monitors

New BPM's are being designed to fit into the aperture

of the new corrector package. • Reference Jim Crisp, “Proposed Booster BPM Geometry”,


Proton Plan Director's Review 8/15/06 – Booster Corrector Upgrade Drennan 13


• Corrector Upgrade involves two installations.

Summer 2007 Shutdown

• Booster long straight corrector system installation

• Upgrade of vertical beam control

Summer 2008 Shutdown

• Booster short straight corrector system installation

• Upgrade of horizontal beam control

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New Racks and Cables for the Corrector System • Rack space and cable penetrations have been

identified.• A booster floor plan has been marked up (Beams-doc-

1883, version 1) to show the possible location of the new corrector magnets, new racks, and cable routing.

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• Estimate Rack Layout Using AD/EES Amplifiers

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• Estimate Rack Layout Using Copley Amplifiers

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• New Plumbing for Corrector Package Cooling


• Total water flow -- 1/2 GPM at 60 PSI water pressure drop.

• Water temperature rise -- 20 C

• The current water system in the Booster is expected to be able to handle this additional load.

• The main header and shut-offs were installed in 2006.

• We are currently investigating water filtering schemes.

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New Magnet Supports and Long and Short Straight Spool Piece Designs

• New cradle supports in the short straights will be designed for the Horizontal Corrector project.

• Initial measurements were taken during 2006 shutdown, and the design and drafting effort has begun.

• New Gamma-T Magnets will be included.

Booster Long Period 14

Booster Short Period 22

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• ES&H Project Coordinator, Mike Andrews

• Design reviews to evaluate:

Equipment sizing – power cables, cooling capacity,

magnet stands and supports

Interlocks for equipment and personnel safety.

Electrical exposures in racks or in the enclosure ?

Can we ease trouble-shooting and maintenance in

light of NFPA70E requirements.

More -->

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• Magnet and Power Supply Production & Testing

Will need considerations made for receiving and

handling of production units.

Will continue the commitment to designing safe test

stands and documenting procedures. (MTF works hard

at this) more -->

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• Magnet Removal and Installation Hazard Analysis

Will work closely with the Task Managers, ES&H

Coordinator and other experts from Electrical and

Mechanical Support.

Job may require reviewed and approved lifting fixtures

Focus on avoiding strains, sprains, head injuries, cuts,

burns and electric shock.

Safety and Quality Monitored with Daily Walk

Throughs with Task Manager and ES&H Coord.

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Costs Costs

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Schedule (page 1 of 2)Schedule (page 1 of 2)

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Schedule (page 2 of 2)Schedule (page 2 of 2)

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Project RisksProject Risks

• Performance of Power Supplies, Controls, Interconnects and Interlocks (Quality Assurance).

Design reviews including ES&H issues. Production unit test stands will be required to exercise

all component functions and provide for burn-in. Interlock testing will be performed to ensure equipment

and personnel are protected from identified hazards.

• Maintaining Installation Schedules

Procurements will be made at the earliest opportunities

Tasks and task dependencies will be tracked and

continuously evaluated to ensure that tasks are

initiated and completed as early as possible.

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Simple ConclusionsSimple Conclusions

• Good progress has been made in the various prototyping efforts .

• The current focus is on testing

• We are currently on track for a June 2007 installation.

• The corrector upgrade will greatly improve the throughput in the Booster.