prototipo inglese c1 verona

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Prototipo inglese C1

Read the text and use the words given in brackets to formone newword that will fit the gap in the text.

example: He was soforgetful[forget] that he oncelost[lose] an umbrella the same day he had bought it.

A lawyer turned artist, George Catlin set out in 1830 to reach "every tribe of Indians on the Continent of North America" and to
produce "1) [faith] paintings, views of their villages, games, etc." During the six years he spent in the West seeking out and 2) [depiction] American Indians, Catlin painted some 300 3) [portray] and nearly 175 4) [land] and scenes of village life. He also amassed an 5) [impression] 6)[collect] of artwork. Back home in the East, he 7) [assembly] these paintings and relics into an 8) [exhibit] that he called his Indian Gallery. Taking his show -- which 9) [ultimate] grew to include two live bears and a small group of Ojibwe and Iowa Indians -- on the road, he displayed it in salons along the Eastern Seaboard and in London, Paris and Brussels. Though not the first 10) [art] to paint American Indians, Catlin was the first to picture them 11)[extension] in their own territories and one of the few to portray them as fellow human 12)[be] rather than savages.

Smithsonian Magazine (web version)
December 2002Fill in the blanks in the following text with ONE word ONLY. Verb contractions (e.g. I'm) are considered one word.

In our society most people need to move around and since more and more people have to find jobs in places far from where they live, it is increasingly becoming a necessity to 1) large chunks of time travelling to and 2) work. Transport is, in any case, something that we 3) for granted a lot of the time. It is natural to think that 4) we want to go into the centre of town all we 5) to do is simply 6) out the car and go. However, if for 7) reason the car breaks down, it is almost as 8) a part of the body has been cut off. At least that is 9) happened to me recently, when one day my car refused to climb another hill and left me cursing on the roadside.
What struck me most, 10), was that I simply could not live at the usual speed without acar, and I had to 11) down on the things I could do in one day, almost by fifty percent. This made me stop and think for a minute 12) the speed we generally live at, a speed which even fifty years ago 13) have been unthinkable. How healthy is it for us to rush round 14) this every day? This is when I began o fully realize the meaning of the term "rat race", and I began to think that I would like to try 15) without a car.

Complete the sentences by choosing the most appropriate answer. Choosing the option 'X' means that the best way to complete the sentence is to leave the blank empty.1. I'm afraid you made several errors. You _____ your answers more carefully.

2. When I __________ my girlfriend she started to blush.

3. She told the children to get on the bus one by one after _______ their names from a list.

4. Which one is NOT correct?

5. As posted on the faculty's web page, all engineering students _______ meet with their professors at 10.00 Thursday morning.

6. All this talk isn't getting us _______.

7. Which one is correct?

8. This semester he has been _______ research on the effects of pesticides.

9. Which one is correct?

10. Mr Elkins is still going _______ although he's over ninety.
Top of FormRead the text and then, with reference to the information in each part, choose the best answer to the questions below. Some questions, where there is only a number, are multiple choice. Choose the one you think is correct. Some questions are connected to thehighlighted vocabularyin the texts. Choose the correct answer from the lists, finally there are someTRUE or FALSEquestions, when doing these readvery carefullywhat the question is asking you:
The Castle

At first sight the castle looked impregnable, as if it could hold out until the end of time and in this, it was deceptive. It was as massive as it was formidable, glowering over the valley like a giant in a bad mood. Consisting of astone shell keep, two large baileys and endless tiers of walls with what looked like dozens of stocky Norman look out towers.


2. Which one is FALSE? The castle looked

3. a "stone shell keep" here refers to

The walls seemed to go on for ever, miles of heath stone encompassing an area of more than twelve acres. When they got closer, however, cautiouslycreepingunder cover of darkness, they saw that there were weak spots and that the off-putting impregnability was, in fact, mostly illusion.


5. "creeping" means

All the mangonels had been doing their work and the result wasplainto see, huge chunks gouged out of the walls, pits in the baileys and what was now a sea of mud was allchurned upwhere stones had crashed down to the ground during the weeks that the siege had already been underway.


7. In this text "churned up" means

8."plain" means

The fire arrows had done quite a bit of damage too, as the burned-out shells of wooden buildings bore witness to...and the smell, that bitter smell of cinders and heat mixed with damp and destruction.That was something that he would never forget.


10. Which of the following is FALSE?

Bottom of FormControlla le tue risposte adesso! Poi non possono pi essere cambiate. Centro Linguistico di Ateneo 2001/2002

RisposteA lawyer turned artist, George Catlin set out in 1830 to reach "every tribe of Indians on the Continent of North America" and to
produce "1) faithful [faith] paintings, views of their villages, games, etc." During the six years he spent in the West seeking out and 2) depicting [depiction] AmericanIndians, Catlin painted some 300 3) portraits [portray] and nearly 175 4) landscapes [land] and scenes of village life. He also amassed an 5) impressive [impression] collection of 6) artifacts/artwork [art]. Back home in the East, he 7) assembled [assembly] these paintings and relics into an 8) exhibition [exhibit] that he called his Indian Gallery. Taking his show ? which 9) ultimately [ultimate] grew to include two live bears and a small group of Ojibwe and Iowa Indians ? on the road, he 10) displayed [play] it in salons along the 11) Eastern [East] Seaboard and in London, Paris and Brussels. Though not the first artist to paint American Indians, Catlin was the first to picture them 12) extensively [extension] in their own territories and one of the few to portray them as fellow human beings rather than savages.
Smithsonian Magazine (web version)

In our society most people need to move around and since more and more people have to find jobs in places far from where they live, it is increasingly becoming a necessity to 1) spend large chunks of time travelling to and 2) from work. Transport is, in any case, something that we 3) take for granted a lot of the time. It is natural to think that 4) when/if we want to go into the centre of town all we 5) have to do is simply 6) get/take/pull out the car and go. However, if for 7) some/any reason the car breaks down, it is almost as 8) if/though a part of the body has been cut off. At least that is 9) what happened to me recently, when one day my car refused to climb another hill and left me cursing on the roadside.
What struck me most, 10) however/though, was that I simply could not live at the usual speed without a car, and I had to 11) cut down the things I could do in one day, almost by fifty percent. This made me stop and think for a minute 12) about the speed we generally live at, a speed which even fifty years ago 13) would have been unthinkable. How healthy is it for us to rush round 14) like this every day? This is when I began o fully realize the meaning of the term "rat race", and I began to think that I would like to try 15) living without a car.Inglese B2Fill in the blanks in the following text using one of the affixes listed below. You may have to use one more than once, and some will not be used at all.

"ible" "de" "ex" "tion" "in" "sion" "di" "en" "ly" "a" "th" "able" "o" "ing" "es" "ed" "ily"

If the worst corporate Christmas card imagin sits on your mantelpiece
regular every year, you don't need tospair because this year it might
actually turn out to be an asset for you. In fact, it could win you a case of
champagne, that willable you to continue your celebrations in style in the
new year. There's more to come as well : there will benother case of bubbly
for the first reader to track down and send us the second worst card this year.
So don't just sit there, start look through your Christmas cards. All you have to
do is to post your "worst cards" to our head office and ourpert team will be the
judges. The winners will be publish on January ten. The judges' deci is

Fill in the blanks in the following text. Choose from the following words,
but you will not need all of them:

"relax" "which" "least" "do" "along" "in" "to do" "heart" "way" "who" "central" "what"
"will be returned" "nearby" "long" "will return" "at" "relax yourself" "street" "less"

The school is in Verona in the 1) of Northern Italy; a beautiful little city that
nestles in the crook of the River Adige, 2) flows 3) the valley, curving around as it
goes flowing from the mountains 4) the north and passing Verona on its 5) south.
The city dates back to Roman times at the very 6) and history surrounds you
on all sides. It is a privilege 7) your training in such an inspiring setting, and in
your free time at the weekends you can drive out to 8) Lake Garda, and you
will be transported into a holiday atmosphere, where you can 9), swim,
go windsurfing, sample the local wines and ice-creams as well as hundreds of
other things so that on Monday you 10), refreshed to take up your course
with renewed vigour.

Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it, choose the sentences below that are true.

The BSE scandal has marked all our lives in various ways, if only by the fact that we wonder about meat, in the supermarket, nowadays, and maybe even read the labels on the packaging before we buy it. We all know that there have been some deaths which are presumed to be a result of this disease, and there is probably nobody in Western Europe, at least, who has never heard of "mad cows". The first country to be hit by the phenomenon was Britain and although the disease now seems to be under control there it was closely followed by an outbreak of foot and mouth disease, which has decimated cattle and sheep stocks. What is not discussed so much, proportionally, by the media, who are often so fond of scare-mongering, is the drastic effect all this has had on the farmers themselves, some of whom have seen cattle herds established by their grandparents reduced to nothing overnight. Those of us who are not farmers might consider that it would be like someone coming into your home and saying "OK the family cat has to be killed by tomorrow." Only worse, because these animals are more to the herdsmen than just a means to an end, although they do represent their livelihoods as well, of course. This is another problem for farmers who have been hit the worst: what to do next, and this is where despair has set in for many. Some people are prepared to battle on but there has also been a high cost, namely, hundreds of farmers who have committed suicide.

Choose thebestanswer:

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it, choose the sentences below that are true.

A new idea has appeared recently when considering the reasons for divorce. In the past it was generally assumed that a mother of young children who sues for divorce does so because she is unhappy with her husband's behaviour. The appearance of children can often put a strain on a relationship that neither partner was actually prepared for, and human beings react in different ways to the new situation. Perhaps, the father, as a result, does not "pull his weight" but leaves it all up to the mother until she feels that she would be better off on her own. Increasingly, however, professionals who take on difficult divorce cases are noticing another aspect. It seems that in modern marriages the children are often the ones who are driving a wedge between their mother and father.

Choose thebestanswer:

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer
RisposteIf the worst corporate Christmas card imaginable sits on your mantelpiece
regularly every year, you don't need to despair because this year it might
actually turn out to be an asset for you. In fact, it could win you a case of
champagne, that will enable you to continue yourcelebrations in style in the
new year. There's more to come as well : there will be another case of bubbly
for the first reader to track down and send us the second worst card this year.
So don't just sit there, start looking through your Christmas cards. All you have to
do is to post your "worst cards" to our head office and our expert team will be the
judges. The winners will be published on January tenth. The judges' decision is

Inglese B1Read the following text and then choose the best word or phrase to put in the space.
Choose from the words below, but you will not need all the words.

"couldn't" "of" "practising" "then" "people" "felt" "price" "has" "professional" "prize" "fell" "said me"
"persons" "although" "very" "study" "can't" "than" "but" "much" "had" "told me"

Last week I interviewed twelve-year-old Michael Jones, who has won his school's
"Young Musician of the Year" 1), this year. I asked him how he 2) and whether
he wanted to be a 3) pianist in the future. He 4) that he still
5) believe that he had won because a lot of 6) play musical instruments
in his school, where the headmaster gives them a lot of encouragement.
"There were more 7) fifty competitors for this prize, and 8) I had worked very
hard on the piano, 9) for two or three hours every evening after school, and
at the weekends too, I know that everyone worked hard and there are some 10)
good musicians in the school. I don't know if I want to take up music as a profession
11) I can't imagine life without the piano!"
Anyway, Michael is very happy and his parents said that they 12) always known
he would win and that they were very proud of him.Read the following text and then choose the best word or phrase to put in the space.
Choose from the words below, but you will not need all the words.

"must" "on" "spend""doing" "the" "but" "quite" "too" "learn" "having" "at" "which"
"who" "to spend" "study" "quiet" "can" "have" "too much" "say" "to" "so" "tell"

Dear Pietro,
I'm very pleased that you want to be my penfriend, in the e-mail exchange organised by our universities, so I'm writing to 1) you something about myself.
I am twenty one years old and I 2) languages at the University of St. Andrews
in Scotland. My university is small 3) it is very old and traditional and it is 4) the
East Coast of Scotland. It's 5) cold to swim in the sea for most of the year, but it
6) get quite hot in the summer! St. Andrews is also famous for golf! I am in the second
year here and I live in a flat 7) I share with two other students. We have a really
good time together and we have lots of friends, who like 8) dinner parties, or, often,
we just spend evenings together, talking and playing 9) guitar etc. I do Spanish and
Italian and my courses are 10) demanding 11) at the moment I'm working very hard
for my exams, and I have 12) a lot of time in the library.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you so
write soon,
Best wishes
Josephine Blair

Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it, choose the sentences below that are true.

Equal rights for women is not a new subject, although it is clear that in some parts of the world women are still seen as little more than possessions or "second class citizens" who only exist to look after the home and produce children. Giving birth, on the other hand, is a right that until recently was only possible until a woman was in her mid-thirties to, at the latest, in her early forties. Recent medical advances, however, mean that women can now give birth at almost any age. This is a paradox, because it has caused another situation where inequality is at work once again, where men can father children whenever they like, but, in most countries women cannot have children after the age of about fifty. Is this fair? Italy, surprisingly enough, is one country where there is no age limit by law and recently several women in their sixties have given birth. Experts have said that there is no reason why women of this age should not have children if they are fit and healthy.

Choose thebestanswer:

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it, choose the sentences below that are true.

If you are invited out for dinner in my country it is normal to arrive ten minutes early and most people take a present with them. This may be a bottle of wine, flowers or chocolates. When you arrive you take off your coat but not normally your shoes. Conversation at dinner may be about a lot of different things, and can sometimes become quite personal but three topics that people tend to avoid are religion, money and politics. This is so as not to offend anyone. In the past people used to send a card after a dinner to thank the host, but nowadays this is not very common. Some people ring up the next day to say thank you, which is appreciated but not expected. In Britain you can call on a friend without phoning them first, and some people do this a lot, but it has to be someone you know quite well and it is always better to phone first to make sure that your friend is at home.

Choose thebestanswer:

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer
RispostrLast week I interviewed twelve-year-old Michael Jones, who has won his school's
"Young Musician of the Year" 1) prize, this year. I asked him how he 2) felt and whether
he wanted to be a 3) professional pianist in the future. He 4) told me that he still
5) couldn't believe that he had won because a lot of 6) people play musical instruments
in his school, where the headmaster gives them a lot of encouragement.
"There were more 7) than fifty competitors for this prize, and 8) although I had worked very
hard on the piano, 9) practising for two or three hours every evening after school, and
at the weekends too, I know that everyone worked hard and there are some 10) very
good musicians in the school. I don't know if I want to take up music as a profession
11) but I can't imagine life without the piano!"
Anyway, Michael is very happy and his parents said that they 12) had always known
he would win and that they were very proud of him.Dear Pietro,
I'm very pleased that you want to be my penfriend, in the e-mail exchange organised
by our universities, so I'm writing to 1) tell you something about myself.
I am twenty one years old and I 2) study languages at the University of St. Andrews
in Scotland. My university is small 3) but it is very old and traditional and it is 4) on the
East Coast of Scotland. It's 5) too cold to swim in the sea for most of the year, but it
6) can get quite hot in the summer! St. Andrews is also famous for golf! I am in the second
year here and I live in a flat 7) which I share with two other students. We have a really
good time together and we have lots of friends, who like 8) having dinner parties, or, often, we
just spend evenings together, talking and playing 9) the guitar etc.. I do Spanish and
Italian and my courses are 10) quite demanding 11) so at the moment I'm working very hard
for my exams, and I have 12) to spend a lot of time in the library.
I'm looking forward to hearing from you so
write soon,
Best wishes
Josephine BlairInglese A2Read the following text and then choose the best word or phrase to put in the space. Choose from the words below, but you will not need all the words.

still was losing towel hit they
broken when it's both did he fall
over there was nurses cut held
there's was lying laid

Jennifer and Claire were sitting at their table waiting for the waiter to come suddenly a loud crash. Then someone screamed, 'Bring a - quickly!' A man in a grey suit across the table. He was holding his face, which was red with blood. On the table there was glass.
Someone said in a loud voice, 'What happened -?' Several people were speaking at the same time. ' his heart, you know . . .' 'Joe's been in and out of hospital for years ..."... his head those glasses'.
The man was lying across the table. Jennifer jumped up, and she and Claire ran to him.
'"We're,' said Jennifer. 'Can we help?'
There was a on the side of the man's face. It was deep and he a lot of blood. A waiter ran up with a towel.Jennifer took it and it to the cut.

Read the following text and then choose the best word or phrase to put in the space. Choose from the words below, but you will not need all the words.

by woke brush told cheerful
at wash said laughed curtains
so also last this it's going to
hurry because quickly

It was a Saturday morning in May. When Mrs. Edwards opened her and looked out, she smiled and said, " be a beautiful day." She her small son up at eight-thirty and to him, "Get up, Teddy. We're going to the zoo today. your hands and face, your teeth and eat your breakfast. We're going to New York train."
Teddy was six years old. He was very now, he liked going to the zoo very much, and he liked going by train. He said, "I dreamed about the zoo night. Mommy."
His mother was in a, but she stopped and smiled her small son. "You did, Teddy?" she said. "And what did you do in the zoo in your dream?"
Teddy and answered, "You already know. Mommy! You were there in my dream too."

Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it, choose the best answer to the questions below.There were three small children and their aunt, and a tall man who was a bachelor travelling by train. The aunt did not want the children to disturb the man, so she quickly invited them to sit close to her and listen to a story. The children moved slowly towards the aunt. They already looked bored. Clearly, the aunt was not a famous story-teller. The story was horribly uninteresting. It was about a little girl. She was not a beautiful child, but she was always very, very good. Everybody loved her because she was good. Finally, she fell into a lake and her friendssaved her because she was so good, and they loved her so much. 'Did they only save her because she was good?' asked the bigger girl. Shouldn't we save bad people too, if they fall into a lake?' The bachelor wanted to ask the same question, but he said nothing. 'Well, yes, we should,' said the aunt. 'But I'm sure the little girl's friends ran specially fast because they loved her so much. 'That was the stupidest story I've ever heard,' said the bigger girl. 'I stopped listening after the first few words,' said the boy, 'because it was so stupid.' The smaller girl was already moving around the train compartment. 'You're not a very successful story-teller,' the bachelor said suddenly from his corner. The aunt looked at him in angry surprise. 'It's not easy to tell stories that children can understand,' she answered coldly.

The aunt told the children the story so that.

The aunt was not a good story-teller because

Choose the one that is FALSE.

Choose the one that is FALSE.

Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it ,choose the sentences below that are true.

A girl who has decided to stay in Britain as an au pair should be prepared to help with some housework and be responsible for looking after the children. An au pair usually takes part in family life, has her own room and receives pocket money of 30 per week (minimum). You should have basic knowledge of the English language; if you don't it's difficult to find a host family. It is also useful if you know how to do some essential housework. An au pair needs to pay her own journey to Britain. She should inform the host family about her travel arrangements (flight number, time and place of arrival). London has more than one train station, and several airports; there are direct buses and trains to the centre of London. So it is important for the host family to know exactly where to meet you. Non EC nationals need a valid passport to enter Great Britain, together with a letter of invitation from the host family. This letter must be shown to the Immigration Officer, who will give permission to stay in the U.K.

1) Choose the best answer.

2) Choose the best answer.

3) Choose the best answer.

4) If you are from a country outside the EC
RISPOSTEennifer and Claire were sitting at their table waiting for the waiter to come when suddenly there was a loud crash. Then someone screamed, 'Bring a towel - quickly!' A man in a grey suit was lying across the table. He was holding his face, which was red with blood. On the table there was broken glass.
Someone said in a loud voice, 'What happened - did he fall?' Several people were speaking at the same time. 'It's his heart, you know . . .' 'Joe's been in and out of hospital for years ..."... his head hit those glasses'.
The man was still lying across the table. Jennifer jumped up, and both she and Claire ran over to him.
'"We're nurses,' said Jennifer. 'Can we help?'
There was a cut on the side of the man's face. It was deep and he was losing a lot of blood. A waiter ran up with a towel. Jennifer took it and held it to the cut.

It was a Saturday morning in May. When Mrs. Edwards opened her curtains and looked out, she smiled and said, "It's going to be a beautiful day." She woke her small son up at eight-thirty and said to him, "Get up, Teddy. We're going to the zoo today. Wash your hands and face, brush your teeth and eat your breakfast quickly. We're going to New York by train."
Teddy was six years old. He was very cheerful now, because he liked going to the zoo very much, and he also liked going by train. He said, "I dreamed about the zoo last night. Mommy."
His mother was in a hurry, but she stopped and smiled at her small son. "You did, Teddy?" she said. "And what did you do in the zoo in your dream?"
Teddy laughed and answered, "You already know. Mommy! You were there in my dream too.

Inglese b2Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it, choose the sentences below that are true.

All our favourite pets deserve a little pampering from time to time and bed time is one of them. You could treat your cat or dog to the cosiest bed imaginable. It is like a little sheepskin foot stool which has a lovely, soft cover that your pet can simply snuggle down into and dream sweet dreams. The cover is removable too, so hygiene is not a problem either, and the snuggle-bug is filled with polystyrene beads, so that it will mould itself perfectly to the animal's body as it sleeps, ensuring your little snuggle bug absolute contentment. The only question is: will your pet really want to sleep there, rather than on your bed or sofa with you?

Choose thebestanswer:

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

2 of 5Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it, choose the sentences below that are true.

The technocracy is the ruling class in our society and we are all taken up with little machines that we click away happily at, writing, speaking, sending messages, photos, voicemail, whatever takes our fancy. In the middle of all this, however, there are a number of technophobes; these are people who are afraid of technology. A few short years ago this meant people who did not like speaking on the phone or leaving messages on answer-phones, but now it has a wider significance including those who constantly "lose" things from their computers, or refuse to work with computers, at all. To suffer from technophobia in its most extreme forms, in our world, is tantamount to being illiterate, and in the future this will only get worse. If you cannot use the Internet, nowadays, a whole range of alternatives are closed doors to you, in the same way as not being able to read meant closed doors not so very long ago. People who do not like technology tend to simply "not see" the website addresses on TV or the adverts for mobile phones, and will say things like : "Oh, I much prefer my portable type writer. It never lets me down and it cant catch flu either.." Of course, technology causes all of us problems at times, like anything else, but the ease with which we can work, write communicate etc. today is, in fact, something that only six or seven years ago was still a dream. So, if you are afraid of computers, try to come to terms with them.They can make your life a lot easier.

Choose thebestanswer:

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

3 of 5Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it, choose the sentences below that are true.

The BBC have come up with a wonderful homepage with lots of interesting sites, and one innovative and useful one is the First Aid Interactive Test, called the "999 Challenge" which you can find under their section on "Health" In this site you can test your first aid skills and find out how proficient you are at recognising the symptoms of a heart attack, making the casualty more comfortable, knowing what to give - and what not to give to the casualty as well as knowing the importance of getting emergency help. They have actually created a virtual scene, using the Flash plug-in software that is an option compatible with almost all browsers these days. If you access this you can try to do their interactive test which is a central part of the course, and which gives you your own score on your personal scorecard as you progress. It is simple to get the scorecard, in fact, all you have to do is register at the site. If your browser is not too advanced or you are not interested in technological wizardry you can see a low tech version of the same simulated scene and do the test anyway. When you have finished you can watch the video version of the scene to see how the experts would have done it. The Beeb are to be congratulated on their creative and intelligent use of technology.

Choose thebestanswer:

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

4 of 5Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it, choose the sentences below that are true.

You don't need too many skills to get started if you want to try windsurfing although balance is a definite plus until you find your feet. I had never really thought much about it until one summer holday in Cornwall, where a few friends used to windsurf, and that's how I got involved. I used to sit on the beach and watch them for hours.Then I decided I'd save every penny I had, and I was finally able to buy my own board and sail the following year. Of course, you need quite a lot of equipment to do this sport, it's not like jogging, where all you need is a good pair of trainers. You can hire it all to begin with, but if you're going to become an enthusiast you'll probably want to get your own gear eventually. The equipment you need is: a board, sail, mast, boom, wetsuit, lifevest/ harness and it can work out to be quite expensive, but, you can pick up a second hand kit for a reasonable price. There are a lot of good places to go windsurfing around the coasts of Britain, but one of my favourites is Northern Ireland, along the coast at Newtownards and Bangor- there always seems to be a good breeze blowing and the water is quite safe.

Choose thebestanswer:

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

Choose thebestanswer

5 of 5Read the text below and then, with reference to the information in it, choose the sentences below that are true.

What do voters look for when election times comes round? Do they actually care so much about the great public scandals that are so beloved by the media, or are they, really, much more interested in things that concern them directly? The latter would seem to be the case in Italy, with the possible exception of the great "Tangentopoli" scandal in the nineties. Election time is approaching again and, although the present parliament with its centre-left majority has done well to survive the full five-year term, bringing Italy into the single currency, among other things, the Italian voters now seem to be looking towards the right. Berlusconi has been at the centre of a lot of scandal, but it does not seem to affect his popularity. Italians, according to the polls, are interested in jobs, crime, health care and pensions, and, then, probably, football! Political scandals, it seems, are not very high on the list. Whereas Rutelli has been defined as Mr. Nice Guy, Berlusconi is notoriously Mr. Tough, but who is more likely to win in the election?Probably, the polls suggest: Mr. Tough!

Choose thebestanswer:

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Choose thebestanswer

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