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Hydraulic put of condoms Seedbed first: Future Engineers

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Post on 02-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Proyecto En Ingles

Hydraulic put of condoms

Seedbed first: Future Engineers

Page 2: Proyecto En Ingles


How can we show young people in an educational way condom use to learn to use it?


Build a hydraulic put of condoms for teaching the young people of the Educational Institution Industrial Technician Simona Duque of the municipality of Marinilla, the way of using the condom and thus preventing diseases of sexual transmission (D.S.T) and pregnancies to early age.

Page 3: Proyecto En Ingles

Specific objetive

Apply the electrical, hydraulic, technological and computing knowledges in the construction of the project.

Using the hydraulic put of condoms for teaching the young people how to use the condom.

Inform about the main diseases of sexual transmission and the way of preventing them.

Research and socialize about the use of the condom like one of the ways for reducing the rate of pregnancies to early age.

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This project is realized in order of showing how to use the condom because teenagers and youth are begining their sexual life to very early ages and of way irresponsible, not knowing so many risks which they are exposed.

The project involves moreover knowledges acquired in the diferent areas (spanish, english, mathematics, natural sciences, technology and computing.

It is a application and technological construction that will allow us to show in d idactic way young people the use the condom for that they learn to use it.

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The condom(preservative) has been used from ancient times to anticipate(prepare) venereal diseases (since(as) goddess of the Love knew herself them before, in honor to Venus,), as as contraceptive method.

In the former Egypt, at least from 50 B.C., there was had witness of a rudimentary form of condom(preservative): cases of fabric were in use on the penis; made this one transformed completely the social reality.

In the year 2000, the British museum of London exposed for the first time the most ancient condoms(preservatives) of the world that remain, of about 450 years, which were found in excavations done in the eighties in Dudley's Castle, in the center of England.

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In the former Egypt, at least from 50 B.C., there was had witness of a rudimentary form of preservative, cases of fabric were in use on the penis, which transformed completely the social reality.

In the year 2000, the British museum of London exposed for the first time the most ancient condoms(preservatives) of the world that remain, of about 450 years, which were found in excavations done in the eighties in Dudley's Castle, in the center of England. The exposed copies(specimens) correspond(fit) a XVIth century, the XVIIIth. The attention calls that these copies(specimens) are so thin as those who are made nowadays in an industrial way by latex. These condoms(preservatives) made with intestines of animals, are sewed carefully in an extremity, whereas another top has a tape that allows to keep them tight once placed. But they measure 34 mm of width (whereas the current ones measure 52 mm, 18 mm broader than the former english men).

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The condom or condom(preservative), also it(he,she) is known by the name of preservative (from term(end) to preserve of the conception), is an element that is in use as contraceptive method and of prevention of several sexually transmitted diseases. The masculine condom consists of a case that adjusts to light(slight) tension on the erect penis and for his(her,your) manufacture diverse materials are used, being the most common of rubber natural latex, though before they were made of animal(rude) fabrics, and also it is done of poliuretano for cases of allergy to the latex.


The feminine condom is a bag(stock exchange) that lines the vagina and covers the external genitalia. Beside covering the genital lips and the clitoris, he(she) prevents the testicles from being exposed to contagion or-VPH-infects virus of the human papiloma, as other infectious agents as(like)-VIH, etc.

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The original function of the condom(preservative) was the contraception, since it(he,she) retains in his(her,your) interior the semen, preventing hereby his(her,your) contact with the ova and the subsequent pregnancy(embarrassment).

Diverse scientific studies verified later that also it(he,she) is useful in the prevention of the majority of the sexually transmitted diseases (ETS). His(her,your) exact efficiency in ETS's prevention is discussed, so(then,since) the most common masculine condom(preservative), that of rubber natural latex, neither protects to the scrotum nor avoids the infections produced for epizoonosis (pubic louse, escabiosis), the genital warts or the injuries for virus of the human papiloma - VPH-. For this, his(her,your) efficiency to anticipate(prepare) an ETS patrols in 95 %, whereas his(her,your) efficiency like method of natal control is high, up to 97 %, when it(he,she) is used of appropriate form.

The most common masculine condoms(preservatives) are coiled on yes the same and designed to be applied from the top of the glans penis and to unroll along the body up to the root of the erect penis.

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We built the wooden forearm complete, then make the electronics and hydraulics attaching the engine to give the respective movement.

There was a false penis wood and covered with porcelanicrom.

She puts the condom to the penis are going to build false.

It decorates the hydraulic hand and penis.

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Screwdriver Screws Scissors Nails Hacksaw Motor Hammer Glove Drill Wood Broca Condom Rule

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Encarta2008, Encarta 2009

Preservativos Masculinos: una guía para los adolescentes
