psalm for a wednesday morning

Upload: sarita-lynn-edwina-brown

Post on 30-May-2018




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  • 8/14/2019 Psalm for a Wednesday Morning.


    you tell me that the timefor praise is here

    in this place wherethere is no kindness or grace.

    you tell me that the worst of it is neveras bad as to give up hope

    you are my hope.

    i wait for you

    i wait for something in the nighti wait for love or comfort

    or some light to showthe way to your heart of hearts.

    but i am falling apart.

    i dont know whyi am here or the meaning of

    this journey, this hard walk

    in the wilderness of pain.i wait for the rain of yoursoothing word of hope.

    you told me long ago that you

    would never leave me or forsakeme and so i reach out with all my soul

    for the word you speak that reachesdeep and heals the wounded parts

    that give me a heart of flesh forthis heart of stone.

    despair will cut you to the boneand then come back to suck the marrow

    i cannot succumb to that.