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  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

    C(ii) Abstract of Project Proposal (maximum 300 words)(Please include the background of project, literature reviews, objectives, project methodology andexpected outcomes from the project)

    Power line communications are gaining popularity in area such as in houses, offices,

    access networks, ships, aircrafts, trains, vehicles and advanced metering structures. In order

    to develop the PLC system, the detailed knowledge of the channel properties such as transfer

    functions, coupling mechanics and channel capacities to choose desirable design of PLC

    equipment. Therefore, two parameters such as line length and load impedance are analyzed

    for the performance of low voltage direct current PLC. The performance here can be analyzed

    from the frequency response plotted simulated from the MATLAB. The PLC adopted here is

    simulated by using MATLAB software. The positions of notches and peaks in magnitude and

    phase response are affected in terms of attenuation and distortion by the network parameters.The analysis is helpful in the possible design considerations of PLC network as usual.

    C(iii) Detailed proposal of project:Cadangan maklumat projek secara terperinci:

    (a) IntroductionPower line communication is known for many years as power line carrier [9]. It uses

    the low bandwidth of analog and digital information to communicate over the residential,

    commercial and high voltage power line for AMR (Automatic Metering Reading) and lots

    more. It also refers to the concept of transmitting information using the electrical power as a

    communication channel. This could help losing the gap between the electrical and

    communication network. Power line communication integrates the transmission of

    communication signal and 50/60 Hz power signal through the same electric power cable [5].

    The basic concept is that the signal is modulated with high frequency carrier signal then this

    high frequency is coupled to the power line for communication [5]. Different models of

    power line network for transmission have been derived in the recent past to analyze the

    performance and the possibilities on the power line communication.

  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

    (b) Motivation

    Nowadays, power line communication is becoming more popular in our daily life. The

    main idea of the power line communication is to use the electrical grid for the

    communication because it is an existing infrastructure and it covers a bigger area than any

    other traditional communication networks such as TV cable. The advantage of using this

    power line communication is to transfer data at highest data rate communication system

    compare to the wireless and local area network (LAN). The problem that have been

    encounter in our country is that how to implement the power line communication into our

    system. Therefore, the literature reviews on this project still in an early process. The

    method used in this study process will involved on the using of MATLAB software.

    Hopefully, the expected result will be positive and can be implementing in our country and

    creates more business opportunities between electrical company and communication


    (c) Problem statement

    Power line communication is a fast growing technology which aims to use electrical

    power lines for the transmission of data. The main idea of using PLC for the

    communication because it is existing infrastructure and covers a wider area compare to

    other traditional communication network such as TV cables and telephone cables.

    Besides, cost to provide new network could be avoided and saved. Therefore, the

    parameters such as line length and load impedance that should be analyzed for the

    performance of PLC. This will benefit the electrical and telecommunication sectors a new

    significant business potential if this could be realized.

    (d) Objective (s) of the Project1. To develop the Low Voltage Direct Current Power Line Communication system by

    using MATLAB.

    2. To study the effect of line length at the receiver node, the branch length, number of

    branches and load impedance towards PLC signal attenuation.

    3. To investigate the effect of injecting PLC signal on three phases of low voltage side

    with the 50Hz power voltage signal (0.4kV) and a PLC signal of 10V in amplitude.

  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

    (e) Project Scope

    This project scope is about Low Voltage Direct Current Power Line Communication.

    Based on the research of Low Voltage Direct Current Power Line Communication, the

    50Hz signals are totally eliminated which assumes a complete decoupling between 50Hz

    power transmission and the Low Voltage Power Line Communication signal transmission.

    The Low Voltage Power Line Communication signal of 10V amplitude is used which is

    about 2.5% of amplitude of 50Hz power voltage signal (0.4kV). The important parameters

    here are line length at the receiver node, the branch length, number of branches and load

    impedance to design possible consideration for PLC network. The software package

    MATLAB/SIMULINK is one of the methods to model and simulate on Low Voltage Direct

    Current Power Line Communication.

    (f) Literature Review

    Power line communications are gaining popularity in area such as in houses, offices,

    access networks, ships, aircrafts, trains, vehicles and advanced metering structures. In

    1995, it was demonstrated that low voltage (LV) power lines could be used to carry high

    frequency (>1 MHz) communication signal [1]. However, unlike the other wired

    communication mediums such as the twisted-paired or coaxial cable, LV power lines

    present an extremely harsh environment for high frequency communication signals [2]. Thethree critical channel parameters namely noise, impedance and attenuation are found to be

    highly unpredictable with time, frequency and location [3]. A lot of efforts have been done to

    characterize and model the power line channel to overcome those difficulties.

    In this first section, as in the new bottom up approach, the two intrinsic line parameters,

    the characteristic impedance and the propagation constant are derived. [3] Then, the

    transfer function of for high frequency PLC signal will be obtained by using an echo model,

    which is usually used in top down approach [3]. This new approach has given the accuracy

    of the conventional bottom up approach while simplifies the modeling algorithm. This

    approach focus on the in-house power line lay inside the metal conduit in the frequency

    range of 1MHz-30 MHz (following ETSI requirements for 1st generation PLC [4].

    The rest of this chapter will examine on the effect of power line channel characteristic

    parameters in broadband power line communication system. The basic principle behind

  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

    this communication technique is that the signal is modulated with a high frequency carrier

    signal; then this high frequency signal is coupled to the power line communication [5].

    Hence, the two parameters such as line length and load impedance on the performance of

    broadband power line communication system are studied by using MATLAB [5]. The results

    obtained show that when the transmission line length was increased, the distortion along

    with the signal attenuation was also increased [5]. Therefore, the transmission lines are

    applicable for shorter distances or it can be applied for longer distance by using more

    numbers of repeaters. For load impedance, it should be kept higher than characteristic

    impedance. As the termination of impedance tends to increase, signals are less attenuated

    [5]. The figure below show frequency response of the signal when load impendace is


    Figure 1. Frequency response for LV Transmission Line with load impedance 500.

    Adapted from Analysis of effect of power line channel characteristic parameter in

    broadband power line communications (BPLC) systems, Power Systems Conference

    and Exposition (PSCE), 2009 IEEE/PES, T.P Surekha, T. Ananthapadmanabha, C.

    Puttamadappa on page(s): 1 - 6, 15-18 March 2009.

  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

    Figure 2. Frequency response for LV Transmission Line with load impedance 1200.

    Adapted from Analysis of effect of power line channel characteristic parameter in

    broadband power line communications (BPLC) systems, Power Systems Conference

    and Exposition (PSCE), 2009 IEEE/PES, T.P Surekha, T. Ananthapadmanabha, C.

    Puttamadappa on page(s): 1 - 6, 15-18 March 2009.

    Figure 3. Frequency response for LV Transmission Line with load impedance 1500.Adapted from Analysis of effect of power line channel characteristic parameter in

    broadband power line communications (BPLC) systems, Power Systems Conference

    and Exposition (PSCE), 2009 IEEE/PES, T.P Surekha, T. Ananthapadmanabha, C.

    Puttamadappa on page(s): 1 - 6, 15-18 March 2009.

  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

    In the previous section, the analysis was demonstrated by using MATLAB. In this

    section, it presents a method that permit to evaluate the propagation of the signal by using

    ATP/EMTP software. The Semlyen model [6] is a second recursive- convolution line model. It

    simplifies the approximation of the parameter of line and cable by using only the second order

    rational function, thus allowing the usage of the recursive convolution in time domain modeling

    [6]. The J. Marti model [7] approximates the frequency dependent parameters of lines and

    cables into the rational functions. The Noda [8] model represents the line and cables in phase

    domain rather than in modal domain. The J. Marti model is selected to realize the modeling

    because of its stability and its convenience for our work. For the first case, when the

    frequency of increase the number of peak is also increased. With the same line length, the

    number if peak is the same but their amplitude is different due to their different structure [9].

    The distribution network is simulated with 50Hz power signal and without PLC signal. The

    figures below show some simulation of 50Hz power signal with or without PLC signal injection.

    This method allows superposing the PLC signals on 50 Hz power signal, thus giving the

    possibility to study the network in the real condition of work [9].

    Figure 4. 50Hz voltage without PLC signal. Adapted from Distribution network modeling

    for power line communication applications. P. Auriol, T. Tran-Quoc, Power Line

    Communications and Its Applications, 2005. ISPLC 2005. Page(s): 361 365, IEEE

    International Symposium on 6-8 April 2005.

  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

    Figure 5. Voltage with both 50Hz and PLC signal. Adapted from Distribution network

    modeling for power line communication applications. P. Auriol, T. Tran-Quoc, Power Line

    Communications and Its Applications, 2005. ISPLC 2005. Page(s): 361 365, IEEE

    International Symposium on 6-8 April 2005.

    Figure 6. Extracted PLC signal. Adapted from Distribution network modeling for power

    line communication applications. P. Auriol, T. Tran-Quoc, Power Line Communications

    and Its Applications, 2005. ISPLC 2005. Page(s): 361 365, IEEE International

    Symposium on 6-8 April 2005.

    The review of literature in this chapter has concentrated largely on the critical

    parameters known as line length, branch length and load impedance. These parameters

    play important roles in our design of power line communication system. Thus, it shows that

    the PLC signal attenuation depends on its frequency and the length of line. Therefore, to

    design a good system, the parameters need to analyze based on the performance of PLC

    system. Thus this chapter provides a basis for the next development of PLC equipment

  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

    based on the network characteristic of PLC on electrical grid.

    (g) Methodology

    Firstly, before the project is furthered out, the research on material such as journals,

    books, and IEEE and internet journals is conducted. Then, suitable software to model and

    simulate is chosen for analysis. The parameters that affected the performance on Low

    Voltage Power Line Communication need to be consider at this moment. The parameters

    important here is line length, load impedance, branch length and number of branches.

    The frequency response is simulated by using MATLAB software. If got error, the process

    is repeated back from variables that been studied. If got no error, the process is

    proceeding by designing a new model of power line communication.

    (h) Expected Results/Benefit

    1. The Low Voltage Power Line Communication is desirable compare to the traditional

    communication network.

    2. As the line length of the transmission line increase (length of transmitter and receiver),

    the distortion along with the signal attenuation is increase.

    3. The length of branched transmission line does not affect the frequency response of in

    Low Voltage Power Line Communication.

    4. The increased number of branches will produces both attenuation and severe signal


    5. The results are reliable and manage to estimate the propagation of Low Voltage Power

    Line Communication signal through an area.

    6. The result shows that the Low Voltage Power Line Communication attenuation signal is

    dependent on its frequency and the line length.

    7. The load impedance should be greater than the characteristic impedance for less

    signal attenuation.

  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

    (i) Initial works

    This project is beginning by doing some literature review on the parameter which

    influences the performance of the frequency response of the Low Voltage Direct Current

    Power Line Communication. Next, the limitation for this project is using the low voltage

    direct current which is about 10V power signal in amplitude. The phenomena that initiate

    the research on the Low Voltage Direct Current Power Line Communications is still a

    new phenomenon in this country which a lot of improvement needs to be done before

    implemented in this existing electrical network without providing new distribution network.

    Hence, the advantages of power line communication are it can transmit data in a higher

    rate compare to the traditional communication system such as phone cables. However,

    the problem that needs to be considered is the losses on the transmission line and the

    design for the communication network.

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    (Pindaan 1/2012)

    (j) Milestones

    (k) References

    [1] P.A. Brown, High Frequency Conditioned Power Networks, UTC

    Annual Conference Proceedings, 13h July - 4& Aug 1995.

    [2] L.T. Tang, P.L. So, E. Guniwan, S. Chen, T.T. Lie, Y.L. Guan, Characterization of In-

    House Power Distribution Lines For High-Speed Data Transmission, Proceedings of

    the 5 International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC ZOOl), May 2001, pp. 7-12.

    [3] H. Meng , S. Chen, C. L. Law, et al. A transmission line model for high frequency

    power line communication channel, Power System Technology, 2002. Proceedings.

    PowerCon 2002. International Conference, Vol. 2, pg 1290-1295.

    [4] Standards, ETSI Standard (ETSI 2000) for IGeneration PLC systems.[5] T.P Surekha, T. Ananthapadmanabha, C. Puttamadappa, Analysis of effect of power

    line channel characteristic parameter in broadband power line communications

    (BPLC) systems, Power Systems Conference and Exposition (PSCE), 2009

    IEEE/PES, on page(s): 1 - 6, 15-18 March 2009.

    [6] Jos R.Marti, Implementation at BPA of a new frequency dependence model,

    EMTP Newsletter, vol. 2, num. 3, February 1982, pp. 33 37.

    [7] A. Morched, L. Marti, J. Ottevangers, A high frequency transformer model for EMTP,

    IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, Vol. 8, No. 3, July 1993.

    [8] T. Noda, N. Nagaoka, A. Ametani, Phase domain modeling of frequency - dependent

    transmission lines by means of an ARMA model, IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery,

    Vol. 11, No. 1, January 1996.

    [9] P. Auriol, T. Tran-Quoc, "Distribution network modeling for power line communication

    applications", Power Line Communications and Its Applications, 2005. ISPLC 2005.

    IEEE International Symposium on 6-8 April 2005, on page(s): 361 - 365

  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)






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  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

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  • 7/30/2019 PSM Proposal Template


    (Pindaan 1/2012)

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