pso ted evaluation

TED Public Speaking Online Evaluation

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Post on 20-Nov-2014



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TED Public Speaking Online


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Jon Ronson : Strange answers to the Psychopath test

Who is the speaker that you chose, and what is the thesis of the speech?

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2a. How did the speaker capture the attention of the audience in his or her introduction? Jon Ronson captured the audiences attention by using a lot of slide presentations ,such as shadows on the walls and eerie sounds

2b. How did the speaker maintain the engagement of the audience throughout the speech? Jon Ronson maintained the engagement of the audience by incorporating all different kinds of visual and audio graphics during his entire speech He had a visual or audio enhancement for everything .I found this to be a bit too much It was over kill

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DSM Jon Ronson : discusses DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

Psychiatric Diagnoses are categorized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th. Edition. Better known as the DSM-IV, the manual is published by the American Psychiatric Association and covers all mental health disorders for both children and adults. It also lists known causes of these disorders, statistics in terms of gender, age at onset, and prognosis as well as some research concerning the optimal treatment approaches. Mental Health Professionals use this manual when working with patients in order to better understand their illness and potential treatment and to help 3rd party payers (e.g., insurance) understand the needs of the patient. The book is typically considered the ‘bible’ for any professional who makes psychiatric diagnoses in the United States and many other countries. Much of the diagnostic information on these pages is gathered from the DSM IV. The DSM IV is published by the American Psychiatric Association. Much of the information from the Psychiatric Disorders pages is summarized from the pages of this text. Should any questions arise concerning incongruences or inaccurate information, you should always default to the DSM as the ultimate guide to mental disorders. The DSM uses a multiracial or multidimensional approach to diagnosing because rarely do other factors in a person's life not impact their mental health. It assesses five dimensions as described below:

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Jon Ronson

In his latest book, The Psychopath Test, Jon Ronson explores the unnerving world of psychopaths -- a group that includes both incarcerated killers and, one of his subjects insists, plenty of CEOs. In his books, films and articles, Ronson explores madness and obsession of all kinds, from the US military's experiments in psychic warfare to the obscene and hate-filled yet Christian rap of the Insane Clown Posse. He wrote a column for the Guardian and hosted an essay program on Radio 4, and contributes to This American Life.

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Quotes by Jon Ronson

“Capitalism, at its most remorseless, is a physical manifestation of psychopathy.”

“It's a lot harder to convince people you're sane than it is to convince them you're crazy.” “[Journalists take] the outermost aspects of our interviewee's personality, and we stitch them together like medieval monks. We leave the normal stuff on the floor.”

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Psychopath • Psychopathy (/saɪˈkɒpəθi/[1][2] from the

Ancient Greek ψυχή "psyche", -soul, mind and πάθος, "pathos" -suffering, disease, condition[3][4]) is a personality disorder that has been variously described as characterized by shallow emotions (in particular reduced fear), stress tolerance, lacking empathy, coldheartedness, lacking guilt, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, nonplanfulness, impulsivity, and antisocial behaviors such as parasitic lifestyle and criminality. There is no consensus about the symptom criteria and there are ongoing debates regarding issues such as essential features, causes, and the possibility of treatment.[5]

• While no psychiatric or psychological organization has sanctioned a diagnosis of "psychopathy" itself, assessments of psychopathy are widely used in criminal justice settings in some nations and may have important consequences for individuals. The term is also used by the general public, in popular press, and in fictional portrayals. This popular usage does not necessarily conform to the clinical concept. According to the Scientific American, although psychopathy is associated with and in some cases is defined by conduct problems, criminality or violence, many psychopaths are not violent, and psychopaths are, despite the similar names, rarely psychotic.[5][6]

• Although there are behavioral similarities, psychopathy and antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) according to criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders are not synonymous. A diagnosis of ASPD is based on behavioral patterns, whereas psychopathy measurements also include more indirect personality characteristics. The diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder covers two to three times as many prisoners as are rated as psychopaths. Most offenders scoring high on the PCL-R also pass the ASPD criteria, but most of those with ASPD do not score high on the PCL-R.[7]

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What have you learned about delivery based upon watching your presenter?

Jon Ronson : used a lot of visual aids to impact his audiences attention .He also used an overwhelming array of audio enhancements . There were all kinds of predator animal noises going on in the background .It sounded like a jungle or a Zoo I found his over use of audio effects to be extremely distracting In the very first part of his TED speech ,I was captivated by the visuals .He had these eerie shadow puppets on the wall to engage the audiences attention which I thought was a great use of the Garr Phillips and Nancy Duarte presentation style tips , however he used way too many audio and visual aids during the duration of his TED speech Although his speech was very informative , these things distracted me somewhat from what he was trying to convey to the audience

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Psychopathic Tendencies

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The TED Commandments

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Unless I am wrong I believe Jon Ronson used all ten of TED commandments I. Thou Shalt Not Simply Trot Out thy Usual ShtickII .Thou Shalt Dream a Great Dream, or Show Forth a Wondrous New Thing, Or Share .Something Thou Hast Never Shared BeforeIII.Thou Shalt Reveal thy Curiosity and Thy PassionIV.Thou Shalt Tell a Story

V.Thou Shalt Freely Comment on the Utterances of Other Speakers for the Sake of Blessed Connection and Exquisite ControversyVI. Thou Shalt Not Flaunt thine Ego. Be Thou Vulnerable. Speak of thy Failure as well as thy Success.VII.Thou Shalt Not Sell from the Stage: Neither thy Company, thy Goods, thy Writings, nor thy Desparate need for Funding; Lest Thou be Cast Aside into Outer Darkness.VII.Thou Shalt Remember all the while: Laughter is Good.IX. Thou Shalt Not Read thy Speech.X.Thou Shalt Not Steal the Time of Them that Follow Thee

3. Which of the ten TED Commandments does the speaker best follow? How/why?

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What tips were used from Garr Reynolds or Nancy Duarte?

Jon Ronson used all 5 of the presentation style tips

Tip #1: Select simple yet powerful images to get your message across. In this image, the simplicity of a park bench in the snow attracts the audience’s attention because of the power of the scene. The focal point is clearly the bench because of the white space (here, literal “white space” because of the snow in the background), and the eyes are drawn to the empty bench immediately. Since this slide contains such a simple, easy to digest focal point, the audience gets it without having to think about it. This type of slide is known as glance media. Your audience can then focus on the meaning behind the slide because the message is understood after only a glance. Your slide is powerful because you are forcing the audience’s eyes and, then, their minds.

Tip #2: Search for high quality images. Google search is never a good place to start. Think about this: a Keynote slide is 1024 by 768, so you want an image that is at least that size. (Personally, I always go larger, as making an image smaller is never an issue. Trying to stretch a tiny image onto a large canvas never works, and the image becomes blurry and distorted.) A wonderful place to find high quality images is Flickr. Flickr is a website photographers use to post their high resolution photography, so the images are not only large, but of the finest caliber. Beautiful images with no distortion = easy for your audience to digest. And if you’re thinking about using clip art, please step away from the computer and out of the 1980s.

Tip #3: Each slide should be driven by the image. Most PowerPoint slides make the mistake of using text as the focal point. The picture superiority effect states that people remember images more than any other medium (such as text). If you want to make a slide that people remember, make it visual, and make it image-driven. If you’d rather the audience concentrate on text, give them a handout. There is a HUGE difference between a report and a visual presentation. Learn more about the difference here.

Tip #4: Don’t cram a bunch of stuff on your slide. The antithesis of cramming a bunch of stuff on your slide is elegance. Elegance is refined, dignified, tasteful, and cleverly simple (Source). Think of a ballerina. She is graceful with perfect awareness of every movement she makes. Similarly, be aware of every single facet of your slide: the image, the text, the empty space. Everything should work together to support a simple, tasteful, refined meaning. When it is tweaked and polished enough, a finished slideshow should be elegant.

Tip #5: Nature inspires us with its perfect beauty. Slides depicted nature are calming, soothing, and organic to your audience. Imagine how it feels to be on a warm beach with the wind blowing in your hair and the ocean lapping at your feet. Put your audience in that tranquil state of mind by using an image of the sea. Take cues from nature when creating your slideshow, and carry these cues onto your speech delivery. Garr Reynolds teaches us how to learn from the bamboo as well as the spring and the cherry blossom.

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7 .Compare and contrast your speaker to Sir Ken Robinson from the two videos youWatched :

Sir Ken Robinsons presentation was extremely humorous and he had my undivided attention the entire time .He did not need to resort to an over use of audio and visual aids to convey his thesis I found Jon Ronson presentation to be a very enlightning subject on the mental illness of Psychopaths ,and I liked how he used story telling to convey his thesis to his audience , however he used too many audio and visual aids which were a bit distracting .I would have to say that although I found both topics highly captivating,Sir Ken Robinson ,held my interest a lot more than Jon Ronson

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8. What tips can you give your classmates on delivery for their upcoming speeches basedONLY on your TED Talk? I would have to say limit your use of audio and visual graphics ,because although they can make a huge impact on your audience ,too many of them can resort iin distraction ,thereby losinbg your audiences attention