p~st offic:~:t:~~ ~d-· ite.rlw-re...

Download P~st Offic:~:t:~~ ~d-· Ite.rlw-re Pe-pot..collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard18920226.pdf · the 1 egi&tratioo, by the 0PI'IOIA.L8 01' TIIJ: PoST OFFICE, of ·le~te~

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    Wholeeala Pno.. Current. Larae aod Med Merab'ble per qU .... - tioo

    " . " M.detra " ......... .110 Small MercbaJtable ......... '20

    " Madeira I ... ~ .... 8 80 W ea' IDdia ... , ..... 3 tO HAddock and t.io~ ......... 8 00 Llbraiior, abore care, ; ......... S 00

    " oore 2.60 to 2.80 " oullaae ......... 2.00

    Herriogt---=-hore, split, per brl:.""'" ....... . 8.00 Lobatert-flat tina, per oaae ........ ............ 1.00 Cod oil, per tao ............. ................. /76.00 Salmon-No. 1, larRc. per tierce ............ 16.00 Flour-r.Jp. t L & N.Y. NO. 1 es: 65 t 6.60

    " N.Y. es:tra No. 2 ......... 6.4.0 ~ 6.60 Sapert .. .. 5.10 to 6.20

    Pork--Mea . ........ ............... 18.60 ~ U 60 II F. M. . 16 60 '' Rump ...... .... .. 14 00 '' Es:. P rimo ~leu ... .. ................. 18.00

    MolMaea, (in pun) per gallon ............... 4l to 47 Butter-Canadian pe,.c-:-::: ~ ...... 20 t.o 2~

    Nova Scotian, u . ...... ; ....... ... 19 to 21 11 Oleo :.P""'"" ' "''" 12 to 17

    Cora Meal-Yellow. er-t:farrel,. ...... ... ... ~ 80 Bread-No. 1;per ba& .......................... 4 50 - '' No. 2, . .. ... .. . ..... 8.80 Keroaono Oil , per ~ralloo ......... .. ..... .. ... .20 Peas- CanadjJn. per barrel ..... .. ........ ...... S 60 Sugsr-(liltbt brown) per owt...... .. ....... 7 60

    -('!ranulated) do ......... ........ 9 . 00 - (cube) do ...... ............ 10 00

    Cbres3- b auadino, per lb ......... ........... 14 Oat~-per bushel.. . .. . ... .. ...... ... .... .. 75 to 80 llAy- por ton ..... ... . ....... ...... ... ...... ~20 to 24 Boef- pacltet ...... .. ; .................. $1 050 to 11 60

    plato ... .. ... ..................... $10 to 12 60 -HerAld, F eb l S

    NOTICE. The nudersign'?'d ~eg to inform the trade

    that having j uat pu t u p a new and improved_ Machinery for the Manufacture of


    LIQUID FISH GLUE, they are prepared to fill orders for any qnan ti tj ,-in caaka from 6 to 40 gallona ; in oaos irom 1 gallon to t pint; also, io 1 and 2 oz. bottlea by the gross.

    ~echallengethestrength of thla Article ag&inat all oompetitora. We are a leo open for Spring orders for

    MUNN'S FISH FERTILIZER. T nere being only n limitOO s11pply ot this, orders fitst receivt>u first filled

    For fur ther information aod Pficea. aa well aa orucra for tame, scud to the Oflica nf


    Manofltclnred by F . \\' , c;o LDER, at. the Beach PromistlB, ll .r )v G tt~ce,

    F eb26tf

    Post-Office Notice. TAE

    English and American MAI LS ,

    per a. S. Conscript, via Ht\lifax, will he closed a t tho Harbot G race Poet Office, on hlU~ DA.Y morning next, 29~h February, nt 9.30 o'cloc k.

    Feb. 26.

    - :--

    . N~:fF~. l N QE'OB IS lBRBRY.-GlVEN lbU the Parmttl'lllip heretofore e:da\IDR \let1leeD us. the , uudersignecl, FI.Otu. t&lllaauana Bowanro and llonaT H. PRow&&. u Ezeou tors oft and under ~e protllioDI of the WJll of WILtllll Pmt'l'Olf M~, (o~ly or Har-bor Graoe, Merchant, d~~ansl BosQT S. Mtnnr, of Harbor Graae uoreea~ .-v: chant, in the tiade and- baame. of ueDeral Mero.banta and Sbip-ownen, aarrird on, by ua. at Harbor Oraoe aforenlct,ainoe the de.tli_of the said WtLr.tAX P. :Mmnr, onder the ~rm of' JoRN MuNN &-Oo.," waa dieeolvecl.aa a~d from the 6ret day of January, A. D. 1892, by mutual ~neent, oou6rmtd t>y decree of the Supreme Ooint. All debta doe to and owing by the late ftrm w.ill be ~lved, paid by ~e underlijned, BoBBRT 8. lltJJilf, by whom the buaineaa will. u from the .Sd date, be carried on at Harbor Grace a(oreald, uoder' tbe style and firm ot" JoHN Mun & Oo.,'' on bia eole reapoo!rlbility.

    Dated at St. John's, this 4th day of Feb ruary, A.D .. 1892.


    Witness-RoBERT J. KENT, Solicitor. Si

    Nfldl RAILWAY AS THE FLOOD~, caused by the rain-. storm of SaLoriay Jut, have rendered ebjs road impaaa.ble, be~ween Kelllgrewa and Seal Cove, l berety gbe nodce, .tbat oom menoing oli Wednesday, the Ut.h inet, and afterwards u,ntil th~ road la ~bl!.- '~e Train will leave at the u1nal time, 'anct-itn run to Kelllgrewe only hom Bt John~, iiad to Seal Cove only (rm Harbo" Grace. !lo ticket-a will be leaned nor freight ffi)t(Ved (or ei\her train, b.yond the pJilOMC4&me.L

    The Tr&lna will Nmain ab Kelllgrewl and Seal Cove a reuonable time to ai.low puaen gere to w.alk or drift from cme train co the other. -, >A ~ ~ _ _..;: -.

    Tlte dltanoe &Om. Kellfgrewa o Seal OoTe ia abou~ folll' milea.

    For funher lnto~tioll apply to the con-ductors on the train~, or to the unclerttaned at St J ohn'a.

    ' . l' .. \ at ~t and .charges. . .. - ~: ~ . ~ -

    ,...Remember~ lJ,ed'fmdWhite S,gn.

    JaniS . tiNN BROS.

    . ....

    . ~ Just R~etved. dir~ from the Manufacturers, a full

    _.. , supply of . ~ ~


    . DUC:

    Water M. RA"!J'''l Cl~, TMUl W1e4 at mocJerate ~'Booma DGt door W ._.. JlaJIA .,_,

    pNIIi!IM, ~ Oflioe Hoora-trom 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., ad

    from 2 to 5 2-liL

    CARD I


    ~ustotn Tai\or. la~OD &Dd;:Ci;;d fit CJuarimw.cl

    &hop DeZt door to St.rathle'a T1-aware .._ tabllahment


    Northern Se-rviee. I I

    MAILS will be d08patched Ctom thia Offloe overland for all places between Bt.i 3t, J ohn'e and W ertero Oove, Wliite Bay, OD

    TUESDdY, 2nd and 16t.h February . Srci, 11th uul Slet Maroh;

    14th &nd 2~' April. Oloeing at 8 o'clock~ aharp, on morDing of

    :leapatoh. Gr Correa~ndenoe not J?OI!ted -' tba'

    boor wtll rt"mafn in office until Mail a 1Drt. night later.

    Boob, Paroelt ofNewapaJM>raoTer 'oonoel !)r any other heavr M..U matet will not be rorwardecl.

    J . 0. FRASER, P.H.G. General Poet Offloe,

    9th Jan., 1892.


    . olSP6NSIIG .. PHAIUIAGIST, . - . -"~ ..... _......,. . , .


    .. . -w .. strm, Harbor (hac,, Njld. -: Pu:,uTY .urn Acou~. -

    Buday Hc~m 10 k 11 a.m.., i to S, 6 to I 8 to 9 p.m. '

    &-Nfab'-calla promptly attended to. T. NOBL'If,'.

    P~st Offic:~:t:~~ :Ea.rbor_Gre.ce Stove ~d- Ite.rlw"-re Pe-pot.. c. L. KENNEDY, Pr.9prietor.


    T EI E PO~rr OFFICE ACT, 1891, Section 11, prescribes that, the Poatmute.r Genoral tRJ , subject to t.he provmooa of t.hi" A 11, Rn l the appronl ot the Governor in Councd, prescribe and eoforoa auoh regu lation'! as to him seem neoessary in reapeot t-o t he 1 egi&tratioo, by the 0PI'IOIA.L8 01' TIIJ: PoST OFFICE, of le~te~ onqaPStiooably OOD taining money, or otb~r valuable enolceure, whPn r ost.etl wit.hoot regiskation fee upon auuh leLiers. Sect ion 20 of the Act referred to, alao pr880rib&l lh.t :

    " A II letl~rs containing gold, silver or other money ; or jewel4 or preoioutartiole~t. tTanemit.ted by po;l~ within the Oolony,maat be rogiater6d by the ~nder ntberwi.le D oUBLl REGISTRATION Fe& . will be uzed. upon delivery toJ be reoelver." Under the authority of the Poet OOloe Aob

    referred to, tbe ' Po11Lmater General hereb1. direc~ 11\1 POil~ma~~t-era, mail olerke, cirrlen or other Poatal officials, to aee Lbat ftl'! letter wbtoh ia lltll>P~ to oonlain an1 of "-e, above meru.l; ned articles, .,.pew~auy --- money, atl.ch as Bank notea, obllaa: . ~duly r88Utered lllnd tbe word 11 Pmn~~~rttw~" writtf~A tbenoo; and. that all ._el'l Ol' eta 'boa reglawneid by tbe Pall' O!icie oftl oia.._ lbe ftllatralloQ tee OD wltloh .hal DO' been prepaid b' ~. ~~~acler. thatl be f.ued double rfJiitratiOil M to. be paLl by .as. addr11111 ~

    ~~.PRA~ Podaaalter Oeaeral.

    Geural Post -Office, St. ~olm'e, } . - Deo. litbi 11191.

    Our fall stock of STOV'ES and Olr.NERA L H:ARDW A.RE ia now complete. In STOVES we have the difl'eren' mt.kea df loo~ l a. u.l foreign m&noCaotore, oompriaiog Hall, Cooking, ~uroh, and Parlor; al.eo, Gotl.io Os P&. Out.inga and dnplioatea of the local makea al vray!J kept on band, . ' The stock of HARDWARE is a lar~".o~r.e, ol any arLiclo-lqok.l, hin&ea, nails, &o.-oan be bad. FANCY GOODS and SOA1"13 k u l'l. in large variety.

    LA.MPS of all d(!IIOriptlou and prioee in atook,-from tho .targe Obaudelier to the smallest Nntmeg .or Nlg4t Lamp. In thi1line ~e can anit all pnrohaeer~ Oil, Wicks, &o.

    A T.INW AR)!l, OOPPER SMiTH and PLUMBING businosa la oonneoted with the eatablieh.J)Wlt, where all work in tbea linee ~ be exeoni.OO witb neatt~eu, prompt.Deaa and aatiefaetioti.

    OUTPOlt't' ORD~B paid promphttenUon to,and \be 'Ft1LLltST SA.TISJAOTION go!ioteed in---all ~ . .


    Ma.rble, Scotch..IJJ.ld Quincy Graniilll .

    ALL WORK executed noder pemnaliGptt'-rialc;n. .

    OUTPORl ORDERSgiveo prompt aUentloA. DESIGNS famiahed byleUer or O&beriW. CEMENT TOO~ and Plaster PaN-for 1111

    826 & 827 Duckworth St., St. John's; -

    Watar&t., ;aa~bol- Clitaoe. J. A. WHITMAN, No'" li.Sm. . , . , Custom Tallorlng. ~~~~~ ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ' ~ WW ~tee Fit. WorJnnantbtp &Del

    - Btrle. QlTe u a aan. Oatport Ordera reoeiTe prompt attati011. S~RENCITB ... . . . - . Oornw VIOTORJA artd WATBR 87RBBTS.




  • -.


    ~ ij ~~ r~ fij py~o ;j v.L ic-h t : !H IJo (urcd by a i i lll" h' !'f'S O I t to this s tand-. r d ; ;r,;p:t:~ t t i iJ ll, ns h:J-5 l:ccn l >I ' J ''C( t b \' the hmH.ltetls of 1 "'

    t e., tilllon i n! ~'> l'C:~1' iver :c-t cl i' ;:: , It is ~cknowl;,fl !.! .. l :1\ l '~: : 1 :J:omlncnt - . . - .. l!.'s,' 11\ughs his lordehip. .

    ' Yon are sure every precaution has been taken?' she goes on.

    Certainly, ' he replies. 'Chumpie, Maohlin, ' nJ I had another dress reheo.r-sal yeaterdny. 1 playing t he part C'f the embryo Basaington. Chumpie waa eo inimitable as the lawyer t hat I nearly laughe:i myself s ick .' Then h is eyes be come exciteJ also as he a!!ks, ' How is my darl- ?' He doe3 not continuo the R'lntence, but remarks c;1sually, 'Miss Follis is well, I tmppose ?.

    'Very well.' says tbe widow. I've hRd exercise enough at)d nm nhout to t urn baok ; will you mind walking besidfl me?'

    'Not if yo.> u will take me into t ile house when I got to the J oor-step,' lo.llghs the EnglishmRn.

    'It's rather early, ' murmurs Mrs. Mar-vin, ' but as you're qui te o. friend of the fllmil y now, you can come along.'

    1'beo the t wo stroll u p t he avenue, Avonmere's eyes glowlng and flashing , od becoming more Itallnn as he ge~s nearer lo n morning view-of Mlsa Follis's plq_~nt beauty.

    While. this is going on up-town, Au gas Vall B~man bu beeo hurrying to.

    al( Btreet ae fatt ae an eleva~a traiQ oan oarry hlm. .

    Arrived at the addreaa men,loqed IQ BUllman, 'Myth & Oo. s note, he uoenda by the elevator to find their omces upon tbe third floor of tbe building. Eoterlng their place of bual.nen, which is rather swall for a ftrm hAving a large legal con-nection. ~he general appearance of the offtcea please~ ""llUle GUaale for it Ia in tensely legal and very_ Eogliah. Filee of the Lcmclcm 'limu ana Teligrap~ are_pro-mineot, to the exoluslon of l'(JtW York jootnal; a pUt o!u~7 $d up and red C.oed dooomenfa enoomber lbe desk" and Dftloe table. and a number ot Uri bozee are ln rack prepared. for them. The printed Iabeli u~n eomtof th .. hla feeble miild u he notes : MUQuu or NMmeJUK'I AuaioAJr Paonatn ' ' MoaTOJr, BLIII& Co ' LolaD CouDKooa'e NdUIU I~' 'ST. Louu BoaBU.orOArra,'' LoaD Av~ ..... t ' 'OoBAotl,'

    eto. for

    STEWART MUNN & Co., Shipping -and Commission

    Merchants, 22 St. John Street, MoDtreal.

    9peolal attflntion given to the aale of F iat ' and Fi.eh Oih.

    A lao, to the bnying and sblvping of Flout ILild P rovi.sion.a anJ General P roduce.

    t.,iJf" C~ltle AddreAA-Muon, Moatre'\1.

    For Sa~e Cheap

    Go'd English :BRICK J OH N H ENNESSY.



    V 1 NETU.':II B1.l~D8 mado, refittt.d and reno va ted. ,

    Also wiiJhea to intimate that .,. it~ n ow prepared to do Fresco paiotio6 at r64Sooable n t.ea.

    A small q uantity of Oeiling P aper and Bordura for aale.

    Satiafaotion qullraotood. N ov. IS, 1891.

    Sr. JOHN HOUSE, 40 Upper ~ltdr Sbeet,


    W.&.ocommodation for P ermanent and Transient Boarcle.rt l!lew!o~den ~l~ throurh nau.

    taz will alW&ye be w~~ed at the 8t John HouM \ \)

    JOHN H A.Wl'RY . P ROPRtllT .R.

    NORTHERN A.ssura,nce Company .


    EST.\BLISHED 1836.

    LON00~ ~, l, 11uUH.GA.TE STR~ET, EC


    IlfOOXE A:~D FUND! (1887) : E'U. Premi~ ... ... .......... ....... ... 607,000 Lte Prem.iumw .............. .... ........ l97,000 I.n te-reat. . . , . . . . . . . . 148,000 t.ooumulated l'wlda ......... ... . .... 8,4al,OOO

    l'be underaiJrned is e:r.J'Owored to etl'eot. in~ "urancee on all kinJa ot Prv1pe1 ty in Now .. onndland at ourreut Htltea : f Premium.

    Tbe llbove Oompany i.J ,.,ell known for ita ibet"ality and promptoest in sen.ling loaaes,

    Proepeotoaee, F'llrma of Application tor Fire anti Life Insurance, and all other l n formation oan bo obt:1ined a t tbe office ot

    A. 0. HAYWARD, ST. J om(a,

    .J.gem ftYI' N81D/uundland1 W. H. T HOMPSON',

    Sub-AtW~' fM llarb

  • '


    t-~ ~~' o'".J. ~~ i~ . ~~~ c:,'t ,,

    ~.J~ ~~ ~{) .J' '~-c. ~~~ ~, county and muoloipal d E>l Our people \\Rot '0\':lr as n. lut resort E,., ,. honoral-> 1.:: ruonos o se ttlement abonld be t i-be foro boatilitiPB are reeorted to, p artlonL. .~ toward a a!eter ropnblio nod aD ioaignificnut poller RR OOtu pared to tbls goverumeut.-Dtmo-cratic Adcoca te.


    BbttEGi\ Bo 16 waa nex i.all:l'n a h wu tba~ a woroall .badi.Y oharred, with. baoda and leg~ helow tlie k neel, aone '

    !lODJ!S IOt!mFR.I>-Body number elx, whlob wu foaod yeaterdQ

    lo a room oo the ftfth ftoor.bf the Hotel Ro7al. wa ldeotl8ed todJ 'fbe i' wu baroed b eyond reooflnltfoo, bad a If dna wu ~

    -maan bJ wb!ob tbe ldaoUftoat oa wae made..u tha\ of Min ellrJ.b Blake: of Shtldonllle, Maaa. At 11 o'oloolt Arobtbata Jaoobe, of 1i16 Broad way, 'rltlted the mor~e aad ldeotlfted bod1 oamber oae u tha of M.n. 'J Oobea. TOtOoto, Oanada &l)d bod,YiltJIDber foar u tb or Lontl lAl, of LoDdoo, On'- Mr .. lA.t ud MN Oo bi~'oamt w &hie oi'J .~tUatr lroaa Oauda.

    ...... &

    ow TO :trGBT lftUf arn.v'-.... -

    A X.CUcal ~. m \he" 8i. I..-' Clu ettl,f\

    ... all uPUDd the obNt-baok aod .. Jroot ,AI (qr q_a.tnJce, for Jbleb &btre wu a er~~ -orue to yura qo, &aka u if JOG 1l a Nat faith Ia It QQlolae II a.cood Ullow! aod faltb a belter'i'' but tbe dtoa will piobably De of mort 111e dorlo1 ooonle~Of'* The m.tu 1bt.a,bowner, Ia bed ud.tbea t.be dootor lf be oom.., JOG .wUl. of coarse, follow. ble dlreoUooe ; b11t If JOG ~ whhon' him,u )'OU Yery likely mJID aiatple-oae ge' op whllr-)'Oa- feel bc!tter-J. alter 011e tiro or three dJ: bo~ ataJ-iD tbe booae uoOi JOD hue reoon-d your areoatb, aad wheo you do flO oat wrap up oarefoliJ aod old fatiue Ea and driok M' J OU pleaae eo loog ... U II l!ood aod wboleaome It Ia lmpo-'ble to 1&1 more tbao \bit 111efall,., aod I am aware of .Ome anwldom Ia UJlog 10 moob Maoklott m~1 be dlidad toto tboae wbo take too trJaeb oue ohhemeel"' and tbote who take too little Tbe former will jfrup a' nery exooae to joru p into bed, aod will expvieooe tbe aymptoma of in ftaeou a& lwt diioe a day ; while the latter will eay, h ia only a feveritb oold,' aod will go

    ' abouL their boaioeM 1rben they bue really got it; .Snt, even a~ the r iak of encooral(ing ahirk. ere and valetudioaTiaoe, it i11 wortb. while to trj aod aato others from a very real daoscer; aod therefore I r epeat so to bed if you feel decirlcdly ont aorta A ferovi111, cold ia oo~ to he lllffi.ld with in 11u io8uet z' year Nor It there aoy good iJ\ figh ting it ; tbe earlier you nurse it, tbe sooner you will get over h

    In ordioary cues fair ly atrong people will fiod tho forostoiog advice quite eutlicient I b~ve t ried i~ . ou ruy owo corptiA vile in a atiaok wuh excellent re&olta at lea11~ it ie a,(o; aocl I would 11tron~ly w:un people asraioat trastiog to either too powerful rerutlc..liea which they m11.y eee reoommaoded or to thtoir own koowleds;:o And this waroiog eppliea particularly to the weakly and thoae Oll!el in which oompllootloris ar!ao All tal .. about ' cares" aod "lofalliblo remediea " proceede from iRnorauce or quackery aod em hollies & very miaohievoUIJ delluloo to whlob I havo nlren.dy roferr.od No treatO::ent of n drMtio k;nrt oau be universally ap pll011.hle to tbis or ooy otbor disorler, bocaUid daiJI!reot poop I" aro 110 tl iif6rontly f\f!dctert tbBl wbat aalta oae c'lqo will mtltault 11.no!hor Tbe l>uke of Ult~r CDCI) llUJ t bu K hudi\'e or Ejiypc dierl from ooml-uall, tho u mo illoou- infllleru followed by pneumouia ; but tbe lcadioll feature of ono caee wero bl~eb tern pera\ure, delirium and col lopae ~ w~ilo tboe~ of tbe other were pain, in Oamauon of tbo ktdooya and urro nlo poisoning How oau there bo n routine t reatment io severe caae11? Tbo daugor of relying on It lJ 1bowo by the e:.ct ramoly onaatiafiiOtOrJ r eport oa tbo Khedtvo'" itlmr&ll

    Oae 01ore pu1 ot: bow ia iollluoou to be avoid ed? Fr:>m tho imwt~o11o mMa of obaea atiooa tbat bbve be.Jo ooll~oted it ie clear tbat tbe die eue is iofeo tioua, but ooly fo rmidably so where numbers of people 14re coogreaa\ed together aa the Hooao of Uommooa, tohoola, workabo'p. faotorl3a and ao on Tne poiaon seems to be bred under tbea.l olrouuntaooea In tery large quant ltiea or in a Yery viraleot form At ao1 rato orowdod places are dangerous Tberifore.aold tbam If polllble For the re1t, 1 lake cart of o? yourself." ltn "boleiomely, avoid fatigue, oold aod we~ Here again tbe shirker will aee hla obaooe, b_a, t1iat cannot be helped .

    -BRATTY'S TOUR OF TU& \VORLt>,-ExMayor Daniel F Biatty, of Beau)'a Celebrated O rgana o&ud Piaooa, W Mblogton, New J eraey, baa re ra roed bome rrom ao extt>oded t-our of tbe world R ead bi.a adverti1emeot ln tbie papor and aead lor e~tlllogue. ,.

    lllioard"a Liniment for Rheumatism.

    '- \ !I t.;o l!STOCK Brookville, Oct :l .. ~r ~ir :-Your- J>r Morae'tt Indian Uoot

    1'1 . ~ " re tho beat medicine for rhearoatiam tbat ' ... ,.,. e~l'r u~ed Lut sprioll I WIIB troubled '" y wltb i~ In n.y lag ; I uaed one box of 1.,. . o'a Pille, aod "" oared

    Youre grate fully, ALLIN CA>IPBELL

    llloard 'a Liniment ,, tbe Uair Heatoref .

    Hullowag'1 Ointment auJ Jlill1.~Daogerool Ubeet Uoroplalott.- Th11 onumentloo of tbeae d taeMes i" !Oiroely D~''!esury aa, uufortonateiJ, rno' t En,:lisbmcu know thom t o their ooa' Cough, common oolda, inflaoo:a bronchitis, U tbma, plt' urly lnftammaUoo of tbe lunge, and even 0.)08Um}ltioo ill he ea 11 atge. are bee& treated by robbing Holloay,a Oiotmeo~ apoo tho oboat nn:i upon t ho hack lxltweeo tbt- ehould eu. It penelrataa ioteroaiiJ. obecka tile oold al;liverioga, rele'ea the overgor11ed Jooga, '!r&do allJ remc tell the opprouion fcom tbe oboat , and reatoru tho obalruoied reaplrat!oo, blth&rlo ao dllllNulogly dlaagraeable and bh!bly daoaerou lu trl!ltln11 thla olw of dluue, Holloway' Pilla abouiJ aht~ys he tk&n whllo aalct~r ble Oln& u1tot 1 ~hoJ purity tbe blood, pt4Q)OII peraplr atlon, ind allar dao~el'ooa lrrtt.atloo.

    i\l\nud'1 LlolmeD~ I tho be ... --M'n.t.IO~ rr: OK.u!OIIRY-uhtt ot lhoee who bave lef' money to 0baooery, free for 8d.. Seod and ret If there Ia IDf mooeJ for yoa,-Addrea CbanoerJ Cllum AIIDOJ, 691 N .. atan Sr Londoo. W. /

    o. o RtonAat>S & eo Ge/IJI.-.-1 bate.ueed your !rllNA.ltO'S LlNl

    M~N"L:Io my fa111Uy. for a number of Je&ra fer rmoua ouee of aloknew. aad more partloularlr lo a teftre-auack of la f!lppe which I oontno~Cl lut;' lnMr. and I tlratlj belltYe Ula' l. w .. &he lilt& Ill ohnloi .mJille,

    O, L LA(JUL

    A DWttefiiDa Coo"-oftea oa .... abe frltodl oltbe ata!.,.,. u .maob palo be -''"' blCD .. u. &bd eboakl NOet .. i IIDCDtdlate ..... doll. Da Wmua U.uld Of WILD Ct~IUT llpltdilJ OQrel OOQ ..... OOlda, ldlltDA. ION tiatOa~ 6o \ &Del lD IDIDJ wtlll\teecel OMII ft bU tfaotld a

    ................ oattof~Q~

    .oss~ova Both the method atld results when S~pofFip is taken; it is pleasant and iefreshing to the-taste. and acta gently yet P..l'Qmptlyon the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the 8}'!1 tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figa is the ~nly rem~r of its l-ind ever pro-anCed, plcrunng to tho taste and ac-~ptn~le to the stomn~h, prom.pt }n 1U5 actiOn and truly bencficialm 1ts cffec~ prepared only from the most h eaHllj nnd :tgreev.blesubstances, ita

    # ma.ny:exccllcntqu!l.!iticsco~mendit to all and hu~mnde i tthe most popular remcd ' known. 1 Ryrup of Fi is for so.lo m 75o bottles by all eading druggist& Any reliable druggist who may not have it on han

  • . ..



    ~~-1;;;;~~~~-TBB GOVBBBOR'S IPBBOIL

    Tbe.t_hird Sepion of the SixteebLb ~neral Auemhly .of the Legialaturft waa opened a~ S'- J obn'a, with' the USUal foraaaliLiM, yea. terday afternoon at 2 p.m . ~y Ula Exoellen,oy the Governor, in t be following speech, for a telegraphic copy of which we are indeb'ed ~ 'he very obliging Soperint.endent--the Hon. 4. .M. Mackay :-

    St. J ohn', yesWdny A!kmoon . ... You will, I feel- sure, with all Ber Ma .

    j eaty'11 loyalsubjecla throughout her vast Em pir11, warmly ay.npathize with our Gntcioua Queen and the Members ofLbe Royal Family iu t l eiread bereatngratulate you upon .the favorable aspect of the Colonj's position. A you hss passed since I Jut ~ODt6)lfdJ.b..eJ..egislaLore for the deapa.tch or buaib868. It baa been re-pl~te with bless~ for wbiob we owe the G1ver of all go:od reverent acknowledsc- m &nt. We have every reason to be thank ful for the success which attended the Fiab erie11, the result of tho harvest and the decrease of poverty, as weU arf'lni the improved con-diliou of the pu.bTio hc~lth nnu lbe absence ol commercial ~isa,.-.

    Ju roviowing the events of the ri\s t twelve months we have first to take cogninnC"' of an exN!ptionally good Seal Fishery. Tbllt or the pre\'ious season ws contlitlerad above an A\erage; but it will bo seen tbat 1 he e:tport of the products of this fishery during 1891 excet.ded tha t or fotmer year by more than one h::Uf.

    1'bis w.1s followed hy a Shore Cod Fishery above t he a\erage Rnd n most abundant catch on the Labroaor, larger than haa.beeh realized for very many years. Hei\dy markets and g ood prices contributed largely to enhance t .e value of returns.

    There is also a marked i01provement notio ed in connection with our Mining industry. T he export of Copper Ores and Iton Pyrites was larRely in oxce.s of that of the previous year. Vnluabl~ deposita of Asbestos and Gypsum hHe beou workeJ with energy and auccesa. I mKy observe that the Geological S ur vey during the past season has eatablish ed be.vond queation whllt hu hitherto been mat ter of conje-oture--namelv, tbe existence of considerable deposiLB of coal and iron orl',s in tbll vicinity of 0 rand !AkP. I canno~ therefore 1.00 strongly emphasize the irupor tanco of tbia di:!covery and t be d esirobility of your taking such action as may be considered neceaaury to tu rn to tbt: advantage of the Uolony. It i11 g ra tify ing to 6nd that amend. ment in the Crown L!lods Act regarding the grantitig of mineral IRuds, paasP.d la11t a68sion, baa led to a deru oi for furmiog loCI\tions. Althou~h las t winter" w .1s not. favocabiA br lnwllering o1erKtions, th@ businea~t done in t h tt I'XI.Orl uf timber Wb'> in P~celtOJ of the prc.-noua voor. This iu{iustrv has become an import!lnt. auxiliary to our c~mmeree. I am plcns&J to be a ble to state ~bat tbero is evi-denco of it.:s still greater development,

    The nmount of tlep011ita in the SAt wi' h 'IUt anJ poll ucae Dr. Allan wu aoot for aod all that medical altill SprlogriiJe. to mlolster to her bo.ebaod, He worda. Besides : children never employ ooald do to nile the eio((ina tplrlt PU doot. h was aelaed with pneumonia, aod auk rap(.:liJ, In tb&te words In conversation. Their mean wae apparent from the ftrst &hat 1bare wu oo apite of alllbat altlll and teodor oare could do ing therefore la forgotten u aoon u learned. bope of ber reooverJ. Sbt reCD&laed lo a 181111 -.Mr Roas wu a aatle of Earllown, ColcbNlor

    There need be no laolr:: ot good poUabed oootolODI rlate aoUI a boot 6, wbto ullaht obaoge coaoty. Ho reoelnd bit edooatlon at Troro lan.,uaae, or au abeeooe ot a variety of worJs for ~be beUer wu obuned, bill tbie wu tbB aod lo the Free Cborch Oolleae; Halltax. Alr,

    a a ftoal effort ol her atreog1la, aod balf ao hour Ro v/u a -G~tmber of eecood ban!bof youog ln a reading-boolr:: &reatioa ot lndotrlaltub aher abe p .. ed awaJ. Her bndJ wu prepared aaeo edooated poder Profeaon Kingl aod Lyall jeota. ()oil)~ ~ folloW'ing extracts wltb aod laid oat, aod u aooo u the oofBa could be -. baod of men wbo bare done aood tervloo, PUaac" in our rea41DI books, aod obeerve bad 1ha wu plactd Ia 1&. Al 9 SO o'olook, totoe but whloh ia oow aadiJ tbiooed b7 tbe bud of ,.bether Lbe former are aot superior. The of her fmlly baTfaJt arrled froco O.rboaeer, deatb.~Atr. aoaae tlrtt obarge wu the J'reebJ 8rtt la (l'f)m (}a.lt.gMJI Do'/l'l.alio Botm()tn!J tbe wu kken from Mr. Paraol)'a hoa1e aod ooo- teriao Churob of Harbor Grace, Newfonndlaod, on the Puri~ of W~ 1 11 Alrit.ating "''d boma. l'bt but la a \'ery ead ooe, aod where be aettled in 18M , h wa1 a loaoly out-a muob 1J1Dpalby Ia tltprMHd for Mt Wloeor aod poel of &be oburoh, bot Mr Rou held the water wltb freshly b11rnt obaro'l&l, "1)8CiAlly hli"'famliJ. Mre. Wloaor wu aboa 60 Je&rt of fort1' for over a quarter of a ceoturJ. Tbt animal obarooal, an exoellent method of ~ 6eld It a ver7lotereatlng one, and wu well wortb pnri8oat.ioa. From firc.een to twenty drop1 -- tbe laboare o( a fai :hful put.or.-Still h 1.t1 a eer. of aulpbu\io acid, easily prooarable from any F&Oit TH.B WBSTBB.!f SROB.B. lout matter for a ruloiller to remain laraly ieo-abemiel. Ol' .pqtheoary, will purify a gallon _....__ latod fri>m bia brethren for bJ far tbe areater or wter. ..\a oqnoe of alum dL.o:ft'd in a Qur Harbor Drltoo correepondent, writing part of bu mioiatry, and Mr. R'laa often (e" ho.,.bead otr.utrid~atr, ill pt'eoipi~te the ooder date ljtb iot, remnk.- thiL When ho reri~roed tho obllri(O of Harbor

    a- Graco a fe J&are ago be was callea to Parnboro foul mat.ter n a taw hours" Wo have beeo mod patiently 'ling the ar. N s, where be mloiatored oYer a year. He then

    Or talr::e Lbla ext\'111St from Spom Mech~nio rival ol the Bat~ana from St. Joho'. with onr reai~ aod preached u occaalon required or en Lhe durability of buildiu1 atone: Eogliah aod local malta, evel' ioce Wedoeaday opportunity offQrn ,o "' ar .,or I, J a u bad ao altoaathtr foraotten tbe ar' of pl..,toa -o- &ht. ladl li bu a& Ju taken up bla abode

    HatAX -feb ~ .... l'be odoo &o dlaM'abllah lo tbe "panooa,t. ud aow, eo moat of aa '"-Dk ttie Cbllreb il: Walel nt reJ,ated bJI87 &o ltO aod dtolatt, oeedt bill 0111 &bloa to mak- .bl'P

    D J'ieyoloel~ Ntcaaed to loraa ae Freuob oomfortablt ud bappJ-ril. Ue I Cabloet RMrier It &rJiq &o foraa 001, lDoJOd Tbt lata froe~ 1aaa doae at leeel ou 1ood loa 1 S.1 ntt of lbt old a.lale&rJ &bloa-t baa pa' up tbe prioe of )ertloa. Tbt

    '1\t ~1Nia '"&d'*"oDtl DUl. IAtrochao.d lato l*' qaotatlou...,.. tt ud It 60. Oar Wf!t tbt~Dli .. of OoGaatOIP bJ ~~ JaoUoa, ere botiat b~ ''"*"'~l&Jlo SttaaoJ, ucl re,.._ OOtDpll'lio'J~daote Of tbUdreo f~ te lht. 1oa1 I'1JG bact to be eooeea.a t.b hat '- to ....... ,.... aaa&JJ biiiDI rtJ!OMCI bJ Ule -rw ....

    Ohaplla ta..od..S .U ~tenl Holdloaa Dill .ctllklbatloo 81 lao4 aaoajll &be

    CONIOX7neut Oaa&Q.- 4o )l;l PbJ.iao1 te , Ur&d from p~Uoe, bad placed lu bia baac:Ja bJ aa Eat' lnt\l4o Atlatoaarr tb' fonuala of a t hlh gl- raola~lt rt1ntd7 for tbe peed,y aDd pdr ina11eo' on" of OoD,amptlon, Brooob{d.,. Cataub, Al~osa, aad aU Taroat aod. Lana Affecdooe, alto a poaitJYe aDd radloal oara for Nem111 Ue, bfll&yaDd all Neno01 Couaplaiaf.a. IIaTfQI ~ lta wooclerfql 011rati" poora Ia $boq~a~i"- qf ouea, od d..trloa ~ rtlltr- ~qa aatrtrl.,, l .Ul HDd frtt qf O~CI. kt aU wbo .s.b U, &lilt reoelpt lo (}er~~a_., PitDob or &atllt;la. wttta fllll dlreodooa for FNs-rlaa ud 111101. bJ poe' ~ ltldtef8tq, . .l&b at.aaap, lliualq abla ~ llt. J: P. MOUN fAlN, lt PtrOf .._,,&.pqa doa. W. ~l)tlUy,

    0 Qa 8atqtda; :\:\!~,rJ, tbt wUt : ~~~~~ .r.

    ~ana~.J Jr., of 4 eon, ,/ Qo Alotck1 lW, .Ut or Ueo'l' 4cluMe

    ( eoaiMUt) ol a .clailcb ...

    -caaara.ia .,.._ ..... a. \be NII-M
