psych 127 week 4 lecture 1

Paper Due on May 10th :) -You dont have to provide diasnosis, think about the elements of abnormality and talk about the bahvior that the charatedter has from those perspectives. -Anxiety Disorders -whats the difference between anxiety vs. fear? -fear is instinctiual in the moment while anxiety is in the future (its more eva lutative) -anxiety has a cognitive component is future orriented n its diffued n its a gen eral feeling of nervesneess n dread -while fear is there is a trigger or stimulus that is causing u to be afraid -both activate fight or flight response (its a good thing beucase it protective, it helps us get out of danger( -Anxiety the good is that if we didnt have it we would be intruble, it keeps us alet, mot ivated,optimal -when its to much it becomes overwhelming, the more(then performance will be eff ected) you might not be able to funtion, shy with people, what might happpen a lot of what if question -it has a cognitive, physiological, and behavioral component (ANXIETY) -cognitive componnent that is driving the anxiety (ex: in not going to do well i nt he test) those types of question contribute to our anxiety -Some physiology responses is that out heart rate increases, breath more quickly , sweat, fight n flight is activated tunnel vision, supressed appetite, gittery(ready to run), disgestive functions c hanging (nausea) Behaviorally: get out of the situation as quiclkyt as possible, hide n avoid the situation, corner of the room try to escape those adversive feelings (can freeze) -Anxiety is a bl3nd of unoleasent emotions n cognitions -anxiety disorders -in most people its normal but when its more pervasive or more impering n its ca using real preoblems in someones life school, friemds, relatiosnhips then we see anxiety as a disorder have an unrealistice rear n axiety, try to aviod what u are scared of, significa nt impariment (ex: missing school n work as opposed to not enjoy themselves or not doing as well as they use to, these th ereshold affects the diagnosis, -there has to be distress(to what extetn is theis person bothered from having th is illness) -DSM has 7 anxiety disorfetd -dsm 5 will not include PTSD N Acute stress disoders n OCD is anxiety disoder bu t in DSM it will have its own category -DSM4 selctive mutism was in anxiety disorders, seperation anxiety disorders is going to be moved into the rest of the ' anxiety disorders -the more research the more u realize go togeter, n response to the same tratmen ts n what doesnt have diffrent -BAsed on a lot of reseach n they are splititing hte categorien making it more d efined -stron Phobias: -strong n persistent fear recognized as excessive or unresonable -triggered by a specific object or sitation -sometimes people dont relize that their phobia is strong

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Page 1: Psych 127 Week 4 Lecture 1

Paper Due on May 10th :)

-You dont have to provide diasnosis, think about the elements of abnormality and talk about the bahviorthat the charatedter has from those perspectives. -Anxiety Disorders -whats the difference between anxiety vs. fear?-fear is instinctiual in the moment while anxiety is in the future (its more evalutative) -anxiety has a cognitive component is future orriented n its diffued n its a general feeling of nervesneess n dread-while fear is there is a trigger or stimulus that is causing u to be afraid-both activate fight or flight response (its a good thing beucase it protective, it helps us get out of danger( -Anxiety the good is that if we didnt have it we would be intruble, it keeps us alet, motivated,optimal -when its to much it becomes overwhelming, the more(then performance will be effected) you might not be able to funtion, shy with people, what might happpen a lot of what if question -it has a cognitive, physiological, and behavioral component (ANXIETY)-cognitive componnent that is driving the anxiety (ex: in not going to do well int he test) those types of question contribute to our anxiety -Some physiology responses is that out heart rate increases, breath more quickly, sweat, fight n flight is activatedtunnel vision, supressed appetite, gittery(ready to run), disgestive functions changing (nausea) Behaviorally: get out of the situation as quiclkyt as possible, hide n avoid the situation, corner of the roomtry to escape those adversive feelings (can freeze)-Anxiety is a bl3nd of unoleasent emotions n cognitions-anxiety disorders-in most people its normal but when its more pervasive or more impering n its causing real preoblems in someones life school, friemds, relatiosnhips then we see anxiety as a disorderhave an unrealistice rear n axiety, try to aviod what u are scared of, significant impariment (ex: missing school n workas opposed to not enjoy themselves or not doing as well as they use to, these thereshold affects the diagnosis, -there has to be distress(to what extetn is theis person bothered from having this illness) -DSM has 7 anxiety disorfetd-dsm 5 will not include PTSD N Acute stress disoders n OCD is anxiety disoder but in DSM it will have its own category -DSM4 selctive mutism was in anxiety disorders, seperation anxiety disorders is going to be moved into the rest of the 'anxiety disorders -the more research the more u realize go togeter, n response to the same tratments n what doesnt have diffrent-BAsed on a lot of reseach n they are splititing hte categorien making it more defined

-stron Phobias:

-strong n persistent fear recognized as excessive or unresonable-triggered by a specific object or sitation -sometimes people dont relize that their phobia is strong

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-there needs to be an avoidance that a person has or imperament -limits the places they an go. life might be small, limits what they can do (ex: not traveling in a plane) -Subtypes phobias:blood-injection injury: can see doctor shows, or they faint *we occasionally see fainting responsenatural environment phobia: scared of storms, hights ,water n wind animal phobia: snakes, dogs, spidersother: vomiting, clowns Situational phobias: public transporation, flying, enclosed spaced, elavators

ex: video (animal:pitbull, he was scared or it n he was suffering a high level imperament)

-look at slide 13-its hard to diangnose for children under 5 or 6(with yourger kids we consider the fear more normativedevelopmens)-in adolence u cant pathalogize their fears, must be careful to not overdiagnose

-social anxiety has been arounf for quite a while n the criteria: pervasive fear of bing in social situation,being the center of attention (fear to embaress urself or others n humuliations n negative evaluations, we see people with public speaking phobias n we see several other fears, dtaing phobia, if crowds might evaluate u parties, talking on the peple, small talk, peeches in class, ordering food at a restaurant,taking photos, asserting urelf(they are afraid of doing somehting wrong, n what others think about them) -its one of main 6 disorders also known as social phobia (feels intense, become overly sensative of what people think about them, they think people are judging them, the idea the peole are critizing u is a huge fear for those ppl) -hard to form friends, socialize, for some people if affects every aspects of thier life, *shy people may feel uncomfortable n can do things while peole who social phobia suffer a panic attack n cannot do that -all phobias are anxiety disorder-there more impact n imparitive -worrying about doing thngs right, what others think, -social phobia typically become important at the age or 12-13-look at slide 17-ex: anxiety n depression, anxiety proceeds the age of onset for depression-increased rise in suicide attempts because its a difficult life: isolated

-Generalized anxiety: its an excessve fear n worry aboth many situatuon, its not specific n its multiple realms-ex: worried about finance, school, health worrying about anything an deverything. -their worries are uncontrollable, their worries control their lives, worries can cause and impact ex:affecting presentaion, haveing trouble spleeping, paralyzed by worries, the only way to get things done is beingworried-we see more symactic symptoms, fatigue, irratibility, muslce tension, stomatch pain-this disoider is characterized by many doctor visits, -slide 20: cortison difference can do to gender difference, may not soeak of it as anxiety, man cope with it differently,

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-differences in coping strategies, maybe women has less of a coping strategy *mainly have higher rate of substance abuse, anxieties are getting expressed differenty-OCD-(obssesive compulsive disoers (receive a lot of attention in the media-we can be obseeive or compulsive doent need both -obseeive thought abotu various things n dont make sence(ex: contamination fear) -fears that u might hurt somebody, fears that u ran over somebody, the compulsion is that u check several timesthat something happened-rules about morality, things must be linned up a certain way because something bad may happen (or magical way of thinking) -obseeion part: can get it ot of ur head, numbers-ex: obession with cleaness, compulsion clean: *theres a ritual in compulsive behaviors-obssed with cleaning (doing it a certain number times, knowck of someting for a cerain number times because something might happen to ur family members *OCD its non sensical, wwhile generalized anxiety disorder is more realistic problems Movie -everything u do is dictated by OCD

-ccomplusions are common of OCD, u do ritauls in order to avoid bad things

-he knows its superstions, n they believes it real n its compelling-At the ag of 16 diagnosed with OCD-he felt that if he did not do rituals something would happen,

-slide 23 (ex:moms scared of hurtinghteir child (ex: strnggle or sufficate them) ) patholigical docut see if u did it righ -we see an equal distributuin between men n women n its very low