psychological testing in san diego -

Delia Maria Silva - Neuropsychologist San Diego - www.neuropacifi

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When you visit the best neurologist in San Diego, you should expect them to discuss past medical history with you. They will then perform a series of tests and you may be requested to perform various tasks based on your condition. Neuropsychologist San Diego will evaluate the symptoms during the activities. Log on


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Delia Maria Silva - Neuropsychologist San

Diego -

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- Bilingual (English/Spanish) neuropsychological services in San Diego, CA

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Psychological Testing in San Diego

Psychological testing is a method for assessing the cerebral characteristics of human beings. It is a branch of psychology which deals with the use of creating several tests with an aim of determining the psychological aspects such as behavioral patterns, brain function, intelligence, emotions and altitudes.

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-There are different types of

psychological tests which are as follows:

1. IQ Tests2. Vocational Tests3. Neuropsychological Tests4. Personality Tests5. Norm-referenced Tests

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-IQ TestsIQ test was introduced in 1904 by

Alfred Binet. The test is used in the measurement of intelligence. The intelligent quotient is the mental age compared to chronological age. It is used to assess different abilities of different candidates. The tests measure the memory skills, the factual knowledge, visual spatial abilities and abstract reasoning.

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-There are different types of

psychological tests which are as follows:

1. IQ Tests2. Vocational Tests3. Neuropsychological Tests4. Personality Tests5. Norm-referenced Tests

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-Vocational TestsThese are the tests that define the

altitude of a person for a specific vocation. The tests are known to be very helpful to people who are confused. Vocational interests are divided into six different categories such as follows:

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-1. Social2. Artistic3. Realistic4. conventional5. Investigative6. Enterprising

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-Neuropsychological TestsNeuropsychological Tests are tests

done by neuropsychologist San Diego to assess the psychological function. The tests are known to be linked to a particular brain pathway. The tests should be conducted in a quiet atmosphere in order to avoid distractions. The most commonly used and popular Neuropsychological Tests are Halstead-Reitan and Luria Nebraska. These tests help in the development of rehabilitation programs for individuals who are mentally impaired and they help in localizing the brain impairment.

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-Vocational TestsThese are the tests that define the

altitude of a person for a specific vocation. The tests are known to be very helpful to people who are confused. Vocational interests are divided into six different categories such as follows:

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-Personality TestsThere are different types of

Personality Tests that aim to describe or assess several facets of a person’s character such as feelings, behavioral patterns and thoughts. You can find the earliest references to personality tests in the Greek Philosopher Hippocrates works. Some types of personality traits that focus on specific aspects of personality include: projective, objective and forensic personality tests.

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-Norm-referenced Tests The tests are used to compare

individual’s performance with the statistical representation of population. Norms allows a comparison of the scores of an individual with those who are in group norms since they are available for a standardized psychological testing. Graduate record examination is an example of norm referenced tests.

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-Neuropsychological Assessment Neuropsychological Assessment

helps to diagnose neuro developmental, psychiatric and neurological. It helps in determination of prognosis of problems and in identification of functional abilities and limitations. The assessment is used to evaluate the complex behavior and learning problems in adults and children. The assessment is normally recommended when there are problems with excessive functions, concentration, memory and motivation.

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- Neuropsych evaluation is very

useful for individuals with suspected or known brain dysfunction. There are many conditions which can affect the brain functioning such as: neurological disease, neuropsychiatric disease and medical conditions.

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- When you visit the best

neurologist in San Diego, you should expect them to discuss past medical history with you. They will then perform a series of tests and you may be requested to perform various tasks based on your condition. Neuropsychologist San Diego will evaluate the symptoms during the activities.

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