psychology 1100 introduction to psychology christopher gade, phd office: bertrand 27 office hours:...

Download Psychology 1100 Introduction to Psychology Christopher Gade, PhD Office: Bertrand 27 Office hours: MW 1:30-3:30 and by apt Email:

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Psychology 1100 Introduction to Psychology Christopher Gade, PhD Office: Bertrand 27 Office hours: MW 1:30-3:30 and by apt Email: [email protected] Class MW 9:25-10:40 Angelico 226 Slide 2 The Other Senses: Hearing The properties of sound and the basics of the ear. Slide 3 Listening Exercise Put your books, pens, pencils, phones, and all other items down. Close your eyes. Listen! What is it that youre hearing? Slide 4 Life Without Hearing What are some of the things that we would miss out on if we couldnt hear? What are some of the things that we would miss out on if we couldnt see? Which would you rather lose, hearing or vision? Why? Slide 5 Is Hearing Physical or Perceptual? Physical Definition of Sound: A change in pressure of the air or other physical medium. Perceptual Definition of Sound: An experience of sound waves by the ear or other perceptual medium. Sound Properties Sound Wave: A sudden change in MOLECULE pressure Boat Example Slide 6 More Properties of Sound Amplitude: The concentration of the air pressure. Determines the loudness of the sound. Decibel = 20log(p/p o ) (p o = pressure medium for air, it = 20) Slide 7 More Properties of Sound Frequency: The rate of sound wave occurrences. Determines the pitch of the sound. Sound frequency is measured by Hertz (Hz). 1 Hz =1 cycle per second. Slide 8 The Equal Loudness Curve and Audibility Curve Whats the loudness button on your stereo doing? Slide 9 The Ear, Our Sound Wave Detector Slide 10 The Benefits of the Pinna Listening Task 1.Form a circle 2.Each of you will participate in this at least once. 3.Participating individuals need to 1.Stand in the center of the group and close their eyes 2.Locate an object based on its orientation (front, back right, left), distance (close, far), and properties (high, low) 1.Covering one ear 2.Covering your ears 3.Cupping your ears Slide 11 Auditory Localization Slide 12 How it works Level/clarity differences Spectral cues Hoffmans pinnae mold experiment Surround sound implications Slide 13 Another Cue Visual Capture our visions tendency to dominate our minds interpretation of sound location. Slide 14 The Inner Ear Slide 15 A Closer Look at the Cochlear Duct Slide 16 Slide 17 Moving on In our next section, well examine the topic of touch come to class awake and clean this will make better sense when we get going.