psycological blockbuster project

Psycological Backing of the show Shameless Slide show by Jacob Beard

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Psycological Backing of the show Shameless

Slide show by Jacob Beard

Page 2: Psycological blockbuster project


As you can see this family living in the south side of Chicago has a lot of psychological problems. They range from addiction, to breaking the law, to just trying to survive in a tough neighborhood.

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FionaFiona is the oldest daughter inthe show. She struggles everyday with trying to keep thefamily alive and floating. Butshe finds out that taking careof a family while below thepoverty line is harder thananything that she could haveimagined.

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Psychological problems with Fiona • Bad Relationships

She is constantly in bad relationships with guys that she thinks can help take care of her family. They have all been either huge criminals or addicts.

• She experiments with drugsOn multiple occasions drugs have gotten her in trouble. She even had to go to jail

for it after her little five year old brother got ahold of her cocaine and ate it. He overdosed and almost died in the hospital.

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Lip and Ian

Lip is a very smart kid and is one of the only kids out of the group that could actually end up going to college. However, he develops a lot of the problems that his father Frank has. For example, while he is in college, he develops a drinking problem and goes to rehab after smashing his professors car. He was the second child of this family and has to take charge on multiple accounts like when Fiona went to jail.

Ian is a very troubled young man who struggles with his sexuality and with a lot of mental problems. He has a mental handicap called Bipolar Disorder. He eventually works through his problems and becomes an EMT in an ambulance company. He has to give a lot of his paycheck to the family however because they all live in one house and they all pitch in to pay the rent and utilities.

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Carl and Debbie

Debbie is a special character. She is a teenage girl and is trying to get pregnant. She eventually gets her wish of being a mother at the age of 15, but it comes with a lot of obstacles. She has to take care of her baby so she doesn’t have the time for a job and she drops out of high school. She also try’s to find herself a husband. She eventually resorts to theft and panhandling with her baby so she can make ends meet. She also has to battle with the grandmother on the other side of the family for custody of her child.

Carl try’s to help out the family the best he can, but he ended up needing money to help pay for the rent. He ends up selling and moving drugs and guns. He even sells one to his principle. He eventually gets caught by the cops with ten pounds of Heroin. He doesn’t Narc on anybody he is selling for and gets a full year in juvenile detention. When he gets out of juvie, the house is about to go under and he gets all the money that he put away and buys back the house. He eventually pulls his act together and goes to military school.

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FrankFrank is a fifty year old drug addict and alcoholic that constantly try’s to use and abuse his family. He is a smart man and uses his smarts to rally people together and then take what he can from them. His family eventually throws him out on the street and doesn’t let him back into the house. He drank through his liver and got a transplant and is now starting to drink through that one. He eventually uses a house that is on the market and turns it into a homeless shelter he eventually steals a lot of money from them and they outcast him back on the street again. He never seems to clean up his life. He is the best and the worst con man in Chicago.

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ShamelessSlideshow by Jacob Beard