pt - story board (rough cut)

STORY BOARD - PT By: Vedant Desai

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PT - Story Board (Rough Cut)


Page 1: PT - Story Board (Rough Cut)


By: Vedant Desai

Page 2: PT - Story Board (Rough Cut)

Three person shot – Camera Tilts

HAMZA: Look at this school, it looks different, come we check it out.

JAY: Ya, It look’s creepy and scary


--Umar walks to those three and just say no and walk of.

HAMZA: Oiii, come back

VITHURSAN: What happen?

HAMZA: Allow him lets go inside

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Wide, Three person shot – camera tilts - then at the very end it zoom at door

--They are in school, Vithusan is worried

VITHUSAN: You know, we shouldn’t be here.

HAMZA: Don’t worries just come! Let’s just enjoy this.

VITHUSAN: This place is creepy man, check it out.

JAY: Let’s see

HAMZA: Don’t worry, it’s basically a hall, let’s go this way.

VITHUSAN:I don’t feel right

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Mid-shot – Camera tilts

--They open a door and walk through, Jay’s phone rings and he does on different side and other two go on different side. Camera is on other two and suddenly they hear a cream and Jay was dead.

HAMZA: This school is empty

VITHUSAN: And it’s cold

--Hamza and Vithusan just keep talking to each other and keep walking

JAY: Scream………….

--Hamza and Vithusan run back and camera follows them and they go up to Jay and see that he is dead

HAMZA: What was that

VITHUSAN: It was Jay, Jay Jay………

HAMZA: Jay what happen, Jay Jay Jay…..

VITHUSAN: He is dead

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Two person mid-shot

They are very said, finally they go from there. They come back to where they were before; Hamza and Vithusan are very said and worried about what just happened. They talk about how he died (Dialogue not scripted)

HAMZA: I am just going to listen to music

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Mid-shot – No camera movement

--Vithusan is going around and suddenly

something comes and he falls on the floor.

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Two person shot – No camera movement

VITHUSAN: Hamza, Hamza, I saw something there

HAMZA: Let me go check

VITHUSAN: Don’t go

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Close up – No camera movement and then zoom out

--Vithursan is shown looking at where Hamza is going and he is worried that something might kill him too.

As soon as Camera zooms out he hears a scream and that was from hamza.

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One person shot – Camera tilts

--Vithusan hears a scream and he is running

there to see what has happen.

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Full shot – Camera tilts and then pan

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Over the shoulder shot – No camera


--Someone is looking at Vithusan as he is the

only guy left in school

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Long Shot – No camera movement

--Vithursan: I should leave, I should leave.

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