public advocacy effective lobbying


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Slides for Public Advocacy-Lobbying by: Yunna Nordin & Rahman Sallehin


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Persuading People who have a say in decision making to do what we want.

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We all have an important role to play in educating public officials about issues and concerns they deal with.

Politicians need votes in order to get elected. A strong grassroots network of constituents represents a vote generating (or alienating) engine that a good candidate or elected official cannot afford to ignore.

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What do you want?


Who can give it to you?


What do they need to hear?


How can we get them to hear it?


What have we got?


What do we need to develop?


How do we begin?


How do we know if its working?

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Any lobbying effort must begin with a sense of it’s goals.

What are the long-term goals and what are the short-term goals in terms of process and the people you want to get involved?

These goals need to be defined at the start in a way that can launch an effort, draw people to it and sustain it over time.

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Be Well Briefed (forewarned & forearmed)

Be Well Timed (Its no use lobbying for something after the decision has been made)

Well Aimed (target the right person)

Well Developed (bit by bit graduating to the more difficult ask)

Well Behaved (don’t ever become angry)

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Well Judged (Be careful with your use of the media)

Well Written – get to know the format for Standing Orders/PQs etc. Make it easy to use.

Be Well Prepared – Index items every day, build up sources for information, good retrieval system

Always be on the lookout for an opportunity to advance your case.

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Who are the people and institutions you need to move.

This includes those who have the actual formal authority to deliver the goods (I.e. legislators) and those who have the capacity to influence those with formal authority I.e. THE MEDIA.


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County Councillors

TD’s Senators Ministers MEP’s Organisations Institutions Public Officials

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All Messages must be rooted in the same basic truth and be tailored differently to different audiences depending on what they are ready to hear.

Must appeal to the audience’s self interest

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TelephoneLettersE-MailPress Releases/Letters to the EditorHire a LobbyistMeetingsSite Visits

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Every person who writes represents many others who feel the same but don’t write

Be clear about what you want

Make it real – use an example

Ask for a direct response with his/her positon

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Keep your Group SmallMake your group diverseDiscuss in advance how to handle

the meetingBe direct but not threatening/Don’t

Be Fobbed OffKnow your factsLeave informational material Try to put timings on agreed


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Are you responding to previous editorial or is it a “soapbox letter” – make it clear. In the first sentence.

Be brief – Focus, Force & StyleRemember Newspapers are in the

NEWS business.

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Send a thank-you note.

Repeat commitments that were made in the meeting and your understanding of them.

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Be Fair and Reasonable

Kill them with kindness

Be Realistic and willing to compromise

Never leave in anger Contact with

regularity Be Actual and


Give credit where credit is due

Don’t get too emotional

Education, Motivation and Activation

Prioritise concerns Everything in

Writing Do not accept


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How did the campaign further your Mission? Did you achieve your key campaign objective?

Was the outcome in the interests of your group?

Did you achieve subsidiary campaign objectives? How

What new contacts/relationships have resulted?

How will you build in the Campaign?

What will you do different next time?

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DoGet to the point soon and focus on

your issue. Time is precious. Keep it simple. Explain in simple and

straightforward terms the logic supporting your position.


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Do Get to know rep’s staff – they can be

as important as the lawmaker. Know your issue. Remember there’s strength in

numbers. Many issues are decided on the volume of communications received.


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Do Remember important information.

(Your contact information with all your communications, pertinent data, bill #, etc.)

Commit to your cause. Follow-up with letters and calls after the initial contact.

Be a good winner and loser; remember, you win some and you lose some.


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DoBe patient. Results could take

several months – or even several sessions.

Ask lawmakers to state their positions.

Thank your lawmaker, no matter what the outcome.

Use the media.


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Don’t Cover multiple issues in one

communication. Use form letters to convey a consistent

message. Underestimate the weight given to letters

and phone calls. Make one contact to the lawmaker, then

drop the issue.


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Don’t Let the lawmaker know that your

organization has asked you to contact him/her.

Ignore opportunities to visit your lawmaker at home.

Lie – never. Forget that you and your lawmaker need

each other.


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1. Get to know the political powers before you ask them to do something for you.

2. Establish a positive relationship with your representatives through visits, phone calls, E-mails, etc.

3. Visit your representatives in your district.


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1. Invite your representatives to your work site.

2. Provide them with background information and offer yourself as a resource.

3. Provide recognition and visibility in exchange for their support.


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1. Know and plan delivery of your message.

2. Practice, practice, practice! Nothing is more impressive than a smooth and professional presentation.

3. Be brief. Show you value their time.4. Get to the point.5. Be courteous.6. Don’t forget to close. Ask for their


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Punctuality Know where to go Arrive at least 15 minutes early

Physical Appearance You only get one chance to make a

first impression


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Proper Dress •A suit is recommended for both men and women.•Men may wear pants and jacket.•Women may wear a skirt and a jacket. (appropriate length)•Best colors are navy, black, and beige.

Shoes• Men should wear polished dress shoes.• Women should wear polished, medium heels with

closed toes.

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Jewelry• Jewelry should be neat and simple. • Guys should not wear earrings.Makeup• Makeup should be applied neatly and

conservatively. • Lipstick color should be a natural or light shade.• Nails should either be polished clear or red.Hair• Hair should be neat.• Wear long hair pulled back away from face.


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Body Language Conveys Confidence• Stand and sit straight. (Practice by placing a book on

your head.)• Promote a positive image with a pleasant facial

expression. (Practice in a mirror.)• Be the first to extend your hand in greeting.• Place your arms on the chair’s armrests or by

your side with your hands gently locked in your lap. (avoid fidgeting)

• Keep both feet on the ground.


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Rose Conway-Walsh

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Organizing effective lobbying teams requires adequate infrastructure and a lobbying plan. Teams form the infrastructure of your lobbying campaign.

The infrastructure has 2 broad categories: management and functional teams that enable the effective planning, organization, and implementation of campaign.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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The lobbying plan explains how to gain support and minimize opposition. It helps maximize the use of your resources to increase the likelihood of success.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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The infrastructure has two broad categories of district yet interdependent teams, management and functional teams that enable the effective planning, organization, and implementation of your campaign.

The size of your organization will determine the number of individuals available to serve on each team. Small organizations may find it necessary to combine team functions and work with other associations.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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It is suggested that the management team be comprised of persons from each interest group within your organization.

This is responsible for strategic planning, decision-making, overall project management. This team will organize the project and appoint members to the functional teams.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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The lobbying team is composed of your organization’s members and the contract lobbyist, if any. The management team assigns broad legislative goals to the lobbying team.

The lobbying team lobbies lawmakers and staff, supporters, and opponents face-to-face, attending and testifying in committee hearings, and monitoring the activities of lawmakers, supporters, and opponents throughout the life of the bill.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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The bill manager chairs the lobbying team. The bill manager is responsible for overseeing day-to-day activities of the lobbying effort.

Coordinates the grass roots lobbying activities of the members of the organization.

The designated contact for the organization’s contract lobbyist if one is used. The bill manager provides feedback to the management team about the bill’s progress so that changes can be made in policy or resource allocation, if needed.

Another important responsibility is assuring the organization meets the legislature’s ethical requirements.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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The drafting team is another functional team that writes the bill and supporting information that will be given to the legislature.

It is suggested that drafting team members all write clearly and can understand legal requirements.

The initial supporting information and committee testimony will be drafted prior to bill introduction and revised, as needed.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Bill HistorianAn important member of the drafting team is the bill historian. This position requires a detailed-oriented person who records and is able to explain all actual and proposed changes in bill language following its publication to interest groups and introduction into the legislature. As the bill advances through the legislative process there will be proposed and actual changes in its language and concepts. The historian must be able to explain all changes to those who inquire so that you do not appear to be dishonest or incompetent if asked about differences among successive drafts.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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The lobbying plan explains how to gain support and minimize opposition. It helps maximize the use of your resources to increase the likelihood of success. When you assess political strength you consider the difference between internal and external factors. Consider the following elements when developing a lobbying plan: people, cost and benefits, timing, place, campaign contributions, communication with the media, avoiding unnecessary conflicts, and maintaining confidentiality.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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PeopleIdentify those persons that can impact your effort as you design the lobby plan. These will include prospective sponsors and co-sponsors, members of committees of referral, and your bill’s likely supporters and opponents inside and outside the legislature. As you identify each one, consider why each might support or oppose you based on your relationships and the language and ideas in your bill.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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   i.      Identify executive agencies that might be lobbied to gain political support for your bill. The legislature will give considerable attention to the recommendations from experts within these agencies.

   ii.      Special interest groups may be found as corporations, associations, and local governments. It is suggested that you predict which special interest groups may oppose your bill for substantive or political reasons. Locate potential supporters and find ways to actively involve them in supporting your bill. Look for nontraditional allies for your issue; think broadly and creatively when considering alliances with others.

iii.      Constituents are critical to success. In each district, identify those who can be mobilized to visit a lawmaker, organize a letter writing campaign, develop a phone tree, or use other methods to generate contacts with their lawmaker.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Assess the financial, political, social, and personal costs to your organization, the supporters and opponents of your goals, legislators, and others. List the benefits of your legislation and then compare the benefits to the probable costs.

Try to identify the amount of lobbying needed to maintain support and estimate the cost and benefit associated with each new alliance

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Often the success of a legislative effort is dependent upon timing. An ill-timed legislative effort may fail despite a meritorious concept. Consider the following questions:

  i.      Can this legislation wait until next year?

   ii.      Would this legislation advance more readily in another year?

  iii.       Will this year’s allies still be in office or otherwise able to support you next year?

iv.      When should lobbying begin?


Rose Conway-Walsh

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PlaceBefore taking your bill to the state or federal legislature consider where the best or easiest place might be to obtain precedent-setting legislation.

Campaign contributionsWill campaign contributions be part of your lobbying plan? On a member-by-member basis determine how your support of a legislator’s re-election campaign will garner goodwill. If you need support of legislators with whom your organization has no constituent interests, campaign contributions may improve access. However legislators have the greatest interest in constituents, especially those who make campaign contributions. Contributions whether in cash or labor show a lawmaker that you are a member of his team.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Consider how to use the media to promote your bill. Develop press releases that explain the identity of your organizations, its members, and its lobbying goals.

Select articulate, credentialed, or well-known members of your organization to represent you to the media. Your issue may suffer from media attention if it brings unwanted interest from opposition groups.

However favorable attention may help you overcome the opposition and increase your membership.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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It is suggested that associations ensure that its legislative goals and activities do not unnecessarily conflict with those of its members or allied organizations. Your members or allied organizations often have legislative agendas unrelated to the issue advocated by the association. Lobbying efforts need to be coordinated to avoid sending conflicting messages to the legislature.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Maintaining confidentialityMaintain confidentiality about your lobbying plan.

Conducting legislative research Internet research Drafting your propose bill Drafting the bill yourself Drafting the supporting information

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Why Lobby?

To make biker rights a reality, you must convince legislators that your position makes sense. Visiting a legislator is an essential tactic for furthering your campaign. Lobby visits can be made on the local, state, or national level, depending on the particular issue you are supporting. A lobby visit can be an incredibly rewarding experience, and all bikers should meet with their elected officials to discuss motorcyclist rights issues.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Be PreparedKnow the issue.

Prepare Position PapersGather your facts and organize them into a one sided (two, only if absolutely necessary) page fact sheet

Make an AppointmentIt is always a good idea to make an appointment to be sure that the appropriate people will be in the office.

Before the VisitDress appropriately for your visit or in other words wear your leather.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Visit the Bill's SponsorIf you are lobbying for a particular piece of legislation, it is a good idea to call or visit the bill's sponsor before lobbying. They usually will be very eager to assist you in reaching the right members and will offer input on ways to present the issue.

The Opening of Your VisitIt is important to be as relaxed as possible during your visit. Expect to be a little nervous

Answer Only Questions That You KnowAnswer questions and offer your side of a stance. If you do not know an answer, tell your representative that you will get back to them. NEVER make up an answer. If you give out incorrect information, you will eliminate the credibility of yourself . Offering to get back to them also offers you a chance to re-familiarize them with your topic.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Don't Get MeanAfter discussing the issue, if your representative or LA does not give you an answer that you want to hear politely thank them for their time, let them know that you still hold your position, urge them to reconsider, and politely leave. Do not get argumentative. No one likes working with someone who refuses to negotiate.

Be FlexibleIf your representative opposes the bill that you want, see if you can come up with some common ground. Always offer to follow up on any new developments, and ALWAYS make sure that your fact sheet has all of your contact information.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Follow UpAfter your visit, it is important that you follow up on any questions that you were unable to answer. Always send a note thanking your representative or LA for their time. If necessary, set up another appointment if you need to follow up on a new topic. If your representative does what you told them to do, then be sure to thank them and let them know that you appreciate their efforts.

Benefits of the VisitYour visit will not only help to persuade your representative, but it will also be an educational experience for you. During your visit, you will get an inside look at the political climate, and get insight on how to better promote your issue. Never be afraid to ask an LA a question about the actual mechanics behind government.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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Effective lobbying is how we persuading people who have a say in decision making to do what we want. Much depends on the lobbyist’s own powers of analysis, knowledge, commitment and ability to find the right structure and mediate in the right processes at the right moment. A lobbyist needs personal commitment and passion, as well as the courage to take risks and, last but not least, stamina and perseverance to continue looking for new opportunities in often difficult (political) circumstances.

Rose Conway-Walsh

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1. Kenneth M. Goldstein , Interest Groups, Lobbying and Participation in America, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2003.

2. Robert H. Salisbury & David Cohen, Lobbying, Pluralism & Democracy, Palgrave, 3rd Edition, 2001

3. Ken Kollman, Outside Lobbying, Public Opinion & Interest Group Strategies, 1998

4. Paul S. Herrnson & Ronald G. Shaiko & Clyde Wilcox, The Interest Group Connection, 2nd Edition, 2005